>this was made earnestly at some point
This was made earnestly at some point
Other urls found in this thread:
There are so many things wrong here, I don't even know where to start.
>dragon pokemon
>says shout while using sword
>that color contrast
>gore fetishist
>reddit funny ha ha face
so were you.
>Hoenn protagonist having a Charizard
>white hair instead of hat
>"your" on
I was drawing things like this when I was 10, and even then I was aware of how edgy and juvenile it all was.
>no comma after "Mister" or "Charizard"
>an apostrophe in "Pokemon" for some reason
what is the joke exactly
>Brendan with white hair when it's actually a cap
>Brendan with Charizard, a pokemon you can't get in Hoenn
>Charizard is not a Dragon type
>Dovakhnin saying Fus Ro Dah as a war cry instead of an actual shout ability
>this was made earnestly at some point
And you loved it at some point
Why do we force ourselves to be miserable?
Just to impress a bunch of nobodies on the internet?
Just laugh at unfunny jokes dude, it's that easy. Bad things become good as long as you want them to be, right?
>Fus ro dah is in rugrats font
A while ago I did some restoration on an old hdd I had stored away and found a bunch of lame pokecomics that I used to think were funny. They were simple times.
in the last one he looks like kim jong un
I laughed fuck you
Fuck off you suck go play fucking overwatch you retarded poo
Too many panels, the joke would be better without the Joey bit
Good bait to save for later
>Getting killed by a fucking agumon
Must've been a really shit Poliwag.
Charizard resists Steel though
the head snap on the slowpoke is the greatest part of this comic
>Brendan with white hair when it's actually a cap
Who cares, that's a shit design choice. It actually being hair has always been the preferred canon.
I can't resist you faggot
>he knows the names of not-Pokemon
Not at all
I like how fucking good the art here is.
here's some funny junk
I like how good you look dummy
>Who cares, that's a shit design choice. It actually being hair has always been the way I stupidly thought it always was until I got mad someone told me otherwise
>Ash instead of Red
dropped instantly
Who are you quoting?
More people know agumon than your umpteenth gen poke.
While this was funnie face the comic, that last panel is fucking gold
i wonder what this artist is up to nowadays
Sums up how I feel about gen 4
Or gen snore would be more fitting
Why is he using Dragon Shout if Charizard was already dead?
Fucking your mom you silly
same reason he's saying it at all even though he's attacking w/ sword, normies only know it as the epic skyrim battle shout
What is with people making shit up for the sake of nostalgia. The only mildly inconvenient place where Blue shows up to challenge you is Silph Co. and even then if you can go back to the pokemon center if you don't rush forward.
And I will admit that when I was a kid it did took me by surprise the first, but then when I learned that you can go in and out of the building without any repercussions I just felt stupid.
Because if he doesn't put teh meme people won't get the reference obviously
Anyone have the continuation of this?
>haha hitler is evil right reddit?
This comic speaks to me on a spiritual level. Fuck interviews, man.
i don't get it
goosestep elsewhere, yuropoor.
funny theme
"gen dive-in-quality"
I adore how Blastoise and Rhydon are drawn here
Calm down tryhard
When drawing the displaced dirt in diglett's design, it looks likes bubbles or clouds if you don't color it in. Also tripping Hitler is funny.
I remember that motherfucker from the Awkward Zombie forums
It's clearly Gary you fuckstick
diglet is and ass-hole cause that guy did nothing wrong.
A shitty joke, drawn in a shitty style, now lost to the ages.
what did he do
Pokemon is correct with an apostrophe, what are you taking about?
Miss old /vp/
It's an accented e, as in "Pokémon"
Are you being silly? It's an e with an acute accent, Pokémon.
Somebody post the "that's bullshit and you know it" one.
It's a good thing he pointed out that the small pebble in the lake was a small pebble in a lake. Come to think of it, why didn't he label the lake something like "large body of water (the thing Kyogre is associated with while Groudon is associated with the earth) surrounding a small patch of dirt"
It's not like I would know what this is referencing since the only way I could process this joke in any way other than "lol so random" would be if I knew the scene this was referencing.
loved how totodile is drawn, man, Yea Forums was a fun place a decade ago
>mutual paralyze
>opponent never loses a turn
>you eat four turn losses in a row
>people are expected to sell themselves and their skills like hookers if they want even a chance at getting a job
takes a lot of confidence putting your real name and associate it with pokemon porn
We really shouldn't have ever pretended that webcomics were good
Not like we were trying to impress anybody, if something was amusing you laughed and that was it
anyone remembers that edgy comic about a trainer that tortures pokemon? i remember he was even on /vp/ trying to excuse his edgyness
>Brendan with white hair when it's actually a cap
to be fair, it's possibly the dumbest "cap" ever conceived.
Still funny but nostalgiafags needs to stop mixing up the anime and the games.
I remember this one comic that was painfully slow-paced that went through the story of one of the games only the MC was a child serial killer who was trying his best to stay his hand.
>not wanting to rape and skin hitler alive for the crimes he did too minorities
I'm sorry poltard but the future is brown not white
diglet is strong as fuck in gen 1. At least I thought he was.
>literally one shots everything with dig while being immune while he's underground
he's a beast
it was gen 5 iirc
And then I reminded myself of a vore comic where a trainer has their legendary eat another trainer all while laughing and walking off, never to be caught for committing murder.
Does anyone know of a place on the modern internet like old 2003-2011 Yea Forums?
I miss it so much, man.
Even if i did why would i want this shit hole to know about it?
Very good point.
I hate the comic too but you ran out of actual points near the end you daft cunt
sadly we can't bring those moments back. internet became too mainstream and is no longer this mysterious world to explore, be glad you got the chance to explore it
Nigger, even back in 2007 it was mainstream. You'd have to go further back, late 90s early 2000s.
>Fat D
>that Full Restore Beer Hat
Got a good chuckle.
they both wait 2 kilograms
>user wonders if there are places like old Yea Forums around
>recommend some
>"but that's cancer and it's full of shitposting it's not the same"
This always happens to me I'm not falling for it again
I’m truly sad for current and future generations of children and teens who will be unable to explore the internet during its early days before corporatization.
Those were truly some magical times.
I’m willing to try anything, user. I solemnly swear I won’t shitpost you.
mmmm that's my fetish
You missed the gloves being black in the first panel and then red in the second.
>talking shit about the best starter Totodile
Fucking faggot
>future generations won't be able to say the stupidest shit or really edgy things without any evidence of archived screenshots to bite them back years later
>no matter what they like or share, it will always affect their social status thanks to callout culture and sjw wanting to find everything problematic
we are lucky
the baby meme will never not be funny to me so this gets a pass
This one is genuinely pretty hilarious
this was really hard to go through
>callout culture
No, instead we had people who would track you down and harass you endlessly either through phone calls or pizza deliveries, which people still do today.
Some of you people have rose tinted glasses and are only remembering the fun shit.
Okay but this one is good
You also missed
>Charizard in a karate stance like some sort of Fighting Type
>instead we had people who would track you down and harass you endlessly either through phone calls or pizza deliveries
only if you were stupid enough to make your info public or really kick a hornet nest
where the FUCK did 3angledblue go
Where is Ash's dad, even? Is it ever touched on? I don't remember but I only remember the only "story" of the anime being a "problem of the week" episode format and no actual overarching serious stuff.
I never did, but I was around. I witnessed it happen to others.
so did I and good thing i wasn't stupid to give reasons to
I think an anime writer said well over a decade ago that they had some idea of what to do with the concept and just haven't gotten around to it, or were waiting for a time to develop Ash's character, or something like that.
i remember how fun /vp/ was before it turned into a furry board
"lake" was even underlined just in case you still didn't get it I guess
That's a shame.
didn't he get v&d for touching his sister
ORAS completely debunked your shitty theory. Stay mad, hairshitters.
>the preferred canon.
I don't think you understand what canon means.
Why are Pokemon comics always unfunny and autistic?
They are like Racist Mario in terms of "humour".
You can't prefer canon. That's called headcanon.
I mean Charizard does look like a dragon. Don't deny it.
Don't forget that Silph Co. also had a Nurse that healed your Pokemon in the room right before going up to Giovanni.
Because most of them are written by children and children have underdeveloped senses of humour due to lack of life experience.
Entei cant run away while its asleep.
Or is that the joke?
The only one in this thread thats actually funny
In the originals they could flee even with status effects
I've always sort of liked the theory that the PokeDex entries are actually written by the protagonist themselves based on what they see the Pokemon do.
What did they mean by any of this?
He meant donate to his patreon for disgusting poorly drawn furry porn.
Orange Fox Bad
Back in the day making fun of hitler was always a fun joke
The only reason the split happened is when faggots started calling OTHER OPINION Hitler
I still believe this was done ironically.
There are simply so many fucking mistakes in this comic I don't believe anyone actually made it sincerely.
>make political comic that doesn't even seem to have any real political message or point to it
>shoehorn video game characters into it even if it doesn't make sense
>release it under the guise of a video game-centric webcomic
This is fucking gold
All these jokes are how annoying these champions back in the day were
And yet the Battle Tree in Gen 7 somehow becomes worse
Fuck Bright Powder
Yea Forums at heart is still the same shitposting hellhole
The only difference is what people are spamming these days
Trump never intended to win but he won anyway
Basically. Yea Forums hasn't really changed at its core. If you think it has and think the old days were better, you're probably a newfag longing for whatever you weren't around to actually experience yourself.
Trump wasn't expecting to win and had no idea what to do when he did
Red's just being smart, you burn down a tree, forget to put it out, and soon the whole forest is on fire and half of Kanto is gone
What a brave and unique political message
fuck me is that a throwback
>The only difference is what people are spamming these days
Exactly this, what said spamming is tends to have an effect on Yea Forums's attitude and laziness but it's still the same
whatever happened to the nuzlocke comics?
He just stopped doing them, I don't think he ever finished the B&W comic.
>still the same shitposting hellhole
This is the key difference in mentality. You think of it as a "shitposting hellhole", but back then we were just having a laugh and playing along. People post the same stuff today, but they are treated as the bad guys for it, when it used to be normal behavior. Can't count how many times I've been called a shitposter or even gotten banned for stuff that used to be normal.
It's like sneedposting on the 2010s
Are any of the pokemon manga worth reading?
The one fug is in
I guess it doesnt look terrible. Not really into gore though.
Or just plain autism.
Read Pokemon Special and then jack off over how much better it is than the Ashnime or whatever
Are people really dumb enough as to think that?
Didn't bother to read it but that has to be the least sexy Hilda I've ever seen. This whole thing's artstyle is basically "1 year away from being ready" tier
Dont worry it doesnt have it that much and the girl didnt die (sadly)
When people reminisce about old Yea Forums, they don't mean a couple years before you started lurking in 2014, they mean 2006-2008 in regards to Yea Forums. 2012 is just a prequel to episode 2013, the same episode that keeps getting re-runs.
Now kindly kill yourselves.
yeah let me use a masterball on a tentacruel or a fearow, great logic prof.
I was around in 2009-2010
Considering everyone who has ever talked about working in his White House has said so, yes. In fact most people do who aren't shills for the kike lover.
So is this the guide that created/propogated all the retarded myths like trainers being able to steal your Pokemon, button combinations to increase the odds of catching your Pokemon, the truck, and getting Mew by doing something retarded?
Some of this stuff is just plain wrong, though, were they intentionally trying to fuck with people?
I wish I could hate you to death you dumb sack of shit.
Then don't kill yourself.
Instead never wake up.
I wonder is Scott ever thinks about how his life went where he is now stuck drawing lewds of his cats and making more money than he ever did making a comic for years.
I wish Hale continued. His Hard Mode comic was fucking great.
Fuck no, and have you infest it?
Reminder that Giovani and Ghetsis were the two best Pokemon villains.
Guzma isn't a villain.
Prof just wanted to troll kids and feast on their tears.
Does anyone have the Brock's rules one?
The Raticate one is done on the assumption that it's trying to bite clean through concrete and not gnaw away at it over time (which is far more plausible)
Makuhita reminds me of the Ripping Friends. Now I have to go dredge through the internet to see if I can find that series.