Is Link the best video game boy?
Is Link the best video game boy?
Who's the best vidya girl then?
If we go by internet polls then it's Samus, since she's been voted a top 10 character literally every single year since 2003
what are you fucking gay or something
this is a no gay website
This one is
cute tummy
Still Link.
Ivy. She is literally the sexiest women in existence
I got bad news for ya bud, but she's just ones and zeroes. She's not in existence and never will be. Sorry not sorry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Fictional beings exist in out brains. Ivy is a concept and its the hottest girl
is this a video game boy thread?
Great taste. Posting mine.
he's sparing you getting black'd
He's got some tough competition.
I don't think you know how much of a degenerate I am.
Why does growing your hair out take so long
This looks like a 20 year old Dante.
No you
After you cuck
To be fair, ganon isn't really black, he's got an almost grayish green mix. Also his cock is premium
just kys coal burning trash
look up fugtrup, I think there's about 3 of his that are link.
Ganon is the OG ship for link rape because he's the villain. The race is incidental
Imagine being a faggot in 2019.
imagine being a straightoid in 2019