How yall enjoying DoA 6? Have you cummed to Honoka yet?
Dead or Alive 6
Other urls found in this thread:
only to your mom
Remove Honoka!
ANYHOW this is my first DOA and I kinda wish I picked up the series sooner. much prefer this pacing of fight over soulcalibur and tekken.
Shes my wife! The rest of you need to move on
It's good. I miss tag though. I'm enjoying wrecking people with Nyo online but fags keep backing out before the matches start.
Honoka Mains are scrubs
Doesn't have as much content as 5 yet, but I like the new engine. Don't get the complaints.
Serious question, but is DoA an actually good fighting game, good enough that people would play it even if it wasn't full of incredibly wankable girls in lewd outfits?
>Still no mods on PC
What went so wrong?
no one plays it even with fapbait
nope. It's all about the nut.
It's fun.
It's good but most people are too lazy to bother learning the nuances of it.
Best 3D fighter out there besides Virtua Fighter.
I hope 7 is a lot better. Wasn't happy with what was in the demo. We need an AO PC version as well, they know what their audience wants.
Post mains
Can you outwrestle them in the bedroom?
I like it a lot more than SFV. Havent cummed to anyone yet though. Both hands have been too busy
i nut
Lobbies when
remove all honoka mains
I love my wife Kasumi! Also, I'm having a lot of fun learning her new combos and whatnot
Is this a Jojo reference?
Hows your DOA quest going?
Good question.
game is lewd
Great game.
Fuck Wi-fi players.
Give me your 10 win streak
Honoka's heavy hangers are the only good thing about this game. Wake me up when DOA6 Last Round with a full roster, first 5 season passes included, tag mode restored, and multiple win/loss poses for each character included comes out
I main Nyo. No pics from 6, sorry.
I only did like 30 of them. They're fun but I'd rather play online.
I'm cumming to something better
Fuck having a old man brain. I thought Nico’s ground punch was 8+pK and she would hit a downed opponent. Halp.
>rank D
>hold someone mid punch three times in a row
ah yes
Just unlocked one Nico outfit real quick. nice.
I pretty much stopped at that point (61/104) it's a good way to earn money but the later missions works in some unnatural ways and that makes them boring:
>survival course: finish the last enemy with a specific attack, if you miss or fail the damage output start all over again
>hold 3 high attacks, but the enemy only does throws so you spend 3 rounds doing nothing but staying still waiting for punches that just never come
at least they didn't went the full retard route with missions like doing a 15 hit combo with Bass or juggling someone for 20 secs
anyway, what's the costume you guys wants to come back? Kasumi looks lovely in this
I love casual outfits in fighting games. More of those would be nice.
NiCO's little quips are cute.
I agree kind of wish they voiced all of them not just the few on the intro.
I don't have to outwrestle them, I just have to last long enough to impress them and a rematch is guaranteed.
Good game I like it
I'm on the Steam version
>used Cheat Engine table to unlock all clothing and other shit
>play story mode that barely made sense, the segmented parts are all confusing
>Raidou is much easier than Phase 4 and Alpha-152, I'm not a fighting games guy and I only struggled against him with Hayate; one try with Kasumi and 3 tries with Ayane
>just beat the last story mode scenario with Jann Lee vs Diego
>have no need to do Quests since I've already unlocked everything
>can't be arsed to play multiplayer, I'm not a competitive fighting games person
>I realized that you cannot rotate and zoom in/out of characters anymore
I want these yukatas to come back as well as all the fan-made costumes.
>get the 1,000,000 points for Christie's gauntlet quest
>bayman at the end throws me for half my health and kills me
Yours and all of Africa's.
>the one where you have to beat 6 rounds as raido without taking damage
>Single button throw breaks
>Sidestep disregards hitboxes
>Use stage hazards to do max damage
Plays like babies first tekken. Perfect for v
Yes. The thing is you can't have both, pandering to both crowds does NOT work, and it's too late to go back from wankable girls, they will never shake that image.
I wish Christie was my loving wife lads..
Lmao at your life cuck
tfw too old to be /ss/'d by the DoA girls
I was never good at DOA,
But my god PC has some players that are Bad.
I could never win in DOA4 on Xbox 360 an I loved it.
Does this mean after all these years I leveled up or are PC players bad/worse like me?
I know that feel.
At least I’m young enough to be cougar’d by Christie.
Idk why they insisted to release the game lacking game modes and characters and general polish. Coud have easily used another few honest months of development and fucking up your first impression is never a good thing.
Also could have used TN not 180'ing on basically everything in the final stretch.
Started out as going back to classic DOA gameplay without guaranteed stuns besides fatal rush-- flip flopped to guaranteed sit down stuns and more DOA5 garbage.
Started out as binding sidesteps to sidestep-attacks in a single motion, and although the better change would have been removing them altogether or making them cost meter-- flip flopped to include empty safe sidestep dodging like DOA5 shit.
Started out as trying to treat the female characters with modesty-- flip flopped to shoving in the 3 low effort fanservice cunts from DOA5 and a bunch of risque costumes.
They just completely turned the game into DOA5-2 at the last second for no obvious or good reason.
They rushed the game to get into EVO, that's it.
And then EVO shunted them because boobs are evil.
Well, yeah. They gambled, and lost hard. I doubt there will ever be DoA 7.
Yeah but MK11 is fine.
American values:
violence - ok
sex - bad
Buncha prude motherfuckers.
Dunno, I bought 5 because I was excited for 6. I'd never played DOA before 6 was announced.
its the first one that has had a proper PC port
Uh, ok? Good for you?
It’s just strange to not get completely bodied every match. I guess matchmaking actually works in this version?
I doubt this thread is meant for any actual discussion but why not. Hit B- on Nico today, I've played most of the DOA games but none of the fighters ever resonated with me. Glad that I finally found someone I enjoy gitting gud with. Fuck Hayabusa players though, get that teleport shit out of my face and learn some real footsies.
What’s your bread and butter buddy?
What's your problem, faggot?
Hey, I'm not the one who's sperging out.
I'm not sure how people annotate DOA so I'm just going to wing it.
I start with b.PP for the stun, follow up with ub.K for the fatal stun. Then launch with either uf.K or df.P+K, hit them with a KP while airborne and finish it off with a f.KKK. if you have meter you can replace that last bit with a super cancel into launch u.PP, dash, qcf.P for maximum damage. Hope that's understandable.
No you’re the one being a useless douche. Ever think to yourself that maybe if you don’t have anything nice or constructive to say you just hold your breath? Every thread there is always 1 autistic fuck like you that has no sense of how to interact with fellow humans. You are clearly the worst and should be shipped to an island.
Keyboard number pad notation typical good. Thankfully I understand your post.
Cheers then, hope it helps, perhaps you can optimize it further.
i came
I came to marie rose 5 times testerday and I’m ready to do it all over again
Wow, easy, dude. Who hurt you?
I hope we get more stages at some point. I'm already bored of the ones we have. Just bring back stages from the old games, it would take zero effort.
>Ayanne's edgy teleport attack takes so goddamn long I have enough time to whiff a bad strike and then mid Hold it
This game sucks ass.
3 was the last good dead or alive game.
What's with all the anti-marketing, trolling and general cancerous behavior this game is attracting? I don't get what is so alluring to people who don't play it.
2 had better online than this shit even with the wierd balance changes.
It's not trolling. We're literally shitting on this game because it can't hit the basic standards.
Lets just pretend people didn't shit on sfv for also not hitting standards till recently or doa5 pc though.
well i know for 5 it was sony bronies mad that they couldn't troll the never ever meme so they had to switch it up with just flat out lie about features. i imagine 6 is just a continuation of that with maybe some extra salty tekkenfags thrown in
I’m just a bystander who interjected.
Seen this type of stuff to many times. Grumpy old man who wishes you damn kids get along or I am turning the car around.
Throws need a serious nerf.
Good game otherwise.
>sony fans mad when they got the best version of the game twice
Nico’s QCF+T does like nearly damage.
Are you sure you aren’t thinking Holds? Those will rape your lifebar.
Cars > Throws
tina and bass have some serious life sucking throws
Idk about 5, but what makes PS4 6's the best version? PC has better graphics and fps hands down.
Hahaha yes, they are grapplers.
Punch > Throw > Hold > Punch
Punch her in the Tits. Keep mid range.
Honoka is annoying desu. She better be removed from the game.
1. She is annoyingu
2. She is too strong compared to others
3. I can’t play this game in front of my kids because of her large jiggly breasts
nico black
Honoka is literally KT's license to print money. She's not going anywhere. She'll replace Kasumi on the cover by DOA8.
DOA's always had weird diagonal inputs to me. Other games like Soul Calibur I know when I input a diagonal it will register right but with DOA the game decides on a whim if it wants to read it as a diagonal or cardinal.
But I thought I was the only one.
You can just use cheat engine to unlock all costumes and give yourself as much cash as you want. I just gotta know how to mod in the dlc outfits on the paid version
sloppy thumbs lol
you fuckin pirate them. the dlc goes by paradox and bethesda rules
legit game+pirate dlc = legit game+dlc
loverslab is not stable lately.
it took like 2 months for a good nude mod for doa5
Unironically delet this
The money is useless if you just unlock all the costumes so what's the point on giving unlimited?
Never played a fighting game
Should I get DOA5 and play it until DOA6 gets some actual content?
more like mod the tits out of doa5 until 6 gets some
what's the modding scene like for these games?
>mod the tits out
I hope this is just an expression and not a literal statement
Sure but should I get it
>I love tits!
>Posts Marie
Yeah, give it like half a year, or better yet just wait and try the F2P version later on this year. It's basically a demo you can play online I'm not sure how many features they'll let you play with in this one, they did a lot with 5.
Yes, get fundamentals down on 5LR a fully finished game, if you like it then think about 6. DOA isn’t ok other 3D fightings like T7, VF, or SC.
I want to get good before jumping into online but I feel like just playing tutorials and combos in training is no't really going to help, should I just jump in and get curbstomped or keep on doing those mentioned before?
>DOA isn’t ok other 3D fightings
you uh, wanna try that again?
>How yall enjoying DoA 6?
Is it out on gog yet?
Versus, CPU highest level.
You will be ok, might want to setup Autosave replays when you get to ranked. Take notes.
Should I get it on steam?
Can i install that lewd mod in steam?
*Isn’t like*
Damn iPhone types in crappy autocorrect when I have it plugged in.
Speaking of which I need to play VF again.
One of the best things in DOA was how instead of just making the boss itself super cheese, they made you fight under stage effects that completely fucked with you.
That blackout shit is so easy to deal with though. Felt like they just couldn't think of anything this time.
Yes and yes.
Not sure how to get the mods though, I haven't played DOA on PC. From what I know the online in 5 PC is bad, but if you can forgive that it's totally worth the buy since offline is amazing in 5LR.
I’ll fight him online if he wants.
Haven’t tried 5LR netcode.
Look for the A-10 avatar on steam when you search my name.
All DOAs belong to Nyo
My cock belongs to Nyo
Mine belongs to Marie