How is Sekiro looking?
I didn't look at the preview stuff.
How is Sekiro looking?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's Dark Souls x Ninja Gaiden
Like shit. Next question.
It's not Bloodborne 2, so I don't care.
I unironically think it looks spectacular. The previews completely sold me on the game. Some of the bosses look fucking NGB-tier.
buy it at discount no point in getting a game with no content other then a linear story
very different from dark souls in terms how you approach enemies and engage with the environment.
Looks more freeform in terms of exploring but a fuckton more punishing if you fall into old Dark Souls/Bloodborne habits. The only thing it carries over is world tendency, but I think it's better you find out yourself instead of getting yourself spoiled. Just stop reading the thread from this point onward so you don't read braindead shitposts like
Worth a pre-order on PSN?
My internet is shit and I like to pre download games a few days before release.
Looks ok
I'm a physical fag, but its 12.75 gb so make that for what you will.
It's looking baaaad. And I don't mean "eh, 5/10 bad", I'm talking flop of the decade, or, the Sektanic, if you will. I don't know what made FromSoft think we'd want this Westernized piece of shit instead of Bloodborne 2, and they have major balls releasing this next to DMC5. It's like they're commiting suicide.
it's Nioh?
Have you played Bloorborne or the other Souls games? Personally one of the reasons I'm so excited is how much of a departure it is from the rest of the games, while still retaining a lot of the aspects from those games that I love. If you liked Bloodborne I would be shocked if you didnt enjoy this.
I used to be a physical fag too, but I ran out of shelves to put cases on. I might as well embrace the future now.
It's not even worth discussing on this board because of all the seething PvPniggers invading every thread. If you liked the action and adventure of Dark Souls, you will probably enjoy it. If you liked the RPG mechanics, build variety, and character customization you will probably not.
I've finished Demon's Souls and Dark Souls Remastered. I played Bloodborne when it came out, but I only got half way through. I can't remembered why I stopped, but I really enjoyed it.
It looks fucking fantastic
It looks fucking good. Not like you'll really get any discussion on Yea Forums since From games are now too popular and mainstream and therefore bad.
FROM flavored DmC
You can already preload it?
They're destroying the Dark Souls legacy. This is not ok.
Oh you
>Skill trees replace the RPG stat leveling
>Unlockable combat arts
>Two weapons
>Dodges have the narrowest i-frames yet
>You can jump vertically now, no need to run
>Timing deflects, instead of blocking
>Only parrying mechanism is the mikiri, which is only for thrust attacks
>No stamina
>Posture bar: fully filling up the posture meter by attacking and deflecting allows you to strike a critical that removes all their health, they have multiple revives though
>This applies to you aswell
>Timed deflects do posture damage to enemy
>Posture bar can deplete over time
>You obtain a revive, so you can come back to life after dying once
>Dying induces a world tendency equivalent in Sekiro called dragonrot, an illness that spreads to friendly NPCs in the hub
>More you die, the less chance of "unseen aid" from these NPCs and will eventually lock you out of dialogue, lose chance to obtain useful items
>It is said to kill, expect NPCs to die and affect the narrative
>Multiple (4) endings
>World design is their biggest one yet, opens up significantly early on, expect it be like DaS1
>There will be multiple mini bosses before a true boss
>No multiplayer component at all
...and prosthetics.
100% a pirate, not enough changes to make it stand out
i love literally all of this except dragonrot, it sounds too much like soul memory
Not a big deal though, first playthrough might be shitty with dead npcs but im sure its not hard to keep them alive once you know the game
You forgot about the mode where you molest the shota.
Its Ninja darksouls with vertacality and stealth elements. Game is based around poise breaks and parries. Less of an RPG but there is a leveling system of some kind so i guess there is something. only the sword. If it sounds like what you want go for it. if not its not everyones cup of tea and what they want
>From releases a Soulsborne game
>wow all Miyazaki can do is shit out Souls games
>From releases a new IP
>wow this isn't like Souls at all what the fuck
based fromsoft
Sure can't wait for all the shota art when this game releases.
holy shit the faggot journalists are going to throw an absolute bitch fit over that
now i see why they didnt give out review copies
So I take it you don't play games like DMC or Ninja Gaiden?
what mode is that
Unironically going to be GOTY
World building with good gameplay
You just can't beat the FromSoftWare formula
It looks great desu. My only remaining concern is for it to be shorter than Bloodborne.
>Game is made by from software but its not dark souls or bloodborne therefore its shit
imagine being this fucking stupid.
The game looks fun to me.
Doesn't it only trigger when you choose to use the second chance?
It's like Pokeamie but you rub the prince instead of pokemon.
Yasuhiro Kitao was live earlier answering audience questions about the game
>multiple endings confirmed, based on player choice and playstyle
>NG+ is back
>Option to make the game harder (a bell you ring apparently)
>Katana is called Kusabimaru
>Second sword is called Fushigiri, apparently will only be used in certain circumstances (reminds me of geralt's silver sword)
>Option to make the game harder (a bell you ring apparently)
Oh shit really? Never heard of this. Link?
Hope you speak Japanese
I have a feeling they're not giving out copies because there's going to be some kind of twist like with BB and they don't want it spoiled early.
>I have a feeling they're not giving out copies because there's going to be some kind of twist like with BB and they don't want it spoiled early.
It's a japanese period samurai game where you fight youkai and shit, and all they've shown so far are boring-ass japanese castles.
Japanese castles are not the setting for this game. It is goign to take place mostly in Youkai realm.
Go watch some gameplay then or at least the trailers. You won't spoil that much. As for how it looks, it looks fantastic. This is going to be a game for people who actually like videogames.
if you used a caster build in souls games give this game a pass. even nioh has that shit but this game doesn't
I am suffering a big depress and also broke. I think playing this game would make me feel good. I hope I can afford it.
I didn't want it at all whatsoever. I thought it looked terrible. And then I saw him fight some heavy plate armor knight and it looked fun as fuck.
Fights like Gundyr in DS3, Shibe in Nioh, are the best video game fights. They're fights where once you can read the patterns, you can execute a flawless perfect victory in seconds.
And I think the whole game of Sekiro is going to be like that. 11 Gundyr-quality bosses? holy shit.