I fucking loved this boss

I fucking loved this boss

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where'd your armor go

You know that webm of the guy collecting various peoples poop and then putting it all in a bag, and then gleefully dumping it all on himself in a bathtub? Liking this boss is the videogame equivalent of that.

I think this fight is more at fault for draining your weapon durability so much, than it is anything. That said idk, I didn't think it was very good, but you do you.

One fight I actually enjoy every time that people seem to HATE is the gank squad. I thought it was fun dissecting their strategies to find holes in their offense.

Dual swords guy has to go first. He's constantly on your ass and just doesn't want to back off or give you any time to breathe. The archer is easy to avoid but he compounds damage too quickly with Havel if you stay in his sights. Kill him next.

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Gank squad is easy shit but its bad as a pvp tutorial since they play nothing like a real gank squad.

So what's the lore behind these guys?

The one in Alva armor is a girl.

They're the B Team's self inserts.

i like frigid outskirts area, the boss fight is alright, i just mainly get disappointed that after the fight there's no badass ice shrine or w/e, just a beam of light to warp you back

if you're going to rely on hyperbole at least it make it funny you loser

>i like frigid outskirts area
m8, if youre gonna lie, at least put it at the END of your post

I thought I imagined that video, link?

Its not like you can actually beat a half decent gank squad so why bother

its like the big ct boss, but theres TWO of them!


Beating gank squads in souls isn't THAT bad, depending on the game. Dark Soul 3 was probably the worst and even then it's still possible to win so long as the hosts aren't 100% prepared and waiting.
Generally you just have to be a massively cheap cunt to beat them which kinda kills the fun of invading. Even still, it's always great blasting a host off a ledge to their doom or wombo-comboing them with a broken setup before their phantom army can slap your shit.

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I fuckinh hate DaS2

Alright virgin.

I could had gone without seeing that.

Have sex

I know you can beat a gank squad if you resort in shit like falchion with darkmoon blade or similar, but that only works against retarded ganksquads

I played Dark Souls 2

I played Dark Souls for 50 hours, Dark Souls 3 for 90 hours and Dark Souls 2 for about 30 minutes. You don't even need to beat the tutorial to realise something is absolutely wrong