>switch has no games
Switch has no games
Mario Odyssey and Smash are the only non ports in that image. And Smash is arguable.
Good taste.
about to say this, I just want games for my $300 paperweight Nintendo
>sonic forces
Why doesn't MHGU count?
>red: only exclusives
>blue: can emulate
>ports are not games
Switch ports offer what no others do, portability.
Wow Mario odyssey and the rest are ports or remakes.
Yeah there's some stuff.
>ports/multiplats count as ps4 and pc games
>but not switch games
>PS4 has no g-
Every single game on there is a port, dumbass
Switch has no games
In that image almost all ports and some indies. And a great indie, Hollow Knight.
How dare you have fun!
PS4 and PC master race. Have fun trying to play Anthem on the Switch nigga
Whoa now that you mention it you're right there are no games on the Switch.... You've opened my eyes
I was in Gamestop last night and someone was buying anthem. Made me cringe pretty hard desu senpai
That poor soul
There's nothing wrong with ports
It's my first time playing a lot of these games
Also hopefully gonna get re4 whenever it goes on sale
>Sonic Mania
Implying anyone who isn't an idiot would want a broken mess such as anthem where fun accidentally created, soon gets patched out.
Pokken is a wii u port
>not a port
Lol nice collection gandalf found yourself a boyfiend yet
It's not though you retarded zoomer. Sm4sh is dogshit compared to Ultimate.
Mario Odyssey should be blue then
My current switch collection and ouya
The ouya controller mold was used for third party switch controllers btw
because nintendo is for gay babies
You do know it's just a 3ds port.
C'mon, no need to get this low.
He did say arguable.
>twice as much content through gear and monsters
>g rank
>actual end game as opposed to Gen's high rank grind only
>isn't restricted to trash 3DS controls
Calling it a port is retarded.
Nobody unironically says the Switch has no games. You buy a console for the exclusives, and one quick glance at the library shows you that there many exclusives, including some of the best reviewed games in a decade.
All those games except 2 of them are ports.
Idk what ouya is but nice collection
Yeah it's a enhanced port
Skyrim and Smash were the main reason I wanted a switch. Skyrim is one of my favorite games so being able to play it anywhere is great.
why don't ports count as games again?
Why doesn't someone make a linux portable machine?
It is a port though. Both the internal dev name and quotes by Sakurai refer to it as such. It's an enhanced port, built on a shitload of Sm4sh assets.
>Skyrim is one of my favorite games so being able to play it anywhere is great
fuck off Todd
Not looking for one
Just because the west didn't get XX 3ds doesn't mean it isn't still a port.
Lol maybe we should just fuck on the side then old man
imagine not ONLY buying the newest nintendo flop console, made by retarded people who are so out of touch with modern game design that its laughable, but ALSO buying all the shitty games that got ported to it and that run at sub par resolutions and framerates
>Calling it a port is retarded
No, NOT calling it a port is retarded, because it literally is one.
That's it? I have like 30 games and 2 movies. Go fuck yourself Rich Evans!
fpbp based and redpilled
>Sakurai refer to it as such
He said it wasn't entirely from the ground up. That doesn't make it a port
My job just fixed their VPN and now I can get on their Wifi with my Switch. Is pic related good?
I got the demo for fitness boxing and after the demo locked me out I actually purchased it.
It is like DDR, but without being incredibly gay.
You get to choose your trainer.
Default is spunky asian girl.
Most probably pick the blonde woman.
I strangely like the cheerleader the best.
Would probably pick the black woman but she has the absolute worst VA in the game.
There are only 2 male trainers and the black one has white guy voice and looks stupid.
The other one is basic male wii fit trainer quality.
The strange thing is that you get to change their skin, eyes and hair as well as unlock cloths for them.
>Literally TWO games
Because shitposting. Also it depends on what kind of games you want to play on the system. If the system doesn't have any games that appeal to someone or doesn't have very many they're interested in playing/purchasing, chances are they'll say it has no games
No, it's literally a port. The West didn't get the 3DS version of GenU/XX. It was released on both system in Japan
Is this a bait thread or are you actually trying to support the idea that the Switch has good games to play on it when you're showing a library with Skyrim, Fallout Shelter, Pokken, and Sonic Forces in it?
The switch has barely any good games
Why are you showing off your bookshelf of movies user?
It makes it an enhanced port.
>mega man 2-6 are ports
>majora's mask is a port
>zelda four swords is a port
I mean, there is 1 new map, 2 new monsters, 6 new deviants and it's already is on 3ds as a japanese version
Anyways, i use my ps4 as an exclusives only console and i have about 15 games, while switch being a handheld makes up for all the multiplats, cause i rather play them either on the go or on the pc.
>Ed Edd and Eddy Online port when
Fallout is on the Switch?
Hopefully AFTER they balance Kevin. Trying to main Rolf, but you can't ever catch the fucker once he uses his bike
Skyrim and pokken are good, contrarian guy
its a shop, crash and skyrim arent on switch either
It’s just that fallout shelter mobile game
>skyrim isn't on switch
what the fuck are you smoking?
Better than Fallout 4 or 76. Good for Switch owners.
Why do the ports not count? Ports count on the other consoles.
I haven’t played 76 but I like fallout 4
I was baiting for (you)s. I’m OP btw
God youre fucking retarded
Fuck you. You're everything wrong with Yea Forums right now. I hope you die of cancer.
well, the ports give you a fucking reason to trash the damn wii u you are still holding onto APPARENTLY
stop sucking its dick, W101 isn't coming!
Well that’s not the point.
just snagged hollow knight and final fantasy maxima. god this little fucker is so convenient
who gives a shit it's still fucking good
Who is the core demographic for a game like this?
This is your brain on snoy.
>Sonic Forces
>Diablo 3
>sonic mania
just started that tonight, it is fairly fun
uh dude
Because they're not exclusives.
>Ports count on the other consoles.
Not really
>remasters are ports
>multiplats are ports
>sequels are ports
This is your typical Snoynigger mentality on Yea Forums
sonic forces is not a video game
Is Generations better than World? 4U was fun but when I tried World I was put to fucking sleep.
switch fags are the most insufferable, it's like you're constantly trying to prove to YOURSELVES that your purchase was worth it
Bro, it is a port of MHXX which was a japanese exclusive. To add insult to injury, once the translation came out, someone just applied it to the JP rom and now PCbros can play GU
>It's an enhanced port, built on a shitload of Sm4sh assets.
I'm starting to question if people know what a port is.
So is virtual console dead or what, how is that rental service going with premium account shit? is it still just nes games???
...and yet, you keep coming to these threads.
Yes. But snippets of codes hints about SNES, N64 and such if I remember correctly.
It was worth it to me who travels a lot.
i was clearly baited to this thread
Not a one. Literally none of those games exist. Switch has noooooooooo gaaaaaaaaaames.
>Haha [insert gaming platform] has no games!
How many more years will people be screaming thiss all over Yea Forums?
Are Remi Lore and Liar Princess good games?
No and yes respectively. But Liar Princess is criminally short.
So, I should wait for sale, yes?
As much as I like it, yes. Wait for a sale.
It's a port. It's a port. It's a port port port.
It's a port. It's a port. It's a port port port.
It's a port. It's a port. It's a port port port.
Poooooooort. Port port port.
Honestly, ports are fine on the Switch since it's gimmick is to be playable wherever you want.
I'm not even a obsessive about nintendo since I own and play on a PS4 too but prefer PC.
Can you make one of them be female Wii Fit Trainer? asking for a friend.
>"ports don't count for the Switch"
>Bring up the fact that they gain portability
>"no replies"
Its almost like the only people on Yea Forums that argue with console warriors are people who do not leave the house, spend all their time complaining about graphics, and wanting all games to be free. I wonder what demographic that sounds like...
How is Devil Engine?