>literal thousands of generic city maps on the workshop
>but nobody has ported Station Square, the most soulful city setting in vidya, into GMod
How can a pleb with decent experience in Hammer editor but nothing else whatsoever go about porting a map from one game into Source? The fact that this hasn't been done yet is an absolute fucking insult, but somebody has to do something about it.
Literal thousands of generic city maps on the workshop
Other urls found in this thread:
why don't you
Sonic's austistic fanbase aside, that was a great game with a good soundtrack.
>Just running around with the statue man, throwing him at people.
I just want to know if anyone knows how so I can give it a shot
I don't even like most Sonic games, but I loved this one. I just recently got it on Steam for like $0.50
>How can a pleb with decent experience in Hammer editor but nothing else whatsoever go about porting a map from one game into Source
You can't port maps to source. You need to recreate them. 3kliksphilip can teach you everything you need to know about mapping, but your first maps will not be nice looking nor well optimized.
So my best bet would just be to find the textures someplace? I could try and handle the rest. I already have some basic mapping experience.
Pic related is something I threw together after my brother sent me textures from Ken Silverman's Build Engine
> you are now hearing the guitar rifs
>So my best bet would just be to find the textures someplace?
Pretty much. Since you already know the basics, look into hint optimization and areaportals. City maps are usually the hardest to optimize.
I started listening to it right after I posted the thread
I might look into that then
Luckily it's at least not too large a city
Remember the theme from the Egg Carrier? Still one of the best pieces of game OST
Since this is a pseudo source thread, do any anons here have any maps they've been working on that they would like to share?
I also loved the theme from the final bossfight in Gamma's story, really good shit. Fun boss in general too.
I might as well show another screen from what I posted above
A comfy mapping thread could be nice right now
looks good, but i dont like what those viewmodel hands are implying
i dont have any screenshots of my current project, but i can post previous maps
Don't worry, I'm not an autistic YouTuber, I just like the model of my favorite Pokémon
>graph paper sketch textures
Are you using a scanner for that? That looks fucking soulful
I didn't make those textures, theyre from the Sketchy pack: gamebanana.com/textures/3139
I would however like to make my own textures at some point, to give more variety
Oh, cool
I really like these textures, they have a bit of a comfy look to them. I might even use them for something one of these days.
I tried my hand at doing textures one time, although they are just pixelshit. Here's the least bad looking one.
If youre still interested in trying pixel art, these might be of interest to you: blog.studiominiboss.com/pixelart
the itchio link is just to download all of the images at once, rather than individually
i forgot to mention, the textures for the map in that pic is PK02 by natko on gamebanana
Oh yeah, these do look like some really nice tutorials
Actually gonna bookmark this page for later
>Spindash jumping off of every angle and incline to see if you can clip thru walls and get on top of buildings
>All the while this god tier music is playing
You can even see it in the OP image
The little ramp you'd always spin dash jump off of
Do people really still play Gmod?
GMod can be whatever the fuck you want it to be, simply by virtue of what it is, it can't become irrelevant,
>check trouble in terrorist town
>couple hundred playing
>5-6 years ago it was over 20,000 all the time
Yeah nobody plays it.
It's dead, user.
>playing gmod for ttt or darkrp
the most fun is skimming the workshop for a load of stupid mods and spending a couple hours messing around with friends
yes, friends. you do have those, right user?