We're going home, bros.
Retail zoomers are S E E T H I N G
We're going home, bros.
Retail zoomers are S E E T H I N G
Other urls found in this thread:
ret paladins unite as one
>Undead rogue
>hit 60
>Go to stormwind/ironforge
>Gank marked lowbies
>Eat them in plain sight
>Become jack the ripper of the server
>Hide in all the empty buildings while my wanted rating goes down
A man can dream
just terrorize Redridge instead
Everyone's marked for PvP there.
> wanted rating
Umm.. excuse me?
thanks for paying $15 a month classicfags
>he doesnt know about vanilla's wanted bounty system
user.. i..
imagine playing BFA while hating it at the same time
BASED and youtubepilled
imagine hating modern blizzard but still paying them money
It may or may not be worth it, we'll just have to see. If they don't fuck it up, and there's a fair chance they will, then it will be far superior to private realms.
>Personal loot
>Client set in Legion
>Loot stat roll is WoD+
lol, just lol
That's the fun about city ganking, they never expect it.
imagine being this mentally ill
>no world pvp
Tell me it ain't so bros
It ain't so. There's no personal loot just some user spreading misinfo in every wow thread. There's loot trading however where you have 2 hours to trade whatever you picked up. Sharding is temporary at launch and blizzard has said this multiple times.
Best starting zone. Horde fags can't even begin to comprehend how comfy this is
>There's no personal loot just some user spreading misinfo in every wow thread
Ah, good to hear.
> There's loot trading however where you have 2 hours to trade whatever you picked up
Will this create horrible consequences with people conspiring in their rolls or do you think this will be mostly benign?
>Will this create horrible consequences with people conspiring in their rolls or do you think this will be mostly benign?
This will just make guild leaders, streamers and the guild's girl get all the best loot in the game very very easy.
Post your favorite WoW Classic video. I will start with
>Will this create horrible consequences with people conspiring in their rolls or do you think this will be mostly benign?
If you're joining a party with friends playing you can say bye bye to any loot because those fags will be sharing everything between them.
>company makes game you don't like
>that means you must hate anything and everything else they make
retailfags, everyone
so you kick them from the group as soon as they start rolling need on everything, and warn others not to group with anyone from that guild
problem solved
>needing to self-moderate just to fix a new problem that Blizzard needed to create
Why can't they just leave well enough alone?
this. Blizzard should get rid of loot trading, put a a BIG BOLD reminder in the ticket option that missrolls are not valid tickets, and then punish any player that tries to do it anyway. if you can't click the right button or use master loot, then sucks to be you.
Who else is going:
>Human Male Prot Paladin
You are not going anywhere.
Dwarf prot/holy here
That's an enhancement shaman item.
Who are you?
friend wants to play classic. she only plans on dpsing, but open to playing a "support" role. she wants to be anti-social and not have to deal with handing out water.
which class fits this?
Guys I went into the scary part of youtube again and found 12 year olds play minecraft servers and pvp. Its like some wierd minecraft and fortnite mix except millions of people play it. What the fuck is going on in gaming? Are we going to be stuck with this esports shit for the next 20 years?
Warlock or Hunter
Warlock has to do some stuff with soulstones but that's easier than handing out water
rogue is the only option here. warlock needs to coordinate more than mage, and the other classes are largely irrelevant endgame (besides maybe hunter if your guild is bad)
is hunter not a good option for end game dpsing? some website showed marksman as pretty decent.
Never played WoW. What's it like?
>discover metal and dadrock when I was 12 years old in vanilla and spent hours listening to slipknot, SOAD, and Metallica while questing
>discover power metal and spent the entirety of Burning Crusade listening to Dragonforce and Blind Guardian
>discover Viking metal during WOTLK and went from 70-80 listening to Ensiferum and Tyr
What's everyone going to listen to while questing during classic?
try playing the classic warlock before spouting bs. you need to rotate soulstones, healthstones and curses with your raid and at least one lock needs to make sure everyone is using them properly. glad I'm sitting this one out, the amount of retard redditors flocking to this game is going to be cancerous
no, one hunter in a 40 man raid can help with some pulls, and they have situational use on the 20 mans. you're not seeing AQ40 or naxx as a hunter and most of your best in slot gear is coming from dungeons and quests.
Blizzard is still going to make bank off you classic or not lol
smells like incel here
>most of your best in slot gear is coming from dungeons and quests.
well shit, I might just roll hunter and stick to pvp. i'm not interested in raiding at all. i'll just tell her to try a rogue.
emo + shoegaze
like the whole website?
I see people bashing WoW all the time. Most of it coming from long term players who go on for hours about how they hate Blizzard and the direction the company has taken.
Are these same people going to turn around and just hand them money for rereleasing an old game? Can someone explain this to me? I've always known the WoW community was mostly retarded but this really takes it to the next level
WoW PKing is ass, wake me when Shadowbane comes back.
give me some good shoegaze, user. I only know Manon Meurt and I really fuckin' like it
>you're not seeing AQ40 or naxx as a hunter
I see that private server geniuses found a way to progress without nature res aura in aq and tank aspect escort on anub.
hunters are fucking annoying in PvP, and rogues are the best dps class until later on when mages and locks get the proper gear to be viable (+spellpower). You have to raid in classic, that's what you do. by the time you grind out the pvp rewards you'll be sick of the 3 bgs available.
yeah, it's called having nature pots and resist gear lol.
I like vanilla wow so I'm going to play it. If it's fun, I'll continue to play it. If Blizz makes the game mistakes, I'll stop playing it. You can scream and jerk off to the fact that you 'told me so' but I really don't give a fuck. I'm going to have fun.
The only way a ret paladin is gonna get that item is as a healer in a group where the warrior already has one. No warrior is gonna let in competition especially not is said competition is useless as a dps
my favorite album
>personal loot
Retail cucks have sunk lower from exagerating to lieing.
Should I level a shadow priest or a ret pally? Don't care much about raiding, but I want to piss people off in pvp
Be a mage and be honest you are sort of sounding like a bitch?
Vanilla WoW? Pure kino.
Modern WoW? Flaming garbage.
Both of those will piss off anyone in both PvE and PvP. Playing a class that can heal or tank but using the DPS spec is how you get your shit slapped. No one likes a shadow priest or ret pally.
Okay, but what's the gameplay like?
Any class that is not immediately transparent with its mechanics is going to be very annoying, as a result if you are an off-spec build but you know the game well you will piss off a lot of people.
Kind of hard to describe the gameplay of an MMO but WoW's is very simple and easy to pick up even for casual players. You'd just have to watch a video or something, you run around the world doing quests, talking to other players, trading with them, forming groups, skirmishing with the enemy faction, going into cities to get training, repairs and sell your stuff. Takes hundreds of hours to hit max level and the world is huge.
You should play classic this summer user, if there was ever a time to try it, that's it.
Comfy. Slow paced. Rewarding. Don't listen to the tryhard min-max faggots, just play at your own pace and have fun.
Shadow UD priest and gank everyone when devouring plague is up.
I don't get this "rivalry". You're still giving Blizzard money.
I've never played WoW except briefly in 2006 when I was very young, but human paladins were always my favorite character. Should I roll ret pally in classic?
Yes. Purely to piss everyone off.
Hall and Oates, unironically.
No, AV never got old.
Exactly but they won't
They will also keep the report system that autobans you after you get reported 10 times like in retail
It's obvious, classical music, Mozart, Bach...
why can't it be summer yet brehs, I'm itchin
why are these threads being made like 5 times everyday when before they weren't made at all
zoomers dont get that their rep will be hurt for trying to steal hoj
It's going to be comfy as fuck. On top of that, there's E3 in June as well as the 2020 Election Season shitshow starting up, which is going to be fun to watch.
No shit, I can't wait to play Shadowbringers.
Because the entire thing is based on a loud minority circle jerking constantly.
>muh rep
is a fucking meme. It isn't a private server, no one is going to give a shit about some random person screaming in trade that some other random person took their weapon from BRD.
if blizz pop caps then it will matter, most private servers have like 10k regulars
if servers are capped at like 2k it will matter lmao
>took their weapon from brd
lol bait
its bis in vanilla for rogues, warriors and shamans sometimes
No it fucking won't. Originals were 2.5k and no one gave a shit about crap. I don't know why people pretend they did. The worse a bad rep is going to do for you is get you on the bad side of a guild, the other thousand plus players aren't going to care that you pissed off so and so from that guild; hell some of them probably fucking hate that guild and will like you more because of it. There was all of one person on my (fairly small) server who actually gained a rep for ninjaing loot, and he literally just went and made friends with another group and raided with them instead. Sometimes shitbag guilds actively poaching endorsed that shit because you were bringing that ninjad loot to their team. Vanilla was full of complete asshats and shitbags and """"muh rep""" did fucking nothing to dissuade anyone from doing anything.
okay dude, the thing is the good players care, in my guild on vanilla we got a guy excluded from all the guilds he joined, our officers would pm theirs about it and he wojld get kicked
funny desu
And then everyone applauded.
its literally true, it was almost entirely bullying no one really cared about what he did, think he shittalked a bunch of top guilds or something
I got this on my warrior back when it dropped off the like... 4th boss, instead of the last boss.
Made farming it super easy.
if you want to roll the same class as 30 percent of this board, yes.
>observations from the roll threads
What's the most unpopular class?
probably hunter, because noone wants to admit they are rolling hunter.
not him but probably druid or shaman
Probably shaman but it being Horde exclusive means it has effectively double the presence.
what do you mean double the presence
vanilla shamans are the shit. I plan on doing a (Troll) mage since I never got to play a mage in vanilla. I'm in a lot of the roll threads lol.
Should I make a new character on northdale or just wait for classic? I'm fucking dying
I fucking love hunters, I'm just sayin they have a bad rep nigger.
he asked about amount of players retard
hunter is near the top with rogues and warriors
I mean that shamans are usually like 7-9% of vanilla class distribution, but they are a Horde only class. If say 14% of the server is rogues, half of those rogues are Alliance. All of the shamans are always Horde. So you end up with 7-9% shamans on your faction, and 7% rogues. I.e. you will see more shamans in Orgrimmar and dungeons, and BGs, etc. than rogues in that example.
he asked for more info about my roll thread observations, double retard.
and I'm saying not many people say hunter in roll threads.
Yes, but you WILL heal, which isn't even a bad thing. Paladins are like the most OP class in the game, they're so goddamn useful its actually insane and makes alliance raiding easy mode. And its why RETardins piss me off to no end, you should really cherish a pally healer.
>wears plate and a shield, so if taken aggro is sturdy enough to withstand attacks
>illuminaiton makes mana almost a non-issue
>all the fucking blessings and auras, to suit any situation
stfu noob lol
Worth it, not only to keep f2p fags away, but to finally play a private server that isn't a massive piece of shit.
lol k
rofl noob stfu
Disclaimer: who fuckings knows how classic will turn out (obviously).
However, going by private vanilla servers - like the last 5 or 6, the following trends always hold true:
>the top three represented classes are warriors, rogues, and mages.
The exact order can change, for example on a server with a high chinese population (gold farming) the number of mages will be higher than a non chinese server
>alliance side typically has more hunters than horde side
>horde side typically has more warlocks than alliance side
>shamans and paladins have approximately the same representation relative to their faction
paladins having a slight number advantage if one exists
>druids are always the least represented on each faction but aren't necessarily the least represented as a whole
(depends on how many shamans/paladins as they are faction unique while druids are not).
I'm just glad you fat disgusting manchildren will stay inside your homes after this drops.
I'm tired of seeing you stinky fucks in public.
>he's rolling alliance
>home or has anything to do with actual classic experience
God, I fucking hate wotlk kids
Thank fucking god. You all have been a pox and a plague for 15 years.
this shit right here. making a human rogue and skinning wolves in elwynn forest for hours is going to be the most fun ive had since 2006
I can't wait to see you classicfags have your dreams become crushed when it turns out to be garbage. I want it to be bad just for that.
I actually appreciate your sentiment, even though I hope it's good.
i only play alliance when my gf asks
Don't you have to buy retail and subscribe to access it?
Warlocks will get you a spot in most raids easily. End game, warlocks easily outperform Huntards.
i love warcraft and i agree, these fags are ruining my excitement desu
yes they are going to inflate sub counts with it
There isn't a "buying" baseline retail anymore. There is just sub + latest expansion. You need the sub part.
Just about everything you listed. Maybe some Slipknot and Green day too
Fuck you, user. Now I feel bad for writing that.
Daily reminder:
Server caps of 2k
Main cities sharded
Game looks empty and feels empty
>But a box in a polish basement can handle 10k
Yes it can. But it also costs more than a toaster that can barely handle 2k without choking, and if you're spending 10 million on marketing then it's not worth spending 1 million on server infrastructure.
>private servers
>"""""""handling""""""" anything
I will be waiting for you pally-chan you gonna look so cute healing in that dress.
>tfw you have to grind out thunderfury all over again
Combat Rogue or bust IMO.
fucking based
>combat rogue at 60
yeah thats gonna be a yikes from me my sweet summer child
Firstly, we don't know what the server caps of classic will be. It's a good guess that they'll be blizzlike, and even while blizzard never reported the actual caps, census addons back then were used when queues were active and it was between 2.5k and 3.5k (some servers were different, even).
This may or may not mean shit but it does mean you're gay.
As to main cities sharded, so far they've said sharding is only to be used at launch. That means northdale, valley of trials, etc. if they stick to that I do not see an issue and only a sperg would screech about it. Granted, if they DON'T stick to that, I definitely see the problem. At this point we don't have enough information so it's pointless to fear monger for (you)s.
Re:servers, according to blizzard in interviews after blizzcon, its a server load issue and not a server pop issue. While it makes for great memes to compare bfa performance to classic, it's not the same as the server load (again according to blizz) is greater in bfa. Now, once again we don't have enough info so until we know for sure it's not very smart to ree and poop your pants about it.
A common sense thing would be to assume that if a backwater polock can run a server out of his basement, then blizz can as well.
lmao I just meant I could see why you would feel that way, keep on truckin!
boomer lol
Should I play a priest or a paladin?
Pretty sure a former dev said they were 2.5k in a classiccast interview or whatever
>That means northdale, valley of trials, etc.
It actually probably means Elwynn, Durotar, etc.
mentally, i suppose..
I might try a vanilla priest at some point, being a healslut can be fun. shadow priests have some cool shit too.
>want to roll a druid for pvp
>all my friends are going horde
are tauren druids really worse than nelves? What's the difference between them besides racials? I haven't played druid on private servers yet
Druid. It's always Druid.
honestly cringe
identifying with that is so cringe bro...
I'm 25 man get out of here
dont play for racials if its your first time
but i'd say tauren since horde owns
Yeah, that's john staats i think and at the time people were a little confused since it meshes with some server's old census but not others. 2.5 is a good enough number, if i recall (its been awhile), the ones that had more were servers like tich, and it isn't like the census stuff was 100% accurate either.
What's a little ironic, that in current pserver meta., 2,5k is considered a "Dead server".
And yeah, it could mean all of durotar. I was assuming it would just be the literal starter area but maybe i'm being too hopeful. Can't wait for more actual info and not just memes .
based and hordepilled
wanna be pals
I've never played WoW because I was a consolebabby until very recently. What is WoW Classic, exactly? I may consider playing to see what all the fuss is about.
I want to form a raiding guild and be the main tank. How do I do this without experience?
Rolling an orc shaman for comfy nostalgic goodness.
imagine actually playing a blizzard "game" for any reason at any point in time
>horde owns
yeah owns their own anime pillows and fedoras haha fukn gotcha
>will heal
>wears plate and shield
You will wear cloth and like it
claiming emma
that's a big mountain to climb but I think you can fucking do it dude.
I think most of the fuss is nostalgia, so you might not want to dive in. but who knows, you might get really into it.
who /male troll hunter/ here?
tbf weebs always preferred alliance until b-elfs were introduced.
Join a decent guild if you even make it to 60. No one is going to join a guildmaster who doesn't know the basic mechanics of endgame
You probably won't even make it to 60 as a warrior on your first character, especially without friends. Shits hard
cringe lol
undead and orcs and tros are the most kino races
that's my current roll on the pserver, and I'm not strong enough to do it again.
but I plan on having at least 2 trolls in classic, mage as one, and probably rogue as the other.
>who doesn't know the basic mechanics of endgame
I raided every raid except naxx from vanilla to wotlk. I know the game just never led a guild
Rolling an orc shaman for comfy nostalgic goodness. Just like old times.
BC is better than Vanilla
bruh I want to make a tauren shaman so bad, that was one of my first characters to hit cap back in the day.
Horde druid by itself is better than NE because War Stomp is better than Shadowmeld.
For PvE, Alliance druids are better because the main advantage for Horde, Windfury Totem, doesn't affect druid forms.
For PvP, go nuts.
>Have to be a healslut in order to slap niggas at ret in PVP
Was tying all the itemization to raid content really such a good idea?
in some ways but it wasn't worth the improvements for what it took away
every class and spec is pretty much as difficult as the other with the exception of balance druid, right?
Hpaladin is the strongest pvp support/healer in the game. Raiding as a paladin is piss easy and healing isn't some slutty thing. Do you really think it's more engaging to contribute a very very minimal amount to the raid's success by auto-attacking or do you want to help the raid kill shit faster because your heals are rad?
It isn't tough to get ret gear, half of the shit you want the warriors won't. Keep in mind, raiding is a tool to get gear so you can shit on horde in wpvp. Viewing it in that vein, who gives a fuck what your raid role is?
I think going ret is more obnoxious as the second shit goes south, the memespecs are going to be bitched at and that means you. You have to play twice as hard and you'll still be ass.
all this shaman talk makes me want one
first reply names it as long as it's not ridiculous shit that will get me banned
in terms of difficulty it varies, between pvp and pve as well. Generally dps is the easiest role
>Generally dps is the easiest role
Yea Forums.dotslashv
Every class gets at least some of their BiS from being r12-14.
Frostbolt frostbolt frostbolt
>Dungeon finder bad
You're fucking retarded or an absolute Legion babby. Warlocks need to farm soul shards, provide healthstones, soulstones and summons, you utter mong. Huntards are pullers for anything tricky or fast moving.
not him, but tanking was the hardest role in my experience.
You've lived long enough to see Classicfag become the Retailfag
pve is extremely easy
ignore pve
what pserver you play on??
don't go hunter. blizz had to add a raid mechanic so hunters could get spots. they are shit.
t. raiding hunter classic to tbc
Classic got a release date yet?
because I play wow private servers and theres no real good vanilla 1x ones I can find.
just play k3
lights hope/chink dale are undertuned and the admins sell gear
3-6 months
Why is "Retail" an insult when you haven't gone to retail outlets to buy WoW on CDs since Wrath at the latest?
Huhuran: 1. Git gud. 2. Bring nature resistance pots.
Anub: 1. Git gud.
>piss people off in pvp
Priests can MC people off cliffs or even drown niggas in puddles.
TF isn't even worth using, even if you got one as a rogue
>no one gave a shit about crap
Don't know what kind of shithole realm you played on (Dethecus US?), but they absolutely did.
adding to this i will play with you if you want maybe, that offer goes to anyone interested
nice now pick literally anything other than mage or warlock
>emp lava runs slower than angerforge runs
Scratching my head here, pal.
Unpopular as in everyone hates them or no one plays them? Everyone hates:
1. Male nelf hunter
2. Male ud rogue
3. Male nelf
Rare selections:
1. Female dwarf
An alliance priest can be the shitlord of all shitlords, better if you're nelf for shadowmeld:
>be nelf priest
>go to the horde felwood fp (bloodvenom or something)
>horde fly in, MC them off the cliff
>they will die halfway down, appear as a ghost in DARKSHORE
>at that point they will go east to get to their body, only to discover they cant
>then they will run south all the way through darkshore, all the way through ashenvale, back north through felwood, jump down to their body if they're lucky
>only to find they need to hearth or jump again to their death
You can easily waste at least 15-20 minutes of time from each horde you MC off the cliff. Super bonus points if it's their raid night and they just got out of DM tribute buffs and are going for songflower.
>>wears plate and a shield, so if taken aggro is sturdy enough to withstand attacks
Healadins don't wear plate, dumbo.
troll if you're in for racials, can't warstomp in forms in classic
>I want to form a raiding guild and be the main tank. How do I do this without experience?
You'll find 40 other shitters no problem, but good fucking luck getting past the first pair of giants in MC.
>War Stomp is better than Shadowmeld.
Can't stomp in forms in classic, dumbo. Clearly you've never played on a PVP server.
>>Have to be a healslut in order to slap niggas at ret in PVP
But that's wrong. Get an arms buddy and tag team your way to victory.
>Was tying all the itemization to raid content really such a good idea?
BG reps, honor grind, crafting.
look at him and laugh
new huh?
> eviscerate and five combo points
>mash bloodthirst
>mash whirlwhind
>hit HS sometimes
oh shit nigga
>when someone utters the word "skillcap"
Wanna know how I know you've never raided as a dps warrior?
druid, but they're garbage. feral/balance is shit and raids only want to run 1/2 resto because rejuvenation doesn't stack.
honestly most wow stuff that takes skill is stuff like prediction and cancelling
exactly, it's annoying when anyone takes a breath of superiority when it comes to pvp
most classes and specs are equal, especially when it comes to vanilla pvp
Oh forgot thunderclap. Also no I don't give a shit retard.
Seems about right to me. He forgot mashing execute at
>dps warrior thunderclapping
You should have said demo shout, maybe you'd seem a little more believeable. Also, not caring means not replying, replying means caring.
Cleave or slam for rage dump, no extra threat component.
Mage tanks best tanks.
>Mage tanks best tanks.
God fucking why can't games have this
>X isn't viable for speedrunning Kel'thuzad
>Therefore X is not allowed in my level 15 five man dungeon group.
Tier lists and guides are going to be the number one problem with this game.
Best ranged weapons endgame? I like the aesthetics of the guns but I hear the BIS ranged weapon is a crossbow?
If you pull aggro, tell your tank to wear more dps gear.
Stop killing your dps.
>no warrior is going to let
Nigger i’m going to roll on it and he’s going to deal with it.
I want to marry and impregnate a Night Elf
coping retail fag
>watching 2020 election shenanigans while doing raids, BGs and world pvp
it's gon be a cozy year
true story:
>be on nost awhile back
>be leveling paladin
>group is looking for a healer for deadmines
>whisper them, say i can join them in just a few minutes if they still have room
>"are you holy?"
>i say "of course not, but i'm about to go grab the int stuff out of my bank"
>"no thanks we need a healer"
>decide not to argue because who gives a fuck
>30 minutes later they're still looking for a healer
not giving you another you but since you're a dumbass retailfag i will explain since you probably have a room temperature iq and don't get it
Opeth my man
why would anyone stop you retard
vanilla wow was ass and broken in fucking half. Instead trying to recreate it as faithfully as possible they should be trying to remake it as the best possible version of itself. The fact that blizzard cannot be trusted to remake their game and that I'm actually happier that these specific people chose to go the 'perfect recreation' route is indicative of how fucked and beyond redemption blizz is.
>leveling the shaman
>get all the bristleback stuff done
>go turn in a quest and it wants me to go there
NOOOOOOOOOO i could have done it earlier while doing the others
get used to using those digital legs, kiddo.
if vanilla wow was broken in half retail wow is shattered into absolute garbage
This. I argued with a faggot yesterday about this. I think that a ret pally who 150% prepared, know the tactics, has his bis items, every consumable in the book, doesn't die to random shit and can attend every raid is more valuable than the 13th normie dudebro rogue or mage who might take the items from better rogues or mages, has low attendance and might even die to shit on bosses. Sure they might have the same dps, but there's a difference still.
You think you want that, but you don't
I too listened to some pretty shit music back in 2005, but I don't have any interest in revisting that particular part of the time.
Might fire up some Trivium
somewhat accurate
There will be no newbies, user. Only gnome rogues, ganking undead rogues, ganking gnome rogues. Forever.
Jesus christ this is why any sensible person avoids people like you like the plague.
It's gonna be a shame that private server fags are going to go around trying to spread the "optimal meta" for classic as if anyone ever gave a shit back in the day except for bleeding edge prog guilds.
I want a Draenei wife
I've leveled 3 60s so far on vanilla, i know
coping retailbaby that refuses to accept that not all roles and specs and professions are viable
The pure kino tunes of classic WoW. I sometimes turn on the classic Barrens soundtrack just to remind myself.
Oh, this will be good. Please, let's hear what it took away
cringe discord tranny
Hello, and welcome to Yea Forums. This site is a little different from reddit, so you might want to read a while before you jump into the conversation!
Some of these content creators are also the ones who stress in every single video/post/blog/whatever that you should just play whatever the piss you want, hell half of them are the ones going around trying to make feral cats or Ret paladins viable and show what they can do when they really go 100% all-out
Which isn't very much, but its still impressive to see a Vanilla Ret paladin near the top of the charts
What made you like this?
You're right. People who are prepared with consumes and on time and don't die to stupid shit and aren't ass pulling are leagues more valuable than others.
40 man is a lot of people and you can afford some non optimal specs.
That said, there are genuine reasons to be wary of a ret: most are not prepared just like msot players aren't, and most are not the type who will heal when a healer doesnt show up, etc etc. And memeclasses are the first to get screeched at if the guild encounters a rough time or things go south. That and loot issues can lead to resentment among the other classes depending on the guild's loot system.
In addition, for speedrunning - which may sound ludicrous on the surface but makes a LOT more sense when you're in your 27th week of the same raids eveyr week - you want to weed out anything that isn't optimal. But then again you can argue that a ret wouldn't be in that position anyhow.
Anyhow, I 100% agree with you, just saying there are legitimate concerns, not that the dudes parroting are thinking of those. They're literally just parroting shit they read.
Are those alt races still not out yet?
That's why you just lie.
Whoa, slow down there user. Don’t you know you can’t just go around playing games that you like and having fun? All games most first be approved by the politburo, to ensure that your fun is the right kind of fun.
Pirate metal while out ganking in STV.
>people said there is only protection warrior that could tank end game
>The guild that cleared Naxx in around 1 hour did it without any prot warriors.
On what patch?
I'm going to have a guild that's cozy casual and avoid all min max faggots and vanilla purists.
Private servers are not true vanilla, please stop projecting your experience unto people who played the real thing.
The game has lots more to offer than hardcore raiding.
nothing? just don't like seeing casuals try to ruin everything
i still have my box lol
You fucking subhuman braindead retard monkey, you barely gain anything from speccing into holy for healing Deadmines, you gain at most 10% int, and the reduced spellcasting time lost only matters if you get hit. Gear matters way more.
I played vanilla retail and pserver, I personally think people who care about playing the original vanilla over pserver are huge faggots
Okay user you've made me bring out the big guns, I'm going to start using the counter-word to cope.
>reck bomb
muh dick
cant wait for crying wojak spammed on Yea Forums once you guys discover that they fuck up something and/or the community is total shit.muh nostalgia is a bitch to deal with it.good luck!
1.12 on private server.
lol retard, cope
seethe and cope are best used together
cant wait till they patch out sitting ret paladins and THEIR SIT EXPLOIT
i'm going to roleplay as a healslut resto druid and get carried by my friends
>private server
Oh okay.
seething copefag.
I'm worried about people's expectations about population being warped by pserver and n*st in particular.
Launch is july 16th.
Beta is later this month or early April.
Enjoy, friends.
Thanks user.
90% of players on pservers are minmax retards that bully everyone. I really hope they roll on a containment server.
WoW vanilla is all about the wonder of learning new shit, enjoying new content, and having fun.
What are the odds of them adding new stuff to Classic if it's successful? (like Old School Runescape but since it's modern Blizzard they would probably fuck it up)
I'm worried that Blizzard caves to those shitty expectations and doesn't enforce population caps like servers had in 2004. Game fucking blows when there's so many people around that you can't accomplish anything.
coping seethefag.
>new shit
>new content
Very low but my dream list is them doing Vanilla Gilneas (DONT FUCK IT UP), Vanilla Grom Gol, Vanilla shit that was walled off/not in game as zoned instances maybe. Just keep filling the world with content that is tuned to vanilla. It would make the world feel way more alive.
i better get a fucking beta invite
I think they will be far outnumbered by regular players.
Also lot of them already have full guilds ready and won't play a lot with strangers. You could also avoid them by avoiding high pop servers.
That's the thing though, without the dungeon finder/instant instance, people will be forced to pretty much stick with whatever party members they can find.
Not all of us played vanilla. I played as an alliance pally up to 50 when TBC came out. I missed a fuck load of content. Been playing horde rogue on a pserver and I've spent at least 250 hours so far seeing a whole lot of new shit and everything. Never stepped foot in vanilla raids past Ony on my 70 paladin.
Just put these babies up the other day. Beautiful.
oh god lol
I wouldn't worry. Regional servers (meaning the different time zones in NA for example) mean that people will be playing with others who are active when they are.
And population memes are going to be a carryover from pserver autists, who despite what they will screech, are not the target audience or even the majority of players. The lack of a huge global server is going to decimate a lot of the current pserver cliques and they'll be spread out and dwarfed by the normies.
I'd argue that classic will be a great place to meet friends because having fun will be the goal. No real need to worry about shit private servers will say, and chances are high that a large percentage of them will simply stay on private servers. At the high end, top pserver guilds aren't used to playing without pocket GMs and that alone makes classic a scary prospect for them. The "scene" isn't nearly as large as people expect and it's very incestuous at the top - it's the reason you keep seeing the same names attached to every project and playing on every hyped server. Money is involved as well and these same guilds wont be able to engage in RMT the same way they do on private servers.
TLDR: you can disregard 99% of pserver autistic screeching, they know they're about to become irrelevant
Just showed my gf Vanilla WoW on a private server. I think people underestimate the amount of people that played WoW. Lots and lots of people skipped it or never did more than level 20.
Considering that investors are stupid and only attracted by short term easy money and seeing the amount of TBC babbies that want to play their shitty xpac again, we'll get TBC Classic.
Wont be in classic.
Rift had mage tanks.
RIP Rift
People might expect real quick groups and 1 ony buff a day, fud hard and drive other people to leave. Otoh empty server may be really bad for long term vanilla lifespan. I hipe they find a sweet spot between dead serv and china tier pop
TBC classic is based and ok. It will split the population but TBC was a great xpac.
yes it will.
What you mean is /sit to stack reckoning likely will not work.
i remember it capping at 5 hits in classic after kazzak, did they nerf it further?
That's what they should do but they won't. They know the vast majority of their player base are casuals. There's a reason they refused to make vanilla servers for so long. They probably only relented because they now play on adding casual features into the servers. People are already accepting the loot trading, 6 months after launch they will probably start doing OSRS-type polls and you can be sure that anything that makes the game easier will pass.
doesn't the legion client offer multi-core processing? my computer would have hiccups and other issues with private servers on the old client, even though it's a beast computer
>tfw no vanilla style DK class where you can resurrect every enemy you kill and has class quests to get runeblades.
>tfw no vanilla style monk class that has to make their own brews and seek out low res pandaman masters hidden in incredibly obscure places all over the world.
>tfw no vanilla style demon hunter class with class quests that send you to hunt demons and three specs even though one spec is going to be shit anyways.
God damn I wish blizzard was competent enough to be trusted to make new content for classic. I love what's already there but I'm obsessed with missed potential.
Actually, this item is intended for my class
Nerf Sap 8. It always made me want to roll a rogue, I finally did in WotLK during the Ulduar patch. My server had a super low % of rogues and I got into the top guild on the server and basically fully geared in 3 weeks of raiding.
podcasts and lectures. educating myself while I autopilot my way to level 60
>tfw no vanilla playable goblins
Release date???
They disabled charge stacking by getting hit sitting. I don't know if it will be the case for enrage as well. Methinks sit hits aren't real crits after a certain patch
>playing wow
>playing wow that in 2019
>playing wow classic in 2019
>paying to play wow classic in 2019
This shit right here is what i want again. Fucking people up as a Warrior in PvP. Power Metal is back on the menu boys.
Forgot the link
>still don't know if I want to dps as mage or heal as a paladin
Done a bit of tanking and healing on private servers, but don't really want to go through the warrior grind again. Healing could be okay, but I'm also thinking it'd be nice to dps for a change.
mage dps is boring until aq. providing water to ungrateful shits is torture. you could go mage and keep him as a gold farming alt in case you get bored.
>there are people in this thread that think the following are viable for classic:
>prot & ret paladin
>enhancement & elemental shaman
>hunters (outside of razorgore)
>priests (that aren't dwarf)
>arms & fury (outside of ironfoe+felstriker) warrior
>arcane & fire (pre AQ) mage
Hey, that's not very nice. Each raid needs at least one druid for their buff.
No one cares about minmaxing except the worst kind of people. Normal people don't care.
Are people really looking forward to drinking and eating after every pack?
Saving gold (skipping some skill training) to purchase an ass-crawling 40% speed mount at 40?
Beyond shit itemization?
you're playing an rpg faggot
go back to retail where you automatically learn every ability and have a mount at lvl 5
no need for retail bros to seethe. come play with us it'll be great fun!
*bro fist bump*
Don't forget mounts take up bag space if you're not a Paladin or Warlock
Stay out of my raids and groups shitter.
>you're playing an rpg faggot
Are you roleplaying your own self by all that nonstop eating and drinking?
What are the comfiest race+class combos? For me, it's
>Human pally
>Dwarf hunter
>Orc shammy
>Tauren warrior
>Undead priest
Night elves have one of the comfiest starting zone but I don't like any of their class options.
They patched that in the beta for classic. More HP and mana regen. They will make small changes to help us. Vanilla purists can eat dick.
*curse of tongues u*
*5sec cast mount*
*mana drains you anyway*
heh, nothing personal, kid
No one is seething to begin with. Retail players can play classic completely free anyway.
Male nelf druid is good.
Female warrior/rogue/priest/hunter is pretty top tier.
>company destroy what I love: hate them
>company makes what I want: buy it
How fucking hard is that to understand you literal 3 IQ braindead moron?
Yeah I wanted to add a point about bags but it sounded petty.
It's undeniable that a lot of much needed streamlining has happened since 2005. Obviously not everything changed for the better but busywork isn't fun either.
Mages at least have the benefit of some fun PvP. I did like being hard to kill as a pally, but it always didn't feel quite right to not be able to put forth some dps (Hammer of Wrath is neat, but I found it missing more times than I care to admit).
is classic gonna be free to play?
if they are gonna make me have a sub ill go back to the private servers
>warrior is the most popular class
What percentage of warriors actually tank though?
By choice? 0.
yeah don't play
the sub keeps out poor subhumans from shit countries
In everything outside of raid main tanking? Not nearly enough, thats why I'm playing one.
>tfw want to roll a female nelf druid so I can have a cute girl run around in warbear woolies, warbear harness and sandstalker ankleguards
>tfw get way too shy and awkward when playing female characters which is bad for a social game and since I intend on actual RPing.
>tfw gonna have to be a weird looking lanklet man instead.
Honestly. Feels good.
Private server stockholm syndrome is hilarious. Watching them rationalize spending years playing a buggy chink infested mess was way too pleasing.
Stop being a fucking faggot and wearing shitty glamours.
Isn't Classic technically also retail because you have to give blizzard money to play it?
love and marriage
fftranny spotted
Fuck you I'm going to be an ugly night elf man and run around in slutmogs anyways.
Not until it comes out, for now it's literally mentally I'll retail players complaining about it.
the fact that you think glamour is ff exclusive is a big ol' honkin' yikes.
as long as you're not some piss baby female character s-s-s-stammering over every word because they think it makes them kawaii neko chans in reality
>want to main mage for instant invites to everything, ease of gold grinding, power in pvp, massive toolset and utility
>but want to main rogue literally just to corpse camp and gank even in cities all day every day and spend all neet hours becoming an infamous douchebag
what do
What if I already bought the fucking game 20 years ago?
Make a mage main and then a rogue alt to play when you want to be a ganking faggot?
Better throw them off boat that goes from ratchet to BB
Best near durotar for maximum disrespect
Paying your sub gives you access to bfa and classic
>Can't stomp in forms in classic, dumbo.
No shit fuckwit. Watch any Horde druid classic PvP and you'll see them stomp all the time. Stomp into Regrowth is a staple. Regardless, it's better than a stealth when you already have stealth.
Start with mage so you can easily gold farm too and then roll a rogue for casual play and dicking.
>old GOOOD
They're not going to keep the infinite fear, stuns, or mind control, and anyone that thinks otherwise is fucking delusional.
Shadowmeld gives Night Elves an additional rank of Stealth in addition to the activated ability in 1.12. Rogues have better Stealth than Druids by 1 rank, but a NE Druid has the same rank of Stealth as all Horde Rogues and 1 better than Horde Druids.
Basically it means Feral vs Feral, the Night Elf almost always opens first.
Guys mages are not good at aoe. We can barely kill 2 mobs at a time at level 40.
What the fuck else are you supposed to say when the new version is much worse than the previous ones?
30% from experience.
You need 1 tank for every 4 men in dungeons, yet you don't need 8 tanks for every raid (inb4 4H)
Why do pserver fags and other people think everyone played vanilla WoW? There are people that never touched WoW at all.
Hold up
You telling me that these nostalgiacucks are actually going to fork out a subscription fee to Blizzard to play a 15 year old game that has been thoroughly completed and has not aged well?
Complete shitter detected.
>Felhunter *exists*
xth for female night elf hunter and Lupos
he does shadow dmg in 1.12 right ?
No he doesn't.
no, changed in 1.9
No, moreover you consumed a stack of improved shadowbolt which makes you a deadweight.
That's a Worgen Druid
Because they live in a fantasy land where Vanilla's peak wasn't a tenth of Wrath's
On one hand I would like to see Blizzard implement changes like this which would make the game objectively better.
On the other hand I want them to create a literal 1:1 copy of Vanilla just so I can see the gold medal mental gymnastics nostalgiacucks perform to explain how it's "not the same", and that somehow it's Blizzard's fault when really they let their nostalgia completely cloud their mind and overhype them.
Yeah the butthurt will be tremendous when pserv niggers realise half of their strats are bug exploits
Will vanilla have every race?
>half of their strats are bug exploits
All 8 of them.
Can you actually explain how, without buzzwords?
You have actually played the current game in depth enough to make a valid personal judgment, right?
oh okay, then its broken tooth ill get
>you can't call bfa shit unless you've clocked 50,000 hours and completed every achievement related to it
What is there left to discuss? The game has been shit for a decade and the arguments have been repeated ad nauseam, I'm not going to repeat them again, you have the confirmation in the fact that everyone has been abandoning nu-wow and that the game is getting a hard reset with classic, if you want to read why the current game design is bad google it up.
Don’t worry, i’ve Reserved Thunderstrike for you
BT isn't useful unless you play to PvP as a NE to set up up ambushes, wind serpent is the best for PvE and a bat has the same attack speed of BT without the camping attached, that said both the bat and BT do shit damage to plate and mail, against heavy armor users the wind serpent is still much better.
Wrath was when growth stopped. TBC is the expansion that saw a shit ton of new people pick up the game.
So you don't actually know, and are just parroting what you've seen Yea Forums and your favourite e-celebs say.
Glad we cleared that up.
For the record I agree that BfA is the single worst period in WoW's history. The difference is I know why it's bad, whereas you are literally just soaking up other people's opinions as your own. That's not healthy or intelligent.
I want to roll a troll priest but I'm biased against trolls because my best friend back in the days of vanilla and TBC was the absolute definition of a huntard and he played troll. Are all trolls idiots? According to the leddit survey they're expected to be the least-played race.
WoW was always the zoomer gamer
Vanilla WoW was EverQuest for retards
BRD is easy to navigate, don't kid yourself
Is holy priest any good. Played it on wrath and I was honestly the best priest on my server for the alliance. Didn’t start playing til BC so I don’t know about vanilla.
People playing RuneScape, LotRO or even Maple fucking Story always looked down on WoW players as casuals.
Stop letting nostalgia repaint history.
>healslut memespouter
Beta, end yourself already tranny
Who even remembers everquest? lmao
Never hear anyone say anything good
Best general purpose healer. Loses to paladin in terms of efficiency and raw HPS, loses to Shaman in terms of utility, but beats both of them in other ways.
Reck sitting
Rage coefs fucked up
Front stabbing
Itemisation and talents from other patches
Real niggas played ultima
BASED bearchads
Anyway, can someone rank Priest races in terms of their abilities?
I'm guessing Dwarf will always be at the top because of fear ward
based low iq poster
>just parroting what you've seen Yea Forums and your favourite e-celebs say.
>The difference is I know why it's bad, whereas you are literally just soaking up other people's opinions as your own.
This is why everyone refuses to have any kind of discussion with you. You think that everyone that doesn't go on a massive tirade listing every bullet point as to where BfA compares to the other expansions, and base game is just parroting random opinions they've seen on the internet, whether or not it's true.
BfA is shit, you don't need to write a fucking thesis on it outlining WoW's decline. The game is older than half the people on this board, anyone that cares enough about the game knows exactly why BfA is shit without me, you, or anyone else telling them.
Uncensored plz
no you have to pay 49.99$ for bfa goy
So they're saying the leveling experience was pretty good?
>anyone that cares enough about the game knows exactly why BfA is shit without me, you, or anyone else telling them
That's fortunate, since you clearly couldn't tell them.
Stop talking about yourself in third person.
I think your argument has reached a stopping point
>raids having a bunch of different difficulty modes devalues them
>instead of being the difficult endgame content you need to put in effort to see and slowly progress through, they are loot farms you blow through in a week so you can get to the hard mode version
>classes are homogenized, everything is a variation of tank/healer/dps instead of being an actual class with it's own strengths and weaknesses
>constant never-ending gear treadmill, you can't just get BIS and chill until next patch because there is always more to grind
>convienece has completely destroyed any feeling of it being an MMO in a huge world
>lack of talent trees means players can no longer experiment and find new builds, no longer able to fuck around with wacky builds either
>game no longer encourages social interaction, there is no need to form friendships to make things easier
>your character is overpowered as fuck, gone are the days where you're actually cautious of mobs in the world because you can easily kill anything no matter how many you aggro
Hot take nobody will agree with:
Battle For Azeroth's content isn't bad, the incentives are. There's no real reason to do anything.
there isn't anything to do outside of M+, raiding, and PvP.
Just play black desert
I've expressed my thoughts 500000 times, it's 3 AM over here so maybe if this thread is still up in the morning. The fact is that thoughts don't even matter because base human reaction is enough to tell the whole story. I got bored of retail WoW and stopped playing to the point that subscribing was no longer worth it, I play classic WoW on private servers every other day and when I stop for the night it's never because I didn't want to keep playing. It would take forever to write worthwhile explanations that isn't just a list that's like
>shit lore
>hub to hub story-questing sucks
>classes and RPG elements are gutted.
>social interaction with randoms is in no way incentivized.
The content itself is rarely the issue, take WOTLK, the content beside ulduar was fucking shit and yet the classes were fun to play and despite the massive casualization they didn't totally rape the classes out of their spells like the did in pandaland and even worse in later xpacs.
Doesn't that install some nasty spyware onto your PC?
What's your impression of ele sham in vanilla?
>seething about shit-eating nostalgiafags fucking off to their own containment zone
I can only speak from what I saw as an alliance player but there's a resto/ele hybdrid spec for premades that's actually quite strong, not only heals well but also does a fuckton of burst damage.
Reminder that just because people find things to complain about doesn’t make those complaints equal
Good as long as the fight doesn't take more than 10 seconds.
Ret Paladin.
Lemon Demon
MoP was the strongest class balance had ever been
mage or warlock? Or doesn't matter since warriors are OP as fuck and are going to shit on everything anyway.
Priests have a better time levelling, since they can go shadow and still heal dungeons easily.
Paladins are a lot rarer and can heal more efficiently at end game
fuck off retarded zoomer
The fuck does balance matter? Classes shouldn't be balanced. They should be FUN.
>mop rape the classes out of their spells
um no it added more spells and actually improved on it. mop's pvp was actually extremely fun and good, druid were a bitch but they were easy to deal with once you've actually learned your class.
it would be fun doing 5 times more dps than every other spec. Wouldn't make for a very good game now would it.
The post you quoted wasn't talking about balance though.
>Do this
>They are 4
>As you scream they gang on you
>One of them is a chadtank
>You are branded as a salty lying Judas
>Nolonger allowed into groups
>locks completely stripped out of all their abilities
>hunters lost hunter marks and honest signatures
>shittiest talents ever seen
No, it was a fucking shitshow and anyone that defends that garbage xpac obviously started playing wow with it.
>muh dps
Because having every class with 3 spells doing literally all the same things because of "everyone should be doing exactly the same dps and ONLY DPS with not unique roles in or outside raids" is such a fucking fun class design right?
Go fucking play starcraft if you want a number simulator.
>being a low level classic bum is the most comfy memory
spot on
People that pull that shit are incredibly obvious to anyone with a brain.
An actual blacklist would only happen if someone fucked up majorly in a raid, or was such a serial asshole that people would see their name and recognise it.
>tfw the next mob you kill might drop a blue item
that is from world of roguecraft the rogue is using a lv 1 knife and no gear
i mained hunter all of mop you dip shit no it fucking didn't.
mist had hunters mark which had the damage increase of 5% attached and baked into arcane shot, explosive shot and kill command an qol improvement for hunters.
added chakrams and murder of crows dire beast.
whats wrong with you ?
hunter by far
they are ninjas and noobs
>Specs that are fucking useless garbage is fine because I'm having FUN as a Warrior
But that int and spirit ring is clearly hunter loot
>best solo class
>never need to group with others for quests
>never learn to play together
>never learn the correct grouping etiquette
>never invited to dungeons/raids
such is the hunter life
I forget; which patch made the AV NPCs non elite and thus pretty much pointless?
Night elf or human female prot warrior?
How are you gonna roll on anything if you cant get in the group because your a useless ret pally.
Fun fact even in full naxx gear paladins cant do 1k dps without crits
Just like always
Go ahead. Gnome mage is better and you know it though
night elves get 1% dodge racial making them the best tanks (you could argue that human tanks build more threat because of their racial but dps isnt the issue usually in progress and only affects farm raids)
Nope. Retail is slowing to a crawl
Beta for Azeroth wouldn't be nearly as bad if titanforging wasn't a fucking thing
Just get rid of this fucking faggot
because he invented titanforging right?
Play healer and roll on it, dummy.
Ion isn't the problem, it's the you think you do but you don't guy who is ruining everything
He doesn't even work at Blizzard anymore.
He's the ceo.
The guy who made everyone's favorite expansion, TBC.
He's not ruining anything right now. It's Ion and his fucking noncommittal lawyerspeak turning WoW into an even bigger joke than it already was.
>everyones favorite expansion
except thats wrath retard the numbers prove it.
god i love doing this
Apparently him and Ion were the biggest proponents of Classic behind closed doors. It was probably a real struggle to get others on board. The great irony is that classic wow fits modern Blizzard's "time-played" metric trying to just keep people subbed for as long as possible far better than modern wow does at this point.
Imagine knowing your character in real life. There goes that guy that just sneaks behind wolves and stabs them to death before skinning them on the spot.
Wrath benefited from the steady grow thanks to Vanilla and TBC's quality and put an end to it due to its faults.
1. Enh Shamans are top tier in pvp but ele is pretty shit its like bal druid but not as bad
2. The horde is free to be whatever kind of race they want but yeah the alliance should pick dwarf as they will miss out on an extremely useful ability
3. you dont know shit about warriors
TEll me your IGN so I can preemptively black list you boy.
>Mount at level 5
They unironically have mounts for level 1 now
Titanforging is aids.
Let me collect a meme currency and manually titanforge my mythic items to max ilvl and add sockets to them. FUCK.
Tell me this is a lie.
I need to hear that this is a lie.
Sissycuck spotted lmao.
You’ll be black listed in less than 1 week.
And ur gf is getting blacked right now lmao.
>Playing WotLK with some friends on a private server
>Economy is completely fucked but still sort of fun to play AH
>Our tank is interested in accumulating gear score and rushing raids, most of the server population is like 5k GS and up
>Three of us only want to PVP, but gearing fast is a bitch without donating
>Every Paladin and DK runs around BGs bursting people to death with Shadowmourne
I'm having a lot of fun but on the other hand I can't wait for Classic to come out so I can play something with at least some semblance of balance in this sense.
I dun like how I can't gank hunters on my rogue
They trap me and other dumb shit
If you buy enough heirlooms you get a chauffeured motorcycle with sidecar that's usable at level 1
so you finna trynna tell me that these claasichads will be funding future wow expansions by paying that $15 a month?
>Enter dungeon
>Don’t bow to tank and give him an offering of gold or potions or mats
>Take aggro
>Blame tank
>Tank ignores me
>Also I don’t refer to the tank as “Supreme and perfect godly overlord that rules over my pathetic cucked DPSissy body”
>Log in next day
>I can’t find group
>Everyone declines or ignores me
Go Brendan, you can do it
There's also the TCG turtle mount, but it only goes walking speed. To be honest, 1-20 goes so fast these days that the chopper is meaningless anyway.
Unpopular as in least played? Probably druid desu
Yes him. He's become a corporate toady.
>Retail zoomers
I don't know a single young person who plays wow
and is not in a position to be ruining WoW
No it's not
>Heh... my turn.
>Nice try, kid. Made me break a sweat
That's pretty ignorant of you
It's so cute seeing people for whom this is their first return to 'vanilla' servers. They think it'll be anything like actual launch or what the community was then. It's adorable.
>Says increasingly nervous man for the sixth time this year
Reminder that this isn't Vanilla, it's Classic.
Name one change in WoW directly influenced by Mike Morhaime while he was President
>not using prot to AoE farm like the unkillable god you are
>Fury is bad
>Enhancement is bad for pvp
>what is wyvern sting
>not playing shadow priest Nelf for pvp and mindcontrolling horde in 2k Needles
>He doesn't know how good Fury warrior is
>what is Tranquility, innervate and battleres
i'm playing a balance druid and nobody's gonna stop me
lmao just stand in the back and res people.
Why not? Only retail-pro zoomers and pserver minmax doomers are annoying cancer you will encounter in lowlevel dungeons.
good for you. Enjoy playing solo and never being able to progress.
Your mana will.
I like it because I feel royalty having a subhuman ride me around.
I want a chariot mount.
Yeah I'm a Hordie main but am extremely jealous of Elwynn. My first toon I ever made was a gnome rogue that I lvled to 27. The music for Elwynn and Stormwind are permanently burned into my brain and trigger so many happy memories when I listen them
Place your bets on when the retailfags will get gated and rage quit
>having to find quest locations manually
>when mobs start getting to the point where they can’t be mass pulled
>when they realise mounts don’t come early
>when they fuck up their first dungeon
>when the level slowdown starts
>when they realise they probably won’t be able to afford their mount until the mid forties
>Tfw gonna Play tank
>Tfw gonna demand payment for my services
>Tfw you all going to pay me for them
>when the starting zone is full and there are no mobs to kill
Right about here.
sharding will help that just like back in muh vanilla
No what fixed it in vanilla was 5 hour server queues keeping other people away.
You’re not as rare as you think, and a trained chimp could do your job.
Good luck though.
I seriously want this private server cancer of 'RESERVED RUN ALL SELLABLES RES' to not exist. You fuckers want dps and heals to be slave labor? SCUM
no it was sharding
>where’s the chat wheel, I don’t wanna talk to people
>how do i purchase skins
>why are there no elves
>where’s the transmog menu
>these graphics are so bad
>why am I only level 10
>how much are heirlooms
>can I buy a boost?
>why aren’t I getting new skills
>why can’t I use other weapons
Let them try.
Nothing beats the feeling of starting a group, completing the dungeon and coming back to find they’re still trying to extort a group.
>when mobs get to the point they cant be mass pulled
so literally up until like level 30 or 40 for most classes? try pulling more than one mob as anything that doesnt have a heal and watch your shit get pushed in you fucking zoomer.
>having to find quest locations manually
There are fedex quests that lead you to locations where to level. They're pretty easy to miss though.
>when mobs start getting to the point where they can’t be mass pulled
That's like since level 6 or so already.
>when they realise mounts don’t come early
True, but many classes have ways of getting more movement speed which is enough to last them until lvl 40-45.
>when they fuck up their first dungeon
Classic dungeons are so devoid of any mechanics and are piss easy that the only way to fuck them up is either be a drooling retard or an underlevelled/undergeared fuck.
>when the level slowdown starts
Now this is casual filter. 45-60 is two times 1-45.
>when they realise they probably won’t be able to afford their mount until the mid forties
If you embrace the zen of grinding and get two gathering professions it's pretty easy to make some decent cash.
tl;dr: Classic difficulty is overrated, it's not "difficult" but rather has player constantly struggle over inconveniences (that are much easier approached by playing in a group at any given point) and is just time consuming in general. Which is pretty okay in my book. I'd rather have a long and tedious grind that slowly but steadily builds your fortune than bursts of high effort that give nothing unless you succeed flawlessly.
Based retard.
Where my Tauren bros at
You’re precisely right about everything, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
The point being is that this will be beyond the ability of the average player who is used to having the game play itself while levelling.
There there DPSissy, tell me you’re main IGN so you can preemptively be banlisted and have a mark up.
Yes, I do run a discoed of tanks. And yes we are gonna keep a mafia on our divine services.
Yes, you just made yourself ungroupable.
Dps ARE slave labor.
Nobody wants to play tank, but go ahead treat us like shit and see how you don’t get a group.
FYI reserved loot runs where a thing before personal loot even in modern wow they hinges on having tankchads.
Little did you know that you have angered the heal mafia.
Consequences will never be the same.
>I too listened to some pretty shit music back in 2005
Opinion disregarded
>Nobody wants to play tank
Who told you that? I for one like to play the absolute bastion of impenetrable fuck you-tery.
Oh nonono
Look at this dude
>Reserved loot was a thing for guild runs that needed to pug a player last minute, and for people that never completed a group* and had everyone quit out of boredom or get poached by someone else running a non reserved group
>Private server bad
>The only reason we get to have classic is because of private servers
Oh the irony
>No guild
Yes, I see you suffer from dpsissy (small IQ, smaller penis).
Don’t reply to me and post your IGN.
>wanting to have your tank come from a discord of pserver weirdos
hahah no
Nice backtracking.
Your fantasy is crumbling all around you.
>>>>>private server
Pfff imagine being this guy
So edgy lmao
It's beyond the patience, not the ability.
Holy fuck that perma virgin role-playing as some retarded tank is hilarious