This is a stealth mis-

>this is a stealth mis-

Attached: 0000001526.1920x1080.jpg (1024x768, 165K)

>stealth is optional

Attached: 1520339123463.png (567x589, 244K)


Attached: 1551397836200.gif (500x376, 484K)

Attached: ace1.jpg (480x360, 12K)

>stealth mission
>enemies only react/sound the alarm to your gunfire, not their own
>can just rambo with a silenced gun and even if an enemy sees and shoots you it doesn't matter

Attached: 1464126874489.gif (640x800, 39K)

>sneak in
>get spotted
>kill everyone

I know your pain.

Attached: that's it everyone dies.jpg (480x360, 16K)

God I wish that were me

>peak a sightline for like 1 second
>suddenly every enemy knows where you are

Attached: 4d01ddfe8307632056fbd0b3c7c689ec9e45af900ee281c80d20de2c1124b517.jpg (394x330, 16K)