Is it really as bad as Yea Forums makes it out to be, or is it actually a solid game that's only disliked because it's a western developed Sony exclusive and received rave reviews?
Is it really as bad as Yea Forums makes it out to be...
I thought it was pretty lackluster and definitely not worthy of the praise it receives from the mainstream. I only played it because it won GotY otherwise I would have ignored it entirely.
It's a good game.
It's a movie game with lackluster gameplay.
Its both
It was alright. A decent 7.5/10 game.
It's pretty fun
Overhyped by critics, overhated by Yea Forums
Solid 8/10 game and much less "cinematic" than expected
It was okay. But nothing more than that unfortunately.
>Is it really as bad as Yea Forums makes it out to be
if you ever believe this you're a fucking moron
>It's a movie game
It's a fun game with great scenery, combat ranges from fun to okay, and a good story. Rowing around on your boat and listening to stories is 10/10.
I like that it was not too long, I feel if it was any longer and more drawn out, it would have taken away from it's value.
I'd say it deserved to win GOTY. Most of the asshurt comes from nintendo on Yea Forums
>or is it actually a solid game that's only disliked because it's a western developed Sony exclusive and received rave reviews?
Yes. Sony is the big villain on Yea Forums right now. It'll pass.
The gameplay is lazy and the story is more of an excuse plot.
The latter. Plus people that are jaded because it's not like the originals in the series and is relatively tame in comparison.
I like how they took their direction with Norse mythology. That's my biggest positive. Shame we didn't get to fight Thor in the end.
Finished it an hour ago. Enjoyed myself, but I've played through every game in the series multiple times, and I don't think I can see myself popping it in again, or even going through the side missions/endgame.
What kind of retarded question is that? Do you unironically take Yea Forums seriously?
One of the biggest problems with it is the faggot kid and kratos only having two weapons
It looks like an okay game to play through once and never play again. Like Uncharted.
Back in the day zoomers, we called these games rentals.
Name one (1) time Yea Forums has been wrong.
Its a good game. It doesn't excel at anything, but both the gameplay and the story have enjoyable aspects that keep the game entertaining from start to finish. It also clearly has a lot of potential and I actually think the sequel could be really great if they actually listen to criticism.
>lackluster gameplay.
>movie game
how does it feel to be retarded OP?
Yea Forums is probably the last place you'd go to find out if a game is good or not
It's way above average for a western action game (it's not Bamham shit).
The story and characters are fairly engaging.
Looks beautiful.
The RPG mechanics don't mesh well.
GMGoW is the way to play but the early-game is for masochists.
Only a few good story bosses, too many reskinned trolls.
Overall it's a solid 8/10.
when you "people" said P5 would come to switch.
I played about 5-10 hours and thought it was boring so I quit. I was a little interested to see how the story developed, but the gameplay felt boring to me and not worth it.
it's not a bad game but it doesn't do anything particularly well outside of its presentation (it's probably the best looking game I've played in terms of pure technical prowess)
the forced walking sections, bad combat camera and second rate uncharted climbing immediately disqualify it
>GMGoW is the way to play
is it really? I played on Give Me A Challenge and a lot of the enemies were already spongey as hell, they're not even hard, just tedious.
i swear, Ninja Gaiden 1&2 and like the first half of Dark Souls 2 are the only games to do harder difficulties correctly.
If you're expecting a God of War game from it then you're certainly going to be disappointed.
I liked the game but the boss fights kind of sucked. The stranger fight was awesome but every one after that gets progressively less and less interesting.
It's good. I wasn't expecting anything and enjoyed it.
You really believe those idiots who go "Now that it has story it's great"?
I like video games not cinimatic moves with watered down gameplay
Yea Forums hates every sony exclusive