Man, this game feels so lazily made compared to the first.
Man, this game feels so lazily made compared to the first
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah XC2 is a massive disappointment, hopefully XC3 is better.
It doesn't but hey everyones allowed to have shit tastes :)
>no armour
Anyone who defends this needs to fuck off.
Explain how it doesn't.
Eric, Eric...
Maybe so...
...but it had some fat fucking tiddies. Am I right, lads?
It's okay, but it very clearly had a rushed development schedule.
You can see a lot of the ambition in this game but how the lack of resources forced them to cut things out, like with particular side quests or the Cloud Sea stuff or what have you.
And its final act is pretty great, so I give it an 8 or 9 out of 10 usually.
>that high a score for a rushed game
yikes it should get no more than a 7
XC2 is the ultimate pleb filter
>visually different armor or 50+ unique characters that can join your party
Seems like a fair trade to me
This opinion is "I literally have played these games" stupid
The only good armor set in XB1 was the Makna set.
There were more good sets in XBX but part of that is that none of the characters besides Elma had really distinct silhouettes or designs from the beginning, so there's nothing you're really messing up by moving them from one space suit to another. Still pretty good armor designs though.
XB2's lack of armor designs was a little disappointing but having Rares makes up for it somewhat
>Alexa: "I'd do anything for a Skell. A-NY-THING. So let me know whenever you need me!"
Monado status: Buster
Yeah plebs only like it because muh anime tiddies.
the titties were the second worst part of the game, second only to all the anime "humor"
aside from that it was great but it definitely felt rushed
The armour in XB1 sucked ass.
Most looked awful to begin with, but when you mix and match the best pieces on a character, the result is a clusterfuck.
As opposed to how in XB2 characters always look the way the devs intended them to.
A rushed game can still be enjoyable
I think where they focused their efforts was smart because it means that what features are seen the most are the ones that are the msot fleshed out, like the Rare Blades and the affinity charts and Blade quests and junk.
I think it'd be worse if every system was at 60% and no single system was at 90-100%.
It's pretty bad. I thought Xenoblade X was just a fluke, but Xenoblade 2 pretty clearly shows that Monolith Soft doesn't know what they're doing anymore.
How so? Other than art direction I thought 2 was better in every way.
the equipment/blade management in xb2 already sucks ass, you want to add another layer of micromanagement on top of that mess?
I agree, though the Swim Suits and how well they reflect the personality of the characters and their original outfits makes me wish we got some more of that thrown in as freeLC or something.
>tfw no Morytha outfits based on modern day or XBX clothes
>tfw no regional outfits that still reflect the core design elements of each character, like Zeke's open chest jacket or Rex's parachute pants and vest or Dromarch being a fucking lion
I dunno, I just like it when characters have outfits that keep core design elements similar but with different flavors. DAI was a boring fucking game but I loved how every character had unique armor aesthetics to keep in line with their original outfit
The first one was so rushed they didn't even had time to find a dedicated character designer. Fuck off with your revisionist bullshit
do you not know what 'filter' means, chum?
And its still the best one. Weird innit.
>turned Addam into a goofball
To make Mythra suffer more
They had to rush it for the first year. Shame about everything though
>Guys why can't mah bro Shulk get another game after he becomes a literal god
Imagine having this this bad.
XB1 isn't XBX
I like XB2 and even I admit that XBX is the best on any objective aggregate view of the games
It has by far the most amount of hand-crafted content, arguably the best writing (tatsu notwithstanding), the most fully fleshed out combat system (overdrive being exploitable doesnt undermine the sheer breadth and depth of arts) and its characters are generally better written than all of XB1's
>the titties were the second worst part of the game
how can anyone be this much of a faggot?
>Xenoblade 1
Nintendo literally gave them a bunch of extra time so they could properly finish the game instead of cutting shit.
How the fuck can you tolerate X with its no story and black hole of a player character?
>Shame about everything though
>XBX is the best on any objective
1 is the worst Xenoblade and would be the worst Xeno game if not for Saga 2.
Same way people come to an anime site and bitch about it.
its not like he had much going for him in the main game other being some amazing person
still pretty based in Torna
>no story
I hated the gacha shit. Hated the character design, and slow boring combat. Dropped the game during Uraya.
You're fucking proper retarded.
Because Rook is jsut an avatar for the player to explore the stories of the side characters (and Elma). With all the focus being put ont he side characters without any of the bullshit attached with Main-Character syndrome (good at everything, wins almost every fight, has to be likeable without any serious flaws), this means that most of the actual characters in XBX are better written.
I didn't see Rook as the center of the story but just a window for the player to experience the world and characters, so maybe his lack of personality didnt bother me as much.
>No story
it did have a story, just one that had a lot of roadblocks between the story missions, which is a legitimate complaint
what, can't handle someone disliking your favorite fapbait?
>Hated the character design
Fuck off
>slow boring combat
BEcause he had no personality before then?
Overt fanservice is the lowest common denominator.
Yes, it barely had a story and nothing is explained.
>Because Rook is jsut an avatar for the player to explore the stories of the side characters
Which is fucking dogshit. They're nothing. Nobody. They do not matter or contribute. I can think of nothing more wasteful and boring in a story than that.
Also all the character quests are short and pretty much the only time any of the player characters other than Elma and potato gets to show off.
Right, so turning him into a Zeke clone fixes that?
>Yes, it barely had a story and nothing is explained.
Brainlet or ?
Tell me user, what's up with this planet?
Oh the setting, I thought we were discussing the STORY. You're ESL?
How is it dogshit? Why is it bad that the player character not be the center of the story or just be an audience avatar? How is it wasteful or boring if they're not even meant to be the aspect of the story you're supposed to focus on?
>short and pretty much the only time any of the player characters
true but they're still generally better written than any of the character bits in XB1 or XB2.
i liked it i just didn't like the random ass blades. An the lack of a threesome scene between rex pyra and mythra
Explain how it does
Even if he's a clone, having A personality is better than having NO personality.
Could they have done something different and/or better? Sure, but I wasn't really broken up because it's not like they're changing something I was attached to or what have you. And it's not like Addam is poorly written either
>Nothing is explained
Read. And yeah, it barely had a story. It's pretty fucking short and not much of note happens during it.
What is your first language ESL? Spanish? French?
I liked 2, but I also felt it was underwhelming and I hated playing as Rex. His manlet appearance and outfit are so off-putting.
>How is it dogshit?
Because they're not an actual goddamn character?
>Why is it bad that the player character not be the center of the story
I like how you made a false dichotomy. They AREN'T a character. It's not even just a matter of being the center of attention or not, we can have that debate but there's no need to because you're not ANYTHING in this game.
>How is it wasteful or boring
Because they're not a character and they mean nothing, moron.
>user takes no story literally
>Despite this turn of phrase not being used again, he continues to insist on only that word choice and to take it literally
Peak autism.
Okay, but they're not MEANT to be their own character, just the vessel that you, the player, use to explore the world of Mira and interact with the characters with. They're supposed to be more like a WRPG protagonist, just a vessel to interact with the other characters as if you were there yourself.
Most people I know don't talk shit about Shepard being a shit character because most people realize he's just a self-insert for the player to interact with all the actually interesting parts of the world.
>removed town affinity charts and citizens having their own relationships and quests to improve them
>no armor
>armor skills locked into two slots
>no gem crafting to customize the effecty you want and get rid of unwanted effects
>field effects such as runnung speed cant be crafted anymore and is now locked behing buying out shops(???) that doesnt even tell you what you get so you randomly have to buy out shops hoping you get the effect you want or look it up online
>can't attack while moving in combat
>shitty mmo-like timed meals that most people even forgot existed in the game
>gacha shit that may lock players out of characters/quests in their whole playthrough
>shitty timed merc missions that dont even count time spent not playing the game
>shitty world design
>stupid moeshit
>OK it has a story, but I will ignore it and say others are autistic for me being retarded
You say it's short and you can literally look up all the cutscenes and see it's fucking 8 hours long, just a bit shorter than XB1.
You say nothing is explained but literally everything that isn't explicitly meant to be a mystery is explained.
>no compass
>3 arts per battle, no more battle palette, must change blades to have acces to other arts
>very few quest compared to 1 and x
>no way to know if an enemy will attack you since the game doesn't tell you
>gacha system
>no way to run or jump higher despite being able to do it in the last Installment
>small AF areas
>no more auto attacks while moving
>slow as all hell during battle
>umon wants to kill himself yet no one gives two f****
>gacha shit that may lock players out of characters/quests in their whole playthrough
There is the real reason why he's butthurt
XB2DF will defend even the gacha for this game. They're the worst.
You should read anything I posted except the first few words, user.
8 hours long is pretty fucking short.
>Everything that isn't explicitly meant to be a mystery
So nearly every goddamn thing because they think mystery is a substitute for world building.
This desu-mo
>very few quest compared to 1 and x
Woah, X has a fuckton of quests, putting "1 and X" near each other is fucking insulting to X
All those are ether options or nonissues
I got KOS-MOS after 5 commons on my first ever try. Doesn't mean gacha is good, simpleton.
Nothing wrong with that - you could say the same of violence as a game mechanic
>insulting to a shit game
>8 hours long is pretty fucking short.
>Xenoblade 1 is 10 hours
What did he MEME by this?
>but they're not MEANT to be their own character
Which is why it's shit. You can wax on and on about how it's some genius ploy, but that makes a shit character and a shit story. Oh, and it's not even some master stroke on their part. You were originally meant to be a character, they just suddenly decided they wanted a multiplayer focus and hastily ripped out your story role along with making you a cac instead of something set.
Also a WRPG protagonist is at lest given the choice to define themselves in the world, not be the empty headed, pointless muppet that accompanies Elma on missions while staring straight forward.
>they're nonissues because I said so and here are no reasons to back this up
>people actually defending gachashit
I hate secondaries so much.
Have you ever even played the main story in Xenoblade?
>You were originally meant to be a character
>X cutscens = 8 hours
>1 cutscenes = 10 hours
>I can check Youtube literally right now
>y-you haven't played it
Ok user
Because it is. It went for the lowest common denominator.
>Most people I know don't talk shit about Shepard being a shit character
Shepherd gets to make decisions that (rarely) matter and the other characters can be romanced by him, or convinced by him, and they all actually care about the guy. He has a story role and a presence. Rook has none of that. Elma does all that shit.
Thanks based shitposters for giving us a thread, we didn't have one today
>It's dumb and shitty
That's not an argument, user.
Try having an argument instead of just shitposting
If the only game you like is X, you should probably avoid anything but X threads and just check out of any game other than X2 if you ever get it.
Why even bother posting, you lazy shitposter? Is that really the best you had?
I'm not saying it's some genius writing ploy or whatever, I'm just saying the intent was CLEARLY to just give the player a self-insert through which they could talk to characters that actually did have personality and motivation and background.
Also, don't you get plenty of times to make some choices about how to respond or handle situations? Not great writing but not empty-headed either, I'd say. Again, it seemed like an attempt to make a WRPG protagonist like Shepard or the Warden or what have you, a technically silent audience surrogate. Because no one is going to say Shepard or the Warden or any fucking Bioware protagonist (new or old) is especially well written, but they will say that their lack of personality makes it easy for you, the player, to project yourselves onto them and lets you just interact with other characters as if it was you yourself there.
I really, really don't understand how this game has so much praise. I'm not mad that people are enjoying it, I just don't get it. Aside from the waifus, most people cite the battle system, but it kinda gets old quick. There's also some flat out dumb decisions like needing to remember to check a menu to unlock abilities that you completed the requirements for an hour earlier. The menus are pretty bad in general. I just don't get it. I wanna say that a large portion of the praise come from young people who've barely played a JRPG, but I don't know, there's probably an oddly large amount of older people that like it as well.
>make decisions
>presence with other characters
>Rook has none of that
You haven't played the game, hell HB doesn't even have any interaction with Elma you fucking retard
Have you played it?
What video are you referencing for that 8 hours number? The one that also has all the bossfights?
I don't get this idea that Addam was some goofball or a Zeke clone. Zeke is deliberately over the top and ridiculous. Addam's not really over the top himself. They both share the characteristics that they're very self-assured, confident men, but that's about it. Addam is much more mature and wise than Zeke. Zeke is much more boastful and a joker than Addam.
Neither is this low effort shit. At least the post you quoted has legitimate criticism, but you XB2DF faggots never have any arguments.
XC1 and X were both inferior. XC2 is the most popular and best selling of the trilogy for a reason
Rook gets to make decisions that matter too, in a handful of cases, mostly in side stories.
>He has a story role and a presence
That has always felt more like a power fantasy given his lack of personality but his weird amount of influence and admiration.
>Rook has none of that
again, I don't really care if he does or doesn't because he's not where I'm looking for good writing, I'm looking at Elma and the rest of the cast for that. Because as far as I'm concerned, Rook is just meant to be me, the player
I know it seems awesome right now. I loved that shit when I was 14 too. But when you grow up you'll change your mind. Don't worry, you'll still love seeing sexy women, you just won't be impressed with constant fanservice outside of porn. Unless you have Yea Forums tier taste your whole life, in which case, I'm sorry.
>Hey user do you keep interviews in your back pocket
And one can have ill-intent and make a mistake. Which is what your character is in X. They should've simply been removed, make us play Elma or even potato.
>Don't you get plenty of choices
No, they very rarely ask your opinion then you say something that doesn't matter because what Elma does is entirely set. WRPGs often lie about how choices matter, but you're lying through your fucking teeth if you're comparing the 'choices' in X to even the most railroaded Mass Effect game, and ignoring how Shepherd actually, you know, has fucking relationships with people.
>3 arts per battle
You mean 9 arts per battle
Even deep under the cloud sea I can ear the SEETHING
>Oh, and it's not even some master stroke on their part. You were originally meant to be a character, they just suddenly decided they wanted a multiplayer focus and hastily ripped out your story role along with making you a cac instead of something set.
You can't mention this and not talk about how they deliberately deemphasized the story because they wanted to focus on making a game instead.
>In RPG development, the sections that cost the most are the cut scenes and events in the main story.
>Since this is Monolith Soft's first high-definition open world title, we decided to focus less on these and instead shift our resources into improving the quality of the gameplay - which is most important - especially the "hack and slash" combat.
>This is the reason that we decided to make the player's character an avatar without a real personality.
>In exchange, we focused on designing lots of quests, and added a lot of supporting characters related to these.
>“Xenoblade Chronicles X is the first HD project for Monolith Soft, so instead of setting a number of hard-to-achieve targets, we are working on steadily building up key skills. Our goal with this game is first to lay the groundwork for [our] HD game development, so as to not overreach ourselves and cause problems,” Takahashi discussed with EDGE.
They made the best possible decision in their circumstances, and in return they learned skills that were crucial in future projects.
Why would I want to be there as a nobody?
>Rex's screams and yells compared to Shulk's
>Hey user do you have proof of your claim? One seemingly disproven by the artbook?
>n-no r-retard
His screams were far better though? Unless you're playing that rewrite that is the "dub"
The god awful voice acting is another indicator of how half-assed 2 is. Its sad when the best VA is a loli robot and jailbait elfen Blade.
>A personality is better than having NO personality.
After playing Other M, I have to disagree with you.
>god awful voice acting
>playing in Japanese
Fucking weeaaboo. Both their VAs in Japanese are generic and forgettable. You play for the goofy Brit accents, not generic Japanese shonen voices.
The post below.
You haven't played Mass Effect. In X you get asked sometimes about your opinion which does nothing, in ME there's at least branching routes for the characters based on what you say to them.
>in a handful of cases, mostly in side stories
Wow, shitty fucking sidequests about faggot aliens moving into your multicultural cesspit of a town. Aka, not the goddamned plot, so unrelated to the conversation.
>His lack of personality
You haven't played the games? They're one note, but you can be Jesus McJesus or Dick Hardcheese, at the very fucking least. Better than Rook the robot in every single meaning.
>I don't care
No shit. That doesn't make it a good thing.
Are the subpar music, gameplay, story, characters and setting what make it the best? Maybe it was the fact that there were no games on the Wii U?
>Legitimate criticism
>It's dumb and shit
Go back to plebbitera
I wasn't the original guy discussing Mass Effect just that you're just flat wrong about Elma doing decisions and presence.
Yeah why can't everyone play BASED Final Fantasy, the only series worth playing?
What a massive faggot you are
God XB2DF are pathetic. Can't take criticism, can't come up with arguments. Just a bunch of babies.
The one thing I haven't seen them defend is the shitty tutorials.
>Doesn't even know what console the game is on while he pretends to know anything about it
Go back to your body pillow you pathetic weeaaboo.
>I'm so grown up and mature
Easiest way to spot an underageban.
Because it lets you see the day-to-day aspects of the world you inhabit as opposed having the entire story mold itself to justify why your character is super important.
Hence, it helps with world building to not be at the top of the social structure but to, at least in the beginning, start at the bottom
>Xenoblade 2
>Wii U
>that thread with people defending pouches and merc missions
Telling normalfags to fuck off is standard procedure here, you double faggot newfag. It has nothing to do with XC2 or whatever.
Up until the end, you're right.
But then I just switch to the literal all-star cast that is the Japanese Dub and all is right.
Incidentally, the Japanese dub of XB1 made me start to notice bits of writing I disliked. In general, going with subs makes me focus on the actual writing more and more
You aren't a special snowflake. Just a pathetic weeaboo who pretends they're Japanese.
Monolith Soft needs to
>optimize the XBX engine for Switch
>port XBX to Switch
And the quests were just as boring as in the other games, and the characters all sucked. So it was a complete failure on their part. I'm honestly convinced the only reason most of the people praising the characters do so, is because they want to fuck Elma.
Surely you have the artbook then.
Pouch items and Merc missions are fine ideas but with some issues.
Pouch items have the issue that there's an obvious best option (the sweets) and the merc missions could have benefitted from being able to run while the console and game are off
Why the fuck would I care about boring day to day life garbage?
FF has been shit for almost 20 years. Just because I don't like one bad game doesn't mean I like a popular bad game.
>but to, at least in the beginning, start at the bottom
And never go anywhere since you're a non-character.
>And the quests were just as boring as in the other games, and the characters all sucked. So it was a complete failure on their part.
They need to stop making offline MMOs. Shit is stupid.
Its been ripped for ages user
Because that's the bread and butter of world building? Of seeing how another type of society exists and the mindset of the people within that world?
Only good thing 2 did was get rid of gem crafting.
Cite a single instance in the story where you make a decision that matters.
Good to know I'm also a frenchaboo, a germaboo, an italiaboo, and an angloboo as well. Dumbtard.
Anyone who talks shit about the music will instantly be shot. All other criticism is allowed, however.
The maps of 2 were so shit compared to the first game, and X.
And this company you completely dislike should cater to you why?
You mean like the several LIFE OR DEATH ones?
Always kill the piglets user
I don't know what you expect them to do, they're an RPG company?
Because I'm right, unless you want more gacha shit.
30, actually. I just don't like fanservice out the ass, it gets annoying. It's like the writers think that I'll stop playing if I don't see panties. And considering their main demographic are forever alone Japanese otaku, that's probably about right.
No, it really isn't. Go read LoTR and see how much attention is given to the actual drudgery of day to day life, and people obsess over that setting and have done so for generations.
I expect them to make a good game that isn't an offline MMO grind.
> muh went to high-level area and get one shoted
> muh is forced to go to a high-level area for a story quest, do not know how to avoid enemies and get one shoted
> muh bad but decided to blame the devs instead
Git gud.
>Wildly picks as old an age as he can imagine himself to try to lend weight to his obvious nonsense
>if I don't see panties
>Xenoblade 2
> have to grind in XC2
Sure user, Elma da bes and all that nonsense.
Posting a screenshot of the cover doesn't provide the ingenious quote you claim exists.
>Cloud sea is introduced in Gormott
>used in Mor Ardain for one area and then dropped
Early XB2 is bizarre. Tonally it's really different, and writingwise it seems to hint at things that never ended up mattering. That one like about the date being Amalthotober or Nia being able to ride Dromarch for no reason other than aesthetics stand out.
>Porting bad games to Switch
They better work in Xenoblade 3 instead
Except you do see the day-to-day of the hobbits, dwarves, elves and humans (though across multiple books, not all in the trilogy).
As a side note, People get obsessed with the lore in LOTR, which is a different facet of story telling from the world building.
You're literally just making shit up that nobody has said yet. That shit existed in the first game and you can fucking turn off enemy aggression in 2 via DLC.
Go to a different company if you don't like anything they've ever done.
I never mentioned a quote
Where is this main character ANYWHERE in the artbook?
What's wrong with its legs?
Grind as in slog, illiterate git.
You see glimpses of it, you do not FOCUS on it. And for good reason. That shit is fucking boring. Nobody wants to spend an entire book following Hobbit village life and you know it.
If I wanted to try to pretend to be older, I'd say I'm 45 because there's an unfortunate amount of 30 somethings here at this point. Keep making up whatever delusions make you feel better about your obsession with anime titties though.
Well, you see Mythras in the scene where after she and Rex chase off Malos and Akhos, when she's yelling at him being a fuck up for waking her up. Boobs is certainly the bigger thing in this game though.
>Read LOTR
It's a good book (with definite flaws), but I've never met someone in my age group that has managed to read a full chapter. It's pretty sad.
The Amathatober bit is just flavor added by the dub. In Japanese they just mention that it's the 10th month or something.
I like the first XBC though.
Fucking moron. Why did you bring up a sidequest?
>posts a character from a different game with stunted legs as a defense
Neck yourself.
Black Tar sucks.
Not enough love
I mean, it was a good game, it just had issues.
I'd say they're about the same as 1.
Funny how that faggot is not here posting his namefags list and saying how is gonna make xbc2 to /vg/. For someone swearing to banish xbc2, why he doesn't appear when a xbc2 thread is nothing but bitching?
It's just as grindy as all the rest, you lying retard.
>posts a character from a different game
Nobody tell him
how beta do you have to be to not love anime boobies?
BUT THIS SONG is pretty good actually. you faggots have shit taste
It felt rushed imo
I expected 2 would be a good combination of X and 1 but all we've got is huge mess of some of the two combined.
Takahashi was probably pressured by the higher ups to push this game for the switch launch. You can tell from how many patches that they had to release to fix tons of stuffs.
>but I've never met someone in my age group that has managed to read a full chapter.
Yeah no shit, you're 14.
Yeah, but I wouldn't say that world building was even a huge part of LOTR. The Lore is, but not the world building.
Harry Potter is something where the author obsessed over world building because they wanted to try to depict some alternate society with different resources and cultures and structures.
Blade Runner is another good example, it focused a ton on the low-level aspects of its society, not just the power players.
>we will never return to Mira
Fucking why
Her being a Blade doesn't make her part of the main cast you fucking imbecile.
I swear to god, you people don't read.
the fanservice, to me, was neutral at worst and a bonus at best.There's a difference between "not impressed" and "it's the second worst part of the game."
>Page 1
>Protanonist (name undecided)
>A rough sketch of a young man in his late twenties is found! He ended up as “protagonist” since the name was undecided, but the personality feels different from the avatar of Xenoblade Chronicles X. So that means this character is…!?
I disagree.
September, if I recall. Japanese is weird in that they just refer to months with numbers, like 一月 is January and the kanji are literally "1" and "month". Each month used to have an actual unique name, one month even had a different name depending on where you were living (because they believed the gods would all hang out on one particular place for a month, so anywhere that wasn't there it was called the month without gods), but they stopped doing it for some reason.
Whatever ya say, kid.
And Harry Potter sucks the more she put into that world building.
so i started playing recently and i noticed that for some reason mythra is in her censored costume in gameplay but her normal outfit in cutscenes, why is that?
how exactly do i go about changing costumes anyway? do i gotta download specific DLC packs?
on that note, what is there besides the torna stuff to get?
I agree it's not as good as the first, but it's still a good game with some really bad design decisions.
>Liking rapshit
It has nothing of X in it, Xfag.
Man, what a bunch of jokers.
I disagree, a lot of thought went into this game
The problem is you're trying to argue the merit of an approach via series with actual important main/focus characters, whereas X gives you a retarded robot with no personality.
It wasn't the worst part of the game. Absolutely fucking far from it. It's just that when I bring it up, the defense force latches onto it and tries to make it sound like I think it's the biggest problem in the game and that I don't want my dick between anime titties. I admit that that post was just a shitpost though, it's just because I get tired of the "But tits make everything better! You literally can't have too much in entertainment" mentality of anime fans.
You put the stockings on her as equipment. Take that disgusting shit off.
>say you don't like a game
>people disagree with you
>"[game] defense force lmao"
X2 is next
The fact that you call all opposition 'defense force' does not make you look like a credible arguer.
>posts a character from a different game
>o-ok she's in the game b-but
Jesus fucking christ
I don't really care, take my posts how you want them. If XC2 fans didn't act like a defense force, I wouldn't use the term, sorry to hurt your feelings.
A lot of what? Fanservice?
I noticed a lot of people from X not credited in 2, hopefully this means 2 teams making games in tandem
You're on an anime site.
wait, it's not the "melee mythra" core i picked up is it?
i don't recall any mention of it changing costume so never realized
it actually looks nice though
Personally I hope they let those guys go, they made a horrible game and I don't want their anti-story shit infecting the other games.
Yes, and? Not all anime fans have shit taste.
cringe and bluepilled
You're an idiot. Her design isn't part of XB2. It's part of the game she was from. You can't even defend the shitty character design using a character from 2 itself. Shows how fucking pathetic you attempts are. You couldn't at least posted Logos or Jin. Idiot..
Yes it is.
>It looks nice
Fuck off, censor supporting wretch. Go play X and its hideous censorship like all your ilk such as
No I meant things like Siren
>Not all anime fans have shit taste
good joke
To be fair she's from an entirely different game so her design can't be atribbuted to the XC2 team.
>You're an idiot
The tears are great user
not my fault you can't skintight leggings
Fuck me I'm 300 legendary cores in to trying to get the last blade before I start NG+ and fucking nothing. Does NG+ do anything to fix the rates or are they still shit?
>game is over a year old
>still daily threads
>not even a sequel announced
Glad to say Xenoblade 2 did a good job.
Nah I'm fine with people who can actually back their shit up. Most of the time this is a hard ask as this thread is clear evidence of.
Only serious anime for serious grown men like myself, huh Jr?
The weirdest thing that struck me about early XB2 is Vandham's "final lesson" being that you can stick your blades weapons inside you for ether flow that can't be interrupted. That really seemed like it was a particular detail that would come up again...then is never relevant.
I'm glad it sold well. Just hope 3 is better because this game took a lot of steps back. Must be because most of the main team were working on BoTW.
*can't appreciate, my english is broke today
They were probably working on BOTW.
Deserved every sale
Fuck off waifufaggot.
>Implying serious anime is the only anime without fanservice
Haha, keep trying, kid.
we need that based elma back
I would've settled for Roc getting a heart to heart in the Spirit Crucible where Rex brings it up (because the Spirit Crucible also affects Ether Flow).
>only seen in cutscenes
Name the anime you like.
Not a lot, Koh Arai of Xenogears fame working on BotW is kind of weird desu
What does "Structural Art" mean?
So is your no arguments. You know I'm right and are just being a retard about it at this point. If you wanted to defend the character design you should've posted Morag.
>no arguments
I'm not arguing, just laughing
>You know I'm right
Oh wow a boss fight where an NPC gets to have fun using it and not me. How fun.
So what's the optimal team setup for the challenge missions?
The weirdest part for me was Malos and Jin discussing Jin being able to hear blades within core crystals (or something, I don't remember what's said exactly) in chapter 5. It's never addressed again, but it feels like that should've been a pretty fucking big deal.
I really don't know what it is about XB2 that attracts weirdly obsessive butthurt people like this to reee about it all the time, it's really strange
Trying to shift the argument, which was about how I dislike copious amounts of fanservice in games and anime away from the point so you can attack my personal taste? Nice try, but it's not working.
Not being able to attack while moving made the combat feel extremely sluggish. Didn't like the combat at all. Blades are stupid, except in Torna.
>What does "Structural Art" mean?
concept art for various structures/buildings, probably?
You're laughing because you're deflecting. Keep going.
Yes, but I'm arguing that Rook being a retarded robot with no personality helps in the case of XBX where they want to give you, the player, the chance to explore the world as one of its denizens and interact with the other characters as if you yourself were there.
I am laughing because you're retarded lol
Current list of XC2 samefags
Anti-Xfag/Number 1 Fan
Liquid Eric
Elmafag that likes XC2
Elmafag that doesn't like Xenoblade 2
Pyraposter that never even played the fucking game
Mingeposters (Exact number of them unknown, may overlap with other users)
Redpilled Pyrafag
That one Niafag that won't shut the fuck up
Gearsfag that likes XC2
Gearsfag that hates XC2
Dream guy
Joesph NotAnderson
Lore autist/Perfect Works conspiracy theorist
Anti-XC1fag/Monado:Beginning of the Worldfag
Family Guy poster
Shitposter that plays both sides
Doujin poster
It's just what happens when a franchise gets more popular. It attracts retards.
I'm not sure why it attracts people who can't take criticism either, that's pretty strange as well. Ah, right. 14 year olds who are only in it for the boobs. Guess it makes sense after all.
pyra poster that has never played the game here. still depressed, and now my AC is fucked (it's already like 80 degrees here in houston)
didn't you get banned?
Reminder that it couldn't outsell 1 2 Switch, ARMS, and 2 Wii U ports, it's not even in the top 10 switch games anymore, your meme is dead, and only waifufags who don't care about the game stuck around.
>Elmafag that likes XC2
I also like XC1, saga and gears, I may also be KOS-MOSfag
>*Dad walks in*
>Japanese hum-
Hold that thought
Post your least favorite Blade design.
>Is afraid of criticism
Of course.
>The virgin Japanese humor
>The Chad Japanese honor
Why would you make such a poor argument by naming series that have you play the main character, which disproves your entire premise that a shit PC somehow enhanced the experience?
Why would I want to play an irrelevant nobody?
He evades.
there's just something about it that makes me angry and I don't like it
Ignore him, it's your typical useless XBC2DF poster.
This webm perfectly shows what X had that XC2 didn't, SOUL.
I could feel the writers actually having fun, while XC2 is a so safe and by the book generic JPRG it feels mediocre.
The Baten Kaitos guy used to be able to make weird look good, but not anymore. Guess that's what happens when you've had no work for ten years.
You posted her.
I understand they wanted the guest artists to have freedom (See Xenobia and Corvin just being their artists favorite characters again)
But jesus christ Tetsuya, how did this get by?
I never evaded, but keep spreading lies about me.
Maybe the face being so human-like in such a cartoonish body?
I love Xenoblade X so much
>Looking out my window
>You are not there
>Wake me up
XC > X > 2
Which character is Zenobia based off?
this XBC2DF guy needs to be added to the list of namefags at this rate
Because if the emphasis of a particular game is the world rather than the core narrative, then presumably it's less of a weakness if the player character is more meant to let the player explore the world rather than be an integral part of the story.
To Role Play? To experience a world as one of its inhabitants and not just as its savior?
Same reason people like to role play as a particular type of character in games like Skyrim or Table Top RPGs. Even if they aren't super relevant, they like the fun of putting themselves in someone else's shoes.
To some degree, the whole thing with Rook is more of a 'put yourself as yourself in another world' isekai type of bullshit but there is an appeal there
See Girl from Code Geass, same VA
Mine is X > 2 > 1
All are good though :)
1 > 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>> X
The game smashed sales expectations, what's important is that the series is doing well and development pushes forwards, after the success of Xenoblade 2 Monolith Soft got 2 whole new offices and hired more staff.
>To Role Play?
Why would I want to roleplay as a meaningless loser?
Not a guy, just a bunch of secondaries who will defend every aspect of XBC2 without any arguments.
>then presumably it's less of a weakness
'Less of a weakness' is not a benefit, meaning it is still a flaw. And I would argue a very major one too since it completely takes you out of any investment in the game or the characters, and wastes an entire party slot you can never fix.
Your taste is awful.
No you misunderstand, I am saying that the guy who calls literally everyone who disagrees with him "XBC2DF" needs to be added to the namefag list
>Why would I want to roleplay as a meaningless loser?
because it lets you go from random nobody to hotshot big deal
But you never become a big deal.
user that's just xfag
So you're denying the frothing fanboys exist?
based and shotapilled
>you out of any investment in the game or the characters, and wastes an entire party slot you can never fix.
First, why would it take you out of any investment? You still have the characters you can be invested in like Elma and Lin and Lao and Murderess, but now they interact with you directly rather than with Elma as the main player entity?
Also, how does it waste a slot when literally all they do is let you make your character from the same assets that they used for all the other models? It's not like they wasted money or resources for a ton of voice lines or wasted the writers' time or what have you.
As expected, XC2fags are too autistic to understand the concept of role playing, despite playing a roleplaying game.
T-thanks, y-you too.
Architect-damn all those Rex/Zeke fangirls
Except you do? Dozens of NPCs know you're responsible for doing shit and you're acknowledged as one of the key reasons the survey of Mira gets acknowledged. There's even quests where people shittalk you only to retract their insults when they realize you're not just riding on Elma's coattails.
Because I'm not actually playing a person. I'm stuck as some random robot with no personality or role in the world. That completely takes me out of it. They also have no relationships with the other characters, meaning I get far, far less attached to them because there is a further layer between them and myself.
>They interact with you directly!
Asking me my opinion that does nothing every few hours is not an interaction. Not compared to the party dynamics with a real character.
>How does that waste a slot
The slot could've been used to bring anyone else into your party for missions. Actual characters.
the fact that you can't understand that fanboys exist, and that this "EVERYONE WHO REPLIES TO MY CRITICISMS IS XBC2DF" shit is weird as fuck, and that neither of these things contradict each other, is part of your mental illness, my friend
You get no role to play though.
Why do you think having an insignificant bug person know your name means you're a big deal?
Those NPCs lie pretty bad considering the actual plot is just you blindly following Elma around while she does everything.
I'm adding this post to the /qa/ folder.
As long as they reply to my criticisms with solid posts that aren't I won't consider them part of the defence force.
A game so good that we still have daily threads about it.
How did Monolith do it?
Holy fuck your type is so insufferable.
Recurring threads aren't a measure of quality, user. Most threads are just waifuposting as well.
>"uh only one??? doesn't count"
Tobias, HB, Yelv and Gi Zang alone have quests where they recognize you're genuinely talented.
That's why the sidequests exist. Elma is the star of the main story, Cross is the star of the sidequests (which are also the most praised part of XB2)
Love you too user
why is aegaeon so autistic?
By making mediocre anime girls for waifufags to jerk over and releasing at the perfect time on the switch to get the most newfags and ironic weebs to flock to the series just in time for holiday season.
And you knew this, but you're just baiting like usual.
i finished the second one but the first one dragged too much at the end
I can't imagine how shite this game is since the first one was so terrible.
It's an ironic mix of a few different things
1. Has lots of different blade designs that are cute girls, gets lots of fanart as a result, so people are always discussing what they prefer on aesthetics alone
2.Has a few great girls who are actually appealing emotionally as well as visually, so you'll get waifufag posting about them too
3.the game's setting is interesting, so you'll get lorefags/fanfiction posters sometimes
4.There's some content that requires optimization of combat so you'll get posts about that too
And the dark side:
1.It wasn't exactly like XC1 so you'll get butthurt fags reeing about that all the time
2.It features cute girls in cute outfits which makes some people absolutely lose their goddamn minds, with multiple rationalizations for why they're so hung up on it, so it will always attract people who feel the need to screech about it
My point wasn't that it was one, it was that they're just nobody NPCs who don't matter themselves. It's like deriving your importance from the fact that a peasant said hello. It doesn't really mean anything.
Ardainian Royal Family
>first game has tutorial menu
>this doesn't
the fuck
>That's why the sidequests exist. Elma is the star of the main story, Cross is the star of the sidequests
Yet the only stuff that really matters is the main story, while the side quests really don't. People will cite you saving some stupid alien race, but that has no real effect on the world outside of a few more bodies milling about the place and some really shitty and hamfisted racism morals.
Dropped the game when Nia's eyes lit up moeshit style when she saw her wanted poster.
They are lovers. Discuss.
People get seriously butthurt when you suggest that Morag and Brighid might be anything other than lesbians in a lot of the XB2 fandom
Duh, she was originally raised to be "Emperor" before Niall was born and Brighid is obviously meant to be the Emperor's side chick
fpbp as uaual
So, I had an idea of how to make XB2's combat system a little bit more involved since as it stands now, the particular effects of the Arts gets made kind of irrelevant by the presence of Blade Arts, Blade Combos and Chain Attacks.
My idea was to mitigate or even remove the plain amount that Arts contribute to your Blade Special gauge, but instead make it so that Arts contribute much more to that gauge when you use them with their particular conditions that currently give you more damage (attack from side, attack from behind, cancel, attack against insect/flying/etc).
The reason for this is that the damage benefits from Arts are kind of very small at the moment in XB2 and they're only really used to do a long auto-cancel combo to build Blade Special. So why not adjust the combat system and make it so that all the Arts basically just give bonuses to Blade Gauge instead of to damage?
A good couple, I really like seeing them flirt.
>Morag considers becoming Blade Eater but drops it after hearing about the shitty scarring
>Brigid pretends to be angry just to get a rise out of Morag
>Yet the only stuff that really matters is the main story
In what sense? The main story of X ends in a cliffhanger that leaves the game with more questions than it began with. Meanwhile the sidequests left people entertained.
the SJW/tumblr side of the fandom is really into them, so it makes sense
In the sense that the main story is actually about dealing with the main thread to the colony and the crashed ship?
>soppy pop music plays during serious battle
Stop that.
Thru should've just called it Everyone's a Blade 2.
Will sure be fun with the real spinny enemies.
I'm surprised any of them were left to play the game considering how much screeching they did at 2 for not being censored shit like X.
The most soulless Xenoblade game. The only thing they got right was the world. The writers clear didn't give a damn when it came to characters and story, which makes it amusing for you to say they had fun.
You'd be surprised. It's not as unpopular as you'd expect (though there's still a ton of bitching about fanservice).
You're blinded by your own bias for Xenoblade 2 to understand a game that actually wants to be it's own thing instead of an anime trope simulator.
It's not about it being unpopular, it's about that specific, cancerous crowd.
Doesn't matter if it ends in a cliffhanger. The amount of story presented is poor utilized along with its characters. Leaving the audience with more questions than answers doesn't make the story good or acceptable.
The XBC games deserve to be on more powerful platforms.
You must not watch much anime if you think X isn't full of 'anime tropes.'
>Rex is 15
>looks 12
They're tongue-in-cheek, unlike XC2 which plays them straight.
X wasn't trying to be a classic JRPG story that will be remembered years from now, which XC2 set out to do.
idk how you can seriously put an age to an anime bobblehead
>They're tongue-in-cheek
>I can't take them seriously that must mean they're jokes
Story says he's 12, but he looks like a child, not a teenager.
Story says he's 15.
2 just felt like a poor man's Persona.
i'm saying he looks like a doll, not a human child or teenager
What kind of dolls do you have?
In X there's literally a sidequest where a pizza man pilots an anime mecha to kill pizza loving aliens that worked his wife to death, X wasn't asking you to take it seriously.
Meanwhile XC2 has a "shouting my ideals while dramatically attacking a group of enemies in desperation" scene.that's in a handful of shonen anime and it's played completely straight.
>They're tongue-in-cheek
So you're making excuses. That damn food joke could have stop after the first time but they did it every chapter. They're not trying to tongue -in-cheek.
The reality is that art style choices and the fact that people can differ greatly in build means that Rex could easily pass as either 12 or 15, it doesn't matter. Some art styles make people look more on the young side, some people look older at certain times in their life, some people look younger. Age wise Rex can easily pass for 15.
I wish they would stop shoehorning KOS-MOS into everything. She sucks.
but in the post before that you literally said he looks like a child
>X wasn't asking you to take it seriously.
You're forgetting the entire plot, setting, and most of the sidequests now?
How am I supposed to know you're still working on your /qa/ folder if you won't post the screencaps? Or are you just scared of getting banned?
no i said i don't think you can put an age to him [based on looks]
I mean you could say the same thing about XC2 if you wanted to just point out specific instances. In XC2 there's an entire chapter that's full of silly tongue in cheek references to other anime and culminates in you fighting a gigantic bobble-head robot maid. This wasn't meant to be taken seriously, therefore nothing in XC2 was meant to be taken seriously.
Not talking about the food joke, and Tatsu himself was mocking the fact that anime mascots characters wouldn't work in a realistic setting, it's expecting you to come in from playing Xenoblade and assuming he's like Riki, a strong party member, but he's actually a weak little creature that can't do anything.
Don't even bother arguing with Xfag over this, his entire reasoning for this argument that he has had LITERALLY hundreds of times by now is essentially "when XCX does it, it's ironic, but when XC2 does it, it's played straight because I know what Takahashi's intentions were and you don't because you're just a secondary because I said so"
For starters, Takahashi didn't overly pander to Otaku's to attract and audience and I respected him for that. The series still managed to gather a fanbase and to this day people praise it as the best game in the series. Ever since then we've been fumbling around with nothing but bad execution. X's reintroduction of Mechs to the series was enticing on top of the exploration being amplified, but overall the game fell apart because of the horrific art direction and bare bones plot focus. XC2 was essentially a repaste of his older works Xenogears because he still has a boner for his "Perfect Works" which is truthfully holding him back, but implemented in a more lighthearted and pander filled tone to attract entry level anime lovers.
>Tatsu himself was mocking the fact that anime mascots characters wouldn't work in a realistic setting
Are you really that desperate to justify anime shit in the Japanese anime game you played just because you feel like you can only like it if it's not anime?
Compare Jin's whole character with shit like Jin does unironic *unsheathes katana teleports behind u" shit, while Nagi is one of the few obviously Asian characters in the game and he uses a katana and does the anime teleport shit, no to mention his main skill is Dunban's, meaning Nagi is token Chuuni character that's in every game, there's no way it wasn't intentional.
Takahashi openly likes western games and stories over Japanese ones, why is it so crazy to imagine him poking fun at anime tropes?
It's the truth, Tatsu was made to suck on purpose to show how a character like Riki would actually do in realistic setting, it's the reason the whole cast shits on him, while Riki got serious scenes like the campfire with Dunban.
so what's the conclusion then...? That both games rely on weird anime tropes?
the conclusion is "it's okay when X does it"
No silly, obviously it means 2 is bad and X is good! It makes perfect sense, what are you, a waifufag?
>most watched playthroughs of XC and X are by people who love the games
>most watched playthrough of XC2 is by a man who thinks its a bad joke
FPBP XC2 was fucking shit. I can't believe this board defends it. If it didnt have skimpy waifu trash designs to appeal to the most common denominator of degenerate, it'd be widely shit on here. Pic related
One was made to parody them, the other sold on them.
There's a world of difference there, X was pandering to fans of western games, the kind of game Takahashi openly admitted to wanting to make, XC2 is the Japanese JRPG pandering game, to try and win back the Japanese audience.
If you like the more Japanese game, you're considered the odd one out to him.
>yuri artist
>giraffe necks
every time
playing it handheld was horrible
Stop answering for me like sacred little faggots, if you want to challenge my opinion, do it to my face.
That's literally ResetEra dogpile tactics, I thought you guys said you weren't like them?
>One was made to parody them
Prove it.
I see XC2 threads are dead for good in favor of shitposting and bashing galore. I'm very pleased. This is what happens when you make daily threads instead of fucking off to . Hopefully XC3 is better because you waifufags and secondaries ruined everything.
I already gave some examples, Tatsu was a parody of mascot characters, Nagi was a parody of chuuni characters, they were still characters, but slight parodies.
Tora and Zeke were like the Xenoblade 2 equivalent to them, but it's literally the whole joke and the game beats you over the head with it, Zeke does get better after a while, but he's a huge joke for most of it.
If you refuse to stop shitposting after two full years(and no, repeatedly insulting and name-calling a whole fanbase is not "just having an opinion") of being completely obsessed with making Xenoblade threads even more infuriating, what makes you think anyone's going to do what YOU want?
That's not proof, that's your theory. Post proof.
what playthroughs?
that doesn't prove anything about the intentions of the creators, you're putting words in takahashi's mouth
Its not nice to lie user.
>"Dude muh parody!"
Please stop.
How is it a theory?
Nagi literally has Blossom Dance as his special, and every game has a chuuni swordsman.
They gave Nagi a fucking katana in sci-fi space game, and teleports behind aliens to avenge his nakama.
Let me remind you that outside of Nagi's storyline there's pretty much no "muh friendship" moments in the game, Nagi was a parody of anime characters, or chuunis in Japan that think they're anime characters, and that's why he's cool.
Again though, the main openly admits he prefers western stuff, why is so terrifying of a concept for you to even IMAGINE he might be mocking anime?
Prove it, where's your proof?
That's not your proof about anything being a parody, you're going to need to find quotes from him for that.
that's hard to conclude, because there's tons of stuff in 2 that's clearly a parody of anime tropes, too, and tons of stuff in X that was taking the tropes seriously. They're closer in nature than you might want to admit.
It's one guy that ban evades. He fixates on one game periodically to sperg about.
But if I admitted that XC2 did anything right then it would undermine my life's entire purpose of hating XC2!
Shut up, he said he hates Japanese waifu anime and games and that's final. It's a parody and if you can't see that then you're a braindead waifufag.
>pretty much no "muh friendship" moments in the game
Besides that sappy scene where Lin was all please Lao stand down.
It kinda sucks your character isn't allowed any friendship.
I wasn't sure what you were asking of me, I thought you wanted the source for him liking western games.
There's blatant anime references in XC2 yeah, but those aren't poking fun at the tropes, just "I clapped when I saw it" references.
I finally understand, you're number 1 fan, only he is this obsessed.
I don't see that as a friendship scene, but it does suck that you're forced to side with Lin in that scene.
I perfectly understood Lao was ready to die for his beliefs, but I was forced to defend him.
How do Heart to Hearts work in 2? In the first game you're given a sign if you answer correctly or incorrectly. Do the answers matter in 2?
>but those aren't poking fun at the tropes
What is Giga Rosa?
Unironic because it's in XC2
A reference to meido culture.
She's a hell of a lot more than that, senpai.
Hi number 1 fan, you're awfully OBSESSED today for some reason, did you have a fight with your girlfriend?
Yeah, the answers usually give different trust bonuses. The game doesn't display any indicators when you make the choice, though, so unless you're directly comparing the trust values before and after the H2H it's hard to know what exactly changed.
At it's heart, it's a reference to meido culture, you can say it's otaku culture in general because of it's mecha though.
There is no right or wrong answer. What changes is the dialogue.
Might be because the core team was working on BoTW. That being said, I don't thi k it's as phenomenal as the first game, but it's nowhere near a bad game. It just has a lot of bad mechanics.
Nah it's just more waifushit like the rest of the game which Takahashi didn't want to make by the way.
>Takahashi didn't want to make
[citation needed]
You've spent how long complaining and you didn't even watch a video of her scenes? The whole thing is a big mockery of giant mecha and transforming mecha on TOP of the general parody of maidfags.
>broken mechanics
yes like this weird mechanic where the game forces you into romancing the shittiest girl and the much more appealing catgirl gf option is completely busted
It's not a mockery, it's a reference to mecha anime and meido culture.
I didn't mention the mecha part because that's literally that whole chapter.
Now post a pic of 2's gay ass cast.
Who hurt you, number 1 fan?
>Tfw feeling fatigued from all the titties and ass and would rather have more unique looking designs like this
>It's not a mockery, it's a reference to mecha anime and meido culture
Grand arbiter of mockery right here folks.
Pyra's tits look dumb, but Mytra and NumaNuma's are nice.
More than you dumb secondary ironic weeb, I actually know what Takahashi cares about because I like the only good game he ever made.
I can't tell what posts are parodies and what posts are actually Xfag anymore
Fucking stop it number 1 fan, you fucking faggot.
Nah, Poppi
Referencing something isn't mockery.
Number 1 fan I..
Oh wait, someone did it for me.
Guess we're getting an Anti-Anti-Xfag.
I think you might have misread what I said
Funny how people pretend Takahashi isn't the kind of person who unironically likes Sawano, thought gacha would be an interesting mechanic and plays western open world games while watching old anime.
You don't have to like everything he likes. I sure as hell fucking don't.
Wouldn't be a problem if dumb ironic weeb secondaries didn't ruin the thread with their porn posting first.
>Referencing something isn't mockery.
Make a comprehensive argument for how Giga Rosa is not mockery but Nagi is.
I thought I told you, Nagi is ironic *teleports behind you* katana anime mockery while Giga Rosa is just a stupid reference. Obviously there's a world of difference, you just can't see it because you're blinded by anime tiddies.
Will you ever stop being so obsessed, my number 1 fan?
This thread was made by said weirdos for the sole purpose of bitching.
no, it is literally you. You are the problem. Image dumping fanart isn't the problem. You are. And you, and people like you, seem to be attracted much more to some OP images than others. I am literally giving advice on how to avoid getting people like you into the thread. You are the problem.
Can't handle differing opinions?
yeah this thread was doomed from the start but avoiding Pyra in the OP image is good advice in general regardless
I hate how items go bouncing everywhere in 2.
2fags just love complaining.
yeah, it sucks
why couldn't they just use treasure chests for enemy drops like they did in XB1?
You can have differing opinions but pretending to be 3 different people within the first 5 posts is kind of pathetic.
This is next level paranoia. Unless you can somehow prove this I'll just register you as Retard.
Dickson is so fucking rad.
niko niko ni
Yeah, but Torna looked much better in handheld so hopefully it's a one time thing
Only good part of 2 was hearing Shulk at the end.
Melia was gypped.
It blows my mind. 1's tutorials were so well done.
I really liked 1's Town affinity.
I found it annoying and grindy.
same way about how I feel about 2's blade affinity
I would've liked 2 more if there was a time skip.
Great contribution.
where would that even be
I dunno I just think Rex looks stupid throughout the entire game.
>Okay, but they're not MEANT to be their own character, just the vessel that you, the player, use to explore the world of Mira and interact with the characters with. They're supposed to be more like a WRPG protagonist, just a vessel to interact with the other characters as if you were there yourself.
The problem with this argument is that XBX's protagonist doesn't allow you to meaningfully interact with the world.
This image is about Persona 5, but it applies equally to Xenoblade X.
Whenever anyone talks about XC1, it's only ever the story. The gameplay is fucked with way too much shit that just feels bad years later. XC2's story might not be as compelling, and the characters might not be nearly as good, but its gameplay is literally better in every single way.
Oh boy, I sure do love walking into cutscenes looking like a bunch of fucking idiots. I desperately tried to keep the canon outfit throughout the game, but you just can't, and I fucking hate games that do that. It's different when the armor actually looks cool, but most of it looks fucking stupid and clunky as fuck. Of course, XCX had the brilliant idea of having a transmog system.
The worst part for me isn't just the shallowness of your choices, but how none of them matter in the story and how you are barely there. You never really matter or contribute to the party or the plot, never really feeling like you belong there throughout the entire main story. You really are just a doll, one that stands in the background while everyone else does things.
I’m honestly glad they dropped it for XB2. It was more of a pain in the ass than it was worth.
Pretty much, I sort've like the idea of building up a town but in a more, visual way? That's why I didn't bother with anyone's affinity except the refugee camp.