Is it true that Yea Forums only plays AAA console shit now? Just scrolled through the catalog, does not look good.
Is it true that Yea Forums only plays AAA console shit now? Just scrolled through the catalog, does not look good
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Yes it's true.
No its not true.
>implying Yea Forums plays video games at all
Prove it.
You missed a comfy SMAC thread earlier this morning. Granted it was probably Euro Yea Forums posting in it, but still.
Yea Forums has been especially shit today for some reason.
I've been playing Tropico 5 lately since the 6th is coming out soon.
Have you only played 30 games?
I only wanted to do 36
how can you honestly like shit like pokemon and kingdom hearts? how can you like non-games like journey?
Monster catching/world exploration and action games with unique mechanics (that's Chain of Memories specifically on my list) are fun.
And Journey has gameplay, the games inspired by Journey are the ones that turned into non-games. Journey has movement mechanics that you can master, collectibles, multiplayer, and a sort of "score" system in keeping your scarf long with the reward of improving your gliding.
I think Pokemon is the one of the worst examples of turn based combat in video games. The battle system has no structure or balance. It doesn't deserve to be on any top games list. The designs and merchandising do not compensate for terrible games. They're fine for mindless children's entertainment and nothing more
Well it's Gold/Silver/Crystal so he probably just has it there based on nostalgia and hasn't played a Pokemon game in 2 decades. For Journey, I have no idea. I've liked some walking sims like Inside, Firewatch and Edith Finch, but I didn't even finish the demo of Journey.
>I think Pokemon is the one of the worst examples of turn based combat in video games.
I don't think people play it for the combat. I think people play it for the adventure. Basically this feeling:
Sort of that carefree boundless wonder feel.
Trying to think of a genuine recommendation for that won't be a mindfuck jump in complexity, but at the end of the day you really have to take a leap of faith and play something that requires genuine effort. Few things are going to compare to completely exploring and mapping out a 100+ hour long game like Wizardry 7 with a literal book worth of notes at your side, but I really doubt nu/v/ could do it.
Whats the one under Gravity Rush?
Dragon Age?
I'm sure I'd like a game like Wizardry 7 if I set aside the time to become invested in it but it wouldn't hit the reason I enjoy Pokemon which is specifically adventuring around with the monster bros you catch along the way
>And Journey has gameplay
no, it really doesn't. not compared to a normal game. don't pretend you like it for the gameplay, that's even worse than just admitting you have shit taste in both video games and art.
>don't pretend you like it for the gameplay
I never said anything of the sort. Don't put words in my mouth because you're buttfrustrated
Wizardry is about adventuring with your bros, you custom make your own party and take them through multiple games and guide their growth along the way. Wizardry 6-8 kind of works like one super long 250 hour game.
No. Pokemon "exploration" is being railroaded through a path, where the only tangents are dead ends that add nothing to the experience. Only children would find exploration in a Pokemon game, otherwise there are countless better games for it
I was looking the multiple games thing and was pretty interested in that. I'm probably going to check it out.
But it's definitely not gonna hit the game kinda area in my brain for me as Pokemon when I end up enjoying it. A more classical RPG party with humans doesn't scratch the same itch as what is effectively taming animals and going on a cross country hiking trip. That angle is what I like so much about Pokemon.
>Only children would find exploration in a Pokemon game
the games are literally made for children dude, they are meant to be played by young kids that just don't powergame through the entire thing using bulbapedia. its about exploring a mysterious world collecting mysterious creatures and learning about their mysterious abilities. hell, the first 2 gens had official guides full of shit that was just flat out wrong and you were lucky to get one. the whole original allure of pokemon has been completely lost and will never be captured again. no adult should enjoy pokemon unless they are seriously retarded.
I learned how to play Wizardry 6 by reading the manual that comes with the Steam release. It doesn't really matter if you get it there or in GOG, both versions are DRM free.
It also comes with the cluebook in case you get stuck, which will probably happen.
I agree, that's my point. I'm referring to the people who are not children who obsess over Pokemon games because they've never played anything outside of that
Sounds good thanks user
bastion and transistor are genuinely terrible games with no redeeming qualities
If you buy Wiz 7 on Steam, do not play gold version. It is fucked up.
Bastion absolutely. Played it and had no idea why anyone gave it positive reviews. Looks good in a video, plays like garbage.
Considered giving Transistor a shot, but sounds like it's more of the same?
I'm an xbro so recently I've been playing older shit off the Arcade like Alien Hominid or SamSho 2
I'm really hoping for more OG games to be announced, I REEEEEALLY want to replay Metal Arms in quasi-HD (OG titles have improved rendering on the Bone)
What is good about them, faggot? They are literal phone games. Bastion is some of the dumbest, cringiest shit I have ever played in my entire life.
>Considered giving Transistor a shot
its more of a tactical game, but still shallow as a puddle. not really worth the time.
>Tfw I want to get an Xbox solely for Rare Replay and Xbox backwards compatibility
>But those are the ONLY things it could offer me
Thank you kind sir
>What is good about them, faggot?
>Make my argument for me
This picture supposed to mean something, these games looks like they belong in a museum. Nobody has played this shit, grandpa.
Why do you like d44m? That game is terrible lol
It's just the same person replying to this post over and over again lmao
Didn't dewey get molested while filming that show? what is it with zoomers and getting raped