Why do Yea Forumstards shill this game so much like its the best in the soulsborne series? It's unironically way worse than even Demon Souls and doesn't come anywhere near bloodborne.
Why do Yea Forumstards shill this game so much like its the best in the soulsborne series...
Because they're mostly stupid fucking kids who are too dumb to know how young and fucking stupid they are.
Lol stop kidding yourself shill, they're all shit
because the entire series is shit
The gameplay is almost as good as Bloodborne and is vastly superior to DS1 and DS2.
better bosses than all previous games and more good bosses than blood borne tbqh senpai.
1 > 3 > 2
Jesus Christ, please tell me you're just shilling and don't actually believe this, so you can leave a modicum of you're dignity in tact.
bloodborne is a mediocre game that got hyped beyond belief for being Sanic Souls
gotta love people who have never read lovecraft talk about cosmic horror and all that shit
acting like putting coffins nonsensically throughout a level is somehow good design
>Babby's new buzzword of the month
Kys shill
Only people who never got to play Bloodborne think DS3 is anything close to good.
Probably because it's new.
Yeah I agree with that.
DS1 has digital rolling and is a clunker to play
DS2 is even fucking slower and has Adaptibility
>putting DeS last
you've literally never played it you mustard race faggot shill
it was never going to be first retard
DS2 is fun if you go full strongfat build and throw all your points into strength and heaviest armour. You'll be a slow fat fuck but you just walk around the map squashing everything around you like a bug.
weak souls game
still a souls game
still a good game
it's been around longer than a month
It's only second to Bloodborne, and at worst, equal to Dark Souls 1. Putting it last just shows you're an asshurt retard who never played the sony exclusive games.
Yeah but then you have to deal with the ugliest, worst designed environments in the series too
>gotta love people who have never read Lovecraft talk about cosmic horror
This. It's a shallow ape of Lovecraft's aesthetic with some Japanesey social themes. The only thing which stands out about the game is the combat, which is a good time; unfortunately I already know to expect on-par combat from Memeazaki and he doesn't get any extra points from it anymore.
Maybe Sekiro will be better. It looks like he toned down the "DUDE JUST THROW SHIT EVERYWHERE AND CALL IT WORLD BUILDING" philosophy that drove all of BloodBorne and DaSIII.
Your opinions are so goddamn cliche that people question whether or not you're shitposting. Ruminate on that.
i liked the level with the gothic architecture in it
are you a sonyshill or retarded
isn't that like all of them?
this is why DS2 is still fun regardless of how shit it is in nearly every category.
which Souls game are we talking about again?
No he's right. DeS >= DaS > 3 > 2 .
BB wherever you want as long as it's above 2.
>Yea Forums is one person
This user is 100% correct. There's no other ranking.
It's easily the worse in the series. It doesn't do anything right when you compare it to the other games. Only way you can love it is if it's your 1st or 2nd.
Demon's Souls looks like THAT??!
I will say that it's the most polished if the series. The problem is that to people who play the early entries find it to be redundant and too formulaic, while people who start with it are so wowed by it that can't appreciate it's predecessors. I didn't care for it, like I said the formula was played out at that point and I was past the point of being impeessed.
>the worse
opinion discarded
Well it does have the best pvp
Dark Souls 1, while being a great game, killed the series, because of all the media and reviewer attention towards it focused on the fact of "LMAO PREPARE TO DIE" and "LE SUPERHARD BOSS FIGHTS". The "git gud" screaming of the online fan community only made things worse.
This meant that future installments focused only on these meme aspects of the game rather than the world design and actually putting in substance and quality between the "le epic hard Xd" boss fights.
Bloodborne being a new IP managed to shift away from this and go back to level and atmosphere design quality rather than being purely centred around boss fights.
SotFS > DeS = BB
It's like people forget that outside of novelty and literal gimmick bosses DeS didn't have all that much to offer. You can't look at DeS in context and tell me (without looking delusional) that DeS stands out from the pack in any significant ways.
>gimmick bosses
>broken / janky healing systems
>broken / janky combat in general
At least it was "atmospheric," right? Not even shitting on it because duh it's still a good time- it's just that put in context the game has nothing special and in hindsight feels like Edgy Zelda due to the laughable boss mechanics.
I've been telling Yea Forums that Demons Souls is the best looking in the series for years but since nobody played it I always get memed on.
Lighting goes a long way and it's the only Souls game they put attention into the lighting.
Demons Soul > Dark Soulless
Top buzzword. You might as well call it "cool."
DeS is 10 trillion times a better game than SOTFS
what word would you rather use?
Demon's Souls had some good stuff to it. World tendency, item burden, and the more punishing death system would have improved Dark Souls.
I'd like you to put some fucking effort into describing features of the game you like and why you like them.
>the architecture here reminds me of X, and looking at the historical context we can see what it implies
>The lighting here draws attention to Y, really helps make important features stand out
>The lack of visual information before the reveal in Z makes a bigger impact on the player
Super not-difficult to talk about a video game without sounding like a disinterested video game journalist / Anthony Fantano.
Anyone defending DS2 is autistic. There's no argument to be made.
Yeah I've always thought it looked good too, it has kind of a painting like quality to it. Haven't seen it rendered in high resolution like that before though
>thinks Demon's Souls is bad
>thinks Bloodborne is above Dark Souls
so THIS is the power of the PS4
Absolutely I agree. I just think that the games made successive improvements to the core gameplay that make them a much better package despite their faults. Similar to the first few generations of Pokemon- Gen 2 was a huge leap forward in many ways while still having drawbacks, but the QoL improvements and general gameplay loop was refined.
Where do you think you are?
das3 is more fun, has better atmosphere, and is just all around a cooler game than any of the other ones desu
Demon's Souls was shit, If the whole "difficulty" meme hadn't caught on it would have been a fucking flop. And BB is great but overhyped by Playstation fanboys because its their only worthwhile exclusive.
you say that... but...
Dark Souls 3 has better combat than 1, but its inferior in pretty much every other category barring performance.
Still, I don't know why DS3 has this gives Yea Forums this huge hate boner when its not even the worst game in its series.
Oh yeah sorry I forgot, BB is really hard because you occasionally have to stop dodge spamming for half a second so your stamina can near instantly regenerate, and that makes it really good and not at all for casuals. And they shoved the story in your face so retards like you could understand it because reading item descriptions is too hard for you.
Face it, Bloodborne is over rated, it's the easiest of all the games, almost every boss is beat the same way, practically all builds play the same unless you're going out of your way to do a gimmick build. The game only gets interesting if you go into the chalice dungeons.
>literal piss filter
>bad lighting
Get out of here buddy.
bosses were better aswell dont forget that
average ds3 boss was better them most good ds1 bosses
>he thinks thats modded
Most of the bosses in BB felt same-y to me
Lost of big lanky dark blue beasts. Guess that just makes the unique bosses stand out more.
>dude crushed blacks lmao
get some taste my friend
Yeah, I lumped in bosses and enemy design with combat.
Some DS1 bosses are iconic as fuck but they can all be cheesed with high enough poise and high enough damage which is so ridiculously easy to get in DS1.
DS3 is certainly the best souls game for bosses.
id rather have anons talk like fantanos than like joseph anderson or some other pretentious """content creator"""
It is though.
>making claims and supporting them with evidence is pretentious
what the fuck am I reading? saying something like "I like the game because it is fun and good" is asinine
prove it
>hurr durr I am retarded
Nice butt