>$250 lowest price for a new slim model
Vita appreciation thread
Why does Remote play not work on my Vita but works fine on my iPhone X? I'm running on the same network, but Vita just says "Connection is not strong enough" But that's bullshit as evident by the fact my iPhone is working on it fine
are those thumbsticks even comfortable? they look to small and slippery
Remote Play is fucking garbage. Connect through my modem or directly to the PS4, I still get stuttering audio and broken video even if I'm right up next to the system.
Isn't the screen shittier than the old model?
This thing is a persona machine and a persona machine alone. Now that I'm a personafag (Thanks a lot smash) I kinda wish I had one.
shittier as in not as good, it's a great screen. the original model had a legendary screen.
dumb exclusives poster. your shitty nintendo consoles have no exclusives either because I can play them all on my PC, I guess there is no reason to buy a switch huh?
what is this latency, are you fucking serious?
Vita moonlight runs like shit for me.
it's streaming the game over wifi from my potato pc.
no shit
I realized that, but that doesn't look playable at all, it literally looks like there's at least 500mc delay
I'm sure he used the youtube app and tried to emulate the movement in the footage to the gameplay shown.
Forget I posted this.
nice tracking
Guess there's still a reason for owning one after all. (Hint: It's convenience)
I have an original WiFi-only vita. I was going to buy a slim to have a backup but I forgot and now they don’t make them anymore. Whoops
I'm talking about the Switch here BTW.
>go to buy a vita today
>new vita+a small memory card+1 game= almost $500 canadian dollars
>end up getting new 3ds xl and 3 games for $300 cdn
I wouldve prefered the vita desu but got damn i cant justify spending 500 bucks on a dead handheld
Dude you can buy a vita and hack it to get every game for free. It can use regular microSD cards too once hacked but you'll need to buy an adapter.
cause it definitely doesn't apply to the vita, right? thanks for making my point.
Not everyone is a pirate fag user.
I specified Switch because it's the console with a future (Unlike the Vita).
The iphone X has an AC card while vita was G or B
Did the Vita just do weirdly well in the UK?
No reason to defend a "dead handheld". Even if you don't pirate games, hacking has a shitload of other benefits, like the microSD storage.
the only console with a future is PC, everything else will be obsoleted and emulated.
I have the original model vita but man do I regret not buying a vita tv for $40.
You say that like normal ass people care about emulation. I'd also like to see you lug around a heavy ass PC around with you every time you wanted to play a game.
lcd instead of oled. but the new model. also has better battery life, slightly better form factor, and just looks nice aside from screen imo.
even trade off
It depends, they kinda grip enough, but the sensitivity is just off the charts
holy fuck the self-own
I have a Vita I haven't used in four years and I want to play Persona 4 Golden and some PSP/PS1 classics.
Is it worth playing in 2019? Sony might shut down the PS Store on vita soon.
Get that cfw hack going son
>Thanks a lot smash
Kill yourself
And yet your so called console with a future you call your potato of a PC gets beaten out by a tablet that goes bing bing wahoo. Sad.
>bought a pstv to play pirated games
>only played like 5 exclusives, rest are on other consoles
Vita sucks. I rather buy a game that runs at a higher framerate than play a free subpar version.
>And yet your so called console with a future you call your potato of a PC gets beaten out by a tablet that goes bing bing wahoo. Sad.
Holy fuck that sentence is just bleeding with 10 kinds of autism. Can't you just talk in a comprehensive manner?
I got 2 for $40. I also fortunately got a launch edition brand new Vita for $240. I just bought at the perfect time.
I just want the remote play app on my android phone. Imagine the Note 9 screen with Persona babes sucking my cock all day and all night
Goddamn you have shit taste.
>Implying you aren't an autist as well
keep seething makoto babbie
No, they're terrible and plasticky
I would buy a Vita successor with backwards compatibility.
literally all that should matter are controls, otherwise we're just gonna have to say "dude lmao phones win every time most convenient"
Vita's got good ones, switch has more buttons and no dumbass back touch pad, and GPD Win's got the most but has issues of
>non-specialized games
so you've got shit FPS in some games, some games don't run with intel HD graphics or display errors, it's SEVEN HUNDRED FUCKING DOLLARS, and if you try to play the waiting game for newer emulators to become reasonably useful there's just gonna be a stronger GPD Win out by the time it happens.
Also holy fuck does it get hot jesus.
GPD Win for older/mid-tier PC stuff if you've got 700 to blow, Switch for newer things (until either a newer GPD comes out of the emulator gets better) and full featured controller, vita for FREEBIES
You're absolutely retarded if you try to prove a point by using in-home streaming from your PC to your Vita, why not just play on the fucking PC?
just be
On a non-piece of shit PC, VITA Moonlight runs pretty darn well.
everyone can play youtube faggot like
what a fucking pathetic loser must you be to try and pull this lame-o shit
The Vita was worse than the Game Gear. At least the game Gear had games designed for a portable system. Sony never had a clue.
This is fucking lewd
I'm getting my Vita serviced. Looks like the battery died. Hope it comes back okay. It's an original launch model with 3G. Playing Super Robot Wars and dungeon crawlers on the subway was a blast.
Shame Sony shit the bed managing the Vita after the PSP made a dogged showing for itself against Nintendo. Nobody in their right mind would be a PSSwitch after the sheer volume of disrespect Sony showed for its Vita owners.
I appreciate that snoy is finally putting a bullet through the shita's head. Hopefully the vitacucks follow, or at least go back to resetera where they belong.
its sad how the vita kids are angry that the Switch literally demolished they're only source of handheld gaming. so mad that even if the switch is no way related to a post, they still complain about it
I got one coming in the mail since I heard about the production stop. I got myself a SD2Vita and a 128gb micro SD. So the games I'm thinking of are
Persona 1 - 4G
Muramasa Blade
Dangan Rampa
Along with some PS1 stuff and other stuff.
its sad how nintendies come into every vita thread to shit it up then get upset when told to fuck off
Fuck the Vita, get a used PSP for like $40 and mod the shit out of it
>its sad how nintendies come into every vita thread to shit it up
>vita fag posts about Switch first
how does it feel to be proven wrong faggot?
Hard to say, i liked it very much at first but after buying ps4 and ps3 it really is kinda shitty.
Can it do SNES and how well?
that's a reply to a smashfag ripping on the vita (hmm I wonder what console smash is on)
and here you are shitting up the thread
Lol, faggot
real talk i love how this feels in my hands but i have no games it's all weebshit and megaman ports
>real talk i love how this feels in my hands
It feels fucking awful if you don't have a 3rd party grip though.
it does SNES perfectly unless you want to play superFX games.
I use retroarch, the snes9x 2002 core will play everything full speed but sometimes has graphical glitches so I use the 2005 core except for the few games that won't run full speed in it (DQ5, FF6, SMRPG)
>Vita thread.
>Starts screeching about Nintendo.
For emulation, what's the best console: Vita or Switch?
not everybody has giant hamhands, I think it feels great. exception is when using the analog sticks with your fingers on the shoulder buttons but it's not so bad I would put the thing into one of those huge grip holders.
switch is far more powerful. vita if you want more portability.
Are vita tvs still out there? Can it be hacked?
yeah it can be hacked. but no they are not out there anymore except used, you missed the cheap pstv train by a long time
I'm hoping Vita GBA & SNES emulation continues to mature
>I think it feels great.
I just finished up hacking my Vita that I had sitting around, just need to change the storage stuff so my adapter memory card can be read. What's the current go-to for the game roms/iso/whatever Vita uses? I know I can still use Emuparadise for everything else
install nonpdrm and ref00d plugins to play pirated games, then use PKGj directly on your Vita or Nopaystation on your PC to download all the games you want directly from Sony's servers.
>that's a reply to a smashfag ripping on the vita
>Now that I'm a personafag (Thanks a lot smash) I kinda wish I had one
>says he would like a vita
man you sure are making this easier for me LMAO
ive got the plugins, ill just need to grab PKGj then. Thanks a lot, pal
>moving goalposts
>pretending to be retarded
or maybe you actually are retarded. here's your last reply.
If it's an independent shop and not Gamestop corporate (the only thing left in the US) they'll price based on what they can get from a distributor and those prices are probably significantly higher now. Gamestop minimum is $149.99.
Vita stock stopped being replenished in 2016 and most retail stores dumped their stock in 2015.
you can seem move the camera around and walk with the stick on the vita are you retarded or did you just comment to quick?
>says he wants vita cuz he wants to play persona thanks to smash
>guy then talks shit about switch and says vita is better
man hypocrisy loves Vita fags dont they?
what the fuck did you type faggot?
stop sucking your trans mom's dick and type like a decent normal human being