>You'll never meet Yda and Papamanlet for the first time ever again
Yes I will. I just bought a RX 580 and am getting this game soon. What's the best race/job/nation to start in?
i hope warrior remains as the king in 5.0
Thaumaturge/Gladiator/Pugilist for THANCRED and potato princess
What sells fast on your market board?
>Mist Dragon parse
cat girls have the best animations but you'll be stigmatized by the player population's general outlook on cat girls.
>dungeon parsing
hey is auto-demolition still happening I need to know if I have to pay my sub or not
it's the full dungeon, act names encounters based on the last enemy
what the fuck are you talking about? no one cares what race you play.
I play as a cat and I've been stigmatized but hey, I've also got 3k commands. Just be cool and talk like a human and people won't be so bad.
Heh you must be the transgender race.
We've welcomed two new playmates to our static!
what does that even mean
i'll raid a dungeon with all races
except elezen. elezen should stick to their own kind
commends* not commands damn it
he means female au'ra, the small uncanny lizards
FemCat thaumaturge, Maelstrom GC
All other jobs exist to enable BLM
race doesn't matter much but starting as a conjurer is probably best since you won't have to wait in queues forever and conjurer/white mage is the easiest class to play and you can get the hang of the game best that way if you're new to mmo's. Also gridania best
i'm getting conflicted messages here.
Whatever you decide, choose a class that starts in Ul'dah for maximum story relevance. Limsa Lominsa and Gridania almost don't even fucking exist in the main story.
>story relevance
holy shit piss off like that ever even matters LMAO
tank so you get the true Warrior of Light experience
People say au ra are often played by trannies since trannies often rotate between miqote and au ra
The other guy said fem roe because they're the race that looks like trannies (along with female highlander)
>Playing a Lalafell as a tank
Guaranteed immersion breaker. Little potato all armored up and trying to look tough as if I couldn't just push the fucker over with my toe and move on with my day.
It's a Final Fantasy MMO, nigger. The story is the most important part.
au ra are trannies since one clan thinks they reincarnate and can be reborn as any gender.
*blocks you're path*
God I fucking hated them and all of those fuckers, that organization was the worst part of the plot especially that cunt PRAY BACKTRACK TO THIS SHITHOLE SHACK IN SANDMONKEY LAND
Lalafell are the chosen race. Rich, strong, and Yoshi P plays as one.
>reincarnating is the same as transgenderism
I recall way back in the day during the Twintania fight, we did a strat where we hid stacked in a little dip on the battlefield during divebombs. One of our raid members was a fucking HUGE max height roegadyn PLD that hid the divebomb marker, we forced his ass to go lala just so we could clear. Yeah, we were shitters but that dude was massive.
No, one tribe, of one clan.
Which amounts to literally about 15 NPCs, all but maybe 3 of which are totally irrelevant.
>retard skipped cutscenes so he doesn't know linkshells can be listened in on from outsiders
>power level MCH to 62 without doing any post-50 quests
>go back and do them so I get the abilities I missed
>mfw Gauss Barrel
so now I just have this giant autistic bazooka on my back for the rest of the game? fuck this shit, whose idea was this
I wish I could track my DPS on the console version.
I just gotta believe.
Reincarnation doesn't make them trannies you dumb motherfucker
you can hide it but it's clientside so other people will still see it, I hate gauss barrel too.
I feel your pain, but playing on Linux. At least the texture mods work though
Well, of course not. The game in which you meet them for the first time doesn't exist anymore, murdered in favour of a generic WoW spinoff.
I hope gunbreaker is actually good and doesn't get STORMBLOODed. I also hope DRK is meta, but after what happened to the poster boys for Stormblood I have absolutely zero hope.
I tried watching all the cutscenes but anything that isn't solo content everyone else vote skips
And thats a good thing, because the game was objectively garbage
>dat tightly packed pussy in dem short shorts
Yeah it does, queer. They identify as a gender they wern't born as.
Monk is meta though?
>Yoshi P plays as one.
this isn't true r-right bros?
You're objectively garbage yet nobody aborted you in favour of something even worse.
No, if anything they're genderfluid, since most of them are okay with the gender they were born with.
No, they identify as their current gender but believe that in another lifetime they were another person. Sadu never claims to be a man, she just says she was a man in her past two lives. Koko doesn't believe he's a woman, he just explains he has a woman's name because he was a woman in a past life. God damn you're fucking dumb.
i want to try 1.0 right before they launched 2.0
It actually makes sense though.
The Scions are (more or less) a secret society, and it's possible to tap into linkpearl communications so it's a matter of security that you receive your orders in a private building insulated against espionage. And Teledji Adeledji (I think) exerted his political pressure to ensure Vesper Bay didn't have an aetherite because he didn't want the Scions interfering with his business.
Also you can always teleport to Limsa, and take the ferry near the Arcanist guild straight to the front door of the Waking Sands and get there in 20 seconds flat if you have an SSD.
do cat girls really have the best animations how did you decide this?
they're literally born as whatever gender they are when they're born again
what did they do to stigmatize you?
what are commends and how do i get them?
how do i talk like a human would talk?
I want to learn Machnist
But it seems weird to play, and I heard it isn't very useful.
>And Teledji Adeledji (I think) exerted his political pressure to ensure Vesper Bay didn't have an aetherite because he didn't want the Scions interfering with his business
That was Lolorito. He was salty about them not letting him donate to their cause. But then he created shell companies specifically to do it anyway.
honestly it was just vaguely defined as the moneterists doing it, nobody specific was named that I recall.
what version of linux?
Cats are all ERPer thots or neckbeard weebs, same as Au Ra.
Giraffes are just ERPer thots
Lalafell are either super degenerate or just little pricks
Hume/Roe are the only acceptable races
just play xi
texture mods? are there any ones that can change the game's font?
i'm only really interested in any higher quality textures
is it now? I haven't played since eureka dropped and I got tired of waiting months for content that I cared about
At least she's a pretty tranny
what about veira?
Lolorito was the one who personally financed the reconstruction of Vesper Bay, which is why there's a statue of him in the place where the aetheryte was planned to be.
What hair is that? Is it femroe exclusive?
Objective analysis based on testing. I created several preliminary characters before settling on my cat girl, primarily because I wanted a character with nice animations.
rather be a femroe than a catboi or midlaner dweeb
I want to suck her feminine cock.
Kubuntu 18.10, on kernel 4.18. Runs great, but the sound gets fucked up after 2 hours and requires me to restart the game.
Its sir aymerics hair. Part of his mogstation outfit
the outfit is male only but the hair can be used on females.
I bought Ser Aymeric's attire and hairstyle. The gear is gender locked, hair isn't.
>Roetrannies shitting up another thread
Is it so hard to just fuck off? No one wants you here
how strenuous were these tests
Fuck off already
You have an entire board for this gay shit.
I apologise, go back to HQ crying about people saying dirty things in /tells lmfao
>every race in xiv is a tranny race
why do you parse
>You'll never meet Yda.
I can't bring myself to care about Yda now that her appearances in the game have been retconned to be Lyse.
Fuck Lyse.
No just au ras
What did he mean by this?
This is his character
every actual tranny i've met has been a miqote
Yda is dead, storm blood killed her off entirely as far as I'm concerned
>midlander thots trying to pretend like they aren't going to spend most of the night ERPing after the duty
Im' going to play xiv should i be a female roe or a female lalafell
every actual tranny i've met has been a femroe
trannies play cats, au ra just crazy
I need like a list of easy to get slutty glamour gear.
Any assistance?
I never expected yoshi p to play female lalafell, don't they make gear look too small? why play a cosmetic game to have tiny gear no one can really see?
i thought yoshi was meant to be smart
If you kept going youd see a few of them die, some get royally fucked over, and now we are leading to a path of unknowing despair. The scions have had a bad time and when the characters grow and change throughout the story you get to liking them more. Aside from Yda, who went from fine/okay to bitch
Depends on class. Melee should be Lala and ranged should be roe.
Try a noose, equip to the neck slot
so I'm guessing midlander and elzen are the only non tranny races and all other races are full of trannies.
>Starting Gridania
I shiggydiggy
Not him, but I wouldn't mind a helmet glamour thats just a noose.
Drink the chemicals under your kitchen sink
why would a tranny want to look like a tranny in-game?
Youre implying he doesnt make sure they look the best on Lalafells. Doesnt have to worry about stretching the textures to pixel staircase territory like Hien's armor.
>now you realize how bullshit his excuse for /nod and /step forward is when he blames Lalafells
Female Elzen are low IQ
Just pray to Jesus that Shadowbringers will change Machinist to not suck
>Costanza posting
>any year past current year minus 7
I shiggy diggy do bop wop a do wop
I asked this before but I don't think I got any replies, are there any leotards in this game?
>now you realize how bullshit his excuse for /nod and /step forward is when he blames Lalafells
You only have to watch 1.0 cutscenes to know that's bullshit.
Midlander, highlander(male), Roe(Male), Lalafell, Elezen, Miqo'te(Male), Au ra (Male)
Natalie Mars lookin' ass motherfucker
but not trainees
>fem elezen
He's a memester asshole, like all other Lalas
You have met 0 trannies, like everyone else on Yea Forums. a man playing a female character is not a tranny, no matter how hard you try to convince others.
Good, they suck
user I'm a ma'am.
It's so hard to make an unattractive female elezen. How do they manage to do it so frequently?
post the other version
I've met a few, but that's what the blacklist is for.
Show me an attractive Elezen if it's so easy. I haven't seen one
Is this why Lala is the master race? They are fun players.
>normie special snowflake fags
>highland and roe
>gay bara guys
>based people
>lmao giraffe
>FAGGOT WEEBS who get the best animated race in the game
>au ra
I tried to play this game but there too Mandy menues and the mogstation doesn't have anything with good stats?
any woman who posts on Yea Forums is damaged goods
I roleplay so I've met plenty of legitimate, self-claimed MtF trannies. But they all play Xaela.
>tfw Yda was my favorite Scion
>they decide to just completely replace with someone else who's just as stupid but with absolutely none of her happy go lucky personality
>I'm supposed to believe she was Yda yhe whole time and everyone else was just pretending they didn't know
>Also the tits she had in the opening cinematic were a lie
Miqote Male
Miqote Female
Elzen Female
Roegadyn Female
Au Ra Male
Au Ra Female
Hyur Male
Elezen Male
Roegadyn Male
Lalafell Male
Lalafell Female
Hyur Female
I actually know a tranny that plays a Femca'te, they're in my FC.
They're actual a nice person, and knows full well they're not exceptionally good at the game but has fun anyway.
Oh I realize that thanks to playing 1.0 but the issue is 1.0 players are so rare that there is so much misinformation about. I mean look at pic related and you'll see what I mean.
Kill yourself, pedophile
Actual question, can I send a ticket so free a name a squatter is sitting on?
>someone else who's just as stupid but with absolutely none of her happy go lucky personality
It's worse because Yda wasn't actually stupid. She's an anime airhead who's actually really smart. She received the status of Archon, which in Sharlayan is their version of a PhD.
I just want a male viera boyfriend
t. ronry miqo
>another thread turns into yelling about trannies within twenty minutes
the mods were right to delete these threads, i am sorry for doubting them
>Hyur Female
list was so close to being perfect. but we both know that's bullshit
>face paced
Nigga what...Everything was so sluggish and slow it felt like you were constantly lagging for most of 1.0's lifespan. One thing I wish they did keep though was ranged auto attacks for casters.
but a hyur female ended up being the tranny that ruined my fucking static
>playing a class means you want to fuck it
thats how i know you are a hyurroeelzenauramiqtoe tranny
It actually doesn't matter what race you pick, you're a fag if you play FFXIV.
fag detected
How does one person fuck up an entire static?
Should I play a female Hyur or a female Lalafel?
it's the people from /xivg/ infecting it, they do this shit all the time. i don't know why every race has to be about trannies i really don't. seems fucking stupid as shit.
can we all just admit that playing ffxiv makes you a tranny and move on to a better, fagless mmo
where do you guys find some many trannies is it a balmung thing
>he's never played with a woman or a tranny
I envy you.
Depends, are you HRT or have you already gotten the operation?
If you're pre operation, go Au Ra. If you're already dilating, might as well go full cat boy.
hyur if you want to erp and dress up
lalafel is you just want to have fun
Is Gridania objectively the worst city-state?
to be fair it's the same as every fucking other thread on this website now
if i didn't have stockholm syndrome for this awful place i'd have left years ago, but here we are
Race has VERY little effect on your stats, almost nonexistant, so just choose what you like most, it doesn't effect gameplay, there are A LOT of Miqote and Aura, so if being a really common race bothers you, i'd stray away from those two.
as for jobs, i have everything maxed, but i never touch DPS or tanks, i only play Healers, so i can't say much, i do know warriors are amazing for tanks, and pugilists do tons of damage but are harder to play, as for the healers, WHM is considered worst of the healers because it focuses on raw powerful healing, with little utility/buffs, but its my personal favorite, i just love healing classes with huge heals, AST is considered the best right now, because it has powerful healing (slightly less than WHM), and tons of party buffs, SCH has always been in meta, and still is, a lot of statics i see are recruiting AST+SCH duos.
but honestly, i've been playing for 6 years, and i don't personally believe in metas, i've played with ALL sorts of comps and had success and failures with everything, it depends on the people in your group and your own personal skill, so again, choose what you want! no one will shun you if you pick an "off meta" class, the only thing you may worry about is super picky static raid groups, but that's SUPER end game, realistically by the time you get there you'll probably have multiple jobs to 70
These XIV threads on Yea Forums are unironically OBSESSED.
it's an XIV thing. you can usually immediately distinguish a tranny from your run-of-the-mill futafag by their dark clashing lipstick.
Gridania is shit, but Limsa is worse.
official forum users are wrong, what the fuck else is new, I think the GCD actually has something to do with server tics.
This is funny to me because the only tranny I know doesn't even play this game.
great, now i need to fap. I hope the bara cats thing is real.
Go anything you like, stop listening to actual retards shitposting in these threads.
normal people just play whatever they like and don't post on internet forums and especially not the official forums
Normal people play every race and gender, it's literally just a Yea Forums thing. I've never met someone else from Yea Forums that wasn't mentally ill.
Believe it or not normal people just pick whatever race. Yea Forums is just obsessive about top level players so the most popular races are "trannies" because that's what most of the top level players use
he was the healer (sch)
he ended up dating the other healer who was the static leader and ended up as the leader of the static himself, but he always had a stick up his ass
when we were progging kefka he kept yelling at the dps for messing up mechanics and so I stood up for them and called him uncool infront of everyone
he then decided to call me out in our fucking linkshell after raid demanding an apology from me and I told him to fuck off, and I quit the static, and everyone else left after I did. There was a whole big fight about it but I wasn't a part of it, and
TLDR it fucking died because I told a tranny they weren't cool.
>female hyur
>not mentally ill
>tfw be tranny
>have a static try out today
>start talking
>guys address me a lot and laugh at a lot of absolutely unfunny things I say
i-i hope i don't ruin a static too ;_;
so do futas have dark lipstick or do trannies have dark lipstick?
The Answer is: play whatever the fuck you want. Who the fuck cares what race you play?
The only "trannies" are the ones who parse everything.
No, Uldah exists.
Just play whatever the fuck you want retard and stop listening to obvious retards on Yea Forums,.
>You'll never watch her guide on how to make her squirt, complete with puns
>Went from WHM to WAR
>Can actually do things now
>especially not the official forums
i can only imagine the autism that goes on in the official xiv forums.
I play a female hyur and I am not mentally ill.
trannies have dark lipstick and clashing awful hair colors. not sure why that is. most futafags just try to look like your average korean grindshit character.
Trannies have bright, nonsensical clown makeup.
Everyone who plays MMOs has some kind of damage or defect.
No matter what you play people are going to rip on you for it, that's why it's important to play whatever race you like.
Plenary buffs were wild though
Why didn't you guys just reform the static without the two players causing issues?
I don't understand the need to nuke everything just because one guy is being an asshole.
I haven't really fucked with statics before though, so maybe I'm just naive. I would have left at that point too though, that's not a good raid leader.
I remember seeing this guy in my orbornne raid, never laughed so goddamn hard in my entire life.
>be a girl
>huge amazonian woman with a deep booming voice (for a woman)
>everyone just assumes I'm a guy with a boyish voice
>never ruined a static
feels pretty good man
>tranny thinks his opinion matters
Can you adopt a tripcode so I can filter you? Thanks
Any race is fine as long as you put the effort into the character creator.
Tips to not look like a faggot:
Don't do minimum height for Lalas or female Miqo'te, Midlanders, Au Ra
Don't do maximum height for male Roes
Both of your eyes need to be the same color (if you're Au Ra, both eyes need to have the limbal ring, or neither)
Avoid hair highlights, or have them be very similar to your main hair color. Don't go for the zebra look.
On the Facial Features tab, only have an absolute maximum of 3 of the options selected (this includes the Tattoos tab, if your race has it)
If you're using Face Paint as makeup, only use the Light setting
Don't use the freckles face paint. If you HAVE to have freckles, then at least make them similar to your flesh tone. There's a special place in hell for people that use black or white freckles.
Unless you pick lalafell.
Potato bashing is a national sport in eorzea.
>Decide to visit the grave of Haurchefant
>Elezen NPC spawns and walks to the grave
>"Hello again, old friend."
>Looks at me
>"It never gets any easier does it?"
>Looks back the grave and leaves
>My face
That was the last thing I expected.
Actual friend of mine is a MtF trans, plays Xaela. Other people whose voices I've heard that sounds like MtF are generally au ra, so I tend to believe that's the most appealing race for trans players.
It's been so long and have done so much since I made my character, the low level story and quests are honestly a blur to me.
Of course this could also be because half of them are fetch quests.
you ever want to look at a tranny character just look at roxa claire in limsa for the prototypical mental illness starter kit
She looks anorexic
That was Francel, bro. Haurchefant's best friend whose life you saved around level 35.
Anybody got the young elezen comment from the artist?
I play MMOs often and I'd consider myself pretty normal.
t. female hyur with skunk hair and heterochromia that wears slut glamour and idles in limsa all day
We tried reforming, but by the time it happened, we were nearing the middle of the raid cycle and it was getting hard to find two healers at once, especially that were at the point we were at. Also I guess after that whole thing it just left an awful feeling for everyone involved, and as far as I know, nobody from that group has raided since aside from me and my co-tank.
Normally I wouldn't give a shit about this kind of thing, but some literally who internet tranny tore apart the static I'd help build with some long-time irl friends and it just fucking sucked.
hey im thinking about starting XIV any tips, everyone in this thread seems well informed about the game.
This thread is a stinky pile of steaming shit, post BLM memes.
Start in Ul'dah and read your tooltips
All three of the original citystates are pretty equally fucking garbage, lore wise. Limsa is probably the best since all of its garbage is pretty much past deeds and sour relations with kobolds rather than ongoing ridiculous corruption or bending over for elemental dick.
Oh holy shit
Logically, Lalafell are far stronger than the other races, pound for pound. A tiny Lalafell can hit just as hard as a giant Roe, despite the size difference. They're like ants.
What outfit is that?
for you
Based /ss/ tier
Male Lalafell
Free trial up to level 35. Base game with Twitch Prime.
lala female players are pedos, not soibois
>>tfw be tranny
Kill yourself, it will be better for everyone in the world if you did.
>mogmail quests
>none for Sweetnix Roseycheeks the qtest Gobbie best boy
the fuck, Yoshida?
>Limsa is probably the best since all of its garbage is pretty much past deeds and sour relations with kobolds
The war against the Kobolds is recent, and they only got actual written law 14 years ago. Limsa is a shithole and smells like fish.
Start in Gridania, stay off Discord, and turn the music up to 11
new player here I got some questions, is crossbreeding between races possible and how does it work specially in lalas and also do lalas have small penises, normal penises for their size or huge cocks?
rate my glam
they also get eaten by middling sized monsters and sudden crab based castrations are apparantly enough of a problem that they have to cull the local snibber population.
whats your point?
just dont be a fag and stick to doing what's best for the team
It's possible, but it's very rare because of societal prejudice. Nobody in Eorzea cares about gays, but they fucking hate race traitors.
>all generic MB slut gear
drink bleach
Half-breeds exist. There is no canon answers to the rest of your questions
yoshi said not yet maybe in a future expac
You'll never be a real woman/10
you know what fine, it is, but it's rare because racial intermingling is a very recent thing.
I've been trying to find a good outfit to go with those fucking gloves and am still not pleased with my outcomes. Your top is okay but those bottoms are too slutty, not steampunky enough to match.
It really doesn't work outside of that one Elehyur.
>tfw someone asks you about lore
>arms are SCH artifact
>feet is gold saucer
>weapon is ARR relic
>"MB slut gear"
try harder
Recent but not actively ongoing like Ul'Dah or Gridania's bullshit. I ain't saying they're not shit, they're just not AS shit as the other two.
Pffft, Ul'dah has the better start.
cool looking slut is what I was going for,there really isn't legs that goes with those gloves, MAYBE the alexandrian boots of healing, maybe, they are ornate enough that it kinda works with it. Also maybe daystar, if my memory serves correctly.
I want an Au'ra now.
there's a female lala/male roe NPC couple with lala kids, don't think too hard about it
>around patch time, XIV threads are comfy and full of lore, stories, strategies, and cool pics
>the further we get from a patch, the more instances of TRANNY, PARSE, RATE MY CHARATER, and SHITTER show up in each thread
last true patch was in January. Now we're in March and the threads are awful. Is there a math equation that shows the decay of thread quality in relation to the time since the most recent patch?
Register the Square Enix Software Token app to your smartphone for a free teleport location of your choice in game. This also stops the constant security alerts that can happen if you have a dynamic IP so it's a good idea anyway.
Set your free teleport location to Limsa Lominsa, the pirate starting city. It's also a good idea to do this anyway because Limsa has the best designed city and the teleport hub is 10 meters away from a market board and retainer bell, which is where you do much of your business.
And now when the game asks you to visit the Waking Sands (which happens fucking constantly, sometimes twice or three times in 15 minutes, hundreds of times throughout the main story) you merely have to teleport to Limsa (free!), take the aethernet (inter-city fast travel, also free!) to the Arcanist guild, and take the nearby ferry to Vesper Bay (costs 120 gil, which is pennies) which deposits you 20 meters from the Waking Sands.
This will save you hours of your life and possibly hundreds of thousands of Gil.
the only tard in the game is you. fuck off
ironically the least terrible eorzean city state is actually ishgard post HW, because at least they are taking efforts to fix their shit instead of making excuses and maintaining some status quo.
We'll have to see about Ala Mhigo.
The problem with Ishgard is that they're in a permanent winter which is creating a famine, and has all the people that used to live in farming communities shoved into the Brume. You're going to starve and/or freeze to death.
The quality of the thread is inversely proportional to the amount of times trannies are mentioned by obsessed shitters
>something only happens every 500 quests: the game
I think the permanent war had a lot to do with that.
The war is 1000 years old and they were just fine until Bahamut came and fucked up the climate. The problems with the Brume are entirely because of the weather causing that famine and the loss of so many homes around Coerthas.
The reason why this happens is because all of the decent people in these threads leave after everything has been discussed and wait until another patch/fanfest. This lull is particularly shitty because of leakerfaggotry, I bet it's going to become even worse once the truth is revealed in 13 days on fanfest.
I just want /vg/ crossboarders to fuck off already
b-but there's a lot of anime and video games I want to play user!
roger that!
sorry, not alexandrian, high allahan boots of healing. They're not steampunky but like I said, ornate enough that they can pass
Jesus Fuck you seem annoying as hell to be around
>huge amazonian woman with a deep booming voice (for a woman)
well with the war over that's a big step to being free to put resources towards that problem.
ceasing their incredibly insular policies will also mean they're engaging in more trade.
He is a falseflagger just ignore him.
I didn't say attractive user. I'm just tall
you seem cute and fun to play with, i hope you stay well and healthy.
With AST should i ever use Nocturnal outside of prepull shields or AST/AST setup?
Even with a WHM Diurnal seems better.
I think Scholar is fun.
Yeah for the present state of things, Ishgard is definitely the least fucking garbage. They went through a shit ton of hardship and maintained a strong military that didn't waver through a fairly tumultuous transfer of power. Ala Mhigo is basically just the ragtag resistance, though at least they have a functional infrastructure left over from the Garleans. Shame they're about to be gassed though.
Since the end of the war though Ishgard has opened its borders so they could presumably trade to make up for their lacking agriculture. Aymeric actually reformed the government to have representation from the lower classes as well so presumably there's actual work being done in that area.
Quit fucking avatarfagging jesus christ kill yourself.
check out this completely accurate chart
Literally no one gives a fuck. Had a trans raid member too and not once did it become the focus of attention. If you aren't an attention whore you'll be fine.
Nope. Shields are always preferable unless you're with a scholar.
>be decent looking
>start tagging some tweets with XIV related hashtags
>some roasties start DMing me
>do my homework, check their tweet history to verify their gender
>start running content in game
>getting nudes from 3 real true verified actual females pretty much daily
It's not that hard bros. I truly believe that any woman who plays an MMO is fundamentally broken inside and wishes to be dominated
This is from 1.0
You don't need two regens
>SCH has always been in meta
It was garbage on SB's release.
wow. nudes. thats cool bro but have you ever actually touched a woman?
Correct, always use Diurnal unless it's AST/AST or you're pre-pull. Regens are always better than shields.
Yeah I'm going to need proofs.
I thought avatar fagging was just using a single character or image to create an identity?! AAAAAAAHHH
A comment this bloody stupid is just begging for a wojak image, lucky for you I'm not gay enough to save one.
I want to have sex with a miqo'te
Japs fucking love Lalafells
I really don't think it was as bad as people thought it was. It'd probably still be meta even if it never got buffed.
Most people were only bitching about MP issues and that was because they were spamming Succor like idiots.
wow this seems like really good advice, thank you user.
Should I play NIN, SCH, BLM or MCH?
Move the 2nd week to 6% and its accurate. Generally the amount of time it takes for people to clear all new content.
>recently hit 2500 hours played
>realize I could've used that time to master any number of skills
I could've worked out, learned guitar, learned to paint or draw
just play an 1.0 private server
Asking again sorry for autism but does anybody have the link tot he twitch of the artists young elezen comment?
you weren't gonna do that anyway
speaking as someone leveling AST and SCH to 70 at the moment SCH has more of a learning curve, maybe it's because leveling dungeons are more chaotic but fuck me I struggle sometimes on those big pulls.
Fucking fags talking about genders on a motherfucking Yea Forums thread, XIV really DOES attract fags after all.
you should have worked out, why would you learn guitar, why would you have learned to paint or draw.
this is a common misconception,
remove XIV and you'd just of wasted it some other way, and by the by depending on who you are learning how to play gitar/draw or paint are all wastes.
Mixed messages here. Diurnal is higher overall potency but Noct has less chance to be 'wasted' potency.
Noct just feels so shit since time dilation and celestial opposition dont do anything for it. Surely unless people are going to die without shields regen is going to be more efficient even if you stack diurnal with a WHM?
SCH has the highest skill floor, WHM and AST have a higher skill ceiling imo.
SCH feels really simple to play at the high end because you barely need to watch your MP and most of your healing is oGCD. It's really easy to optimize.
>female FC leader has a Roe fetish
>Convinces a bunch of guys to switch to male Roes
>At one point my static had 4 fucking male Roes
How do I convince them to play as literally anything else?
I don't even really mind male Roes, but they all look the fucking same.
They're from the /vg/ shithole of a general.
That’s ok, I’m not attractive either
Why the fuck would you care what race do other people play in the first place you fucking fag
why do people hate fem roegadyns so much I think they're cuties
A roe that doesn't look like fucking shit. Cool. Still lol, paying just for that hair.
Why do you care?
Read the choosing a sect part
There's no reason to bring two regens because one is already enough for anything in the game. Shield AST doesn't get to extend regens sure but you're not doign that particularly often anyway since the priority is to extend card buffs, lucid, lightspeed, and cleric stance instead
>Why do you care if things you don't like are constantly on your screen?
Having played WHM and SCH at endgame I’d say the skill ceiling is about the same. Yeah you have more available emergency buttons as SCH usually, but it’s so fucking easy to fix everything as WHM air doesn’t really matter
Imagine being this immature.
I'm level 63 and wishing for death, even with fast dungeon queues, to be fair I'm leveling ast with it so I can use the same gear in the leveling dungeons.
even with this goddamn earring it still feels slower than it used to be to get to 70, maybe I just burnt out a little getting to 60
>male fc leader has a lalafell fetish
>Convinces a bunch of guys to switch to female lalafell
>At one point my static had 6 fucking female lalafell
How do I convince them to play as female lalafell?
I don't even really mind other races, but they all look the fucking same.
Am I a bad person?
You know yoshi won't fix it. It's the one job will forever be fucked.
i wish i had four friends
I'm also already married
Theres no reason to bring shields unless people are going to die without them and if someone can survive an unshielded hit then regen is far more effective and efficient
you're now an official unpaid shill
You're trying to make a point, but that sounds legitimately terrible.
NIN if you don't lag at all. Any lag = you're fucked.
SCH if you like boring shields + fairy micro-management, but reliable slots in prog raids. People will argue it but WHM is much more fun/reliable to heal with if you're not an endgame-obsessed faggot - AST is just RNG shit.
BLM if you like spamming fire then ice then fire then ice then fire then ice then fire then ice then fire then ice then fire then ice with a few things in between and being too fucking stubborn to leave your leylines I know it's more than that but that's the basic so stfu BLM mains
MCH if you like having no rotation beyond waiting for your Ammo cooldowns and RNG procs. BRD is better and more fun.
I just want DNC to come out, fuck.
How the fuck is WHM more reliable when it's mostly hardcast heals as opposed to SCH's ogcd heals? Also no mention of mch being fucked by ping like ninja. Stop posting.
reminder only trannies play this game
40% faggots
I wish MCH was better, in games like these I love turrets, guns and bombs a ton but MCH is just so bad it sucks the flavor away.
There's no reason to bring two regens because you don't need them for literally any content in the entire game and you're just wasting mana overhealing
Pippin is BASED
I play this game and I'm not a tranny, though I do have tits. Junk food every day is not conducive to a healthy body.
You don't both need to heal ya dingus. You balance healing duties and you'll both save several GCDs going with double regens instead of shields.
If you're pugging, that's a bit different, but I'd still argue that double regens is better even in that scenario.
>if you have an SSD.
Putting XIV on my SSD was the best thing I've done for this game. Takes roughly 15 seconds to log in now. I teleport everywhere faster than my friend does too.
Reminder that a male playing a female character is not a tranny.
>being a fattie
>unironically more of a drain on the health system than trannies
you gotta lose that weight my guy
I feel bad for anyone still using a HDD in this day and age.
why is he so cute, lads?
trannies had to find something to stick to like glue and self insert as so au ra is ruined beyond already sucking.
so long as they don't pretend to be a girl on top of it for free shit or something.
I'm bored of gw2 and ESO. Loved tanking in wow literally played with all 6 tanking specs in legion but BFA managed to make everyone of them play and feel worse. What are the 3 tanks like in FF14? What are their specialties, pros and cons?
>wasting mp overhealing
Noct/Diurnal have identical mp costs. Worst case scenario youll cast diurnal helios just as much as noct helios and diurnal benefic absolutely dumpsters noct benefic
Tetragrammaton, constant hots even though WAY too many bad WHMs never keep regen up fuck that pisses me off, and paying enough attention that you know when bad shit's about to happen so you're already pre-casting shit to heal, not relying on an "oh shit" button or the auto-healer to do your work for you like the Fairy did early on.
My definition of "reliable" is that my heals are just that, controlled heals - I press a button, HP goes up without murdering my mana, or worrying about fucking Aetherflow stacks running out.
I'll openly admit I have no clue about late-game MCH, though, so whether the ping fucks with it or not? I have no clue. Wouldn't surprise me, but I don't hear it bitched about that often, but that might be because MCH isn't that popular to begin with. The only reason I'm even leveling it is for glamour purposes.
Yeah i never understoof Y'da's shorts...
cause where does the tension come from when the sides have them slits?
That’s fine I am too. It’s like a match made in heaven
Nope, not really. You never need more than one regen, so really you could argue you're trading a malefic III for a stone IV, which is a net gain, but only a slight one and not worth losing shields.
>>I'm supposed to believe she was Yda yhe whole time and everyone else was just pretending they didn't know
everyone pretending they didn't know for years is just ridiculous, especially given Y'shtolas no bs attitude i guess it foreshadowed SBs writing
I wanna fuck Y'shtola
despite going to Viera city, there wont be a single male viera because they're that reclusive
>free teleport location of your choice in game
Wait what does this mean? Like I can teleport to 1 location for free all the time? Like return but without recast timer?
be a giant shit babby who would rather DPS than do his job. in 8-man content, begs to be the off tank. generally your worst turdbo Monster energy drinking humans will be playing this
the purest tank in the game. great classic damage mitigation and self-healing abilities. drink of choice is something healthy like water
>dark knight
has to spam one ability for every other action. dark arts, another attack. dark arts, another attack. dark arts, another attack. repeat for ever. drink of choice is elmer's glue
tanking works the same for all three tanks in xiv, you press a cooldown when you're about to get smacked to not die
warrior is overall the strongest tank, dark knight is the weakest, but this game doesn't have the huge power level gaps between the best class and the worst like wow. they're all viable and more or less balanced
Paladin has a fuckton of very powerful support abilities, usually prefers to off tank at endgame.
Warrior does a fuckton of damage and has good snap aggro, usually prefers to main tank at endgame.
Dark Knight is somewhere in the middle. Mix of damage and shield abilities. Will main tank with a Paladin or off tank with a Warrior. This is a terrible description but I don't play DRK much. Someone else can fill in if they want.
Nothing to discuss until JP fanfest.
There is just so many times you can speculate about if we will get the genderlock or the young elezen viera, or how dancer could be until it becomes stale.
You're wrong but I respect your choice to be wrong.
DRK knight is just literally in the cuck shed mate.
No you can do regular teleport without the Gil cost
I've already lost over 30lbs, my guy. Keto is the lazy man's diet.
Is Papalymo really a manlet, if all Lala's are manlets, and thus that height equivalency is not met?
Don't forget that you'll eventually be #MeToo'ed when they realize all you have is your looks and/or find a better deal and regret associating with you.
>you will never get to meet sadu.
>you will never be able to go all out fighting her until shes completely exhausted.
>you will never be able to take her forcefully into a mating press after her floodgates were released from all that fighting
>you will never pound her into oblivion until shes twitching in ecstacy.
why even bother living bro...
Why is it so hard to make friends in this game.
Pretty much.
I keep it set to Limsa because of the market board thing, and set my Return homepoint to the endgame hub.
You can also set three locations as your Favourite which halves the teleport cost. I think mine are Idyllshire, Kugane, and Uldah.
And there's a way to get another free teleport on top of this, I think by installing the companion app that lets you fiddle with your retainers, but I've been unsubbed since that was added.
40 lbs on keto checking in. It’s so easy, you can eat so much food shit
>30 minute dungeon run
When am I allowed to kill myself?
Alright, enjoy getting kicked for being dead weight.
If I already have the HW WAR axe relic (and the SB one) should I make the ARR one too?
Nigger, who are you fooling? FF is a degenerate attracting franchise in a nutshell, all races are filled with degenerates because that's all who plays this sorry excuse for an MMO.
>>based people
Word. I miss bread though. Almond flour is fucking expensive so I can't make keto friendly bread.
Lorewise, what's the difference between summoning/using a carbuncle and a SCH fairy?
It's also highly questionable how legit the whole reincarnation thing is anyway. That clan believes in it, but there's not a shred of real evidence to support it.
Shit I might actually get this. Is it a hassle logging in with it? I'm on ps4 so I never saw the point of this but after hearing this I might just go ahead with.
I have never been kicked and I've been playing since launch.
Bravura is the best looking axe in the axe
>is a manlet a manlet if he's not a manlet compared to other manlet?
congrats, you went full retard
>Is it a hassle logging in with it?
Takes like 5-10 seconds, just need to have your phone on hand
Don't forget to write down the emergency code or you're fucked if you get a new phone.
Carbuncles are aetheric constructs made from a gem iirc. Fairies are bound otherworldly creatures.
>hyur female
>not the worst whm healslut
This. I'm a fuck up but I cannot fathom fucking up hard enough to actually get booted out of the party.
I have a soft spot for Parashu but I wish its handle was as long as Ukonvasara.
Does the machinist even have good weapons besides the meme pvp one? on that preferably looks good even with gauss barrel on?
no bullying gun
But they're the worst scions
Anyone here play MCH? How do you like it?
and every single one of them is ruined by gauss barrel.
I hope that skill is just fucking removed.
It was fun in HW
HW MCH was much more fun to play, SB MCH feels like a second thought because of how late 3.X MCH was busted.
/gaussbarrel hides it
>realized my midlander looks 99% like Lily Collins
>that missionary men shot story in the second lore book
only for yourself, I still have to look at it on other peoples characters, when they hide it I still see theirs, other people can still see mine, it's a non-solution.
This place is about to be my new return spot
Fairies are pixies that were kidnapped by the Nymians and infused with aether and bound to soul crystals. This process turned them into the fairies SCH use.
Wrong like for almost every job the best weapons are the Padjali ones where you set the display sheathed weapon setting off and pretend they are energy/light weapons.
Where do the fairies come from?
pretty much every gun looks stupid in some particular fashion because the class just doesn't get a lot of attention. If you have a cool looking pistol like the Bardam's Mettle gun, Gauss Barrel looks stupid and the sprint animation makes no sense because it's a pistol.
If you have a musket the sprint animation looks better but gauss barrel's retarded and a lot of the animations look weird with a long gun. If you've got a bulky looking machinegun like the 70 MCH weapon GB and sprint look okay but it looks even more weird doing front flip style shots.
There's no fucking winning.
How are people gltiching their furniture onto the new loft items? I thought they fixed the window exploit.
In every single guide the answer is Diurnal is better in every situation except when youre forced to go Noct because of a sch, ast or one shot mechanic.
Double regen (WHM/AST) is flat out better unless people are dying from full health that they couldve survived with a shield. In no situation where a shield is not required for survival does shield ever beat out regen.
The rotation is too tight. If played perfectly, it can out dps BRD in a vacuum. However, BRD offers much more raid utility and damage buffing for party members and is much more forgiving in difficulty.
There is genuinely no reason to play MCH at this time. Not at all. BRD is better in every way.
>trying to flex in a dungeon
>still couldn't beat the SAM
Tank players everyone
sailing the seas of Hydaelyn is dangerous y'know
nevermind the open sea, they were just sailing around Aldenard and somehow managed to still fuck it up.
are there any more scans on the 2nd lorebook?
try choosing more then just the face, hair and skin type and calling it a day. I'm apparently also a ''samefacer'' as my friend put it but he and I never noticed until I told him the number I choose. That is because I customized everything including the eyes, nose and eyebrows and whatnot.
does anyone else want to have hot sweaty post-battle sex with sadu or is it just me?
I play Machinist because I feel required to by name, it's a struggle to get decent dps, and legitimately difficult to be competitive with a bard, who has a more fun rotation and is more forgiving to play. It really just feels like nobody at Sqex gives a shit about it.
>liking girls
Will the ears be customizable like Miqo'te tails or will it be tied to face?
Why are you required by name?
>be snow elf
>see all the other snow elves trying to poke the dragons with sticks
>say "fuck it" and build a cannon instead
>eventually, the city's defenses are supplemented with cannons and harpoons
>probably didn't get paid for shit because loloppressivetheocracy
>such is life in Coerthas
I like lizards but Sadu is fucked in the head.
god damn those brow bunnies make me diamonds fuuuuuck
I love the aesthetics/animations of MCH but the class is literally not playable with my ping (140). You heavily clip gcds when single weaving with rapid fire.
No one knows for sure at this point. A bent ear option was mentioned and that's it.
basically the story of mikhail kalashnikov
>Dotharl scum
At the risk of being called obsessed or whatever they are quite literally the in universe trannies. And just like IRL ones they kill themselves when it doesn't work out with their identity.
sadu would totally be down to smash if you beat her in a fight.
named after Mustadio's father from FFT. Have used the name well before MCH was announced. Sorta feels like it's expected, and I did like MCH in HW.
I always wanted to rip her shorts off and go to town on her. This has not changed now that she's wearing a dress
I know the basics of tanking that's essentially. Get aggro, face targets away from party and don't die or lose aggro.
What I liked about wow tanking is that they each had their own thing
Half of damage received is turned into a dot. Highly mobile. Need the most healing but is the easiest to heal due to no spiking of life
Reliable, has lots of damage mitigation. Proactive, if shit hits the fan and you are going to die then you will probably die. Mobile
Reactive, has only cooldowns and procs as a resource. Has worse mitigation than warrior but can recover faster in emergency situations. Not so mobile
>death Knight
Whole schtick is self healing, forcefully pulling mobs to you and creating barriers. Least mobile
You are a bear. You can have 100% uptime on damage mitigation but it's the weakest. You can make your group run faster. Has bad buttons for emergency situations but with 100% uptime on mitigation you won't need that. Was the best tank for the entirety of legion second to none.
Worst tank. Has the strongest mitigation but when it's off cooldownsl you pray to Jesus you don't die. Like a mix of death Knight and druid but none of the great parts. Only good thing about it is you use two bladed weapons to tank.
with this hooded figure basically being a man'qote, I'm wondering if folks are right speculating that they're just not going to give hoods/helms ears in 5.0
you must have had a weird time in the new raid
>stops just short of showing ass crack
goddamn I love femroes. I just hope we get more facial features sometime
tfw never ever
Sadu can definitely get the business
I miss HW MCH.
why is she such an awful character, holy shit. she might be hot, but i just want her to join papalymo and her sister, asap.
her tits look pretty big here. this modded?
Occasionally people comment on it, but most people don't actually remember the name since he has like 6 lines in the main story, and only breaks into double digits if you do the Worker Eight stuff.
muh niggar
I recognize Gorge's brother and the Maelstrom 2nd in command, but who is far left and who is bottom?
I hope it's the former but then they'd have to fix the aur ra horns or there would certainly be a backlash.
She would literally turn you into a pile of ash the moment you challenged her amerifat.
Faeries are the exact same thing as carbuncles. They're simply aetherial constructs. What makes them different is that the Nymians discovered that if they could maintain the faeries' presence, they would begin to form sapience and learn from their actions. So they began binding faeries to soul crystals to avoid unsummoning them. When you're summoning your faerie, you're actually just giving it enough aether to reform its body. A tiny dose of it is always existing inside your soul crystal at all times.
The art panel showed they are customizable.
Stahlmann is the bottom (no pun intended), but I don't recognize the left one.
>5 WoD
>5 Sleeping Scions
>Throw wide the gate so we can pass
The WoD will be possessing the bodies of the Scions temporarily. G'raha is needed to open a rift between the Void so that its darkness seep into and even out the light
hey man i canonically beat her in the duel i think im qualified af.
far left i think is an OC
bottom is rostnsthal i think, pirate from the 1.0 limsa opening and mch quests
I feel like Raubahn was a bigger influence in the Ala Mhiggan resistance.
So Eldibus is a time traveling Alphinaud right?
Because she's being written as if she's some sheltered 16 year old girl, instead of a young woman a decade older than that and experienced.
Of course
He's just one of Elidibus's many host
What is the worst server?
What are the chances of MCH getting fixed in Shad?
enigmatic africans
if gauss barrel and heat aren't removed, 0%
You could travel 20 years into the future and there still wouldn't be a playable one. But FF14 retail would be offline while 11 retail still kicked around with 40 total active players.
about equal that of another class getting broken.
I just have to hope it's not one of my favourites that gets ruined this time.
This is pretty much all they have to do. Fixing how ammo and procs work would be a plus but they'd probably just fuck it up worse.
It depends on how much community outcry there is. If the MCH population is too small or silent, then not much will happen. DRK and MNK need some fixing too, I think.
Anyone playing on Leviathan could sell me 2 Battledance Materia III, please ?
I need them for my ARR relic quest.
Most of the ARR relic weapons look shit, just do the HW ones instead.
What if instead of that, they add another wildfire with 120s cooldown so you're even more on the clock?
I might have some, give me a few minutes to log in
Generally it's by dating another member and then the breakup causes drama. As a rule, avoid statics with couples
It's wrong to share this image. It's wrong because it's so right.
ive had one female slowly infect and ruin a fucking FC. it can happen.
I like wildfire, it's the best part of the job. Heat/Gauss management and RNG procs without ammo are the worst part.
>Bringer of Shadows
>Bringer of Light (You)
Nigga I think you on to something there.
How easy is it to pick up blu and learn self destruct? I want to use it ruin some RP sessions.
I feel the opposite since Wildfire is all of your damage and everything outside of a small timeframe you are fucking useless.
it's like a level 15 skill dude, thought you can get it before that if you get someone to carry you into it, or just learn a thousand needles.
imo these things are due to poor FC/static leadership. There need to be ground rules that diminish drama and at some point, you need to step in and excise the problem. Though sometimes you could do everything and things just don't work out, but it's important to figure out what works what doesn't early on and be ready to reboot if necessary.
If you have a friend, just unlock it and have your friend unsync with you into Halatali.
Are you saying you wanted the Lyse tits the CG trailer promised you? Not the in-game tits that are tiny?
I wish I could do my relic quest, but the quest is magically unavailable for me.
Their burst was almost their entire identity in HW. Massive wildfires were fun times. I just wish everything outside of wildfire wasn't so unfun.
Check for it on the marketboard. I put some cheap ones up
How exactly do you ruin an RP session by killing yourself? If anything, you're giving them what they want. Unless they're autists, which a lot might be, but enough of them are smart enough to ignore dumbfucks like you
>Be tank
>11 minutes into queue for castrum abania
>No healer or dps in forming party
So this is where tank privilege dies
You must not know how sensitive RPers are about anyone even standing too close to their scene. Table Cloth used to get mass reported just for being dead on a table in the Quicksand.
Thanks user I picked the 2 I needed!
>I must blindly obey the ascians, only after I help them fulfill their goal will I be able to defeat them
Is Varis retarded or just pretending to be to backstab the ascians later?
That's sexist, user. Are you saying Lyse is only worth her tit size?
your a pretty shit rper if you can't ignore someone standing nearby or being a low level nuisance.,
He's playing 4D chess.
np man
I already did the WAR, SCH and WHM ones, I kinda wanted to make the PLD one but the sand and light farming makes me want to die already.
*ting ting ting ting ting*
May I have your attention please
/em slaps you
Table Cloth was actually a friend and hilarious. Most of us loved her. And as that other user said, they're pretty shit if they let something that silly bug them. Nigga they just close they eyes and walk away
Okay then what should I say when I come storming in? Something like ''Rhalgr is the greatest'' or something?
By ruining their session? Imagine rping with someone and then suddenly a guy storms in and shouts ''Rhalgr is the greatest!'' and then selfdestructs. their whole ''mood'' would be ruined.
table cloth is a legend
This part in the story quest really pissed me off, I really hope they're going for this being how he convinces the WoD to fuck up the ascians.
Otherwise this is completely out of character for varis.
I think he is purposely goading people into attacking him to get the Ascians out.
No. The best you'd be able to do is approximate one.
What's the best way to farm sands? Scrips or amber vilekins?
Some class discussion points for Shadowbringers.
>Should AST/SCH get more card/pet abilities or do they have enough of those already?
>if Yoshi goes ahead with balancing 2 tanks as offtanks and 2 as main tanks out of GNB/WAR/PLD/DRK which do you think will end up as which?
>should MNK get greased lightning 4 knowing that it will lock the class off from non-optimal ping players?
>Should WHM get its own class mechanic to handle (no lilies don't count) or should it remain the unga healer?
>What will ASTs The Spire replacement effect be now that TP is not a thing?
>Should RDMs new abilities focus on adding utility (party effecting buffs/boss debuffs) sine their core rotation leaves little room for new additions without a rework?
>how can Ninja being auto included due to trick attack be addressed without a basic change like 'removed trick attack but increased ninja action potencies'
>Table Cloth was actually a friend and hilarious. Most of us loved her.
Quicksand ERP autists were fucking seething over her until she was posted on reddit and the consensus decided they were supposed to like her.
Lyse is a boring, annoying character. Her ONLY appealing attribute is her looks and Mother of God her flat chest is a fucking crime against Hyurkind.
*uses meteor seasonal item*
*whistles to summon giant marida mount*
*stomps them*
Well, you know what? I agree with you 100%.
how the fug do i go about even doing BA since i am on a jp server, clearly go in with a premade and try to read up on the fights beforehand but is that it?
Nigga they don't give a shit. That happens every day and is normal. We've seen Self-destructing faggots like you, Door Stops, Table Clothes, giant Roecoboes, conga-lines of pigs, a giant pink roe confessing his love for a male hyur in /shout, you name it. That's fucking NORMAL for the Quicksands. At least be imaginative like Table Cloth/Door Stop/The Roe faggots instead of just your one-trick pony of dying and sitting there. Table already did that.
I used both ways.
When I was out of allowances for the ember I went with the scrips.
How long does it take to grind? I have 100 leves stockpiled.
I read that the japs have been actually treating it like a public dungeon and there are no discord tranny groups running everything
You ignore the lowbie fuck alts and lazy RPers that get miffed over shit like that, just like sane folks will ignore Captain Self-Destruct. They're the whiny loud minority vs the quiet, amused majority that just keep on doing what they're doing.
I plan on playing a healer if MCH doesn't get cool looking shit in the skill trailer. Personally, I'd prefer for WHM to have another emergency heal and maybe something to help the raid out on par with chain strat. SCH is in a fine place, maybe a summon 3 that offers DPS support rather than healing.
The japs can do that because they actually look up/ask what they need to do to prepare before going in. You can't do that on NA/EU because you'll have randoms walking in witha group that has 5 healers and none of the necessary logograms
should have 78 cards, embrace the RNG
Depends of your lucks to be honest, but with 100 you should be able to get around 30 or 40 ember imo.