Smash Ultimate Summit

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Attached: hbox slapping.webm (458x404, 1.26M)

Based Dabuz.

Attached: 1542147305157.webm (720x405, 2.86M)

Dabuz is a legend.

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Why are gay guys drawn to playing peach?

What is she gonna do with that massive oblong bat ?

where is the clip of dabuz popoff?

Dabuz is clearing the house

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So, are people going to scream nerf Rosalina now?

First for fuck Stinkling and it's players

didn't expect to walk away from this Summit ending up loving Dabuz


Who is that qt in the denim jacket?!

>didn't really like Dabuz before
>like him a lot now

>vocaloid plushie
dabuz becoming more based by the minute

>10 hours>10 hours>10 hours>10 hours>10 hours>10 hours>10 hours>10 hours>10 hours>10 hours>10 hours>10 hours>10 hours>10 hours>10 hours>10 hours>10 hours>10 hours>10 hours>10 hours>10 hours>10 hours>10 hours>10 hours>10 hours>10 hours>10 hours>10 hours>10 hours>10 hours>10 hours>10 hours>10 hours>10 hours>10 hours>10 hours



I want to fuck Rosalina's thighs GODDAMMITFUCK

Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg (158x179, 6K)

>gift from a "very close friend"

Is Dabuz gay?

My hero!

Attached: DwG7qALUcAAp2yF.jpg (695x1200, 127K)

you could say that for literally every char

>the most exciting thing of summit was a match with rosalina that made the game as slow as smash 4

best couch of the day

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I think that was Zero's gf.

>make fun of Dabuz the whole time he's playing for having the waifu plush
>completely polite when they ask him about it
>Dabuz will most likely watch this match again and hear all of it

Attached: Black Guy Sad.jpg (570x238, 23K)

That's unironically hot as fuck.

The quadroon blood coming in.

He isn,t gay, just raised by a single mother (he's black after all) but he was actually sheltered and they have good relation so he's effeminate.

>Dabuz is now /our guy/
best timeline

Attached: Kamina.jpg (397x400, 37K)

What is this?

there will be a thread about it by the end of the day, guarenteed

wait, someone used rosalina and i fucking missed it? goddammit
i thought nobody was going to use her

me on the left

>10 hours of practice lets you beat a top 10 player

The more you learn about him, the more you end up liking him.

How can Peach and Daisy even compete?

Attached: womanlets.jpg (900x1121, 218K)

he is confirmed bisexual


A lot of top players mute commentary

yep, just 2 more to replace and we are golden

pussy ass commentators desu

D1 Coney EE TK couch when

Dabuz brought her back for the final match and won.

According to his Reddit AMA he's bisexual

A lot of the basics clearly transfered from Smash 4. Just like how Nairo barely practices with ZSS but still gets results when he uses her

He's basically M2K but his insane and ridiculous idea actually work.

I now understand the appeal of bayo mains

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I love that you have a real life anime character on the right, and then just... dabuz...

did zero get exposed by everyone yet

>Actually deleting your post on 4channel because you were so fucking wrong

Imagine being this insecure holy fuck JUST

god I'd love to see them fuck

10 hours + his entire smash 4 career. Not only that but its an extremely different matchup

am i really the only one who capped it?

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I got it too

Attached: Capture.png (1183x79, 7K)

He was already /ourguy/ at Frostbite 2018 when he slayed all those bayos, I'm glad he's getting a chance to shine as a person thanks to summit though

me on the right

Does anyone else question their sexuality every time this gets posted?

yours is better, we'll use yours

Fucking Armada of all people clapped Zero

It was cool to see Dabuz bring out Rosalina, but Samsora was the only one here capable of beating Leo, so RIP this tournament

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I don't get how people can talk about bayo being broken, I tried to play her before and she sucked.


Jesus, Zero looks so fat compared to everyone else.

why would his smash 4 career matter? they're playing ultimate

I fucking hate neurotypical normscum

He almost sent MKLeo to loser's yesterday, but he was defeated by Armada today.

did anyone clip it
or is the tourney still running and who did he even use her against


This is a smash commentator

How do I marry Zero's girlfirend?

in ultimate she sucks
in 4 she's turbo cancer

How in the fucking MKLeo keeps getting at Grand Finals / top 4 almost EVERY FUCKING TIME?

FOUR upcoming bts events? oy vey

broken in smash4* and just because you cant play for shit doesnt mean she wasnt broken

>advert for a real fighting game

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>dabuz wins
>with rosa no less
>that webm of him winning genesis/evo(?) like he had an orgasm hasn't been posted
seemed like an obvious move, wish I had it

>Mortal Kombat
I schleep

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It just happened like five minutes ago so you should be able to watch it later.

the worst thing about it is that it completely killed chillenposting

Nah skill doesn't matter. Only character.

He's has a very solid understanding of fundamentals.

>Summit of Time
Is this part of a grand scheme leading to a Summit of the Infinity Gauntlet?

Will we see any more Rosa plays?

by being amazing at the game duh

here you go, please use it responsibly in the future

Attached: dabuz pops off.webm (1280x720, 1.61M)

Chillin posting never dies.

By beating other players


we can adapt

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You can just click on the video button in Twitch, click on today's stream and rewind to that part.

I never thought I'd like this man so much.


Attached: zero.jpg (715x715, 103K)

Gain 100 more pounds than what Zero currently weighs. Also get more subs than him on twitch.

Like, the only man that he almost never defeats is Tweek, and Tweek loses to the people that MKLeo constantly beats. Are they two the GOATs?

Tetris Summit when

What happens when their gravitational forces clash?

Can we stop this meme of pretending that Smash 4 skills don't transfer to Ultimate? Almost all the Smash 4 top players are Ultimate top players, a lot of them are using the same characters. The one exception is ZeRo who who took over a year break from tournaments.

Imagine the GRAVITY

Chillin will assimilate Zero into him

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perfectly balanced

as all things should be

Is this shopped?


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thanks laddy
with how he's doing, this will be sorely needed

Sasuke and Naruto of Smash


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it would be extremely painful

Blacked Hole

chillin just gets eaten

Reminder that a Bowser and a Rosalina won a set at Ultimate.

Did Armada really let himself go that much?

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Either a new universe is born
or subspace opens

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>playing bing bing wahoo : the fighting game
oh no no noo

no homo but I'd love to rub my cock on his belly

he has a sexier belly than mango

post the one with glutonny

I just noticed fucking Dabuz.
This image is gonna go far.

Attached: 0921740.jpg (632x353, 34K)

Rooting for gluttony to begin the reverse 3-0 so that dabuz pulls out the rosa again

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The smash girl couch

Post big guys

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The fuck did chillen do to get so big?

anyone else any more of these very slightly photoshopped pics where you have to question if its real or not

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Is Dabuz black?

thar looks shopped

I doubt Dabuz would do that considering Abadango used to shit on his Rosalina with Wario in Smash 4 back when Rosa was busted and Wario sucked


why is there a hyena cackling in the background

This isn't shopped

He was secretly hired by the US Military to put on the most intense bulk known to man.


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>you NEED to get that white dude off

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That's just Vikki

Can I get a girlfriend by being in Smash Ultimate? What's the minimum PGR rank that I need?

Yeah someone needs to get this white guy off haha

Fuck Dabuz, you colossal faggots.

Fuck any olimar picker

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Ultichildren really don't have a right to pick on Meleefags for Jigglypuff anymore.


He was never the same after the salty suite

got just the one

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Vish is unironically a racist. The way he treaded Ludwig last summit was fucking rutheless

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------ Coney, 1 or 2 weeks ago

>cute anime girl banged by fat hairy ugly man

Eat shit if you play as your pic related. Olimar is overtuned though.

>mfw chillin actually looks exactly like me

Is this Olimar player one of (((them)))?

Top 30 should do but if you get top 2 in Melee you get to have two girlfriends at the same time

Jesus fucking christ Olimar is such a cancerous pick

Yenesis 2....

jogs my noggin

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>it cuts out before the part where he starts beating the shit out of teddie

come on son

Yeah this seems a bit scuffed

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Please tell me that's edited...

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"The whites are dead"

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okay is this guy working out or did he just get fat

Who is the cutest Bayo main?


oh well, still a good showing by Glutonny, really happy about that


Someone please explain the origins of Chillinposting to me.

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No, because I'm already gay.

he's bulking

glutonny got lipp'd on





Can those lips take it all the way?

Damn Dabuz is such a chad, he literally talks shit right after matches

Leo is Dabuz's black beast. This is over.

now kiss to see who is the best bayo

Melee literally BTFOing Ultimate kids by doing nothing.

Attached: m53.jpg (583x574, 111K)

Rosa desyncs need serious fixing

thank you for reminding me of this

bulk gone horribly right

Based chad Olimar and genius Dabuz making shitters SEETHE. Dabbing on you faggots.

Zack duh

Attached: 600px-CaptainZack_Genesis4.jpg (600x400, 29K)

he got extra thicc between summit 6 and 7(?) and people started making fun of him

Attached: Chillin breaks the stream.webm (950x490, 2.68M)


Be sure to root for /ourguy/ Dabuz

Attached: baseddabuz.png (1079x425, 383K)

please no melee/ultimate wars
the memes for both games are fun

It turns out Melee just needed to pull a Luigi and let Ultimate defeat itself.


Nice shop.

which boards?

fucking kek

Attached: 1552194019520.webm (860x468, 1.05M)

This. Olimar is BASED, a space man, family man, intelligent. He's more entertaining than crap like Stinkling.

Dabuz is so refreshing to listen to. He's not trying to be cool, he doesn't talk in circles, he's just smart.

does anyone have the song version of this vid? on mixtape moe website?

fucking BASED
bet he browses Yea Forums

Kek. They're there just the free money and the food.

post the mixtape link

based and redpilled

It's shopped

Chillin eating

This summit did more for his image than all of smash 4

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smol boi

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>dabuz has the personality I'd most want to root for
>plays the character I least want to root for

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You don't say?

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You guys have pretty much destroyed the meaning of the word "based". I'm so glad I had that word filtered.

Too bad he's a fucking mute in Smash for whatever reason, normals need to hear his deep ass monotone voice

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Dabuz is sooooooooo based

You realize Dabuz can't beat Leo right? Leo beats Dabuz 100% of the time.

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Do you have the signal lost one?

Dabuz is a conceited asshole. My guy picks a broken character instantly hogs the mic and goes "DiD yEw SeE hoW epicI DID ;) "

If only he kept going Rosa it wouldn't feel bad to root for

why couldn't soccerguy put in olimars voice

Holy shit zoom-out ZeRo looks so surreal. he even dwarfs EE.

Dabuz is straight mogging Leo right now

>zero won't get off the fucking couch

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>actually using filters

this. complete opposite to Crush

Yeah, he sounds nothing like you expect him too.

you dont know what that word means, stop using that word

ok retard

He's been hogging the mic all fucking day, it's beyond annoying.

nice blog my fellow redditor

People would be right freaked that he's got a heavy bass voice and not a squeaky one.

it's not that he won't, its that he can't. He's a big guy.

Mouth breathing retard.

Play smash sometime

xD semantics, he's not broken he's overpowered!! retard alert!!

Olimar is an honest and based character.

I want Dabuz to win but I also want Luci to win cause she cute character

he's not even overpowered. leave this thread you complete retard

>those lips
is dabuz the father?

olimar is a family man

ChadLeo putting Wariohipsters and Olimarhipsters in their place.

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dabuz's olimar is the only olimar I can stand watching, myran is carried by side b and up smash and always mashes whistle out of hitstun

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Nah, he's definitely stronger than he really needs to be right now. I think they can adjust some things like his smash attacks and he'd still be a very good character.

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Play smash sometime, for real, it’ll help you understand the game when you watch it

did ZD even play this summit? He fucking vanished, I wish Marss had gotten in over him

No it isn't. it's from his Smash 4 tier list video from July 2016. It's in his twitch highlights.

please tell me that this is not the best ultimate has to offer

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But flatchest is sexy and best

>Now he swaps to Olimar and starts complaining about the character an hour later

yeah I'm a sucker for low tier heroes

>MKLeo using the THARJA skin


I want to fondle Zero's moobs while he sits on my face while I lick his sweaty ass.

I'm not joking.

Attached: 1437799135434.gif (290x224, 2.98M)

>grand finals
>can't even break 70k viewers

Attached: c31[1].png (600x630, 423K)

That's me when I played him as a costume and heard his voice in Mario Maker

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>It's another "Leffen thinks about picking another character but he never commits" episode

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New main incoming.

He was the first player elimnated, like 8 hours ago

"looks like everyone stealing my multiple tag techinque..."

Attached: debuz.jpg (1280x720, 142K)

just imagine how soulless the rest of today will be if leo wins


>leo washes another tournament
holy shit this kid is the truth

You would need really long arms to do that

Ultimate is a great game but watching it is pretty meh.

Attached: 024923509235636.gif (1024x704, 113K)

Delet this post.

Time for another 3-0

>grand finals
>Lucina vs Olimar

And Yea Forums says Ultimate is balanced.

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brawl 3.0 is real user

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>Picks up Olimar
>Goes to tournament and loses some friendlies
>Well guys, guess my Olimar still isn't good enough. Also he has some wack matchups lol. Unfortunately I'll be playing Pokemon Trainer this time.

It's almost like vgbootcamp wasted their money on getting him in or something

I'll fondle his moobs with my feet if I have to.

I'll make it work.

I have a different tag for almost every ultimate setup at my locals.

MKLeo >>>> your favorite player

Attached: H3YBLYB.jpg (640x1136, 72K)

lucina is so fucking lame
why did the dullest anime swordfighter have to be the best, the sweetspot boys take more finesse and chrom is higher risk, higher reward, lucina is just le boring balanced girl

Damn this shit is ending early.

Hope that will convince people to do some mafia

Go MKLeo destroy that SNORELIMAR!

Miss him yet?

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Pack it up boys, Mexico is taking home the gold!

Why isnt he moving his lips?

rosa time


I been watching every tournament since before the game released. There are rare glimpses of hype but overall it's the same as Smash 4, even the players noticed it and said it while commentating.

Attached: prussia.jpg (540x860, 87K)

Same. He's really cute.

Fuck it, I still play him. I didn't play Sm4sh so I first played him when Ult came out and he's fun to play

cloud platform camping to charge limit is far worse than this

>Do you think you can beat MKLeo?
>gets 3-0'd
RIP Dabuz, we barely knew ye.

>Thank god Ultimate isn't like 4 where tournaments were dominated by one or two characters!

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Imagine being subscribed to MkLeo on twitch. Dude has the personality of cardboard, yikes.

I think zero is going to stream mafia they said something about that last night

oh fuck

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Do all Ultimate tourneys have finals this lame?


You really need to stop being a stupid person.



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god I want to kiss Dabuz'S lips

based FE character making smashbabbies seethe

I like the pacing, but I find Sm4sh more hype.

Or rather people think that MVDA is a good representation of skill, just because it gets broadcasted via VGBC getting the most exposure.
He's good, but there are so many better Fox's.

yo that SPIKE

>Pika vs Puff

>swap from the best character in the game to a total shit character

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Yes. Even in Genesis 6 the crowds was jizzing over Melee loser brackets sets. While Ultimate is always kinda dull. Fun to play, boring to watch.

This would have been better if Samsora was here instead of Dabuz

leo winning is so fucking boring, he's becoming the next zero except he has less peronality

The two S-tiers have had five characters in grand finals

You see....when I get defeated...I get mad...I'll destroy MKleo....

Attached: MONKEY.jpg (480x360, 29K)

What a god awful finals. Great game you guys have here.

Why would he pick Rosa? Gimmick characters does not work against MKLeo.

He filled out well. He's a lot plumper than he used to be.

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You need to stop making the same excuses you did to defend Smash 4. It's obviously not working, even the tourneyfags admi

You were the cancer that killed doubles.

Comebacks in this game look fucking impossible.

Dabuz loses lol

leo is just a monster

may as well try it since olimar doesn't work either


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That's why I really dislike MVDA, hoping florida starts getting more exposure because that whole state is heavily underrepresented

The best part is that Lucina will never be nerfed because Nintendo told Sakurai to never touch the FE cast.

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This is the queen regent of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Say something about her.

Attached: Lucina.(Fire.Emblem).600.1950775.jpg (600x600, 118K)

>implying Melee doesn't have Grand Finals that are a wash
Mang0 vs Armada at Genesis 4 comes to mind.

That was fucking terrible, jesus christ.


Well that was a waste of 8 hours.

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Her tits are too big in that image

It's not just Leo though. Literally every set someone went up 2-0.

Based and very cute. FE reigns supreme.

>he subscribes to people at all and thinks hes above leo subs
better donate to your favorite e-thot before she stops showing her feet user


Attached: let go.png (546x432, 283K)

ultimate is so fucking boring, it's becoming the next smash 4 except more olimars

source: my gaping anus

MKGOATO BTFOING you niggers once again

This is the worst timeline.

were there any good chillins made this summit
i didnt watch any of it

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NERF LUCINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are these threads always like this? Nonstop shitposting trying to get a reaction

2nd place is still a great result for our guy dabuz

>No popoff from Leo winning a shitload of money

Damn this dude is cold af. He straight up just sees this as business as usual

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I want to suck on her mommy milkers.

This Summit was kind of disappointing...

god damn MKLeo is fucking good.
Kinda no contest for #1 right now

Nah, Cloud's worse than Lucina.

well that was fucking boring
nice pits but she's flatter than that

Summit is basically crowdfunded populatirty poll, so no it isn't the best Ultimate has to offer.
Wait for a major/super major.

>kind of


>he's becoming the next zero
Tweek beats MkLeo.

Why do all these players seem like they don't give a shit? They don't show any emotion whether they win or lose

Because the game is boring and lame? Lucina wins again, who cares

>people said MKLeo was just carried by Ike nair without realizing Lucina was his better character

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Gonna get Lucina in Elite so she'll get nerfed sooner.

>Has no personality*

Except in those games players are doing insane inputs, the execution of Melee compared to Ultimate is laughable.

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they pretty much are. you might as well SD if you're at >30% on your last stock while your opponent has 2 or more stocks.

having less personality than zero is fucking impressive


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>so leo how do you feel

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>implying rigged

Lucina doesn't lose a matchup desu
the 55-45 matchup master

Tweek might have a word with you

Leo has the fucking personality of wet cardboard.

>this lack of hype

it wasnt supposed to be like this

He's still Tweek's bitch. He ain't #1 until he beats him.

Fuck yes, mafia tonight

Lmao you guys wasted your time

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It was 3-0 after 3-0 after 3-0. How many Game 5s did we see?

It was fun, but I kinda lost interest towards the end.

>Plays and wins
>Goes home and plays some more
>Doesn't make any controversial statements or act like an ass for no reason
Can't hate him but he is a little boring.

Eh, it almost worked. Still, maybe now people will start practicing an alt in case their main's gets thrashed.

So we all agree it's still the king, right?

Attached: 13639-super-smash-bros-melee-gamecube-front-cover[1].jpg (750x1053, 246K)

>non existant recovery frames
>early kills
>everything sets up for combos
>easy edgegards
>almost impossible recovery to intercept
>up B oos kills at 100

This bitch better get nerfed 3.0.0

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Not going to happen. Sakurai said that the FE characters aren't getting nerfed ever. He called their superiority "strategic".

Pretty much, doesn’t really matter though it’s Yea Forums

thats the joke

i think if dabuz worked on his rosalina and stopped fishing for run in throws and smash attacks he could have done better
also this, tweek has years of HARD WORK

t. manchild with carpel tunnel

I haven't subbed to anyone on twitch in years. I just feel bad when I see people spamming MkLeo emotes in chat, like they could've bought a footlong instead of giving money to a robot

How can other characters even compete?

Attached: lucina glasses.png (1200x1548, 976K)

Idiots like you never learn, ever.

After Frostbite a couple weeks back, morons like yourself were saying Tweek was #1 no contest.

Nobody is the undisputed #1 at this early stage. Won't stop morons like you from making retarded claims.

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Mafia better be decent tonight

Say something nice about Lucy!

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At least Tweek is a legitimate threat to MkLeo, unlike Hbox who runs around unopposed now that Armada quit Melee.

also leo isn't a piece of shit

This was a really shit tourney.

>fire emblem wins again

gamers rise up

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how'd he do at Nimbus? Lmaoooo

I like how there's actually a guy with an Evangelion themed shirt in the background.

Well, no more Ultimate Summits after this, unsure of how much it could bring in next time compared to other games.

The important thing to take away from all this, if there was a Mafia Summit, we have further evidence that no one from Smash would ever be invited.

someone help tk please

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first and last for kpop

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Literally me in the rightside; background.

They show it after the match. If you've ever seen a day 2 Tourney irl, that shit is pretty depressing.

Ultimate can't replace it

hoping for a big, big round since nobody has to grind
then again I'm sure some people have planes to catch and shit

who is this and where are her nudes

Attached: actualgirl.png (1920x1080, 3.26M)

based mkleo gunning for tweek

People refuse to change it up when they were behind. All the commentators had been saying this throughout the tournament.

That sure is one hungry looking box...

When will Ultimate start being hype? Every finals is so weak and forgettable.

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16 year old girls watch smash?

>Insane inputs

Sm4sh needs a heel like HBox to generate hype and stories. Leffen should've been the heel but he's a shitter that can't even make top 8.

calm down Salem

sausage fest

I think that's Zero's gf

Reminder that FE characters being overpowered is by design. It's to advertise and sell more Fire Emblem games.


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>insane inputs

Not since everyone who could consistently beat Hbox either focused on streaming or retired

zer0's gf

Don't make me remind you boy

so was it a good summit?

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that's zero's gf Vanessa


How'd he do at Glitch and Frostbite? Lmaoooo

See how stupid you are?


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That's ZeRo girlfriend. Had no idea she was there.


>that soulless parking lot

Since when Leo is having sex with Zero's girlfriend?

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no hype

Zero's gf/chauffeur

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it was decent, feeling a solid 6
new venue is soulless as fuck though

No. Too many 3-0s, too much Melee meming and EE cheated at Mafia.

God she's fucking ugly without instagram angles

He's not wrong. Other than Ike, most of the FE swordies are largely devoid of gimmicks. I mean, who else besides MKLeo had managed the same level of success with Lucina?


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No. It was shit.

bend over to find out bitch boy

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>No good Lucina porn to jack off
this is bullshit

Your not getting any Thotty pics from her. Might as well go to Vikki's insta.

oh you're the Tweek apologist from the Frostbite thread hahaaaaaaaa keep supporting the inconsistent "best player in the world". Hope he qualifies for next summit. Maybe he'll try to develop a personality and campaign next time

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>ywn fondle her double chin
it's not fair bros how did zero do it???

Do we like Leo?

you couldn't use rest on a smellee scrub let alone a top player. Puff dies easily and needs insane precision to play at a high level. Compare him to Ungacina where most of her shit are fast and safe, and Olimar. Those take no execution to play, no precision is required. Stay seething.

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>Leo playing Lucina for all the important matches
Does this mean people will stop complaining about Ike or is he doomed to be hated as Mr. Nair?

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It made me appreciate Hbox finals more, for whatever that is worth.

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Soulless venue and skits too

This. It's Puff all over again - the player is good not the character.

worst smash summit of all time by a fairly decent margin

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who's that steve buchemi looking motherfucker next to her

>samsora's name is literally jamaal
>he's by far the most effeminate smash player ever

Looks like I was right again.

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Lucina has shitloads of porn.

the poor foam on those ultra boosts damn nearly flattened

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Ladies and gentlemen, I give you: the most kino smash summit skit ever created

Leo almost doesn't exist as a personality.

>sam is a jamaal
I didn't expect him to have that kind of name

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Yea Forums is full of shitter, so they will complain because they can't beat someone spamming the same move.

>god i cant wait for melee players to get knocked out so we can see some good sets instead of them keeping things competitive against top players
>summit got LESS entertaining once the "muh smelee ecelebs" were eliminated from bracket because every set was a blowout once they were gone
Like clockwork

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Leffen's finally gonna be focusing on Melee again after this, thank god. Mango too.

And none of it is good

Zero is kinda obnoxious but he's somehow better than 70% of couch commentators and he saved night 3 mafia at least

>Frostbite "thread"
>1 person
There were at least 50 people meming Tweek as the best player in the world during those threads you braindead idiot. He beat Leo easily then, and I wouldn't be surprised if you were one of the idiots who hopped on the Tweek bandwagon then.

Take it off Ike and Palutena

>Smash kiddies find this attractive

I don't remember Smash 4's meta being this boring when it came out. What happened?

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literally SOUL vs SOULLESS

The only good parts were:
>Leffen rage quit
>Based Dabuz sinning with his waifu

Ikki singlehandedly brought this smash down to shit tier just on her own

Anyone else notice how shit the production was compared to other Summits?

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Niggah, ultimate won,t go away just because you are incredibly butthurt. Better get used to it.

When is mafia?

everyone say thank you zero for giving us a third mafia

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soul vs soulless

I liked Leo in Smash 4 because he was a real Cinderella story, from beating Mr. R and Vinnie at obscure Mexican regionals, to 2-stocking ZeRo, to winning CEO to secure his #1 PGR spot

Now he's already #1 and so rooting for him would be boring.

I like VoiD and Dabuz

Oh good, we'll see them both lose 3-2 in sets against Hbox.

the fact that it was a set and not in an actual house made it feel corporate and fake

i can't tell if this shopped or not, help me out here guys

This, respect where due.
Night 3 mafia > my distaste of him

clearly a tossup between leo and tweek for the #1 spot but im gonna give it to leo for being more consistent so far. and i think the clear #3 candidates are dabuz and samsora

yes, im the one who's butthurt. project more over your boring ass game faggot

The tournament is over, you can go back to r/smashbros now.

What the fuck are those legs

it was worse

never hopped, haven't liked him even in smash 4 days. The way he approached summit and his reason for not campaigning confirmed my dislike for him. Then made a sub goal to go to Nimbus to try and qualify and got fucked by the guy who got dead last at this summit.

Needs a stronger mental game or he's never gonna be consistent

lets face it, without hungrybox, summits are mediocre

Don't worry man, PPMD said on stream that he's gonna be back for sure this year (circa 2017).

Why doesn’t Nintendo make a Smash gacha game? Wouldn’t that make them a ridiculous amount of money?

>lose tourney
>realize your melee skills don't translate into post-brawl smash games
>go back to melee
every time

>Now he's already #1
No he isn't.

Post the shopped version.

Because Fire Emblem Heroes exists

Reminder if you main any of the following:

Ness a.k.a. Dennis the Menace

You are a scrub.

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Summit 1 was the only Melee summit without hbox and it was pure kino

why do women like regular sports but not esports?

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Where do they sleep?

you live in a fantasy land because you can,t handle ultimate being good. Once you learn to let go of your butthurt you'll be fine

BTS has been slowly degrading, LD the jew is very hands off, and i don,t think ive seen Dakota around much. Really felt like team B was handling it.

My God those legs are almost 30 inches around. The Hell is he doing still eating? His leg has it's own metabolic process at this point.

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are zero's legs achievable natty?

It doesn't matter whether you like him or not. The point is he's still a contender for #1 right now.

Yes, he's.

that can't be LTG's list. way too fucking short.

You're only further proving your idiocy. Bandwagoning morons like you are funny.


MKLeo does have a personality. He's just very shy and lacks confidence in crowds. It isn't surprising. He's an 18 year old nerd who's only recently picked up English as a second language. Watch him on his stream and with Zero. He's much more open and cocky

his name is Ezra


are these things always held in people's living rooms

Licensing nightmare + not enough waifus

300 mg tren
Fuck bros we need to get that old house back

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I mean he's coming off of #1 in the previous game. I'm not invested in him vs Tweek because I already saw that song and dance last year in Smash 4. If he stays #1, who cares. If he drops to #2, who cares? And could it at least be to someone more interesting than TWEEK

>Zero is so fat people don't even realize this is shopped

Meh. Skits sucked and everything after Gluttony bodying Zackray was disappointing and fully expected.

>fox, peach, pichu, wario, snake, olimar
there's only one viable character in this game

No it was fucking bad

how does he feel about Lucas

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Diddy and Shiek were legit fun to watch. They had dynamic playstyles with cool combos. Compared to what we have now which are just nairs or spamming pikmin, it was a lot more exciting and took more skill. You can try to prove me wrong or just resort to ad homs, your choice.

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its the same game with a few extra movement/defensive gimmicks and character collision

Statistically speaking, random would be shit too.

more like zero vegetables

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>Diddy and Shiek were legit fun to watch. They had dynamic playstyles with cool combos.
>he doesn't remember the days of HOO HA

It's kind of ironic that the Smash Team tried to create more variety by removing most grab combos, but instead players abuse the ever living fuck out of Nair.

Didn't you see Leffen's Jigglypuff video where he said he's going to lame Hbox out? lol. Guess again, brainlet.

diddy's hoo haa was terrible and pre nerf shieks could just needle camp, not to mention the 50/50 down throw up air/ vanish kills

So no more Summit house? Or is this venue for Ultimate only. I really miss the House.


there's no way they let melee stink up the new venue

>try to prove you wrong
Then let's go
>The Electric Rodents
Immediately btfo the combo game of any Sm4sh character, bar none. This is irrefutable, you literally cannot show me a character do what those two do here on a regular basis.
Takes a lot more skill than people think there's a reason there are only three dedicated high level Olimar players, and only two who get decent results. His enjoyment factor, like the commentators explained, goes up when you see and understand what he's doing and how much at a time. But you don't the majority doesn't, and they'll never try, so why bother explaining?
See: the electric rats section, essentially.