Do you guys actually judge a game by the developers political beliefs? I enjoy a lot of Indie vidya even though I dislike their political views and I can respect that. And yes, I also dislike certain devs outing their customers political beliefs too. Why does it have to be like this? Why can't we all enjoy vidya without prejudice?
Do you guys actually judge a game by the developers political beliefs...
well if the developer openly attacks people for their political beliefs and I fall under the group of people they're attacking you can be damn sure I'm not buying their game.
i wouldn't mind if i didn't know. more and more i can immediately tell how sjw the devs are just by watching game trailers. i hate how they shove their propaganda in my face.
I got this game from some humble bundle but never played it.
I only buy games from Jap devs anyways so it's a non-issue.
>Do you guys actually judge a game by the developers political beliefs?
Not really
However, pretending for a second that I'm a Trump supporter, if the dev went on twitter and told me to "fuck off" I'd probably be inclined not to buy their games.
I believe there is a difference between holding different political beliefs and attacking those that hold different political beliefs
Holy shit who left a literal child in charge of a company's Twitter?
Does fascist even have any meaning at this point?
And yet you weaklings aren't going to do anything about it, lol.
Keep crying. Inaction is just as bad as picking a side.
Depends on the belief user.
If some blue haired feminist worked on the textures on some game I like but says mean things on twitter I'm not going to care that much.
I wouldn't pay money for ethnic cleansing the video game because that has a clear agenda rather than just the people who work on it having one.
I actually liked the game even though there's a lot of SJW pandering
>fascist regime
No, much like racist, retarded white people and their token retarded minorities have ruined its meaning.
Hopefully someone kills him and sells off the organs to needy kids :)
>literally who indie dev pissing on half of their potential purchase demographic
what else is new
separate the art from the artist
if the art has hamfisted political beliefs that dont belong otherwise then its worth getting upset about
It means defending Israel and sending them over 3B US dollars a year
Only if it is something like in that picture where the dev attack’s their customers, or when it takes away from the games experience. A majority of Yea Forums is way to autistic about it. I really don’t care if an overwatch character has a gay backstory, But when you try to ruin historical content by putting more women in WWII games or purposely hiring based on diversity that’s a problem
>voted for Trump
>play game anyway
Considering that 90% of the planet hates him, the rest are all racist losers it's no loss if they never touch the game.
Honestly attacking trump supporters is low hanging fruit so if you feel the need to constantly allude to and shit on them then i will automatically think lesser of you. But if you can make good games without any of that showing in your games then we're good.
As anyone with half a brain, I judge a game by whether or not it's good, and whether or not the developer spends all of their time shit-talking their audience on social media.
Depends on how they conduct themselves. I can have disagreements over issues and I'll support their game. But if they're being inflammatory, dude dickheads that shout down from an ivory tower, then I don't care what the game is, they aren't getting my money because I refuse to support that.
If I can boycott Orson Scott Card for being a homophobic bigot, then I can boycott some no-name indie dev or AAA dev for being destructive tools.
>Giving you permission to pirate their game
Why can't everyone be this charitable?
no, but the thought that devs would judge their consumers for theirs makes me lose a little more hope for this world
No. I don't give a fuck about who believes in what as long as the game is good.
Pro tip: most games are fucking shit these days.
this, fuck the west
>caring about the dev that much
Did i stumble into resetera?
Just play the damm game and judge if its good or bad
I am sick of this
>hur dur is ok when is le right!
The sole fact they can't even spell "fascist" makes me not want to even learn what games they made.
I don't judge the art by its artist. I do however make note of where their focus is and judge them on that. In other words, I don't give a fuck if you're a nazi or antifa, if you aren't focussing on the fucking gameplay you're a bitch whore and I won't buy your shit game.
For example I'm not buying TLOU2 because it looks like they haven't learned a thing since the first and I found that one to be boring trash. If they can prove that wrong and make a TPS that isn't just checking off boxes and giving me a lesson in tedium then I'll buy it. I highly doubt I will, since my judgments haven't been wrong yet.
As long as you base your opinion of the game solely on the game itself and not outside political noise, like the triggered retards review bombing Captain Marvel.
>Voted for Trump
>Pirate the game and play it anyway
Why they do the smiley face?
>Do you guys actually judge a game by the developers political beliefs?
No, but my backlog is endless and most titles there are things I'd like to try but not games I'd likely consider to be absolute, unmissable masterpieces. If devs are faggots for any reason, I may very well skip their game and not pay them because I have more games I want to play than I have time to play, so it's very easy to strike something off the list and play something else. I'm not American though, so I don't particularly give a fuck about US politics, what I don't like is games attempting to push some dev's politics onto me. I probably won't ever read whatever they post to Twitter or some shit.
How do I give a post gold?
>Doesn't even mention politics or is neutral
>Is one or the other but doesn't let it reflect or impact their game in any way
>is one or the other and has references to it in their game
On the fence
>is one or the other and dedicates development to highlighting it
Passive aggressive. It's a huge red light that the person using it is a complete and total shit in real life.
>hurr politics
ayyyyyyyyy lmao
Stick your dick through your computer screen, balls deep.
>i am not mad see i am smiling i am not fuming this is not aggression :)
Usually this kind of posturing is pointless because practically everyone who would play it is already on their side. That game for instance was pretty much pure tumblr all the way. Sometimes you get a developer for a major AAA title who makes that kind of ultimatum though.
I would never hear about their political beliefs anywhere but Yea Forums because I don't obsesse over Twitter.
They're trying to hide how absolutely livid they are
Millennials are faggots who don't want to look to violent because they are a bunch of pussies.
> problem
You wouldn't last a day outside your first-world gated community
Only an issue if they are openly hostile to me or people I care about. If they just have different beliefs I don't mind, people should be allowed to disagree.
>tfw no qt gorilla gf
>orange man bad to sell games
I don’t even care if you dislike trump. Why would you ever bring politics into business. Fucking retards.
Tried going to the gym?
I doubt I will find qt gorilla instead of hideous roided goblin
Chances are you'll find just slim, athletic girls. They bang like mad, though.
I don't judge a game base on their political opinions, but how obnoxious they are about it can influence my decision to by a game.
Doesn't matter the politics, I hate forced politics invading anything. I don't care about your shitty beliefs, keep them to yourself, stop trying to shove them down others throats and move the fuck on. All in all, if your game is good I'll buy it and play it, otherwise, fuck off.
No, I just don't buy it. I listen to varg's shit even though he's a crazy boomer on bennies
People are allowed to have opinions I don't share and I usually won't rate a game differently because of the developers opinions. Death of the author and all that.
However if the developers are actively attacking a group of people on social media I'm not going to be inclined to purchase their game, even if that group isn't one I'm a part of.
People using bullying and outrage as PR are scum of the earth. I don't intend to enable them.
>Supporting Rabbi Trump
I seriously hope you guys don't do this
I don't trust politicians in general.
Shit racist fascists say.
Imagine being so self absorbed that you genuinely believe you're 'fighting' the same kind of oppression that occured during hitlers wild ride even though racist and sexist views are at an all time low internationally thanks to the internet bringing us all together as equals.
Not good enough, desu
What a madlad!
Yes, it means not far left.
judge the game? no. now if the devs does this crap won't be giving him any money.
It means you disagree with me. I think all us anons can see what you really are. A racist, sexist, homophobic, fascist pig.
>vote for trump to get a wall
>wall doesnt get funded
>however trump gives isral 38 billions and american sodiers from the pocket of the working american, including trumpfags
the absloute state of the mutts
meh trump's a shabbos goy most people dropped him with the whole AIPAC shitshow.
Politics is meaningless theatre and nothing will change until people realize this.
>le centrism is bad meme
>I can't think for myself I HAVE to make a decision NOW
lmao loser
this. american politics and both wings are zogged to death.
doesnt matter who you vote because the yids still benefit either way.
the winning move is not to pull apart pros and cons of both sides, but simply not to play.
your best bet at a stable life is to try and self-employ, buy land, and get guns whether you like them or not. They might just save your life.
Satisfactory devs seem to be massive genderqueer faggots from northern caliphate, but the game looks cute and promising. I have already preordered it.
>Yea Forums is getting invaded by twitter faggots
what happened
>If you support a President who values kikes over Americans... just go fuck off!
Based, honestly.
Where have I heard this before
I will only buy a game if the dev supports killing all niggers
>Twitter screencap thread
If your ideology has you attacking the political centrists then it is a toxic one. It's really basic and obvious if you have any self awareness at all.
it's not twitter at fault, it's the golem not fulfilling his campaign promises.
Donny where's the wall? Donny why does Israel get $38B in arms funding per year but you can't scrounge up a measly 5?
>does not capitalize Trump
>misspells "fascist" as "facist" which isn't even a word
>there should be a comma after "regime"
>uses two periods after the word "game" instead of just one
Why, this person isn't very smart at all!
this timeline sometimes, I swear
I actually played that game.
It's not very good, there aren't many puzzles, the story is lame, the characters are unlikable and, spoilers: the only straight white male in the game is the main villain.
The art is pretty to look at and I enjoyed the OST, so overall I liked the presentation despite the game not being cyberpunk at all like advertised, it's more like cyberbright.
Also somehow I got the best ending despite disagreeing with the robot sidekick all the time because he is kind of a fag, sorry I meant "they", they get angry if you misgender xher's I shit you not.
The Italian artist who did this was doing this in mockery of Trump, user. The writing on his sword is an insult in Italian slang and he's done this with other universally hated leaders like Kim Jong Il and Putin.
Every politician never fulfills all their campaign promises. If you weren't a teenager you would know this.
please fuck off to t_d
b-but muh gawd empruh maymay
Why are you making these spastic shitposts like all US presidents don't bottom for Israel
wowie zowie boomer, even more of a reason to stop voting and start rioting
Why would an Italian artist compare the President to the savior or all mankind?
never been there,but feel free to stay there
are you legitimateoy retarded?
Yes so explain it to me.
Thaty's a lousy mock
>haha look he looks like super powered badass emperor what an idiot
he's not very good at mocking then is he?
Liberals and conservatives are both fucking gay and stupid. The only ideologies worth engaging with are fringe ideologies.
Are there any games made by commies?
Kim is a retard born into power and Putin is a massive yid and kebab enabler so I really don't get what you're playing at.
If you ask an American anything left of center is gommie, so yes plenty.
centrists are even worse than Nazis
i'd guess due to the huge amounts of global traffic your ass is a valid source
>aren't going to do anything about it,
I'm doing my part by not giving them any money while giving it those who deserve. And i'm not Trump supporter since i'm not an american.
I am not talking about either, I am talking about that image of Trump.
nah fringe is based.
killing people solves problems.
It really depends. If the game is innocuous but their social media is loaded with whinging about stuff like trump or trans rights then I don't care. If they make a game that's blatantly political in nature I won't really hold it against them but I will be uninterested. If they make a game that seems innocuous but is loaded with said whinging though then the issue isn't their political beliefs it's their inability to make a game without standing on their soapbox.
No matter what though, if you're actively telling customers not to play your game because they have different political/religious/whatever beliefs than you then yes I am going to spitefully refuse to give your game the time of day, even if I agree with you on those issues. There's disagreeing with people on serious issues and then there's childish, petulant behavior that deserves to be scorned.
If they act that way then yeah.
Not really, no. I only give a shit if the game is good. A good game is a good game even if the developer is a retard. see: phil fish and fez
>says that fringe ideologies are the only worthwhile ones because more centered are boring/dumb
Any dev coming out with their political bullshit is almost always going to be a shit dev making shit games
i remember this furry porn artist was like "if I find out that you voted or support trump in any way, then I will not accept a commission from you until 2020"
it should be noted that dude has not been taking commissions at all since he made that tweet, so it's not really anything to consider
this,it's not like i even pay for games
it's based on warhammer, he's comparing him to a supergalactic hitler figure, but to you it's probably "awesome".
If anything I'm an anti-centrist.
Boomer conservatives and cat lady liberals are both fucking garbage and if you're either one then reevaluate your life. Centrists are indeed worse than both commies and Nazis.
Hook me up with some real commie shit though dude. Or fashy shit, if it exists aside from Angry Goy
Based AND redpilled.
>Pirate game and play it
>Take a picture of a trump hat in front of the screen
Whatcha gonna do?
The statue and the God-Emperor meme impart to Trump a stature that is entirely undeserved.
Also die heretic.
Meanwhile based female Somali Muslim telling Israel to fuck off back to their hole where they belong lul.
Rage impotently on twitter.
the producer of Dusk is a communist
we maximum accelerationism now
lmao eat shit kike nerd
the point being that warhammer is lame.
No, but it does make me way more likely to pirate a game if possible. It's really rare that somebody who made a good game is also on twitter spewing typical SJW faggot shit, it honestly is. Many devs are left-leaning but for someone to be shitty enough to go on social media and scream at potential customers they have to be dumb enough that they generally can't make a good game either. The worst offenders almost unanimously make shitty games that aren't even worth pirating.
The Imperium is based on Nazi Germany. Their people mostly live in downtrodden megaslums, are executed for the slightest misstep and are instructed to immediately and unconditionally hate anyone even remotely different from them. They are taught to worship their leader as a god and refuse progress in any form. Even making new vehicles is heresy and banned in all forms. Human life is worth nothing under their regime and thousands of lives are taken daily in worship of their now long-dead god-emperor. Mankind is not the "good guy" in 40K. There are no "good guys". It's a dystopian future.
go back to outer space you gay nigger
>The Imperium is based on Nazi Germany.
no it's not lmao
Go to bed Abbadon, you have a crusade tomorrow.
I hate the developers but I am morbidly curious bout the game. I bought it when it was 90 percent off a month ago and I'm gonna play it. I'll likely smear it with a negative review unless by some miracle it's good enough to outweigh how shitty the developer is on twitter
I've got a negative bias going into it, let's see if the game can change my opinion.
>dude FUCK fascists
>btw I support censorship and believe that only me and people like me are correct and that everybody else has to be silenced....with force, if necessary but FUCK FASCISTS!
I want you to look at the Imperial Aquila and Commissar uniforms and tell me those have nothing to do with Nazis.
>implying conservatives aren't just Liberals with a Judeo-Christian slant
>implying that the Nazbol Gang Gang isn't the superior option
>Do you guys actually judge a game by the developers political beliefs?
Yes, which is why I stopped supporting the industry entirely. Why would I want to support people if they openly want to kill/remove/shiton me (republican).
This. This so much.
Fuck off, I know that's you, Creed. Give me back my fucking arms.
so it's nothing like nazi germany
Came here to post exactly this.
I always seperate a developers opinions from their game but in like 95% of cases developers that make posts like that also are shit at making games.
>more than half the US likes him, with the numbers rising
>half of cucked countries like UK and France like him as their leaders ruin their country
>Italy adores him
>foreign countries with which we were estranged are willing to negotiate with the States because of him
I bet it sure sucks being wrong for you libtards lol
More like conservatives are just liberals that are behind the times.
And yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. Nazbol gang, or fascist gang or Stalinist gang or anarchist gang, I don't give a fuck, just destroy liberalism and whatever comes after will necessarily be better.
Because every ideology has its zealots that would rather die than be given patronage by people they hate.
Personally, I'd just shut the fuck up about politics and hope as many people as possible purchase and enjoy my game. I could just funnel some of their money to a caus that aligns with my beliefs, on my own time.
But I can't project myself into the cognitive dissonance of a far-leftist.
Early access game that's been "out" for nearly three months and has 26 reviews on Steam. I guess Steam users are mostly fascists.
t. slept through history class
ah, so its nothing like nazi germany. thanks, retard
I dont mind it, but thats more because i dont really care about anything but the game itself, social/pr is just pretending and manipulation, entertainment for other crowd
i dont mind in game as well, soapboxing is just bad writing, like pointless twists or half-twin brother that comes back from the dead
I don't. I tend to separate art from the artist. MGS: PW for example is some of the most hamfisted agenda pushing in all of gaming yet no one really gives that much of a shit because the agenda being pushed doesn't bother them. Who gives a shit what the agenda is period? It's a fucking video game, not some media you're supposed to base your life and morals on. If you play, say, Wolfenstein 2, and go "wtf I love communism now," you're fucking retarded.
>Not as extreme like me? Cuckservative
>more extreme than me? Falseflagger
>Not as extreme like me? Nazi
>more extreme than me? Facist
America 101
Media that provokes a thought or discussion without being full of itself and dishonest is fine, and sometimes even great. However, any modern attempts at putting politics into media have been so forced and in your face and dont even explore anything new or provoking, they just want to lecture/detest certain groups of people.
Why are PS4 and PC developers literally incapable of not talking talking about politics?
Yeah, and the planet Krieg has a sociopolitical structure comparable to Imperial Germany.
Aesthetics don't make policy, and fascism, like all modern ideologies, does not work at the scale of the Imperium of Man. The Imperium would best be described a feudal theo-bureaucracy. A PLANET might be fascist or liberal or communist or anything else, but it's impossible for the whole thing to be.
Don't drag the nips into this
so in other words you both failed world history (or had a teacher who talked about the Holocaust for a year) and failed to read the lore
I think far left devs acting like bitchy school marms and calling pewdiepie a nazi over memes are making kids conservative in a way that hasn't happened in generations.
It's fascinating really, some people are absolutely convinced that we're in the early stages of the new Nazis, and the holding facilities for border jumpers are the new death camps.
If inaction is as bad as picking a side, then either way I'm making a bad decision, and this way I get to do nothing!
conservatism is gay, give me revolution
You're forgetting people who get caught in the middle who dont fully commit to being on either side, which are the forever mocked centrists who never had one conviction on their life and both sides threaten and despise.
This thread makes me want to play a Warhammer game, which should I play?
It's fucking amazing how retarded people get over politics. Can you imagine spending years making a product and then telling people not to buy it unless they agree with your political alignments?
>if you aren't a living breathing caricature straight out of a bad political cartoon you don't have any convictions
America was a mistake. Nuke it all and try again.
Imagine being such a fucking loser you defend the Nazi's. LMAO
Yeah hopefully they do so we can kill them.
you can be right-wing without being (((conservative))) dude
Not having any convictions is pretty dumb/cowardly/shortsighted though. Theres a difference between being reasonable and being completely disconnected or nihilistic. Plus centrists are the worst when it comes to strawmanning both sides and acting superior.
Ditto. I'm not going to pay for your product if you're going to attack me as a consumer.
make good games I dont want your fucking libtard agenda in my video games.
Is this a /natsoc/ general now?
Not paying for a game is also an action
40k Space Marines is bretty gud.
Trump's in warhammer now?
Imagine making up bullshit to smear the Nazis when someone can deduce their program by inverting yours anyway.
>I want 50% of my possible customers not to buy my game on the off chance that the other 50% buy it extra hard
What is the goal of developers with this?
It's just as bad as telling pedoes they can't hang around kindergartens. Fuck these retards being afraid of different people
OKAY so how well did the game do?
>when a weeb Yea Forumstard thinks it knows politics
i mean are any of the other ones worth playing?
srs question, SM is the only one ive seen footage of (looked fun enough for the kind of game it is) and the only one i havent seen lambasted
>Be a communist
>Still sell your game
Shit man, I'd would respect a person if they gave their game out for free and said they were a communist.
Good of you to serve as our model. Please, do continue, we're all expecting you to play your part flawlessly.
This entire website knows nothing about politics but still talks about them.
Do you ever hear anything about it outside of this thread? Theres your answer
I haven't bought nuclear throne because the dev is a sjw faggot. Same with crypt of the necrodancer
Imagine being a liberal of any kind lmao
But that post was a special kind of stupid
I'll agree with that though I'll add I don't like any company making any overt political statements regardless of political leaning. Just shut the fuck up and make a good product.
I can detach artist from his art, so no. Thing is, I didn't see game worth buying for few years now.
It kind of is and it's amazing how lacking in common sense they are.
It has nothing to do with the left right dichotemy and everything to do with the fact that no one, except for hardcore masochists will join the side of someone berating and insulting them.
>You're a vile, disgusting, sexist, racist, mysoginistic, homophobic, transphobic nazi
That's not how you make people like you or side with you. That's just common sense. If the left shut their fucking mouths and stopped being whiny fucking bitches, they'd have way less opposition. Though that would lose them a lot of victim points.
cringe, imagine skipping a great game because the developer mocked your favorite dorito colored-man
In a universe where you either get to live in a dystopian future society or be consumed by aliens for biomass, I think I'll go with the dystopia.
>Considering that 90% of the planet hates him
This statement proves that you are extremely out of touch with what's going on outside of the liberal echochamber. So embarrassing.
Centrists have convictions, it's just that they have specific convictions that really matter to them and outside of them they can't be fucked talking about every single issue. Like personally speaking I couldn't be fucked to argue or debate either way regarding transgendered people or gun rights but I still have beliefs regarding them, I just don't hold them so strongly that I feel the need to go off on them out of nowhere like your average twitter nutcase. The only political conviction I hold strongly enough that I will go on an absolute shitfit about is how fucking terrible socialism is but even then I don't bring it up outta nowhere in daily life since nobody wants to hang out with or be stuck in line behind the guy screeching about the Venezuelan situation for no goddamn reason. I'll never understand your average twitter user or podcast runner that takes random political potshots just for the sake of doing it.
But what about when politics is one of the main pillars to the game?
>Implying 90% of the planet cares
Single issue voters are a cancer though
>if ur centrist you have no convictions!!!
>sure i'm fucking retarded but at least I believe something retarded!
can this dumbass mindset die? Not going all the way into politics to the point it consumes your entire identity isn't a bad thing you troglodytes.
>great game
these kinds of people dont make good games
>A great game
I only care if it affects my enjoyment of your game.
If your game is shit, I will not buy it.
If your game actively insults my political views, I will not buy it.
If you make changes to the plot in order to shoehorn a political agenda, and it fucks the previously established story, characters and world, you can be damn sure I'm not buying your game.
>Do you guys actually judge a game by the developers political beliefs?
I didn't originally, and in principle I wish I didn't have to. In general I can divorce the art from the artist, and I can tolerate some views diametrically opposed to my own. But in the case of far left tech scene nutjobs like this, I realized I shouldn't separate the art from the artist in cases where the artist advocates to make my life worse for no real reason.
Then its a matter of how it's presented in the game. If it's ham fisted and clearly a "my side is better than your side" and makes the enemy cartoonishly evil then it's trash. If it refers to real world politics, it's trash. If the politics is based on the state of the world the game is set in and doesn't paint everything in black and white like a child would. Then it's good.
I judge games on if they are fun.
>bragging about ignorance
explains america
It's much easier to play an enjoy video games without going our of your way to associate developers opinions with the game itself unless the game shoehorns in politics.
I'm a centrist and I have convictions. I wouldn't bring them up unless they're relevant to the discussion at hand, because I'm not fucking pocket-spaghetti-flinging sperg, but I still hold some very strong opinions on some subjects.
This seems incredibly fake OP.
If these guys don't want us playing their games, would they flip their shit if they made a good one and suddenly a bunch of right wingers loved it.
still better than people that vote solely based on whether a person has an R or a D next to their name
Based and jappilled
I'm not even a trumptard and I won't buy their shitty game
I hate forced political slant liberals put into everything
Fuck no. Earthworm Jim is a masterpiece, doesn't mean I care or hate its creator just because of what he thinks.
If there is any hint at all of political pushing in the game, I will never buy anything from that dev again.
For example, in every issue of PC Gamer, there's 1 or 2 times where their political camo slips. Pic related. If you can't control yourself and keep your political/social opinions to yourself, then hire an editor to comb your game for slip-ups because that is a major buzzkill when I'm just trying to have some fun.
No. I don't let politics interfere with vidya purchases.
That tweet looks like reverse psychology to me, user.
nothing in earthworm jim shoves christcuck stuff down your throat though
that was better times when you wouldnt know whether the dev was a communist, nazi, christian, or whatever. they just made fun games
Yeah, in some ways the Internet was a mistake.
lol if that's what he was going for then this guy is a retard
Nah fuck you nigger I'm not going to let east coast jews disarm me so that the brown hordes from Mexico can act like violent savages without consequences.
True. There's way more right-wing under-16s today than there were when I was there age, and I'm only barely above underage b&
That sounds like 3 issues there
No, but I do find these type tend to make shitty games so it's easy to avoid
ok so take that shit that you give about guns and just try to stretch it a little bit
that way you can actually contribute to democracy instead of just skewing poll results
I'm like 99% sure it's real since I remember seeing it on twitter back in the day but that particular account is wiped clean and the only archive I found of said twitter account is from 2016. Did see some contemporary news articles involving it but that's on OneAngryGamer, so.
>contribute to democracy
At this point Trump hate really has nothing to do with Trump himself
>contribute to democracy
Good meme frend.
the sad part is that its almost completely reactionary
It hasn't for years. Calling any authority figure a fascist has been a meme since the 60s
if you can tolerate stormtards you can tolerate anything
>using reactionary to describe a reaction-inspired movement instead of literal reactionary views
for someone like OP's pic, if i want to play the game i'll just pirate it. if they don't want my money, they won't get it, pretty simple
When will this "if you hold an opinion I don't like, I don't want your money" bullshit finally end? Like, seriously, the only one who's hurting because of this logic is the devs themselves. I mean, if the game is supposed to convey a message about fascism being bad or someshit like that, you're not really helping your case by telling the people who you actually may have a chance to influence to sod off. If you just wanna spread the message to people already holding your beliefs and then gateway out the people who don't, you don't influence jack shit. Not that political messages in video games aren't retarded in the first place, but if you're gonna try and influence people into seeing shit your way, you literally aren't doing yourself any favors by telling people who don't share your beliefs to sod off, since there's no point in trying to influence people who already share your beliefs. May as well drop the political message alltogether by that point.
The right has a better sense of humor. I know how that sounds, but hear my out. Take Yea Forums for example. We spout memes and mock people, but it's never in a "nasty" way. We're just fucking off having some bantz. It's not repulsive. It's not overly serious. It's just poking fun.
The left, on the other hand, is absolutely bitter and nasty. It IS repulsive and acidic to taste. The combined ignorance, misuse of terms, and oversimplifications make you want to punch them in the face. Every time they attack, it's laced with obvious malice. It's not casual bantz and mudslinging. It's sheer hate. And you know what? People don't like reading that shit. Especially kids. And that's why we ended up with more kids on the conservative side -- because we come off as more light and approachable and fun.
Lol these pussies would kill themselves if they had to live under real fascism
>the planet
Nobody cares what the rest of the world thinks. Their opinions literally don't matter.
Democracy sucks and is a sure fire way to ruin a country. dont believe me? Talk to your average voter or look at how California and New York make up like 70% of dem votes and get their way more often than not.
that's because liberals are pro-socialism and get offended if you don't acknowledge there are 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 genders.
And they say socialism is bad...
>Lost by 3 million votes
>Still gets elected president
not the guy who made it, the publisher or something
Thanks for removing Ron Paul. I'll never end my friendship with Ron Paul.
yes I didn't buy kingdom come because of the dev
It's a republic, actually.
That's why I like trump
It's called "Antagonistic Marketing".
You lower your standing with Group A in order to increase it with Group B. The goal is to sacrifice sales from one demographic in order to attempt to increase your sales from a different, larger demographic. The dev is attempting to sacrifice any sales he may have gotten from right wing consumers in order to try and drum up more sales from left wing consumers.
Are we seriously still having the Electoral College conversation all these years later? Give it a fucking rest. You know by now that he won fair and square, why he won, how he won, and why the electoral college is a crucial part of the election process. As
just pointed out.
How does that make any sense?
I mean why would anyone just throw away possible consumers because of political views? Just seems dumb. If they did do this, then they are just retarded.
If I owned any kind of store I wouldn't give two shits who purchased my items. Fuck man just don't make any sense to put your politics out there...
In a world where you’re trying to market to people with the same kinds of tastes, I can see that working. However, extreme leftists and SJWs don’t buy or play games, as we’ve seen many times in the past. They’re essentially cutting off their nose to spite their face.
He's saying its "our team vs. your team" and he's exactly right. It has nothing to do with who's on the team or whether what the team is doing is right, or even if you agree with them or not. If it's your team, you attack the other team. That is politics now. And that's a huge problem.
>i dont care who you are or what you did
>i just want your money
>please buy my game
this is my motto Buy my game
I mean, you're right, but you're not thinking like a Californian.
Radical centrism is the only way to go. Extremist Nazis and Marxistd will be rounded up and murdered like sheep.
Who said anything about skipping? He just said he wasn't going to buy it.
i want my entertainment media to be 90% apolitical. the remaining 10% can be subtly political/satirical and it wont bother me if it is done well. i would never buy a game from whoever these devs are that you posted, likewise i wouldnt buy a game devloped by any dev that was obviously right wing either
>He's saying
So youre speaking for someone else? Why would i care what you think? What you said may be true but that doesnt mean people dont just hate trump for legit reasons
The companies that do this use politics to compensate for uninteresting games anyways, so I likely wouldn't be buying from them either way.
Your appointment to ICE should be finalized within the week.
I used to be a big supporter of OAG but them constantly attacking centrists/moderates opened my eyes to just how illogically aggressive they are. The "If you're not with us, you're against us" is the mantra of the willfilly ignorant and insecure. And that's exactly their stance. Their "reporting" never acknowledged obvious plot holes or discrepancies in attack pieces and if you mentioned them in the comments, you would be dogpiled by blind conservative followers that couldn't admit anything that might, just might, not work to their advantage.
Bunch of fucking morons.
yes since left devs absolutely cant separate games from politics, forced diversity, or lbgtabc123 basically cancer
you dumb faggot, imagine if California dictated elections with how retarded they are.
Political shitflinging is used to drum up attention to get people to look at your shitty game that would've otherwise been ignored.
You think this is a joke but that is exactly where things are headed if they keep going the way they're going.
>So youre speaking for someone else?
LOL you're a fucking joke. Someone else answers the question and you can't deny it, so you attack them for not being the original person you were whining at? Oh go fuck yourself. You must be like 11 years old.
So, what pronouns did you guys pick when playing ROM2064 fellow gaffers?
>exactly where things are headed if they keep going the way they're going
Excellent. Nazis and Commies both get the rope.
Any oldfags wanna give me some pointers on what games to buy on the PS2? With all current shitty Sony censorship and their fag culture making people buy games with crappy looking female characters, what games on the PS2 features some good looking scantly clad females? I mean, obviously with all the craziness going around about female characters, one would assume that there would be lots of good games that are sexist, objectifying, and huge turn-ons for a pervert such as myself.
retribution is okelidoke
Anyone who seriously takes part in an internet culture war is a failure at life.
This but unironically.
>11 years old
youre the joke kiddo
I don't even know why companies bother going political. It doesn't help at all. I mostly play jap games now.
Not him but you're retarded.
Moderate/centrists views take age and wisdom to cultivate. You have to see the antics of both sides and get a feel for the system. And you have to be independent enough in your views and social alliances to not cling to any one side out of insecurity. It's not a view that anyone under 25 can take and firmly defend, but it is the ultimate chad stance -- seeing both sides and the war as a whole for what it is.
If they kidnapped children and locked them in a creepy sex dungeon I wouldn't buy their games, but if they insult my political affiliation I don't really care.
>I don't even know why companies bother going political.
Free marketing from both sides. Manufactured outrage has been a thing for years - remember EA's hired protesters for Dantes Inferno?
wow, how do you find all that shit?
You're not missing anything. The main idea of 2064 was to make a cyberpunk VN where the most interest thing is meant to be the characters' pronouns. I have played very few games as boring as that one.
protip: SJWs don't buy games, pandering to them has proven to be an awful marketing strategy time and time again
oh noes someone on Yea Forums called me retarded. Sick burn, bro. So original and on point. Where do you come up with these brilliant retorts?
damn, u mad
I'm not from america, I fucking hate how everyone is trying to shove YOUR identity politics down my throat as if I have to pick a side in your politics. Go fuck yourself, I don't play video games to object myself to foreign propaganda.
I don't judge any media by the creator's political beliefs. If I find them unsavory I just avoid them (the individual, not their work) altogether. I don't even want to know about their personal life in the first place. I don't know why anyone goes out of their way to prowl twitters and blogs and shit like that.
yes you are so superior because you give away your vote to the red team instead of making a choice between candidates. go you! :)
I consider myself somewhat principled so i won't support a dev that actively attacks their audience or has a business model i don't want to promote. I didn't buy D3 because of the RMAH, stopped watching TB when he turned on his audience, skipped The Witness and i'll give a hard pass to anything Rami Ismael produces in future because he's such an insufferable cunt.
For the most part though it's not a challenge to avoid shitty devs. Generally only hack tier devs are hyper partisan and are either a) stupid and believe their own bullshit or b) are attempting to climb the social hierarchy in order to benefit their game by appealing to the political elite. It's not like i'm losing out when i pass on Sunset or that game where you jack off a car (because they're fucking shit).
Where are you from user? Does your country make video games?
>seeing both sides and the war as a whole for what it is
Look, if you don't come into my country illegally and vote Democrat then you're a Nazi just like the right.
Yeah it's not really a good idea to try doing it in the extremely crowded indie game market. An indie point and click adventure game priced at $20 is going to be difficult enough to try and sell, let alone when you're shitting on half of your potential consumer base.
I feel like there's a difference between "I don't agree with donald trump" and "If you voted for donald trump I hate you as a person and don't want you touching my games."
Disagreements on political views are fine but autistically screeching because someone with a different political view played your game is just sad.
holy seething fucking kek
Only if the developer doesn't obnoxiously broadcast on the Internet.
These people behave like they're crusaders in some kind of holy war. I guess without god, they turn to politics.
It used to make games in the past, now it makes only shit.
I remember that. Did he go bankrupt?
Embarrassing. Maybe think before you post next time.
Man its hilarious that we've got people so contrarian on Yea Forums now that they roleplay as """""ironic""""" christcucks.
So Canada?
>how did you find all those videos conveniently organized under a single topic
>murrica is free
>most of the presidents have been from an elite dynasty, some even from the very same dynasty like nepotism
it really is pathetic
Imagine a developer saying "If you didn't vote for Trump, just fuck off and don't play our game... Go to hell :)"
>Do you guys actually judge a game by the developers political beliefs?
No, I do not judge a whole product just because of the creators beliefs. I like and enjoy films, vidya, music, etc, by plenty of right wing or conservative people even though I may disagree with their beliefs. I also do not pathetically attach myself to a political label, so if some developer/director/producer/musician calls all liberals dumb on twitter, I don't really care.
seems like a huge waste of time to choose to complain about game developers instead of actually playing games.
It's not their political beliefs that get me. It's what they spout on twitter + what they actually do.
I couldn't care less about indie game developers have leftist or SJW views as long as their games are good, but BIOWARE and DICE doing it make my skin crawl.
I almost fell for this bait but by the grace of God, I realized that the person on the other end has been mindfucked all of his adolescence.
I remember reading something once that basically said that religion serves a social purpose as much as an emotional one and in the absence of it people turn to things like politics or pop culture fandoms to fill that very specific need, so you aren't that far off the mark.
Stop using a primarily American site then you fucking moron. Go talk about Allah somewhere with the rest of the euros.
Not like Yea Forums is any better. Remember the Vagras shilling for being BASED AND REDPILLED on Twitter and how REAL anons had to buy KCD to support his company.
Still doesn't change the fact that presenting your message to a fucking echo chamber that already agreed with the message beforehand while telling the people who you might actually influence to not buy the game is a pants on head retarded move considering that the message at that point becomes nothing more than an extra touch for SJWs to cream their pants over rather than a potentially compelling narrative that might just convert a fascist by some fucking miracle.
Point is, a message is pointless if you're gonna shove off the very same people who would benefit from the message you're trying to spread, and that applies in both sides of the spectrum.
But user, neoliberals are a bloodsucking parasite not unlike their Jew sugar daddies. They take away actual rights and replace them with fake rights such as marriage, equality, and safety. Their whole being is to reject nature and natural rights, and their existence has permeated most political idealogies. Most of the "commie", "anarchist"(a term used very loosely) or "nazi" fags you see out in the street are an example of that: coming together and chimping out because their preferred puppet government isn't getting their way, but you wouldn't see them if the government did what they wanted.
These kinds of replies are to be expected in this shithole
That's hardly anything that went away. Just look at all the 8ch tourists we had coming over here to tell us how BASED THQ Nordick was (even though DS3 sucked huge fucking dick, and they were bitching about Fury being a SJW protagonist).
>Even making new vehicles is heresy and banned in all forms.
Because one time they made a tank that was super powerful but it's wires and circuits accidentally spelled the name of a warp demon and it was possessed and ruined everyone's day. Has nothing to do with not wanting progress. There is constant progress being made.
t. Bought Kingdom Come
You think that's all we give them? jej
breh, this is all I see. You're probably subscribed to that faggot.
the last night
You don't deserve to live in America. You little privileged inbred mutt.