Do Game Overs still have a place in modern gaming?

Do Game Overs still have a place in modern gaming?

Attached: game over.png (809x496, 13K)

Other urls found in this thread:!mYBTkYga!c1gaFx-_3N517VwhvNR06Q

Yes, so players can learn from their mistakes


I want to start the game over once it ends.

yes because casuals should be punished for their errors
I also want to see Rareware style game overs make a come back where any time you quit out a game over cutscene plays

No, because I want games to pour like porridge down my throat and replace the emptiness inside me with a warm mush which lasts until I shit it out and buy another bowl.

Is there a third option? More robust mechanics?

That would require extra work and effort, user.

I like the formula where game gives you extra rewards from being good more than punishing you (too much) for being bad.

depends on the game design

Game overs only exist because Arcade machine manufacturers needed a way to end a game and force the player to cough up more money.

PC games for decades made the Game Over obsolete with quick saves and loads removing any sense of loss from any ingame failures.

Games like Mario Odyssey have proven that you don't need lives or game overs to have a compelling and challenging experience.

No, game overs/ lives are just a shitty leftover of money-grubbing arcade machines. Glad most of those places are dying or dead already

>wanting to be rewarded for being shit

>Games like Mario Odyssey have proven that you don't need lives or game overs to have a compelling and challenging experience.

Not to mention that because there's no "game over" state they can encourage players to experiment with reaching out of the way locations and make more difficult jumps/paths without frustrating the player so much that they drop the game. Not having game overs can actually incentivize the devs to make the game harder.

Hylics is basically and indie art experience and not fantastic in the gameplay department
However, death is necessary for progression, it's where you grind meat collected from enemies to turn into more max HP
Kenshi also rewards getting the shit beaten out of you if you can manage to get KO'd by something that won't eat you or take you away if your injuries are manageable by increasing the Toughness stat which determines ability to tank damage in future encounters
Some food for thought

wow sounds like being rewarded for being shit who would want to play that garbage

Where is restart at latest save?

They make sense if you're supposed to beat the game in one sitting

>Would you like to lower the difficulty?

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with autosaves every two minutes they don’t have that same umph anymore

>Lower difficulty gets forced on you

Inheriting intensity from Uprising was a mistake.

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Depends on the game I guess.

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pitying the player for being bad is like participation trophies for playing sports
you shouldn't get a trophy if you didn't win or overcame a challenge

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depends on the game, shit like fire emblem could use having save points in the maps again, there is nothing skillful about repeating the whole fucking level due to a bullshit crit.
As long as It doesnt make you take a lot of time to repeat the challenge as the penalty itself, it's fine.

The correct answer is neither. The penalty is having to replay the section itself.

>PC games for decades made the Game Over obsolete with quick saves and loads removing any sense of loss from any ingame failures.
Fucking casuals.

>no penalty for death
>unlocks make the game harder
other than gemcraft and halo, which games do this?

There is nothing wrong with games insulting the player for playing on Easy Mode.

>Do well in the game
>It actively gets easier
World tendency was such a shitty mechanic.

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So what you're saying is that the challenge should be sacrificed for the gratification of the player, rather than have the player improve themselves to overcome the challenge?

I know there was a recent example of some IGN reviewer accidentally revealing that he played a game on Easy mode because he thought the game ended unsatisfyingly, only for it to turn out that the game ends like that when you play on Easy. Does anyone remember what game it was?

It's the opposite of a participation trophy, getting the Super Duper Tanooker Suit is a mark of shame and locks you out of a shiny star on your profile

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>Games like Mario Odyssey have proven that you don't need lives or game overs to have a compelling and challenging experience.
But it provides neither of those

It's not a hard rule but you don't need pity OR penalty mechanics.
The game over IS the penalty, you died and now you've been set back a certain amount. That's it. Clear as day. You really don't need any extra fluff beyond that.

Death needs to be somewhat encouraged since you have to experiment to figure out how to be good at something and additional penalties end to discourage that line of thinking and you end up just playing it as safe as remotely possible.

Pity mechanics are a no for obvious reasons

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That's not REAL robust!

Darker Side of the Moon is a great challenge
Granted, it's the only one
But the game is made for children

how in the fuck did you come to that conclusion?
I said you shouldn't get jack shit if you are bad
you need to overcome a challenge in order to better yourself and then are rewarded rightfully, how did you not understand that?

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>you died and now you've been set back a certain amount
That's a penalty though, albeit the "standard" considering its widespread use.

That's what he said literally just before that.
Pity mechanics are fine simply because sometimes people just want to play games to relax. Just mark the section to show that they didn't do it legit.

How did you manage to not only not read the post but not even read the line RIGHT before the post?

git gud scrub

I'm special.

>die 5 times in a row on the same level
>game asks you if you want to set the difficulty to easy
Is this a pity mechanic?

Yes. Anytime the game makes it easier for you after you fail is a pity mechanic. Its not a big deal if its optional but sometimes they lower the difficulty without telling you and letting you opt out which is just the worst thing ever.

penalty for dying adds significant weight and tension during play, compelling the person playing to play consistently well and pay attention. being set back a lot of time is not necessarily a good system for keeping up tension, rather it just makes it annoying to redo everything you did until you get up to the point where you died. Of course, both of these aren't very good for all games.

I remember quicksaving and redoing the fight with Umbra in Morrowind repeatedly dozens of times, trying new tricks and strategies each time because he would very quickly kill me and I was pretty low level. When I eventually beat him, using a complex combination of potions, spells and tactics, the reward of beating him and his sword was made even more satisfying. I would never have received that same sense of accomplishment if I kept getting pushed back 10 minutes when I died, or lost experience, item durability, etc each time, I would have just become extremely angry and fed up.

Save penalty mechanics for survival horror, stealth or something, where tension is necessary for the genre.

>Half the game's goodies locked behind esoteric bullshit

I love DeS but at least fucking say something about it or just leave secrets as regular secrets

>using a complex combination of potions, spells and tactics
a spear with 1pt levitate on strike?

Well Yea Forums?

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>game allows you to try again on your current difficulty or bump it down to Easy mode

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I wanna see MC-chan wearing the gold armor.

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I can't draw, sorry user!

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>Die is Classic Mods in Ultimate
>Forced to set the difficulty down if you die and forcing you to pretty much restart the whole mode over if you want a good score
Is this penalty or pity?

Classic Mode*

"Can't draw"?
That's infinitely better than anything I've put out on paper or digitally.

No game over rape scenes?

Maybe you should gut gud then.

Fucking Christ user, I literally just got done fapping

Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. I'm tired of Yea Forums pulling these autistic rules out of their asses.

fucked with colors a bit

Attached: colorswap.jpg (724x1103, 321K)

Didn't like the how the heart on the sword looks.

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>locked out of challenge unlock
>score lowered
>may be locked out of a boss on that run
>have to sacrifice money or a ticket to continue
I'd say it's a penalty more than anything

>Games like Mario Odyssey have proven that you don't need lives or game overs to have a compelling and challenging experience.
Wario Land series did that way before.
It's not even a secret.

I liked the idea desu

No, it's calling you a bitch

I wish it was reversed, the better you do the more challenging the game gets along with better rewards.

Should never spring for the cheap straps.

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I watched a tedx talk that has some insight into this sort of thing. Basically he had two versions of the same game and people didn't know they were different.
One penalized you for every mistake. The other didn't. Penalizations literally mean nothing yet still the one without penalizations had a completion rate much higher than the other one.
They were both the same puzzle but every failure lowered your score by 5 points on one which is a much lower penalization than a game over.

Game overs almost always are used as a way to artificially make a game more difficult as well. Either because you have to get quarters out of children or your game isnt that long because of media constraints. They are a lazy developers dream to combine with other artificial difficulty features and in current year would only be used to add on to the shitty "look how many hours of content is in the game!"

Here's the talk if anyone is interested.

People want penalties though. That's what made Demon's Souls such a success. Get you ass handed to you, and you lose half your health, until you can prove resilient enough to earn your whole lifebar back.

but then why bother at all? if you can walk through a dungeon and have swords bounce off you because you can't hurt the player why bother? if you remove all penalties from gaming you end up with prince of persia '08.

I agree considering mechanics but I was just thinking about World Tendency in general.
Didn't World Tendency turn black when you invaded some fools?

Losing a life and having to try again is a penalty though.
Dark Souls isn't that hard either, you just hit an obstacle and have to try again and again. Sure it's a bit frustrating when you lose a bunch of souls but that's a risk you sometimes took

he's saying the exact opposite, dipshit.

SMB doesn't give you a score though. You just try again.
Learning to walk also means to fall on your ass and hurt yourself a bit. It's more about the framing I guess.
You failed? Try again.

you die in game, you die IRL

Yes because git gud faggot.

Try again?
Not really a punishment just
“Do it again but right this time”

There's still a challenge of completing it otherwise it wouldn't be a game.
You're more likely to complete it and learn from a failure if a failure doesn't mean having to start over from the very beginning because you didn't have any more lives.

Dark souls over demon souls is a great example. When you die you just go back and try again in dark souls in demons souls you are heavily penalized for dying. Dark souls is generally held as a more fun game but that also extends to the refinement of mechanics

Depends on the game.
If I'm playing a Souls game, I should be punished for being bad at the game.
If I'm playing Kirby's Baby Funtime 2019, I should unironically be pampered, because I'm playing that game to relaaaaax

>Die repeatedly
War isn’t fair but a video game should be
Would you like to receive a full heal and max ammo?

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Bless you.

>You're more likely to complete it and learn from a failure if a failure doesn't mean having to start over from the very beginning because you didn't have any more lives.
You could argue that's because you don't need to memorize the hazards you passed.
>in demons souls you are heavily penalized for dying.
Only when you lose human form.

I don't know about new Mario Bros. But remember Mario 3 would push Mario back, and then shuffle the hammer bros. So it potentially penalized the player, by putting a hammer bro in their path. Which was either dead, or reward. That was a pretty good system.

Time is very important. People are more likely to tackle a problem the easier it is to get to the problem.

Do you play kaizo Mario ROM hacks or just super Mario maker? A single checkpoint can determine the clear rate of a difficult level. Even the best players in the world will get really annoyed at a level that doesn't have a spot to respawn at as they repeatedly die to learn what not to do in a level

Just out of curiosity, how many different threads have you made with game mechanics-chan here? I feel like I've seen 10 different ones now. Not that I mind.

Even just super Mario maker. Forgot a word there

That's not really a penalty. It's basically what happens when you die in a level.
You have to walk back there.
Going by that logic clearing a level also penalizes you because the hammer bros get shuffled after that too

Games don't have to be fair. it's up to the designer and their target audience.
If they want masochists to like their game, they'll opt to throw instant death traps and FUN! at you.

But your example not only locks you out of true 100% completion, it doesn't even count the completion of the stage or any collectables while using it. You just go onto the next stage with the previous one being technically unfinished.

a lives mechanic is archaic in the modern age
if a player dies they should just keep respawning at the last checkpoint until they can complete the section of the level properly, like says

Getting your icon moved back a space, increases the chance of a hammer bro landing in your path. If it wasn't a penalty, then they would have just kept Mario's position on top of the level, and you'd just restart.

Oh my, 2Swordchan. It's one my favorite drawings I have ever made.
Let me draw her in the pity armor for you guys.

I think a lives mechanic is perfectly acceptable, but only if it's a HARD lives system, like "Don't fuck up more than X number of times or you gotta do it over".

Just drop it

Very nice.
Double nice cause the artist of that recently had a really bad time.

>game forces you to do a shooting gallery when you die instead of going back to a checkpoint

The original Prey was great.

that could work
also forgot about this: if you're on your last legs and reach a checkpoint with endless lives dying could be seen as a boon at that point

im not sure that'd be good design

>Double nice cause the artist of that recently had a really bad time.
Haha yeah...

I'm sorry my dude. At least someone backed up your and everyone else's shit from the Booru.

And also, I misread that as It's one of the cutest drawings I have ever seen. Kek.

literally the first thing i thought of
bless brothers in arms

Pity modes are fine for people that only care about seeing a story, while still playing the game.
Also have some freshly made pity armor.

Attached: pity armor.png (711x984, 29K)

>no one drew game over porn of her

What kind of bonuses does the Pittyplate grant?
Besides +1 Hip width.

wait, where

It might not have absolutely everything since there's a bit of new stuff reggie never got to uploading, but it's almost all there.
Also, someone got Burst Buckfila into a tournament.

This is not me
He probably thinks it's a general archive of my art, which is not.

If he wants that, I have this.!mYBTkYga!c1gaFx-_3N517VwhvNR06Q

I fucking despise the difficulty in Uprising, its truly awful. And the whole reason you pay for it is because of the better rewards. How am I supposed to learn 9.0 intensity when I have to fucking grind to pay for it every time?

Nice. Glad you're still kicking.

So if normal armor is grey and pity armor is gold, what is hard mode armor? Red and edgy?

Hard mode armor is bikini

>hentai game
>pity mechanics

>blood red sling bikini

Buck do you have anything from buckfilla saved? especially matsland?

yes, but only in certain types of games

>Waifu Must Die mode

Waifu Must Die is literally naked version

No. I routinely deleted everything since we had the booru.

I want to go to bed, but you keep making great prompts. Making this one.

>I want to go to bed
So do it my dude. There's no need to entertain a bevy of Anons simply cause we wanna get our dicks hard to pixels if you're tired.

I know but some ideas make want to keep drawing, too juicy to pass up.

Attached: hard mode.png (711x840, 17K)

Well, I can't make ya do stuff, so fair enough.
Also, fixed. Cause I refuse to believe she's wearing some sort of hybrid sling bikini c-string.

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>you can bump up the difficulty at anytime
>you get better rewards for doing so
>you can also tune down your own HP for more drops
TWEWY was too good for us

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>Still no alternate Mage run with low-cut blue robe

Good catch.

Look up the tag, "Anally_Anchored_Clothing"

You motherfuckers.
How low cut we talking.

>that's a tag

Well, proper slings are better cause you can grab them from behind by them.

"it's like you're wearing almost nothing to cover your breast" kind

How is that better than grabbing them from below?

>How low cut we talking
Lower half is flowing dress to mid-calf, maybe with exposed hip bones and low enough to expose the outer curve of the bosom and magically hand from the arms with fully bare shoulders.

Sure. These are more types of games around than ever before.

Because if you grab them by the back sling as they move forward, it gags them and grinds on their genitalia.

Game overs are necessary because no developer will ever pull off good continuations after losing that doesn't destroy the experience of playing the game.

>Waifu Must Die
Literally naked, and every attack immediately gets you raped

>Have to lose to see sex
>Winning doesn't actually get you anything
>No gallery mode or anything in titlescreen/post game

Game Over should delete your savefile.

>No gallery mode or anything in titlescreen/post game
no gallery mode is just being lazy

I guess this explains why Yea Forums hates racing games - you can finish a race but not get enough points to win the championship, its not a clear cut win/fail condition ans thus zoom- I mean Yea Forums doesn't get the instant notification of their success or shittyness.

>Game overs are necessary
Not entirely true. I very much enjoyed a Puzzle game that actually did not have a fail state of any kind.
TL;DR: You have to die to progress is most cases. And use the corpses of your previous characters to progress. There is no true fail state cause you can throw an endless number of bodies at most of the puzzles and never need ot reset unless going for achievements.

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>Gameplay is super involved so you can't even enjoy any of the sex scenes while they're happening
But that's a clear lose scenario and technically getting consolation points for placing after 1st or under the time is pity mechanics. Unless the game is built so that you can't progress even if you Ace every race, in which case that's just horseshit design.

This is the kind of game over mechanic I like

Attached: teg.png (586x427, 44K)

It's still true because you're describing a mechanic while mistakenly thinking death = game over. If you fail to achieve the goals of a mission that's still a game over/progress reset.

Is this what you meant?

Attached: mage.png (748x1054, 40K)

What a lovely outfit.
Dick-ass thief whose outfit is 80% belts.

Lookin' good

But that's a clear lose scenario and technically getting consolation points for placing after 1st or under the time is pity mechanics.
The lose scenario often isn't imemdiately obvious - remember the targetr audience for games in general these days, ADD riddled children/teenagers that need their hit NOW and have no attention span.

Let me put it another way, if you can imagine kotaku or polygon reviewing a game (regardless of the racing game example given) and complaining about the failure state said failure state probably is at least half decent. Naturally soem games do flatout not tell you you've lsot until its too late to correct (which is bullshit) but those are in the minority.

he needs to sleep
you're going to continue until he draws her naked

One of these days, I'm going to make a small demo with her

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Naked is boring.

boy. Oh well one more coming up

>Still no ME SMASH Str mode with tiger-print leotard and big-ass club/dragon tooth

Generally it seems like there's an attitude that players need to get everything in their game in the first play through. Because apparently people only ever want to play a game once, get all the memes and then move onto the next big thing. It's more than a little saddening.

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I have to go for now, but I'd be happy to draw some more tomorrow night.
Unless somebody was able to hit a ton of my buttons at once with an outfit, but that aint happening

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Why do you think it's sad that people don't want to replay video games? I'll be honest, I've always considered re-consuming the same media to be the endeavor of a small mind.

See ya later then, my guy.
If we're lucky, this thread will reappear in about 20-21 hours.

>but that aint happening
>No blindfolded Priestess mode whose outfit is basically just a long strip of cloth with a hole for her head to stick out of

imagine being such a huge faggot that you need to ask that

Because if something is worth anything then it doesn't become disposable after ONE go. A fun game will be a fun game even after 100 plays. Good stories are entertaining numerous times. Good games don't get boring. Dumping a game after one go as if it were disposable is only a sign that media has become nothing more than flash in the pan disposable garbage.

> I've always considered re-consuming the same media to be the endeavor of a small mind.

You're a fucking idiot. A small mind is someone who only likes things that are shiny and new. An active mind can go into something they're familiar with and see things from other angles, see things they may have missed and see things in a larger context. Fucking hell, that was a retarded thing to say.

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Not re-consuming something is not equivalent to disposing of it.

I honestly think people like you have personality issues/psychological issues.


This is the future you chose user.

>Not re-consuming something is not equivalent to disposing of it.

How? If you never go back you're only ever left with vague memories of first impressions. That's inane. You appreciate something you you want to study it more, learn the ins and out, see what makes it tick and why you like it and learn to appreciate things more later. What are you learning from playing once then never again?

You're an idiot.


Nice trips though. It's really funny because I bet the shit you play over and over is jap trash like Yakuza or something.

>I repeated my experience and even though the vast majority of the time spent was a retread of the prior experience, I found this one item I missed!
People like you don't read books.

Actual game overs in the arcade sense not really because modern games are too long and padded with bullshit to played in one go. Game overs in the console sense where you repeat a level yeah absolutely. Punishment is necessary for many reasons but primarily it forces consistency and higher punishment allows games to skew more towards testing endurance and consistency instead of raw mechanics which helps give games more depth and allow different styles to be challenging. If you remove the endurance aspect, action games become forced to focus solely on the mechanics or maybe randomization as a source of difficulty which needs to be stressed to a ridiculous degree to prevent lucky attempts of going through. To do that games remove depth. Think of the hardest levels of something like Super Meat Boy, they are the most restrictive and often feels like simply a series of strictly timed inputs rather than a game with a large possibility space.

its annoying as hell to just have to die to level up I hope the new game fixes this by just adding a place where you can teleport to level up instead

Sounds like your problem is that you play unfun low depth games, you thinking only in terms of extrinsic rewards (items) makes this clear. Good games offer a ton more than that though, they offer you options and balance them with risk vs reward so as you get better you can play faster, smarter and cooler.

user I have beaten more games than you've ever played. I am one of the exceptionally rare people on this board who has invested time into every major genre

Stupid people repeat experiences. Smart people engage new experiences.

Once again, you will note that people who replay games/rewatch tv and movies don't read books.

Highly doubt that since I'm the same and have explored everything until settling down with games I actually like enough to replay a ton since that exploration phase was ultimately unsatisfying and ended up making me engage with games in a shallow way. And that's an idiotic statement to make, are you really goig to call chess grandmasters stupid because they play the same game over and over?

>exceptionally rare to have invested time into every major genre of game
That can't be right, can it? Most people try to play a lot of different kinds of games right?

>People like you don't read books.

Books are media, retard.

Chess grandmasters memorize. They couldn't play Dota 2.

Here's something funny about you, I know you don't play multiplayer games either. I know you play jap garbage almost exclusively and yet try to come from this position of superiority.

You ignored Celeste because this board told you to, you ignored Wuppo because you never heard of it, you ignored Madden 2005 because how could that game possibly be one of the deepest video games of all time? who plays that garbage? you ignored PUBG when it cmae out and was one of the most thrilling experiences ever in gaming, because this board told you to, you lauded Nioh and played every Yakuza game.

I'm 100% sure i'm right. Lol.

you're kidding right? people on this board have extremely narrow tastes, to the point where a significant faction here don't even play any non-japanese game

t. 800 elo shitter

I don't play chess, it is a low-mind game based on memorization.

japanese make the best multiplayer games

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Only in the case where it doesn't penalize you with time wasting bullshit.
Yes I made it through the level, no don't waste my time making me go through the fucking thing again just send me back to where I fucked up with the same shit I went in with until I get it right or get gud


>health regen instead of medkits & heal pickups
This single handedly ruined the thrill and need for cover mechanics in 90% of modern fps games

Can you name a worse "pity" mechanic that's become mainstream?

You'd know if you played them.

But you think that chess is somehow lower IQ than Madden which kinda describes the absolute state of this board lmao

>Chess grandmasters memorize. They couldn't play Dota 2.
lol based retard, besides those same top dota 2 players? They play primarilu 1 game

fyi no youre wrong on almost everything, racers and tekken are my most played games nowadays and Im interested in celeste, I know wuppo and it doesnt interest me because it looks like casual shit, dont care about souls trash or its knockoffs nor yakuza though youre right that I ignored PUBG though I have nothing against it either

1v1 me in arm wrestling nerd

Attached: Monster Hunter_ World_20181216001742.png (1920x1080, 2.33M)

>You'd know if you played them.
So literally 0 examples.

I bought that game and instantly returned it because the flag texture, the first thing you see, was low resolution and the controller didn't work right.

Considering RE2 and DMCV, hopefully MHW was the last embarrassingly bad with technical issues capcom pc game.

Yeah. Because someone who claims to know videogames would know that and you exposed yourself already with your pathetic list of games you mentioned up there.

What makes you think that I'm going to discuss things with you when you made such fucking trash posts?
Eat shit retard.

>Can you name a worse "pity" mechanic that's become mainstream?


>pathetic list of games you
Congratulations, you played yourself, cause I'm not him. I'm calling you out as a piece of shit because you can't even name 1 good example.

stop samefagging, nigger.

>O-only one person can disagree with me!
Name. 1.

>Be playing in hard
>Meet reaper couple again
>Oh shit, well they werent that hard las time
>Get my ass handed to me in the worst way imaginable
>I-its okay, its been a while since I last updated my gear and pins, I will regroup and prepare better
>But cant leave the room
>The only way is forward
>Last save is hours ago
>Refuse to play on easy.
On that day I got gud but god damn it took me a whole day.

I told you to stop samefagging


Name 1 singular game made by a Japanese developer that can be called one of the "best multiplayer games."
Also, it's not samefagging if I'm not him.

>The game's plot literally changes
>Since you are such a shitty pilot, we have to do these upgrade procedures on you with bionic implants and shit so you won't die again
>Please don't die so much or we'll have to modify you further...

S4 vanilla

I assume you mean S4 League vanilla?
I personally disagree. But then again, I don't like MMOs, so I'll have to simply take your word for it.
Thank you.

Its not a mmo

>some kind of third person shooting anime mmo

hahah good try though

Not that guy, but: SSB off the top of my head

Aeria publishes games that aren't MMOs?
Well, that I can agree with. Thank you.

Video games are entertainment, if you want challenge then leave the house and play real sports, losers

Its a lobby game, its like calling tf2 a mmo.

Game Over WITH continue? Yes

Game Over WITHOUT continue? Probably not.

Attached: 362.jpg (702x558, 128K)

Again, its not a mmo.

>Its a lobby game, its like calling tf2 a mmo.
Huh. You learn something new every day.

You aren't supposed to specifically learn how to play 9.0, you're supposed to get good enough that the lower difficulties aren't challenging and THEN do 9.0.

>Well, that I can agree with. Thank you.

nobody is ever talking about same screen multiplayer when they say multiplayer

yeah also looks like some horrible jap garbage that didn't come close to competing with tf2 at the time but ok whatever

The core problem is that games have very little in them to encourage building consistency. Game overs and other punishment is a simple natural fix that forces this, but there could be many other ways to do it. But why bother? It's beneficial if players see games, especially single player games, as quick cheap entertainment to play through once and throw in the bin after getting "value for their money" (which is usually the result of lazy padding), that way they keep consuming and buying more products. Players sticking with games was a must during the arcade and early console days but nowadays it's a big no-no because it stops further consumption.

>game mechanics
>story reasons
Pic related

Attached: 1550162249002.png (612x733, 59K)

Honestly shocked that only one person mentioned this. Clearly the correct answer.

if i can't die then what's the point of the game nigga

I've always thought that game overs were the failure of the game designer

Why? It's fucking retarded

Why would you compare it to tf2, they are vastly different games.

There has to be something at stake for single player games to be enjoyable. Learning the nuances of the game, slowly improving and finally earning your win feels a lot better than just tiptoeing around and going to straight to the ending without facing anything hard enough to stop you in your way.

Sadly most people get scared away easily if the game poses a decent challenge from the start which is why the shmup genre is kinda dead in the West.

No and much like most hobbies or sports in life there shouldn’t be a thing as “losing” as it makes me feel bad I don’t learn anything from not winning. I seriously hope we can change this in the future. I shouldn’t have to watch a tutorial on YouTube and practice for hours to beat a single boss in Dark Souls or DmC

Imagine being this pretentious lol. The ironic part is people that try this hard to forrest gump people can be forrest gumped to hell themselves just by showing their faces or listing off some of their tastes.

yes, but only if
>dying doesn't change the difficulty of the game
>you don't have to replay hours of old content
hotline miami for example has perfect game overs.

never post again
>muh memorization chess

Late game isnt memorization.

Should have clarified it was sarcastic

Sorry, its really late, I cant fall asleep and I have a fever.

A game is defined by it's rules and inconveniences. Otherwise it wouldn't be a game. That would be like losing in chess and asking to reset to the previous turn instead of accepting the loss. I have to seriously wonder if the anti-Game Over crowd even enjoy games in the first place.

Attached: boss.png (822x105, 20K)

many people just want their dopamine fix without earning it

this is a fucking horrible clickbait title and I want to punch the shit out of this guy and all the idiots that agreed with him in the comments

Well besides the obvious like story and aesthetics they play for progression and tangible rewards, those keep them hooked and structure their whole play experience. They're not even really playing games, it's the same kind of idea as idle games like cookie clicker, and why a lot of these fags love metroidvanias/arpgs while shitting on action games.

Me? I drew it for the thread

>metroidvania and arpg
>not action
the disconnect is clear

>Game over screen is unskippable and lasts over 10 seconds
I'd rather just have the game just give me the option of reloading a save/checkpoint or quitting
Or even better is having an immediate reload like Hotline Miami's "press r" that has you back in so fast that you don't put the controller down immediately

Attached: The fuck.jpg (1280x720, 83K)

>Make one mistake at one difficult part, that results in death
>get an extra punishment on top of the inherent one to lost time and spent resources from dying
>now have even less of a chance at clearing the part you had trouble with
Never made much sense to me, and I feel that anyone thinking it's good has no place to complain about game length having padding elsewhere, but that's all this type of design is too.

got a place for your art?

Yes, but what it entails should depend on the game.

Do you have a page or something? I loved your style.

>Game overs only exist because Arcade machine manufacturers needed a way to end a game and force the player to cough up more money.
You are pretending that video games are the only games in existence. Game overs exist in fucking Chess, Skirmish Games, solo /tg/ games, reeeeeeeeeee

@SojournFantasy on twitter

It’s funny because you literally have the power to nuzlocke any game just erase your save when you hit a fail state bam game over

The difference between metroidvanias/arpgs and pure action games is that the former have a strong progression hook and a lot of extrinsic rewards to keep you invested even at the expense of action by making the action aspects trivial with enough exploration. Pure action games either don't have that kind of progression or keep it as a secondary background element like DMC and Platinum games meaning the only real way to enjoy them is to enjoy the gameplay itself.

I'm happy to hear that, I got a little depressed when I got 0 yous

>game over kicks you to the main menu

Attached: 866079_p0.jpg (987x1000, 301K)

I've been meaning to pick that up, I love shmups.

>do Game Overs still have a place in modern gaming?

oh shit it's you

I'm everywhere

>you shouldn't get a trophy if you didn't win or overcame a challenge
In that case you shouldn't be rewarded for paying vidya at all.

its hard to call metroidvanias action games when they turn you into unkillable gods five minutes into the game.

Artist page?

fuck off

You're right but that suit is a poor example because

drink up.

Attached: buildthatwall.jpg (616x353, 29K)


Unironically the ideal solution. Difficulty should rise and fall based on your performance.

I argue permadeath has more relevance to video games than game overs

Not if you use save states

>Difficulty should rise and fall based on your performance.
GodHand literally

>rest is empty

Kaizo hacks are played in emulators with savestates so you can get as many checkpoints as you want

This is the best idea.

No it shouldn't, the whole fun is overcoming something that seemed impossible at first, not having it fucking handed to you for no effort after enough failures. That's stupid as fuck and robs the player of any sense of accomplishment. The only times this is acceptable is if you start off with a baseline and earn your way to higher difficulties on the fly like God Hand or shmups.

R4 was like this as well.

Die against a boss nets you a game over and you have to restart at your last manual save. Dying against a mook enemy causes you to just respawn before you even fought that mook to begin with.

>PC games for decades made the Game Over obsolete with quick saves and loads removing any sense of loss from any ingame failures.
Not really, there's plenty of games where you can effectively soft lock yourself or make the game harder than it needs to be by using bad saves, obviously you can load an even older save but then you have to redo more of the game and sometimes it's not always apparent that you've fucked yourself with a bad save

That's a Yea Forums drawfag.
Doesn't have any social media.
Goes by BFA, Buck or Buckfilla

>something something death is not something something hunter something prety