Time to vote:

Time to vote:

Which is the best KH for (you) and why?


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Attached: fa__aqua_by_jullika_dd1l7v5-fullview.jpg (900x1087, 110K)

Attached: fa__casual_aqua__4__by_jullika_dd1l8jq-fullview.jpg (800x1067, 91K)

The first one, because it has a certain charm to it that none of the other games did, Sora acted like an actual kid with varying emotions rather than some shonen hero, the levels weren't barren planes designed to be battle grounds, the story wasn't completely retarded yet, and the Disney worlds just had unique spins on the stories we knew instead of being abridged versions of the movies.

>has to put the star to know it's aqua

2 is objectively the best but I tell people it's BBS because it makes them mad because I do really like bbs

1 and BBS have actual awesome gameplay. 2 kinda has gameplay but it when the series started going towards being eyecandy.

3 is full eyecandy.


Objectively speaking

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Change DDD with BBS and you have my list.