Why does Japanese female character design lack the diversity?

Why does Japanese female character design lack the diversity?

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because fuck niggers and faggots

they look pretty diverse to me
I think you need glasses, OP

>same face copypasted 6 times
I think YOU need glasses

t. faceblind

They killed gorillions

but none of them look the same
their eyes are different, noses are different, eyebrows are different, their lips have the closest resemblance to each other but they are still different

DOAshills detected

at the very least they look good .

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I want romance in Doa! Seeing Marie rose blush would be cuuutteee.

play VV , theres no romance but theres plenty of fanservice and they blush

Who else /waifuslayer/ here? Feels so good giving these slobs a reality check.

Attached: youre waifu a shit.webm (640x360, 2.54M)

>paying money to look at that

There is an appealing chart where Disney figured out the perfect face ratio, I can't seem to find it in this pc.
Japan just used a roughly same formula

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What's it like having that problem Brad Pitt has with face recognition?

I seriously hope that's not your gameplay in the webm

Oh but it is. I normally main Hayate but I did Jann's move list trial and felt like taking him for a spin.

He's super effective... though I did lose my 9-win streak the previous fight.

>unironically recommending gachashit
Fuck off

Thats not the same then

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this level of autism can't be real

hit up his combo challenge before taking him online
your gameplay is very clearly amateurish and looks bad when you post it like you're doing something cool
like bragging about a small penis
your post would have much more impact if you were hitting combos and shit, you know?

and jannies

Marie Rose is perfection and the realize this, so now they're trying out different spins on perfection

>b-b-but western games!
Your game is still garbage, DOAcuck

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Don't they have a black guy and a latino there?

Add me and we'll play when lobbies get added next week. I gotta see the skill behind this mouth who thinks shutting someone out then perfecting him with a critical art is bad form.

Literally blind

I actually skipped out on DoA6 because I don't want to support how they handled the game and the changes that were made

How does Koei Tecmo's cock taste?

Not being able to tell faces apart is autism. I'm sorry user but it's who is autistic.

Then I wager you never liked it to begin with. Not for the gameplay anyway.

I played hundreds of hours of DoA5 on Xbox
I love the gameplay but I don't like the Break Gauge garbage
From what I've played it's not as bad as I thought but I don't the idea of having 1 button supers that counter mid and high hits
they also fucked up character models so until someone makes a mod that fixes the faces I'll be sitting this one out

Who does, really? You'd have to be scraping the bottom of the barrel to like DOA for the gameplay.

perfection is not diverse. It is singular.

5 had the VF characters in it so that was the draw for me and 5LR was a genuinely good game, probably because of those characters.

I know VF is never coming back but this is a surrogate of sorts.

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Wow you beat someone who clearly doesn't know how to do anything. So many times they could've blown you up with holds.

Slight differences that still looks incredibly similar. Christie and Tina look extremely similar too

"Incredibly similar" is not "the same", user.

>getting triggered by a single image.

wasn't this thread about character aesthetics ?

As long as its not slapping a random ugly nigger in the game for the hundredth time for ''diverse'' points who cares

Its still incredibly similar and the whole point.

diversity = ugliness

there is only a very limited spectrum that can be considered attractive, with ugliness being basically every other possible combination that is outside of that small range of possibility.

Nyotengu players are not to be bullied. I don't even understand her appeal. They didn't do anything wrong.

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There sorta is romance, it just doesn't end in sex

>design White girls
>call them Japanese

Fucking everytime.

She was fixed that's pre build

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This some golden ratio shit?

Its not the same face. Its similar, ye, but it happens with tons of DoA girls. No one would think Tina , Helena or Momiji look similar yet swap their hairs and you could not tell. Faces are different by little, but it´s not what the franchise base the character on alone.

In reality, people have similar faces too.

>Beautiful people have similar features to each other
It's almost like facial geometry is an objective measure of beauty or something.

Japan isn't infected with Jew.

In Momiji's case, her face is different, because she's based on her NG model. It's well known that DOA originally used each face model for two different, similar girls (Kasumi/Ayane, Helena/Christie, Tina/Lisa). Since Marie Rose came out, though most of the new characters have used her face model (Nyotengu being the obvious exception) as a base.

>why doesnt japan make every woman a rock jawed biracial tranny?
literally kill yourself

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>make 1 face
>swap hair and eye color
>call it a different character
japanese "design"

>Missing the point on purpose

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I think you guys are completely missing what OP is saying just to meme

You just know.

>3 Asians
>3 Whites

how is it not diverse?

Who is that?

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it's called showing what asians actually look like

enjoy your western "asians"

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>not recognising the joost
>not being able to read japanese

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Don't force the Moon Bunny into your Earthian ethnicities.

What point? That you're an autist who can't tell faces apart?

But the face is exactly the same and only the lighting and expressions are different.

>And why this is a good thing

>Someone saved my shitty edit
I tried looking for it again a few months ago and I couldn't even find it myself.

For me, it's Leifang.

Arent these girls all from different European and asian countries? Seems pretty diverse to me

You legitimately have autism

Post big bouncy Honkers.

Sweden, Japan, Japan
The Moon, Japan, Finland

Just because she has the 'tism doesn't mean she's from the moon.

I can read Japanese, but I don't care nearly enough to google the name that's on there. Thanks though.


Why is the bottom-left image horizontally stretched?

why are you so fucking racist OP?
you and other anons always make these threads bashing the Japanese because they have beautiful women in their games

OP is trying to do race bait. Go away Troll.

i love Helena, Christie, mila and Lisa, because all of them look very different from each other.
i dread that all future characters are going to be Marie Rose´s clones because japanese have shit taste.

Where is the other 2%

For me it's these two, both rough and tumble but also sensual.

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>4 Way holds

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That's just for protags and their family. Disney had a bunch of villianous and side females that break off this trend.

More like same body

>Jann Lee
Your character did about 90% of the work for you

D rank dont know how to block?

Yes, as someone in D rank right now. This is the rank in which people start to learn to block.

Nyo players get by on the fact that her offensive damage is so high and hard to beat that they tend to just spam her strongest abilities. The hard counter to that style of spam is to just preempt her attempts with close hits and heavy counter hits.

Typically in DOA you shouldnt need to directly block but movement seems jank in this one somehow so you cant use subtle distance

Asians despise dark skin, especially on women.

That's interesting to know. I only block because I can't handle the overwhelming blows from the other players. Everyone here in this ranking is all offensive so if we don't block each other we just get in chains. If I could do holds on time, I would, but I can't, so I'm stuck blocking until I get an opening or I'm lucky. Basically, I've been stuck here for a while.

I don't even get why Lisa is in the game, she barely appeared.

The story in DOA6 is much more confusing and incoherent than in DOA5.

At least in DOA5 the scenarios all line up somewhat.

Because they're a homogeneous society, and do not give a shit about appeasing westerners bullshit sensibilities.

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I wish doa had more body shape variety, not in the "we need fat girls" sense, but in the sense that besides Marie Rose every body has roughly the same shape and proportions

Everyone feels different though. They even have different heights. It's hilarious when I run into Honoka and Marie players because they're so short and small.