So I picked up KOTOR after 10 years or so since my last playthrough and decided to go light side WIS force user build.
Taris was a bit more challenging due to low CON but the rest of the game was a fucking breeze as soon as I picked up force wave.
Except when I faced Malak. Mother Fucker resists every power after eating the 4th or 5th jedi in stasis and crit stuns me every 2nd attack. I managed to beat him by chugging medpacs and force heal but it was very unsatisfying.
Does this game seem to favour STR and nothing else? I can see why everyone favours 2
KOTOR ultimately favour's Strength builds?
>running through a corridor
>open door at the end
>want bastilla to do a thing
>she's 100 feet away because her pathfinding script got bugged out or something
>decide to throw grenade
>grenade explodes at my feet like it bounced off the door even though it was open
>get to door
>have to wait for other characters to catch up before opening each door
this shit is annoying me to no end
>named your character Revan
I always do this in RPGs, name myself Courier in NV, Hero of Kvatch in Oblivion, etc.
yes, video games usually do have a best course of action
I probably would have shaved off an extra 2 hours from my play time if my party didn't sit on the opposite side of the map whilst I waited to enter the next area
"But I'm not Revan anymore, I'm Revan!"
It's the small keks that make it for me
> I can see why everyone favours 2
2 is a great game but its also super breakable. by the time i got to sion i hit him so hard with flurry he died and the game spawned another copy of him to talk to me again during the sequence in trayus academy.
Yeah dex is pretty much useless in kotor 1, only a few select members of your party benefit from it.
In Kotor 2 it's more balanced but this time dex is more important than strength.
Single players are fine to break, I usually go out of my way to find exploits because they're fun
The trick is that you aren't supposed to upgrade Force Whirlwind---it can't be resisted.
Force Wave is a trap
You really missed his point.
>Single players are fine to break
No way dude.
KOTOR 2 final boss is no better for a WIS build.
Also, your CHA is shit here and it doesn't seem like you were using Force Valor (Master Valor), which was your bigger mistake.
>Yeah dex is pretty much useless in kotor 1
exactly where did you get this from?
It's essential for gun and arguably non-Soldier/Guardian builds.
Blasters are shit in the first game.
Are ranged/blaster builds viable in kotor 1?
I've been thinking of giving it a shot after playing the first time as generic jedi
not really no
But it's the high IQ move to use Zaalbar's fully upgraded Bowcaster for yourself
>Are ranged/blaster builds viable in kotor 1?
yep but you have to invest a lot into DEX or else you'll miss a lot of the time, assuming you're playing on the Expert difficulty, as you should.
It's more fun than melee build.
r u me
>go lightside
>basically get juiced on every buff in existence
>keep rekkin sion over and over
>he ran outta hate
>as you should?
What's different about expert difficulty?
it's more challenging
but seriously, the dice rolls are made less in your favor so you have to be much smarter about optimization and conservation of resources so as to be able to tackle whatever the game throws at you
Dex is useless in 1, with the exception of some party members, because this feat isn't in 1.
Strength will always be better than dex for melee users in 1 because of this fact.
Waste of a feat since it doesn't affect damage.
I seem to remember doing just fine with Dex and Wis. Stun the enemies with force silliness then dual-wield blasters for rapid fire sneak attacks. Brilliant for everything that's not Malak.
Lightsaber finesse is literally one of the best feats in the entire game, are you retarded?
better in sequel =/= useless in prequel
If you want to use lightsabers, you might as well go strength for the extra damage.
If you want to pump dex, you might as well go blasters instead. Finesse means you're getting the worst of both worlds because you can't add your dex mod to damage.
This, you don't need to a put single point into strength in 2.
Just dump it all into dex, get that feat and watch as even Kreia struggles to hit you while you never miss a hit on her.
chance to hit > pure damage output
With strength you get both without wasting a feat.
Isn't that related to the combat system they used in Kotor? I think it was DnD3 right? STR builds are broken in all games that use DnD3 combat system
because it pumps chance to hit and not just damage?
In 1, that's why strength is better in 1.
In 2 you need a lot of strength to compensate for not using that feat. It's fine if you're playing as a guardian but everyone with a braincell plays as a sentinel+watchman in 2 since you get the most out a play through that way.
hot take
Consular+Watchman is better
>but everyone with a braincell plays as a sentinel+watchman in 2 since you get the most out a play through that way.
But that's light side, and light side is gay. The truly patrician choice is to go dark side.
>gives extra hit chance
>gives extra damage
>doesn't require a feat better spent on something else
>gives extra hit chance
>does require a feat
Very obvious which one is better, and in that screenshot you're only getting a +2 bonus to hit anyway. No idea why your dex mod is that low.
>everyone with a braincell plays as a sentinel+watchman in 2
You are out of your mind.
Than do Sentinel+Assassin.
You know that Dex also gives both AC and Reflex saves, rights?
>and in that screenshot you're only getting a +2 bonus to hit anyway
are you dumb or what
>I am Darth Revan! Dark Lord of the Sith!
>Yeah yeah, you and every other wannabe.
AC is super easy to pump anyway, and like I said you might as well go blasters anyway instead of wasting a feat.
You can see it right there dude.
>Strength +2
>Dexterity +4
yeah you're dumb
You get so many feats even on the caster classes that it hardly matters. Also, the only reason he only has +4 is because he's stupid and wearing armor on a Dex build.
What's four minus two user?
Casters get the least amount of feats, but they shouldn't be attacking with weapons in the first place anyway.
>Also, the only reason he only has +4 is because he's stupid and wearing armor on a Dex build.
I figured. Pretty obvious he's dumb and doesn't know how the system works.
Finally playing TORtanic after all these years pisses me off because it has some fantastic stories and party members and was obviously meant to be single player until EA fucked everything up. That’s what you get for blindly following the current trend without regard. Glad EA grew out of that shit, right Desti- I mean Anthem players?