>They'll never fix the fac-
Oh wait, they did. for the third game in a row. Almost as if people KNEW it was coming!
Mortal Kombat
Other urls found in this thread:
>too BTFO to post in this thread
Even Anne Frank could see that was going to happen
Got my boomer face on already
I still wanna see more skin
Footsies bad, run button good
>no 12 string?
>game bad, don’t be excited.
Will they fix my boy’s face?
>tfw he will never be in another video game ever again
It'll never need fixing
they should fix this first
an insult to all the cool face designs jason has had
>Before; Hideous
>After; Also hideous
Nice thread, faggot.
just shave the hair off jesus
Feel like pure shit, just want him back.
You'll get T-800 and/or T-1000 and you'll like it
haha, I too speak in extremes. She's an absolute 11/10 goddess I say!
He Wants you to pull it user.
He legit seems like the guy that would cut it, but his gf/wife wants him to keep it
>worse outfit than MKX
>worse fatality than MKX
>some weird RD2D thing following her
>is too much like Sonya now
I can respect that they made the face good but it dosn't change anything else, certainly not the biggest issue with models being that every single guy announced has a default or alt showing a lot of skin but the women don't have a single outfit doing the same. If I wanted to play gay vidya I'd play Metal Gear Solid.
Fuck that, T-1000 can suck me off for all I care. Let me get a Firefly or literally anyone else that actually matters.
>worse outfit
You've seen 3/6 outfits in a game that heavily features and advertises customization
>worse fatality
Seems like last week that Cassie's MKX Fatals were considered some of the worst fatals ever
>Some weird R2D2 thing
Yeah, she has a drone that does like, 2 moves total. Game ruining
>Is too much like Sonya now
Not seeing it. Sonya is a risky 50/50 character with laser rings and is heavily built around her drone. Cassie's a safe, jack of all trades with minimal drone usage
Kinda fucked. What happened to classic 90’s female empowerment, being proud of the human body is an accomplishment since we’re all so disgusting if you think about it too long.
Damn that's a fantastical view of what "90's female empowerment" was. I remember "MY EYES ARE UP HERE" shirts and a lot of plaid
The new Kano looks badass, only announced character I’m excited about, everyone else except Johnny is bland and soulless.
After Johnny I was 100% certain that Kano would be looked at as a flop that only Kano Loyalists would like. Glad I was wrong.
>You've seen 3/6 outfits in a game
NRS's job to advertise
>seems like last week that Cassie's MKX Fatals were considered some of the worst fatals ever
I don't live in these threads so I don't know what you're talking about, her selfie fatality is one of the best
>Yeah, she has a drone that does like, 2 moves total. Game ruining
Calm your tits I didn't say it's game ruining I just don't like it
>Not seeing it
A lot more military compared to her X version which has a lot more Johnny.
I don't know about 90's empowerment but you're on the right lines. I believe in absolute equality so if you're going to show off topless dudes you better show off women wearing skimpy shit as well or else you come off as a lesser dev in my opinion.
hay look a retard
The environment I grew up in was different I guess, the “my eyes are up here” stuff was kind of laughed at by all the den adults I knew, they were all tomboys though, the only people that would even play MK with me actually.
Downgraded. The classic version is basically wearing a sports bra, the MK11 version is a tank top.
Now listen here buddy
Uncle Kano is CUTE!
>NRS's job is to advertise
And... they did, by showing off Cassie's moves?
>I don't live in these threads so I don't know what you're talking about, her selfie fatality is one of the best
Fair, but for the past 4 years there was a LOT of shitting on those fatalities for being out of place and just terrible. I Liked the Selfie one, and I like her heart one (The Skeleton Kick is kind of weird, and the bubblegum one was lame)
>A lot more military compared to her X version which has a lot more Johnny.
Again, not really seeing it. She still has nut attacks, still has green kicks, and still has her guns from X. I could be wrong, but it seems like Sonya's been made more like Cassie than Vice versa, considering that Sonya has literally one returning special from previous MK games
I would unironically enjoy this. He’ll get Mcready in on the action too, it’d fill my bulky machinery fetish.
Its this shit every game Netherrealms releases nowadays. Injustice 2 chicks looked ugly as sin, everybody complained, they fixed some of them, some stayed ugly as fuck. People make threads talking about how they look "good" now, game comes out they look like garbage again. Same shit will happen on the next game.
>And... they did, by showing off Cassie's moves?
Why are you changing the argument? you were talking about customization previously so it's their job to show what's on offer
>there was a LOT of shitting on those fatalities for being out of place and just terrible.
Literally can't be out of place in a series known for daft fatalities. After smoke blew up the world and Quan Chi beat someone to death with their leg anything is game.
>but it seems like Sonya's been made more like Cassie than Vice versa
I haven't seen much of her gameplay so I can admit I may be wrong but from what I have seen has been more focused on military stuff than the green shit.
He’s totally badass, the Australian chad with a stache, starts every gift by taking a piss, he doesn’t give a fuck
>imagine being stuck in a prison cell with that
>I don’t like the outfits, this game is bad
>hey user, we haven’t seen all the outfits yet
>it’s netherrealms fault for not revealing everything for me before launch.
If you still even give a shit about mortal kombat you are a casual just like smash bros. You dont like fighters.
I'm not saying show everything but they could literally kill complaints like mine by showing a little equality, show that Skarlet has a lore friendly costume that shows more skin, show that Cassie has an outfit similar to her gym clothes, show Jade has something more exotic like she's worn in every other game. Shit like that.
Uhm , good good . they make my 100% not gonna buy go down to 75% not gonna buy . lets see that beta . man im feeling good about this.
>p-please come back to SFV. It's not as garbage as everyone says I promise.
So what does the tier list look like in MKX?
Fake and gay
I hope i never get to see this ingame .
Not that user, but SF V isn’t that bad. Is just...a little meh
Post the meet n fuck Sonya getting raped by Kano.
Who said anything about sfv? It sucks too. They TRIED to get casuals roped in and it didnt do shit lmao.
Wow 2,000 tranny gamers!
Hey guys, what's your favorite Johnny Cage movie? I liked Ninja Mime.
Max is cool sometimes but there are other times when I want to strangle his dumb ass just like Aris.
All real fighting game fans play consoles
Now this dude is posting this sht , i dont know what to think anymore .
Citizen Cage was the best. Double Impact a close second.
Alright so which of you guys prefer, MK girls that are cute but covered up or MK girls that are wearing less but they look like pic related
So Yea Forums?
And why would they do that and attract the bad press? I’m almost positive those outfits will be in the game in some form, but showing those off ahead of time would attract unwanted attention.
>or MK girls that are wearing less but they look like pic related
This one. Recently replayed 9, didn't bother me at all turns out good designs go a long way.
whatever but do it for the fans not becosue twitter say its offensive . They could just add the old costumes as well i dont fking know why they overcomplicate the damn thing
Because they've already got bad press?
MK was good in the 90s yes. It didn't have all this faggotry it does now.
>snk heroines
discord Yea Forums
so that's what you call an improvement?
Wouldn't exactly call Kitana's MK9 outfit a good design. Especially when it was poorly translated into the in-game engine
Not really. They’ve shown that they are willing to fix the faces and even put in a young Sonya Blade. Also considering the time travel aspect of the story mode, it would be ridiculous to assume those outfits wouldn’t be included along the classic ninjas, etc.
>30 people playing the Steam version of Melty
for what purpose?
Are you blind?
I was thinking more of Mileena, Jade, and Smoke.
its pretty much a dancer outfit it fits well on her character .
I imagine Johnny Cage being the type of Actor who shows up at Children's hospitals dressed as one of the characters he's played in his movies.
Her drone is kinda dumb, but it might grow on me. She leans on it in a win pose like she's some kind of tech girl or some shit. Her default outfit is generic. They're kind of fucking up the default/advertised looks for females in this game. Generic white scifi armor is dumb. Her alternate outfits are a bit lame, too. It's like they are literally going way out of their way to not have any of the women have anything even slightly sexy. They ramped up the prudeness in MKX, and then doubled down MK11. It's kind of hilarious. She's still pretty cool, though. They could've fucked her up really bad, so I'll just be happy that they didn't.
>it fits well on her character .
Being a stuck up bitchy princess that warmed up over time?
>one of the fatalities reveals the MacReady is a Thing, consumes opponent's body and assumes its form
I just hope they don't fiddle with it anymore. This is perfect. She can literally be covered up 85% of her body but her face is charming enough to make me fall for her.
I am just discovering Aris and man oh man, is that guy ok? I feel like his mental stability is just a bit off, just in the way he talks sometimes.
I'm sure they fixed her face somewhat, but you literally couldn't have cherrypicked more.
>in mid sentence
>scowling/disgusted about something
>posing for a specific shot
>trying to look cute
I liked MKX Cassie better, to be honest. The drone really isn't needed, y'know?
you clearly are
>You couldn't have cherrypicked more
She had about 15 frames of that previous face. That was it. There was never an instance where she WASN'T scowling mid sentence
Reminder that the name of his homoerotica is actually an automatic 3 day
Mileena 1st one is a better version of her 2nd costume in Deception
But her second one is a less cool looking version of her 1st outfit in Deception
She's not a Dancer though she's an Assassin
Should have turned the white accents to her outfit to Black, ditched the headband and get a haircut.
You mistake Childs for MacReady. Childs was the thing. user, go watch the movie again. It is too awesome not to.
Thank god
Is this from the prequel thing?
Holy shit that’s genius
that pic looks like it was taken in the 80's
Literally no one knows
No, yeah, it definitely isn't needed. Her spunky, bubblegum chewing personality is more than enough. I think it's even stupid that Sonya has as much tech stuff as she does.
She just doesnt look human. Shes like a bald chubby chipmunk
I like how Johnny is pretty much the same, though.
Then it's not really a fair screenshot comparison to make. You can't say that they 'fixed' her when we only had 15 frames to work with previously.
>Heroines doing this badly.
I mean I shouldn't be surprised considering they did a full price of what is obviously and not-hidden at all budget game among other things, not to mention zero, well near zero, announcement of it coming to PC. Is it decent for the "simple" fighting it talks about?
you can when you're talking to people who already use the 15 frames to make the decision that she's horrific
Put my boy Candyman in already he'd love D'vorah if his powers are anything to go by
That's the best part.
Nauls being gone (having a scene left on the cutting room floor) goes towards the movies favor too
He's just twitch acting
His Victory Animation would be the weird way he peaced out of the Asylum
would you play him?
Would be way better than Jacqui
Honestly, Johnny is the most impressive I've seen so far. They easily did the best job with him. A shame they didn't have the same kind of passion for the other characters. The others are still solid, but it's just not as impressive.
>You can't say that they 'fixed' her when we only had 15 frames to work with previously.
Nooooo it's bad because no stripper Jade and Skarlet! No milkies no money! Get woke go broke!
glad something was done about this
Can’t argue with that
>all this guest character wanking
Guests are unequivocal trash.
I would love if one of his Fatalities invovled the mural
He's in Dead by Daylight.
Too bad he's only good for his perks.
I would, his fatalites would be showing true pleasure
As much as I like Michael, he'd just be another Jason. They are too similar.
I feel like Ash is way over due
Best choices for guests so far
>covered cleavage
>square body
wtf, bros? Are sjws working at midway now?
>New Cassie looks even better than her XL model
Welp, preorder time
Has it been confirmed that Skarlet's old hair is gone for good or is it a kustomizeable option?
Captain Spaulding would be a pretty cool DLC
It's an option
Absolutely, what would his moves be though, that’s the only issue. Fatalities?
T-800 and T-1000 would suck because no blood. The T-1000 has none, and I only remember the 800 having a tiny amount underneath the skin.
Reminder cringeoid cuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence
So, wait, Skarlet's hair got changed due to alt sjw bitching?
I like how you don't shill your story or use the letter K instead of C now.
Most likely due to streamers or something
It got changed because it's a gear option
>Other way around, actually.
Can they fix her face soon?
>I like how you don't shill your story
Tell them more - I'd like it if you did the shilling instead of me.
>tfw I will kontinue to indulge in my guro fantasies while futafag kontinues to shit blood
When are they going to fix skarlet then? She has it the worst
whoever disagrees with this is just lying to himself
It would be weird to see Ash horrifically murdered
Are you 14 years old?
short hair is the superior choise anyways
Seething :)
Probably last minute like they did with the IJ2 models
Chances she will be a guest fighter?
google how to kys fanfic faggot
>They TRIED to get casuals roped in and it didnt do shit lmao.
Yeah, that's why they got rid of story modes and other shit only casuals give a shit about
I like Shujinko, a lot of people hate him but I honestly like the character.
Nah some Skarlet fans weren't feeling the black pixiecut and they wanted the Red Hair back
>posts two images of the same character model with different, equally hideous facial expressions.
You should probably go to bed before your mommy realises you're still up kiddo.
Sounds like projection to me
Throughout history, many people dies defending the wrong thing. Just like them, you'll die in obscurity.
who unironically still buys this woke shit tho and what is wrong with you
Ok Timmy.
It would be great as a horror themed stage hazard.
>ignoring her shitty new voice
yeah lets talk about her face
>Ignoring her great voice
I'm not though. It's perfect.
>liking Burch as herself for the 10th time
So does someone at Netherrealm...hate beautiful women?
I dunno, but they love handsome men.
When someone trues to anti-shill MKXI