>yfw FF7 remake is a 2019 release
Yfw FF7 remake is a 2019 release
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it's never gonna come out
>part 1 of 5
I want a Crisis Core remake
this..this guy gets it
I want a new FF with a fresh visual style.
Zack deserves it
>Aerith Lives DLC for $29.99
Don’t say that or we will end up with akira toriyama
You can already play the original in semi-HD
I'd much rather have that than some shitty, button mashing, DLC-ridden, 4-part remake
what mods
>Action bad, Turn-based good!
Explain how.
holy fuck is this real? It looks fantastic
>still can't get rid of those fucking blob shadows
The process is somewhat convoluted, you're better off reading the tutorials at Qhimm forums
Battle models are these: nexusmods.com
HD mod for the pre-rendered backgrounds is the one you see here
Menus, world map and other are the default ones from the 7th heaven mod
came here to say this
Well fuck me time to replay FF7 I guess.
You all are tremendous faggots.
that's so fucking cool. How do the non battle section look tho?
Zack best boy nigger
Explain yourself.