Yfw FF7 remake is a 2019 release

>yfw FF7 remake is a 2019 release

Attached: aerith.jpg (4914x6138, 1.14M)

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it's never gonna come out

>part 1 of 5

I want a Crisis Core remake

Attached: crisis_core_final_fantasy_vii-hd-282781.jpg (1920x1080, 339K)

this..this guy gets it

I want a new FF with a fresh visual style.

Zack deserves it

>Aerith Lives DLC for $29.99

Attached: f1a7dbf298fea13c9674174af2bf167a.jpg (900x900, 540K)

Don’t say that or we will end up with akira toriyama

You can already play the original in semi-HD

I'd much rather have that than some shitty, button mashing, DLC-ridden, 4-part remake

Attached: ff7_2.png (1440x1044, 1.87M)

what mods

>Action bad, Turn-based good!

Attached: boomer2.png (421x436, 51K)

Explain how.

Attached: 1505318736883.jpg (1136x1158, 120K)

holy fuck is this real? It looks fantastic

Attached: 1544035640252.jpg (437x488, 52K)

>still can't get rid of those fucking blob shadows

The process is somewhat convoluted, you're better off reading the tutorials at Qhimm forums

Battle models are these: nexusmods.com/finalfantasy7/mods/4/?tab=files

HD mod for the pre-rendered backgrounds is the one you see here

Menus, world map and other are the default ones from the 7th heaven mod

Attached: ff7_3.png (1412x1064, 2.16M)

came here to say this

Well fuck me time to replay FF7 I guess.

You all are tremendous faggots.

that's so fucking cool. How do the non battle section look tho?

Zack best boy nigger

Explain yourself.