If Tifa didn't have her design would she even be popular?
If Tifa didn't have her design would she even be popular?
"If someone looked different, would they be perceived differently?"
Ask yourself this question and you have your answer.
What a retarded fucking question
look where you are.
have sex, incels
Describe Tifa's story without saying the word "Cloud"
well she's the childhood friend of johnny.
>studied martial arts in the mountains
>hometown was burned to the ground
>works at a bar that serves as a front for a rebel group
no, people like her, myself included, because of her big fat honkin tits
if you don't like her because of her massive milkbags then you're probably a gay
could anyone really like her for anything that isn't her bountiful bosom?
her ginormous glands would be coated in cum after I'm done with her if you know what I'm saying
>Calls a black man a retard
I miss the 90's
She is designed for carrying and feeding Cloud's children
>If Tifa didn't have her design would she even be popular?
You can make this argument about literally every character ever
Just think, Cloud gets to stick his dick in her and play with her giant tits.
a cute country girl with big tits and a even bigger heart
Based and redpilled.
I did. 2D is better.
of course not
milk she could make for the little brunette Cloud Jr and blonde Tifa Jr. All the nutrition they could get from sucking on her leaking nipples. A perfect blend of calcium, good fats, and protein. The kids will have bones of steel when they suckle the ivory nectar from her bosom, growing strong and healhy from her milk. She is the ultimate drinking fountain!
Tifa = Big boobs
A headstrong girl who lived in the rural town of Nibeheim. When she was young her mother passed away, and believing that the souls of people that died go to the nearby mountains, she decided to try and see her mother once more. While crossing one of the treacherous rope bridges, it gave way and Tifa was gravely injured from the fall and put into a coma for a week.
Years later, despite her traumatic experience, Tifa becomes a guide for the dangerous paths on the mountain and begins to take up martial arts under Master Zangan, who has a reputation for instructing young children in the ways of self defense.
One day, a military detachment of Shinra led by the legendary SOLDIER First Class named Sephiroth is sent out to investigate the reactors on Nibelheim mountain and Tifa is contracted to guide the group to said reactors. Unbeknownst to her, this would be the catalyst for the greatest tragedy of her life.
After the Shinra detachment returns, the town is lit ablaze and it's citizenry mercilessly slaughtered by Sephiroth. Tifa, awash with grief and rage, attacks Sephiroth and is grievously wounded, leaving her barely conscious and near death. Her martial arts master Zangan is nearby, and upon seeing Tifa injuries decides to get her away from Nibelheim and the massacre that transpired, desperately trying to keep her alive as he makes his way with her to the city of Midgar.
Years pass, and Tifa is now a bartender of Seventh Heaven, a bar in the heart of the Sector 7 slums in Midgar. She is now a part of a guerilla terrorist group known as Avalanche, who's goal is to topple Shinra and protect the planet and people from it's ruthless monopoly of power. Avalanche's latest mission is bombing raid on one of Shina's major reactors, and this time they have a former SOLDIER member in tow...
I'm glad someone in Japan was watching career opportunities.
I know this is from a movie or something but what store is that?
>rebel group
*terrorist cell
Of course not. She's boring as fuck and her character is completely dependent on another. Still a fucking semen demon though.
i want a prequel of her life when she ended up the first time in midgar
Knew it. It really has that old Target look.
According to some people the only reason she's so popular is because she's in FF7, so by that logic, yes.
Target still looks like that.
do you think if princess peach's tits were bigger she'd be more popular? fucking retard.
Based and milkpilled
I always wondered why she decided to start tending bar instead of, you know, being a martial arts instructor in Midgar or something. And how she should still have her scar across her stomach from her encounter with Sephiroth.
She's part of a terrorist group wanted by Shinra, they're supposed to be trying to keep a low profile.
I'd like her. Her devotion to Cloud is endearing and I'm a sucker for the childhood promise.