What is the most vidya related boomer comment you've ever heard/read?
Pic related is it for me
What is the most vidya related boomer comment you've ever heard/read?
Pic related is it for me
if the dad is paying for the internet then the dad "owns" the connection, but the computer is the kid's (who's probably an adult if he can afford a computer)
Post the link, I want to see the replies
Also, the dad can absolutely set rules about computer usage and the like, and if the kid/adult doesn't like it then he can move out instead of being a neckbeard.
yeah but he doesn't own your internet, cut the incel off and block wifi. ez pz done.
Sounds like Dad is just trying to make the connection that he owns his son's boi pucci since he lives in the house...
>buy car
>still have to obey traffic laws and pay taxes
>all those long ass posts
My dad used to say shit like this. He would also break my things when he got angry, like the time he smashed my phat DS and Mario 64 DS cart with a hammer back when they were fucking expensive. Then he would say that since he pays for everything else he won’t pay me back.
Do normal parents threaten to kick out their kids over little disagreements or were mine just cunts.
if you paid for it your dad was just a cunt desu
my parents made a distinction for when I earned money and paid for things vs when they were a gift, if I paid with my own money, it was mine for real. I think that's how it should be
If you're parents were threatening to kick you out then your neetbucks ass was old enough that you shouldn't still have been there
Pretty reasonable replies, I'm surprised
Anybody remember that one King of the Hill episode where Bobby panhandles for some Jeans he wants? Hank says something along the lines of not liking them, but since it was money he "earned" he couldn't stop him from wearing 'em?
sounds like a shitty parent
however, it’s possible you were being a little shit
impossible to know
Nah, you just had shit parents.
Not surprising. America isn't really known for having good parents.
*sip* yep I love this meme fellow redditors! lol!!!
>taking screenshots of people using a meme
>this somehow means anything
>tfw dragged my mom to her bedroom and held the door shut for hours last night because she was drunk and screaming again and my dad is a literal cuck pushover who lets her ruin our lives
video games
wow they should make an addon to block all images that qualify as porn
How is this a reasonable position that someone can reach? Like I understand the whole "my house my rules" type of thing but that doesn't really extend to ownership. Like if (s)he wants to be a dick by all means don't let him use it for X reason, but to say "IT'S FUCKING MINE" is absolutely retarded.
>100+ posts
Why the fuck are people responding to joke posts in a serious manner?
>Vietnam Vets
Just cunts I'm afraid
A big part of growing up is the realisation that many adults are actually just idiots who behave like children but think their age makes it acceptable
My dad would have said that “my money” ultimately came from him so he was the one who owned it.
Anything of yours that is in someone else's house obviously belongs to them.
To use an analogy; if a woman has a baby inside her body, that baby belongs to her and she can kill it anytime she wants because it's her property.
It's funny how so many parents just all came to the same conclusions and said the same shit when it comes to raising kids in the tech era when they are not familiar with it.
A classic is "if you're too sick for school you're too sick for video games" which never made any logical sense as there is a big difference from actually being up and out of your house dealing with people compared to laying in your bed. I always just chalked it up to my parents because my parents did that a lot when they had no real argument but then i found out most parents said the same shit to their kids.
So many retards have access to internet that I can't anymore tell when people are joking and when they are just mongoloids. It's kinda scary.
That's a bit extreme.
My mom couldn't read or write when I was a growing up so she couldn't really comprehend the PC and my dad gave me a lot of freedom provided I didn't bother anyone so I'm glad I lucked out in that sense when it came to freely exploring the internet.
iirc in the United States and property purchased by a minor with gift/inheretance money is theirs to keep, whereas any property purchased with money given as allowance or the Minor's earned wages counts as the parents' property. They also maintain some right to exercise control of any property as long as it is reasonable action in terms of parental duties (punishment for being a little shit etc), regardless of how it was purchased, though there's not any real litigation for or against that last point historically.
Internet culture is dead and americans deepthroat online bait like taiwanese ladyboys deepthroat cock.
Is clearly not much of a joke when most replies are of people that were in the same situation.
Nothing is cringier than a liberal boomer
But it's a japanese game
>son downloads cp
>police show up at the front door
>"no wait you see it was my son who did it"
>"it's in your house sir, therefore it's yours"
>boomer goes to jail
Your's were just cunts. Angry litteral boomer parents run their houses like dictatorships often because they have shit work lives or because their father was a dictator. Good parents only kick kids out because they are scumbags or 30 something neck beards not because of a minor disagreement
>money earned from wages isn't the kid's money
That's fucking stupid.
>or because their father was a dictator.
Bingo, he kicked my dad out at 17 for not wanting to get a haircut. He always used to say stuff like "If my dad were here he'd knock your fucking teeth out."
Don't even post the Megaman story, most likely fake as shit.
Some parents of the older generations run their households like North Korea as it is the only power they wield in life, especially if their father ran things like that too
, refer to
>walls of text
I'm not reading everyone's fucking life story.
You dont own it if you didnt buy it to share.
You dont own it if he earned the money from you to buy it.
You dont own it if he bought it with his own labor outside of your resources.
You can regulate his time on it due to you needing to raise a responsible adult.
You can ask, but very well shouldn't ask, to play on it. Get your own.
>if you're too sick for school you're too sick for video games
yep heard this one a few times
>"if you're too sick for school you're too sick for video games"
That's just them preemptively punishing you if you're faking being sick, if you were actually sick you were probably sleeping most of the day anyway. My mom would usually relent after I took a nap and she knew I was in bad shape
so are you well versed in both subjects
i should really get back in to soul calibur 6
If it's a gift, money or appliance, it's yours. End of transaction.
How you use it, or misuse it is what a father should look at to see if he wants to give you more.
>thinking you can own something
Nice try capitalistards.
That's not boomer, that's more like a communist quote.
We're a country ran by boomers trying to hold onto as much power as possible
>boomers are amoral thieves looking for an excuse
it all makes sense now
online is dead right now, wait until amy drops ~26th
>Just cunts I'm afraid
>A big part of growing up is the realisation that many adults are actually just idiots who behave like children but think their age makes it acceptable
Yup. Most adults are dumbshit useless scum and boomers are the worst of them all. Fucking great that they fucked themselves into shitty retirements or that they'll never retire because the dumbass shitstains never bothered to vote in any laws protecting themselves from banking chicanery.
you just realized that?
Feels good not having shitty American """parents."""
i'm sorry you had to go through that user but you missed the step where you give him a black eye and all that stuff stops happening
Reminds me of the seagull from Finding Nemo
Move out, millenial retard. Get a job. You will never make it as an artist.
If you can see your parents as kids, and you moved out, you can make some adjustments with your character to raise them when it comes time to assert yourself.
Will make you a better adult as well as them. It's sad, and shouldn't be the case, but it's something to look into.
No but I wanted to make the point anyways. I hate boomers.
Sounds like both my grandpas It's funny because my old man now lives with his mom and tries to pull the patriarch shit on my cousins but gets shut down by his older sister/my aunt I still love him and understand he's fucked up from years of military service in combat zones and while an asshole always tried to do right by me
>talk back to my dad one time
>he flips my desk and tries to punch me
Good times.
they literally ruined the entire planet and then blamed it on everyone else, while simultaneously being incredibly arrogant about all of their "accomplishments" and "hard work" during what was probably the best economy in history.
boomers are actually the worst generation of humans to ever exist
>tfw no milena gf
>you give him a black eye and all that stuff stops happening
Punching my elderly father really wouldn't have solved anything.
My dad was pretty assholish but yours was worse. Mine would do psychological shit but never actually destroy anything.
Learn welding. Get hired. Stop trying to make it as a twitch streamer.
>whereas any property purchased with money given as allowance or the Minor's earned wages counts as the parents' property
The most jewish thing I've read today. Fitting for the USA.
by that logic your entire self ultimately came from him so everything youve ever done is his fault
>joke post
>boomers are actually the worst generation of humans to ever exist
That is still living.
I know this is either a joke or he's legit a retard but
>why does my son think he owns his computer
>he owns his computer
answered his own question
>You have to be liberal to hate a kike loving bullshitter
>"accomplishments" and "hard work" during what was probably the best economy in history.
And they can thank the Greatest Generation for that goddammit
buttblasted boomer detected
how does it feel knowing that you've irreversibly damaged the ecology of the entire planet, causing untold amounts of death and suffering for the next few centuries at the least?
please kill yourself you less than worthless pile of trash.
i can only imagine that if you got laid out on the floor by your son then thoughts such as "maybe this isn't such a good idea to do anymore" would come to mind
And I thought i was wasting my time by arguing on Yea Forums but never did i write out my life's story in a thread about computer ownership
>prices skyrocket while wages stay stagnant since the 50s because muh gdp and blatant boomer greed
>"it's your fault for being lazy and stupid that you can't afford anything"
classic boomer logic
How does it feel that your internet artist career will literally never take off? Get a job, loser. It's your fault you don't have money.
Nigga I'm a 30 year old engineer, my W2 was 206k last year. Doesn't change the fact that I just had to fucking give my grandma 10k so she could pay her taxes and mortgage. She saved fucking nothing, but lectures me nonstop still while keeping her hand out.
seething artists
get a job
>but but your career
jokes on you retard, i've never even tried to pursue a career outside of pizza delivery
that's not good enough anymore, rent and CoL in current times outpace wage growth for most jobs in the tradeskill sector
I have a stem degree faggot, kill yourself.
>3 4
Not really luckily but I find weird so many people really passed for that.
yeah dude, american parents sound like cunts.
The first answer is spot on. My father completely ruined his relationship with me doing shit like this, and messed me up in other ways. My mother was the complete opposite, and did her best to parent properly when she wasn't working. Don't be a stay at home dad if you're stupid as fuck.
I literally did this the last time my dad tried to manhandle me and he's been more of a pushover than he ever was since
he still claims I "suckerpunched" him when he literally had me pinned to my bed after throwing me around the hallway
I wish he hadn't been a pussy and we had gotten into a full fist fight right then and there, fuck that retarded dumbass
>Buy horsecock dildo
>Leave it in dads house
>Bring it up to him
>"Hey old man, nice dildo, faggot."
>"It's in your house ain't it?"
Checkmate, you old fuck.
Poe's law, user.
lmao you're gonna die sooner than us, everyone will spit on your grave and there's nothing you can do about it.
why the fuck would you do that
as soon as my family hits rock bottom and begs me to save them from their retardation after they already fucked me over for life I'm going to tell them to fuck off
my mom is already doing it even, fucking worthless alcoholic cunt
Sure okay, the computer belongs to the son. He can enjoy it without the internet or the electricity since he doesn't pay for either of those things.
Nah, my dad just had a major napoleon complex. In reality he was just a little person through and through.
you will NEVER make it is an artist, keep crying
>B-but it's your family! thicker than water!
that argument, because they can do no wrong
>American parents
Why do they hate their kids so much?
So? Who cares? You're broke. You don't have a job and are starving. It's your fault.
>All those people defending the crazy vet
>It's not even a graveyard but a public park
Good fucking god. I mean sure they were clearly antagonizing the crazy cunt but good god.
That's retarded. If you pay for something and don't explicitly give it away, then it's yours, period. Your parents can try to take something from you, but if you can prove it in court, then there's nothing they can do about it.
yurofag here.
My dad deleted my Gran Turismo 2 90+% save file with gold licenses because I got a C at school.
Never played it again
I can't wait for your generation to die off you sociopathic fuck. Common sense morality must have skipped a generation.
You posted this exact thread days ago, you fucking faggot.
>he became more of a pushover
You hurt his pride and became alpha in your relationship. Finish him.
You ever notice how any questions on that site critical of the PRoC are always answered with whataboutism about the USA?
You are broke and no amount of crying will change that. Get a job. It's your fault.
>spend all year focusing on gt2 instead of school
>get a c
>dad deletes save file
>forced to spend all next year focusing on gt2, starting from scratch
>get another c
Because western culture dictates that a person isn't successful unless they have kids so a lot of people just shit them out without really being ready for it or even really wanting it. "It's just what you're supposed to do."
Boomers were the first generation to be indoctrinated by the Frankfurt School. They destroyed the family.
how to have your kids abandon you in a retirement home 101
what are you gonna do when we die and your tranny she-ra drawings still aren't profitable?
I'd like to thank my mom for making me hate women
I was an honor student before around that time.
After that I got consistent C's and even flunked a year due to drug use and parties in high school.
Thanks dad, maybe Gran Turismo 2 wasn't as bad in hindsight.
Bible says you gotta have kids, and I think a lot of dad hate is from closeted guys upset they have to deal with a fat bitch mom now.
same she was a cheating cunt with 0 agency.
more like abandon at 18 years old
fuck that, clearly they aren't entitled to anything
>dude, i'm like totally a boomer LOL
Have we really taken on this many newfags?
>be 17 or worse, an actual adult
>still live at home like a baby
Only virgin incel losers still live at home once they graduate high school. Nobody likes or respects an adult that still lives with their parents or in the house they grew up in.