Do you like the redesign?

Do you like the redesign?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah. Makes him stand out more from Dante and reinenforces his punk attitude.

He doesn't look like a dollar-store Dante anymore


From bishonen Raiden fag to Donte 2.0. Not bad.

I like both. He's still a lovable potty-mouth brat, that's all that matters.

No he got JUST'd.

yep, he doesn't look like a rent-a-Dante anymore

It's like they did Donte right. But then Donte was more like Nero than Dante anyway.

Yea he looked like Dantelite before

>it isn't DmC 2!!!

lmao, it so fucking is. The camera, the upgrade system, the slow mo the "heh." Nero the way new enemies freeze frame and get their names revealed. Its fucking DmC2


Trying too hard for that (You)

I hate the redesign

Attached: nuro.jpg (1922x824, 239K)

Itsuno loves DmC

Then you're a fag.

Shitty music too.

I don't like his hair. Other than that he's still Nero.

It's not nero design is donte design

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He looks like marvel vs capcom infinite Dante with good graphics

I personally do. He does look more like a interesting person than a 3d anime character.

They fucked up on Trish though. I don't know why they were going for the "It's always sunny in Philadelphia bird" Look though.

Attached: Trish.jpg (210x240, 19K)

I don't mind it, but I still like the original Nero more.

He's literally another character with the same actor.

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This guy does have a pretty good point though.

and that's a good thing


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yea but I like 4's hair more

I think it's a good redesign. I just don't like facial capture. I love the anime illustrations of 5 Nero.

>people still this desperate to shit on V

lmao keep parroting this shit

Nope. But I also think every single character looks worse. Vergil got hit the hardest.

No he (You) didn't. Fuck off.

Trish and Lady both look like they aged poorly.

he looks great in game, I don't get the hate for vergil. And Dan does an amazing voice job

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I haven't found any gameplay glitches yet

Also the game doesn't play like three day old ice cream that's been left in the sun.

Definitely. He looks great.

As a design yes.
as nero. no it's clearly not him.

>Nero outgrew the chuuni phase in his mid-twenties
>his father is now a 50 year old chuuni

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I don't even like him

I never said anything about V. Sounds like you know that he is though, you went full defense mode without me mentioning him even once. Press L1 to SSS rank.

I've been saying since day 1 they completely fucked him up.

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His face looks closer to the original than any of the other characters though.


Its super obvious

he looks like the kid with orange shit on his face

Dislike it intensely for the sole reason that they destroyed his pretty face and nice hairstyle. Everything else aesthetically is fine though

He's ok but Dante is the one that makes my boi pussy moist

lady looks literally perfect

Vergil is excellently done. Very happy with his design.
>you can unlock the original blue outfit

his jawline is the opposite of dmc4 nero's

No it doesn't. The only one that kind of looks similar is ... oh wait none of them do.

Lady is the best one but she doesn't really resemble her old self. The rest of the characters are so fucked compared to older versions.

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Well, I am not very good at recognizing people anyway

He looks like dean from supernatural with white hair. Pretty generic honestly should have kept the anime guy look.

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>Nero, a character shunned by his community for most of his life is now not an angry punk after the ending of DMC4
wow, who would of thought that Nero's personality will change a bit after the people he was raised by are revealed to be evil
how about you go fuck yourself and play the fucking games for once retard

No. They look nothing alike and I prefer the older version. Realism isnt cool for an established anime game

old nero was cuter
>tfw we got robbed of nero hair physics in 5

I prefer Beta Dante

Attached: beta Dante.png (1214x681, 600K)

I love seeing fanboys jump through hoops and do mental gymnastics to justify shit like this.

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Fuck i cannot wait to do a NG+ with those cutscenes.

The facial capture movement makes his face look weird. When his face is neutral he looks good.

The white eyebrows and hair look weird in photorealistic style.

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>When his face is neutral he looks good.
No fuck off.

Yeah, he isn't disgracing Dante with trying to look like him anymore and looks as he should - a douchebag.

he got a proper haircut and it looks much better on him, unique from Dante too

Left: Soul
Right: Milo Yiannopoulos

What character do you think is Next for DMC6

A grunge type????????

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He looks like the actual good version of Donte. More well put together but his jacket and outfit is overall just better than DmC's

I'm not justify shit
his character is the same the only thing that changed is his looks, whether you like it or not is just a personal opinion, but making shit up like how his "personality changed " is a blatant lie

The dude

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nuro look like a neo nazi

This, honestly

So they took some of the good things and dropped the shit?
>the upgrade system
So you've never played a DMC game before

no its awful
he looks like donte now
i don't want to remember that abomination of a """"game""""

Is not that Dante already?

yes, hair could be better tho

He just needs better hair

I would have unironically preferred Vorgil's hair

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Nah Dante has too much energy to be the dude

If they at least kept a similar hair length and styled it differently then it would be fine. Nero has a little boy haircut now.


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It did change drastically. His sense of humor is worse, he curses constantly, he bickers, and his facial expressions are completely different which goes beyond mere looks it's a personality difference.

This user has it right he is just a douchebag now. He was kind of cool in the first game.

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His hair doesn't get longer wtf...

True, that. But otherwise, they are completely similar, are they not?

Vorgil unironically looks better.

This shit looks tight. Manchildren can't accept change.

>the way new enemies freeze frame and get their names revealed
that's from Bayonetta


Vergil is literally the one that got the best photorealistic treatment.

Much better than "Wesker with white hair" from DMC4 remaster or "Generic white haired anime guy #4890" from DMC3.

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>he smirks this is awesome!!!
He looks shitty.

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>Dante...its seems like we had another brother....our mother and father had triplets...

>The Dude enters scene

That's bullshit he doesn't even look like his actor and he's ugly as fuck.

Not that user, but IDK man. They had a chance to make him absolutely beautiful, like Rutger Harper, but they blew it. They absolutely blew it

Attached: This is what Vergil should of have looked like.jpg (303x360, 10K)

I like the hair but hate the face. Overall, he's still bland and generic as hell appearance wise using a big ass sword and a gun like his uncle didn't help either.


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>Square face
His face looks weird as hell in DMCV.

He meant DMC"V" you retard.

They should have used this guy.

DMC5 is just DmC2 with all the punk influences.

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I wonder how would the Dude and Dante interact. I especially wonder how a stick-in-the-mud like Vergil would interact with the Dude

Enjoying the game so far, but I dislike the fact that it goes by level rather than the 3-4 design of exploring, solving small puzzles and returning to areas.

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>He looks like dean from supernatural with white hair.
And that's a good thing

>Vergil is literally the one that got the best photorealistic treatment.
The fuck am I reading

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No. This guy doesn't look like Vergil and is a fag.

His face model is literally a 20 years old guy, Vergil is supposed to be in 50s.

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Nope, I rather he look like Dante instead of Donte and that dude from Scalebounds love child
only Dante looks good in this game, I hate the RE engine. it makes everyone look more demonically ugly than the demons cause of trying too hard for realism
>mfw Virgil

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>Generic white haired anime guy #4890" from DMC3.
DMC3's Vergil is David Bowie with white hair you fucking mong! Anyways, I agree that Vergil and Dante have the best looks in DMCV.

And somehow that makes him look mexican with chinky eyes and a totally fucked up fat face.

I can only imagine Pizza night when Nero, Vergil and Dante are in the house.

I'm talking about Nero. They could have used that for Vergil too though.

You only say he's a fag because he's attractive like DMC characters used to be, you insecure faggot.

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>mexican with chinky eyes
oh you're retarded. gotcha.

>The sparda family loves pizza
>This fact is cringe
What are ya doing here?

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Nero likes like an absolute chad now

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Beta Birdman is the best character

>His sense of humor is worse
he changed into something more upbeat that's it
>he curses constantly
part of his character since 4, where Agnus points out rumors about Nero being fouled mouthed
So, same old Nero?
>and his facial expressions are completely different
Because he has a new face which has nothing to do with his personality, you could stop bitching about it anytime now
you know, you could just say that you proffered when he was going around screaming Kyrie, instead of screaming his not deadweight, which are barely different anyways

>literally head canon

No. He looks pretty ugly too.

He is so photogenic that he literally never looks bad, even in photo mode while spinning around in some crazy move with his eyes half closed. Everything he does just looks cool as shit

No, 5's art direction is garrbage.

That has nothing to do with his sense of humor being worse man.

He cursed a couple of times in 4, he's constantly swearing in 5. Constantly.

Nero didn't bicker in 4.

>a new face which has nothing to do with his personality
Never go full retard.

>older Nero is more edgy both in look and attitude
It's like playing some new character, didn't like it too much

The only thing from DmC I could see they brought over was the cinematic aspects and the world changing as you walked through it.

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Literally fake news.

There's a photograph of Sparda in the game?

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>n-no he's ugly
lol faggot.

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My only problem with Nero is that occasionally during close ups he just straight up does derek zoolander tier, male model pouts.

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It's gonna be super awkward

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>Rutger Harper

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I prefer his old look, but he looks good in 5

I don't like the new photorealism but I also don't like this ugly faggot. I want to go back to the psuedoanime look like Bayonetta 2 or DMC3.

you and everyone else who denies it

I hope modders port the old models, I really do.

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fuck no

He looks exactly like a DMC character though.

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Dante kids. All 4 of them from different mothers.

*Rutger Hauer
My bad

Nero is supposed to be a gentler if a bit more emotional alternative to Dante. His face is way too aggressive now, he cusses way too much, and he's basically Donte 2.0. Also his outfit sucks major ass. He looks like a hobo serial killer now. Hmm, who does that remind me of?

I didn't have too much problem with Virgil, but I do agree that his face is also a bit too aggressive and rugged. Virgil should be a sort of cleaner, classier Dante, with a focus on proper attire and sleeker design. But for some fucking reason which I cannot fathom to this day, his chin is wider than Rob Grongowski's, and his eyes are WAY too close together.

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One quiet, reserved,cute autist please

Fuck no, looks like he got hit in the face with a shovel. This is like completely different people that nowhere near looks like characters from the previous game. It seems like they're trying to ditch anime style for western or character designers from DMC4 long time gone from capcom and new ones can't capture their style at all. I can't stand that cringefest of a story without at least good looking characters.

>He's looks like this very distinct person
>Pretty generic

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He grew on me. I almost prefer him now, if only he had the longer hairs.

>Kyrie dreads fridays
>Nothing bad really happens, its what friday means that she dreads
>Friday is pizza day
>Dont get her wrong, she doesnt mind a good slice of pizza
>Its Nero's near insatiable appetite for it that bothers her
>What makes it worse this time however is the fact that Nero's dad and Uncle are here on this friday
>She doesnt know which of the three are worse
>Vergil however always orders Pineapples for his pizzas
>Says that he loves it
>However, he always gets a slice or two from everyone else's pizza before going for his own
>Says its because it tastes better after some time has passed
>No one buys it
>He just orders Pineapples to piss off Dante and to a lesser extent, Nero

It's depressing how many people can't comprehend what you just said and will just say this image is fine and looks like DMC.

Attached: DevilMayCry52019-03-09 16-28-41-86.jpg (1920x1080, 233K)

And because of the new realistic models they adjusted the story to make it seem more realistic, which obviously made the game worse.

Fucking ugly as fuck.
He literally looks like Donte with white hair.

He doesn't dude.

fuck, it looks so realistic

>That has nothing to do with his sense of humor being worse man.
It does when his personality changed from, someone bitter about the life he is living with the only redeeming quality is the chick he likes, into a life more welcoming and nice and meeting Dante among other thing, but with all that we can just say that bingo has lost his touch in smart quips and get it over with
>He cursed a couple of times in 4, he's constantly swearing in 5. Constantly.
that was in the end part of his character's that barely had time to be fleshed out in 4 alone
>Nero didn't bicker in 4.
well where does he do so in 5?

and a face has nothing to do with personality, they changed his face nothing new, they constantly do the same with Dante in every game anyways, yet I don't see anyone bitching about how Dante character being "completely different"

>knuckle scraping fart in the wind
man getting called dead weight really got to his head huh

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>Vergil and Dante stabbed themselves with their respective swords that made them power up
>Nero gets a robotic arm
>Urizen has a force field around him
>V summons demons from his tattoos.

>Nero is supposed to be a gentler if a bit more emotional alternative to Dante.
Isn't it then a passing of the torch? Dante has grown out of his rough and tumble fuck you days of DMC3, and even in DMC4 he was far less fiery tempered than Nero. DMC5 Nero is driven by his need to prove himself. He jobbed twice at the beginning, so of course he's fired up about proving that he's got what it takes.

On an unrelated note I think V is a really cool design and I'm pleasantly surprised by how different they managed to make him, both design and gameplay.

Why do Vergil and Dante have different faces now? aren't they twins.

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Man you're dumb, not going to bother with most of your post.

And it doesn't even seem like you played the game if you're asking when he bickers.
>yet I don't see anyone bitching about how Dante character being "completely different"
People have been pointing out how he's out of character as well though.

I wish he looks that good but he ends up looks like a fucking abomination instead. Nero and Trish are an epitome of photorealism done wrong.

>i know what the character should be!!!!
Neros entire storyline in this game is him getting shit on and fuming, of course he's gonna be mad.
>lose my arm
>mentor/father figure calls me deadweight even though he let me be the hero in 4
>find out i actually have a deadbeat devil father with autism
>uncle is going to kill my dad
>somehow all of this is not grounds for a personality change from dmc4æ

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I didn't say they made it like real life, just that they made it more realistic. Nico and a van being important to the story is what I'm talking about.

The kikes behind the art style switch probably wanted to ass fuck two different models so they said screw the lore.

Dante is fine but Nero looks uncanny as hell.

Dante looks like a fucking ape at times. Sometimes he looks alright but I wouldn't say this is fine.

Attached: DevilMayCry52019-03-09 17-41-20-07.jpg (1920x1080, 218K)

people are just going to say that they lived a long but separate life, so their life's choices affects their looks in large ways. which is true to some extent in twins

Yup, looks better and Chad-like now

Still better than Nero that looks like dog shit all the time though.

4 Nero was much more aggressive and hotheaded than even 3 Dante. Even their animations reflect this
He was only gentle to Kyrie which still carries over. She has less lines in 5 but he still tones down a lot when interacting with her

He should have said that Nero was a gentler more emotional(rage is an emotion) Dante. Now he's literally just Donte 2.0.

Attached: DevilMayCry52019-03-09 18-03-03-12.jpg (1920x1080, 193K)

It's a character created by hand from a person's imagination vs photogrammetry of some model. Literally soul vs soul-less.


reminds me of chinman

Good except for the chin

His face looks worse than Donte though.

Sometimes Nero can look good but yeah mostly you see his weird chin and no jaw making him look like he has some illness.

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Looking for an example i found this and it's a bit funny
>Tfw ended up being the manlet twin.

Attached: file.png (600x367, 322K)

You can’t kill everything mindlessly with just the guns. It’s not dmc2

much better

How is Nico and the van important? They just teleport around and give Nero arms. Barely used like Trish and Lady.

I'm sorry, what part of Nero flipping people off or screaming and crying in DMC4 was gentle

Looks like a retired rockstar that drank and used so much drugs back in the day that he's now old and bloated.

Everyone is fine. Vergil is being shit on a lot while I find him handsome. Trish with a smaller nose would have been perfect. And the rest of the cast looks good to me.

If it's good this time then who cares

I like my characters to look like Trent Reznor.

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Gentler as in how he speaks in general. His voice was subdued opposed to Dante's much more outgoing demeanor and he isn't wahooing.

Like I said earlier, it's depressing how you guys can't comprehend what that guy said lol.

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No he does not.

>the punk is too much of a punk
Devil may cry isn’t about subtlety.

You're kidding right

Not only do I love his new looks he's also so much more fun to play that I don't think I can go back to DMC4

It wasn't about punk style either. That's DmC.

They made Nero so sexy. I didn't like how he looked in 4.

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How do you know what he's thinking? why would he call DMC5 V?

>Gentler as in how he speaks in general. His voice was subdued opposed to Dante's much more outgoing demeanor and he isn't wahooing.

he looks like he's missing a soul

His entire story in this game is about wanting to protect people. What's not gentle about that? Are you too stupid to read through the lines and see "He cusses, now he's Donte" to realize he's literally the exact same character?

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is pasta breaker breaking the only way to control which arm you're going to use?
I kind of hate how picking up an arm moves it to the front of the queue instead of the back already

Tell me how important it is?

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You most definitely can if you're playing dante.


>implying he has no grounds for a personality change and becoming a brat after saving the world in 4
Then he gets the reality check from Urizen and becomes even angrier. Its not that hard, like that one user said, all of Neros animations are pretty barbaric and brute force. A lot of buster moves in 5 are downright brutal.

Obviously talking about the cutscenes. That contrast was always pretty funny though.

shut up fag


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Shut the fuck up? characters are defined by mannerisms not by personality and motivations.

It's price of using photorealistic characters in games, the uncanny valley.

Definition of gentle:
>belonging to a family of high social station
He wasn't. He was an orphan, did his Order job alone and listen to music on his headphone in the church
>free from harshness, sternness, or violence
He wasn't except with Kyrie, same case with 5.
In battle he was more violent than Dante especially with Buster and how he handles Red Queen
>Soft, delicate
Same as above
Same as above

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>Shut the fuck up? characters are defined by mannerisms not by personality and motivations.

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Vergil and Morrigan (from Darkstalkers)'s kid. We know they fucked and that kid is not Nero, because Nero is only 1/4 demon, so there's some 3/4 demon out there that inherited Sparda's need for style and Morrigan's need for drinking men's dream essence.

So some weird punk girl who poledances on the battlefield to stimulate her enemies, then puts them to sleep, enters their dreams and drinks their dream liquid. Lots of arm-to-arm grapples, dodges and parries, combined with a dance system that scores you not just on how varied your style is but also on how well your moves flow together.

The dialogue and how he looks and acts isn't gentle. He literally is Donte compared to how he used to be.

He's more of a brat now though, at the end of 4 Nero was pretty based. It would have been cooler if we got that guy instead of Nuro.

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I like it even though he does look like a less goofy donte

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Twins slowly look different as they age, especially if they live in different environments. Epigenetics is wild

I actually think DMC6 starring Dante as an absolutely, possibly actually crazy old man would fucking rock.

To be fair, everyone has a square face in the REengine.

>So some weird punk girl who poledances on the battlefield to stimulate her enemies

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Daily reminder that V could have very easily have been Demifiend but Crapcom had to make this shitty plot instead.

Charlie Sheen grew his hair out huh?

>Time to fap

Yeah. Now you don't have any plot other than "hehe, It's Deminfiend guys".

>He's more of a brat now though, at the end of 4 Nero was pretty based. It would have been cooler if we got that guy instead of Nuro.

>Finish the events of DMC4
>Got the girl
>Got the respect of a mentor/hero figure
>Got out of the shitty abusive cult life
>Got steady work doing something you're good at

>Start the events of DMC5
>Job to your dad twice, without really putting up a fight
>Look bad in front of the girl, ability to protect her seriously compromised
>Look bad in front of your mentor figure
>Told to fuck off and let the big boys handle this one

He has every reason to not be based in DMC5.

>implying the deepest lore involved wouldn't have been amazing

If you're asking whether I like it or not, I do like his redesign. He's probably the only one that I liked in DMCV, though crazy grandpa Dante is kind of funny. Lady in some scenes also didn't look bad, but overall, I wasn't a fan of the overall artstyle change.

The vast majority of people who don't like Nero's new look are beta males who feel threatened by his Chaddy appearance and preferred the more feminine, unappealing-to-females look of 4. 5 Nero makes the panties drop.

Attached: nero-devil-may-cry-5-15.7.jpg (210x240, 13K)

Are you kidding? He doesn't even like the smell of Nico's smoke. When Vergil came in to attack him, his first instinct was "Protect Kyrie", which resulted in him taking his eyes off Vergil and losing his fucking arm.
He stopped to call Kyrie at the end of the game and reassure her that he's coming home safe and sound.

Everything about the game is coming from lack of strength to protect everyone - namely Credo. He talks about this strength early on and at the end of the game. Of course he's fucking pissed, of course he's not "the same Nero from the end of 4" - because he's not in the same situation anymore. He came to terms with himself at 4, resolving to use his strength to protect people at the mid point of the game - and now he's had even that ripped from him. He's dead weight - and even his mentor thinks he's shit for it. Why should he be cool with it?

This is Nero, the punk kid who flipped off Dante while he was being absorbed by the Savior, the guy who hand-to-face pummels his religious leader over and over again, the guy who freaked out so violently after losing Kyrie again that he destroyed pathways to the next area of the game.

>Job to your dad twice, without really putting up a fight
I mean, you can kill Urizen in the first fight in the prologue. You just have to not suck. And the game ends with "this is the best ending everyone hoped for".

You're just doing bullet points without looking how the character is actually acting, he never acts like he does in 4 particularly how the character arc established him as. That's the issue.

If we're just looking at how he acts in 5, ignoring 4, even then he's doing some really weird shit with his jokes, immaturity, and the sudden 180 at the end of the game.

When western developers americanize Japanese -made characters, it's BAD

When Japanese developers westernize their own characters to appeal to the dudebro audience, it's GOOD. It's almost like it's okay when The Land of the Rising Sunâ„¢ does it

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I do, but I miss the old art style.

Good job flipping out about a haircut, you fucking sperg.

There's literally nothing "americanized" about Nero in this one other than his haircut, unless you think a last minute transformation after screaming loudly is the epitome of american storytelling.

Vergil's voice+face+mannerism makes him feel like a character David Lynch came up with.

I don't even know where to start man. DMC4 he was serious, DMC5 he is bipolar.

Attached: DevilMayCry52019-03-08 21-23-44.jpg (1920x1080, 216K)

Can they stop muting the colors, not just in this game but every fucking game is so devoid of life. Make it stop pls some anyone I'm literally going insane

I tried to fix Dante's coat using Reshade but it's not even possible without modifying the textures.

Attached: Screenshot_82.jpg (600x600, 33K)

same, I think he looks awesome in 4 and then in 5 they just ruin his style for no reason


itsuno and capcom love DmC, only you retards are obsessed that it is a crime against humanity, you passive aggressive maniacs

Hey retard. Isn't that what more realistic means?

>defending realism in DMC

DmC Fuck You! 2

Attached: Fu2.gif (480x270, 3.76M)

This character is pointless and shouldn't exist. He went from bland faggot to complete faggot that's supposed to remind os of Donte.

>look, i posted it again!

Attached: n.gif (280x158, 889K)

is it really a redesign? they just changed his hair


>reinenforces his punk attitude.
Making him look like a generic jock type dude reinforces his punk attitude? How the fuck?

yeah those generic jock type dudes

always going around in trenchcoats, military boots, and dyed hair

Nero is Donte done right.

Theyre both supposed to be edgy teens with a heart of gold, but Nero has a way better justification for being edgy and is a lot more light hearted in the way he wisecracks. Plus he has Nicolette to keep him in check.

Donte is just a dickhead 24/7 for the sake of being a dickhead.

Attached: uUeogMg.jpg (1920x1080, 122K)

The fact you think this is even remotely the same really shows the lengths fanboys will go to

No looks like that shitty dmc game.

There is no Donte done right, DMC is fucking dead. It's soulless now.

>DMC is fucking dead
But Michael!

fuck he looks 30

>generic jock

Someone didn't get laid in highschool

Or maybe it's becoming a trademark character trait, as they're both from character-defining moments of their respective character arcs in each game?

Naaah, he's just edgier now because he's got a haircut and swears, nevermind the fact he was always fouler mouthed than Dante in DMC4 :-)

Also, "fanboys" as an insult? Are you trying to say you aren't a DMC fan or something? I guess it'd make sense.

There's a difference between a fan and a fanboy.

Attached: 1552243571194.png (1435x847, 1.82M)

your not going to bother with it because you cant formulate a good argument faggot

Was it kino?

Attached: 9511EA3F-F719-4E42-A0DB-BA6E3D5F5D36.jpg (1821x1857, 186K)
>Taunt him with "Guts and honor"
Get fucked

Both are fucking cringy

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>Not enjoying how fucking edgy V gets

Attached: 1552255975917.gif (268x300, 2.96M)

>He actually replies to your taunts

No. DMC5 is the epitome of "I SAW VERGIL AND I CLAAAAAPED"

You realize about half of the game was ruined because of that faggot right? Almost all character development belonged to him and he doesn't even die he just vanishes. Not to mention all that gameplay. They could have had Dante do every one of those missions with 5 new weapons, but we got that fag.

Damn I'm pissed.

Quit getting mad at video games.

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This is more autistic than V.

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Who made Red Queen?

The existence of Nero as a whole just baffles me. Why, after creating a protagonist as likable as Dante, did they feel the need to come up with a new, generic, foul-mouthed kid to take his place and assume a central place in the series?

Not really, but it's a good design objectively speaking. I liked the slightly more anime look better.

vorgil has a better face then again he is younger

>Lady is the best one but she doesn't really resemble her old self
she doesn't even BEHAVE like herself, she is a fucking high schooler in a body of a 35 year old

Play DMC4

because Itsuno's a hack who ruined DMC with all the stupid cuhrayzee shit.
Real Dante is the smooth talking half cringeworthy dude from DMC1.
I unironically hate reuben langdon and all the over the top retarded stuff this genre has become. I wish I could play Ninja Gaiden
My feet hurt.

DmC was good for itself because everything as a package has parts that fit together
DmC2 rips some parts off and sticks it onto DMC4 in a way that just doesn't work for what DMC was supposed to be

That's the issue, aesthetically

Ya ya ya ya YA!

>she is a fucking high schooler
She's actually mentally deranged

>high schooler
>mentally deranged
what's the difference

This is how I feel, except I wish they ditched Nero too and the game was all Dante. Instead it feels like you're playing half a game no matter what character you pick.

>Nero has a way better justification for being edgy

Attached: 1523847534323 edit.jpg (150x184, 12K)

To be fair, Jensen Ackles is extremely handsome in a very generic brown-haired caucasion way, but also pulls off that look in a really good way and owns it well. The dude's a straight up alpha, even if his show stopped being good after S5

Anyway, take it from a bona-fide fag, it's a good look for Nero.

Attached: jensen ackles.jpg (500x744, 66K)

I don't entirely agree with you but I feel ya.

Attached: DevilMayCry52019-03-09 02-47-53-14.jpg (1920x1080, 587K)

basically V exists only for le ebin twist and only detracts from the experience because his gameplay sucks ass

rutger is so handsome. Shame he didn't do any other big hollywood films.

But new Vergil is better

>meet your dad for the first time

>hanging out with your friend
>"how does it feel saving the man who killed your father?"

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2019.03.10 - (1920x1080, 306K)

I don't mind Nero but yeah. V being in the game is just fucking bullshit. No one asked for it.

Soooo is this really the end of the Sparda boys storyline? What else would they make DMC about in DMC6?

you forgot to flip your image pal

It'll just be a dogshit game with just Nero I bet. I don't want them to keep ruining the twins.

I want DMC5 Nero to fuck DMC4 Nero.


They should just make some DLC expansions for DMC5 that really add a ton of content, then DMC6 can be a Sparda prequel.

You do realize Ninja Gaiden II is cuhrayzee as well, right?
Arguably even cuhrayzeeer than DMC3 onward in certain aspects
The grass isn't greener on the other side.

why are you using potato screenshots?

I want DMC5 Nero to fuck DMC5 _________Dante

Attached: tumblr_pagvq7y9Es1vt799zo1_1280.jpg (1280x1450, 306K)

I want to play as Dante's daughter.

You realize Kamiya (DMC1's director) was responsible for Bayonetta right? Which is arguably more ridiculous than anything in DMC? I don't recall Dante ever punching God (who's a womyn btw) into the sun.

where is this shot from? I just finished the game and I never saw Vergil casually sit somewhere

Maybe because V is the roman numeral for 5 dip shit.

>make him literally young henry Rollins with dyed hair

where is this scene from mate?

>but platinum
the hell is wrong with you

It's from the menu scenes after beating the game.

>just relax, and SURRENDER

I hate all modern video game faces
I wish we could go back

Can you equip his old hair in 5. I wonder how it would look

Yes, I like it a lot. DMC4 Nero was boring as fuck.

Not in a million years.

>Camera effects and enemy intros=DmC

user I said Kamiya. The guy who directed DMC1. Are you fucking retarded? Of course when we're talking about DMC1 it helps to point out the director's other works.

Here's a random scene from Bayonetta:

Puts the whole "ITSUNO RUINED DMC" into perspective doesn't it? If Kamiya had the opportunity to remake DMC1 you really think he wouldn't add shit like this?

Does anyone have the leaked.exe and how to install if for DMC 5?

Also, fuck secret mission 7.
If anyone is struggling with this secret mission, wait a second, stinger and then immediately pop that bitch in her face once.

>completely missing the point
Again, what the fuck is wrong with you??

ive never played a DMC game but I just learned that the dude from DMC 4 is not actually Dante.

>Finish SoS with some difficulty
>Guess I'll try DMD
>Get fucking destroyed by Devil Trigger Queenie

I am not so good at this game.

Is it true that killing Urizen at the start counts as completing that difficulty fully? Like would I unlock HoH by killing him on DMD?

Attached: 200% worried.png (395x479, 238K)

It actually did a bit in 5. Nico makes the comparison and you can see his hair is a bit longer between the rebellion and sparda models to show he was out cold for a month.

i don't get it


welcome to the club, i started with 5 and only vaguely know of the characters

How did I miss the point?
Let's go back to >Itsuno's a hack who ruined DMC with all the stupid cuhrayzee shit
>I unironically hate reuben langdon and all the over the top retarded stuff this genre has become

If I missed the point then you are HORRIBLE at making a point.

Ultimately it was not some grand design on Kamiya's part that made DMC1 more subdued that evil Mr. Itsuno simply did not understand. DMC1 was just a product of the limitations of its development. And there's nothing inherently wrong with that, but you made the retarded mistake of assuming it was due to pure directorial intent. All you have to do is look at literally every game Kamiya made after DMC1.


Literally "but platinum"


You know Kamiya worked at Clover too right?
Are you this much of a retarded fanboy? I guess you're beyond reason so I shouldn't bother. Please make your one last quip to feel good about yourself and fuck off.


hes fine

pretty good bait desu

Nero looked nothing like Vergil when introduced in 4. 5 is making up for that fact.

The enemy intros are from Okami

Now give us a similarity from DmC from a gameplay standpoint.
>the upgrade system
It works just like in the previous numbered titles, retard.

They gave him a broader chin and closer set eyes which make him look more masculine. It's a big improvement over the young twink design and if you disagree, you're a fujo.

is this game worth buying?

looks like the retarded shit tameem tried to make

Why are DMCfags so mad that some people don't share their opinion
Personally I think Dante looks fine but his colours are a bit muted. Vergil's face doesn't match his voice, and aren't they twins or something? Why didn't they just use Dante's face but do Vergil's hairdo
Nero looks like a different character in 5 compared to 4, I liked how he was a pretty boy before but now he kinda looks like some generic character in an action game
]in my opinion

>Do you like the redesign?
Not at all, mainly because he just looks a lot like faggy donte now

I like Nero's design in 5, but just want to inform you a bit here
>unappealing-to-females look of 4
The team made Nero to appeal to female audiences.

The left: made for weeaboo who like anime
The right: made for people who like movies or something like usual western shits.

Itsuno said he wanted to make DmC2, I am not sure if that was rip-service but surely nu-virgil's characteristic and design directly came from DmC, not DMC4, and its reason seems that Western people prefer the right smugger face chad virgil over the left bishounen virgin virgil

Just admit DMC5 is heavily westernized. It is their new approach to globalize their IPs, including RE2, MHW, coming other titles.

Why are you such a stupid bitch?


Have you ever been at some place, recognizing everybody's face until you realize that there was no one that you knew?

Yes, the combat is amazing.

JAPANESE female audiences. Japanese women are attracted to feminine men.

But that's Nero, not Vergil.

>I unironically hate reuben langdon and all the over the top retarded stuff this genre has become. I wish I could play Ninja Gaiden
So you hate an actor for just reading a script he's given to?


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DMC4 Nero is still my favorite, but the DMC5 look has grown on me.
He's cute no matter what look he has.

I don't know how they fucked up Trish so hard.
The dudes look handsome and the girls look hot but Trish is beyond good and evil here.

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Yeah, sorry

DMC5 is heavily westernized. and it will succeed in the west to some extent due to that change.

We will never see bishounen-type hero in their games.

Imagine him kissing you all awkwardly and too rough and shoving his tongue everywhere

yeah itsuno was inspired by DmC a lot. people here are gonna deny it though because the game is good

>re-create donte and call him nero
pretty funny tb.h

and that's a good thing

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Some are ok, while others are downright atrocious.

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Honestly, the bishie look doesn't do anything for me these days. I thought it was cool when I was a low-test teenager but its appeal has faded for me in my old age (29).

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No but I can live with it

T. Kyrie

Did you actually saw him in motion ? Because he is good in 5

People complain about 5's faces and completely ignore that 4's Dante, Trish and Lady looked nothing like their PS2 counterparts.



He looks even less like him now though.

Still massive downgrade from 3 and even mvc's Vergil and his hair is fucking stupid in 5.

how do i dress like Nero?
I've already got the boots. Want to move away from wearing black jeans all the time

>Vergil's face doesn't match his voice, and aren't they twins or something? Why didn't they just use Dante's face but do Vergil's hairdo

Because it would look unbelievably bad. I like Vergil, he looks cool and imposing.

Attached: iWLOROS.jpg (1557x1080, 150K)

Vergil IS generic white haired anime guy #4890, that's what he is. Now he looks like an average guy from real life. If you just want different characters you might as well stick to And even if you like his face you still gotta admit that the hair is a problem.

Attached: Vergil.jpg (960x1280, 185K)

yeah this redesign was fucking awful as well. it's not that hard to not fuck up the face and hair

It means woman is also going to be depicted in ugly western style as in characters RE2. I dont like that Japanese developers go to that route that is perceived as "mature" in the west.

I feel like Capcom forgot how Vergil is meant to look like after 3. Ever since 3, he has been looking like shit.

Is there some reason they removed drive off Rebellion/Sparda's combo set and moved it to DsD?

One of my few minor complaints with the game.

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Wow while he is good in 3, he is too in 5, and is hair is not that bad. I finished the game and I find him really good-looking. I like both, but not for same reason I guess. But to say that is redesign is atrocious is completely untrue.

Except that Ada is sexy af and Claire is a cutie so I think that fear is unfounded.

*slaps you and your gf's ass*

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I like it, he looks like he got a "just fuck my shit up" haircut.

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>that hair

Dante's redesign is worse than 4, but Nero's is significantly better.

>hair is not that bad

Attached: X.jpg (800x450, 28K)

I love it.
DMC4 Nero grew on me over time, but I never was a fan of his looks.
DMC5 Nero looks incredible.

>vergil killed an entire city of people but its ok now because lol family

what the fuck

>Yeah. Makes him stand out more from Dante and reinenforces his punk attitude.

Attached: images (47).jpg (442x694, 41K)

Looks more like Bjorn Ironside to be desu

Attached: s-l300.jpg (300x233, 29K)

>Ada is sexy af and Claire is a cutie
It seems like you are normie western people. Good.
We will never see Japanese aesthetics in the games that used to be plentiful until early 00s.

So who's his mama?

Attached: 1551684002622.jpg (395x383, 55K)

That's just what demons do, man.

wtf happened to his hair in that pic ? They are puffy in game, but not THAT puffy.

Also Vergil is handsome in DMCV. People have to stop with that. It was the same problem with Dante and Nero when the first trailer came out.

Just because you're twins dosen't mean your identical.

i wanna be his mommy

>Japanese aesthetics
Just admit you want Jap games to look like anime instead of being photo-realistic.

They are demon slayers, and highly successful ones at that. Mass slaughter presumably does not bother them than it does for a normal person, even mass human slaughter

You motherfucker. The hair looks pretty bad on it's own without faggots making it look bigger.

Attached: 1552257770374.jpg (960x1280, 102K)

I'll take this over the ugly bitches in DMC4. I'll never forgive them for what they did to Lady's face in that game.

>Vergil killed an entire city of people

>Yeah. Makes him indistinguishable from Donte and reinforces his punk attitude.

>completely changes the style to make it more chad aesthetic
>weebs lose their shit all over their tendies

Attached: 197.gif (247x338, 2.34M)

>wub music
>Shitty scene kid fashion
>Manface women
>Edgy swearing
What suddenly now makes it ok? I suspect the J word.

Do you actually play the game ? because it works fine in motion, it could have been done better that's for sure but it's not dramatic to the point it needs to be discussed in every dmc thread.

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> or "Generic white haired anime guy #4890" from DMC3

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How do you color up the Blue Rose without shooting that first shot?

Isn't there a way to cancel it?

Attached: download (2).jpg (740x1024, 188K)

Not the guy you're replying to but that looks fucking terrible, why is his forehead so large?. That said I haven't played the game yet.

do the dropkick

Well, DMC5 was going for the full real life photorealistic look. The hair clearly doesn't work, RE engine already sucks at doing normal hair, imagine flowy white anime hair. Also it's missing some details of the original such as the little fringe, it's like Vergil grabbed an entire pot of cheap gel and just pulled his hair backwards.

The first screenshot i saw he looked weird, but in-game and in motion i liked him and he instantly became my favorite version of Vergil.

Attached: vergil.jpg (739x415, 22K)

I beat it but had to use like 5 gold orbs on Vergil

one day Ill be good enough to do it legit, I hope

The burned family portrait

>People are still pretending DMC is a serious game with a mature script for serious gamers only
Do people forget the live action cutscene exist and they are obvious jokes?

Attached: 1552018110574.jpg (900x900, 82K)

But ythey did

But DmC:DE was good.

It's not large but the fact that his hair are spiky and kinda slick back gives the impression that he does have a large forehead .

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This is a great redesign. He looks a lot more distinct from Dante, less emo, more mature.

His personality is much more funny and cocky like Dante now, less whiny angsty teen.

Lady barely changed in 4. She was worse yes but pretty much identical.

Attached: 1537503650405.jpg (774x1544, 296K)

He needs a sharper widow's peak, his forehead looks weird without it and throws off the whole look

Are you getting paid to spew this bullshit?

Vergil LITERALLY is just Wesker with white hair! His origins is of WESKER! He literally was WESKER'S PROTOTYPE originally!
And he always, ALWAYS, looked like said Wesker. In every single game he was in, he looked like Wesker/David Bowie lookalike.
It's only now that he looks nothing alike himself. To make it worse, he doesn't even look that much like his supposed face model either .

Attached: 1452558122.jpg (943x681, 102K)

This streamer did it without doing anything

I usually just swing the sword.


Nah I just love devil may cry and everything about 5.
Nero was annoying to me in 4 for the majority of the game, I don't like whiny emotional teenagers.

Attached: dmc.png (555x482, 199K)

>Vergil and Wesker share same face
>tfw "retarded Wesker" mod becomes reality

Attached: RE_engine.jpg (1280x720, 74K)

Omg his face model is not the guy on this pic

It's in the credits. Maxim Nazarov.

Attached: 1552080704706.png (548x164, 46K)

It is! That's Maxim Nazaraov, his face model. Confirmed by blood credits of the game.

Even if they were to use same face model for Wesker, he wouldn't look as stupid because Wesker's hair isn't as anime as Vergil's.

Wow ok I didn't recognize him on the pic for whatever reason.

Damn, you guys are pretty jealous that people like good DMC games lik 1-5 rather than trash like DmC.

It's not a bad design tho, I guess I'm just kinda sad that it's different. I know bishounen style is gay as fuck, but I still remember how cool he seemed to me as a kid.

>no owning a standalone DMC3SE
absolutely plebeian.

Young adult bjorn then, current Bjorn is the chaddest person in the world
>*fucks your virgin bride*
>heh, nothin personel cuckfred

The haircut is fine, but the realistic art style is godawful and I'm tired of seeing it in games.

Doesn't look like him at all.

>Donte was a punk and he was bad so Nero also being a punk makes him bad by default

Yeah sorry, I didn't recognized him right away, don't know why.

I already had the original PS2 disc and the hd collection on ps3 as well, I can't count how many hours I put into dmc3 but I've gotten 100% completion on ps2

I understand you actually. I grew up with DMC. So I was used to Vergil being how he was up until 5. But then 5 came out and I saw him in game. And damn I must say, I find him hot.

The facial features such as forehead, chin and cheekbones are clearly the same.

Attached: 18512356_246617825816790_9035362725395431424_n.jpg (1080x1080, 90K)

Biggest issue are the eyes honestly. Vergil has permanently squint eyes, which his model does not have.

Imagine deluding yourself like this

Squint eyes is an animu thing.

can't wait for that baby to be born with blonde hair

>the slow mo the "heh." Nero the way new enemies freeze frame and get their names revealed

Attached: Actually the thing of allastor what throw rays works when he does that boomerang thing.png (700x700, 158K)

4 was how he was supposed to look once technical limitations were gone

Attached: Devil May Cry 3 Vergil-Might.jpg (1024x768, 424K)

But he is right actually. See for yourself in the game.

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Would've been better if they gave Vergil THAT hair.

all this guy has to do is throw on a dark blue jacket, tattered, sweater, and dye his hair and he'd still be in business

Well, they fucked up and ended up creating retarded looking Nero instead.

someone needs to mod in his dmc4 hair already.

>imagine flowy white anime hair.
Nero's DT has long white flowing white hair

Time to post THAT!

Attached: 1552732446584.jpg (2379x2684, 3.25M)

Attached: 1508362258018.png (645x729, 67K)

They should honestly just hired Lauridsen if they wanted model for face of Vergil. That guy has far closer face to Vergil (David Bowie).

Attached: 39c6bdc8ac8e38890195cdebe275be5e.jpg (500x664, 49K)

>from the start of 4 Nero is established as a belligerent punk
>by DMC5 Nero is still a belligerent punk
Nero from the offset has been a harsher version of Dante, it's even seen in his moveset and how he talks in battle. He's always been a smartass with an inferiority complex of sorts and due to what happens to him at the start of V and even before then he has all the more reason to be pissed off.

Vergil only looks like Billy from side-shot .
Then, again, side-shots are only times he does look good, aka "good angle."

Attached: 930285.jpg (1000x663, 232K)

Looks too French.

Attached: Bm1wG8rgpVD.jpg (983x1229, 127K)

you think this ain't vergil neither?

Attached: Red Vergil Mod - Ultimate Marvel.jpg (1920x1080, 313K)

Uh no ?

Don't bulli /ourboy/, faggots

Attached: 15519667494310.png (610x700, 656K)

Except young Billy didn't have fucked up hair with fucked up forehead that made him look like Rick from Rick and Morty.

Attached: 1552209908086.png (1920x1080, 3.34M)

>Those people who started with DMC5 and didn't bother to watch the "History of DMC" video that's on the fucking main menu.
frick of

Also why is there no Sparda costume?

Attached: 1542017098197.png (421x720, 268K)

I know dmcfags were desperate for a new game, buy holy shit do the character a look bad.

I think the idea was to make Vergil look close to Nero's new masculine look, that's why DMC5 Vergil is all tall, masculine, wearing leather overcoat and stuff. Faggy Vergil wasn't on the menu.

He's actually Danish.

Attached: Vergil (Character) - Giant Bomb 2.jpg (1280x960, 98K)

Neither does Vergil

>Faggy Vergil wasn't on the menu
Rich when model they hired for him is pretty-boy type of model.

Attached: max.jpg (828x1200, 59K)

>the slow mo
This actually annoys me, to be honest.

Her hair and especially face look far worse in 4.

Replaying the prologue over and over to grt thr secret ending is horrible. Like 20 loading screens and cinematics, waiting over and over.

They literally could've just copied young Billy Idol's hair ffs!!!
They really did terrible job on his hair.

Attached: 3054266847.jpg (1017x1017, 116K)

Where does Nero say "you fucking asshole" in 4?

He literally doesn't look bad

Attached: 1551867237247.jpg (1080x2160, 253K)

I don't. I like classic anime prettyboy designs, because I'm old and learned to like it as a kid. But I can respect that times change.

I think that's the problem. is pretty hot and manly and all, but dude's got a wide forehead... which doesn't look bad with the right haircut, it even adds to the manliness. But when you put the spiked hair in, it's just too much verticality

Obviously it's going to look worse than that CG but it was still trying to be similar at least.

5 says fuck you to that sentiment.

what secret ending

This is honestly how I always imagined Vergil's hair to look like with realistic graphics. Idk what the fuck is this

Since you mentioned wide forehead and anons are already mentioning Billy Idol, I think fringe, like here would've helped a lot. In general, they should've made his hair more messier to look natural.


fat face
shitty model

Attached: 1302237115852.jpg (500x865, 118K)

if you're a bad enough dude to beat urizen at the beginning the game ends there

but you do 0 dmg

Beating Urizen early. Painfully slow and tedious process.

>thinner face
>different eye shape
>different nose
>different jawline
>inflated tits

Stay salty

man you can actually beat him? I fought him for a while but it literally looked like I had done 0 damage


>a man being described as sexy by another man is somehow different from being described as gay


Attached: file.png (1366x768, 1.57M)

he has a shield crystal you gotta destroy to hurt him but it regenerates

THIS!!! Why couldn't they do it look this!? Who the fuck modeled his terrible Rick Sanchez hair?

Attached: Vergil_DMC5.png (848x1080, 693K)

Personally i think he looks absolutely fine in these screens:
It's just from certain angles where the hair looks too high.

Yes, the fringe was always part of the design and would've helped in not making the forehead look weird.

Attached: add148da-943f-4e1c-87ac-929e4f784600.jpg (720x540, 96K)

>capcom wants to make a devil may cry game with more western designs
>makes DmC
>everyone hates it, complains that they want old devil may cry back
>capcom realizes they can just take old devil may cry characters and give them more western redesigns and make money off both demographics
>massive success

>what our childhood selves expected vs what we got

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Presonally I think your taste is fucking awful, Vergil looks fucking retarded in 5. Vorgil even looks better.

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Niko's father, Agnus. It's a highly customized version of the ''Order of The Sword'' standard issue weaponry.

Vergil and Dante look really good, but Nero looks a bit weird mostly when he's mad about something

They could've given Vergil longer hair so it doesn't look too floaty but it still looks good most of the time

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You wear down the crystal's health first, then you csn attack him. Thrn he brings the crystal back. Fucking 3-4 times you have to do this shit.


*activates cheat codes*
the time has come

Somebody, shop Billy's hair on nu-Vergil. Just to see how would it look like.

I know its the typical JYB performance but I really think it fits Nero and I loved it all the way through

Not him, but your the one who's got shit taste here.

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>Vorgil even looks better
I don't know what you mean to imply about DmC here

>everybody shits on nero, says he is a whiny anime fag, nobody likes him and all wish he was more like dante
>wtf, nero is supposed to be emotional I don't like the new """cool""" nero he is too much like dante

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Because they're future proofing, that way if Dante has to suddenly go away for reasons they still have someone to fall back on who has "character growth".

Yeah. Nero is at the top of his game in every respect in 5. Immensely likable, fun to play, and JYB delivers in his performance. The design being as good as it is is just a plus. A big plus, to be sure.

Give me a moment to try and rebel yell him.

>chads can't be jocks
wow not cool, bro. not cool.

They shit on Nero hoping he would just go away, problem is one day the VA for Dante isn't going to want to do it anymore or won't be able to. So Nero is here to stay and people need to suck it the fuck up because they'd throw a fit if someone else had to voice Dante.

Left is what white people think they look like in their minds. Right is what white people actually look like.
You're not anime.

nu-ro is based


mental gymnastics

most retarded post I've ever read.