work tomorrow bros
Work tomorrow bros
more like work today
I've got two hours left to numb the pain with anime before I go to sleep.
working at mcds isnt really that bad if the people you work with are chill as fuck
t. used to work overnight shifts at mcds
Salary and work consists of 3 hours appearance time to not take pto.
It's 2019, are people still unironically wageslaving? Lmoa
>tfw neet
I want a job..... but i have aspergers so next to impossible for anyone to be willing to hire me
>daylight savings
>tfw work remote whenever I decide I want to
life is good.
Class tomorrow, bros. But I like college so it's all good (":
>tfw have about an hour and a half for vidya before work.
It could be worse, I suppose.
bro just become a twitch streamer lmao
Haha, good thread OP!
Ok my break's over, see you guys in the Walmart parking lot!
>i start my new job tomorrow
w-wish me luck
Back to carrying heroin addicts out of their houses
Learn to repair shit, no one asks any questions, you can do it from home.
Just let him die already
jokes on you... i'm collecting unemployment checks...
What are you going to do now, my dude?
I just got off work like 8 hours ago.
It was all overtime though and got free lunch so no biggie.
It's just another Monday user. Soon it will be Friday again.
I wish time would slow down.
>spring break this week for my uni
>tfw took off all next week
I worked there as a teen on the afternoon shift it was pretty lax
If anyone didnt know btw almost all of the kids on 2nd shift are usually high as shit at fast food places
why he wears a tag name mirrored?
>NEETs think everyone here only works retail and fast food because they know that's the only work they could ever get if they bothered to leave home
>be humanity
>invent shit for thousands of years for the express purpose of working less
>be 2019
>jobs are literally made up and the average person objectively works more than the paleolithic cave man
w-woah, so this is the power of technology
any of you tried shit like uber or other delievery apps? i knew of many people that can work their own hours and makes a fine living just doing uber
Anons help me, im addicted to reddit. I spen tlike 6 hours today on that fucking site.
Nice user, what are you going to be doing?
Call centers will hire anyone.
I like my job, don't know why you're complaining.
>back to slicing and packing meat
>smelling like blood but still trying to make conversation with the qts buying chicken breasts
>at least the day goes fast and pays better than a bank teller or any fast food wagie job
being a meat person isn't so bad
>for the express purpose of working less
for the express purpose of producing more
I can finally play something that’s not Warframe this week.
I know right, why do we love capitalism again?
I'm at work right now
>I take this ironic shitposting seriously for the purpose of bragging about my own job prospects that many people here really have themselves
But I bet you would still defend capitalism. Submission runs in all American veins.
I worked today, though, user.
I work every day, it's what you need to do to afford things, user.
Know a guy working for Uber, then someone crashed his new car and Uber kicked him out.
I wish. I spent the entire last semester and then some sending out job applications and only got one reply. Went to an interview last week only to find out the spot I was interested in would require some background nobody thought to mention until then. I'll be going along with my brother tomorrow since he's moving jobs and will be leaving his spot open, so hopefully I can get that one for myself. Until then I can only watch as my savings dwindle little by little every month.
Honestly I'm only doing this for my dog at this point. Nevermind vidya.
Doin some part time work at my local drugstore, something light while im finishing up my bachelors
I'm going on to be eating ass for cash on the corner of 49th and Broadway
I made the most bank delivering pizzas, but car maintenance is a looming specter that slowly catches up to you and ruins everything