Yea Forums will defend gacha
Yea Forums will defend gacha
get a job you bum
What are the best gacha games Yea Forums and what games are you playing?
>Currently playing
Bleach Brave Souls (best gameplay out of all mobages I've played, PVP is shit though, tons of content and currency even if you finish what you do they still give you 4-6 multis per month, 3% 5* rate and 6% at the end of the month, grindy once you hit the wall though, but still very F2P friendly).
FGO (events were too grindy, barely 1-2 multis per month, character % drop too low , story was still shit even after Camelot)
Azur Lane (didn't like the gameplay)
King's Raid (played until raids got unlocked, but got bored soon after beating the skeleton boss in 7-20? I don't remember exactly)
Epic Seven (great animations, but shit repetitive gameplay)
Honkai 3rd Impact (decent gameplay, but didn't feel any attachment to any of the characters so I dropped it)
FEH (Absolute garbage story and artstyle. Gameplay is even more dumbed down than previous games)
Langrisser (better than FEH in every way, but the translation is Google tier and the grind after a certain point is real)
Girls frontline
Any more recommendations?
metal slug attack
saint seiya zodiac brave
f2p btw :^)
I do have one
Just got a galaxy s10 throw me some phone game recommendations boys
what's wrong with spending money on stuff you want to spend money on?
I would play more gachas if they had browser versions
>all these people sacrificing to idols
whoa so this is the power of the 21st century
Been playing mobage for 2+ years and I haven't spend a dime.
Feels good man
>Game costs money
>Players complain about loot boxes and gambling
>Game is free
>Players are suddenly okay with loot boxes and gambling
I don't understand the logic.
granblue fantasy
I cant and wont. I actually got roped in by the titties but the shit gameplay, rng, and grindy bullshit made them a very quick pass for me.
>paying for anything
Found your problem
>game makes money buy selling at 60$
>then tacks on arbitrary fee
>game is free and makes money by arbitrary fees
there's a difference.
Card games have had this kind of system for obtaining gameplay units, but people didnt always shit on them like they do for gacha games. The fact is its just the usual mental anti anime shitposters who are constantly doing this retarded shit.
You dont see them raging about casinos in real life do you? You dont have to go to them just like you dont have to spend your money on a gacha game so whats the fucking big deal?
Both still promote underage gambling though, only difference is one game makes you pay a fee to enter the casino.
I'm playing Langrisser, Sdorica, and I'm trying out this Brown Dust game.
I think you should try Sdorica though. Its not that grindy since you can just use the general pool of experience you accumulate throughout the game to level anyone you want. Its got a ton of characters with their own stories you can play to learn more about them and their personalities. I only hit a wall a handful of times during the story mode and there's 20 or so chapters with around 10 missions each. Gameplay is turn based with orbs you connect for different abilities. Starting characters are some of the best and anyone can be good provided you the resources on them, and even those are plentiful.
So what am I supposed to do stop people from play them? It's their choice
who cares? no one is forcing me to play them
the same you do to stop people from doing other things
If you pay for a game, you should not have micro transactions because you already bought the fucking game. It's really fucking simple.
>op was right
welcome to Yea Forumseddit
One is blatant robbery and the other is an acceptable business model. If you really can't tell the difference, you're probably a part of the problem.
Send me $500 right now.
Shattered pixel dungeon
This op is usually bait to start a general gacha thread
He's still right
Who do I ticket, guys?
I deleted Azur Lane and girls frontline, I like the waifu collecting but they are so boring and feel like a job. I just play Bandori now which has fun gameplay and I care about the story.
What's the name of the japanese furry one?
What is your current team? I would say either Shiva or Lucio
>Honkai 3rd Impact (decent gameplay, but didn't feel any attachment to any of the characters so I dropped it)
Man I played for a while too, but I feel the same about the characters. Kinda sad since I find the main girl (Kania?) extremely cute.
play bandori
Huh? Is it worth it to run Lucio over Boar in Seru/Sandal/Pig?
Zeta is my wife
He is broken as shit and we might even get a new uncap for him to make him even better, his skills are too good to pass up if you can ticket him
what's the difference between Gacha and Mobage?
I quit SMT Dx2.
Rates are garbage and yes it's one of the few gachas you can play completely free from start to finish, but it requires so much in game currency in the form of MAG to improve your demons and make new ones to the point where you end up never having enough of anything and you just burn out.
Plus, PvP is a dumpster fire because your team begins to get destroyed after a few turns. Not by the enemy team, but by the mode itself.
Eh you know what? I think I'll ticket him. I was considering ticketing him since I really like his voice and his weapon is alright.
If I get a dupe on the roulette it'll be a good thing, anyways.
Gacha is simply a term used by players since all mobages have a gacha system
>someone actually mentioning Sdorica in one of these threads
Only issue with Sdorica is that it's so not grindy that there's not much to do each day after your dailies.
Eh, you might want to wait until the end to avoid precisely that
I could use a second Eden since I already have Zeus, though.
I'll just do it right now fuck it.
>tfw you can't fc anything over 26 and even those are a challenge
I've been playing since en started.
My King is beautiful!
Dragalia... Lost... *Cough*
What speed do you play at? I started with a low speed like 3 switched to default and now I’ve been at 9 for a while
Been playing a lot of dokkan battle recently. Ever since the new years banners, I've been able to put together a pretty great potara team and movie heroes + SSJ4 Gogeta team. I'm kind of torn because I want the transforming Goku Black for my potara team but I also want to get the LR Gogeta for my movie heroes team which I hear is going to be featured on the somewhat later 4th anniversary banner in July. I really want both (preferably the Gogeta) so I hope I'm lucky.
>People will shit on mobile games for being time wastes that thrive on nickle and diming you.
>Will defend MMO with .6% drop rates on loot and time gate you out of raids.
I'd 10000% prefer a cash gate than a time gate.
I can make money back, I can not get time back, anyone who doesn't understand this logic is either extremely young or extremely poor, so whatever you have to say, I don't care to listen to it.
I don't fuck around.
Well you see, when you retards spend money on these shitty glorified slot machines you are simultaneously telling game companies/publishers/creators that this trash works for getting them money, and when other companies see that this cancer works, they get the same idea to make their own shitty glorified slot machine instead of making an actual game. So now the rest of us that wanted to play a real game are now shit out of luck because the company made a game that panders to your retarded ass instead of a game for us real gamers.
That is why spending money on gachashit is cancer.
Don't shitpost with my daughter you assmad loser.
Why won't they let you ticket Shiva?
Granblue gets a pass because the art in it is so fucking great. I don't play the game but am happy it exists to support such great artwork.
Happy to see them planning to release actual games with the franchise.
Both are trash. Fuck off you retarded boomer.
Shit needs to get banned in more countries ASP.
Because they only let you ticket Grands from 2017 and back.
Maybe next year I'll finally get Brodia.
Also, no Zodiacs.
Tales of the Rays was really fucking good. Every new character is given for free. The only thing you roll for are some weapons, costumes, and super moves. There were constant events that gave you gear comparable to what you could pull, so it was really F2P friendly. Maybe that's why it shut down.
I'm trying Another Eden now, and holy fuck are the rates fucking dogshit. And the amount of grinding I'm seeing just to raise a 3* to a 4* is fucking atrocious.
Stop the daily gacha shill threads.
Do you chinks not get tired?
Not even what I said, dumbass.
I was saying if you play MMOs, or think they're more legitimate than mobage, than you're a fucking retard for the reasons stated.
Sorry you got triggered and jumped to conclusions because someone dared to imply you didn't have money.
Gachafaggots aren't people.
not anymore
Based big government BTFOing gacha and loot box niggers
Imagine playing FGO.
Point still stands whatever.
I wouldn't defend neither
>Poorniggers that pirate games crying about what people spend their money on.
>haven't played Granblue in months
>had like 2k crystals when I logged back in
>already at 24k crystals
Man, they got way more generous with their gifts when I was gone.
They're insects.
That's why it's so popular in Asian countries
Go to a casino and gamble like a real man, pussy.
>Nearest Casino is like 40 minutes away
>Won like 400$ last time I went on penny slots
wait for abi
I'm sure that if Cygames didn't start with TCG/Mobage they wouldn't have produced a real game.
>inb4 b-but it affects the quality of western AAA releases ;_;
>Gameplay is even more dumbed down than previous games
In terms of what shitty powercreep and shit of that nature does to the base gameplay? Absolutely. I still unironically think that FEH does some game mechanics better than real FE though, mainly Specials being CD based rather than RNG based, and the A/B/C/Seal setup could transition over to a real FE game with only some minor changes.
Your daughter is really cute!
That and they stopped putting them into the limited tab
Saving up spark juice for this SSR!
>game is shit
>call it shit
>game is good
>play it because it's good
I'm not retarded so lootboxes are irrelevant to me as I do not buy them. If the game is bad as a whole, I'll still call it shit. Pretty simple.
The problem is that $60 is chump change in gacha cuck currency.
itt people get mad at other people for playing games they don't like
you can do reasonably well in any gatcha without paying a dime if you aren't an idiot.
>2m nuke after ougi
Oh shit.
Not so much just playing, they're butthurt people are spending money on things they deem lower than the things they like.
They see an uber whale spending money to get their favorite girl in a game and they get IRATE because they think their favorite game deserves to have someone throwing boatloads of money at it.
Some are just salty poors that people will throw down several months worth of their rent and they seethe that people won't just donate that money to them.
>in any gacha
Let's not get ahead of ourselves here, though most gachas everyone's heard of and/or are still running are relatively F2P friendly.
>Literally praising devs for giving you scraps
FGO is peak jewery even for gachashit
Because those are the only ones that end up surviving, those that go into overjew mode tend to die usually
>Pay money to give us more money
>come in and play all you want for free. The good shit might cost you though.
One is vastly superior than the other.
Now tell that to lucklets..
>spending money for a jpg
I seriously hope you don't this
>he didn't ticket her
Not a true Producer
I kind of like KR's art, but the animations are so weird.
Gacha is a choice. If you have no self-control that's a personal problem.
Mobile shit is never good.
Yeah, I know. Most of the successful ones understand on some level why the whole whale system works the way it does, and that's typically because of a healthy F2P population.
>>come in and play all you want for free. The good shit might cost you though.
Yeah that those low odds aren't costing you less more than $60.(for just ONE rare unit)
Oh wait they do lmao cope
Explain FGO, that shit should have died going but that reasoning
best girl is free, so I didn't even have to roll.
I won't post my life story.
I will post that I've made mistakes.
Is nothing forgiven in this world?
Gacha shit is not video games.
They're glorified gambling simulators.
Getting the rare PNG file is the main appeal, not the gameplay.
Game is piss easy from what I hear and it's already got a well established and long running fanbase, whales do it more to show off than out of any real sense of P2W if I had to guess.
Keyword here is USUALLY, I was thinking of that game when I put that word there,, it has one of the jewest systems in place but managed to survive because simply because TYPEMOON already had a massive following on japan
Phew good thing I play Granblue, where the main appeal is grinding your into dust and turning it into in game power.
Tokyo afterschool summoners?
Because it's a popular IP. Also some sunk cost shenanigans.
Also the game is piss easy.
>Gacha shit is not video games.
They fall under the technical definition, albeit 99% of the time not the spirit.
If EA's games are video games, then gacha games are games.
Explain this then?
How do the cucks who play games with ~1% SSR rates justify it to themselves?
>Uh actually it's ok because SR units are usable
Unfortunately, yes.
The fap material is great
>Game has gacha elements
>Game is an action game
>Game is a rhythm game
>Game is an RPG
Stop using terms you don't understand you fucking brainlets
They can't.
Unironically EA and Activision are less jewish than every gacha game.
The fact that niggers defend this games practice makes the next game guaranteed to have this kind of bullshit in.
Yes thank you user
Thats not why we hate you, you filth. The actual reason we hate you is because you bring down the quality of the rest of the game industry. You cancerous fucks now have game companies making shitty phone games instead of real games because they know you're retarded enough to spend money on this trash.
In the most basic terms, mental gymnastics.
>Game don't give me everything good right off the bat, therefore it's jewish garbage.
Can somebody actually name me a good gacha game I can download on the apple app store?
Excuses retards use to justify Micro transactions
>its my money I can do what I want with it
>it's only "X" dollars are you too poor?
>it's not hurting anyone
>lol you loser why you care how people spend their money
Here is the kicker. This is all shit a fucking drug addict says also.
What retarded argument is this?
Mobage trash gambling simulators are gacha, just because they put in the bare minimum to be considered games doesn't make them not that
Nothing weird with lilia, she is just being a cute dragon loli
Wow my guy it's almost as if companies push boundaries based on public interest.
Maybe if you throw a big enough fit about games costing any money at all they'll all be free!
Hell, maybe they'll even be able to get by without costing anything even for in game items if you complain to the people that work there about how needing money to live is jewish.
Fight the system brother!
Actually, don't, just kill yourself, you retarded faggot
Currently playing Star Ocean Anamnesis and Destiny Child while logging into Epic Seven and F/GO for now to get my daily stuff. Star Ocean is definitely the best one I've played, but Epic Seven has some nice partybuilding if you like that. I'm only playing Destiny Child because I got super horny one day and picked it up because another game like it wouldn't work with my internet, so I tried DC instead. Pretty good designs and has a somewhat generous gacha, so I'll stick with it for a bit longer.
Girls Frontline has decent drop rates and only jews you for costumes
>Bring down the quality of the game industry when it was already going into a downward spiral before mobile gaming took off
Gacha is literally a symptom,not the cause
This I why I stuck with king's raid and never looked back. I'll never have to worry about not getting what I want.
Fuck rates.
I don't care what some retarded poorloser thinks, I'll keep blowing money on a gambling high, I hope you do stop playing games because of me, it'd put a fucking smile on my face to know people like you are going to be SEETHING until the day they die
>>Game don't give me everything good right off the bat, therefore it's jewish garbage.
>More mental gymnastics to justify your purchases
Yes if they charge you money for a CHANCE to get shit.