What game evokes this type of emotion the best?

What game evokes this type of emotion the best?

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Whatever game you're playing right now whilst your father asks himself what he did wrong to end up with such a failure of a son.

have sex, incel

Seriously I'm not even a tranny but you clearly spend a lot of time thinking about them.

why do incels love trannies so much? are they really THAT desperate they'd settle for a crazy man in a wig?

Gonna go with any JRPG.

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Those with unexpected twists.

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I would let him destroy me

>nick fury has canonically had toxoplasmosis the whole time

What's wrong with these "men" who let their stupid cunt wives transform their son into an inhuman freak?

Any western video game made in the last few years.

What's up incel. Afraid when the woman wears the pants for once?

Attached: CM saves the MCU from the white man.webm (700x290, 1.91M)

Last time I had that with a game was RDR2...

The "I sit in my basement all day browsing /pol/ and claiming trannies are ruining my life even though I only go outside for fast food and am also an incel virgin" simulator.

This movie is depressing

Does the courts rule on evidence and not heresay in rape charges yet?

The best pat is that in this scene the dude challenges her to fight without powers for once to prove that she really is all the hot shit she tries to project and then just gets blasted away by her power.

why would you do this?
I would abandon my child if it did this. Like legally disown it.

t. trannies



they sure as fuck are ruining my video game board with thought policing, as you're doing now

I just came here to laugh

any recent bioware game

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what's this? smallville?

>4 post's in a row expressing the same general opinion
>then stops
Hmm really make's you think

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I've never seen any trannies do any thought policing here. I do, however, see a fuckton of /pol/tards accuse anyone who is even slightly tired of trannyposting of being a tranny.

only a man who respects women can get with any of these beauties

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If only women wanted to wear the pants. They just want all the rights of wearing the pants, with none of the responsibilities.

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pleases, trannies brigade at the same time everyday, usually some thread about that quartering guy

biggest faggots on this board easily, their suicide rates please me greatly

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if you're tired of trannyposting you're either a tranny or tranny sympathiser so regardless get fucked

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desu the dad seems like a cuck anyways
>facial hair


Last 10 minutes of mass effect 3

>women wear the pants
>men wear the skirts
Such is life in the west

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Video games?

I still don't know what her superpower is.

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anything with trannies

She's for the most part Superman without heat vision and cold breath but energy absorbtion. In her binary form she's Superman in Super Saiyan form.


mary sue

They use trannies, discord and resetera as their insults because the majority are from reddit where you can’t say faggot or nigger. We are the minority now.

is Captain Feet good or bad?

You notice herm walks over and side-hugs the mom not the dad.

I wonder why

It's not necessary because trannies, feminists, gays and muslims are already killing each other. It was a matter of time really. That's the power of the left.

It's your standard Marvel flick tough Brie really is the worst part of it, the rest is as enjoyable as most other marvel flicks.

It's painful to watch.

then I pass, thank you.