>Nero is fucking ruined now. Even after you retrieve the devil bringer, Nero still relies way too goddamned much on his breakers. Hopefully you've found the perfect most ideal control set up, or else you better pray you're the mozart of button multitasking
>Nero has no good dodge mechanics while in the air unless he has a specific breaker, this leads to massive headaches in boss fights
>artificial difficulty bullshit like not getting your health completely revived from a checkpoint. Hopefully you're richer than God with Red Orbs, or you'll be stuck starting the entire mission over again anyway
>abilities and the cost of reviving costs an arm and a leg, and SURPRISE SURPRISE they've monetized red orbs. No one in the DMC fanbase will care about this though, they'll just resort to chanting "git gud" like the autistic Capcom cock-suckers they are
>Trish and Lady are barely in the game
>Nico is a character and exists in the game. Fuck off of if you like this character because she is objectively shit and only exists to give Nero a goddamned arm to use
>no unlockable outfits, just super outfits, and you have to beat the game three times and playthrough Dante Must Get Pounded In The Ass mode to get them
>barely any postgame content or replayability outside of getting the super outfits
>Dante is a huge asshole in this game for some reason
I'm sorry But Nero is the worst character now because of all the retarded buttons you have to keep track of and all the micromanagement. He's harder to use than fucking Dante now, so the exact opposite of what he was in DMC 4. I'm not saying this game is bad, but whew boy it's getting a LOT of free passes on Yea Forums
It's Okay When Japan Does It™
Other urls found in this thread:
He is really complex on NG+, I agree, but I sort of like it.
Plus I think you can get away with just playing him as "Nero Classic" if it really irks you that much.
>>Nero is fucking ruined now
Stopped reading there because Nero was always a shit character and can't be redeemed no matter what writer you hire.
Thus it's inconsequential, and if you can't tell this fundamental truth you'll most likely be insincere about everything else.
You can, but not on DMD mode. I am getting my ass ravaged by Golem because of all the buttons I have to remember using. I just want to use his fucking devil bringer now, I do not have 20 appendages on each hand
I'm not talking about his personality or character, I'm talking about his gameplay mechanics. So if you're condoning him being shit purely based on the fact that he has always been shit, then I'm afraid you need to stop apologizing for corporations.
Using greentext doesn't make your opinion any less shit OP
Not providing a rebuttal and just concluding that my opinion is shit is not an argument either. Here's to (You) Nikola and Bart
>Dante Must Get Pounded In The Ass mode
I laughed, I will give you that.
>Even after you retrieve the devil bringer,
>Even when you completely get his 4 movesrt back + more moves + A SECOND EXCEED SYSTEM
>I'm talking about his gameplay mechanics
His gameplay is fine, he's more interesting than he was in 4, for sure.
I still prefer Dante obviously but at least Nero in this one doesn't make me feel like i'm gonna fall asleep every time i use him.
Im on a mission 10 so ive played Nero a bit but I remember from DMC4 that he could do these cool as fuck grabs to bosses and some enemies that dealt tons of damage while being in his DT form and here I only did that once to that big ass boss randomly did they removed that or I am a brainlet?
the only part I find hard about Nero is hitting L2 at the right time, but I can still fit in a few during basic on-the-ground combos
Cry more bitch faggot. The game is awesome.
>Dante is a huge asshole in this game for some reason
Noticed that too. He was a bit too dismissive to Patty and Nico for no reason.
>barely any postgame content or replayability outside of getting the super outfits
how about just playing for fun not just playing games because there's a carrot dangling in front of your face?
Sorry but he's too much of a pain in the ass to use with both his devil bringer and breakers to keep track of. They really should have allowed a way to give him the devil bringer and bring with it all the abilities from all the breakers, so Nero can bypass the fat.
>But then there'd be point in using the breakers
Maybe the breakers should have just been a first playthrough kind of deal and then if you wanted, you could toggle off the super all encompassing devil breaker if you wanted to add challenge. Because as it stands, on the higher difficulties, Nero is completely retarded to use.
>>Trish and Lady are barely in the game
What bothers me is that both Trish and Lady by Dante's own words are "two of the most badass women" and they do nothing of substance in the entire game. They get captured, used as batteries and then rescued. youtube.com
Still works, but you need to beat the game to get his DT back and only works in certain 'staggered' states. Not sure about how much damage it does compared to regular attacks though.
fun doesn't exist in a vacuum. Especially when DMC 2 had more post game content than this. And that's saying something.
This. I'm on 16, so far it looks almost like a perfect sequel.
Old age.
Until they balance out DMD, I think I am going to bypass the aneurysms and just use cheat engine to go through it. No health refill on checkpoint is complete fucking horseshit
Yes it's fairly easy to rebind the buttons to use all his skills easily. Right now I can charge both the guns and breakers while fighting and jumping no problems.
>air dodge
Jump cancels, double jumps or explode an arm
>using checkpoints
Oh no, red orbs are now usefull
>Trish and Lady are barely in the game
At least she's useful
>caring about dress-up for male characters
>Dante is a huge asshole
As he always was.
Pssshhh... Don't startle the zoomer
Genuinely curious why you can't get away with playing more simplistically in DMD
Zoomers are the ones who wouldn't give a shit about replay value you monumental faglord. Stop using buzzwords when it's clear you just enjoy sucking on that Capcom phallus
I'm just saying, it's devil may cry. Literally the whole point of these games is to fuck around doing ridiculous combos and seeing what you can come up with and replaying them to progress through harder difficulties. More content is always good but I imagine that will come with BP.
A reasonable enough response.
This is a poor argument since Nero is even worse now. Like far worse.
But this is just fucking retarded, gameplay wise it's a complete improvement. He didn't lose anything he only gained.
>no air dodge
try not doing a double jump every fucking time you jump, zoomer
Thats fucking retarded then to be honest at least they could make a specific breaker for these I plan to replay the game couple of times at least since I just focus on story at my first playthrough but still I actually thought there is one for that. As I said these are cool as fuck in DMC4 but dealt too much damage and made some bosses too easy even on higher difficulties.
>Most of the levels are boring as fuck
>Initial difficulty levels were too easy
>All of the bosses were boring
>The story and dialogue is shit tier, only DmC is worse >than it in this regard
>Character models are ugly as hell
>Graphics can be really ugly during gameplay
>Music sucks and the DLC feature barely works
>Lots of loading screens(laughably if you use speed hacks they speed up, console devs are fucking retarded)
>No turbo mod(modders fixed it though)
>Crappy costume variety
>The snapshot feature after you finished the game is extremely annoying
>Characters are constantly swearing
michael kobayashi video when?
loading screens takes like 3 seconds
The grab breaker is still in the game, you even get it early on. It's called the Buster Arm, costs 3.5k in Nico's shop
>only exists to give Nero a goddamned arm to use
why is this a bad thing?
There is. Its like a red drill thing. Literally copies devil bring grab
>it's a good idea to write two characters who are integral to nearly every game and to make them useless when the game comes back after 10 years.
>caring about dress-up for male characters
This has always been a thing in DMC. It's really the only reaspn for doing higher difficulty missions instead of Bloody Palace.
I think I watched donguri or another youtuber use it against Gilgamesh. Looked cool, but did meh dmg. At least compared to a regular string.
And if you're going to complain about 3 seconds you'll be complaining about nearly every game out there.
Probably because it's a woman.
Trish and Lady have nothing to do with Nero, he's the main protagonist now, why would they even matter in this game?
>>abilities and the cost of reviving costs an arm and a leg, and SURPRISE SURPRISE they've monetized red orbs. No one in the DMC fanbase will care about this though, they'll just resort to chanting "git gud" like the autistic Capcom cock-suckers they are
Well...yeah. If you are at the point where you're even considering handing over a cent for orbs, you need to get better at the game.
I don't like monetized orbs, but they're monetized in a way that if you pay a dime, it's entirely your fault, both for being bad at the game and for being stupid enough to pay for something you acquire with ease through normal play that helps you get good at the game.
Call me a Capcom cocksucker, but that is the objective truth, here. Nobody with an ounce of skill and has encountered a scenario where paying for orbs was even a presented option. If monetized orbs are an issue with you, the only thing you're doing is broadcasting your lack of skill in an attempt to get in with a bunch of similarly inadequate contrarians, looking for solidarity among widespread mediocrity.
So yeah, git gud, faggot.
>why would they even matter in this game?
Then why include them in the first place? It's a waste of screen time, possible character development and renders characters known to be very capable to uselessness. The bosses didn't have Lady or Trish's abilities, they didn't talk like them. Nothing of value was added by including them.
get some ass for not snoy?
>>Dante is a huge asshole in this game for some reason
Same reason he was a asshole in DMC2
he is sober
Did you skip all the cutscenes? They're there passing the torch and that's all.
Is it shit?
It seems more like you're just determined to dislike the game
nico confirmed thicc
>>Nero is fucking ruined now.
>>Nero has no good dodge mechanics while in the air
BaseD rank retard. Not reading anything else.
Her body model certainly is.
I said there are too many not that they are too long. Starting a mission from the main screen and upgrading before it shows a fucking ton of loading screens for no good reason.
Yeah I've watched the cutscenes. What scene are you referring to where they're passing to the torch? The only time they interact with the other characters is Nico telling Lady to dig, V telling Trish his story and when everyone is near the van near the end escaping from the collapsing tree. The only passing of the torch is from Dante to Nero. Lady and Trish never pass anything on to Nico or Nero.
When you get the Devil Breaks initially she bends over pretty far.
Made Morrison black for no reason, but it's okay when Japan does it.
>Nero has no good dodge mechanics while in the air unless he has a specific breaker, this leads to massive headaches in boss fights
Just press taunt. Air taunt has i-frames. When you get air hike you can do air taunt two times
>. It's really the only reaspn for doing higher difficulty missions
No. The higher difficulty mission is when the games truly start
>Nero is fucking ruined now. Even after you retrieve the devil bringer, Nero still relies way too goddamned much on his breakers. Hopefully you've found the perfect most ideal control set up, or else you better pray you're the mozart of button multitasking
>Nero has no good dodge mechanics while in the air unless he has a specific breaker, this leads to massive headaches in boss fights
"My series of games, legendary for being hard to master, is hard to master". fuck off.
>artificial difficulty bullshit like not getting your health completely revived from a checkpoint. Hopefully you're richer than God with Red Orbs, or you'll be stuck starting the entire mission over again anyway
That's not how artificial difficulty works. At least use your buzzwords correctly
>abilities and the cost of reviving costs an arm and a leg, and SURPRISE SURPRISE they've monetized red orbs. No one in the DMC fanbase will care about this though, they'll just resort to chanting "git gud" like the autistic Capcom cock-suckers they are
That's because you're crying for not being gud enough. git gud crub.
>Trish and Lady are barely in the game
True and sad. Only valid point in this pitiful list.
>Nico is a character and exists in the game. Fuck off of if you like this character because she is objectively shit and only exists to give Nero a goddamned arm to use
Yeah, she's a menu eye-catcher and human support character, what do you expect? a Fighting Morrison too?
>no unlockable outfits, just super outfits, and you have to beat the game three times and playthrough Dante Must Get Pounded In The Ass mode to get them
again: git gud, anal gravy
>barely any postgame content or replayability outside of getting the super outfits
It's the age of DLC. Bitching about it has been useless for at least 10 years now. Do you also want expansion packs and Shareware to go with your nostalgia train?
>Dante is a huge asshole in this game for some reason
Asshole how? He is a fucking demon.
What's that dark patch on her ass?
>Nero has no good dodge mechanics while in the air unless he has a specific breaker
Or you use air hike, drop down attacks, the forward dive which also will probably land a hit or the air taunt which gives some momentum and can be used to exceed relatively easily, it can also be repeated while you're still in the air
>Then why include them in the first place?
To get this autistic fanbase hyped up. Itsuno and Crapcom didn't try to make a good game with a good story, this entire game is just phoned in with fancy graphics instead of what you might expect from DMC. Cool ass cutscenes where characters were having fun being anime protagonists coupled with some melodrama.
You're supposed to be impressed by the hundreds of facial close ups and here I am just pissed off that this is what the devs think I give a shit about.
Thousands of hours were spent on the dumpster of a character that is Nico and all her conversations with the character instead of crazy cutscenes in DMC style. She was the character holding the entire game together in order to not make it feel random and too gamey.
Meanwhile Itsuno didn't just topple over DMC1/3 because he's going senile or just doesn't give a fuck anymore. They had like 5 years to make this game and they still fucked it up.
Did you even play the game?
Sorry to say but for DMC games and their equivalent, git gud is a perfectly acceptable argument
>artificial difficulty bullshit like not getting your health completely revived from a checkpoint. Hopefully you're richer than God with Red Orbs, or you'll be stuck starting the entire mission over again anyway
They literally give you gold orbs for nothing. I've had like ten near the half way mark and hadn't spent an orb on them. They're everywhere in the field.
I asked this before but when you first fire up the game there was an option about Nico or something, what the hell was that?
Kind of like a birthmark. My girlfriend has a similar one on her thigh, but a slight shade of blush-like red since she's white.
>Trish and Lady are barely in the game
there's not much to do with them, there story has been told. It's not like Lady was an asset in 4 and Trish didn't do much but pretend to be someone else for a few seconds
hopefully the DLC brings them in since Morrison puts them to work
You can exceed with his right trigger to attack with his ghost arm during attacks.
>everyone shitposts about her being mixed
>she just looks like shes a tanned white person
wtf Yea Forums?
You get them for daily logins and for getting S ranks in a row as well. I have like 27 after my 2nd playthrough.
No idea what i've changed that to, is it his buster attack button?
>no post game
What is DMC4. Stop sucking that game's dick. It didn't even had IN GAME CONTENT.
It's the default button for the devil bringer buster
you gonna try that post again hombre?
>>she just looks like shes a tanned white person
Hello, America.
post your face when
you can not only do this between every attack, but even while bustering someone as
Oh right, there's daily logins as well, literally no excuse to pay for them.
I did use one for a super early mission but my style points were high enough and the stage was finished fast enough that I still got the S rank anyways. I'm both proud and disappointed with myself.
Ssshhh when people refer to DMC4 they're refering to the SE not vanilla. These kids don't know how awful DMC4 vanilla was despite the fact nero had a cool moveset. Fuck that game.
Yeah, whatever you have it on. That's why it defaults to the trigger.
God damn it, i'm gonna have to figure out a new layout again. Holding the gun attack and holding devil breaker is gonna be really fucking awkward now.
Barry are you okay are you okay are you okay Barry
Nero even gets a tripple jump too. That plus gerbera he has so many dodge options
desu don't know what you people are talking about. Nero is still pretty easy to master compared to Dante. Definitely much better than DMC4 too if you ask me.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Needing to revive
Git gud, nerd.
Link to the turbo mod?
>doesn't like Breakers
pleb filtered
>but muh waifus
double pleb filtered
this is only ever a problem when you don't have enemy step with dante
Anyone notice that the depth of field effect in this game is really pixellated?
Is there a way to improve the quality or disable it altogether?
I can help. I use what DelusionaryKiller plays DMC4 with.
L1 exceed
L2 gun
R1 devil breaker
R2 lockon
triangle break away
circle attack
cross jump
square devil trigger
for dante
L1 change gun
L2 gun
R1 change devil arm
R2 lockon
triangle devil trigger
circle attack
cross jump
square style action
At least put some effort into it and add an actual lens flare.
Make it reflect off the door handle.
Are people playing the same DMC5?
I feel like i've been having a great time so far.
kay eurospurg
Anyone got a good nero control scheme, cant quite figure out one I like
These people are just fucking awful at the game and have to find some way to cope.
She is a European nigger.
Remap the controls, switching Devil Bringer and Devil Breaker (and Devil Trigger and Break Away if that'll cause you problems)
that your brain trying to cope
It's just people shitposting. Most are having fun with the game still. Not perfect, mind you, but the game's still quite good.
Is the DMC Anime worth a watch?
This smells like a bait thread
>L1 exceed
>L2 gun
>R1 devil breaker
>R2 lockon
>triangle break away
>circle attack
>cross jump
>square devil trigger
Thanks but for the input but that isn't gonna help me. I really hate exceed on the bumpers, tried it and hated it so i'm gonna have to have the exceed on L2 and the bringer on R2 which is what I've had for lock on since I started so that's gonna take some getting used to. My problem is i'm gonna have to lose out on either holding blue rose or the devil breaker cause theirs no way i'm gonna be ale to hold one on the face buttons while also continuing to attack.
You're just a bit of a brainlet with low standards.
damn, is not mashing and timing button preases really that hard? and nero literally has payline to get him out of the air fast.
Buster arm's also not useless even in post-game since its Break Age is a free DT-imbued Buster
Because the people who are having a blast are still playing the game.
Yea Forums is turning on this game way faster than they did Kingdom Hearts 3 maybe that Barry meme was just that, a meme all along and we were too blind to see it because of all the shills.
this is my first time playing dmc, the controls feel clunky as fuck and there's a cutscene every 2 seconds with cringey weeb acting why play this when you can go and play god of war 2?
This isn't anything new. Yea Forums hates video games. Always has, always will
shitposters have been trying for a year after getting ignored these threads are just shitposters replying to shitposters
I mean sure if the same threads posted every day counts as a rapid change of opinion. There's two or three copypastas of DMC5 FUKKIN SUKS AND HERES WHY even.
Nero is pretty broken. He has the best air mobility in the cast and the fact he can play like a better Donte in the air is baffling. It's like they never bothered to balance him.
Not getting your health completely revived in a checkpoint has been a complaint for a long time of a game being too lenient. It also tells you that everything you did up to that point in the mission matters.
Trish and Lady did their job. They lost to Urizen. Somebody who destroyed Dante. They even have bit of input with V and Nero respectively. They also acted to explain how the Quilphoth works.
How is Nico a bad character other than having a sibling relationship with Nero? You complain about Trish and Lady being barely used but Nico is used just as much.
EX colors are fine to me. V and Vergil even gets one. Do I want more? Yes but I'm not going to whine about it.
DMD is hard but it's pretty fun. No reason to complain about it if you have a mastery over the game
How is Dante a huge asshole? His motivation is sound. Did you miss all his dialogue in Urizen 3 and his speech with Nero? He knew it was Vergil and he wanted to do the deed himself. I actually have a problem with Dante not blaming Vergil for what he did in DMC3 or Vergil's involvement in the making of Urizen, which killed an entire city.
Those are some HOT OPINONS.
It's bait mate
>I actually have a problem with Dante not blaming Vergil for what he did in DMC3 or Vergil's involvement in the making of Urizen, which killed an entire city.
He's also indirectly responsible for what happened in Fortuna (Nero's city). The whole reason they started experimenting on demons and opening Hell Gates is because they got their hands on the Yamato isn't it?
>Cost of reviving
You get a LOT of golds from exploring the environment, and if you need more than that you may just suck.
what kind of shitter needs to revive? if you die, start from the beginning of the level. Only fags use rezzes. Not only that but you can literally farm 80k orbs a minute with dr faust. there is no reason to ever buy the microtransactions.
Shit bait. Shit thread. Shit OP. Shit board.
>TFW no Lady spinoff that plays like RE6 Mercs but with more melee
So how did Vergil survive again?
Plus Nero air taunt gives you a lot of extra distance
Remap buttons.
If you know you can't reliably dodge mid-air vs. a boss, don't jump.
You don't need to regain health at checkpoints when you don't get hit.
Abilities always cost an arm and a leg.
You don't need to spend orbs on a revive if you don't die.
Trish and Lady are supporting characters they don't matter as much even if one of them is your waifu.
People like Nico, your subjective opinion on the character doesn't matter, having her in as a vendor beats out statues.
If you like playing dress-up, try playing one of those barbie dress-up games or an MMO, or go try on some of your mom's clothes when she isn't home.
Bloody Palace would've been nice, though that'll likely return in the form of DLC.
Dante has always been a bit of an ass, same is true for Nero, though he did offer what he thought was a starving homeless person a nice homecooked meal so maybe he's mord your style.
I once mentioned that Nero should have been able to swap his breakers around but DMC fans just go “heh it would be OP you are retarded”
Go home, tameem
Not being able to do that is an intentional decision, they want you to hop around between breakers as they're broken.
Can anyone recommend a good control scheme for Nero?
But being able to swap them is just completely stupid, they are amazingly powerful parts of Neros kit, being able to swap between Buster, Punchline, Helter etc would just make everything super easy
I'd fuck her.
Tried the demo recently and it's fun as fuuuuuuuuck.
He's always been an asshole tho, in 4 he was more of a clown but in all the rest of the media he appears he is extremely uninterested and bored when people talk to him.
Just buy the magazine upgrades and equip your two favorites. You can now alternate back and forth as needed.
How so he has a ton of depth now?
He has his Devil Bringer which has alternate attacks during specific attacks, if you're not punching people with DB during Streak/Split/Air Taunt/etc, you're playing sub-optimally.
Exceed and CS still in like in DMC4, always having to get a Max-ACT or keeping CS4 ready to go.
Now with BREAKERS that add a new level of play, based on one's preferred playstyle. I prefer GP01 because I enjoy added mobility, but you can easily get more depth and damage with arms like Punch Line and Tomboy
Nero is in a GOOD place.
I spent $10 to max out RG, TS, GS and SM and I don't give two shits about it
Waste of money because Faust Lv 4 gives you 500k per 8 minutes, so a waste of my money lmao.
Is that anus hair I'm seeing peeking out of her underwear? It better be that and not just shitty image quality
I meant as a character. Gameplay is way better even without the busters
Is there somewhere that shows a moveset for Tomboy?
People being bad at videogames, and shitposters using it to fuel their autism. The usual.
Dude I've never played any of the older DMC games and I've only had to use a golden orb twice. Get fucking good.
He has the same overall character and mannerisms as before, maybe even a little more outgoing than before. Everything seems to be completely in character with DMC4's Nero. What changed for you?
You're delusional.
I literally played and beat DMC4 a day before DMC5 release
>artificial difficulty bullshit like not getting your health completely revived from a checkpoint
its basically just spamming the triangle buttong to just swing the sord like 8 times with a ground finsher
forward triangle stinger lifter attack
jumping dunk attack and jumping foraward triangle ground slam
I'm starting on DMD difficulty, asshole.
I skipped DH and SOS by beating Urizen in the prologue. Go FUCK yourself.
Then you have a double digit IQ.
>>abilities and the cost of reviving costs an arm and a leg, and SURPRISE SURPRISE they've monetized red orbs. No one in the DMC fanbase will care about this though, they'll just resort to chanting "git gud" like the autistic Capcom cock-suckers they are
What fucking planet are you on? I've been gaining 50k gems per mission on Son of Sparda difficulty, and Gold Orbs are so fucking common that they're basically fucking free. They ACTUALLY ARE, in fact, you get one a day just for playing the fucking game and extra ones for playing missions with other players.
I had 10 of them by the time I was reaching the Shadow/Vergil fights, and that was just by playing the goddamn game normally.
Nero is exactly the same, character wise. Not every game is going to be the next TORtanic, so fuck off with your OH NO NO NO bullshit.
>Dante is a huge asshole in this game for some reason
Nice, setting up for the REAL DMC game, DMC2 baby!
Keep telling that to yourself you delusional retard.
> Not every game is going to be the next TORtanic, so fuck off with your OH NO NO NO bullshit.
You're the one bringing up that the game is shit you piece of shit, fuck off.
2 happens before 4, dude.
3 1 2 4 5
Get with the times.
Tomboy's moveset is visible in the Devil Breaker movelist in the skills list. Just pause the game.
It's also how I learned that Rawhide has a combo. I was just pressing O to stop my aeria momentum and use it as a pseudo-dodge while keeping a combo going. Guess I'm just retarded.
Remake, zoomer
Why are so buttblasted about Nero being the same?
>if I keep saying it's true
Sad, you can't even refute what's different so you resort to attacking. Keep it up, I'll keep supplying you (You)s buddy -- since that's what you're looking for, right? Slow sunday evenin?
>I-I m-meant t-the r-remake a-user, y-you...z..zoomer!!
>He has the same overall character and mannerisms as before
Prove it then, you can't. You're literally just shitposting thinking I'm a "TORtanic" poster. You're a fucking loser shitposting.
Don't sperg out so much kid
>I'm sorry But Nero is the worst character now because of all the retarded buttons you have to keep track of
this is one of the most casual posts i've ever read on Yea Forums, congrats
Burden of proof that he's different is on you, user.
>tfw no Lady spinoff where you can dress her up in cute clothes
>not buying the Deluxe edition for $50 from a key site
CavR and GP01 are so OP that it's a shame they're locked behind deluxe edition
Battle Music doesn't matter because it gets replaced in 80% of the fights with story music.
I spent an additional $10 to max all Dante's styles at the start.
His entire character is being a sardonic, angry punk kid, using the strength of his demon arm to try and to protect the people he loves.
You're just stupid and read "Oh no, he swears now" as a total personality shift - almost like this is the same punk ass kid who flipped off Dante while he was being absorbed by the Savior in DMC4.
Even in DMC4 he was pretty foul mouthed - he called Agnus a jackass, called Sanctus a bastard, and flipped out and cried, screaming several times when Kyrie was in danger.
Now he's more than pissed off in DMCV because he's armless and lost the strength he came to terms with, so he's being called dead weight by somebody he respected.
So what's his solution to his mentor and his father going to kill eachother? Using his newly reborn demon strength to stop it, because he doesn't want either of them to die - although he'll call them both out for being fucking idiots while doing so. He's a protector through and through.
there is a specific breaker for it dumbass.
He's never said fuck you while flicking someone off, so he's completely different now.
Nice reddit posting too fag.
Youre so wrong it hurt
>pretty much admits to being a Capcom cock sucker
>resorts to the same, meaningless, tired out platitude with "git gud."
>doesn't actually offer a valid rebuttal to why no health restore on FUCKING RESTARTING FROM CHECKPOINT isn't the most retarded thing ever conceived
>tumblr-tier reaction image
>presumes I would ever spend money on orbs when I was specifically referring to the fact that it was monetized in the first place
>condoning orb farming, another dumb, superfluous requirement to make the player jump through just to beat a mode that's difficult enough by itself
Better get back to that corporate bukkake faggot, because your opinions are still shit. >STRAWMAN STRAWMAN STRAWMAN
Keep coping Capcom's bitch. Hopefully your anus is fine in the morning at least
Don't kid yourself, zoomers use this argument as a blanket cover for any and all criticisms from games so they can boost their e cred and being a video game badass who will surely get tons of pussy for beating DMD while blindfolded.
> I can perfect every boss on DMD without receiving any damage. FREE REAL ESTATE, WORKS ON MY MACHINE, JUST BE YOURSELF AND SUCK COCKS LIKE I DO
Mad cuz bad lol
>Didn’t even read the post
>Nero is fucking ruined now
>No good air dodge mechanics
Brainlet. He has a quadruple air dodge by the time you beat the game, and that's without Gerbera. Hint, his air taunt works as an air dodge. Also he's not complicated at all, just requires a lot of strict timing and inventory management to play him at his full potential, which you can get used to assuming you have an IQ higher than 100.
git gud
>Says fuck you once while flipping someone off
You cunts are broken records. You are literal NPCs, who will defend any fucking game on the basis that it is the consumer's fault, and not the game's. You are walking breathing gaming journalists, only you're not getting paid to give blowjobs to your developer/publisher overlords. Eat shit and die cumrag
Sure thing Corporate Cocksleeves
4 > 5 > 3 > 1 > 2
3 > 1 > 4 > 5 = 2
3 > 5 > 1 > 4 >2
Don't @ me.
>we totally pre ordered the latest Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition, lololol, XD. CAN'T WAIT TO DIE WHILE DRINKING MY GAMER FUEL
lol resorting to samefagging now?
Your posts have all been the same, so I'm not sure who you're throwing this accusation at.
>so I'm not sure who you're throwing this accusation at.
>NPC wojack
fucking kek
>Balance bad, convoluted button mapping GOOD
>games considered not hardcore enough BAD, games that stretch my e peen GOOD
>valid criticisms and game balance BAD, blaming the consumer on anything and everything GOOD
>3 >
good post
Just use a trainer after using the denuvo free exe.
Fair point, but I shouldn't have to cheat to bypass bad unbalanced game mechanics
>This is the same argument used by people who bitch about Style Switching. It's an option. You can fill your loadout with gerbera and have all the air dodges you need. After air hike, air spin, and enemy step give you them, of course.
>why are you reviving at all? Why would they give you full health? "Here, pay to beat our bosses." You're lucky you can revive at any time, I pity you if you played DMC1.
>I don't know how you're running out of red orbs. You don't need to upgrade before every mission and Dante's scarf builds them back like crazy. Unless of course, you're dumping them into revives. In which case, you don't afford to get upgrades and get better. Shame.
>So? The plot isn't about them.
>"Trish only exists to get Dante on Mallet Island." She also exists to fangirl over Dante, give V shit, and force Nero into a straight man role.
>That's how it's always been, and there are alt. Costumes.
>The entire game is postgame, and Bloody Palace is on the way
>His brother is back and fucking things up major. He straight up goes further into demon form than ever before and he's blinded by vengeance until Nero comes and knocks some sense into him.
>condoning orb farming
Nigga wat?
There's no farming needed. Just playing the game and exploring the levels first time nets you more than 10 by the halfway mark. More if you use the online feature. That's not farming. Farming would be re-entering the same stage over and over to get a huge stock pile. You don't need to do that.
Who are you quoting?
I'm responding to his greentext points. Who's OP quoting?
Rebind your buttons and practice in the void. It's not hard to do.
>no good air dodge
You can change Calibur's direction mid input for an air dash, snatch wire to enemies, air hike and enemy step for i-frames, or quickly drop with split and his new dive. He can also break an arm for free i-frames, so it's like having an oh shit dodge if you get caught off guard. Gerbera is only 1 way to do it.
>checkpoints not refilling health
U fucking wot? This has never been a thing in DMC, and it isn't artificial difficulty either. Refill hp with DT if you can't cope.
>reviving in DMC
Practice more instead of bitching. This has never been a problem before and people are able to still play effectively on DMD.
>Trish & Lady
Valid complaint, although I can see why they'd duck out of future fights after getting bodied in the prologue.
She is Nero's "weapon get" mechanic as well as a friend in the field for him. Not too impactful in terms of gameplay focus but she also doesn't need to be.
>unlockable outfits
There are a couple. A bit disingenuous of a point but I get that there isn't much offered post-game. Bloody Palace releases soon though.
>Dante being an asshole
He always has been.
>I shouldn't have to cheat to bypass bad unbalanced game mechanics
you don't have to cheat, just don't be complete shit.
>Nero still relies way too goddamned much on his breakers
Literally how. He didn't have it in 4 and he functioned just fine. You can still pull people in without a breaker equipped. I went through the hole game breaker-less.
>No good dodge mechanics
He has a jump, a double jump, and an aerial taunt. When you unlock DT he gets a THIRD jump. He also still has TABLE HOPPER, how in the world do you figure he has bad dodge mechanics.
I'll concede cost. I enjoyed the game so it didn't feel like a GRIND to me or if I was forced to buy orbs. But I can understand if others felt the otherway.
Trish/Lady are side characters. Trish is only playable in 4SE and DMC2 (unlockable) The story isn't really about them, and honestly could have benefited without them
Yes, she's literally just a vendor and a reason to have the Bringer exist. I don't deny that.
I agree with your outfit complaint
Bloody Palace is soon, I agree that there isn't post game and it SUCKS.
Dante was and will forever be a smug asshole.
Holy shit, this is fucking hilarious. Have you never held a controller before or what? Either this is bait, or you are an actual retard.
Here's your (You).
I think you're bait, but I'll bite because I am bored.
>abilities and the cost of reviving costs an arm and a leg, and SURPRISE SURPRISE they've monetized red orbs. No one in the DMC fanbase will care about this though, they'll just resort to chanting "git gud" like the autistic Capcom cock-suckers they are
Git gud and don't buy orbs. Problem solved.
ikr, been playing since DMC1 in 2002 when I got my PS2 and I'm dumbfounded even at the people who rebind their controls. My brain is too hardwired to square for guns and triangle for attack to ever change.
I thought it'd feel unnatural too, but after rebinding gun to a trigger in DMC4 and being able to charge shots while doing other shit, I saw the light. I don't think I can go back to the old schemes.
You don't even have to fucking cheat to get red orbs. Learn how to use Faust. Shit, you don't even have to try.
>Tfw no Lady spinoff with both of these
>Rawhide has a combo
This is some weak bait but I'm bored so I'll bite.
1. You can forget the breaker button and just play it like dmc4, or embrace the comboability of breaker and bringer. The button layout is straight up put gun on trigger to hold. Done.
2. You don't need to dodge hard in boss fights as Nero, but gerbera still has retarded good dodging, you can literally win the first Urizen fight by mashing in air as it dodges EVERYTHING for the entire animation, which includes double meteors and beams while timestopped in 1(ONE) button press.
3. Did we play the same game? Checkpoints full heal and give 3 DT bars, and reviving is cheap as shit, on which you don't even have to spend orbs as gold orbs rain like a tropic rainstorm from co-op, levels, and you get one daily.
4. Everything costs a fuckton because you get a fuckton each mission, the only expensive thing is the useless taunt. Monetization was also in 4 for babies who can't find blue orbs or do a single playthrough, and no-one gave a shit.
5. Trish and Lady each got their games for development, there is no reason for them to get any or to be in this story at all except for fanservice.
6. Nico is fine. Not having her would mean that a statue gave you new high tech arms in the middle of an apocalypse, which is kinda dumb.
7. DLC, but what is the point? Outfits are pointless, except if you don't like the designs, and even then, what we have now are literal recolors.
8. Wait for Bloody Palace, get all S ranks, postgame IS boring, but it's the same as every other dmc.
9. He has a good reason, would you send your armless nephew against his tree demon dad?
10. Nero has 1 new mechanic, though pretty complex at first, if you can't understand it after one play through how the fuck did you even play 4 where he was so different from Dante from previous games?
And in 5 I would say Dante is the most complex, 2 bars of DT, chargeable guns, style switching, weapon switching, DSD bullshit.
It's fun as shit though.
Also V a shit.
It has 2 combos. A basic one and a pause on the first hit one
I'll give you that Dante is an asshole. He's frothing at the mouth at the thought of killing Vergil, and he can't fucking wait to do it. The rest is you throwing a tantrum. Fuck off, at least post in an already existing DMC thread. Your opinion isn't important, it doesn't need an entire separate thread you autist.
>This is some weak bait
>writes 2000 words
Nibba I'm real bored and drunk, and just finished SOS
The same thing could be said about you. Being a literal NPC wanting the game to suck your dick and be a cakewalk. Nitpicking and finding the most menial aspects to fill your garbage arguments.
Admit you're bad and improve yourself.
>Nero has no good dodge mechanics while in the air unless he has a specific breaker, this leads to massive headaches in boss fights
>artificial difficulty bullshit like not getting your health completely revived from a checkpoint. Hopefully you're richer than God with Red Orbs, or you'll be stuck starting the entire mission over again anyway
>abilities and the cost of reviving costs an arm and a leg, and SURPRISE SURPRISE they've monetized red orbs. No one in the DMC fanbase will care about this though, they'll just resort to chanting "git gud" like the autistic Capcom cock-suckers they ar
I'm gonna sound like a dick, but those are some "git gud" things. You are handed plenty of gold orbs and a ton of red orbs.
>barely any postgame content or replayability outside of getting the super outfits
there are multiple levels where you can play as different characters
>Trish and Lady are barely in the game
this one hurts and is true, I just want to see more of Lady's face
a birth mark
The Patty thing is bc DANTE DOES NOT FUCK and Patty totally wanted the D and he wised up to it.
But you're right, although I think it works for his age progression
the absolute state. please kill yourself
If you can't play through the whole game with breakerless Nero you should just stop fucking playing DMC games.
>>Lots of loading screens(laughably if you use speed hacks they speed up, console devs are fucking retarded)
Kek, reminds me of Mass Effect 2 where loading screens were literal movies, and modders made them short as fuck to dramatically speed up loading times.
Someone got sent to the fucking dumps on human mode
>Nero has no good dodge mechanics while in the air unless he has a specific breaker
This criticism is cancer anyway and everybody should know it. Gerbera is infinite jump dodge works, it's basically all the best parts of the fucking Insect Staff from Monster Hunter. Once you get Air Hike Nero has more than enough workable air mobility.
>Nero has no good dodge mechanics while in the air
and he did in dmc4?
>he actually uses other breakers other than punchline
>not pirating the deluxe edition then buying the game packed with all DLCs for 20$ on key sites
Last two boss fights were fun as hell what are you on about
>not using pasta breaker
fake and gay
Better show me where that turbo mod is
>having her in as a vendor beats out statues.
not until they have a sweet song like the statues in 3 have, nicos theme is good but not as relaxing and neither is the NU-statue theme
>using that shit arm after you get the bringer back
what's the difference
Both function the same so the only difference is you wasting a breaker slot for it
>implying you need more than two breakers for any mission
can't even spell
Anyone got some material to study to git gud?
its pretty much my first DMC after playing 4 very casually. Just beat Urizen 3 on Devil hunter mode.
a link to some basic combos/ how to avoid damage would be nice since i feel like i'm taking way to many attacks to the face constantly.
Buster does more damage than Devil Bringer so it's still worth using.
are you seriously not aware of the "snoy" debacle
I think Capcom retconned the order tho, I think 2 is after 4 now (and after 5?)
I can't imagine being this miserable
Yeah i think the only reason anyone is defending this is because of ‘muh new game.’ It’s Bayonetta 2 all over again.
Astral Chain will be so much better.
>responding to reasoning with mindless insults
>calling them the npcs
You faggots are insufferable.
I might possibly be a retardfag, what's the snoy thing
Sony blinding people with lens flare to prevent 8 year olds from seeing Lady's spread asshole
but why is it called "snoy"
like... wouldn't it at least be "basedny"
snoy seems like a worse way to do the insult
no Idea why is autocorrected to "based"
>He is really complex on NG+, I agree
How the hell is he complex in NG+? You just have one additional "fuck you" button and that's it.
Yea Forums is fucking with me
"S O Y N Y" is what I mean
>Nero is fucking ruined now. Even after you retrieve the devil bringer, Nero still relies way too goddamned much on his breakers. Hopefully you've found the perfect most ideal control set up, or else you better pray you're the mozart of button multitasking
Good thing they let you remap the controls, huh? Just gotta practice, mate.
>Nero has no good dodge mechanics while in the air unless he has a specific breaker, this leads to massive headaches in boss fights
Learn to enemy step and save your air hike, man. This your first DMC?
>artificial difficulty bullshit like not getting your health completely revived from a checkpoint. Hopefully you're richer than God with Red Orbs, or you'll be stuck starting the entire mission over again anyway
What nonsense. This game throws health at you like crazy, especially at checkpoints.
>abilities and the cost of reviving costs an arm and a leg, and SURPRISE SURPRISE they've monetized red orbs. No one in the DMC fanbase will care about this though, they'll just resort to chanting "git gud" like the autistic Capcom cock-suckers they are
The red orb economy is identical to how it's always been. You'll have all of the moves before you complete DMD.
>Trish and Lady are barely in the game
They really shouldn't be in at all. They serve no purpose in this story.
>Nico is a character and exists in the game. Fuck off of if you like this character because she is objectively shit and only exists to give Nero a goddamned arm to use
No fun allowed.
>no unlockable outfits, just super outfits, and you have to beat the game three times and playthrough Dante Must Get Pounded In The Ass mode to get them
It's a shame there aren't secret costumes, but you've always had to beat DMD for super costumes.
>barely any postgame content or replayability outside of getting the super outfits
The replayability is getting all S ranks on all difficulties.
>Dante is a huge asshole in this game for some reason
You're retarded.
Remapping the controls doesn't help much when the basis for the controls and the commands are still shit. He has too many skills spread too far across a bunch of different buttons in a way that's really clunky and unappealing. Especially after unlocking devil trigger, playing him feels like trying to speed solve a fucking rubix cube.
Anyone who complains about revives literally hasn't played the game. This game fucking is a fucking Golden SHower with how many Gold Orbs it gives you, way fucking more than all the other games COMBINED, including DmC. Its insane just how many gorbs you get. Theres no fucking way you need 20 continues in one playthrough unless somehow you're on DMD with no upgrades and no experience playing the game. Is it even possible to die on human? I don't even know why I'm wasting my breath. Everyone who played theg ame knows what I'm talking about, and shitters who repeat this shiboleth about "pay for revives" isn't concerned with educating themself. I bet OP fucked off to McDonalds to get a shake or some shit.
>calling the X button 'cross'
Fucking retard
Then don't use those moves. Its that fucking easy.
>Just don't use 50% of the tools put in the fucking game
Seriously, fuck you for being retarded, fuck them for being shit designers, and fuck them also for trying to be greedy jews and trying to monetize red orbs and getting absolutely BTFO by the faust exploit. You can all go fuck yourselves.
Yeah you've never played DMC. This isn't an example where I'm telling you to play Street Fighter without punches, I'm telling you to play an action game without advanced maneuvers. You can beat every difficulty up to SoS just by dodging and mashing triangle. You can even get a SSS if you're clever. But you probably aren't. The basic mechanics of tablehopper, parries, juggling are enough to carry you extremely fucking far. But you don't care about that. You set up DMC5 as if the game NEEDS you to cross the execution barrier. You know combat isn't a checklist right? The game doesn't ask you to use every single mechanic 1 time to beat encounters. Combat is dynamic, not every tool is right in every situation. More importantly, tools you don't understand or haven't practiced with are never going to be the right tool till you practice. All you need to beat this game is patience and diligence. Your strawman is bullshit and so are you. The game can be played at your level of skill no matter how high or low it is. You're mad at the fact the game makes it obvious you can go higher. You know easy Auto is there for a reason right? We might embarass you for using it, but the game won't. Maybe if you use it, you can see what good combos are supposed to look like. Its not the games job to convince you that you're good. The game is just a series of scripts the player can use to manipulate the game state.
The game isn't unplayable because you don't like the controls
what X button did you mean?
>monetize red orbs and getting absolutely BTFO by the faust exploit
lmao what is this narrative?
>uh oh we accidentally made it so you get orbs when enemies die
Its not an exploit, its working as intended. Like, wtf do you think the hat is for? Its stated purpose is literally to get orbs from enemies, in this video game about encountering enemies. ARe you for real? Are you younger than this franchise?
The one used to play vidya on the best console
once you get nero's DT you don't even have to use his devil breakers and you can play him exactly like DMC4 nero
they are just there to add more options to his arsenal
>not every tool is right for every situation
I agree 100% with this, but that's exactly the problem here - if there are 400 moves with weird fucked up commands it's a lot harder to get the right one to come out when you need it.
Well the best console is the one you like the most :3
name some moves with "fucked up commands"
>it's working as intended that you can max every single character's skills except the fucking retardledly overpriced taunt in less than an hour
Yeah, okay. If they really intended it to be that easy to get red orbs, why did they even bother monetizing them?
Argument from consequences. The better question is, why did they add the Faust Hat?
Literal complaint is "I don't like it", nice.
So maybe go play on DH or SOS and get better at the game then? Clearly you shouldn't have skipped.
fuck off american retard
How do you deal damage as Dante? I can't play him on DMD at all. Finished all Nero's missions on S on DMD (got Ds playing as V lol), but can't play as this boomer. Nero is fucking beast, you can stay in air as long as you want and he deals fuck tone of damage with exceed, grabs and lvl 3 blue rose. But how do I damage as Dante besides real impact? And what's the mechanics behind enemy DT? It seems that they go DT faster when you're in DT and when you kill enemies.
>mtx is bad because the game is designed around it
>the game isn't designed around it
I don't even know what kind of dumb fucking logic this is, but it sucks.
devil trigger is d pad for some retarded fucking reason
every controller these days has a billion fucking buttons and they couldn't find room for a way to switch your fucking breakers without wasting them
Nero has two different commands for grapple moves making it inevitable you'll confuse them or screw them up
there are a shit load of commands and abilities that call for holding a button down during combat and it's way too hard to try to hold all this shit while also trying to time revs for max act and locking on enemies and on top of that trying to keep the camera from fucking around and keep it pointed in a useful direction and avoid screwing up your forward and back commands
Everything you said is 1 input.
Remember, it's okay to have different opinions. Life will be better without raging all the time man.
Anyone else think the boss fights are fucking trash in this game? All they do is runaway, I just beat Malphas and her entire mechanic was anti-fun.
The argument boils down to: you can use a ton of different methods to accomplish something that isn't too difficult in the first place.
But isn't' that the point? not to be redundant but to have style and flair? the whole reason this genre has been called "crazy style" games?
People don't want the game to remind them there's a higher level of play that they aren't reaching at that moment.
31425 became 31245
Is there another retcon Ive been missing?
>a button plus another button plus a direction is 1 input
>there are a million different combinations of button + button + direction
>even pressing or holding changes the move
>still no excuse for not having a simple switch breaker button
>It's Okay When Japan Does It
I'm more than okay with Japan making great games, that's true.
>Nero is fucking ruined now
works on my machine
L1 switches your breakers, don't cry it costs resources. If you aren't used to holding R1 at this point I don't know what to tell you. Yes, a direction plus a button is 1 input.
Has anyone managed to get an S rank on Mission 8 on Devil Hunter? I can't seem to get enough style points by the time I get to the end of the level because shit dies too fast. I've tried to avoid using exceed and charged/color up on weaker shit, along with using punch line to build more style but I just can't seem to get enough by the time I get to the end.
Shovel devil arm when
>banana arm is jp only
>ever saying nero is harder than dante
they literally had to put in loadouts so people wouldnt drop dante from having 4+4 slots and only one direction to cycle through them with. Nero is as formulaic as he was in DMC4, only now there's ONE extra button at your disposal with the breakers, which are barely needed in combat once you have the DB back anyway.
>slash + exceed attempt
>enemy step, rinse repeat until you get something
>do calibur or split/breaker
the only real complaint for nero is not having the d-pad assigned to cycle breakers. the detonate feature becomes irrelevant once you unlock DT.
I've literally spoken to a person complaining about the music because he can't maintain the S+ rank long enough.
It isn't that good but it isn't that bad. Has a couple of nice things going for it.
>Even after you retrieve the devil bringer, Nero still relies way too goddamned much on his breakers.
I dropped any breaker that wasn't gerbera the moment I got DB.
>Nero has no good dodge mechanics while in the air unless he has a specific breaker
Air taunt.
>artificial difficulty bullshit like not getting your health completely revived from a checkpoint
You have no idea what artificial difficulty actually means.
>Hopefully you're richer than God with Red Orbs, or you'll be stuck starting the entire mission over again anyway
This just means you suck dick at the game.
>abilities and the cost of reviving costs an arm and a leg
I maxed out Nero from a single playthrough. If you actually play well, then you get rewarded like mad.
>SURPRISE SURPRISE they've monetized red orbs
Optional, they are so easy to get that you'd be an absolute retard to actually pay for them.
>they'll just resort to chanting "git gud" like the autistic Capcom cock-suckers they are
You simply bringing it up won't change the fact of the argument, dipshit.
>Trish and Lady are barely in the game
Who cares? The story is shit anyway.
>Fuck off of if you like this character because she is objectively shit and only exists to give Nero a goddamned arm to use
Opinions are subjective.
>no unlockable outfits, just super outfits, and you have to beat the game three times and playthrough Dante Must Get Pounded In The Ass mode to get them
This is the only actual issue brought up here.
>barely any postgame content or replayability outside of getting the super outfits
Same as every other DMC.
>Dante is a huge asshole in this game for some reason
DMC4 babby detected. Play the other games and actually pay attention to how Dante acts. He gave literally 0 fucks in DMC4.
>>no unlockable outfits, just super outfits
That's all I need to know. Looks like DMC5's getting shelved right next to KH3, and RE2 takes the GOTY.
Allegedly part of the reason why they changed him so much was that his original character design is owned by MadHouse. Changing his looks so drastically means they didn't have to credit them.
The same may also go for Patty, which is why (even though she should look a lot different now just because of age) she wasn't shown, only heard.
This is my first DMC game...is it gay to use auto assist?
I can't tell if Ragtime is really good, or fucking garbage.
Just do the Dr Faust spam in M13 and get flooded with more red orbs than you know what to do with pleb.
Yes. Contrary to what the game tells you, Auto-Assist will never make you better.
Yeah, it is.
I mean, if you're here for the story - go ahead, it'll look cool.
If you want to learn the game though, I would advise against using it.
>DmC Vergil boss fight was fun as hell
>I'm starting on DMD difficulty, asshole.
My fucking ass you are.
Yes but its fine. Auto is there to give you an idea of how come moves can interface. Use it to get an idea of how juggling works and what a good combo looks like. We encourage you to turn it off when you feel comfortable and look forward to building your own combos, but its okay to stay at that level while you get a hang of spacing, dodging, and learning enemy animations.
apparently its an unintended exploit so it doesn't count
Lady Returns: Devil May Cry
Why do I feel like I've seen this thread before but it was about a different game?
How do I get better at the game?
I suck ass at dmc, sorry bro
There is any tutorial about how to modify game textures? I'll spend my time creating a mod to remove nico's glasses and tattoo if somebody teach me
Real talk DMC5 became a fucking parody of almost every complaint people had with DMC4.
>Cavalirie is literally the easiest to use and understand and it only has one mechanic.
>DSDante, which essentially replaced Rebellion, took Rebellion's strong and reliable but simplistic combo routes and juggles and turned them into a cacophony of fuckery. Literally every fucking button on the controller has at least one function linked to DSDante and by just timing the Swordmaster special button properly Dante literally becomes invincible because nothing can fucking hit him through the hitboxes.
>Balrog has been fucking butchered and replaced entirely, no more slow and heavy but extremely powerful hits, now everything must be super fucking fast and overly complex so now you choose two forms for Balrog, each having it's own unique secondary mechanic. The Blow form is the easiest fucking combo extender in the entire franchise bar-fucking-none and turns any fight against a superarmored enemy into a joke. And if you ever just want to feel like you're actually not an invincible fucking douchbag using infinite stunlocks and loops then you can change into Kick for and leave yourself open for a micro-second while you do slightly less fast but extremely more powerful kicks and spins.
>Holy fucking shit what did they do to Cerberus. Cerberus used to be a good secondary for Rebellion because it extended combos while also racking up decent damage and knocking away enemies that were getting too close. Now Cerberus literally has 3 different fucking forms all working in tandem together somehow that the game never fucking explains and expects you to get it. Fucking up a combo with Cerberus is hysterically easy now.
DMC3 = Use timing and execution to get the best ranks possible while also looking cool.
DMC4 = Use and abusing certain mechanics in the game to fly around and combo everything.
DMC5 = Lul just fucking give Dante literally everything anything in the genre has and call it a day.
does this mean you can do it after every sword swing? can you exceed rev + knuckle at the same time?
>>Holy fucking shit what did they do to Cerberus. Cerberus used to be a good secondary for Rebellion because it extended combos while also racking up decent damage and knocking away enemies that were getting too close. Now Cerberus literally has 3 different fucking forms all working in tandem together somehow that the game never fucking explains and expects you to get it. Fucking up a combo with Cerberus is hysterically easy now.
Wow you're bad at video games.
The forms are separated in a really obvious way.
Ice = basic attacks
Fire = swordmaster
Lightning = charged attacks
You could not get any more straightforward than that.
>>Dante is a huge asshole in this game for some reason
This isn't true. I just marathoned the entire series again prior to 5 being released (even watched the anime which is still shocking that it gives more canon material to 5 than fucking 2 did)
Id have to say Dante's was at his most laid back attitude in this game than he was in 4, but maybe tied with 1.
Guy only ever gets "serious" when it involves his Brother.
Except each form has an entirely different move that does something entirely different and applies some arbitrary effect to the enemy like Ice slowing them down and lightning stunlocking them slightly longer.
Mind you, you have to keep track of them while literally everything fucking else on Dante has even more fucking effects to it. Like I said, you could very fucking easy and literally play the game with just DSDante and Swordmaster and essentially never get hit once because timing your regular hits with your style hits surrounds Dante permanently with at least two separate hitboxes.
Then tthere's SDT which is literally just a "here's your free win bro" button, which again, was a complaint in DMC4 because busting out DT on Dante gave him so many I-frames and super armor that it was mostly joked as in the community as a free-win button. Now instead they literally did give Dante that, on top of making his regular DT still do that exact same shit it did in DMC4 that made it so busted.
Another huge complaint about DMC4 was how complex Dante is and yet easy the game became when you figured him out because there's so much to do with the style system and you almost always have a "get out of a hitstun for free" move available.. Itsuno looked at those forum posts and apparently decided "fuck it, let's give them one more weapon and then make all the fucking weapons have at least two different forms and effects on top of that." There is literally no fucking reason, whatsoever for anyone to ever switch out of Swordmaster in this game other than to gimp themselves. There is so many fucking effects, moves and options that Dante can pull at any given instant that the game quickly turns into a bore to anyone looking for a challenge because nothing can really threaten you.
Lastly, just like with DMC4 there is very limited environments and with the exception of 5-6 missions every area looks the exact same. Actually I'd say DMC4 has more identifable areas then DMC5.
They would have done the same for DMC3.
>Waste of money because Faust Lv 4 gives you 500k per 8 minutes, so a waste of my money lmao.
Show me the tech
is this the same dude from earlier that was trying to pit bayofags against dmcfags
Because this game is fucking garbage after the first 2 runs.
DMC5 completely overloads you with weapons and options at the beginning and it tries to pull off this illusion that all of the options matter and you can freely pick and choose and style on everything.
This illusion quickly shatters though because unlike DMC4 with it's reversals, inertia and exponential gravity, this game is as shallow as a fucking puddle. Every animation plays out to it's fullest and you can't cancel anything ever, not even fucking Dante can with his RG which is literally what the style was meant to be since it's inception.
Then the story starts to set in and everyone starts asking very basic questions like "Where the fuck did Nero get his DT?" "Why is he stronger than Dante and Vergil now?" "Why didn't Vergil just tear open a wormhole from the demon world to the human world once they killed Qlipoth?" "Why was Nico, Trish and Lady in this game at all when they were completely worthless to the plot?" "Why is V even a character when they were planning on just getting rid of him before the game even finished?"
Then the fact that there is less environments in the game than there was in DMC4 sets in and that's when most people who aren't autistic start to get buyers remorse and feel bad that they fell for the shills and obviously fake hype that was going on in these boards for months.
The game isn't god awful terrible. But it's certainly not a 10/10 or even a 7/10.
The game falls off in quality almost within an instant after beating SOS because there's literally nothing to do after that and thanks to the shallow combat there's not even the fun time of learning how to freestyle combos with Dante like in DMC4.
I was hyped for the game since it's announcement and now after playing it for the 3rd time I can't give this game anymore than a solid 6/10. Most likely a 5/10 for most other people though.
Devil Sword Dante is in the game so women, children, the uncoordinated, literal retards and game journalists can finish the game. Its like Quiet in MGS5.
Secondary detected.
WHen the fuck did I say the exploit "doesn't count?" You're literally fucking retarded, please force quit life.
Drink more s o i bitch.
versatility > damage
riding a rocket gives mobility, a DOT and a burst 1shot
delete this webm Yea Forums said it's impossible to play dmc with a mouse
>Hopefully you've found the perfect most ideal control set up
Swap Breakway and Bringer. Bringer punch has the same timing as Exceed. Oh my god, so difficult to figure out.
>Nero has no good dodge mechanics
Enemy Step, Air Hike, and Flat Top all grant i-frames, and if you need to cover distance, Snatch.
>artificial difficulty bullshit like not getting your health completely revived from a checkpoint.
The game punishes you for sucking. Don't suck and you'll be fine.
>they'll just resort to chanting "git gud" like the autistic Capcom cock-suckers they are
Yeah, God forbid someone tell you to not be bad at the game. You can elect to hit "Give Up" and get full HP back at the last checkpoint.
>Trish and Lady are barely in the game
Neither of them have been relevant to a DMC Game in over 13 years now.
>Whining about Nico
Nothing you complain about pertaining to her is an objective flaw, just a subjective one.
>no unlockable outfits, just super outfits
Only actual problem on this list, though you can unlock EX colors at least.
>barely any postgame content or replayability outside of getting the super outfits
Completing all the difficulties, getting the EX Taunts, and next month Bloody Palace comes as a free update.
>Dante is a huge asshole in this game for some reason
What, because he called the literally handicapped guy dead weight?
A majority of this just sounds like intense whining and delusions.
Mission 13, get to the fight right after the divinity statue. Equip Dr Faust, switch to gunslinger and do the neutral gunslinger move where he throws the hat around in a circle, occasionally catching the hat to do the big damage and nothing else. Load the checkpoint and you'll be back at the divinity statue. Rinse and repeat
So Dante is stuck with DSD for good? He's waaaay too convoluted now. Also, anyone think Faust is pretty disappointing?
what keybinds are you using?
i played two dmc's with keyboard. dark souls is the one that's impossible on mkb
Beat SoS to get Reb and Sparda back
Does this sucker punch exceed have any special properties?
his taunt works great for midair dodging
On its own, it does shit damage but kills the momentuem of enemies to stop them from flying.
However, you can ghost punch with 90% of Nero's action such as Devil breaker and taunt so on certain moves, you can ORA ORA and make them much more useful.
Nero never had good air dodging. Why are people acting as if this is a problem V made?
need to get a mouse with more than 2 buttons to pretend that shoot is on mouse3
>Nero is almost exactly the same as he was in IV only with the devil breaker stuff added on top
>people act as if his moveset is 'ruined'
Did they never play IV?
>dark souls is the one that's impossible on mkb
not true at all
played prepare to die with a simple mouse fix, the remaster has perfect mouse controls just like ds2 and ds3
Why did they remove Drive from Rebellion's moveset and give it to Dante's new sword?
Can anyone else not find all the blue orb fragments? I caved in and consulted a guide after being stuck with the last one. I've done every secret mission, I've checked the guide. I've got everything. Why am I still one short?
>artificial difficulty bullshit
>abilities and the cost of reviving costs an arm and a leg
This is so untrue, the game is way too easy and abilities are cheap as fuck. Just how shit are you?
Thanks for saving me 60 bucks, OP.
>cost of reviving costs an arm and a leg
Lmao no self respecting player uses revives, git gud.
>Nero is fucking ruined now
w u t
This is the best iteration of Nero by a long shot. He has his bringer back with all the functionality, but improved with shit like Bringer Knuckle. Bringer Knuckle is so fucking good that I can't believe such a small change can fundamentally change how you combo with the character.
Get bent.
god damn tomboy is so fucking cool
Outed yourself as someone who never played DMC3
I want to be impressed by the combos in these games, but you're only hitting like 3 different buttons.
Where's the devil bringer?
DmC virgil fight wasn't the same thing as DMC3 virgil fight, neither in gameplay or in how compelling it was to the story.
>but you're only hitting like 3 different buttons.
And how many buttons do you press normally when doing combos? 4?
>Triangle, Square, Circle, L1, L2, Touchpad, R1, and several directional inputs
>"Only like three different buttons"
C'mon, son.
And yet that user compared the DMC5 fight to the DmC fight, even though it's much more like the DMC3 fight.
Yeah, that's what I'm saying. It's a problem with the game.
Yes, it really is only like three different buttons. The vast majority of the presses were just a single dedicated combo button and presses for ex/max act with the occasional directional input. It's not all bad since the ex stuff is very time critical, but it's pretty barren outside of that and the inputs are also so slow. I'm not really a DMC kind of guy and maybe it's because of fighting games that I'm just expecting more, or maybe it's just because of the reputation people seem to give these games.
>All of these inputs don't count because it's not a fighting game
Just leave, stop embarrassing yourself.
Hiking a regular bikini bottom until it's a piece of string that rides up beyond the furthest reaches of your asscrack and up past your hips doesn't give you an ass or make you "thicc." You're just giving yourself a butt-flossing and look like a dumbass without defining traits.
A. Nigga can you count?
B. Fighting games combos use the same or often less inputs for combos. How many buttons do you think a fightstick even has on it?
>But how do I damage as Dante besides real impact?
I switch between SM and Trickster, Thing about Dante is you can use him like Nero minus a pull.
>if I strawman really really hard he might leave me alone
uh huh
Says the guy literally saying the 6+ buttons being pressed are only actually 3 because he can't do math and wants to complain about shit he admits he doesn't know anythnig about.
>It's only 3 buttons
>No, it's 7
>Stop strawmanning me!
Reminder that if you jump instead of dodging you're basically cheating.
4 to 8, with specific motion inputs to exponentially increase the number of options
I said the vast majority are the same 3, because they are. I like ex/max act, but beyond that it really doesn't feel like enough is going on.
And you'll regret the habit on harder difficulties, especially against the late game bosses.
I don't care how late I'm replying but fuck you.
>the game is too hard on the hardest difficulty so I'll cheat to beat it instead of lowering the difficulty
Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you.
>I'm not really a DMC kind of guy and maybe it's because of fighting games that I'm just expecting more
I mean you should look at the old DMC3/4 combo vids then, that shit is a lot of work. right now a lot of us ae scratching the surface on what you can do in DMC5, PLus to do a full combo like that outside the Void on a normal ass enemy who has hit stun is tough since everything in DMD mode or HoH mode swarms the shit out of you.
You know what also has combos with up to 4-8 buttons and directional inputs?
>but beyond that it really doesn't feel like enough is going on.
Play Dante then come back and tell me you dont have enough to do.
Just from reading this post I can tell you are garbage at fighting games.
You sound like the type of guy who brags about playing Guilty Gear but only plays Sol.
>I said the vast majority are the same 3, because they are.
>4 to 8
Pretty much any major fighting game with combos are just flowcharts of the same 3-4 attack buttons. You're ignoring that even at the basest level, that combo requires minimum 6 to pull off. Triangle for Red Queen attacks (Which include directional inputs), L2 for Exceed, Touchpad for air taunt to stay in the air, Buster Knuckle to keep the Antenora from being knocked away or falling, L2 again to refill Exceed during the same air taunt, Triangle to start Red Queen's new dive attack before X to jump cancel out of it, Circle to activate Tomboy, then forward+triangle to do the super helmbreaker, and then, X again to double jump and Buster the Antenora.
You literally just can't count and say "It doesn't count cuz I don't like it."
Understandable. Hope you've been enjoying yourself at least even if it's Vermintide or Metro.
>"Dante is an asshole for no reason"
>the reason he acts the way he does to Nero the entire game is because he doesn't want him to get caught up in his mess and have to deal with the pain of killing his dad for the rest of his life
Dante Literally tells Nero this. Why are people making a fuss over Dante's personality randomly? Its like they never played 2 or 4. He's always the mentor type of guy. .
Yeah, you're probably right. Dante seems to have a lot more going on. I have seen some really impressive stuff with 4.
Nigger, I hope you aren't sincerely comparing a combo like in the webm to fighting game combos, especially anime fighting games where they seemingly go on forever.
>I can tell you are garbage at fighting games
cool projection I guess
I mean, I guess the buttons are there but it's just too slow and there isn't enough going on. It doesn't do enough for me. But again, if I saw a dmc4 video of someone flipping around like a retard it would be a lot different, and maybe it's just a case of nero being too simple or the game only just coming out.
>Dante is a huge asshole in this game for some reason
Its your first DMC?
Whelp, it's official, I'm going to prison for 20 years. I'm glad I got to see this game come out with you lads. I'll appeal it of course but I don't think I'll get out, fuck texas, fuck their crooked ass cops and fuck the judge for calling me violent beast. God fuck america,man. Ruin a man's life because how dare he defend himself against someone who clearly has little man syndrome. I hope one day that cop tries that shit on someone else who isn't as kind as me.
The only thing people should really be butthurt about is Nero not being able to switch arms. You wouldn't need the damn slot upgrade if you didn't have to blow them up to cycle through them. Could have limited you to 3, and also given the self-destruct/overdrive option as a method of saving a SSS rank. I ended up just alternating Busters and Punchlines every mission instead so that I could pseudo swap.
All the DMC since 3 just reminds me of this, now.
And i really wouldn't mind a sequel.
Sorry to hear that dude. Too bad you're gonna miss inevitable DMC5 playable Vergil.
So you suck at video games basically? Cool good talk.
Get good.
>Don't @ me.
Git gud
20 years for what? Rapists get less than that.
His devil arm changes the properties of all his combos since it acts as a different arm. That and you can do entirely different combos when you combine it with breakers. Like keeping a guy on your punch-arm skateboard by constantly punching him when they're at the end.
>Nero is fucking ruined now. Even after you retrieve the devil bringer, Nero still relies way too goddamned much on his breakers. Hopefully you've found the perfect most ideal control set up, or else you better pray you're the mozart of button multitasking
jesus christ how much of a fucking shitter are you?
Nero has the least amount of multitasking to do in the entire game. All that he really has is Exceed.
Dante has summoned swords now and all sorts of technical weapons, and V is literally a summoner based around comboing your summon's attacks together although you can usually mash and get decent results as long as you also mash command inputs, but that's always true of lower difficulties
He's wrong. There is one of the Devil breakers that say it can "instant kill" Looks like a red claw. You have to sent the enemy into a stun state. Be them a Boss or scrub mob. You can even charge that breaker to deal more damage and I think do the Devil Trigger version of that grab for the devil bringer.
4’s Charged Shot
Triple Jump
2nd exceed mechanics that cancel enemy momentum
2 sword moves during DT
But what does it do when you are DT and Charge it? Does it something even more bullshit?
>Also V a shit.
But i liked him :(
It's about half-and-half. Some episodes are pretty good, while others aren't.
Stays the same I believe, it's a direct downgrade to just using your Bringer while DT'd and a direct upgrade while normal
I don't even use arms breakers at all and Nero controls easier and moves better than all other characters
I loved this game when I was a kid
>attacking a representative of the violence monopoly
Dumb chimp. Read the Anarchist's Cookbook and do something valuable in your next life.
It was pretty great, yeah. If I recall correctly, is was initially some relation to DMC, but they scrapped it and simply used it to test how much AI the PS2 could handle before starting work on DMC3.
I remember the back of the box bragging that it was the next DMC, or something similar to that. I remember it being extremely repetitive, but I got off so hard on the idea of summoning the legions and using them together with Sieg it was too good. Maybe because I was younger I could tolerate it more, but I bet if I went back it'd feel pretty grindy.
Have you played DMC before? Dante has always been an asshole, that's nothing new. Or are you gonna ignore that time he's laughing and having a ball while Lady was shooting at him and blaming him for killing her father in 3?
It's WILDLY grindy, yeah. But it was fun for its concept, and, more than anything...
...its soundtrack was just fantastic.
Killing HUNDREDS of demons to this was so worth my time.
Sorry OP, this is Yea Forums, you're not allowed to criticize literally the second coming of jesus
Got the link to the kotaku article?
look here, America is the greatest and our way is the right way
Yeah for sure, the music was top notch. I still have almost all of it in a music library and on my phone and shit. It's a very nostalgic game for me, for sure. I miss using Hatred and Guilt and shit like that, they were mad cool.
Here's the knuckle for comboing.
Mate, I'm white, not a bit of chimp in this body
Defended myself against a cop who put a gun in my face over nothing. My only crime is not having my own lawyer.I've got a week to get my affairs in order and then report to the pin. It's fucking bullshit.
Just google it
It's a cheat engine table that work only with the denuvoless exe
>Mate, I'm white, not a bit of chimp in this body
Then you should've known better.
Why exactly do people like Vergil
>Bloody Palace would've been nice, though that'll likely return in the form of DLC.
Already confirmed, though they said it was the only DLC they're making.
You "defended" yourself against a cop who put a gun in your face... how?
Why didn't you just fucking put away your ego and do what he said? Who cares if he's on a power trip? Should have just moved on with your life
Lmao you fucking retard
I actually equipped the Legions more for the skill they'd grant than actually summon them. And it kinda sucked Arcia was only playable for two stages, but she was SUPER overpowered.
I will admit, though, I couldn't tell which version of the song I liked more; the original stage music, or the Legionnaire version that mixes in when you summon.
I wish the Tomboy downward spins were part of this Red Queen moveset because it's so good and I want to see it Max Acted (you might be able to do that, I kinda suck)
>Nero has no good dodge mechanics while in the air unless he has a specific breaker, this leads to massive headaches in boss fights
go in game and look for a skill called flaptop
I did too, but as an autistic child (and even still as an autistic adult) I prefer style over substance for the majority of cases in video games. I'll purposely gimp myself if it means looking cooler or doing sick shit.
It's ridiculous to get locked away like that rather than detainment (possible short term imprisonment if you seriously injured him), fines, and getting put on community service. If you didn't kill or cripple him, I find it hard to believe that you can't appeal this into a short sentence, and then get off early on parole for good behavior. But, you should have been aware that you don't assault cops without life or death circumstances. This isn't the 2nd or 3rd world. Always remember to remind yourself not to do things that a nigger would.
Shut up. Anyone would have reacted the way I did
Cop wants ID, I tell him I don't have it, he gets all angry calls me a liar and demands my ID again, I tell him again that I don't fucking have it, he puts his fingers on the trigger like he's about to shoot me, I grab his gun and hit him over the head with the butt of it and immediately drop it.
This apparently counts as attempted murder and I'm suddenly a violent thug when it was his dickass who escalated something that didn't need to be escalated. Why the fuck am I going away because he had to go on a power trip,user? Should I have just let him shoot me, kill me and get a vacation out of it instead?
>Nero plays the exact same only with added breakers
You just need to beat DH
I find your account hard to believe, I think you must be missing some details. There's no way that the cop went from 0 to 100 like that unless you were raising your voice and getting aggressive. If you'd just put your hands up and told him you don't have it in a calm voice I doubt that would have happened. And yes you're a fucking idiot for grabbing a gun out of a cop's hand and using it on them in any way. You dug your own grave. If you appeal you probably won't get anywhere near 20 years but the annoyance of getting through an appeal will hopefully calm your dumb ass down.
Faust is amazing. You just have to learn to time your hat grab. If anything it should be thought of as more of a secondary melee weapon with long range.
>the breakers make him way more fun than he was in 4
The only real complaint I have is:
What the FUCK were they thinking?
>Cop tries to kill me because he cant control his emotions
Fuck you,user. you and ever cop apologist are nothing but little cowards who present your ass to the first person who raises a fist at you.
Yes you're so WOKE and aware.
Now you have a 20 year sentence.
Who gives a fuck. Your ego is way too massive. Should have just shut up and got over it. He wasn't trying to kill you. You escalated it. Wear a bodycam next time.
Not that dude, but it's not about being an apologist, it's about knowing how to act in a police state so you don't get fucked by them.
Same way saying a woman shouldn't dress like a slut while walking around in an unlit alley after accepting strange drinks from random men is "rapist apology".
>Same way saying a woman shouldn't dress like a slut while walking around in an unlit alley after accepting strange drinks from random men is "rapist apology".
No one says that dumbass, women should be allowed to dress how they want and walk around without fear of being taken advantage of by subhuman males who can't control themselves.
Buster breakage has hyperarmor while DT grabs don't IIRC
Anyone else swap the mapping of projectile and melee?
>how they want
Life has risk, inherent.
A smart women knows how to reduce risk.
Don't walk over nails unless you're prepared for the risk. This is not a morality argument.
But why
How are you gonna do Showdown with Nero?
I'm not saying they shouldn't be you mong, I'm saying that it's a very stupid thing to do if you don't want to be raped.
You should be able to leave the house without closing and locking your door, but it's not a fucking surprise if you get robbed.
I mainly use melee attacks with gunshots peppered every now and then to keep rank up or juggle
the only control flaw is that it is impossible to lock on while using a devil breaker, because lock on + B = snatch.
I don't even bring any and just use what's out there. Literally git gud.
Nero confirmed gay for not smashing Nico
>women should stop dressing like WHORES
Nero gives me a bisexual vibe. I do believe he loves Kyrie but doesn't want to fuck her. Like he's emotionally into women but sexually into guys.
>women should be allowed to dress how they want and walk around without fear of being taken advantage of by subhuman males who can't control themselves.
You can tell the person who wrote this post leaves their door unlocked at night.
Go away delusional fag
Even with all the shit these anons are giving you,
I hope you survive in the despair that envelopes you.
Even if you go to hell keep fighting to live and find peace. I'm rooting for you.
Waifus aren't real and if they are raped it's completely understandable too (I know I'd rape my waifu). Also it's not like dressing up stops rape, it just makes you less appealing in comparison to other targets (unless the rapist has a specific fetish I suppose), and it's mostly about not giving them the opportunity anyways.
Risk management isn't a complicated subject.
What the fuck. How is that your take away? That sounds like some fucking crazy projection to me.
It was a joke jesus christ
I just think it's funny how you guys are so prudish about real life things when you're the same type of person who screams that Lady and Trish got too unsexified
Nero seems very platonic in his relationship with Kyrie, but that's about it. As DMC4/5 implies that they are pretty much a couple and they are pretty close if Sweet Surrender's bio is to be spoken.
triggering the insecure straight boys is too easy
I'm pretty sexually confused, but I cannot see how nero could be a fag and I just don't see where you get that impression from.
his characterization is weak enough and his relationship with kyrie is bland enough it's easy to headcanon
I immediately disregard anyone who uses the word "objectively" to describe their opinion. No your retarded preferences are not objective, you drooling autist.
user being bi is only being a half fag.
Not a prude at all, I enjoy looking at naked women and porn (2D especially) as much as the next guy, I was just saying women (and that Texan dude) should learn how to act in a society filled with threats in order to reduce risk.
More effective would be simply sterilizing rapists since they will rape regardless of what a woman wears. The human race does not have time for caveman behavior. Culling the defectives would be better.
excellent bait op, youre a faggot
yeah, this whole story is made up, retarded bullshit. Next level autism. Don't bother with your autistic reply, no one cares retard
>nero has ANOTHER button that you can mash during the regular attacks
the absolute madmen actually did it
1, Sterilization wouldn't be good enough, you'd need to castrate the entire member.
2, A lot of men do it for the power rather than the sexual aspect.
3, You could only do that after the rape happens and after you've caught the perpetrator.
I'd say castration + some kind of tracking device would be the most effective (not counting outright life imprisonment or execution, which is probably considered a little excessive in relation to the crime). But I don't think most people would be willing to give the government that much power.
That's beside the point though, which is predicting and preventing rape, not the punishing of the infraction afterwards.
You should be prudish when you approach real life relationships that you want to last and have the intention of keeping. But dressing like a whore is the exact opposite of that. You can dress like a whore if you want to, but all it does is tell men around you that you're a whore, or an easy fuck, a one night stand, whatever you want to call it, you're indicating that you are not long term relationship material. As far as pixels go, they don't mean anything, they're pixels.
You are fucked in the head. Why not just kill them at that point and be done with it?
Holy fuck is there a way to delete the dlc devil breakers from my game? So fucking annoying when 90% of the breakers around the level are all fucking garbage mega busters and useless fuckin sweet surrenders
I mean, that's a philosophical question I don't really have the answer to. Should the punishment fit the crime, or should we just kill everyone who breaks the law? If we kill "people" for rape, should we also kill them for shoplifting or jaywalking? Where does one draw the line?
Is death a better alternative than life imprisonment? Surely suffering through castration and torture would be a worse fate than just getting the lethal injection, so do we want them to suffer first (as moral punishment and as a deterrent) or not?
There are a lot of questions and I don't know who should be responsible for answering them.
you can literally dodge sideways with both dante and neros Double jump
In the Novel he apparently does want to make it back in time for her birthday party.
DAMN SON Look at those skills
Just explode them in someone's face. There's no such thing as a useless devil breaker.
>game comes out
>Yea Forums pretends it's the worst thing in existence even if it's amazing
TORtanic ruined this board forever
I hope things work out for you user
If you're on PC just uncheck the corresponding DLCs
>Where does one draw the line?
I don't know? How about rape, child molestation and murder and call it a day? I am talking about actual forceful, violent rape by the way, not women having regrets afterwards or someone farting in their vicinity. I mean the kind of rape that usually ends in the victim getting bashed to death with a rock afterwards.
>Surely suffering through castration and torture would be a worse fate than just getting the lethal injection
Yeah, that's why you're fucked in the head. If they've committed a serious capital crime and are convicted of it to the extent that we 100% know they did it and you think reform is impossible then just kill them. There is no reason to make someone suffer when the outcome is the same. Torture is inhumane. And locking someone in a cell for the rest of their life while tax payers foot the bill is stupid.
Note the style meter and "difficulty' of the game
Look at this fucking video
Style meter in this game is sooooo lenient.
Gets hit and drops to B and not D rank like in the old games.
Thats why this game is casualized.
If they simply fixed the style meter and made it back how it was in 3 and 4,the game would be much harder to S rank and have its proper difficulty.
enemies in this game just attack instead of having big wind ups or visual ques like in the previous games which makes seeing some attacks harder if you aren't paying attention
Hes wrong DMD is not hard
Have you not experimented with the game?!
Typical Yea Forums scrub just mashing away just to come post and say how easy the game is.
Gerbera with nero is air dodge and trickster with Dante has air dodge
Holy fuck this is like seeing the matrix code, thank you for this, im visualizing combo options just from this tease
So are there super skins in this game? How do I get them and what do they do? Can I finally use the DMC4 version of Nero again?
Get the fuck out of here with your special made-up sexualities you resetera faggot
>gerbera was my favorite till i got my hands on tomboy
Dont know why the took the ability to switch breakers like you could in the demo.
they still break when getting hit so being able to switch which one to use on the fly would not be a bad thing.
I wish i could switch between gerbera and tomboy
i swear to god towards the end the game remapped itself from what i set it to, kind of pissed me off.
that just sounds like bad writing to me
>I don't know? How about rape, child molestation and murder and call it a day? I am talking about actual forceful, violent rape by the way, not women having regrets afterwards or someone farting in their vicinity. I mean the kind of rape that usually ends in the victim getting bashed to death with a rock afterwards.
I mean if you think death is an appropriate punishment for those then sure. Not certain everyone would agree though.
>Yeah, that's why you're fucked in the head. If they've committed a serious capital crime and are convicted of it to the extent that we 100% know they did it and you think reform is impossible then just kill them. There is no reason to make someone suffer when the outcome is the same. Torture is inhumane. And locking someone in a cell for the rest of their life while tax payers foot the bill is stupid.
There is a reason to make someone suffer though, deterrence being the big one. There's also the moral argument of an "eye for an eye" and "paying for your crime"; why should the victim be the only one to suffer? Also if a majority of the population are moral actors then it would be useful in appeasing them.
I agree with the tax argument though, imprisonment is a waste of time and money and indentured servitude would be a more productive alternative.
Nero is literally exactly the same as he was in 4. He just has an extra mechanic.
>Sweet surrender is useless
use it fore health
>Mega buster is bad
has the best dash, and does very good damage
I am not getting shit in google
>Nero has no good dodge mechanics while in the air unless he has a specific breaker, this leads to massive headaches in boss fights
Double jump is fine, try sucking less ass.
Imagine being so brain dead, so low IQ, so third world, that you actually, genuinely, unironically think that Nero is complex or hard to use.
Steam > DLC > uncheck
>eye for an eye
this is jewish.
>deterrence being the big one
not dying is plenty of deterrence from committing a capital crime
>why should the victim be the only one to suffer?
why do you think returning suffering with more suffering makes the world a better place? how could you wish anything worse than death on someone? Just kill them and be done with it instead of being sadistic about it
God, I thought I was extreme for supporting the death penalty. You are actually fucked in the head.
You dont even know what game youre playing this isnt Anarchy Reins you fucking child. This game is all about converting finger movements into damage and a style rank. If you dont like it we dont care. leave. return the game to gamestop fag. DMC is all about style and if youve got none stick to the casual games faggo
what's complicated about pressing the devil bringer button only when you want a grab and using the breaker for snatch?
The only valid critisism here is that there should have been more Trish and Lady.
Nero has more simultaneous button presses than you have active brain cells
Nero has
>3 fucking jumps
>3 air taunts with i-frames, 1 taunt per jump
>Enemy step
Are you gonna cry about the lack of a dedicated dodge button too
>Only genuine retards hate DMC5
Makes sense. It's always been a good pleb filter when you can't just mash your way to victory like with Bayo or GoW.
Jump/Roll and mechanics to dodge as usual
Breakers are his core mechanic not pop DT like Dante and mash stringer sorry
I have 20 gold orbs and haven't died yet on SoS
You sound trash. If anything when you die a game this much easier then 1/3 and maybe even then 4 warrants restarting a mission anyway be glad they gave trash like you gold orbs to just tank bosses with.
Well, he used to has a solid gameplay now even that is gone. And he was supposed to a beginner and newbie character.
Does anyone know how to get the obedience training achievement? I hear so many conflicting stories.
>not dying is plenty of deterrence from committing a capital crime
You'd think so, but state-assisted suicide is an actual thing. Plenty of people will throw their lives away by going on rape/murder sprees and just letting the government finish them off because their lives are hellholes or they're fucked in the head. Not that anything will stop the mentally ill from committing crimes, really.
>why do you think returning suffering with more suffering makes the world a better place?
Better? I don't know if it would. Fairer? Yes.
>how could you wish anything worse than death on someone?
Because of the sociopolitical value it might have.
>Just kill them and be done with it instead of being sadistic about it
>God, I thought I was extreme for supporting the death penalty. You are actually fucked in the head.
Nah, I agree with the death penalty in certain cases, it's not that extreme. Also not saying I support torture, I'm not sadistic, merely entertaining the idea from the perspective of a state actor and how it might benefit them and society.
You know he will. You know casuals like OP will literally cry despite 10 examples of dodges and how to dodge until they have a mashable any direction iframe filled dodge like the Souls shit they came from
I'm gonna have to get an extra pedal controller for Exceed, trying to time that shit breaks my fingers and messes up my lock on.
t. salty because he's too mentally retarded to Max Act consistently
I'm so stupid I'm bad at counting. Could you help me out? I only have a few brain cells so you'll have to bare with me. Nero has at most 3 simultaneous inputs and one of those is lock on, which doesn't really count.
Its been over 24 hours where the fuck are the combo movies
>>Trish and Lady are barely in the game
Suck my dick, there's more to a good game than just combat.
Not him but let me tell you that practically any action from Nero can be held or is a follow up of some type.
When you Swing a sword: 1
And hit Devil Bringer at the start of the swing for knuckle or to hold a target with the grip: 2
And hit Exceed at the end: 3
While holding charge shot: 4
While charging breakage move: 5
And potentially gliding: 6
And finally locking on: 7
Dante sword ruined swordmaster
I want Lady playable. Never cared much for Trish.
t. Kamiya
Having hard inputs is a good thing. UNIRONICALLY when every game has the input requirements of fighting games we'll have achieved positive change.
I do okay with V (button mashy easy mode) and Dante (9999999 options, nothing among them too complex to handle) but I can't Nero at all. It feels like you have to press every button on the controller constantly with the right rhythm to even get an S.
>Nero has no good dodge mechanics while in the air
He has a literal triple jump you fucking troglodyte and the last jump gives fantastic dodge capabilities
That's on top of his aerial taunt
>made it better
You can literally beat the game on any dificulty just using basic combo's as long as you master the dodging.
What's the problem with the games having a high skill ceiling when you don't need to reach that height to enjoy it yourself?
Keyboards and mice have always been easy mode inputs. I mean have you never found it weird that the easy mode fighting game "sticks" are basically keyboards?
I guess you gonna replay Bayo 2 in prison at least.
>no exceed
So when are they going to patch the mission 13 faust red orbs exploit? There's absolutely no way the devs intended you to be able to mash circle and get S ranks and unlock every red orb thing in an afternoon.
>Devil Bringer
>press button
>release button and press another button
>this constitutes "simultaneous" inputs
no it doesn't
Usually the most inputs you have to press together is something like lock on, charge shot/arm, directional input and tap sword and it doesn't really ever extend far beyond that. You'd have to come up with some pretty theoretical scenarios where you're actually pressing a lot more than that. I guarantee you're never, ever going to encounter a scenario where you're pressing 7 fucking buttons at the same time.
>Usually the most inputs you have to press together is something like lock on, charge shot/arm, directional input and tap sword and it doesn't really ever extend far beyond that.
You say that like it doesn't twist your hand into a fucking pretzel on controller
it doesn't if you're not retarded and take a split second to rebind gun to L1
user, Devil Knuckle has to be input within half a second of activation and Max Act within 5-10 frames of activation so both are on the oppesite end of a single swing timing. Anyone that can do that is practically godlike timing and I have yet to see someone do something like an Ora Ora Nero Combo B with Exceed.
Air Taunt every once in a while. Also make sure to knuckle and exceed whenever possible
If I want to use the spinning sword launcher I shouldnt have to do a 2 hit combo before it. Fuck you and fuck that sword
>dodge on bosses
>not buying enemy step followed by air hike first thing you do