What about dark souls is complex or deep?

I see so much shilling about how great soulsborne combat is so I gave it a try. I bought dark souls 3 and bloodborne and jesus christ what a mess.
People hype this up as the epitome of all action games but all I saw were games were every move from every enemy and nearly every boss could be beat with a decently timed roll, then you just press r1 or r2. Died about 4 times in dark souls 3 (2 due to just being knocked off a cliff by an unseen enemy popping out of a corner), had enemies constantly clipping into/through walls and was chucked out of bounds 3 times. Bloodborne felt like more of the same but had more polish, so less glitches. Granted, I gave up on bloodborne at the werewolf guy cos I found the combat in these games to be a fucking chore (plus everythint dying in 2-3 hits is stupid.You can kill most enemies before they even get to attack)
Why would anyone play these when dmc, ninja gaiden, bayo and hell, even kingdom hearts of all things have combat with infinitely more depth, options and require you to learn to fight bosses/enemies properly instead of rolling through every attack.
The whole experience with these games just made me feel like I was playing dmc with almost everything fun or complex removed.
Someone explain why these games are seen as hard and complex and why everyone seems to love them cos I just cannot see why.

Attached: 220px-Dark_souls_3_cover_art.jpg (220x263, 21K)

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inb4 butthurt soulsbabies

>Finds a very decently crafted combat with a great balance of fair difficulty
>Calls it badly design because you can't combo dudes 50 times before they die
lmao what a fag

Nothing. Soulsfag say it as cope cos their game is shit.

>game is slow , so it's bad
>epitome of action game
you don't know what is a souls game

>girls are bad at videogam-

That's a lot of words wasted when you could've just said you suck at games instead. Cope.

DmC is no RPG mate

>every action game needs to be DMC

Great bait thread, here's your (You) kid.