I see so much shilling about how great soulsborne combat is so I gave it a try. I bought dark souls 3 and bloodborne and jesus christ what a mess.
People hype this up as the epitome of all action games but all I saw were games were every move from every enemy and nearly every boss could be beat with a decently timed roll, then you just press r1 or r2. Died about 4 times in dark souls 3 (2 due to just being knocked off a cliff by an unseen enemy popping out of a corner), had enemies constantly clipping into/through walls and was chucked out of bounds 3 times. Bloodborne felt like more of the same but had more polish, so less glitches. Granted, I gave up on bloodborne at the werewolf guy cos I found the combat in these games to be a fucking chore (plus everythint dying in 2-3 hits is stupid.You can kill most enemies before they even get to attack)
Why would anyone play these when dmc, ninja gaiden, bayo and hell, even kingdom hearts of all things have combat with infinitely more depth, options and require you to learn to fight bosses/enemies properly instead of rolling through every attack.
The whole experience with these games just made me feel like I was playing dmc with almost everything fun or complex removed.
Someone explain why these games are seen as hard and complex and why everyone seems to love them cos I just cannot see why.
What about dark souls is complex or deep?
Other urls found in this thread:
based post
inb4 butthurt soulsbabies
>Finds a very decently crafted combat with a great balance of fair difficulty
>Calls it badly design because you can't combo dudes 50 times before they die
lmao what a fag
Nothing. Soulsfag say it as cope cos their game is shit.
>game is slow , so it's bad
>epitome of action game
you don't know what is a souls game
>girls are bad at videogam-
That's a lot of words wasted when you could've just said you suck at games instead. Cope.
DmC is no RPG mate
>every action game needs to be DMC
Great bait thread, here's your (You) kid.
The depth comes from build variety. Though the later games are trying their hardest to stamp that out.
Yeah I'd rather play Nioh instead it's a much better and deeper game gameplay wise
Literally seething Soulsfags eternally BTFO
I'm not reading your wall of text, but Dark Souls combat isn't complex and anybody who tells you it is is a fool.
It is however, engaging and satisfying in a way that most systems are not. I'd explain why but based on your picture you haven't even played Dark Souls, you played Dark Souls 3, which has pretty boring combat.
You can get pretty in depth with DS1's lore because it does get pretty complex between all the item descriptions and dialogs, there's a lot of times where you have to read between the lines and get the implications.
Though that stops being a thing in DS3 (and ds2 lol but thats another story) in which they just threw together whatever to try making the story appear deep but it ended up being le eternal cycle meme with a retarded amount of DS throwbacks and shitty references to a couple animes Miyazaki liked. The lore in the Souls sequels is godawful compared to the first one in which everything makes sense.
DS's perceived difficulty is a thing because of the marketing, I think. They successfully managed to sell it as THE hardcore game for some reason, when it only has r1, block and roll and doesn't require much more than dying a couple times to memorize boss and area patterns.
DS3 is an improvement over DS1 in every way combatwise.
Are you just upset that you cant do this any more?
>DS3 is an improvement over DS1 in every way combatwise.
You're what they call a "secondary".
I probably have more hours in Dark Souls than you do.
I suspect you're seething far more than these people.
The beauty of Souls combat is that it extracts a ton of depth from extremely simple mechanics, a light attack, heavy attack and dodge roll. The lack of complexity in mechanics is a good thing because the complexity comes in level and enemy design.
If you want autism and long combos go back to your DMC/bayo/ninja gaiden.
lmaoing at soulsfag mental gymnastics
Wanna bet?
That's not what secondary means
OP, it's pretty clear that you are the one seething. You probably couldn't beat even half the game and came here to lie and cry.
So lots of
>lol bait thread
>here's a (you)
But nobody has actually given me an answer why people like roll roll, r1 games so much.
Just means I'm right if nobody can actually give a serious argument back.
He's right though you idiot. I'll admit that Dark Souls 2 and 3 are pretty weak entries into the series, but Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, and Bloodborne are absolutely marvelous games because of their level and enemy design.
You literally haven't played the game that you're talking about, I don't know what the fuck you want people to say.
Oh and that guy saying seething soulsbaby etc isn't me. I just want a genuine answer.
And how does me saying the game was easy and simple make me bad?
Don't bother you'll never get a proper answer from a seething soulsbaby
Souls is too far up its own ass now, compounded by the usual Yea Forums bullshit. It didn't used to be like this - I don't remember anyone praising the combat when it was just Demons Souls on the menu. People liked the unique multi player, the setting and that the game didn't hold you hand as hard as most games at the time did. I don't know if it is because of the PC release or that the marketing took on the turn that it did, but there is no going back now.
I have. Not every single post on this site is a baseless shitpost. I genuinely want an answer as to why people like these games and treat them like the best the genre has to offer, when I beat 3 with next to no effort, just rolling through everything in the game.
But every enemy can be beat the exact same way.
>What about dark souls
>posts Dark Souls 3
Dark Souls 3's combat is exactly as boring as you think it is. I don't know who told you otherwise. It's Dark Souls that has the good combat.
They're the same though.
Probably both. I think the series should stay dead at this point. DaS 2 and 3 were really nothing but cash grabs and had nowhere as much polish and SOUL as the other 3 games.
My OP post specifically said I played dark souls 3, you said I didn't play it, I show I did then you bring up dark souls 1
Better luck next time, sweetie.
I mean like, that's just you're opinion man. No need to force yourself to like my video games. I don't force my self to like DMC or Ninja Gaiden, but I appreciate for what they are.
Your subject line asked about Dark Souls.
DS3 is a watered down fanservice version of DaS destined to those that played through the series. It offers a more cinematic experience and better combat but that was never the focus of the main game to begin with.
If you want to have a better chance to get why people love the series so much, please give DaS a try. That game isn't good because of its combat, its because of its atmosphere and the way every element and mechanic feeds into the others to create a whole greater than the sum of its parts (at least for the first half of the game before everything starts falling apart).
Combat in DaS is simple but effective, you're restrained by stam, weighed down by armors and weapons, not really mobile because you can't chain 20 rolls one after the other, only have access to a couple attacks... And attacks are delibarate, your character puts his entire body into it, you're slow. Point is, these simple mechanics and animations translate effectively how a hollowing undead would fight. That's one of the few elements I mentionned that, working together with music, the interconnected world, the sound design,... Make the game work as well as it does.
Those are my 2 cents. Souls combat isn't the selling point. It's that, but everything around it too. You have to take a step back and look at the bigger picture to "get" it. All of that is pretty much absent in DS3. I don't want to shill DaS too hard because it's just a game, flawed and unfinished, but I think it did the Souls thing the best and I experienced kino while playing it. If you end up getting it someday I recommend you to do a completely blind playthrough, and hope you'll get to enjoy it as much as I did.