Did Celeste really deserve a 10/10 score?
Did Celeste really deserve a 10/10 score?
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Its no masterpiece.
It was good but not 10/10 good, more like 6.5/10 good.
Nothing does because anything made ever is going to have at least one notable flaw.
6/10 maximum.
lol no
But its good, a solid 8/10, maybe 9/10 if you're feeling generous.
Treating it's players like it can solve their problems or help drops it to a 4/10
Better then most of the garbage that Yea Forums likes, still nowhere near a 10/10 though. It's a 7 at best
My opinions carry more weight than 95% of people on this board at least. I could explain why but it'd just be a long list of credentials
Celeste is about a 9.0 in my book. Extremely good game.
There is not a single game that deserves a 10, but this one especially doesn't
What games would you consider at or near a 10/10, anons?
What are your credentials? Give us your 10/10s now
why was this so critically acclaimed? from footage it just looks like a very average platformer? even if the level design and jumping was technically solid i don't know why that would warrant so much excitement.
This, only thoughts are perfect
>from footage
Why do you do this?
Fucking play it for yourself you brainlet.
Does any game really deserve a 10/10?
How did we get to the point that 7-10 is the current rating scale for vidya?
How does Celeste compare to The Messenger? I haven't played either and I was debating which one to get next on my Switch.
I would have to think super hard. There aren't very many. I'm the type of person where a 10 is a few things that have existed all time. It'd mostly be predictable stuff probably, like Super Mario World
its because "depression" is the in thing with game journalists currently and they can "relate" to it. Celeste's story is worse than Monster Hunter World's, tbqh
Something about diversity
No, its a disgrace to the platforming genre like most indie platformers.
Not same type of game really
The """"gaming journalists""" who give it such high scores have never, and will never, play all the other challenging platformers that came before this. The "muh vulnerable emotions" aspect means they're suddenly allowed to play and enjoy a challenging platformer, which they think is super original.
Because the devs are friends with a lot of media shills in the industry. Why else do you think this garbage was nominated for GotY above all the significantly better indie titles released last year?
Why do I look at game footage when trying to find out what a game is about? lmao You're right I'll judge from the steam banner.
What's the story summary? Is overcoming the platforming challenge overcoming cancer or something stupid?
yakuza 0
deus ex
aoe 2
demons souls
The gameplay is a 10/10, yes.
It's just some really solid platforming that's very polished and has a lot of interesting movement options. The story is completely unimportant.
It was rated by a lobby full of soiboy "Freelance gaming journalists". What did you expect?
The game has an almost 100% positive rating on steam. Legitimate user scores.
Sorry, your narrative doesn't work. The game is good.
Yea Forums is valueless to ask about games like this, because they pre-hate it for some contrived reason without ever having played it.
messenger is more of a ninja gaiden where celeste is comparable to like a super meat boy. messenger is pretty fun, only a little bit in so far.
Does a 10/10 score actually signify something is perfect? Obviously no game can be flawless but I feel rating a game 10 is more about the reviewers experience and how it matches up against other games. I mean a 10 score has to be used at some point if it’s part of the rating system right?
Some of these maybe unpopular, but genuinely these
> 10/10s
Ocarina Of Time (N64)
Trails In The Sky (PC)
Panzer Dragoon Saga (SAT)
Trails In The Sky SC (PC)
Persona 2: Innocent Sin (PSP)
Chrono Cross (PS1)
A Link To The Past (SNES)
Super Metroid (SNES)
SoulCalibur (Dreamcast)
Digital Devil Saga 2 (PS2)
Metroid Prime (GCN)
Final Fantasy VI (SNES)
Valkyrie Profile (PS1)
>ctrl + f
>no results found for "abortion"
I'm proud of you Yea Forums
>Why do I look at game footage
Yeah, why the fuck do you do that?
Play it, it's free you baboon.
Imagine giving a shit about someone else's score about a vidya game.
The main character has depression and along the way she climbs the mountain to fight it. Literally, it appears as a ghost you have to fight.
The story is fine. Not great, not too bad, just fine.
If you haven't gotten a gold on Core C-side then your opinion doesn't matter.
Warcraft 3 before dota killed custom games
10/10s don't and should not have to be perfect.
This game is already on the verge of being completely forgotten, just let it die OP.
>It's just some really solid platforming that's very polished and has a lot of interesting movement options. The story is completely unimportant.
Mechanics are rarely enough for a 10/10 from most sites.
Because nowadays if a game has an cheap ,,emotional'' story that some people can somehow relate to/has some bits shadowing nowadays politics or social problems and stuff like that it doesnt matter if it has compelty fucking garbage gameplay it will get praised lmao.
>a bunch of jrpgs
just don't even rate games if you lack the empathy to look outside yourself and realize this is an incredibly bad list.
291 deaths, how many screens are on that c side? I have only done one b side so far.
It's funny, I think the reality is that Yea Forums hates this game because they can't git gud.
This, a 10/10 is simply a great game that you loved, that didn’t have a major flaw negatively affecting your enjoyment of it
No. It's mediocre at best.
No. It’s a decent platformer but it doesn’t do anything original.
> Seething about JRPGs for no reason other then Jealousy
Fuck off WRPG kun
I bet you make 7 figures and your dick is 9 inches too.
True, but in this case it was easy enough for game journos to beat but has enough challenge in the side stuff that it's actually hard. And the story hit all the right notes for them even though it's fairly inconsequential.
Story is about a girl with "depression" overcoming it by being stronk and also getting close with an unbearable black hipster dude, aka the California dream.
It's still a fantastic game, but it was absolutely shilled to hell thanks to the story.
Oy vey, can't have thoughts until you hand over money goy!
>they can't git gud
you do know there's an easy mode in this game right?
All C-sides have three screens. To get a gold you have to do all of three in one go.
My waifu said my dick was above average
>indie platformer with separate short levels and infinite lives
Pick one.
Look, it's a good game, but it isn't 10/10. Majora's Mask is better in almost every aspect.
yeah how'd you know
Celeste is a precision platformer with simple movement abilities that can be used in very complex ways if you experiment with the physics. Levels are masterfully designed to teach you without explanation. Movement is perfect imo. There's some pretty well hidden secrets for those looking hard for them. Music is phenomenal.
The Messenger is an action platformer that goes level by level for the first half, and then morphs into a Metroidvania. The levels are fun but enemy variety is low. Bosses are interesting with only 1 or 2 that may be frustrating. Dialogue is a tad bit Rawr XD 4th wall but does have charm and it's not excessive. Music is breddy gud.
I finished the B sides, and that was enough for me. My hands started hurting because I was gripping the controller so tight.
MM is a masterpiece but genuinely inferior in every aspect except characters & side quests
>Yea Forums hates this game because they can't git gud
All I know is that it’s another pixel game and polygon, kotaku, ign etc love it because it’s deep and relatable or something.
Majora's Mask is rehashed asset trash. Maybe if they put a little bit of effort into the world it would be a contender against OoT. As it stands OoT has more soul in every single conceivable way.
>To get a gold you have to do all of three in one go.
Do i need to do anything else like this in the game in order to get certain things? I havent even beaten it yet
Unironically Tetris
every single one of those games has a better story than Celeste. which is usually the reason a game gets a 10/10
the only thing MM is inferior to OoT is its boss fights, and how difficult the final boss was
As much as I agree about most of Yea Forums being contrarians, shitposting madlads, or just have horrid taste, there are still a few of us thankfully that just take objective looks at games
Your 200 iq brain was giving off a strong power and it let me know.
it boggles my mind someone can actually have taste THIS bad
abortion? is celeste an aborted baby's dream?
Just make a game empowering trans(4) women(3) minorities(3) and game critics will automatically score your game a 10/10.
>I have the best resource on the internet for genuine game reviews freely available to me
>I will instead think about polygon and kotaku
why are you kids here so obsessed with shit like polygon, kotaku, magazines?
Bloodborne and dark souls 1, maybe Talos principal
get out of here, indiefag
Is it worth $20?
That is: would I get at least 20 hours of gameplay out of it? Is there anything after the main game like challenge areas?
Someone shitposted that the game represents abortion and shitters have been constantly spamming it in Celeste threads ever since
They get paid a few cents per post.
>plus nintendo points
Most grading scales are absolute shit because a number/letter grade is based off some arbitrary standard of quality. I'm one for a more comparative system where games are compared and contrasted against similar experiences. No game is perfect no matter what.
The closest game I can think of to a 10/10 would be Tetris. Stripping away the bare essentials of a game (music, any superfluous graphics, etc.) the game just has a perfect blend of mechanics that all exist for a reason and aren't excessive or poorly implemented.
a few of us.
there's no real value to coming here or posting here anymore, there's no discussion, zoomers authentically, genuinely cannot pay attention to conversations even in text form.
Look at the 10,000+ posts in the past 2 days about how google's "console" is going to fail. Every single idiot on this site is oblivious to the fact that it will be a 5g device and yes it can stream a game at 4k to you with fucking 1ms latency which might as well be zero.
Almost every single poster on Yea Forums is worthless; valueless. Ignorant, stupid, normie teenagers.
And yet there isn't a single other place to talk about video games on the internet, really.
kys ign
It's multiplat
This guy gets it
that's a fun video game but I fail to see what it has to do with this discussion
Dark Souls
Hollow Knight
Link to the Past
Mario 64
Slay the Spire
its a like 8.5/10 game of pure soul that was 10000% ignored by Yea Forums while they posted about how much they hated "the division" or etc
this is just a childrens' ball pit anymore, honestly.
obviously no
6/10. Check metacritics User Score for PC/PS/Xbox. Only on switch it's a little bit better, but we all know Nintendo babies accept anything, also switch is a port machine, which make new games look better.
Not at all, its already forgotten. Just SJW NPCs trying to virtue signal by promoting an indie game with a FEMALE PROTAGONIST
Eh, it's garbage but for some reason it's still home. You're stuck here for life. It's still nice for the occasional comfy thread for the games I hold dear.
I take the Ebert approach "It's not what the game is about but how it's about it."
Is Celeste the best possible version of a game about platforming up a mountain? I'd say yes, so it gets 10/10.
Tetris is the perfect game about clearing lines of blocks.
>would I get at least 20 hours of gameplay out of it?
Provided you want to clear all the levels, yes. Unless you're very very good at platformers and don't care about chasing collectables or something
>Is there anything after the main game like challenge areas?
The main story of the game takes place over 7 (or 8, depending how you view it) areas. There are then B-sides and C-sides to all these areas, that bring the total to 24 areas
Reminder that Badline did nothing wrong. Hilarious that a tumblr style villain is someone who tells emotional children to shut up.
>Nier:Automata and Hollow Knight are 10/10 games
So you started playing video games in what, 2014?
It's not about being perfect or not. It's about being the best there is when it was released. This game is FAR from that. From a techinical, storywise, graphics or gameplay standpoint. Specially graphics.
The mental illness plot of the game is what made people give such high scores to Celeste.
It's a very good game, but for sure is not flawless.
Anyone saying this garbage or hollow knight is 10/10 is an automatic badopinion.
>It's about being the best there is when it was released.
game scores are not relative to other video games.
jesus christ
Reminder that you rate games based on level of enjoyment, not objective quality.
sorry i was a poorfag living without internet, user
Yes, it is. Everything is relative to another. How else can you measure something if not by comparing? wth
>Dark Souls
>Link to the Past
>Mario 64
All 9's with personal bias making it an easy 10. Everything else is trash thou
I've been constantly hearing good things about Slay the Spire. Is it that good? Should I give it a (buy)?
Neat, I'll look up some videos of it.
Is it pure platforming with some combat or is more like a metroidvania where combat is about 50% of the game?
Yeah, I agree.
That +
Star Fox 64
Super Mario World
Donkey Kong Country 2
Metroid Prime
Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid 3
Symphony of the Night
Metroid 3
>Hollow Knight
And this is why you never trust Yea Forums
if you're into deckbuilding card games and rougelikes, it's an auto buy for sure
For Reference: here is IGN's 10/10s, not counting shit they publicly called overrated
> Chrono Trigger (1995, SquareSoft)
> Ocarina of Time (1998, Nintendo)
> Link's Awakening DX (1998, Nintendo)
> Pokemon Red (1998, Nintendo)
> Pokemon Blue (1998, Nintendo)
> Pokemon Yellow (1998, Nintendo)
> Pokemon Gold (1999, Nintendo)
> Pokemon Silver (1999, Nintendo)
> SoulCalibur (1999. Namco)
> Super Mario Bros (1999, Nintendo)
> Dragon Quest III (2000, SquareSoft)
> Metal Gear Solid (2000, Konami)
> Oracle of Ages (2001, Nintendo)
> Oracle of Seasons (2001, Nintendo)
> Pokemon Crystal (2001, Nintendo)
> Super Mario Galaxy 2 (2010, Nintendo)
> Red Dead Redemption (2010, Rockstar)
> Skyward Sword (2011, Nintendo)
> Uncharted 3 (2011, Naughty Dog)
> The Last of Us (2013, Naughty Dog)
> Grand Theft Auto V (2013, Rockstar)
> Undertale (2015, Toby Fox)
> Metal Gear Solid V (2015, Konami)
> The Witness (2016, Jonathon Blow)
> INSIDE (2016, Playdead Studios)
> Breath of the Wild (2017, Nintendo)
> Super Mario Odyssey (2017, Nintendo)
> God Of War 4 (2018, Sony Interactive)
> Celeste (2018, Matt Makes Games)
> Red Dead Redemption 2 (2018, Rockstar)
it's okay
it's okay
it's okay
it's okay
it's okay
breddy gud
Nice bait, you contrarian faggot.
It looks just like Super Meat Boy but without all the gore and has a girl as the protagonist. I don't get all this praise, honestly
Celeste does not have combat
Hollow Knight isn't a great game, it has been bandwagoned here.
if a game gave you moments of 10/10 ludo and didn't bother you too much for the rest of the time, then it's a 10/10 game. if there is perfection in the game, the game is perfect.
> Literally every version of Gen 1
Jesus christ boomers need to die, it wasn't that good when it came out
>6 different pokemon games are 10/10s
why did you post this again? there is no "appeal to authority" with video games, people like IGN are not authorities. Nobody who knows what they're talking about invests any value into these entities' scores.
There's no combat to speak of beyond one section that kind of has you chasing down something, and another section that has you avoiding something. There are no metroidvania elements beyond a couple of levels having light exploration to find a key or some other trigger to progress. You have a jump, a dash, and a grab that can cling to most vertical surfaces. Each level has a theme to it that uses these abilities in some way - the first has blocks that move once you touch them, so you can use the inertia to jump further, etc
It has an easy mode that advertises itself as "accessibility" so it was the first decent platformer a lot of the reviewers beat.
No one cares about your opinion
You know i used to think Nintendo bonus was a myth, but now i'm starting to think it's actually real
>7 okays
>8 shits
Conclusion. Your opinion is shit.
As a based basedboy once sad there is no such thing as a good or bad video game only interesting and uninteresting ones and Celeste is an interesting game
So it's basically Super Meat Boy kinda game?
I'm getting SMB too since it looked pretty fun
You need ALL of the hearts to even get into C-side Core. Look up a guide for them, the challenge is doing it, not finding it.
why is INSIDE on there?
> Galaxy 2 is the only good game from this decade that actually got a 10
What the fuck happened to gaming?
it's literally SMB. Some people say better some people say worse. It's better IMO. More care was taken in crafting the levels, by far, and it has great music (also made by a grrl)
I got one crystal heart so far. I'm gonna beat stage 5 tonight. I keep doing em one at a time. my gfu likes to watch me
The creator of Celeste originally made a game called Jumper, which went on to inspire SMB. Celeste is in the same genre, yeah
>Celeste is an interesting game
Interesting for zoomers who think dealing with depression like every person on this planet is good story telling.
>> Chrono Trigger (1995, SquareSoft) - Never played
>> Ocarina of Time (1998, Nintendo) - Yes
>> Link's Awakening DX (1998, Nintendo) - 9
>> Pokemon Red (1998, Nintendo) - 8
>> Pokemon Blue (1998, Nintendo) - 8
>> Pokemon Yellow (1998, Nintendo) - 9
>> Pokemon Gold (1999, Nintendo) - 9
>> Pokemon Silver (1999, Nintendo) - 9
>> SoulCalibur (1999. Namco) - Never played
>> Super Mario Bros (1999, Nintendo) - objective 7, at the time? 10 sure
>> Dragon Quest III (2000, SquareSoft) - Never played
>> Metal Gear Solid (2000, Konami) - 9
>> Oracle of Ages (2001, Nintendo) - Yes
>> Oracle of Seasons (2001, Nintendo) - Yes
>> Pokemon Crystal (2001, Nintendo) - God yes
>> Super Mario Galaxy 2 (2010, Nintendo) - 9, needs more large world's like galaxy 1 instead of 100 small planets
>> Red Dead Redemption (2010, Rockstar) - Yes
>> Skyward Sword (2011, Nintendo) - 7, but I still love it
>> Uncharted 3 (2011, Naughty Dog) - 9
>> The Last of Us (2013, Naughty Dog) - Story heavy, but 8
>> Grand Theft Auto V (2013, Rockstar) - 8, derivative
>> Undertale (2015, Toby Fox) - 8
>> Metal Gear Solid V (2015, Konami) - 7, repetitive and not as good as the rest
>> The Witness (2016, Jonathon Blow) - 7
>> INSIDE (2016, Playdead Studios) - What? No. 6
>> Breath of the Wild (2017, Nintendo) - Yes
>> Super Mario Odyssey (2017, Nintendo) - 9
>> God Of War 4 (2018, Sony Interactive) - 7
>> Celeste (2018, Matt Makes Games) - Yes
>> Red Dead Redemption 2 (2018, Rockstar) - 8
Inside has a genuinely amazing conclusion.
The game itself is like a 5/10. I don't even rate something like Inside as a "video game" really...
I want to DATE Badeline!
Absolutely fucking based
>> Celeste (2018, Matt Makes Games) - Yes
It's a excellently designed game, the level design, soundtrack, graphics, atmosphere & ending is genuinely perfect.
why aren't the zelda oracle games talked about at all? its always OOT or Link to the past mentioned in discussions
Thank user
Alright, so I'm no industry critic, but here's my reasons why it's a 10/10.
The controls feel great. Everything just feels right.
The approach to difficulty is perfect. The game is tough, but throughout the entire game, I never once felt that the game didn't want me to succeed. Death is snappy, checkpoints are frequent, and lives are unlimited.
The level design and pacing is on-point. Each stage introduces a few gimmicks and slowly ramps if the difficulty, then the bonus stages come push the gimmick much further. Since each set of stages has their own unique mechanics, the platforming stays fresh the entire length of the game.
The secret collectibles are really well placed. Not since Super Metroid have I played a game with such a fair placement of hidden secrets. It's very possible for anyone to get every collectible without a guide (Minus the Super Mario Bros 3 reference collectible.), and yet each time you uncover one, there's the same thrill of "Yes! I knew there was something there!"
Again, the base mechanics are so damn good. There's all kinds of advanced movement options that the game gradually reveals to you, that would have made the earlier segments trivial if mastered. The game is hyper-speedrun friendly in this manner, aided by the fact that every cutscene can be skipped.
The challenges just keep going. There's always room for improvement, and the game challenges dedicated players with brutal bonus levels and with no-death runs of stages.
The music's pretty damn good. Ben Prunty (The FTL music guy) even did a guest track.
The story, you can take or leave. Lots of Yea Forums hates the story because it deals with depression and anxiety, but in my opinion, it really does fit with the gameplay's focus on overcoming challenges.
Really, I just think Celeste is a tour de force of good game design. Not everyone will enjoy difficult 2d platforming, but if you do enjoy 2d platforming, I don't think there's a single better game to scratch the itch.
Divinity Original Sin
Sacred 1
Diablo 2 LOD
Wargame Red Dragon
Age of Wonders 1 and 2
Gothic 2
Alpha Centauri
Civ 3
Empire Earth
Age of Empires
Age of Mythology
Counterstrike 1.5 and Source
The Guild 2
Deus Ex
Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun
>Levels are masterfully designed to teach you without explanation
So fucking tired of this meme. There is nothing "masterful" about successively placing an easy, medium and hard version of an obstacle in a level.
> All literal who PC garbage excet Deus Ex & Diablo
No, go back to /vr/
>level design is a meme
based retard
thought you could sneak one by me, yeah?
t. zoomer
the game is a self insert for the faggots who review it, what did you expect
>God Of War 4
One copy of based retard please
C-side Core Gold is easy you fucking pleb. True gamers beat 6-B Gold
>(Minus the Super Mario Bros 3 reference collectible.)
Only bitch niggas missed this. When I saw it my eyes lit up in a way a video game hasn't done to me in like 10 years.
Not an argument, most gamers on the internet are Zoomers or Millennials that have never heard of those
Well, there's free DLC coming soon. If it's on the verge of being frogotten, it won't be for long.
The developer Is an outspoken feminist who put Saint Anita in his previous game, take that as you will
Your opinion is not an argument either
Yooka Laylee
Yiik: A Postmodern RPG
What does the developers personal life or opinions have to do with the great video game that was made?
I'd be willing to score this game higher if the porn was better.
No idea, they're (fun)
>uncharted 3
WTF it's literally inferior to the second game
>Age of mythology
>Divinity Original Sin
>Literal who
Holy fucking shit, you should consider suicide for having such shit tastes.
His question was why the game was rated high by the journalist despite looking like an average platform not about the quality of the game you big dumbo
yeah, but none of those personal factors are the reason the game was rated highly, either.
Fuck no. Only compared to shit like Gone Home.
Pro reviewers getting rated on how high they rate shit by publishers.
Don't be stupid. There's a massive power gap between "good", and 10/10 user.
6.5 game for me, bit fun, was ok
finnished it in 6 hours I think
>Don't be stupid.
Don't even address me when you're unable to follow a line of thought and insert your stupid non-sequitir comment that has nothing to fucking do with what I was saying. Don't respond.
Sure jason Schreier, back to trannyera with you, send my regards to the discord
Portal 2
Dark Souls
Age of Empire
any game genre defining game
you don't think game journalists would add a +2 modifier to review scores for games made by one of their own?
Celeste is a masterpiece, possibly the greatest game this decade
>PSO on GC
noooiiiice, i even bought the network adapter. was nearly fucking impossible to find
>Don't respond.
There's no way in hell this game is a 10/10. If it was the steam reviews would be 100% positive you dumbass. It's clearly a 9/10 at best, 7/10 in reality. IGN giving this game a 10/10 is clearly virtue signally.
Not a SJW/lib/fag type (I'm a /pol/ type but that's irrelevant.) but Celeste is a 10/10 game easy. It has everything that I look for in a precision platformer
>Fun movement
>Great music
>Difficulty ranging from medium to truly challenging
>Tons of tricks and mechanics
Only complaints I see about celeste are the story which is slightly cringe but not awful, and the fact that the devs are starbucks tier tranny SJWs which I dont fucking care about. Pic related 10/10 game eat shit Yea Forums
Jesus christ
Look at this wall
Are you the dev?
There are some stories out there from former Catholic/private school students that teachers never gave 100s for any assignment because "only Jesus is perfect."
everyone who likes celeste is a pseudo-depressed zoomed who probably has 30k+ tweets
You're not wrong. Still, rather than following the established "rules" of the game's secrets, it's a reference that you either get, or you don't get.
>Only complaints I see about celeste are the story which is slightly cringe but not awful
I don't even think the story is "slightly cringe".
We're on a board where people don't bat an eyelash about horrendous japanese stories, yet somehow a story about someone overcoming a real-life problem is off limits. Just lol.
The hipster guy is funny, too. He's supposed to be a self-aware joke, which I don't think anyone on this board gets or wants to get.
LOL. You're easily triggered, you might as well lube up a "troll my noob ass" tail plug in your ass.
Your evidence is strong enough to stake a claim. being a gigantic bitch is the REAL non sequitor.
The OP topic was, is this 10 out of 10.
>reddit spacing
>and the fact that the devs are starbucks tier tranny SJWs which I dont fucking care about
For me personally, all of the games on the top are a 10/10. And the bottom ones are borderline 10/10s, like basically 9.8/10s
Wait a second. Lets calibrate your tastes. What else deserves a 10 out of 10?
I don't think this deserves more than a 6, but I'm admittedly a very harsh scorer.
Having this kind of viewpoint is just as bad as some libshit not buying/playing a game because its dev supports goobergate or trump. Learn to seperate game from the people behind it.
Celeste is really challenging, The Messenger is too easy, which is a shame, I really wanted to play it more
Redpill me on Celeste, if i like games like Super Metroid, Mario & Castlevania would i like this?
The only 10/10 game is Changed.
T. Didn't play any of them & can only use buzzwords as his method of downvoting
Go back
You will like it if you like super meat boy
Maybe? It's not a metroidvania, it's just a straight up platformer. It's got a great movement system and a lot of techniques to learn so it's a lot more challenging than Mario.
Quake 3 arena for FPS
Chrono Trigger/Earthbound/Terranigma for RPG
Ace combat PS2 trilogy for whatever the fuck that genre is
Ceasar 3 for city builder
Before I get 1000 yous, I grade based on genre, so celetse would be a 10/10 perfect precision platformer while it may not compare to other genres
I think a 10 out of 10 needs to be at the very top in all aspects, graphics, gameplay, overall aesthetics. My idea of 10/10 is a subset of famitsu.
Play super meat boy, and hollow knight first. If you enjoy the path of pain in hollow knight, get celeste.
It has NOTHING to do with metroidvania type games.
Well fuck, (you) caught me.
If you have ADD you will love it
Never played Hollow Knight or Super Meat Boy, should i play them before playing Celeste?
If you're asking if you should play good games first then yes. Play those.
Alright, i'll pirate them & play them tonight
No, they're completely different experiences. They're fun, but not really required.
So all these games are 10/10s as well?
>take super meat boy's gameplay
>hire a tranny to work on the OST
>add in some heavy-handed dialogue about mental health and "muh depressionz"
>include a nigger character for good measure
>instant 10/10 GOTYAY from every mainstream media outlet
its literally the videogame equivalent of oscar bait
Wind be at your back wherever you go based user.
HK is amazing, definitely play it. It doesn't matter if you play that ir Celeste first, they are not too similar. HK is definitely easier to get into, though.
> Anime poster
> Literal who anime
> Absolute retard /pol/ poster
> Shit opinion
Strong wymyn
It's like Super Meat Boy, but since you mentioned it...
While the game isn't a Metroidvania, it has a Super Metroid-style approach to hiding collectibles. If you enjoyed tracking down all those missile tanks in Super Metroid, you'll probably enjoy the collectables in Celeste.
Plus, there's the advanced movement options, comparable to Super Metroid walljumping and mockballing
Yaharr, good choice, matey
Hollow knight without a doubt. Beautiful art and music. Awesome gameplay.
Is the level design & soundtrack really as good as this board hypes it up to be?
>butthurt tranny can't even greentext properly
you need to go back
>take super meat boy's gameplay
oh word? wanna mention what smb was originally inspired by? and who made it?
maybe like 8-9/10. I like meatboy / end is nigh's platforming better.
Yes. Hollow knight awesome throught and throught.
>> Anime poster
>> Literal who anime
>> Absolute retard /pol/ poster
>> Shit opinion
>Space before the quote
Holy shit newfags get off my Yea Forums
its in the initials
smb = super mario bros
Well, then you probably should have compared it to other precision platformers.
you should play hollow knight, because it's like metroid, and castlevania. It's got a similar movement system to Celeste, as in it relies on very precise button timing, rather than momentum. It's also easier and more accessible.
Super meat boy is closer to celeste.
Both games are good and even more popular than celeste.
Yes, the game is really nicely done, you can tell a lot of work went into it.
In my opinion, the level design is brilliant and done in such a way that it makes you want to explore and experiment with your movement options. As you go through later levels, new things will come to you, and going back to the first few levels with that knowledge will have you clearing areas in ways you wouldn't have thought were originally possible.
The OST is amazing, but that's only my opinion and it's on youtube anyway. Context doesn't really come across in just listening to it though
Do you guys think there truly could be a absolute 10/10 game?
To do that it would be pretty difficult, you can't please everybody assuming everyone, can put there 2 cents in. For me to consider something 10/10 it would honestly have to be something i mad personally or suggested in a very specific manor. It would just be neigh impossible to consider something like a game a objective 10/10 of course it's always will be subjective.
What am trying to say is there is no way for a game to be a 10/10 unless it was literally made exactly for you or you got paid to say it was that great.
You should also consider Dust: An Elysian Tail. It's another great platformer fighter with a solid story.
I didn't like it as much as most anons. It's fucking huge, and it does have some impressive high spots, most notably the city.
The level design is very non linear, to the point that "sequence breaking" really isn't., which makes it all the more impressive. I'd put it right up there just below Rainworld as far as non linear design goes..
Also ypu can sequence break by pogo jump stuff on screen
Hollow knight is amazing.
All of you are fucking based! Thank you, i'm gonna take the plunge on Hollow Knight tonight for sure & then i'll move onto Celeste. You guys honestly got me hyped as fuck now
The only thing I've given a 10/10 to recently has been the anime Rising of the Shield Hero because it's a big FU to women who think they can get away with destroying the lives of men. So frankly I don't believe there are any true 10/10's only 9/10's with personal preference making up the difference pushing the game to a personal 10/10.
It was mediocre.
Celeste is not good though.
get the fuck out of here, falseflagging reeesetard
Game scoring is by it's nature not very objective. I think a 10/10, needs to be superb in all areas, but also something that moves the industry forward, and is great enough to be playable 20-30 years from now, and still be recognized as great. Celeste, while being far superior to the usual Gone Home type awards bait that gets tossed out, I don't think is even close to that.
What a glow in the dark nigga. Get more fiber in your diet, user.
I'll keep saying that till the day I die, original starcraft was the peak of gaming for me and despite its dated graphics I can still play the campaign, cheese with some friends in LAN or go full retard with a turret defense map.
Starcraft is my personal 10/10 and I rate the enjoyment of other games based on it.
If you think Celeste is better than Hollow Knight you probably need to be euthanised.
Does any 2D platformer deserve a 10/10 today? They're inherently limited games.
Yes, if a game is genuinely great without any flaws hindering your enjoyment then it's a 10/10, regardless of genre (Except Sports)
This game was just pushed cuz the developer was a tranny or some shit. I havent seen marketing like this for an indie game in a while.
meanwhile it just a supermeat boy reskin
>the same people that couldn't even beat the Cuphead tutorial claim that Celeste, a challenging game, is a 10/10
Yeah, nah, calling bullshit. How can you claim a game is a masterpiece if you can't even download it from the PlayStation Store due to your low amounts of brain cells?
>It's got a similar movement system to Celeste
No, it does not whatsoever.
If it makes you happy why not
The ability to have precision control does not limit a game, 3D does.
only reason it got a 10 was the sjw non binary cuck tranny fags who designed it
games aren't judged on being good anymore, they're judged on the politics of the people who make them.
I'll give the game credit to the aspects it does well like music and controls but fuck the gameplay is really repetitive. They try to throw in new gimmicks here and there's but there aren't many that make the game feel varied. It's shit because for a platformer your speed on the ground is shit so it leaves like all then platforming to be solely wallclimbing and jump based. If you could run faster and build up momentum it would feel more rewarding than just spamming button to go fast.
Super Mario World
Super Mario 64
Super Mario RPG
Yoshi's Island
Link's Awakening
A Link to the Past
Ocarina of Time
Chrono Trigger
Super Metroid
Dark Souls
Hollow Knight
La Mulana
>games aren't judged on being good anymore, they're judged on the politics of the people who make them
The self-awareness here is fascinating good job
>games aren't judged on being good anymore, they're judged on the politics of the people who make them
Name a 10/10 game then
>Dust: An Elysian Tail
>a solid story
You should strive to better yourself, user
Tony Hawk 2 and 3
>games aren't judged on being good anymore, they're judged on the politics of the people who make them.
Congrats user you're going to be Yea Forums famous
Is that a keyblade?
That's not even memetic like "fun is a buzzword".
>literally all western games
>The hipster guy is funny
I don’t care if it’s “self-aware” his character was one of the worst things in the game
Yeah, it's nearly perfect for what it is.
holy cow, imagine being this braindead