Smash Ultimate Summit
The ink is dead long live Olimar
why is smash the only game nips don't absolutely wreck us at
how are you always so fucking fast
zack and gluto up
who else team eurotrash
Inkling pedos are all out, get bent.
Fuck scarflard
Threads are going full autist. Icky Vikki brought out the incels, we've got the stinkling autist, we've got the leffen dickriders - its a gigantic retardfest.
First for fuck Stinkling and it's players
haven't seen any snake players, did none get invited?
inkling is lame but the stinkling guy is pretty autistic, which side should i shitpost on
Armada would have won this matchup
Don't look at Zero's gut.
Bros... he's losing it.
>he's actually upset
I'm laffin', leffen
nasty whore
Why does Vikki sound like a 50 year old smoker?
only game related highlights of the whole summit are leffen getting btfo and based2king winning with bowser
Why does somebody keep spamming Corrin as if she's relevant to anything?
I kinda feel bad for her, imagine having that awful voice lmao
Pac-mains UNITE!
No one should root for Stinkling unless you're someone who shouldn't be trusted near animals and children or a tier whore who uses these flowchart ass characters.
Zack is next
75% of these threads are waifu autists, anti-inkling autists, hbox autists, leffen autists, and "muh melee" autists
waifufaggotry, obviously
what the fuck
Wait does that mean Dota x Smash mafia? I wonder how the Smash scene would handle someone like Slacks.
>small characters keep ducking my sword attacks
how do I hit these midgets
Wolf Up-B is a nice move to throw out there just to catch your opponent off guard, just getting that out there.
pick one yourself
So this mafia shit is for people who are into friend simulators, right? Because it was dull as fuck on Friday.
>win mafiacon and establish yourself as a god of mafia
>to get to play in scar's retard pit
tfw ourguy appears
down tilts/smashes and spiking in neutral
downtilt you dumb cuck
Leffen is shinking more by the moment.
when they showed the clip on stream i felt such an immense fury build inside me
Time for Gluttony to take this and make all Wario mains proud.
For giving your opponent a free F-smash maybe.
>ywn be as attractive as hugo gonzalez
What is Inkling's flowchart? Just admit you're an autistic shitter booty blasted about loliposting and getting rollered in your sub 3m matches.
only chillin sitting on vikki can save this summit
>chillin will never crush you under his enormous weight
anybody else think that smash is getting a little ethnic?
here's hotbid's greatest interview
Salemposter you're late, we have a schedule here.
at least i'm a foot taller than him
What the fuark
He does know that broth isn't animal blood right..?
This shit is reminding me of
can this dumb bayou nigger even speak english
This is what happens when you spend half your life caged up in your playing videogames.
"Just picked up Snake and beat the best Snake player in the world, find a character yet leff"?
>Best players of oldschool 64 and Melee were Isai and Ken
>First two Brawl Apex champions were Ally and Larry Lurr
>Smash 4 was dominated by ZeRo
"getting" a little ethnic
>mfw an amerigger was stupid and gay near me
This is better than smash
Based dabuz
>dabuz likes it
samsora probably gets more pussy than everyone at Summit
girls love faggy dudes
basd dabuz saves the skit
>twitch chat saying dabuz liked it because he's white
>I main Stinkling!! Isn't it soo cute woomy xddd
>Dabuz mixes milk and coke
Is this guy even the same species as us
me on the right
you mean illiterate slackjawed monkey niggers?
Why is Dabuz based now?
The lips should have clued you in
maybe he knows something we dont know...i mean a root beer float is mixing soda with ice cream
not gonna lie it's a pretty good way of getting cheap vanilla coke taste without spending the extra $2 on single bottles
someone please post this to leff on twitter
Fuck that fat fuck up Zack
Whoops, meant to post this.
Based Salembros
He's a based God and saved mafia from the proletariat and he's lurking this thread right now.
Hi Dabuz :DDD
>Leffen deciding which main to pick depending on which one is most likely to get nerfed
>cute shota plays Wolf and Wario
What does it mean
>using the shitty Biker skin instead of based classic Wario
this is literally dabuz
Glut's pretty good bros
Zack just needs to get the download
At least they aren't using the FTM Trans Wario Skin
I think that’s actually a legit drink in other parts of the world. There’s some manga panel with it at least.
You must hate AC Cloud as well.
What makes Wario so good?
Competitive smash hasn't been that big of a thing in Japan until recently, cant remember but there was an article that described the problems with Japanese smash players.
Zack got blown the fuck out, wow.
stop sexualizing a child you fucking freak
the idea of salem calling leffen to shittalk every few hours is so good
>gets blown the fuck out by a fat old man
Yeah I've seen this doujin before
Unfortunately Zackaray actually has really generic tastes for a Japanese teen.
He likes what every other Japanese kid likes, generic anime girls.
Aerial control and Waft
>tfw get hit by a dorrrryyyaaaah at least once every time I fight a Ganon
I'll still win the vast majority of the time but I need to stop being retarded
>Dash attacks regularly kill in this game
I miss melee
I don't understand who that skit was aimed at? That wasn't funny and only served to highlight how much of personality vacuum all Smash players are. Absolute cringe.
Dabuz isn't in the thread, i'm training for my next set.
I love wolf!
biker outfit is based
Snake players have the highest IQ behind Ryu/Ken players.
high aerial mobility
strong damage
confirms in to waft can close out stocks and makes the opponent feel like they are on a timer which forces bad approaches
good aerials, good airspeed, good recovery, easy combos, good killpower, has a better rest
>almost 17
I think you meant twink user
go back to plebbit faggot
godlike arial mobility
a rest that recharges every 3 mins
combos into waft
great nair
>that size and figure
>not a shota
user you need glasses
who are right behind shulk
is that an m16
What an amazingly arbitrary thing to get upset about.
Have fun playing jab to up smash simulator I guess.
What makes his aerials so good? And how do you get the most out of them? I mainly just use up air if the opponent is above me because of the hitbox and disjoint, and neutral/forward air to approach and combo but that's it
begone, stinky pied-noir
A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to @9lives_Salem on being crowned the #UtimateGamerMiami #SuperSmashBrosUltimate Tournament, and the $6,000 in winnings!
We are elated that you were able to make it out to compete, and we hope to have you back at future events! :smiley::smiley:
They prefer to play real fighting games
absolutely based
Dat bike
Nothing wrong with that
bike kills will never not be funny
>SDIs jab out
Man, playing a game with options sure is great
who tweeted that? his sponsor? oh wait...
Who he beat?
Nothing good about being boring either.
Should i switch from lucina to wario? Wario looks so based i think its what i need to play
Just you wait when leffen switches to pichu
>implying the biker version isn't better
that's two thirds of a cocktail
No arcade scene.
>Meleefags all fizzle out in losers quick
>Mang0 not giving a fuck
>leffen exposed
>wins 6k for the fun of it
Im thinking hes based
Wario is extremely OP
Dair is also broken for edgeguarding because it has a lingering hitbox and trades are like a Smash 4 Luigi tornado, and getting the full hit is very strong. With platforms, nair/upair combos can be an easy 60-70%. Falling up air and second hit nair both lead into waft. Back air kills. All these moves have really big hitboxes. And they have amazing range because of how you can cover so much distance with Wario's drift.
Why not play both?
Does glutonny have like 50ms reaction time or what? what the fuck
glutonny unironically just plays whichever skin gives him the best camouflage
fair and nair have incredibly low lag, fair is a good poke, nair is a good falling or out of shield opiton, back air is a strong kill move, nair fair and dair can all confirm into other things as waft
what top tier character should I pick up?
not Wolf or Lucina tho because I think they are not fun to play
How long has he been planning this?
How he beat MVD?
I love Melee but Salem was right. This tournament has been shit half of the time because Melee players play like shit, they should stop dickriding ultimate and get good at the fucking puff matchup so Hungrybox stops winning shit. I seriously think anyone that played tr4sh and jumped to ultimate could wipe the floor with all the Melee players. And no, they didn't "prove" shit to nobody, anyone can clutch a win or two if they play top tiers and practice for some months
up tilt and up air combo into each other easily especially with platforms, nair is fast and lingering and good for approaches, bair is fast and good for kills, I mostly use fair for edgeguarding and poking
MVD(Best Snake in a Snake ditto) and MuteAce(2nd best Peach).
reminded me of this
Lucina is better but Wario is tougher to play. Loads of people play Lucina though so people are much more likely to know the matchup whereas Wario is the least played of the top tiers from my experience.
Since you're already a faggot, I think Olimar would be perfect.
>shields the dash attack
like yeah if you see it coming it's fine but you're not reacting to frame 3 attacks
Snake ditto
>the twitch chat is in r9k mode
Incel chat confirmed
You don't need sponsor to win.
let's fucking go Glutonny
glad to see him get some recognition
ac cloud is for faggots, not even that guy.
Zackray's reddit pedo fans btfo
lol projection had zack winning
Glutonny didn't look this godlike yesterday
gluttony is a beast (and a word in english)
Does Zackray have a Wario problem?
Stream is shit now
The king always wins baby.
Gluto is based
Pro controller loses.
>fat old man raped the cute little japanese boy
Who you got for winning this? My bet is dabuz
Fox or Wario
Allez mon gars, calme toi, pête pas un plomb parce que notre gars a gagné
With Zack out of the equation, Nairo will win this tournament.
>Tranny on couch
That explains the fucking weird voice
>Team Liquid has left the server
Leffen and Armada are probably making that kind of money for their 12th spot at Summit.
Thanks, guys. That helps a lot. I appreciate it.
Or they could just keep playing Ultimate, leave Melee behind, and take away Hungrybox's side job by letting Melee die.
Christ is Zero going to eat Glutonny
he's levelled up
Does Wario's Waft build on the recovery platform? I mean, I'd assume so and it's not a huge deal, but I just now thought about.
On one hand, I'm sad Zackray got sent to losers, on the other hand, Glutonny is turning out to be one of the most based players at Summit.
What country is that?
Anyone but Stinkling
wew lard
Is that Leffen on the left with a mic? What the fuck is he going to add to the conversation, the sound of his gaping asshole?
one night with either samsora or captainjack
Melee is dead and so are Melee players.
Zack is sent to losers tho, he's still in
>liking AC Cloud
FUCK Japan!
Just you wait until Pichu gets nerfed to hell
This reminds me so much of Uncle Phil when he stands next to Will.
Did he eat a local?
I mean it's not like the star fox characters aren't painfully generic anthro designs as well.
Leo is there dude.
only edgy tryhards or scrubs use ac cloud
Leo is a hard counter for Dabuz, so if he faces him it might not turn out well.
oh the irony
Yes. Gluto also takes his time recovering so he has waft up as much as possible.
More than once today I've thought "Man Zero looks fucking disgusting. Does he care at all?"
I was joking
He's a big guy
Nah, I'd rather the melee Gods go back to melee than be full time Brawl 3 players.
>ywn punch Zero so hard in his stomach that he vomits all of the disgusting food he ate that day
time for EU to win it all
Chillin vs Zero who eats who?
Friendly reminder that you should go to the gym so you don't end up looking like Zero.
my day 1 bracket had nairo vs dabuz grands
looking golden so far
it just straight up builds over time, but gets extra build from eating things
that said the recovery platform isn't as good in this game as others, so it's not that relevant
Based Leff exposing Tweek.
right behind villager mains
Basé et pilule bleu-blanc-rougé
The pose reminds me of Carl.
I had no idea corsica was french I thought it was italian
>secondaries who exclusively use ac cloud because he looks muh badass without respect for the classic ff7 look
nairo noooo
Wario is basically melee puff
It builds up regardless, it's not that important though.
>like Gluto because of absolute character loyalty
>like Zackray cause he has a sick playstyle
Would have been nice if that set was closer but I'm happy either way desu
wario crew
online scrubs who tbag and run away to spam his projectile use AC Cloud. It's disgusting and almost makes me hate Cloud in general.
There's nothing wrong with wanting to fuck him. He's 17 and he's probably going to stay a manlet for the rest of his life.
You act like video games have 5000 foxes and blue bird character to choose from. Or even 1% of that.
>big titty goddess wrecking a flatty
Is anyone even surprised?
I see you are American
hon hon hon, le japan est eliminé, hon hon hon. Où est ton dieu?
Will we ever escape the Melee vs Current Smash arguments? There are pro Melee players there who are enjoying and working to learn this game with the current top players. Why can't you just be happy? Fine if you can't find something you like in both games, just play the one you enjoy. These guys are able to coexist and be amicable. There's nothing to argue about. I feel like a lot of these people who talk shit on the internet don't actually interact with players in real life.
Anyone have the "MEET THE UNGAS" pic?
Reminder that Nairo hasn't won a single tournament
I exclusively main Cloud and I sometimes use the purple AC skin because I like the coat.
I generally use the blue Classic one, tho.
It's more of an Hbox problem than a Puff problem. He's like the only that Top 8 Tourneys with Puff.
Nairo grabs too much, he whiffs like 7 grabs a game
it'll end when new smash is as good as melee
>Palutena beating up her girlfriend
domestic abuse
Yeah, I'd like him to win this one
Flat is best
shit mang thats sad at least Americans have an excuse for being dumb now and learn
Why does Vikki sound like they have been a smoker for 30 years and it's starting to catch up to them?
None of the melee players actually enjoy the game except maybe Armada
And people still try to say Leo is carried by Ike nair
I remember that one retard in the frostbite threads so deluded
It doesn't matter. Their design is generic as all hell, literally copy and pasting an animal head unto a human body. It's pretty boring as well 2bh
Lesbian couples have a high rate of abuse
i don't see Pit on screen
it looks like zero might actually be challenging chillin's dominance though
chillin might try to assimilate and/or consume him, this could get dangerous
the last match proved it for me, this will be a match up heavy game. Everyone is going to be picking up secondaries to cover their mains weakness
Hence why it's on the way out. A few autist are still making a stink (literally) but they'll go away with time.
Palutena beating up Pit is child abuse.
Let's get to the bottom of this, bros
they don't enjoy it because they got raped by chadbox.
nairo wtf is happening
once nu-smash stops being fucking garbage, and if melee dies in like 15 years, then the arguments will stop
>Ike abandoned
>Palutena getting destroyed
Time to update the roster again.
>Ultimate is balanc-
He literally used Lucina to win Genesis LOL
>Being different than 99% of other designs is being generic
Then post characters who look like Wolf.
Summit studio would reach critical mass if that happened
But Leffen said the only reason there isn't more puffs is because not many like her playstyle, which is obviously absolute bollocks but he had to justify nerfing Jigglypuff in Melee somehow...
Don't forget to add stinkling
Vikki just sounds like a 12 year old boy.
Phoneposters, everyone.
she abuses him alright
You're literally making that up to fuel your argument. You can sit here and listen to Leffen talk about the game and tell he enjoys it.
>Nairo likely going to lose to Leo
>Leo will be in GFs and win yet another tourney with a basic character
Shoot me
Why are Yoshi and R.O.B there?
Nairo is getting raped on stream
Nairo washed.
>screenshot of an image
Phoneposters are the biggest neanderthals on this website.
>I only watch top 8s and have never actually played the game
>give me (you)s NOW
probably has her army rape him for her amusement
random is good?
>Nairo picks a bad character and loses
>then switches to a worse character
That isn't a voice that occurs naturally. Something fucked with it. She's a smoker or on testosterone.
>pikachu is a pichu clone
God those heels are retarded
>Le FE swordsman man wins again lol
>people are always surprised whtn Leo rapes someone on stream
Why? He's clearly the best player in the world along with Tweek.
i wish dante was in this game
Isn't it a tranny?
Leo is ridiculously good
someone like you shouldn't be concernet about the integrity of the competitive scene
You’re stretching way too far, the most likely scenario is that she just lost it from yelling too much over the weekend
did nairo get 2-stocked every game?
Nairo would have won if he brought out Ganondorf.
ZSS didn't deserve to get nerfed so bad.
there's a reason everyone wants tweek to be the best over leo
If you play Pikachu over Pichu you are braindead
Based MKleo btfo that washed-up Nairo.
Nairo seems like a waifufag to me
No, Hyuga fingered her vagina
Is that AhroAngel?
Has to be.
Leo is the only person that's playing Ultimate and not tr4sh
He enjoys talking about the game but every time he plays it now he gets mad and angry.
jesus christ nairo at least last a little longer
That doesn't happen.
>L*ffen talking about JOBBING
this nigga
Holy kek. Vikki cant hold up to the other commentors.
She didn't get nerfed as so much as everyone got a lot speedier. She's no longer meta.
Tweek is washed
Best girls wins
Peach just seems better because Samsora mained her in previous games too. Lucina is the best character.
I don't see how anyone can hate Leo. He seems like such a humble and nice guy.
Its pretty fucking funny how everyone handled his rage quit with kiddie gloves and now he's trying to bring the bullying.
>tfw you don't have to worry about character loyalty since nearly everyone plays him
A top tier kind of feel.
>Swordsman player complaining about fighting Wario
Am I missing something here? I thought Wario struggled against swordies
>Not using both
Leo is very real, he’s aware of how good he is and acts accordingly. If you watch his streams, he dislikes losing games he knows he can win, and with his skill level he can win every game. He talks himself up but also backs it with skill, he’s one of the best in the world for sure
Fuck Melee
that was true in other games like PM/Sm4sh but imo now it's more like Marth vs Falcon in melee where they both fuck each other up
Time for Peach winning
She wasn't nerfed that badly, Marss is proof of that
Should have been him instead of ZD
Depends on the stage.
leo got fucked by tweeks wario a couple weeks ago
based scarflard
>I thought Wario struggled against swordies
Absolutely not
Wario can fuck them up if the player knows his punish game.
Dabuz literally cannot win if Leo is still in bracket. Otherwise I agree.
Wake me up when the commentary gets good
Reminder that Tweek 6-0d Leo.
ZSS got her offensive tools reprioritized into her defensive tools (aka her longer ranged options, side b, up smash) Marss is a defensive player, Nairo is an offensive player, that’s the simple tragedy of the situation
Breaking: Local spiky haired swedish boy gets mad and angry when he doesn't do well in video game.
Almost like the last decade.
>HxH music
Would be better if it was just the normal track
The only reason Leo doesn't seem hype is that he's literally playing on another level.
Cringe and bluepilled
How are Leffen and Chillin these days, have they interacted at all this Summit?
If the wario is dumb he get caught on the sword, but good warios can weave in and out using wario air movement.
once you get in with a Nair you can rack up a 40-50% and already be close to waft kills.
what character did they each play
Can zero fuck off already? I'm tired of seeing his fat ass.
>Gluttony's gonna win summit
Can this actually happen?
rip user, asleep until he dies
dabuz is basically guaranteed to win losers now, right?
Post rare Zero images
>Leffen sits like a girl
>La goblina sounds more manly than leffen
Samsora is about to 3-0 Zackray
Leo is only entertaining to those who know the game at a very high level. Leo spacing is ridiculous.
It's ok for dudes to cross their legs.
What? You could tune in cartoon network and see that sort of design. It's common as fuck in cartoons, it's the most common go to design for "beastmen" like the Argonians and Khajiit from TES. There's nothing unique about it, it's a common anthro design just like generic anime girls.
Wario doesn't struggle against anyone specific. If anything he's the most versatile and adaptable character in the roster. There isn't really anyone that can completely shut him down.
Zero's gf is a fat fetishist and force feeds him ice cream at 2am
It's between him and Samsora.
>only 16k
poverty tier
I ask for characters who look like Wolf. Im waiting. Don't give anecdotal evidence again.
This. Leo is in a higher tier of his own. I don't know how Tweek/Leo being the top 1 or 2 is a debate at this point.
its been that way since mid-melee right before brawl. I'm all for it.
i remember seeing this one random pools match of leo about a year ago where he landed 100% tippers for 3 games straight with his marth
Wario and Ike-Lucina.
Its over for Zack
I can't do photoshop, but someone should do. Chillin mitosising into mkleo and zero like pic related
I mean, if you only won this tournament and never streamed or won at any other tournaments then you'd be right
I think Wario has more trouble against characters who can consistently edgeguard him. Wii Fit does really well, I think, by sniping him off of his bike/forcing an early jump off of bike with the soccer ball. You have to have a strong enough punish to finish him before his second waft too. Once again things like wii fit deep breathing and cloud limit can help.
Leffen attracts me more than the whale. Am I gay?
please win peach
3-0 to Samsora incoming
oh thats a good one.
you like blondes?
Leffen is a twink so you're probably fine
>rip user
>???? - 2019
>"wake me up when the commentary gets good"
I'm inclined to believe it also isn't naturally occurring. Inconclusive.. bros? Why does she sound like either a tween boy or a hardcore lung cancer patient.
Poor captainzack he is on suicide watch
You talking about Zero?
oh my fucking God
he wakes up when their is no commentary
Don't know what you guys are talking about, Wario is way more dull to watch than Lucina. I swear I lose a braincell every time I see clapclap clap and Waft is way more OP than anything Lucina has, who has to use spacing at least.
ugly character based
anime character bad
You have a thing for retarded acne scar moonfaces with delusion of importance and skill. Not good
>I got tilted because I fucked up so I have now decided it's illegal to celebrate when I SD lul
Wario's bike shenanigans alone are more interesting to watch than Lucina as a entire character.
>This is almost looking like another three stock
Great commentary
>little oriental boy gets culturally enriched by effeminate negroid
They mean a 3-0
Why doesnt Zack play this well when he has more than 1 stock
How does that change what I said?
I feel like his Bike is a fairly insignificant factor into his gameplay overall. Do you seriously think Lucina is more OP than Wario as well?
>Peach is not bullshit
What's Peach's weakness?
Another 3-0 game as in Zack wins no rounds
requires a modicum of execution
Getting rushed, it's not a big one but it exists
Again, how does that change what I said? This commentary sucks dick.
bowser's big koopa cock
It might be time to face facts. Zackray is not in the absolute top echelon of players. He's a top player, but not of the same breed as MkLeo or Tweek, or ZeRo and Armada in other games.
He got 5th place at Genesis, losing to two players who haven't won majors, and then he had even worse losses at Frostbite. His top 8 at Genesis isn't the best placement of a Japanese player at a major, nor is it the best placement of a Wolf.
It hurts to say, just like it hurt to say that Ranai wasn't a grand-finals threat back in Smash 4. But it's true.
Takes skill to play so your average online player can't just pick her up and be good in a short space of time. Samsora is making her look even better because he's played her for so long.
But heavies suck
Soccerguy buff Corrin so Zack can play her again
>losing to a black man
you know his parents are going to beat him for that
Don't worry, she's a Fire Emblem character.
Gluto destroyed his confidence. Fucking frogs.
And buff Robin too.
He's Japanese not American.
People are just propping him up because he looks like he's 12.
So is Robin.
zachray will dab all over japan but will choke every time he's in a international
absolute unit
No. I think she's probably a better complete package but he has some tools that make him better in specific ways, and sometimes having better specific traits is better than being better overall.
Bike shenanigans is more Glutonny than any other Wario, admittedly. I don't find either character outright boring, actually, Lucina is a bit dry at times.
Is samsora gay?
Everybody knows Bowser is gay and kidnapping Peach is his beard.
Is Zackray a virgin?
this is all just setup for Zackray's training and redemption arc
I wish because he cute
is Samsora carried? how good was he in Smash 4?
this is true
Funnily enough, I've heard that he's straight and even a waifufag. The Cynthia tag he uses references the Pokemon character.
no, Vikki took his first time yesterday
Dreams are something you want to crush as soon as possible.
probably raised by a single mother
peach is actually pretty hard to play
That's a sad way to lose your viginity
Consistently top 20ish in Smash 4, top 15 by the end.
Nah Vikki or/and Vanessa sorted that out last night
He was top 20 in Smash 4. Dude is legit good.
no, Vikki took his ass virginity yesterday
Metrosexual at least. Nobody ever uses that term anymore for some reason
Fair enough, I just feel like I'm going crazy, maybe it's just Leo making Lucina great, but give me his Lucina anyday over these ZZZZ tier War in terms of entertainment, watching him space out the opponent is more fun than Wario doing Wario things.
After getting dumped on the moon, if he wasn't gay before, he is now.
He's japanese
22nd on the pgr 100 with a character currently ranked 20th on the current smash 4 tier list.
He's just good.
Did ash add milk to his coke
Best Peach in the world.
He was really good, then Peach got hella good so now he's a monster.
>giving skits to non-comedians
I still don't know what that means.
>Implying peach carries anyone
The dude has been using peach since melee
yeah and CaptainZack was top 15. Doesn't prove shit
Kidnapping Peach is something he does for his kid. It's to show he cares.
>Wario is boring
Based and redp-
>lucina is more fun to watch
Final Smash yourself.
I think you can get your dick sucked by leffen with that dedication
Can anyone find this article? I'm curious about it too.
Why is the commentary so bad? Why is Vikki so fucking annoying to listen to? This was supposed to be comfy
Remove pikmin
better zoners like wft
spo fucking tired of watching palutena
Zack was always a fraud. Samsora got there using Peach all of Smash 4's lifespan. Zack got carried to top 10
Wow ZeRo that story was so funny, you should tell it again
Heterosexual dressing homosexual
Why the FUCK are they letting zer0 take up 80% off the screen when the set winner gets to the fucking couch? jesus christ
>Lucina being fun to watch
Because D1 isn't there
Yeah but Peach was a B-tier in Smash 4 and Bayonetta was S-tier.
Did you seriously not know that?
based samsora sending the nippon back to japan
No, the thing with competitive Smash in Japan is that they don't allow for a price pool. They literally do it for free.
>Palutena feels like a breath of fresh air
Surprisingly, no
Zack used a busted character to get his results, while Samsora was always a Peach player and had similar results.
Looking at him is making me a bit grossed out over time..
>He got 5th place at Genesis, losing to two players who haven't won majors
There have literally been only 4 Majors so far, and only 2 people have won them. That really doesn't mean anything.
No he's a massive Waifufag, but his best friend is his mom (he streams with her sometimes) and was extremely sheltered by her, so he's fairly effeminate.
You do know he's talking about in the context of Sm4sh, right?
That sounds completely based to me
Suck enough dick and you can join the Melee club as well
imagine the smell
Why does Nairo job so much guys? Is he having a character crisis?
No. he was already maining peach hard in 4 and she got much better
Fuck off Olimar. His attacks look like tickles but do a shitload of damage.
Fuck that microscopic piece of shit and his lardass lover.
Lucina's forward smash is way too strong for its speed and range.
smash attacks feel strangely fast in this game
>Zero broke the chair
Olimar kills too fast and too easily.
He already can do a shit tons of damage super easily, it's just stupid.
If he's so good why don't you pick him, Leffen? Maybe Olimar will carry your heavy acne scar ass, swedish cuckboy