What the fuck happened to PUBG?
What the fuck happened to PUBG?
Flavor of the year.
bots bots bots chinos
have they even added any content? you may not like fortnite, but it seems like they always add new stuff on a regular basis
they added new maps and the game is actually really well optimized now
well i don't know then. i guess people just get tired of playing any one game for so long
remember when fortnite was just starting to get popular and the pubg chinks threatened to sue fucking kek
Chinks are sleeping
The game peaks when they're all sleeping, they don't even play on steam that much anymore because they have the mobile version for PC and it's free and supposedly runs better than the original version does.
steam stats doesnt show chink numbers retard
only the chinks that connect through a VPN
try thinking before posting next time
Are you fucking retarded? China has steam. They are counted in the steamcharts statistics.
yeah, you really should.
China got their own PUBG with its own client not on steam
epic redditjak Yea Forumsro!!! upvoted :-)
Their own PUBG is just the mobile game emulated on PC. People who obviously still played the game on steam would count towards the statistics on steamcharts unlike what this retard thinks.
China has a version of the Steam client that is closed off from the rest of the world you fucking subhuman retard. The only chinks on western steam are those that are using VPNs, since this is the method they used to play PUBG when it launched on Steam.
This game came out like 2 years ago and is still top 3 on steam. I thought you told me it was flavor of the month Yea Forums?
>China has a version of the Steam client that is closed off from the rest of the world you fucking subhuman retard.
No they don't you subhuman monkey. It's controlled by their government but it still connects to general steam servers and you can even see proof of this on the fucking steamcharts page. By your logic there shouldn't be a single chink person on any version of steam that you can access because of how hard VPN's are to use and how a supermajorty of them, outside of the obviously popular ones, are banned and unable to be used due to internet control. You can unironically go to steamcharts and find chinese language only games to see who is playing them.
Kill yourself ASAP.
>People who obviously still played the game on steam
Most migrated to their own version
Where did I even mention chinese developers you fucking tool mongoloid? I'm talking about chinese users, and what I said is 100% correct you fucking monkey. It was even confirmed by Valve devs on a comment they made about steam stats and the PUBshit dev retard on a podcast he did.
I know, I pointed that out. Their version isn't special, though. It's just the mobile version emulated on a computer. You can do that yourself if you wanted to.
I never mentioned developers you fucking illiterate nigger. Can you not read?
>what I said is 100% correct you fucking monkey. It was even confirmed by Valve
Proof? Also nice job ignoring the VPN thing, dumb fuck. If someone from China used a VPN to connect to outside sources, it wouldn't say they're from China. Yet surprise surprise, you can find accounts on steam that are connected to China directly. Also you don't seem to know how a VPN works.
>Yet surprise surprise, you can find accounts on steam that are connected to China directly.
>it wouldn't say they're from China.
are you literally retarded? the "location" on steam profiles is set by the user, not auto detected through IP you dumbass
It's automatically set and you have to go out of your way to change it you fucking retard. Do you seriously not know how creating a profile on steam functions? The system scans your location and gives you a default country location and you have to manually change it yourself. By your logic there should hardly be any chink accounts on steam, and you still haven't posted the proof I asked for.
ITT: seething
>It's automatically set and you have to go out of your way to change it you fucking retard
lmao this is not true
>you still haven't posted the proof I asked for.
>he thinks I'm gonna go listen to a 2 hour long podcast + look for 2-3 year old posts through 3 different subreddits to prove some mongoloid wrong
i'd rather laugh at your ignorance desu
It would be nice if games as a service died. Give me a client and a server and let the community run it indefinitely, whenever there is interest in having a game instead of killing it for everyone forever the moment the mtx money stops rolling in.
Steam recently opened a service in china that is separate.
It's still shit. fuck off.
Chinese hackers
So you're lying through your fucking asshole then, thanks for the confirmation. You can't even post the fucking source.
>lmao this is not true
Yes it is dumb ass, maybe you should try looking through steam properly next time.
Is hacking still rampant in this game? Wouldnt mind playing it again
It was the only way they could bypass the banning of PUBG. Everybody should know if a developer wants to sell thier game in China the game either has to be approved and tailored by communists, or in this case Steam had to open up a communist branch specifically for China.
PUBG wasn't going to get banned, though.
>The whole endeavor seems like it may not be far along — a press release said there was no date set for the Chinese launch.
So it hasn't launched yet? according to that article it's still budding and isn't even live.
The article's 9 months old now. You'd find it hard to find an article about a company opening up a branch or moving to china, they tend to keep that hush hush.
Yeah but it's the only thing I can find and nothing else I see implies it's gone live.
>you'd find it hard to find an article about a company opening up a branch or moving to china
What? IT's extremely easy. Tesla just opened up a factory there a few months ago.
Tech industry is what I meant, mostly.