wooooow.... truly the peak of video games as an art form
wooooow.... truly the peak of video games as an art form
Other urls found in this thread:
you didn't understand the point
>Being this much of a brainlet
Imagine being so retarded M3 is too much for you. Go play Bioshock infinite dude, more your speed.
What is it about Mother 3 that invites this particular brand of shitpost?
why is that balding man wearing kid's clothes and a backpack?
Is a game for children you retard, and it has a story for children.
In your defense, it's true most people talk about it like it's fucking Don Quijote, when it's actually Grimms' Fairy Tales, but again most people think garbage like Silent Hill is well written, so you should have learnt long ago the standards of gamers for storytelling is rock bottom.
I think you do the game's writing a disservice by claiming it's not at least quite cleverly written in places. Itoi knows how to deliver a snappy scene due to his background as a copywriter.
imagine being mad at videogames
Uhmmmmmmmmmm did you even play it? o_O
>unga bunga me not understand thing ME HATE THING
this can be applied to most concepts in human history.
You completely missed the whole thing. If you actually played it I'm impressed someone can be so dumb
Based. Fuck this stupid communist feminist game.
Nintendo is afraid to localize it because they are afraid of based GamerGate. They should be, I'm glad this trash stayed in Nippland.
Look nobody cares okay? This is now a Kuma thread.
Pirate Plapping!
that''s unironically true though
technological advancements since 2005 have done nothing but degrade our society
before you respond "b-but muh medical advances", we already had the means for such advances and have had them for a while but they don't happen because money
Stop this is a non violent plap thread.
for me, its 2.
Based best characters who did all the work.
>doing anything
>*PK Starstorms you*
Nothin personnel kid.
Too feminine. Kumatora is a bulldyke.
>Kumatora is a bulldyke.
Where would you rank PK ground?
Same shitposts every time, at this point those threads are Mother general threads, or /mgt/
It's more about Capitalism and more specifically america being bad, both of which are true
>doing all the work
>*forgets who he even is*
Spotted the true retard.
>liking kumawhore
you cant defend yourself against chad duster
>In your defense, it's true most people talk about it like it's fucking Don Quijote, when it's actually Grimms' Fairy Tales, but again most people think garbage like Silent Hill is well written, so you should have learnt long ago the standards of gamers for storytelling is rock bottom.
How much more bluepilled can you make one post?
its true. the series is nothing more than a childrens fairy tale, with standards to only appeal to braindead kids.
>moral of the story is that escapism is bad and that history is doomed to repeat itself if done so
>escapist fags win in the end anyway
the writing is shit, what else is there to say?
The game isn’t anti-materialism, the moral is about happiness and where you find it. The people who suffer the most are the ones that want to become happier but don’t know how good they have it already
ah yes, because claus CLEARLY was a spoiled cunt who only wanted more. he deserved what he got, thats for sure.
>video games as an art form
it's not
electionfugees foam whenever a slightly non-conservative idea is presented to their corporation worshipping brains
>t. tranny discord shareblue
Fuck, you got me.
>discord tranny!
>discord tranny!
>discord tranny!
>discord tranny!
Mother3 is one of the best game of all time, however what OP said is absolutely right
it's well designed considering you won't get it unless you're bad and have to grind
it's a well hidden "you're obviously struggling, turn on easy mode?" button that doesn't insult the player
>boy, what combination of buzzwords will this moron give this time
(((i wonder who could be behind these posts)))
technology IS bad.
even Ted K was a fucking Luddite in the end and he was a nuclear physicist.
I think you're just dumb user.
I'm neither of those but you seem to think about them a lot, maybe pay them a visit
>Daring to neo-shitpost on M3
it's always the jews.
fuck off retard, transhumanism is the future.
>literally half the post was making fun of people using "go back to /pol/" as an argument
I'm just sick to death of everyone on this site using those two phrases as arguments.
sorry you arent on reddit, kike.
Okay npc.
>no one:
Itoi took out all the negative parts
the original ending was the world just getting destroyed apparently
The election, gamergate, and whatever shitty stuff happened from 2014 to now have invited so many underaged edgelords who think all you have to do to fit in here is say buzzwords
You forgot /pol/. That means you are a discord tranny from reddit that falseflags as being a jew.
From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me
I craved the strength and certainty of steel
I aspired to the purity of the blessed machine
holy shit can you guys fuck off to resetera?
Your thought policing is making this place too high strung. Learn to take a fucking joke once in your lives.
the bronies respect their status as a containment board, are you more retarded than a ponyfucker?
>Nobody can have a conversation without politics, wojak/pepe spam, or some other dumb bullshit
>there's a correlation between the rightoid immigration and BBCposting
Can we go back to posting cute Kumatora?
>conservatives project their fear of being cucked onto black people and also secretly have BBC fetishes
Too fucking true, user.
she's underage chat -_-
God I wish Kumatora would cut me
well stop thinking about fucking her then
Kill yourself
To be fair, you need a phd in rocket surgery to understand bioshock infinite.
>tranny cucks are this assblasted
you need to go back.
Exhibit A. Go back.
you got any proof that she's under 18 post timeskip
Not really. The only thing I'd even be seething about is shitters like you who haven't even been here for 5 years shitting up my board with shitty politics threads.
>worked at a club with beer
what ?
if you want a safespace so bad, just go back to r/video games where people actually think this lefty cuck game is good.
I miss old Yea Forums anons. What happened?
Yea Forums is literally a safespace though. try having an "incorrct" opinion like liking Skyrim or something.
Any place where the same opinions are repeated on end is a safespace, Yea Forums just repeats contrarian opinions which makes it seem different.
r/socialism and discord happened.
i think the message is pigs are evil
Except their idyllic farmland civilization just as bad if no worse. Hell - they couldn't put out fires for fuck's sake.
The people of Tazmily would be dead in a generation if not for Porky
I mean, I actually meant I missed Trumpposters and shit not being here and injecting their political opinions into every thread.
People started taking "politics" seriously here. Now when you say "nigger" people try to interpret what you're trying to say and if you haate blacks when literally all you meant was "nigger". People here used to say retard, faggot, and nigger here because they were funny to say, not because of their real life views, but 13 year olds and edgelords couldn't understand that.
>Acting edgy attracted edgy people
Who would have fucking thought.
Pokey and Giegue did nothing wrong. They're good kids
Kumatora is cute!
The morals were different for everyone. For me, mother 3 did have good writing, but still paled in comparison to earthbound. Mother 3 had a lot of different themes people can take from it, I think one of the biggest ones was moving on and dwelling in the past. Porky was a villain because he never moved on from Ness, or had his own coming of age story. Lucas grew as a character because he quit feeling bad for himself and realised what he had to do.
That being said, mother 3 just couldn't replicate what earthbound had. Earthbound was a true coming-of-age story, and it used more abstract ideas and themes to illustrate this, such as the pop culture references and imagery. Mother 3 attempted to recreate these themes, but instead of using Earthbound's idea of "a story told through the mind of a child, some areas such as loss of innocence will be dark" they went for very literal dark scenes.
>rightoid immigration
I wish the newfags on /pol/ were right wing. I miss classical liberalist vs reactionaries vs traditionalists vs feudal monarchist threads on that board. The entire wave of post-zimmerman cancer is all fucking neoconservatives, nazbols, and other forms of social statism.
that's wrong you fucking asshole
Did you even read what Leder said?
Who crashed the waifu market?
Mother 3? More like Industrial Society and Its Future, and I right?
You know the term normie predates the internet, right?
It's such a bad game that it flopped so hard in Japan that they decided it wasn't worth losing more money localizing and releasing in the west.
yes and?
>using fagbook memes
yep, this is going into my discord tranny compilation
Explain to me how OP is wrong.
sadly true. it wouldnt even be brought up aside from the fact that it was only in japan.
>shitty pace breaking exposition dump at the end of the game instead of leaving hints around
How does it feel being the biggest brainlet here not including op
the writing of this game was awful in retrospect. the charecters you are supposed to feel bad about have as much backstory as a plank of wood, and they had to do two text dumps through the game to get everything through.
The game didn't say that.
You feel bad if you have basic empathy
i mean, i guess but its really more of a bummer than it is an actual sad moment. nothing near how people hype it up to be. you forget about it pretty quickly with all the other stuff in the game happening.
is this the most brainlet opinion on Yea Forums right now?
just hype aversion. you feel sad if you feel basic empathy.
it's pretty bad, but I'm sure there are far worse
The joke here is that it's actually Jeff.
you feel about as sad as you would reading about some guys death on the news. it bums you out for a bit, then youre over it. nothing lasting.
if the characters were more developed and given more personality, then you would actually be able to form a lasting attachment that would have the desired effect.
this is simple writing, not a hard concept at all.
>you feel about as sad as you would reading about some guys death on the news.
No I have empathy, so I feel sad. I named all the characters, I in a sense know them, they're not strangers. It's just hype aversion.
Well actually, that is why Tazmilly was formed. Humans destroyed the Earth and the last people escaped to the Nowhere Isle, so people willingly went back to a simpler time with the idea that everyone could get along without advanced weapons that people destroyed the Earth with. They erased their memories with the exception of Leder in case some bad shit happened. Leder kept quiet until he couldn't anymore.
That tale had nothing to do with technology being bad. Destroying the Earth is bad, that's all they said.
>implying Grimms' Fairy Tales isn't deep
so you feel as sad for someone you know nothing about just as much as you would for a fully developed and thought out character?
thats just low standards. or in this case, cognitive dissonance. neither Claus nor hinawa were developed at all, and they were major characters that both started the plot and carried it forward respectively. not fleshing them out was just outright lazy.
More people more posts
i cheesed miracle fassad and the entire end of the game with pk ground and had more fun with it than most of the hard fights
am i a bad person
Yes it did. It spells it out for you with the O in the logo, which usually represents the world, being a big metallic sphere. And if you somehow didn't get that and:
>the chimeras
>the Pigmask Army ruining and emptying Tazmily Village by introducing technology to the villagers
>most of the areas/ecosystems in the game obviously being ruined by the technological push brought by the army
>New Pork City being a modern consumerist hellhole
The game says it one last time with the alternate logo at the very end of the game where it's 100% wood, right after you bring forth a new world and essentially rid the world of the tech that Porky brought over. It's so mind-numbingly obvious that the game has an anti-technology angle to it and I'm surprised that almost none of you notice that.
im surprised that it went for such a heavy handed message as compared to the first two that just focused on having a compelling and simple story.
It's far more a simple environmentalist message than a fucking Luddite one.
i was kind of a retard when i went into this game.
the only thing i heard about it was about pokey, and i assumed it was a direct sequel where ness would go to find him. im a little sad that didnt happen, tbqh.
but it was a Luddite message.
I find it strange that would be your take-away from it when technology is not itself painted as negative so much as the use of it to destroy/perverse nature is.
>wojak and pepe
Go back to r#ddit
“theres a time and place for the nigger word like joshing with freinds”
Duster regained his memory after touching the egg of light,that was a hint.
The message is that power is easily abused and that we can use it for good
The mr.saturns and protags use technology,a metaphor for power in a good way
The bad guys dont
woah is this a new wojak?
normalfag is inherently a word from chans culture. Normie is a word that actual normalfags use. You're a grown-up now, find a conclusion yourself.
Its bucky,the supreme being.He is the representation of all things that a person should be.He is polite,kind,able to take a joke,and is your freind.He is the new mascot of Yea Forums
I might make a KYM article later
stop forcing your shitty drawing
before i played the game i thought the masked man was ness.
I wasnt even the original lore maker fuck off yucky
That was the original idea.
Are you retarded or is this one of those 'merely pretending' deals?
Nowhere in the game does it ever say technology is inherently evil. It's the way that technology is used to the detriment of everything else that's a problem. You use technology to defeat evil in the end, because you're using it for the betterment of everyone instead of for selfish indulgence.
That would actually be really cool if they could properly pull off the story in a way that would make sense.
Yes, Porky would have enslave the original cast and you would have kill them one by one with the final one being Ness.
Of all the absolute garbage memes that get forced on this site, at least it's something positive for once instead of shitty wojaks or another stupid fucking frog edit.
naaa he's just bullshitting you with a shitty grimdark headcanon
ok user, but you still force it. Apply yourself
Forcing is forcing, forced memes are never good, take it to 9gag, you might have some success there
Is that a jarpig?
t. /shmupg/
Not forced,i use it when it has a good purpose in relation to what im posting
Sorry your reddit meme folders will no longer have use here.
im surprised there isnt more art and fanfiction about that.
this game was my first foray into the MOTHER series, and most from what I knew came from Brawl
at first i thought Porky was in a comatose state because he probably got beat up too hard in EB, and that the spider mech was actually a life support system or something
>pokey is on the golden throne
that visual makes me laugh.
here, I upgraded your meme
Thanks,Hes eating your opinion!
the real kicker is they made porky so terrible yet you still feel bad for him at the end
Nothing changes.He still has fun in a small space.Just like his mech
Nah, it's literal shit and he's loving it!
He’s currently trapped in the sewers and its his only food!Thanks for the edits btw ill add it to the hundreds of bucky edits fellow zompes have made!
don't forget, he's not only eating shit, he also uses it as a shirt. Add this to the lorebook
Sorry,we dont take lore from yuckys
you see what hes saying and what he's wearing, he adores shit, it's his only purpose, to be a shiteater, he's not shit connoisseur, he'll eat anything, dog shit, horseshit, you name it, and what's more, he's not what you want him to be.
>he wasnt there for the original thread
Retard wojak poster thinking he can change the lore.
Just because your sad you have to delete the wojaks doesnt mean your right
>N-no he does this because im underaged boo hoo shit jokes are funny mommmy!!!!I love redit wojak meme!
He eats anything because his immune system is so great
He's made of shit, literal snowman but with shit instead of snow.
fully deliated
Hes a being of pure video games,its in the lore book,you cant change thr lore book.
Wanna know whats made of shit?YOU!
He didn’t say it wasn’t retard, it’s just not as deep as something else, and he’s right.
Mother is a pretty simple game that tells a pretty simple story.
>wojak poster isnt able to afford a phone
>y-your just a zoomer fuck off ha ha
Says the reddit new fag
what the fuck is this thread?
Not an argument
Reddit trys to justify wojak
some retard young person with too much free time
That's kind of the inevitable result of tehcnology. You cannot have an untouched, pristine nature (fucking dolled up as it is to these people) and also have an industrial society. It can't happen.
wow so deep, truly this game demonstrates that the medium can be considered an art form
1 > 2 > 3
it's literally the other way around but ok
3 < 2 < 1
Technology is bad, look what happened when the steam engine got implemented.
>things the game didn't say
Bombings aside, Ted is 100 percent correct.
>tfw no robo meido gf
It is actually a child's power fantasy but that doesn't mean it isn't somewhat well done
just a bad player :^)
that deep dark obsession
stop posting this shitty fanart with neckless lucas
people actually believe it's official for some reason
The duster here is HIDEOUS
So true to the game.
stay mad
This sums pretty well Yea Forums in 2019.
Yeah, just like in the games. People tell him he looks like a bum and Fassad calls him plain looking, do you expect him to be some prettyboy?
Daily reminder that literally everyone dies.
>this entire thread
My god this board is bad. I can’t even imagine how bad it will get for the 2020 election
So these niggas were into Hitler?
and yet he gets to dick kumatora in nu-world
I will if you keep posting children without necks
>and yet he gets to dick kumatora in nu-world
Cool fanfiction, link?
brb timeskip time, see you in 2 years
You mean 1?
2 years just in case
Mother threads have veen real bad the last few months. Kumatora became popular with the "waifu of the month" faggots, the same guys who probably spamed bowsette on here, and to male things worse some popular streamer streamed mother 3. Since then mother threads have veen filled with idiots who probably haven't even touched a game.
these threads has gone to shit long before the E3 2018 when Kuma posters have became even more active
its not.
maybe its becuase you retards have been making mother 3 threads non-stop for the past two weeks.
try one of the other games in the series, this one has been done to death.
what the fuck do you think the happy boxes were?
if this game was made to day, it would be fucking laughed at like the WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY memes.
It's fun.
>You just don't get it man
Nice trips.
When did I say I like having these threads constantly? Only the retards are the ones who spam them every day. Mother is small series with no future, actual threads were made only every once in a while. Now you have threads every day of people posting the same shitty kumatora art, no one enjoys it but them.
>Hippie is now a costume
>Can't just buy a tyedye shirt and a faux-deer vest
>Mother is small series with no future
It's for the better. The series died with dignity and the creator is content with it, that's way more then most series could dream of.
exactly. they need to stop being posted so damn frequently.
and its always mother 3 threads, never an earthbound or mother 1 thread.
>Now you have threads every day of people posting the same shitty kumatora art, no one enjoys it but them.
>I know I'll post art even worse than them!
Earthbound threads are even worse, it's all Undertale shitposting and that shitty GiegueXPorky art.
how would the game have been different if it was a direct sequel to 2 like suggested?