>Bloody Palace (Confirmed)
>Playable Vergil (Rumored)
>More Weapons
>More Costumes
>Legendary Dark Knight Mode
Other urls found in this thread:
God, I hope.
I don't get why people think this is going to happen. The Cameo system isn't live co-op is it? From what they described it's just recorded data from players who have already done that section isn't it?
It might be possible in Bloody Palace.
No, it's live coop, I've managed to play with my friends. If you dont have anyone to play with it uses your own ghost data or the DMC team ghost data.
It's fun in Bayo 2. I'd play this shit all day if BP had co-op.
>Playable Vergil (Rumored)
It would be absolutely retarded of them to not add in vergil, I'll eat my fucking dick if they don't add him.
Actual crying devils dlc. Secret bayonetta boss fight expac
Kinda lame the game didn't launch with BP
Shit Game, Shit Story, Same old
Extra missions would be kinda neat
So when Vergil inevitably becomes playable he's going to be getting the Doppleganger style as well as Sin DT right?
I hope Dante gets a new demonic laser/arrow weapon like Nightmare-Beta and Artemis.
And I fucking HOPE Lucia becomes playable.
Mission 13 is co-op
One of the earlier Nero/V missions is live coop as well. The one in the subway.
>dmc2 fags exist
a rare breed indeed
Would love if we got all the past games outfits
I think most would agree that they could salvage Lucia, user.
Didn't some dude find shit for playable Vergil in the code
I don't pay for DLC.
They found he had actual skills/abilities. Not playable, but they've already built the character's movelist.
>begging for dlc
look how pathetic Yea Forums has become, just admit the game was shit
>More Weapons
>More Costumes
Unnecessary. I'd like some extra levels instead. Felt weird to only use Nero's full potential in NG+.
Then again DMC6 is surely exactly that with how well 5 is selling so it's fine either way.
I don't play any other video games anymore, I'm fine with dlc desu
But the game was complete. It doesn't really feel like anything is missing. Even DMC 3/4 required SE to get Vergil added along with some QoL changes. Which the devs say (if says are good) is a possibility. DLC is only an issue when it's either overpriced or is used to fix problems the base game had. Plus BP has been confirmed to be a free DLC.
It's already confirmed
Do you really think that guy gives a fuck about what you just typed? Learn to recognize posts that are not worth replying to.
I kinda wish Vergil would be first but oh well
>But the game was complete.
You should see all the code talking about Vergil and upcoming DLC. It's not complete you faggot.
trish & lady DLC will tease the autism bros DLC in the ending
>Actual new missions featuring new playable characters
How I fucking wish
reminder DMC 2 doesn't exist
they didn't even mention it in the summary video
Here's your (you), Barry
Lucia needs to be salvaged, that's it. DMC2 Dante's DESIGN looks good & thankfully was salvaged in SMT Nocturne. Majin was great & brought back for 5. DMC2 had some good tracks & they're brought back. Lucia is the only one left.
before the nightmare adaptation in game ?
Yea Forums..... can we trust him?
they already said no DLC past Bloody Palace
>tfw Crewcut is actually Hunk
All that shit you listed and no mention of Lady and Trish being hinted at getting some missions of their own in the ending cutscene
where are you seeing that in the pic
Majority of that stuff should have been in the game.
Here's what I'm thinking.
Based on the ending and post credits scenes:
>Nero gets V's book before Dante and Vergil head to Hell.
>Lady and Trish get a job from Morrison.
>Dante and Vergil are stuck in Hell.
So, naturally.
>Nero-V DLC. Possibly free, possibly paid.
>Lady-Trish DLC. Paid.
>Dante-Vergil DLC. Paid.
Thats a yeet from me dawg
The ending is literally Morrison giving Lady and Trish a new job. And Trish has a model with sunglasses and a red jacket, do you think they scanned a new outfit just for a photo?
Still play Tagclimax in Bayo 2 can't thing of a more lip biting moment than when your partner is downed your low on HP and the boss is heading your way.
Lucia and other references to DMC2 are in the canon DMC5 prequel novel though
It's funny how Dante acts more like his character is supposed to in Nocturne than in DMC2
>Sunglasses and a jacket
If there's no blue marker above the name then it's recorded data.
If there's one then it's live.
The question is how to implement her?
Part of me we thinking of taking influence from 2 and the Reboot of all things.
Instead of angel and demon mode though it's holding down for different elemental modes.
Beat Mission 11 again on S rank
Here's how you do it:
>Make her the trademark 'fast but light' character
>Take inspiration from V's teleport executions for more speed-autism moves.
>Give her a bunch of swift swipe-based combos and spinning blade shit. 5-6 based solely on button timings.
>Landing moves, as in, moves you can only preform just when hitting the ground from a jump. DMC2 did this.
>Cranky Bomb setups with Darts/Knives as a different projectile.
They only said no DLC was planned at the current time. The game was a massive success, so it would be surprising if they didn't do anything at all
Here's hoping we see the return of Nelo Angelo's sword as a new weapon for him, seeing as Force Edge isn't going to make a comeback, and the only way we're getting Beowulf is if King Beowulf or something like that is a boss in his DLC.
Or they just won't add new missions for him, though I'm hoping they do.
>DLC Speculations
Give me the following characters as playable
>Megaman Zero - Zero
>Darkstalkers - Hsein-ko
>Rival Schools - Batsu Ichimonji
>But the game was complete
>Saying this when it didn't include bloody palace
Okabe said that if the game sells well, they will do a DLC.
>Walker: “He goes, ‘Look, I want to make a DMC 5 or Dragon’s Dogma 2,’” Walker said. “To Kenzo’s credit, he goes, ‘You know what? Creators should be able to make what they want to make. So you decide. What do you want to do?’”
Post-Inafune Capcom is beautiful
He already has more than enough to blow entire fucking screen repeatedly user.
Is there a place you can look at these photos or the enemy death pictures Nico takes?
i fucked up and put the site 2 times, sorry
>More summons for V please*
standing on shadows spike move is actually fucking pointless because he can't do anything afterwards
his only inputs with his cane are neutral, forward and a 360 motion, he needs some more DT using moves using that button
Don't sweat it user; I just thought you might've had a bout with early-onset Alzheimers and didn't realize you already posted basically the same message twice.
I sure hope they include good coop. The thought of practicing sick fucking combos with some bros is great. I'd settle for Bloody Palace coop.
>replay mission 4
>there's entire sections i've missed that can only be accessed by summoning Nightmare and breaking through the walls leading to the second parasite and eventually a secret mission
People trying to shit on DMC5 level design are stupid, it actually has more thought put into it than vast majority of DMC3 levels, especially the last Qliphoth missions that are straight fucking mazelike.
I don't get why you use this clip to bait since it's one of the coolest moments in the entire game.
When the level 7/13 coop works it's absolutely fucking beautiful.
I haven't beaten the game yet, but I assume you can't play as one character through the entire game after you beat it? I always loved being able to do that in the other games, and not being able to play as Dante or Nero through the whole DMC4 campaign still pisses me off.
I dont like :
Guard doesnt cancel most animations
Weapons swapping doesnt cancel animations
Sin DT pretty much gives Dante a no effort I WIN button
My custom battle music only works on like the first 3 levels per character then gets replaced by the game for muh story
Vergil cop out boss
No vergil theme remix for boss vergil
I like:
All the guns
I enjoyed it.
3>4>5 >1>2
5 would top 4 if it had turbo.
Live co-op, I taunted at a guy and he taunted back. We were also fighting the same group of enemies.
Just repeat mission 13 a few times and you'll find some other players
May take a while for any dlc after BP, Matt just said the while team is going on vacation once its out
Setting yourself up for disappointment.
For me it's not that the level design is lacking it's that the aesthetic is kind of bland, specifically the later levels.
>people theorized about Nero's devil trigger and whether it will be wings, arm or full DT
>mfw it's all at once and arms fold to form wings
How come Urizen knew who Dante was but not who Eva was
Just like pic related was photoshopped, huh?
Mission 15 with Nero was so huge and maze-like. Took me like 35 minutes to fully explore it. Was ridiculously fun.
Has anyone tried playing this with the Switch pro controller?
Because Urizen is Vergil's idealized self who wants nothing more than power and to defeat Dante. Those are his only thoughts. He didn't even give himself a name. Eva doesn't matter to him. Eva matters to V.
Because Urizen was the incarnation of Vergil's hate and anger, his demon side remembers Dante while his memories of Eva is with V
Because that's petty human shit, that's stuck with v. The only thing he cares about is power and beating dante
Okay just finished the game.
Is it just me or is the ending dog shit?
>Nero magics his arm back because he has a Dad now
>"Stop fighting!"
>"My entire life has been leading to this moment, but okay."
>The end
Urizen seemed to have thrown away everything that he considered a weakness, including his human connections. All that was left was a burning desire for power, but no purpose for what he was gonna do with all that power beyond defeating Dante
But it has really fucking good aesthetics, especially in first half which takes most of the playtime anyway.
I'd say it has better aesthetics than any DMC other than 1.
Even Qliphoth is fucking spectacular in how bizarre it is sometimes, especially with those blood lifts or giant vertical shafts that feel like they've taken directly from Nocturne.
This is the equivalent of saying that nothing cool happens in Superman Comics while posting a pic of Superman punching Darksied so hard he sees the curvature of the Earth.
Because the demon held onto strong feelings like his Rage for Dante but cast aside his weakness like his love for his mother.
I honestly don't think i've even fully explored the thing. The amount of passages and forks is fucking mindblowing.
higher difficulties exist, you know about that, right?
You're straight up playing with other people in mission 13 and can meet up with someone in mission 7 if you're timing is right
I beat mission 11 on S rank my first try and never saw that, do I have to do it again?
co-op campaigns
>Trish/Lady campaign or maybe some kind of money mode where they fight off waves to bring in enough cash to keep the lights on
>Vergil/Nero campaign where they get to flesh out their relationship and bring back V I just want the burd back, Griffon being a shithead is the best part of V
I see Vergil-Dante being more likely with a Nero-V campaign coming afterwards. Trish-Lady will definitely happen though.
Some mission unlocks photos when you beat them the second time. 1 for A rank and 2 for S rank
DMC5 would have benefited from episodic content, let Itsuno flesh out the story more. Grab the Story Director from 3 if he has to. Itsuno is a great gameplay director, but holy shit was DMC5's story horseshit.
Even 2's story was better
>dante gets called to save the world
>does it
>dante gets called to fight his brother who kills millions for the 3rd fucking time, but decides to brush it off because muh nephew's daddy
>Grab the Story Director from 3 if he has to
But it's the same, Bingo Morihashi
why are missions 14, 15 and 16 three different missions
>More V content
How though? From a plot standpoint it doesn't work unless you make some prequel stuff which neither of your posts are getting at, but even then I don't think there's much room for V prequel missions
I want V to have more moves goddamnit. please give him more in the dlc.
Who cares honestly about story in DMC. If the characters are funny and the action is great then that's all I need.
Nero got V's book at the end of the game. If you're telling me they won't try and bullshit something there when Vergil specifically told him to hold on to it, I think you're wrong.
They're never gonna top 3's story. Just look what they did to Lady in 4 (and to a lesser extent 5). That being said, everyone keeps saying Virgil kills millions for the third time. I know Temen-Ni-Gru in 3 was the first, and then 5 has the Qliphoth, but what was the other time? Did he do something in DMC1 that I'm completely forgetting?
Playable Lady and Trish, though this one will take a while and will probably be paid.
bullshit what? V is Vergil now.
I'm on SoS, the game becomes so more fun after mission 9
I do. It's simple but I like it.
Fair point. I hadn't thought about that
I agree with this, I couldn't care less abut 4's story and 1's isn't very good, but it was nice when DMC3 has a legitimately good story
If I was a betting man it's probably going to be a new story following them on that job with Morrison.
By extension the Vergil stuff is probably going to be Vergil and Dante escaping hell for a pizza.
Why wasn't this shit on launch
Nero went shonen anime style full focus determination ultra instinct whatever and pulled his devil trigger.
Demon powers lets him manifest his arm back because fuck you, they also poke fun at how weird it is in the credits cutscene so just roll with it.
V had character development over the course of the game.
When he merged back into Vergil that stuck and he didnt want to murder dante anymore, but they still want to kick each others ass.
That's why dante just takes a nap and vergil decides to fight nero as dante's proxy.
They're both a pair of stubborn retards and the blue twin is too much of an autistic weeb to just give up without a reason.
>V gets demon packs from every series
>plasma, phantom, mannequin
>dmc2 stuff lol
>chess piece
>soul eater
Legendary Dark Knight Mode exclusive to Xbox One X because it takes 12 GB RAM and the Scorpio chip minimum to run
Why would Vergil tell Nero to hold on to the book if the writers never intended either another character similar to V or a weird semi-recreation of V to pop up? They could easily do a 'V recreated based on peoples' memories' thing just like they did with Shadow, Griffon, and Nightmare based no Vergil's Nelo Angelo memories.
they could bullshit something about V growing a distinct soul separate from Vergil
V is Vergil but there personalities are still different even when merged
So exclusive to Xbox One X and anyone with a decent PC? Who doesn't have at least 16GB RAM nowadays?
>hold on to the book
>ur a faget
I just took Vergil handing the book to Nero as Vergil's way of telling him that he was planning on returning, that he wasn't planning on abandoning him again.
>lingering powers on book makes V shows up temporarily
>"t'was all an a dream / hallucination" just like V mini boss rush
>some power that let's Vergil shows up as V through the book
>what was the other time
The tower in his pants
I just found out urizen shield is actually yamato.
anyone with a PS4 or PS4 Pro. Legendary Dark Knight Mode only for Microsoft devices
>dmc2 stuff lol
Let me FTFY.
>Freki and Geri &/or Bolverk (Twin Demon Wolves and a knight)
>Abyss Goat
>Nefasturris as DT (Building Demon)
I have seen this posted so many times and I have no idea what I am supposed to be seeing. Is Vergil in there somewhere, what am I missing?
Would be great if we got playable Trish and Lady. Lucia would be amazing, but highly unlikely.
very nice
Vergil is behind Nero. This was a week or more before release so it was big if true.
Would be kind of funny, but the RE Engine relies a lot more on GPU and VRAM than CPU and RAM. It's probably the reason it runs somewhat decently even with shit like 2nd generation i5's as long as your graphics card is good and why it doesn't run on the Switch.
But that one created life, not ended it.
Think we'll get cloaked/punished Vergil as an alt costume? Model is already there.
>morrison VA is actually white
That's what I suspected but I looked it over for a while and wasn't convinced it was Vergil, the shoulder on the coat resembles Nero's and the hair is a tossup. But anyone who thought Vergil wouldn't be in was dumb.
I’m betting on modders finding playable Vergil in the game files
Cavaliere chads where are you at?
I enjoy the DBs so much. I spend almost all my orbs on expansions.
As the game finished I was a bit sad by the ending. Then I saw this and couldn't stop laughing
You can see the death cams in the main menu under enemy reports
So where did she get her clothes back from? I'm assuming Nico gave her the jumpsuit but where did she get her actual clothes from
Mission 13, that subway mission with V/Nero, and at least one more i dont remember is live co-op. I want to say that the ones where ghosts show up CAN be live co-op but sometimes also ghosts
What the fuck is Morrison's VA race/ethnicity ?
>almost every name is Chinese
I still can't believe they took that one bike-fu cutscene from DMC3 and made it into an actual Devil Arm for this game. Itsuno you fucking mad man.
There's nothing that surprising about Nero growing his arm back once he accesses his devil trigger. I mean, even before getting his, Dante was shrugging off a dozen scythe blades just sticking through him in the opening of DMC3, because he did awaken his devilish powers to a degree and had good regen. Nero just never got that far until he wanted to stop his father and uncle from beating each other to death, and now that he's at that level he's fine. He's like DMC3~DMC1 pre-Sparda Dante power level now(while Dante and Vergil have advanced to their Sin DT levels).
Do you get the option to use Rebellion or Sparda again after you complete the game? The changes to Swordmaster with DSD are really fucking me up
if you don't think we'll get a
>playable trish virgil and lady dlc (maybe even lucia)
you must be some kind of fuckin retarded
You do.
Yes they are unlocked again after finishing it.
trish spawned em for her
>He's like DMC3~DMC1 pre-Sparda Dante power level now
I'd say he is a bit higher since he doesn't need to fuse with other devil arms to have a complete form and his form also has very advanced special abilities he can even access outside of the Trigger.
Not Sparda Dante yet though.
Not sure.
Maybe Trish used a clothes beam or something?
Anyone have this pic in super high res?
>Replaying mission 13 to show-off and inspire other devil hunters
Currently doing this in between playthroughs
How the fuck do you deal with Furies on SoS or above? There’s one in the start of mission 12 that tears my ass up. By the time I actually kill it, I’m down in health with little DT. And the next group of enemies has one of those faggot teleporting blobs
>thought that Nero will only have the third jump in DT
>he actually always has it
>the jump adds fantastic evasion ability and the fall can even be extended
Honestly despite all the buffs Dante got in this game Nero still looks fucking fantastic.
Being able to double devil bringer and stop time before doing Showdown makes the skill so much more useful than in 4 too.
so regarding the first major boss
what are you exactly supposed to do when he goes full kirby?
can someone tell me the difference between kalina ann and kalina ann II it says nico added something to it
also same with cavaliere and the R variant
Breakage whatever arm you have. On Piss4 it’s L1 default controls
What third jump? You talking about the air taunt?
you are reaching like a nigger just to get my hopes up, scanning a fucking jacket doesn't cost millions
Is there a way to mess with the game files to unlock super costumes?
You have a few options, use gebera and fly away, stinger away, break an arm once caught, or anticipate which side he will start on and run the other way.
that's what I've been doing, but there's gotta be a better solution right? Breaking the arm just feels to me like a last resort kinda move
you can find the original kalina ann in one of the levels and then it turns into DOUBLE missle launchers with a faster rate of fire and a new/better charge move
He gains a triple jump after unlocking his Devil trigger.
Check your skill menu.
I can see weapon skins happening the game is already built with that in mind and more devil breakers so I hope we get beowulf as a skin for balrog
as for legendary dark knight, it won't be until the inevitable special edition
>they said there would not be a special edition
there will be since turbo and LDK are impossible on console, so they will release a complete edition on ps5 and xbone 2 which will include turbo and LDK
Nero literally one shot Dante so hard that he gave up on fighting Vergil and beat the fuck out of Vergil so hard that he for the first time in history admitted a loss ("I won't lose next time"), Nero's stronger than both those boomer's by a long shot. They can't hope to keep up with the Nerochad.
How do you get bluddy palez?
Well, they said scanning costumes were expensive.
I've gone through 4 games just fine, I swear, but seeing that Trish ass and especially that Lady ass have made me pray for Japan to deliver on some good shit come next comiket. And it better be vanilla because I swear to fucking God Japan, don't fuck this up.
no I already found the original I want to know what the difference is because the weapon description says she added something to it
Not exactly. There are arms littered around the game, unless you're burning through them like M&Ms you won't ever find yourself without any. Deliberate arm breaks can be even used for combos. Once again, as long as you don't abuse, it's not a last ditch attack.
Using the rocket punch's charge attack can give you a leg up in most of Nero's bosses too.
What the fuck, the devil knuckle is so fucking useful. It extends combos like crazy with its massive hitstop.
>there will eventually be a mod where it replaces dantes model with nude lady
The perfect Lady doujin was made years ago. Also, noticing Trish and Lady's asses in V but somehow missing Kyrie's ass in 4 tells me you may have the big gay.
Very hard to get used to though.
There is a hack that makes all playable characters invincible Can't beat the game, though, because Vergil boss is marked as a playable character and is also, as such, invincible.
If you hadn't found the original than #2 would behave the same as #1, the special feature is just them being able to combine if you hold X
>put it on l1
>use your exceed finger to slide across l1 and l2 at once
wasnt even that hard to get used to
Mission 4 when
Fair I guess Jester in DMC3 is stronger then Dante and Virgil too
>devil knuckle
Whats that?
how do you use the fist?
A literal Star Platinum ora ora
Ghost punch. If you press the the buster button during a special attack it'll pummel the enemy and steal all momentum.
user please, Vergil was going easy on him, also both he and Dante clearly weren't in top shape after their fight.
The Random livecoop in V is quite charming, i wasn't even aware at the time.
But this guy playing Nero was a little too crazy to be a bot lmao.
Fucking cut content sold as DLC. Fuck the corporations.
Mastering Exceed and Devil Knuckle is insane. has insane hitstop and dps when you are constantly doing both.
Weakfag begone!
Remember that time Arkham one-shot Dante and Vergil after they fought? Because I do.
thats lame what about the cavaliere
Buster during directional input attacks or long animations.
>fite me
I would, but that panther has decided to fight some invisible enemies 2 meters in front of you and the crow is just firing at the walls
Given the sort of things mods have already done with RE2, a playable Vergil with his boss moveset would be not out of the question.
Lads, I just got the dance cutscene. The one where you get the hat? You know the one.
What the fuck were they thinking?
Is there a secret ending for beating a certain about of enemies during the credits? Or anything for beating enough of them?
Or even regular sword combos
They were thinking Beat It. Just, Beat It.
Why do people hate V? out of all the 3 toons I really had fun playing him.
>Not liking the Michael Jackson cutscene
What's wrong with you
Can you Devil Knuckle during Maximum Bet and Showdown?
Feel the blue balled me with that scene as V was ready to give Sparda to Nero.
Wonder how crazy his DT would be if it were influence by Sparda.
thank god for nightmare
When you get both, Dante can link the two together into one long super rocket launcher that fires a giant laser beam. It is manually aimed not unlike Pandora's Hatred form.
We all know they're gonna make our boy playable.
based, how could anyone ever compete?
Co-op cant come soon enough, have some OC.
Fuck off Scott
That scene was a real Thriller, but when i Beat It the game, i knew how that scene was important. Today game industry, They Don't Care About Us, and that scene made me belive that there is still hope. And that Dante is a Smooth Criminal.
>b-but they were tired
>I-It's not like Nero didn't spend the last 24 hours fighting constantly and getting his ass kicked
>V-Vergil wasn't even taking him seriously, it's not like he immediately pulled out his doppelganger against Nero while he waited until the end of the fight to do it with Dante
The amount of cope from boomers in funny. *dabs*
Vergilfags are so delusional and all these threads have proven it
>they actually integrated almost entire Swordmaster moveset into this thing
>you can even charge and summon assistant swords outside of swordmaster or DT
>you have a complete Rebellion during any other style
This is fantastic
Wacky woo hoo pizza man's tribute to the wacky hee hee pop-music man.
Add Jester to the power ranking
Jester (El payaso del diablo)
1.0 YOU CANNOT KILL ME was better than 2.0 YOU CANNOT KILL ME, but the rest of the song sounds better on 2.0
That fucking dt wing jump is amazing
>Get to King Cerberus
>"Oh cool, they brought this mutt back. Guess I have to chip away at the ice and helm brea-"
>He starts pulling his chains off
It was kind of awkward watching it after seeing Leaving Neverland where some guys describe in explicit detail about what MJ's semen looked like
God shut the fuck up
That shit's a bunch of lies anyway
subhumans that use that sort of language are playing devil may cry 5. that is exciting news because it means the game is selling better than expected and we might get another one after dragons dogma 2.
>>describe in explicit detail about what MJ's semen looked like
white liquid? wat
you can buy a skill for his devil trigger post-game that lets you get a third jump/glide if you hold jump. works after air hike too.
>the most batshit insane rave music starts playing as his heads shitpost about other elements and brag about their own while going ham all around the arena
Isnt capcom having a cross over with the smt mobile game?
I find it extremely suspicious how smt doesnt even get a reference in the game
>DD2 fag
>calling other subhuman
I will Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough
Do you play the game with keyboard or with a controller?
Why do I get higher fps on this game than on RE2 when they both use the same engine?
Extended moveset for tomboy when
And on top of that they let you switch back to the older way of doing things so people have a choice if they have difficulty adjusting.
Really did good work on that weapon.
>no u
It took 3 games, but Rueben Langdon finally voiced a Dante that isn't a complete fag
>stay in the air for 15 seconds
So this is how it feels to be casual filtered huh.
Tomboy IS the extended moveset for red queen, treat it as such and integrate it into the combos.
Don't try it until you have Enemy Step.
crewcut should have everything Resident Evil 6 mercenaries mode had including the over the shoulder camera, stamina bar, sliding, counters, all of it - but the DMC5 enemies should behave exactly as they do in the base game. would be wild.
Yeah, Dante's in it just like he was with Nocturne. Not sure why you'd expect them to reference SMT in DMC5 though, as much as I'd like them to there's really no reason for it since even if you consider his Nocturne appearance canon it's completely irrelevant to the rest of the DMC series
RE2 renders out the entirety of the game, there are no loading screens at all.
Calvier air combo my dude
hahahaha how is vergil hard? Just parry his shit like hahaha nigga just trickster your way out of his attacks
I know, but i'd still love more moves for it
I did it without enemy step. Cavaliere keeps you in the air for a million years.
no one button prop shredder kills it for me desu. majin form is basically journalist mode too but I appreciate the novelty.
Don't mind me, just being the GOAT track
I don't think so, the accounts are fucking disgusting and they really do go into such deep detail that it's hard to imagine anyone would just make that up with their face attached and taint their entire life for money, it was revolting to hear.
How are you guys performing devil knuckle into your combos? I have it on my triangle and my melee on my circle so I can just thumbslide for those ora oras.
I'm replaying mission 13, what hero should I pick?
How reliable is the friend preference on that for matchmaking? If we both set friends to preference and start the same stage at the same time, assuming it's co-op possible, will we be matched up the majority of the time?
It's a serious guilty pleasure when I'm doing well and "YOU CANNOT KILL MEEEE" starts up
There's no way to check which blue and purple shards I've gotten, right? I'm missing three of each and I have no clue which missions I missed them on
The more I play, the more I have began to enjoy subhuman
>Dante's summoned swords can actually break summoned swords of Vergil
>that charged homing attack
I hope Vergil will gain new summoned sword powers in DLC because so far Dante actually managed to get a cooler version.
It's not bad in itself, it's a pretty respectable execution of the summoner archetype in the action / action RPG genre, but this franchise's trademark is anime tier combos, and his 3 pets doesn't seem to have any synergy for combo'ing off each other and by themselves they have a very lackluster moveset. They just chimp out and do damage with barely any finesse, style, coolness. It's like having 3 mission 01 Nero (no moves/upgrades), probably even worse than that. Also targetting issues as mentioned
Sparda is identical to rebellion in this game, right? Are there any actual differences?
Were you not paying attention to V? He admitted everything Vergil did was wrong and wanted to stop him. It's only after talking to Trish did she convince him to reform Vergil, because it would be unfair to Dante to not see things through.
Deals a bit more damage
But its just a screen of someone who beat it early and posted it. What does this actually mean? You can see this same scene in the final game, anyone can take it.
Sparda deals a bit more damage and its range is better on a lot of attacks
Dunno I like Nero a fair bit but I don't want him to be so overpowered.
He got a power boost but if he somehow eclipsed his dad and uncle completely I'd say that it was kind of unearned.
they had just fought a battle to the death. Nero is super strong but either of them at peak condition is stronger.
Holy fuck Nero after beating the game with gerbera and air taunt feels so fucking good, you literally never have to touch the ground
I know you can kill urizen in the prologue but can kill him in mission 8, also does anyone have mission 19 music or a link to the entire ost?
This was before we knew anything about the game user, we didn't know if Vergil or even Dante would survive.
same shit in how they gave him half of lady's kalina ann moveset.
Prop-Shredder being fit into a combo is kind of unappealing. Idea just popped in my head - why not have it occupy a High Time tap? If you don't hold to jump up with the High Time launcher, it automatically transitions into Prop. It would be perfect, Prop is already a launcher itself, so it doesn't lose any functionality. Follow the tap with another to Shredder, of course.
Was this scene really necessary?
Any leaks of Vergil/Iruzen first model?
Actually, is this still Vergil or Iruzen at this moment?
>Trish goes on to borrow(steal) Cavaliere from Dante
First it was Sparda, now it's Cavaliere? This slut just can't keep her hands away from Dante's weapons can't she?
Ok so? Its still a shot from a dude who played the game early. What are you trying to say with this?
He doesn't become Urizen until after he gets the Yamato and then cuts himself in half.
The summon swords are great. I can only do basic stuff with them but I think they're gonna be used in a lot of crazy combo videos.
Capcom needed to show naked lady booty for the future porn material. They knew what they were doing.
I hope Lady does absurd things with dual KA.
No, and it seems strange. Why throw off her blanket at all? I guess she was annoyed with Nico and didn't know Nico is bi.
God damn it don’t ignore my question for that shithead above me
It's still full Vergil, you see him separate himself later on.
It's Vergil. Urizen was the byproduct of splitting himself into two.
What does doing both devil bringers at once do?
Yeah faggot. Learn to appreciate some boldness in your games
It's Vergil.
This is Vergil pre V/Urizen split. After this scene he immediately goes to their old home and stabs himself.
being stupid on purpose doesn't mean you're not stupid user
The live action is even better
>your reason
>I rusin'
holy fuck lol
>no grapple on kalinna ann
You get a scene for Lady and Trish, and Dante with Vergil. I don't know if they're secret or not. I'm not a shitter so I saw them when I beat the game.
Took me almost 3 hours to upload this boring no gameplay video of Vergils EX oufit, and it was just uploaded so 4K quality is not available yet
Why the fuck does he has Iruzen voice at this moment?
Idk what you are even talking about anymore. Later retard
absolutely yes
Lady is the fucking best and I want her to fucking kill me with her rocket launcher
Anyone have the Legacy remix when Nero is climbing the stairs?
God damn how the fuck do you get S rank in the prologue cause I cannot for the life of me do it
this I've literally only landed a single hit with it too.
Beat the boss.
>no playable vergil on release
Nero really need to have more dialogue with Kyrie throughout the game
It's a nice side of him
I also got them but it felt like I missed something since Nico said “you coulda killed more than that” or something and Dante mentions how Vergil beat him this time around (in amount of enemies killed I assumed)
You don't have to do that, though. Just style him long enough.
in fact, I'm not sure you can get an S rank if you beat him
>in fact, I'm not sure you can get an S rank if you beat him
You can, that's how I did it.
Name me one fucking DMC game that had a playable Vergil on release.
It sucks now, but just think about how amazing Special Edition is going to be.
Even in DmC, Vorgil was a dlc.
Vergil was taking it easy on him and was tired from duking it out with Dante. Note how they both returned the pimp smack after that fight is over and Nero tries butting in again.
You get V alt costume for beating Nero's post-game fight.
You can really see his outfit a bit better now, I thought he'd have worn something different since it's so worn out.
DMC4: Special Edition
you saved it, so
I had hope fuck you.
And what was that a rerelease of, jackass?
>the most powerful demon entity in all DMC, even stronger than Mundus
>Dante just brushes killing it off as a Tuesday in DMC5
>Special Edition
Now wait for those words to appear near DMC5.
Honestly hoping we get dlc that's fleshed out and we won't have to wait years for.
Well, when Mundus was a challenge Argosax wasn't.
Dante's fault becoming too powerful.
How bad did this game sell? Hoping DmC gets a sequel.
does he mention it in-game?
I wonder if they will ever expand on him. He looks an aweful lot like Sin Dante.
Why did they make most of the levels not play the battle music? The battle music is so fucking good and I'm kinda pissed.
The reason why V looks so young is because Vergil stopped maturing after 3. It's like how those adult children act like they're still teenagers despite being in their thirties but physically as well.
He was a jobber
DLC? More Fortnite dances of course
>Dante sets up a Devil May Cry in hell
>takes jobs from lesser demons that get picked on by bigger demons
>Dante gets paid with stuff from the human world (jackets, pizza, Monster energy drinks)
They had to considering it's name and what it is
>hard to imagine anyone would just make that up with their face attached and taint their entire life for money
You gravely underestimate the shamelessness of most people.
One of Steam's top sellers currently, sold better than RE:Make2 I heard. Looks like you're shit out of luck. Fuck you.
I wouldn't be surprised if it already outsold the entirety of DmC.
Royal Guard is so great.
They should just make full-on expansions. Comparable to something like Artorias of the Abyss or The Old Hunters. Introduce new weapons, new bosses, etc. Some can be for new characters (Vergil/Lady/Trish/etc) and others can be more of Nero/Dante/V. Take advantage of how great DMC5 is mechanically and build some really strong content out of it. Don't bother reinventing the wheel with DMC6 until they've done everything they can with 5. End it with a solid conclusion of all the characters fighting together, maybe against Mundus.
I know Itsuno probably wants to move on to new projects, but I really think they could pull this off given DMC5's popularity.
>one day this dude who calls himself "The Demifiend" comes across him and asks for his service
>no DLC is planned at the current time
this is what they really meant, do you seriously think Capcom can help themselves?
>tfw the fire head calls Belial a bitch compared to his own flames
All these years and I still suck at it.
>never used royal guard
>fall in love with it during the angelo fight
Is this what getting gud means?
Oh yeah I should have brought up Dark Arisen, obviously Itsuno is already familiar with this concept.
the ice one insults the frog from 4 too
>Only use it during the Vergil fight, learn all of the timings.
There was never a more kino moment in my entire first playthrough.
>switch Nero gun to L1 after getting charge shot post-game and set break to square
>keep blowing through devil breakers on accident since accustomed to gun on square
Wasnt this Langdon's gf?
dude, they have a perfect expansion with the before the nightmare book, he fights balrog uses cerberus hangs out with lucia just ask for that
This but with V, keep summoning Nightmare by accident.
So was dmc v a beta test for DD2? V seems like the next evolution of the mage class.
Big mistake. Gun should always be on L1, the later you do it the more fucked you are.
wife now
Anyone else think they're going to bump BP forwards, like they did with RE2's Ghost Survivors and 1998 models?
>can’t dodge vergils attacks for shit
>perfect frame guard everything
I hated it in 4 but it’s so fun now
why didnt dante gain sin DT when nero stabbed him in 4
Stay on topic, user. You talked about V but then talked about cartoons.
Lucky man, wish i had a cosplaying gf/wife too
I have 4gb of ram
Shame we never saw her. Also wanted to see her be somewhat capable of taking out a demon or two when the going got tough
because they made the window bigger and imperfect blocks drain DT before health
looking good there vergil
Cavaliere is my swordfu
Everything about the live-action cutscenes is glorious.
Every single frame is perfection.
i wish i had lady gf
..........shut up that’s why
So is the Sparda sword gone for good since it's part of Dante/Swordante now? I know you can equip it if you want but I mean story wise
What is Trish going to swing at people now?
Nope. DmC's dead. Eat shit, faggot.
It has to be self-inflicted to work properly I guess.
I didn't need to preorder to unlock EX Vergil and V right?
Sparda sword wasn't on his person. It was self inflicted. Could be a number of things, who knows.
Trish should just go find Alastor.
They're both electric, they're both from DMC1, it's like poetry.
Story-wise Sparda's power was absorbed into Dante and became DSD. Trish is out of luck
Other than her dick? Maybe she can get her own damn weapon.
Dante wasn't actually trying to do anything with it then
It's a shame most people won't look at them.
Pre-ordering doesn't even unlock those costumes.
>t. somebody who pre-ordered and tried figuring out how to apply V's EX costume all game only to figure out it didn't come with the game
It's a different frame of mind. There's a difference between someone trying to kill you and you committing ritual sudoku.
Kinda wished Vergil said "you're going down" before going sin dt and jetting all over the place. Hell any of his dmc3 lines.
>you trash
>don't get so cocky
Trish still has bare knuckle and lightning magic. She can find another sword. Alastor, maybe?
>So Dante practices with Vergil in hell like Goku in the gravity chamber
This means that we cannot realistic play as Dante ever again because he'd be too stronk to balance gameplay-wise.
Is super versions of characters in the game like DMC4?
It was fun dicking around with infinite devil trigger. Imagine SDT with infinite devil trigger
Could just watch them on YouTube, not quite the same experience but good enough.
Guys I can't be the only one that barely uses Gunslinger right?
Just beat Malphas. Action games are fucking exhausting.
Didn't have Sparda. He absorbed Sparda when he stabbed himself with Rebellion.
No, it just means we have to play him in Hell now specifically, against stronger demons.
you have to beat heaven or hell for the vergil unlock.
>not using Double Katalina Ann with Gunslinger
She could always just use the daggers she had as Gloria. It would mean Lucia would *never* be a playable character again, but hey!
I use it more than I did in DMC4.
Rainstorm is a lot more useful as an aerial tool now.
Coyote-A is pretty strong.
Double Kalina Ann is fucking godly.
Haven't used Faust much because I'm too greedy with orbs.
Beat dmd mode, all guns are perma charged, Nero has max exceed, V's are perma buffed, and Dante has max sin gauge. You get a 80% score penalty as a result though
Yes, I know you have to get S rank on the last mission for V and beat HoH for Vergil but do I need to have preordered?
>not using based Karina's GS every once in a while
The only thing I really use Gunslinger for is aerial attacks with E&I, it's fun and easy to chain that attack with other aerial combos
>because he'd be too stronk to balance gameplay-wise.
Just turn bosses into regular enemies.
Beat DMD to get them.
While SDT isn't infinite, Dante's DT constantly regenerates so you can spam it in every encounter.
>What is Trish going to swing at people now
His big pre-op cock
ROYAL GUARD, go into the training room with one and learn the block timings.
Im glad DMC has a few noncombatants now.
I've been switching to it for Fireworks a bit, but I'm only on my second Dante level.
Yup. Though you still have to charge SDT.
No, but I'm pretty sure Dante, Nero, Nico, Lady, and Trish are locked to peorder. They'll probably be DLC and/or part of DMC5SE eventually
I want another Nero DLC campaign where you get more arms, where it would just be post game with Nico and Kyrie. Nothing special, just fun times, and then the ending has Dante and Vergil waiting for them at their home covered in demon blood and eating pizza
That is property of Lady.
I mainly mean working it into combos and keeping them going sort of thing
Like I can use it sort of end things but I just can't seem to successfully style with it, im great with RG, TS and SM though
I too want a post game with Nico and Kyrie with sweet release. If you know what I mean.
Would rather have the Dante-Vergil DLC campaign where they fight their way out of Hell with a Nero-V(?) DLC involving V's book.
Because Rebellion doesn't "give" him powers. It's a key to unlocking it, but it's Dante who has to be grasping for the power to get it.
Rebellion unlocked his DT when Vergil stabbed him with it because Dante wished for power to beat Vergil.
Dante could've easily bitch-slapped the entirety of DMC4 so there's no way piercing him with Rebellion would've done anything.
Even in DMC5, Dante doesn't just stab himself as soon as he gets Sparda. He goes back to the remains of his home to think about what's he about to do. Whether or not it's the right thing to do. It's not just "stabbing himself with Rebellion makes him stronger".
>Bloody Palace (Confirmed)
Yes, I wonder if it’ll be timed like 4 or if it won’t, I hope it isn’t.
>Playable Vergil (Rumored)
Rumored, but expected. I’d be really surprised if we don’t get playable Vergil in the next 3-4 months. Or maybe in 6-8 months, if it adds a separate 5 missions-long mini campaign, like DmC’s Vergil Downfall
Maybe in Bloody Palace only
>More Weapons
Not happening
>More Costumes
I’m feeling we’ll definitely get more costume dlc, like classic outfits for Dante and Nero
>Legendary Dark Knight Mode
Not happening this gen, maybe in a future re-release. It would tank fps on current consoles and would only really work on pc
I’ll add
>Turbo Mode
Same thing I said about LDK Mode
>Playable Trish and Lady
I don’t see it happening again so soon
I loved it when Vergil said that. Still such a childish little salty shit head it was great
I've been using it a lot especially with Kalina Ann
I'm guessing its to give it time for people to play the game so Vergil is no longer a big spoiler.
POLL: Best DMC5 Weapon
How the fuck do I beat Vergil on higher difficulties he heals a shitton in DT when I cant touch him them he shits out the doppelganger and my brain stops working
I got giddy when I heard him say scum.
>It would tank fps on current consoles and would only really work on pc
Well, LDK was exclusive to PC for a long time.
vergil is the epitome of johns
>Not using RAINSTORM every time you're in mid-air
I evaded Vergil's Yamato slahes with the Shotgun rolls, it's crazy good.
I want more autismo brothers and unga bunga nero interactions with each other.
It's not Iruzen you fucking moron they say it in game multiple times
Yeah, but I don’t think it’s likely they’ll do another pc-exclusive feature for a long time.
I just started playing this game and the depth of field effect looks pixellated and shitty.
Is there a way to fix this or remove it?
So, we all agree Bloody Palace will be a story about Dante and Vergil slashing their way back to the human world, right?
Capcom has expectations for PC. DMC5 was their second biggest PC release yet, and the CEO is getting interested in PC as an audience.
Only if the ending is them reuniting with Nero
is your dog okay user? You should take it for a walk
The funny thing is it literally wasn't, it was entirely gratuitous and out of nowhere.
Anyone else feel like all of Dante's guns are outclassed by Blue Rose or is that just me?
How the fuck do I beat that secret mission where you have to kill those 3 enemies with V in less than 20 Seconds. This nigger does no damage
Shit I didn’t know mission 13 was live co op. I JUST unlocked that mission before turning off my console.
I fucking LOVE co op in action games. I still play sigma 2 because of the co op mode. I would even pay for dlc if it had co op.
i gotta say say say that this post is so bad that its dangerous. its goes against human nature
We do have the menu scene of them sitting in his van.
Just you
immediate nightmare
teleport into them
charge griffon and mash shadow
Just spend all your bars on DTing Shadow and Griffon. They'll clean up the enemies really fast.
Spam nightmare
Git gud
blow all your DT immediately
Just you.
what it more likely means is they ARE planning to add trish/lady/vergil (or probably just vergil) but only in bloody palace and MAYBE updating the main game to let you use anyone in any mission
I know you mean Devil Breakers but it still put the image of him somehow summoning 4 spectral arms instead of 2.
Becomes a Seraph or something with more arm wings.
money is the root of all evil
I've just ended up playing M13 over and over forever, I need co-op DMC in my life. I NEED MORE POWER.
>V's Secret Mission where you need to reach the goal without touching the ground
>Summon nightmare and just climb on him and walk to it
V is such a lazy shit I love it
Any Devil May Cry rule 34 / doujin links I could read? Just finished Son of Sparda mode and my fingers are numb.
I want to hear Vergil try and broach the subject of paternity with Nero and fuck it up beautifully.
I feel like this should be V's theme. It fits his methodical fighting style.
This thread has been fantastic. I hope there’s another one. There’s some great ideas here.
Mission 1/2/3 Lady doujin
literally the opposite, why would they remember so many fucking details if, at the time, they didn't even realize it was traumatizing? If it wasn't a big deal to them at the time they wouldn't remember every fucking detail.
If someone is lying they are going to ramble on and on and on about details trying to cover as much tracks as possible as excuses.
POLL AGAIN: Best DMC5 Ranged Weapons/Guns
interested to see how this one turns out
Thanks Matt.
That's good thinking. I wound up doing the cane teleports and griffon glide to do it.
I'm not starting console wars or anything, but the Snoy score on Metacritic being a full fucking point lower than PC or Xbox scores truly shows who plays those movie games.
Mods will happen soon enough. Personally, after one run through the game, I've been using Ultra Violet from DMC1.
Good job, Matt. Thank Itsuno for me.
Again, why doesn't Yea Forums like cavaliere? GOAT weapon desu
They also had a low review from some faggot who was talking about toxic masculinity or whatever the fuck.
>Secret Bloody Palace room appears
>it’s Vergil, V and Nelo Angelo
How do you react?
>and Urizen
>What is Trish going to swing at people now?
Cavaliere R. Nico made it.
Could you imagine? Just that scene in the van we see nero and vergil in is hilarious.
>Super Ultra Violet-Vergil 3-Crimson Cloud tri-mix begins playing.
Wonder how painful it would be to fight a Doppelganger that was imitating Nero.
Those Bringer grabs could be hell.
>Bloody Palace releases
> Credo is a boss fight
>that look of "what the fuck do I do now" he gives to Nero
>Dante doppelganger
Vergil outfit looks great, we need mods to unJUST his face and hair
I am waiting for DMC6 where it's revealed Kyrie is pregnant and how Dante and Vergil will react
Vergil: I'm going to be a grandpa?
Dante: Damn we're old...
I can't fucking get through this game. The default difficulty is so fucking boring. Help me Jesus Christ...
>Bloody Palace is DLC
You people will defend this.
>Final Bloody Palace floor
>it's a fight with Dante
>battle starts with him saying "Royalguard" and walking towards you