God she’s so trashy and I love it.
God she’s so trashy and I love it
she gives me Sandy Cheeks vibes
instant boner kill
T. American
This bitch looks like she wants to speak with your manager.
She's also a cute dork.
I hate her voice. Ruins the whole thing
Bet her armpits smell like tacos al pastor.
>small breast
>that campus feminist look
all yours buddy
Have sex
the latest catchphrase taking the 'chan by storm
I have. Many times. Her voice is still terrible. I have no problems with her otherwise, just a horrendous voice.
Triggered waifufag alert!
>dat dere
I thought I was going to hate her and she had the worst voice ever when she first spoke, but she's a good character in the end.
I want to but your mom's phone is off and she still owes me $50 for last time.
In the DMC universe jews are probably among the least of your problems
t. incel
Says the dude jackin it to a bunch of polygons
t. faggot
Literal trash taste.
Sage and hide.
Dont know what this is
It's too bad she's covered in tattoos, otherwise I'd be really into her.
nice one kid! you sure told him!
You just called yourself a whore
why are you still posting her ugly model from before they went back and fixed her?
I'm 1488, hate jews, mutts, tats, and smoking, but Nico is so charming I can't hate her.
How could you when she gets all giddy after meeting Dante?
She's not jewish. She was just adopted by one.
Well. That is her big thing. You look at her. And what she tells you..As you play the game.. You see that she has some serious daddy issues and confidence issues. She hated her father. No idea why. She has her reasons. But most of all, she has a famous grandmother... Who made the wepons that Dante is used. Ebony and Ivory. She has big shoes to fill as a smith who makes wepons that kill demons. That she tries to compensate her insecurities by covering her body up with tatoos, making her look "cool".. and her behaviour and way of speaking. Well. When you see the scene where she almost drives into Nero. You see that all of that is just a mask she puts on... to look cool. She is a weak and insecure child deep down. But she is likable. Because she doesnt want to be what she really is deep down. She wants to be helpfull.
She reminds me of Joanna Angel
Is this the new meme forced by reddit and resetera like "incel"?
Where were you when Yea Forums is pro-mutt
When we stopped listening to /pol/
No one cares what the fuck you think /pol/. NO ONE.
have sex
no, it was forced by degenerates like you calling yourselves incel and screeching like retards every time you see a woman
>It's okay when Japan does it
What is this game?
Same bro, I thought i'd dislike her but she's actually pretty charming
The term is gigolo. Ask your dad about it when he's back from the "gym"
>tattoo literally telling you to shoot your load into her womb
I get a stiffy everytime I see her
>Implying they aren't the cause of the demons
Weebs being hypocrites, nothing new here
Isn't she a rape baby?
Isn't she adopted?
>Western design: all women look like that
>Japanese design: One woman looks like a trashy thot because it fits her
You retard.
If she was done by Japanese she wouldn't be covered in trash tattoos, she'd have nicer hair and a prettier face.
Show me one western girl who looks like this