ITT: Images that for some reason trigger Yea Forums

Attached: samusbutwithmoreframes.gif (400x200, 32K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Soul vs Soulless

It’s fake. Where the fuck does the red body come from?

Shit sucks


Attached: crying boomer.png (300x168, 99K)

Literally soulless

The upgrade looks 3 times better then the original, I said it

Boomer go to bed it's late

You could go with either

This but unironically. I wish I'd never spilled monster energy on my crt.


Attached: C3F983B1-44BB-409D-B6AD-7413FA4FD9A5.png (499x338, 38K)

I'll be honest, that upgrade does look really good. I'd say someone could make an 8-bit Metroid fangame with that, but we all know what happened last time a Metroid fangame happened.

Attached: goldenborb.jpg (312x320, 22K)

But that's literally the one in that set everyone liked.

I don't know why this animator is in love with the idea that people wildly swivel their heads when they run.

remove the head shaking left and right and it's good

both have good and bad things you fucking retard

Soul or soulless?

Attached: mariorun.gif (144x148, 5K)

Attached: Shoryuken.jpg (220x128, 6K)

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

The samus one is fine, its when you get to shit like the mario and simon one, shit's awful.

>Backpedalling this hard

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

Attached: SOUL.png (800x600, 42K)

This image doesn't even show how fucked up the original walk cycle really is.

the head turning looks like shit


>never said anything on the contrary
I was just calling you a retard but you might actually be one

zoomers must try to interpret this too ltierally and do down/forward as two seperate motions when the actual DP motion is forward, (roll down to down forward)

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

Apparently this animator doesn't realize that memory limitations are a thing.

shut up, dinglehead

>He's still trying to save face

i don't mind if it looks different, all i care about is if it looks good in-game (or if you could even do such animation on the nes)
stutterwalking is a good way to test that

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

>It’s fake


Attached: 669769796.gif (256x256, 11K)

of course they realize that, it's not meant to be "wow these Nintendo spriters were fuckin awful at their job"

post the mario one with the floppy hat

this animation is also shit, what's your point?

>of course they realize that
If that were the case they wouldn't be making these sprites.

Weebs are this retarded, imply something that no obe said and doubles down on hus retardation

yes user there's literally no other reason to make these
not for fun or practice, but purely because of lack of knowledge about the NES

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

They realize, they just didn't care cause it isn't relevant. The point of 12 frames wasn't to say "hey, this is what it should've looked like" you fucking moron. It was just to give the animation more frames.

>F-F-F-FUCKING WEEBS ;-; I-I-I WON!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now THAT’S embarrassing, zoinks!

>missing the point
This animator goes WAY overboard with some effects (notably mario's cap brim in the SMB1 "upgrade'). The head bobbing is one of the effects that's a little overdone and makes the entire animation look like the CHAD STRIDE from Treasure Masters.

Attached: (104x132, 11K)


Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

Congratulations, the way you explain it is even less clear. It is true what they say. Those who cannot teach, do and those who cannot do, teach.

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

Im even the OG guy just saying youre a absolute moron

looks way better
still doesnt save it from the fact that 8bit games look like ass

Attached: vidya_walk.gif (878x438, 110K)

I think the point is, adding more frames to an animation doesn't make the game any more fun or interesting or enjoyable. In fact it adds nothing. Remember when people cared about gameplay and FUN?

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

Attached: gd.jpg (291x183, 16K)

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

What's up with the gay side-to-side sway on the helmet?

Jinkies! I never expected to find so much salt here.

she's looking for hot girls

Your good luck I shall absorb, mister Golden Borb.

Nah. Alucards buttery walk cycle ticked the general experience up in SotN a notch.


Not even*

Aside from the exaggerated head turning, it's a straight upgrade.

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

Salty cucks :^)

Attached: 4891456468.gif (125x127, 11K)

How do my Yea Forumsros feel about the sprites used in Metroid MOther and a few other romhacks?
Personally I dig them. They look better while still being possible for the hardware and programming of the game.

Attached: file.png (500x350, 5K)

This one actually looks better the Mario one looks terrible

So is there actually a way to romhack these into nes games and play them like that?



Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

It moves like 3 pixels

Finally you get it.

Attached: undertale.jpg (616x353, 10K)

>Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

Tomorrow more than ever

oh no I fucked up...

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

If they had samus like that back in the day I guarantee you no one would complain

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

No, those who cannot do own and manage.


Attached: 1516448925622.png (1159x665, 231K)

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb


Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

Your luck I shall absorb, mister Golden borb

Your luck i shall absorb, Mr.Golden Borb

Your dick I shall absorb, Mr. Cute Borb

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb.

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb.

Your luck i shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

There's nothing special about them. They are literally the sprites from Metroid Zero Mission with the color reduced to 8bit.
I mean, that's not a bad thing, but it's nothing special.

Attached: zoequinneating.jpg (600x600, 161K)

Mr Golden Borb

The legs look so goofy when Samus is jumping. Other than dat, pretty good

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

>the author has to slow down the original sprite to a crawl in order make his look more fluid in comparison
It's not even subtle. Ryu's walk cycle in the original game is fast as fuck even if it has only a few frames of animation. Also
>gratuitous head bop
Every fucking time.

Attached: 1538670063876.gif (400x200, 34K)

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

>Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

To be fair on a square gate you can do an actual Z motion.

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Gold Borb

To be fair it's hard to explain the move and it doesn't look intuitive at first. You kind of have to get it by yourself and practice a bit before it becomes natural.

I love these. It's like they scratch a brain itch.

"Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb"


Attached: 1413812238163.jpg (319x299, 10K)

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb.

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

Attached: 1550782027575.png (1024x1024, 887K)

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

First one is dancing like a black man who is not the father on Maury.

>We actually have people this stupid on Yea Forums
You think someone just hit an upgrade button and the original animation changed on its own? No wonder this site is going to shit with literal retards like you on here.

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

Hey soul sister, hey hey mister mister

>boomer vs zoomer

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb


Attached: 1533037099834.png (510x756, 411K)

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

Your luck i shall absorb, Mr.Golden Borb


Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

borb abosrb borg LUCK

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

Your absorb I shall luck, Mr. Borb Golden

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

Your luck I shall absorb Mr. Golden Borb

>tfw keyboard so it's easy to do this but nightmare to charge anything

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb.

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb.

Attached: IMG_20190305_192705.png (624x315, 6K)

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

you're too generous, Mr. Golden Borb. look after everyone else and don't worry about me

Where can I play a version of this metroid with the upgraded sprites?

You luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb.

thanks for sauce I guess.

Attached: Untitled.png (750x500, 194K)

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb


Attached: zoomer.png (410x327, 36K)

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

This and the "no no no" shit is the worst thing to ever happen on this board.

Attached: 1551929179678.gif (280x304, 656K)

The original animation is pretty shit desu. What do you guys think of the right trimmed to 4 frames?

Attached: (256x312, 32K)

Are you kidding me? So this is the power of reddit?

Attached: 1446246243280.gif (250x196, 28K)

Is there one for super metroid sam

Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb

they killed u mister golden orb

Attached: 1536736125524.jpg (1134x1200, 243K)

>Those extra butt pixels

right looks better

Source me on the second one's original sprite

That doesn't trigger anyone that actually plays these games. None of the toddlers on this site play metroid.

Attached: 1548543794610.png (256x224, 7K)

Would anyone here actually care which of the two animation/sprite is used? It's such a subtle difference that has zero impact on the game and be barely noticeable visually.

nintendo should hire this guy

Treasure Master

I can imagine disliking this fanmade sprite but I can't imagine defending the original metroid sprite for samus. It's fucking awful


Your luck I shall absorb, Mr. Golden Borb.