>extremely good looking
>smooth 144 fps
>runs well on all platforms
Is there anything that can compete?
Extremely good looking
Other urls found in this thread:
except switch
The FOX engine Kojima developed for years for MGS V is unironically the best engine to be made for consoles in the past several decades. Too bad it died with Konami pachinko machines.
I will say though, outside of Square Enix and Capcom, next-gen graphics technology seems to be stagnant from most studios since they all seem to mostly use in-house shit that prioritize art style or Unreal 4.
Unreal engine is fucking shit, companies need to stop using it.
For now
doubt it runs well on an open-world game
the games seem to be limited to corridors and hallways on RE Engine for the time being
It is not shit if you are developer.Its pretty good.
we didnt see anything but same stylized shooter/third person games. I mean RE7 is basically designed as third person game but in FP camera.
I rather see some game with platforming element or open world game with it.
the audio goes out of sync if the game freezes/FPS drops during a cutscene
happens in RE2 and RE7, probably DMC5 too
I don't know about PC but RE2 in 4K on XboneX, while looking awesome, had some annoying artifacts on reflective surfaces
Pic sortof related but not really, you mainly see it in the main hall
I don't think it's quite as versatile as some other engines that cater towards easier development, but for an inhouse development it's superb.
Yea I've noticed this too. It's pretty small but it is noticeable.
>It's pretty small but it is noticeable.
it gets really fucking bad the longer it's frozen or if it freezes multiple times.
you're right:
hmm. I guess it might vary depending on the machine? I have all the RE engine games and it's never really been a big issue for me
can confirm the reflective surfaces look like shit on pc too
>extremely good looking
except faces
>I guess it might vary depending on the machine?
Yeah it's tied to when the game loses frames so a better machine wouldn't have the problem. You can still replicate it by tabbing out during a cutscene.
>running well
the faces are like the best part though
>he didn't remove denuvo day 1
to be fair the 1050ti is kind of a meme card. I mean benchmark-wise its on par with a gtx670. That said the fact the game can look this good with a 1050ti is impressive.
As a Sonychad I disagree.
I strongly believe that with the RE engine both RE2 and DMC5 could run on a Switch at least at 30 FPS stable.
is denuvo part of the engine? No it is not
MT Framework 2.0 was the same, small areas with frequent loadings.
How do you take it out?
I pirated the game but even with a crack denuvo is still there.
He's talking about DMC5 which is denuvo-less
RE2 has Denuvo in every version
I'm really glad DirectX12 wasn't used for DMCV
When will Capcom be able to model faces properly?
>engine dead
What do you mean?
It looks like shit outside of lighting.
isn't that mostly what an engine does?
No.RE Engine has bad audio syncing as well as really bad textures (especially in the Resident Evil games) Characters models are a hit or a miss in regards to quality. Lighting is only one aspect of graphical fidelity. If you think an engine does nothing but focus on lighting you are an idiot.
The engine is very compute heavy, so if you have a lower-end Nvidia GPU prepare for shit performance.
The biggest predictor for performance in RE Engine games is TFLOPs, and you'll want at least 3 TFLOPs of compute performance and at least 4 GB of VRAM for 1080p60 on max settings.
>as well as really bad textures
They're not much worse than most modern games honestly.
It's not the best-looking engine ever, but generally speaking it looks good and runs extremely well.
>They're not much worse than most modern games honestly.
Yes it is. A lot of the environmental textures tend to look like some shitty fan mock up thrown together in Unreal Engine 4 videos posted on youtube. There are games from years ago with better looking environments.
This. It looked (and still does) very pretty, character models have a lot of face details and really good expressions. And runs smoothly in a lot of systems.
good, fuck switch
>as well as really bad textures
You how retarded this sounds, right?
There two important factors: textures are not part of the engine and can be easily replaced by HD ones (reason why there's always mods for this sort of shit); developers tend to use high quality textures for important things to optimiza memory use, which makes fucking sense.
Shitting on something because environmental textures make you sound like someone eating shit out of digital foundry.
>A lot of the environmental textures tend to look like some shitty fan mock up thrown together in Unreal Engine 4 videos posted on youtube.
You've just described 90% of modern games.
Texture quality literally has not increased since 2013.
Well then you are delusional.
Engine is probably possible on the Switch, but RE2 and DMC would need heavy downgrades for them to work properly.
You can't just downgrade textures and call it a day either, depending on how the game is built, certain CPU power is required which the Switch might not be able to offer, so heavy downgrades like cutting levels into chunks might be necessary.
But it's all just speculation anyway and as of now there is nothing on RE Engine coming to Switch
>Texture quality literally has not increased since 2013.
Nice meme. But it does bring up how now games tend to focus more on character models instead of environments while older games focused more on nice looking environments than models. Crysis looks better than most games released today in regards to environmental textures.
>Nice meme.
It's actually not a meme sadly.
Speaking of Crysis.
Is a rx 580 good?
>extremely good looking
It really isn't. DMC 5 looks really meh, almost on par with The Evil Within 2 and that's an IdTech 5 game.
>turn off shadow
>turn off all lighting
>resolution scaling at 20% of switch
30 fps easily done.
TEW2 not only looks worse than DMC 5, but it runs MUCH worse.
good. fuck switch.
doesnt matter. shit devs will make shit game no matter how good the engine is. good devs will make good game even in shit engine
Pretty good card for 1080/60, but it is about to be two years old.
What shitty screenshot is that? both PC and Console version allow to take screenshots, there is no excuse for that.
if you're not interested in PS2 emulation and OpenGL gaming in general then it's very good
>small areas with frequent loadings.
This is an optimization trick which Capcom seems to love.
RE2 remake has some stutters when changing areas, which shows the RE engine is far from perfect, it does have good optimization nonetheless, RE7, RE2R and DMC5 all run very well in a range of different hardware.
No one cares about OpenGL anymore, Vulkan's been around for almost 4 years now.
Seems alright, I've enjoyed all the games using it so far. Has a tendency to make clayfaced goblina women sometimes but meh, it gets better with each game. PS4 btw
At least there's some detail, in DMC everything is too clean, it looks like everything is a toy.
I had the same feeling about Wolfenstein.
forza engine is p good
Anyone notice that the depth of field effect in this game is really pixelated?
Is there a way to improve the quality or disable it entirely?
No sorry I'm not a faggot ass video game nerd.
What the fuck
>>runs well on all platforms
It doesn't natively support Linux
The games do however run well on Linux through Wine+DXVK (Proton), aside from needing a workaround to support the Media Foundation cutscenes.
ID Tech6, 200fps on a GTX 1080 ti, 90fps even in 4k with larger scenarios, higher enemy count, more complex geometry
uses any number of cores equally, vulkan makes compatibility with any OS easier and smoother, makes even garbage tier switch have miraculous graphics for what it's worth, Doom Eternal's ID Tech 7 seems to be even better optimized and better looking...
Please lord, let there be a DR1 reboot in the RE Engine.
Why did Unreal won the engine war and not Cryengine,it was so promising 10 years ago...
>soulless dead rising 1
Please no. It's already fine the way it is.
This. ID engine should be mass adopted.
It may be not a technical deficiency but rather a deliberate decision to mold the face in the way they want, despite of me thinking 4A Engine and ID Tech 6 looks generally better the facial details RE2 brings are unparalleled, BUT the changes they made in Craire's face (bigger cheeks, steep nose, thicker lips) seems nothing more then an attempt of these fucking retarded Japanese to make a 17yo look even younger, the "pointy chin" on Leon's face seems nothing more than an attempt of making him look more Asian in face structure
and as we seen from screenshots from Japanese forums, even then those fucks think Claire looks like "an old lady"...
Maybe Nintendo should think about making their console with hardware as strong as, if not stronger than, the competition then. The GameCube was graphically more capable than the PS2, what the fuck happened to that? Why is it a staple of modern Nintendo consoles to be considerably weaker than the rest?
PC can run anything that's put on it, and PS4 and Xbone are essentially interchangeable in the hardware department, so if three out of the four possible big platforms you can put your game on can run something but one is too weak to do it, it's only logical to just ignore that last one. You can always just heavily gimp the game and sell it on Switch later like id did with Doom.
I really doubt they're going to sell its rights in a Unreal 4 fashion unfortunately, But vulkan at least should, never saw a single game come close to what that shit can do in terms of multi-core use
>My shit 680 GTX was able to run MGS V at 60 fps 1080p with no dropped frames.
I was impressed.
Why does her hair lacks dithering? Is that a pre-rendered cutscene?
Doesn't count
Cryengine is REALLY difficult, annoying and time consuming to work with for most people
No, it's in-engine.
All of DMC5's cutscenes so far have been in-engine.
You now remember that Sonic Boom was made with CryEngine.
but muh portability...
This was 4 years ago.
The AA choices suck in Resident Evil 2, unless I render at 200% of my native resolution with SMAA (so 10K more pixels than 1080p) but then all maxed out it goes at around 40-50 and sometimes it dips.
I liked the CryEngine, it seemed easy to use but I am not a programmer, just saying that it was very easy to mess around with the editor provided with Crysis, I remember spawning hundreds of barrels and letting them fall, the game would divide huge actions such as explosions into sequential chunks if it was proving too heavy for the PC, so no crashing.
From what I heard it was very expensive, but I don't know about the rest, should ask developers.
FXAA + TAA is a hit and miss, in DMC it works, in theHunter it works.
It's a compromise method of AA as it's least impactful yet minus the blur from FXAA about as good looking as MSAA x2 x4
I think rengine looks better. That said, we havent seen any current gen games for fox engine other than pes soccer. (Mgsv was developed with past gen in mind)
Based brainlet post
corridor level engines always run well
Not too crazy about those AAlternatives, they seem to just apply a blur.
daily reminder that it was a ps3 game. Current gen is such a scam. 720p->1080p. That is it.
I fucking hate the Unreal Engine more than anything in the fucking world. It is a cancer that is destroying video games because rather than making a good engine Epic spent all of their development resources on making Unreal as easy as possible to develop for, thus ensuring that it is as ubiquitous as it is shitty.
>Extremely poor visual to performance ratio
>Bizarre proportions, particularly in character and object sizes compared to the size of the world (see: PUBG and Insurgency: Sandstorm)
>Texture pop-in
>Frame stuttering
>Terrible "feel", especially in shooter games (again, compare Insurgency: Sandstorm to the Source engine Insurgency. Sandstorm feels much worse)
>Mediocre netcode
There's a reason why the only Unreal game that plays well is the cotton candy low poly flossing and John Wick simulator. I curse Valve forever for becoming a weapon skin marketing and digital distribution company because GoldSrc and Source felt fucking great as game engines and now it is DEAD. IT'S ALL DEAD. ALL GAMES ARE BAD NOW. THEY WILL ALL RUN UNREAL AND THEY WILL ALL LOOK BAD AND THEY WILL ALL FEEL BAD AND THEY WILL ALL RUN AT LIKE 40% FEWER FRAMES THAN THEY SHOULD
I played the entirety of MGSV at a very stable 30FPS on PS3 and when I switched to the PS4 I felt not that much of a difference except for loading times
I don't even play Unreal and Unity games because of that.
Wish they'd fix that shit with the lighting though.
Both with DMC and RE2make it suddenly gets obscenely dark and or bright.
This thing ran like a masterpiece on Pc, never ever hiccupped on 60fps
Learn C++ and Vulkan with me and lets go save gaming, user.
Yea, UE4 feels like fucking shit, UE3 might have kind of sucked but at least the games didn't feel like shit to actually play.
So fucking tired of that garbage engine.
It's like the sequel to the famous MT Framework.
But the most popular BR shitfest game right now runs on Source
the best video game engine is not using a video game engine
what's Yea Forums's opinion on cryengine?
And it feels and looks way better than PUBG, lol.
They look the best
frostbite 1.5
It doesn't help that New World Interactive knew absolutely fuck-all about UE4 before attempting to make a game using it. The game still has issues and renders weird shit like this for me all the time. The technical-mounted MG's are unusable.
Source Insurgency plays so much fucking better. Also, why the fuck did they remove chocolate chip?
it did this 6 years ago, no new developer even bother to program this even with way more powerful machines available: youtube.com
Way easier to convince the bunch of retards that are gamers today to just accept that 4k 60fps is the goal graphics wise and not actually geometry, textures, physics, destructibility, lightning etc
WAY easier to program and consolefags being prone to being such braindead brand/developer fanboys just makes it way easier
>hahahaha "MY" console runs 1000p yours run at 999p so "MY" game/console is godlike, "MY" game is from developer A/country B yours is not so "MY" game is perfect
why expend time trying to up polygon count or real time destructibility when this works...
everything in every unreal 4 game looks like it's made of rubber, at least it's not gray rubber anymore like in unreal 3...
I phonepost a lot so taking a picture of my TV is as an attached file to my post is tremendously faster
>inb4 phoneposting lmao
>not using the M16A2 + M203 for that sweet heatshield
it makes me upset, I would go there and take a screenshot if it was not so late in the night.
But Crysis 3 is garbage.
When you get near 40 and have seen games evolve since the beginning graphics just outright don't matter anymore
Ue4 first party games are fine but almost every other game that runs on it is dogshit
Heard from devs themselves that it had shit documentation and crytek where absolutely useless to deal with rude didn't fix bugs wherent dev friendly plus it ran like arse shit ui crashed alot.
It was visually impressive from 06-14 but everyone gave up on it
I'm 32 and started playing on ms-dos and atari so I saw almost all of it and to be honest technological advancement to simulate reality in games was almost as exiting as actually playing the game to me
1998-2007 was amazing in this regard, every single year was a new revolution, counter strike to doom 3 took just 2 years, and just 3 more to crysis, now games came out looking like a downgrade from games 6-7 years old
it will stop mattering when it's just a matter of spending the proper time/money/talent to make it look real-life like is with movies, no one gives a shit about movies special effects anymore since ~15 years ago, the same will happen to games but for now I still like seeing new advancements
>counter strike to doom 3 took just 2 years, and just 3 more to crysis
CS to Doom 3 was four years. Regardless, that's really impressive
>but vulkan at least should
you realize vulkan if free software available to everyone, and thats why it's so good, right?
I know, but how many developers are using it instead of directx only while trying to make shitty dx12 to work?
The latest Decima engine is miles ahead graphics wise
Rockstars latest engine revision is miles ahead graphics wise
It's great but I think it looked best in 7.
Fuck unreal engine, looks and runs like shit. Fucks up almost every game that its in.
And it's sitting with Bethesda and it's shit games to come
ur mom is ahead graphic wise
Fuck sandstorm. What a piece of shit. Ran better in the beta than it did released.
>Click click wahoo
It happened to me in DMCV can confirm.
CryEngine is total shit for multiplayer. It has terrible netcode that every game that has used it has attempted (and usually failed) to fix.
I think the fox engine could really be great if Konami decides to pull its head out of its ass.
>The latest Decima engine is miles ahead graphics wise
Not really, especially seeing as how we haven't actually seen a released game from that latest revision.
> expect 1080p on my TV, especially after the horrible, unoptimized clusterfuck of an engine that MHW was
> automatically switches to 4k and runs smooth as fuck, even on my 1070
> all of that even before fixing the massive Denuvo fuckery with the leaked dev exe
This thing is fucking witchcraft and I love it.
Not even Bethesda is being allowed to use it apparently, they seem to be just publishing for ID, how the hell can they be so stupid to use gamebryo if they have id tech available?
My 750ti of all fucking things ran MGSV. Without a frame drop. What a waste.
All these games work on my shitty laptop in 1080p at 30-50fps so I imagine they could run on Switch at 720p and 30fps
a lot of you are misled by the 7th generation and its awful ports
DMC5 is not pushing anything really hard to do, of course you can 4k it on a 1070. There's never any drawing anything off into the distance, etc.
Dude, a lot of mediocre linear games aren't going to be pulling off 4k60 on a 1070 on high settings.
Just look at fucking Darksiders 3.
>how the hell can they be so stupid to use gamebryo if they have id tech available?
You think you can just magically cram all the things gamebryo derived engine can do into id tech?
you think the tools just automatically work?
you think it's worth throwing away 15+ years of experience many employees have using the tools and engines?
just completely and utterly clueless on game development.
"durr how can they be so stupid" adn you just don't even have the slighest clue how anything works whatsoever
>extremely good looking
I don't know what this argument even means. How does an engine look good? Does the interface look good to you? Do you like the shape of the nodes? Is the font attractive to you?
the engine that runs DMCV cost more money than the entire darksiders 3 game user. This is not an exaggeration.
Comparing somethign normal to something bad is not really how you make comparisons, darksiders 3 was universally panned and it probably has all kinds of optimization issues due to low budget and being rushed out/lack of care.
DMCV just isn't that graphcially complex. It has some cool looking stuff, but you never see more than like 30 feet away from yourself. Rendering small scenes is easy.
I don't give a fuck, maybe other devs should stop falling for the open world meme so they can make games that run well and don't look like fucking shit instead of games that look worse than DMC 5 and run like fucking shit.
There are plenty of games that look and run worse than DMC 5, so yes, the visuals and performance it offers are both fairly impressive.
>normal mapped rectangular hallway
user, that does not even look good in any way whatsoever. PC games surpassed these graphics 10 years ago.
Show me 25 better-looking unmodded PC games from 2009 please.
Even higher-end games from 2011 like Crysis 2 and Battlefield 3 still look largely inferior.
>do this unreasonable shit because I think a fucking hallway with 20 foot render distance looks great
I'll jump right on it.
>hundreds of coders, artists, engineers waste days of their lives making sure that a video game looks as good as it possibly can while also running as good as it possibly can
>their efforts will forever go unrecognised because gaymers don't know how video games work and would rather prop up the engine as some sort of magical entity that shits out great games without any input
What a world.
wannnh cry more nigga i don't see you out here writing tributes to fucking filled-in potholes.
>mastering an engine over the span of 15 years
>all that experience learning the tools
>every single subsequent release on said engine loses features and mechanics
What are you, fucking stupid or something?
Sorry m8, don't want you cherrypicking on me.
We're talking about the standard for visuals, not the absolute peak at a given time.
Hell, in fact, what do you think is the best-looking game on the market right now?
Generally speaking it probably doesn't look vastly superior to DMC 5, but I can guarantee it runs vastly worse.
Personally I'd say that not a single game has come close to KCD's original PC beta, and no game probably will for at least another 5 years.
Unfortunately, unlike DMC 5, KCD's original beta ran like shit (and even the full game runs pretty poorly).
>extremely good looking
re games look like the average aaa game this gen
the last game that made me go wow is battlefront 4 years ago and it runs superbly well as well with much larger environments than re
every single subsequent release also gains features and mechanics, what is your point?
>Hell, in fact, what do you think is the best-looking game on the market right now?
Anthem, which runs quite well desu.
Battlefront 1 looks better than the KCD beta you're talking about. Battlefront 2 absolutely demolishes it.
Battlefront 2 actually might be best looking. Or actually, BFV with RTX, not sure how that looks running.
>Personally I'd say that not a single game has come close to KCD's original PC beta, and no game probably will for at least another 5 years.
Oh, and by the way: That is not a game, it is a tech demo. Moot point, it's not running "game" systems, it's just rendering a pretty view. It's a screensaver.
>Anthem, which runs quite well desu.
Anthem runs like fucking shit though.
It's also an awful game.
Battlefront 1 and 2 also do not look better than KCD, especially Battlefront 1.
other than the great optimization, it's not incredible looking even for it's time, and the faces looked kind of uncanny in my opinion, so to this day i don't get why people praise that engine so much.
That looks immensely better than DKC user. Dunno what you're talking about.
>but it doesn't look better than the non-game fake tech demo!
imagine that
Because CryEngine sucked
The beta was playable you mongoloid, complete with quests.
It's like saying a demo isn't a game because it's not complete.
And hell, this kind of makes your original argument retarded since Battlefront and Battlefront 2 are largely linear games with small environments that don't have to render much.
It also doesn't help that they're fucking awful games.
>it's not incredible looking
An engine does not look incredible. The engine more than likely has capabilities far beyond what MGSV really used, with minor modifications maybe.
>and the faces looked kind of uncanny in my opinion
Once again, faces are assets, not part of an engine.
An engine does not look like anything in a vacuum.
engines are a meme
>Cryengine,it was so promising 10 years ago...
yeah the 40ms input lag was super promising
Gamers think developing using an engine is like buying a car from a dealership, it's not even worth arguing.
You shouldn't have been, 680 was a powerful card at that time.
not to mention that engines don't mean anything if you don't have people who know how to write good shader programs
i'm sorry but gz and tpp are the only games we saw that used the fox engine besides pes, which looked better on the old in-home built engine
The 680 was 3 years old at that point m8.
MGSV launched in 2015.
That said, the 680 (and all of Kepler) aged like fucking shit, to the point where it's regularly outperformed by an HD 7870 despite being designed to compete with the HD 7970.
>The 680 was 3 years old at that point m8.
Yes and it was a top of the line card. I'm not sure if you really understand the implications when you buy a *80 type card. Those cards are different from the lower-numbered ones in very important ways. That is why they're expensive.
This means they can more or less always run games very well for 4-5 years.
You can max out MGSV 1080p on a geforce 560 TI. I did it.
That engine is a miracle.
Shame that Wolf2 developers didn't make a good job. Somehow they did a better job with IDTech 5
>there are people who played nuDoom on a console
I wish we didn't have to keep improving graphics beyond this level and keep making games more and more expensive running at sub 30 fps.
why are people so stupid when it comes to engines seriously
a game "engine" is not actually an engine unto itself but is a software translation layer that ties together actual engines and handles serialization, networking, rendering, physics, etc. and if well designed, provides a means for easy platform independence by acting as a game's only dependency, abstracting all platform specific functionality behind a single API
remember me?
don't think they license out the engine/offer support
seems like the dmc team made more improvements or are just way ahead of re team
you know, i was just thinking looking at >1996
>Sandy Petersen makes a straight hallway in an hour, then moves on to keep developing his level, adding all kinds of winding, intersecting pathways and verticality
>new colossus
>A team of 30 people, most of who do not like video games, construct a badass hallway with all kinds of shit everywhere, wow that looks cool! you're in a real place!
>This takes three weeks and $22,000
>The next room is a square connected to an identical copy of that hallway again, because talent and money and time aren't unlimited.
Our hobby has gone both backwards and forwards. People focus a little bit too much on the backwards in general, though.
something is fucked up going from importing the faces, as the ingame models look worse than real life counterpart
>you guys are such scrubs, look at this definition from my full sail textbook
I have emails from john carmack in my gmail account, fuck off.
>something is fucked up going from importing the faces, as the ingame models look worse than real life counterpart
The in game model is not intended to be the face of the real life counterpart. You have to give the "actor" complex rights through guilds in order to do that.
The faces always look off because they are taking a mesh of a real person's face and distorting it.
The only time this has been done really well so far is Kassandra. I would believe she was a real person's face, she never looks uncanny or wrong. But she doesn't look like the model at all.
Yea Forumsermin blame gamebryo for bethesda's fuckups because they don't understand software development
calling Yea Forums stupid is an understatement
>implying i'm some retard who took some gamedev course
wew lad
i really wonder if this is the enginge or if the higher ups are forcing them to make them look uglier for mass appeal.
>"The in game model is not intended to be the face of the real life counterpart."
literally not a reason to explain the uggo faces.
the explanation followed if you were fucking literate
>le stonetossy wossy facey wacey
Look at Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Still top of the line. No real competition to date. In terms of fidelity or efficiency.
When do you guys reckon we'll get EU5 or atleast or something that btfo of 4 so we don't have to put up with buggy unoptimized games, atleast more than they normally are.
How about the fucking iD Tech engine?
Kinda funny since that Framework engine Capcom was using before could scale down to Nintendo 3DS for Mercenaries 3D and Revelations.
so it's a rights thing?
A shame the VOID engine that ram Dishonored 2 was so shitty.
Seems like only iD knows how to properly use it.
Speaking of Dishonored, Arkane's PREY made EXCELLENT use of CryEngine. HUNT Showdown is also visually quite complex
Gamebryo isnt the core of the issue, but the stuff built on top of the graphics renderer, particular the scripting library how it all interacts with the physics library, is fucking disgraceful in 2011 let alone 2018
Apex proved that you can make a BR map in the source engine, making Blacksite look dated comparison and humiliating the original devs of the engine.
Because DirectX has MS money behind it, they have a team of specialist who, for a price, will customize a graphics pipeline for your game for PC and Xbone.
Vulkan is open but with very little support other than the community, and the community is run by autists whom are not the eloquent of instructors. To fully utilize the library, a studio requires an autist or a team of autists to build the pipeline and integrate it with the designers, modelers and any of the non-engineering staff actually working on the game.
PC unless stated otherwise
1) F.E.A.R - 2005
2) Portal - 2007
3) Mass Effect - 2007
4) Crysis - 2007
5) Jericho- 2007
6) Lost Odyssey - 2007 (Xbox 360)
7) Dead Space - 2008
8) Left 4 Dead - 2008
9) Mirror;'s Edge - 2008
10) Prince of Persia - 2008
11) Dark Sector - 2008
12) Batman Arkham Asylum - 2009
13) Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 - 2009
14) Left 4 Dead 2 - 2009
15) Halo 3 - ODST (Xbox 360)
16) Killzone 2 (PS3)
I named 16 and I can't bother myself to look for any more games to satiate your stupidity. Some of them aren't even PC games. This shit isn't new.
Nigger, the only one of those games that even comes CLOSE to looking as good as DMC 5 is Crysis.
Fucking most of those games don't even have dynamic lighting.
You are god damn delusional and this post just proves it.
God I had an absolute toaster of a laptop back then and on lowest settings mgsv squeezed out 60fps for me, fucking miracle of an engine
Go look at Jericho,Arkham Asylum, Killzone 2, Mirror's Edge, and Dead Space and try saying that again. Note that unles sotherwise stated, you specifically should be looking up PC footage and not console footage. They look around as good as any RE Engine game, especially the Resident Evil ones.
None of those games look anywhere near as good as any RE Engine game, you're fucking moronic, stop posting.
Based on the way actor's guilds and shit work, if you don't modify their face, they are "acting" in the game. It automatically multiplies the cost by like 20.
Are they planning on using the RE Engine as the successor to MT Frameworks?
>Apex proved that you can make a BR map in the source engine, making Blacksite look dated comparison and humiliating the original devs of the engine.
The engine was modified with map streaming support to be able to do this. No engine modification money was put into blacksite. Blacksite was just a cheap thing for fun.
>Is there anything that can compete?
more important question: How can the West ever compete? DMC5 runs twice as well as any AAA Western game and looks if not as good, better than all of them. It's stunning. The West should be embarrassed.
sorry but doom 2016 already looks better and runs better and doom eternal completely blows it out of the water :\
RE engine is good but there isn't a single thing in video games that japs still do better anymore, with the exception of music.
CryEngine is unique, from a technical standpoint it's unparalleled. However what it makes up for in technical depth it loses in usability.
From what I've heard it's a nightmare to develop on in relation to online content.
>CryEngine is unique, from a technical standpoint it's unparalleled
From a technical standpoint idtech 7 is pretty obviously the unparalelled one
You sound likea huge butthurt retard who just doesn't like to hear people belittle Capcom at all. Eat shit you fucking dumb ass.
Yeah I played nuDoom on PS4 and loved it, fight me
come back when all those textures load
You sound like a fucking moron talking about shit he knows nothing about upset that everyone isn't a fucking moron like you are.
>All these brainlet posts ITT
Perhaps in it's performance. I wouldn't say idtech7 surpasses cryengine's visual technologies.
I posted examples that you can easily just look up, but here you are, screeching like a baby about your precious RE Engine which is rivaled by PC games from 10 years ago. I guess I can see why you would just start seething over the facts but it's still sad.
Your examples all look vastly worse to anyone who isn't a retard, the fact that you're posting 720p-tier shots kind of displays how stupid you are.
Filtered, I'm not dealing with your stupidity.
Mgs5 runs so well because it was a 360/ps3 game. Everything in that game is super low poly and it's full of dithering and shit.
>working so hard just to do a shitty job lmao fucking loser
uhh, I would, as would everyone else. Did you not see what doom eternal looked like a full YEAR or more before release?
Also it's its. I can't understand why but lately not one single person on the internet understands to use its and it is bugging the living fuck out of me
it's is only "it is" you don't use an apostrophe for posession with "it"
>give examples
>"ok here"
>those don't count lol retard lmao
Still seething, I see.
>larger scenarios, higher enemy count, more complex geometry
it doesn't have any of this and it's fucking bloated on gpu resources, cpu usage is really good even on older hardware but on the other hand there isn't much going on at any one time to tax it
it also doesn't look or feel like idtech because the cryengine guy took over and it's generally just a bad game overall.
DMCV was apparently "the test" for the RE Engine
Itsuno talks about how he had very long meetings with the engine developers. The RE Engine was initially designed for cramped hallways and slow gameplay in RE7, it took quite an overhaul to get the high action gameplay of DMCV on it.
But with how DMCV turned out, I wouldn't doubt it if all future Capcom AAA games run on it (especially if they figure out Switch functionality on it)
If that's true I suppose the next test is an open world game like Dragon's Dogma.
you forgot STALKER: Clear Sky (2008), game still looks better than most of the games out today.
>since Battlefront and Battlefront 2 are largely linear games
Why are you lying?
>it also doesn't look or feel like idtech because the cryengine guy took over
hahah what the fuck are you talking about the engine team is probably 40 people at id and i don't think any cryengine guy is involved
sorry i'm not the guy you are responding to but you are just outright lying that the scenario is not larger, the enemy count is not higher/more detailed, and the geometry is not more complex
remember its doing all this in a large navigable level not a hallway or a 20 foot arena.
No, it really does not.
here's a better video
Dead Rising in RE Engine, y/n?
Dead Rising should stay dormant for a decade
user that doesn't look anywhere near as good as games from today bro.
whatever fuck you guys
I'm not gonna fight you, just laugh at you.
>runs well on all platforms
it doesn't even fucking launch on my PC
Honestly RE Engine runs super well even on base PS4/Xbone and low-end PCs. Give them time and I can see it working on Switch as well