Is Fire Red / Leaf Green the peak of 2D Pokémon?
Is Fire Red / Leaf Green the peak of 2D Pokémon?
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I prefer Emerald myself.
But my opinion doesn't hold much weight because i only play that game while i'm taking a shit.
It sorta baffles my mind that people wasted years of their lives and there's even a separate, dedicated board towards a game series that is so boring to me i can literally only play it while i'm expelling waste out of my body and i need something to shut off my brain to.
I liked GS better but I like all the pokemon before x/y
All of the remakes are usually better than the generational game they come after mainly bc they had more time and they already had a formula that they could refine
The typing was still broke in the remakes, it wasn't until the DS games that a remake would have been viable.
No special physical split, shitty music, so probably not. Good games otherwise but they're legacy.
Any one of the DS games are better, partularly HGSS or BW.
>shitty music
W-what do you mean?
>Any one of the DS games are better, partularly HGSS or BW.
>the peak of 2D Pokémon
>2D Pokémon
2D gameplay, 2D sprites, no three dimensional movement at all. What is the issue, smallson?
The GBA soundfont is trash. The originals are less compressed, catchier and fuller. They are better.
Platinum and HG/SS was the peak
>couldnt evolve my golbat because even though the evolution was in the game it wasnt in the original kanto dex
Yeah, fuck FireRed
Easiest Pokemon game to run on an emulator and mindless fun with little to no intrusive.
Best played with moemon sprites.
zoomers, when will they learn?
the music on the gba games was bad. not bad as in bad arrangements but the actual sound quality they used aka the high pitched trumpets drowning everything out was terrible. they sounded better in the gameboy and DS games
Well, I can not disagree. It was supposed to sound richer and more complex, but due to the sound quality the results were blurry.
I don't think I've ever seen more cancer in my life.
Can you diddle the lolis?
>accidentally even touch L or R
>big fucking blue screen that gives zero important information pops up
tfw we will never have a good Pokémon game again, with this music...
its my all time favorite
then you should probably stop being a newfag.
>can't find that moemon song on youtube
>all it lists are gay ass youtubers doing LPs