I miss it so much Yea Forumsros. Is there any game today that even matches how good of a community H3 had?

I miss it so much Yea Forumsros. Is there any game today that even matches how good of a community H3 had?

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Other urls found in this thread:



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halo 3 on pc in 2 days wait for it


>sprint already confirmed

Sorry user

what was the best custom game and why was it halo on halo?

MCC =/= H3


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it's not going to be the same unless you're playing on a shitty crt with a terrible headset with 11 year olds screaming in your ear

>Halo on halo
>Fat kid
>Cops V Robbers
>Duck hunt
>smear the queer

h3 had the best customs

That's fine so long as they remove aim down sights. Which they won't, even though it both doesn't suit the gameplay and also doesn't fit the lore where it's canon spartans see a reticule in their helmet.

Are they going back to the Halo 3 art style? That armour looks great compared to the overdesigned plastic mess in 4 and 5.

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they all have aim down sights. when you are using a sniper rifle, you aim down the sights of the scope to aim

ads was the worst addition to the halo franchise

As long as the campaign is great and fun along with having everything at launch I'm happy, it already has 4-player split screen and coop, that's enough for me.

Already confirmed it has Halo 5 advanced movement garbage. It will be shit.

Nope. It's just a picture-in-picture view from a camera mounted to the gun.

And here I was excited about xenia's progress, I can't wait


which is ads

What the fuck. 343 has already tried twice and neither game has had any lasting impact whatsoever. Why the hell don't they just try and appeal to the classic Halo style for ONE game and see how it does? It's a fucking Halo game so of course it's going to sell well, but maybe people will actually like it.

I miss it so much

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Because they only listen to 343 apologists on Reddit. The only retards that play their games.

they are shitposting you retard. ads and sprint arent in the game

A lot of people seemed to like Halo 5's multiplayer except a loud minority, they need to have everything released at launch something they've been having trouble doing since 2012.

>Why the hell don't they just try and appeal to the classic Halo style for ONE game and see how it does?
Because they'd be admitting that Reach, 4, and 5, were all dogshit and that the haters have been right for the last decade almost

Just play Fortnite and you can play witht he exact same kind of people that used to play Halo.

Shit I thought it was just my group of friends who called it Halo on Halo. I long for those days again bros.

>tfw your friends keep hitting you with overcharged plasma pistols at the start and you get sniped

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Go back to r/343.

Can we just make a discord for old H3bros to play games with?


How so?
It has campaign coop.
It has forge. It has customs.
It has now got fixed matchmaking.
How will it not count as halo 3 on pc?

r/Halo mostly hates the SAs but they're small compared to r/XboxOne which seem to like the gameplay. I don't post there but I visit there to get the general opinion of the Halo fanbase, I do this for Youtube as well ignoring the Halo Youtuber vids, and Halo Waypoint as well.

No armor customization.

It's funny, I've been nostalgic for Halo 3 for years, but it's only now old enough of a game to be allowed to talk about on Yea Forums. The Halo 3 community astounds me with how not retarded people in it are.

>show called “inside xbox”
>microsoft will announce mcc for pc i know it

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Halo on Halo is fucking garbage and you should be executed for making people play it.

The only problem I see with this is not being able to put on Hyabusa armor and making *unsheaths katana* jokes.

having 1, 2, 3 and 4 splits the community . I tried playing H3 Lone Wolves earlier and I got in a lobby with the same 4 people 3 games in a row.

Oh shit I remember that toy at my physician when I was little, what are those called?

Halo 5 doesn't have ADS, the "ADS" in Halo preforms identically to zoom in past games, it's just visually made to look like ADS

It's embarrassing. Even Eldewrito has working armor customization. They're just fucking lazy.

So if they announce MCC for PC Tuesday, how long until it's released?

>it doesn't have ADS, but it has ADS

is this chief's epic comeback?

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This, the fact that it doesn't slow you down like other games shows that it's not ADS.

neck yourself, you probably think trash compactor is fun for more than 30 seconds

No, that's Infinite.

No, it doesn't have ADS

>ADS in other shooters
- Guns are unusallbly accurate beyond point blank range without it
- Entering ADS lowers your movement speed
- Getting damaged doesn't remove you from ADS

>Zoom in Halo, including in Halo 5
- Guns are accurate without using zoom, though zoom may further increase accuracy
- Movement speed is unchanged compared to if you are zoomed in or not
- Getting damaged will break out yout of ADS

If anything, Halo 4 is more ADS then 5, since unlike in other halo games you wouldn't get knocked out of zoom when damaged. 5 LITTERALLY has the same zoom the series has always had, the visuial UI element for it is just changed to look like aiming down sights rather then through a scope

Most likely? Probably around E3 with an insider program in April or something.

Hopefully? Actually released next week!

>floaty garbage is preferable to advanced movement

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As somebody who has enjoyed Halo since CE, I legitimately don't understand people's issues with the advanced movement in Halo 5.

Unlike in Reach and in 4, they don't break even starts, which is what the problem with armor abilities was, and Halo had traditionally always struggled with having complex movement systems and mechanics compared to other arena shooter anyways. It seems like people are more angry at the mere idea of them being in the game just because they are different rather then any actual crticisism of them making the gameplay worse. There's also the issue that "classic halo" doesn't even really exist, if you actually were around in the community during the 2 and 3 days, you'd know a ton of people hated 2's changes at first and a ton of people hated 3's.

That's not to say that I like EVERY movement mechanic in 5, Spartan Charge is stupid busted, for instance, but I think most of them are fine. To me it feels like the Halo community is still stuck in 2007 when Halo 3 and CoD4 were rivals and that we see any sort of new mechanic or borrowed mechanic from other shooters as "giving in" even though that was over a fucking decade ago and there's nothing wrong with using mechanics from other shooters if they work well in the context of halo's gameplay

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Last time I played that shit, your character would hover in the air if you ADS. Slows your movement. Sounds a lot like ADS in other games.

Halo 1 Multiplayer is the best imo

Halo 2 and 3 babbies can't let those games go because they grew up with them. I also started with CE, nice to see another CE bro.

Xbox is a brand retard. There's an Xbox app on all Windows 10 PCs

CE dude here as well. Its my favorite because it feels like a reboot of Marathon.


Slows the game down.

Don't forget, Brad Sams says that the next Xbox will just be called "Xbox" with the Lockhart being called Arcade and the Anaconda being called Pro.

as someone else who also enjoyed halo since CE-3 i can see exactly why people hate it and hate it myself.

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>As somebody who has enjoyed Halo since CE, I legitimately don't understand people's issues with the advanced movement in Halo 5.
shut up faggot, most of us enjoyed halo since CE and that's exactly why we abandoned ship when the core gameplay changed completely.

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Thats a nice mysterious lore you got, itd be a shame if someone were to....explain literraly everything :^)))

>As somebody who has enjoyed Halo since CE
This means literally nothing to me because you're still a retard.


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its fucking happening

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I wouldn't have minded this if they did it well, but like everything 343 did not only did they remove the mystery but replaced it with garbage.
>tfw you will never explore the halo CE level Halo again with wonder at what all the structures are for gazing up at the skybox to see the ring
It's a real fucking bad feel desu

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Yeah... I don't keep my hopes high

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Post the hologram slut

>having anything to do with nuBungie
lmao what

which one?

>Allow me to shit upon all of this by making it futuristic architecture that could have come from any shitty sci fi story

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That's a seperate mechanic, you can actually totally disable that if you want.

It doesn't, though.

The arguement I always see, which shows, is that sprints makes the game slower due to the maps being expanded to compensate, and that means that on some maps it takes a little longer to get from one end of the map to the other, but that's not the same thing as "game speed"

In fact, since the maps are scaled up, it takes more time to move over the same relative % of map space, that means that there's more actions taking place over any given % of map traversal, which is an element where the game is actually FASTER as a result: Actions per second is the core element of what determines game speed, traversal rate is just another element. Stuff like time to kill, how fast animations are, etc are all also elements of determining game speed, and those are all faster in Halo 5 as well.

So yes, sprint makes it take longer to get from point A to B, but the overall speed of movement is still increased, there's still more actions taking place per given unit of space/time, the time to kill is still faster, and the animations are still faster. 5 is still, by far, the fatest Halo game.

See above, that means nothing.

It didn't change completely though. Halo 5 still has the golden triangle, it still has the core emphasis on map control, it's in fact MORE vertically and platforming focused then any game since Halo 2, etc. The introduction of a few new mechanics isn't "changing the core gameplay" because 5's movement systems help prop up the core systems and elements that makes Halo Halo.

If you disagree, explain what you think makes Halo's core gameplay be like Halo and how 5's mechanics break that.

Oh no.. it's retarded.

Wrong cringy "diversity is our strength" image

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>sprintfag comes to ruin another good halo thread
These people are animals

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>more movement options is bad
Retarded nostalgiababy mentality

There you go
Can you spot all the trannies?


>hur let me cherrypick my images

The image that user posted of the Delta Halo ruins from Halo 2 is an exception: it, sandtraps' ruins, etc were example of stone forerunner ruins, wheras all the metal ruins in 2 and 3 still had the hyper angular, tron-esque look that 4 and 5 built on. In fact, Halo War's and Reach's forerunner envoiments are almost a perfect in between of 3 and 4's forerunner visual design.

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>bad mechanics are good
Retarded Zoomer subhuman

He was too pure for this world

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>unironically defending halo 4 and 5s rape of the forerunner aesthetics
Drink my shit and go back to /hg/ faggot

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Show me any forerunner structure in Halo 4 and 5 that has any unique character to it

>most legendary employee at the company is also b&rp


>orange and bloom shit
>doesnt look cold and mysterious

>cold, grey, and blue
>fits the aesthetic

What are you doing, user?

>Bungie has more women than 343
>Bungie has trannies, 343 doesn't
Holy Shit and people on this site still think Bungie can make good games let alone a Halo game.
Halo is fine where it is.

>If you disagree, explain
The changes Bungie made were a natural adaptation of the gameplay, art style, and character development they established. 343 took these establishments and basically just threw them out the window, wanting to make something that was "theirs" instead of something "Halo". This is evident in their storytelling, art design, gameplay mechanics, and progression/rewards systems. CE-3 built on each other perfectly with Reach less so but still scoring points for OC. CE gave us the core gameplay we all loved, halo 2 added multiplayer which further defined what halo was to its fanbase, 3 gave said fanbase tools like forge and theater to further improve on the experience, and Reach was Bungie's culmination of ideas and concepts for the series before taking off to go their own way.

CE is litterally the only game where forerunner ruins looked like that, and in the fucking artbook bungie outright states that how forerunner shit looked in CE was the result of tech limitations and how they look in 2 is how they invisoned them, with the concept art matching how they look in 2


To be clear, i'm not saying 4 and 5's forerunner aeshetics AREN'T different, just that 2 and 3 already changed the aeshetics from CE, and Reach/Wars did from 3, and that 4/5's changes aren't any more of a jump and are just moving further in the direction that 2/3 and reach/wars's changes were.

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Looks like garbage

>>Bungie has trannies, 343 doesn't
Look at the thing in the back all the way to the right and tell me again how that's not a tranny

>CE is litterally the only game where forerunner ruins looked like that, and in the fucking artbook bungie outright states that how forerunner shit looked in CE was the result of tech limitations and how they look in 2 is how they invisoned them, with the concept art matching how they look in 2

In fact, dumping the pages. I will note though that I remebered wrong: the pages say that in 2 they were taking forerunner visual design in a more complex and detail dense direction then it was in Halo CE, but even in CE's concept art it was closer to how it looked in 2 then in CE, as seen here

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Some women have hard features.

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how does the campaign of 3 compare to the first 2? never played it

You going to take that chance?

give the poor woman a break, she was just trying to impress her childhood hero.

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and final one i'm gonna post. The stuff in the art here, even though it's concept art from halo CE, resembles how it looks in 2 and 3 more then it does CE

If you anons reallyt want me to I can make images compiling exampoles of forerunner archteecture from each game to show how the jump from Wars/Reach to 4/5's isn't any bigger or in a different direction then the jump from CE to 2/3 or from 2/3 to reach/wars was

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How did such a rushed and messy development end up making the best in the series?


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No, but chances are it's a woman

Here's your Forerunners, bro!

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>CGI trailer
>holy shit guys it looks great
Comically low IQ drone

Not in this day and age I'm afraid, stay away from man jaws and receded hairlines

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>monolithic, religious vibe that inspired a chilling awe?
>nah just generic chrome and glowy lights lmao
Fuck 343 and anyone who defends them

I'm fine with this

Oh no

so, just like halo 2,3 and reach?



Dude elDewrito is a thing. Halo Online works great try playing that.

>I don't have an arguement so i'm just gonna call you retarded

The thread, before I showed up, was all people just going FUCK 343 AND SPRINT AMIRITE? I'm at least trying to get people to engage in an actual disscusion and have a back and forth. WHat's REALLY ruining Halo threads is the fact that for years now every single one has been nothing but people circlejerking over how much they hate shit with no actual disscusions about the game's mechanics, systems, what's really wrong with them, how they can be improved, etc

I don't disagree with what you've said about bungie here, actually, but where I do disagree with other stuff.

To be more specific, Bungie, ever since 3, had been tyring to come up with a 4th pillar to Halo's game design, alongside the core trio of Weapons, Grenades, and Melee. In 3, they introduced equiipment, but for whatever reason didn't feel it worked right, and replaced them with armor abilities, which were an evolution of that idea, but Reach's armor abilities broke even starts, which was a core element of Halo's game design up till that point.

To an extent, yes, 4 was 343 trying to throw shit out and do halo "their way", but it's also arguably an evolution of Reach's armor ability and limited loadout systems, which really shouldn't have been there to begin with and caused the series to veer off it's course. As I see it, 5 sort of represents 343 taking a step back, and re-correcting. It returns back to the core that bungie had in CE, and 2, and instead of taking the approach to a 4th pillar as a sandbox element like equipment or armor abilities, it implements as a new set of movement systems.

Personally, I feel like between all 3 implementations, the movement systems work the best. Halo has always struggled with movement relative to other arena shooters; by having the 4th pillar improve Halo's movement complexity, it makes up for Halo's flaws there, without overcomplicating or cluttering the sandbox.

Her name rhymes with Montana and she hates clothing

Cherry picked faggotry. You can't dash out of the way of a rocket in older titles, you just hope that the other player is a shitter.
not an argument

you literally shit up almost every halo thread with your faggotry, fuck off and stop defending 343.

Not going to give an actual response to retards.

she's no slut tho, in fact she slowly gets obsessed over chief through the games

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No actually.

>laughable population that plays the same 3 modes and maps over and over

>halo 2
>sparse and bear structures, huge featureless walls in darkness giving the monastic vibe echoed through halos music, the sheer sizes mixed with darkness emphasising the feeling of emptiness of these structures now that their builders are dead
>halo 3
>aged and weathered exteriors displaying how even though long abandoned and neglected, these structures have been queietly functioning thousands of years after their creators left, ehcoing the cyclical fate of everything else should they be activated again

She really wants that Chief dick.

FUCK 343

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343 will never make a good Halo game.

I absolutely hated everything about Halo 5, so now I'm going to post a rant I wrote some time ago where I came with some ideas to try and fix the story, go ahead and eviscerate my shit ideas

>part 1

Firstly I'm not a big fan of making the EU nearly mandatory reading. I don't read the books or comics, I keep myself a bit aware of what's happening, and I don't think it's wrong to introduce characters previously only in books etc But then I think the campaign needs to at least give me a reason to care about the characters in it.

Related, the campaign in Halo 5 is too crowded, I get that this is to complement the co op part, but it's not like this was deemed game breaking previously, and adding 6 characters to the plot that are really only there to give you a four man squad means there really isn't any solitary moment for our protagonists.

I think this was a mistake because after Cortana's sacrifice in Halo 4, having Master Chief dealing with loss and solitude would likely work better without a team of friends to fight alongside with.

Imagine a Halo 5 that begins with Master Chief being decommissioned after the events of Halo 4. He's a soldier and a "weapon" for a different era, as well as ONI seeing him as a liability with Halsey having gone rogue.

Meanwhile I think I would consider replacing Locke with Palmer. I don't dislike Locke as a character, but he's another new face dragged in from the expanded universe, and he's fulfilling a role I think Palmer easily could have been thrust into. Palmer easily works as a opposite of John, at least from having played Halo 4. Master Chief is impulsive and could easily be seen as reckless, he can disobey orders he disagrees with. Yet he's principled and loyal to those he serves with, and always remains sure of himself and level headed. Palmer is loyal to her superiors to a fault, a near perfect soldier, but this creates conflict under the facade.

lmaoooo literally the same shit orange lights

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I have a better way to fix the story
Retcon the entirety of halo 4 and 5 with halo infinite and make infinite more like halo 1,2,3 in every way

>part 2

As Master Chief gets buried away by ONI, Palmer is given the status as special operative working for ONI and taking orders directly from Admiral Osman. I think as Chief of ONI, Osman and her organisation is a source for antagonists that seemingly have just been swept under the rug.

Speaking of which, Jul'Mdama seems wasted, especially in a title that has a antagonist problem considering it had a repeating boss fight against a villain only seen in Halo 5. Killing Jul'Mdama in the first mission was a mistake. With Palmer sent to finish the job began on Reqium, I can't see why you couldn't have Jul'Mdama actually fight and defeat the protagonist to have a proper antagonist in the beginning of the story. Could even have him slice off one of Palmer's arms to give one back to her for what she did with Halsey.

As for Halsey, there was likely a good explanation in the books for her 180 after the ending of Spartan Ops in Halo 4, but I actually found her alliance of convenience with the Covenant Remnants one of the few intriguing things to lead up to Halo 5. I get that she and Mdama have conflicting motives and the alliance could never last, but it would be interesting to see them work togheter in the fight against a ONI that was at the time of Halo 4 seemingly getting its tendrils in control of the UNSC and up to morally questionable actions.

A split campaign then between Palmer hunting down the enemies of ONI while Master Chief goes AWOL searching for Cortana could then have worked as a launching pin until one can introduce the more overarching narrative. One protagonist questioning the motives of her superiors as she is sent to assassinate by any means necessary those who stand in their way, including an icon as Master Chief. While one has to deal with the loss of the being arguably closest to him, and being in a world that first throws him out when they don't need him anymore, then calls him an enemy when he disobeys.

Halo 2

Where's the orange lights, you dumb nigger? I see white and blue. Sunlight isn't orange, you'd know that if you went outside more than once a year.

No orange and bloom. Has soul.

next you'll sprout another dumb buzzword like kino or something

Also there's no stupid floaty objects or multi colored floor. Also one thing I miss in the new forerunner design is the lack of glass. I remember Halo 1-3 had a lot of glass floors and ceilings that seem to be completely gone in the sequels

Even Reach managed to keep the Forerunner aesthetic.

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>subtle blue lighting
>looks empty and spacious
>very angular and metallic looking

>harsh blacks and obnoxious lighting
>metal looks like plastic
>orange glow everywhere with some blue
>floating shit out of nowhere
>one of them is outside but despite this looks more cramped than the halo 3 one

343 forced to atone for their sins when?

That's the good stuff right there

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>how do you want your forerunner aesthetics?
>say no more

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jesus christ how horrifying

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Halo MCC on PC soon bro's


I'd buy it

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I can't begin to express how disgusted I was with anything and everything forerunner in 4 and 5. Shit pulled me out of trying to enjoy that dumpster fire that I still haven't beaten either one to this day. So much stupid floating shards, random LED strips, rounded fucking designs. The absolute last thing Halo needed was the Forerunners expanded upon. Infinite better come with the retcon to end all retcons.

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halo mcc on pc when?

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I remember playing CE on PC and loving all of the maps.
Timberland was my favorite.

God tis going to be so fucking good

I don't know about playing as Palmer. Remember not liking her after Halo 4, but then I never played the sequel.

>bro 343 halo like actually isn't that bad

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Isn't the difference in aesthetics a consequence of the shiny stuff being built during peak Forerunner eras while the Halos were built during the Flood War therefore during the dying era of the Forerunners? That's why it gives off a more dying, archaic tone compared to the futuristic tone of Requiem and Genesis.


Yes and Master Chief's armor is different because of nanomachines.
And the covenant look different because they're a subspecies.

Nice retcon you've got there. You also going to tell me about how Rey learned to fight with a lightsaber by downloading the knowledge from Kylo Ren's brain?

>wake up
>halo: reach following the novel's story never happened

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>I don't understand what retcon means.

yeah, 343 felt that if they wanted to ruin the aesthetic they should ruin the lore and mystery of the forerunners at the same time.

The Fall of Reach in the novel was just Chief fucking off in a Pelican.

So what I am getting at here is there is an actual valid explanation for the difference in looks. But you just don't like the answer.

>hadn't played halo since reach despite loving ce-3 because i didn't like reach
>largely ignored the series as a whole
>check out what's changed last year
>cortana is a bad guy
>forerunners are around now or something idk really
>some black spartan is trying to kill chief
Halo was a mistake

What you're getting here is a bunch of crying Halo 2 and 3 babbies that never got the belt when they were little.

You mean 343 was a mistake.


You're rectifying a visual divergence noticed by the audience, using a explanation not given in the original work, that's a retcon

There is a valid reason, it still looks like trash.
>defending the ruining of the mystery of the forerunners and terrible aesthetics at the same time

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Just ignore Halo 5, Halo Infinite will change your opinion.


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People aren't complaining about the art style because it's not explained, they're complaining because it is shit. The TRON shit can fuck off.

I'm probably not going to play it, i hope the rumors of mcc coming to pc are true though, would be cool to play the first 3 again on pc with better graphics, 60fps and shit

I hate that the forrunners look like some kind of Voldemort abomination race

I miss when the forerunners were just ancient humans, and the humans weren't this other civilization that look like native americans in sci fi spandex.

I never even played Halo 3 but the music is top tier

I hope infinite totally shits on all the trash develops in halo 4-5 lore and aesthetic wise so 343 defenders fuck off once and for all

Would Master Chief be fighting humans? I don't know why, but I don't see that happening

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Forerunners were never ancient humans, Forerunners were nobodies because Bungie couldn't figure out what the fuck to do with them, one minute they were this and another minute they were that, fucking retards couldn't get their shit together with Halo 3.

So is Yea Forums majority Early Zoomers now?

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I don't know what's with Halo and Metroid fans wanting Master Chief and Samus Aran to fight humans, it's generic, boring, and NOT Halo or Metroid.

not necessarily. halo was hugely popular amongst the high school and college crowd...

halo CE came out 17 years ago user

I was born in '91 and still played the shit out of Halo in my teens

But Halo 3 was still a defining childhood game for Early Zoomers

Give me anything from Halo 1-3 that would disprove the Forerunners being humans theory, meanwhile you got everything from the timeline adding up, Guilty Spark's actions and words, african origin, and humans hands on the panels adding up

um no they were actually epic spandex wearing vampires and humans were space native americans.
t. 343

Spartan IV's might be fun, but only if the AI was good enough. And based on the AI in Halo 4 and 5... yeah.

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Halo is and always will be shit made for low IQ dude bros.

Guilty Spark referring to his makers and Master Chief as two different things.

>You are the child of my makers. Inheritor of all they left behind. You are Forerunner.

>Uh.... uh.... no-actually they were enemies of the forerunners and fought together with the Prophets, yeah, that's some good storytelling

Friendly reminder that 343 has only harmed the series in every way from lore to gameplay.

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Back in the day id go into social slayer for warm ups and reck em with the snipe. Zoomers were my K/D farm

Halo 3's very on terminals and Iris campaign.

Latest lore has been good though, so you're full of shit.

Claims like that require evidence, user

Explain how, because all the information I've read seem to interpret the humans as being regarded as descendants of the forerunners

>Latest lore has been good though

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I remember them being difficult. I could probably beat one now if I really tried

Are 343 defenders just baiting or is their taste really this shit?

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Silent Storm
Shadow of Intent
Broken Circle
Halo Envoy
Halo Retribution
Halo FireTeam Raven
Halo Wars 2
Halo Last Light

Need I say more, call me when Bungie can get their shit consistent for once.

>wah 343 is actually providing consistency and logic in their lore wah


>lists a bunch of trash
>Need I say more
>implying anyone cares about destiny era bungie

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This is a joke right?

Is it a joke to say the Bungie's lore is "mysterious" instead of just Bungie not knowing what the fuck is happening?

>Alpha Halo is located towards the center of the galaxy in Halo CE
>Alpha Halo is located outside the galaxy in Halo: Reach
>Halo 3 Forerunners are humans, no wait they're a different species
>Halo CE Halo doesn't kill Flood
>Halo 2 and 3 Halo kills Flood
>Johnson escape the Flood because of the Spartan I project
>Johnson escape the Flood because he just badassed it
>Bunige: we're never telling a time story
>Halo First Strike
>Spartan IIs are all dead
>Spartan IIs are alive and well
Yeah, Bungie were very consistent, mother fuckers weren't even consistent with their own games.

Where did i say they were???

They literally didn't know what the fuck they were doing so they just called it a mystery and left it at that. It's like what happened with Metroid, the reason things were a mystery was because Nintendo, at the time, didn't come up with story for those areas not because they wanted it to be a mystery.


It's flat out stated by Guilty Spark at the end of Halo 3 as a last plot reveal that the humans are forerunners.
This is more consistent and logical than creating a stupid backstory involving precursors, pre halo firing humans, pre halo firing prophets, stupid three front wars between the flood, humans, and forerunners. The whole backstory is just a mess now where the forerunners shared the galaxy with two other galactic civilizations that were never previously mentioned or affected the galaxy afterwards

Not him but then you have the Terminals saying that Humans and Forerunners are completely different species from one another. Just admit that Bungie were a bunch of inconsistent retards that never thought the Forerunners through when they made them.

Except it isn't messy. It actually makes a lot of sense. The advantage of making a story is the ability to make it make sense any way possible. Nothing in the original games contradicts the lore directly so what does it matter?

>one 343fag ruining what could be a comfy halo thread
Why can't these "people" just fuck off to /hg/ if they want to suck off their trash nuhalo so badly?

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The terminals refer to them as children of the forerunners. How the fuck does that make them a separate species?

Because they both exist at the same damn time.

Wouldn't that be the humans they planted on earth?

No, they chose Humanity as their inheritors, meaning they would become the new Forerunners and everything that was the Forerunners would be Humanity's.

Yes, they chose their human descendants to be their inheritors. It doesn't mean their a separate species. In the media directly following Halo 3 the forerunners are portrayed of being human in physiology and proportion, and they seed Earth with humanity. Having humanity as their inheritors does not make them a separate species.

What's wrong with him? He admits he likes all Halos, he already sounds more chill to hang around than you.

Never trust someone who unconditionally likes everything

>turned a whole thread into a big argument
>what's wrong with him

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They felt Humanity was species they didn't consider them Forerunners.

>Yea Forums
>liking Halo

From what i see it was people upset about him talking positively about a game he enjoys.

Because they were a new beginning. But they would still have a direct lineage to the forerunners. Which definitely carries a lot more thematic weight than making the forerunners voldemort aliens and the humans were this other space faring species that got fucked by the forerunners and then the forerunners decided to make them their inheritors

This is pretty much it.

They knew humanity was a species that could one day surpass them.

He supports a company that hates Halo and constantly tries to change shit in the series to make it different.

>stop liking what I don't like

Not him but it seems like 343 are trying to get Halo back on track now.

343 just follows trends and bolts it to the franchise. Halo 5 and cod black ops are the same game

Ah yes, the same species they had just supposedly crushed
Again, the original story carries far more weight, humanity share a lineage to the former rulers of the galaxy. The current conflict happens because of the inability of our ancestors to win the conflict. The war, the flood, and the covenant truly is a monument to all our sins. And victory fulfills a plan millennia in the making.
Now humanity was just chosen because some of the forerunners had the hots for humanity

>halo on halo
Worst gamemode in existence and this is why I don't play Halo 3 customs anymore. Every fucking custom games lobby ends up playing Halo on Halo and it's mind-numbingly boring.

Also what this user said

no mutliplayer theater
cant join games in progress
cant change teams while ingame
no armor customization

Is this true? What the fuck?

First 2 points are false, third i can't confirm, 4th is true.


Fuck 343 and fuck 343 Halo.

Yes. Despite 4 years of "fixing" the game they have not fixed very glaring issues with it, and probably never will.

Nigger there is no multiplayer theater mode in MCC. Halo 3 was the only Halo to feature it but it doesn't work in MCC.

No, you can't join custom games in-progress. You have to wait until they are backed out into a lobby.

>third i can't confirm
Launch the game right now, start up a forge or custom game and try to switch teams. There's no option for it.

You can join games in progress in Eldewrito. How do they fuck this up?

Not to mention the halo2 on the mcc is the version for windows vista

>Halo since CE, I legitimately don't understand people's issues with the advanced movement in Halo 5.
Of course, a fake fan. Go back to CoD.

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>no join in progress
Explain this. youtube.com/watch?v=BzYpM2DO78Q

Alright, so it was fixed 4 years after release. Still inexcusable, and the remaining points still stand.

I dont have a problem with the thrusters but when you combo them with sprint and slide you can cover so much ground so quick. I say keep the thrusters get rid of everything else.

i don't know user, this image gives me Halo3 vibes

>they have not fixed very glaring issues with it
name 3

>t-that doesn't count
Get out of here fuckboi and go spread lies somewhere else.

Hey, I conceded that one point. The rest are valid, are they not?

And, despite it being fixed, I still think it's pretty ridiculous that it took them nearly 4 years to fix something that should have been in the game since day 1.

He already did

I fucking loved fat kid....gaming isnt the same

no he named on issue that's not real and it's proved wrong here

One of four issues. Learn to math.

Not him I started with CE and I find Halo 5 fun, when I saw this shit in the beta I thought the game would suck gameplay wise but then I played it and loved it.

The best weapon by far in Halo is the handgun, which has a scope that functions eerily similar to later games with ADS.
>Seems to snap to the guy as soon as you do it
>Reduces the speed of turning/aiming so an imprecise control method (a stick) can be used better at range
>outDPS's the assault rifle at mid range just in case it wasn't automatically what you use in every situation
Hearing Halo people talk about "what ruined Halo" is like hearing a guy with a moped give his thoughts of foreign cars

I don't see three other issues listed. Unless you can restate them clearly here and now you lose the argument

Goddamn man why do you have to be so negative? It should've worked at release sure but it didn't, they fucked up, finally learned from their mistakes, fixed it and are now still actively working on improving the game. I'm not telling you to go suck 343's dick but why can't you just embrace the few good things in life?

Whats to miss? You can still play Halo 3 today

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And yet with all that inconsistency, people still love Bungie Halo while 95% of people fucking hate 343 shit.

Here's some inconsistency for you.
>for 3 entire games human=forerunner
343 takes over
>actually no. nup they aren't and you gotta read these fucking books to understand our first game in the series.

You 343 shills are fucking scum. Sucking the shit stained cocks of devs that have made objectively bad games and basically destroyed the biggest videogame franchise. Fuck off back to r/Halo you zoomer.

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>for 3 entire games human=forerunner
>he skipped 3

Once again Halo 3 campaign vs Halo 3 Terminals, if you want to me to drop gayboy's interview with a former Bungie employee I can do that too.

Reminder 343 ruined the franchise
>inb4 muh proof
Every game has had a declining playerbase and sales figures since 3 and only accelerated with 4-5

I shouldn't be replying to you

I'm this guywho here argued that Halo 4 and 5 are anywhere near as good as Halo CE-3 people are just saying that Bungie are an inconsistent mess.

Guilty Spark: "You are Forerunner..."
Humans were Forerunners and that is that.

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Don't forget Halo 3 was barely even number 1 during its era and COD was kicking its ass for years until it finally ate it up in 2009.


the guy that leaked new Xbox name and Halo Infinite said this.

Who says I'm being negative? I was pointing out things missing from the game.

I'm glad they fixed that one issue, and are trying to further improve the game, but unfortunately I think they're too late. When MCC launched it had a pretty dedicated group of players who wanted to keep customs games alive. They remade hundreds of popular maps and gametypes from Halo 3 into MCC (one guy in particular would have two tv screens set up so he could perfectly copy the original maps).

they tried very hard to keep the fun alive, but most of them have now moved on because of the many, many issues the game had at launch. keep in mind things like in-game chat not working for the first 6+ months after release turned a lot of people off from the game at the beginning.

MCC was rushed, it was released unfinished, and it was handled by extremely incompetent devs. The guy at 343 who's currently leading the improvements has posted about the shitty practices of the previous devs, things like deleting chunks of code which prevent forge objects from functioning properly.

Time to drop the harapiss, or whatever the fuck his name is, interview.


Halo is the Zelda cycle on steroids.
People are already beginning to make apologies for Reach and Halo 4 can't be far behind.
When a bunch of people start to like Halo 5 despite all your pleas for reason, just know that's exactly what happened to this place concerning the first 3 Halo games which were mostly considered an elaborate joke pulled on unsuspecting normies/kids when they released

I see a lot of people suggesting we'd have to wait until e3, but wanting it sooner aside, what would be stopping them from dropping it on us as soon as next week? They could have been working up to this since the game was fixed in August, I figure it's not unrealistic to expect a much sooner release.

>this shitty argument again
Yeah sure let's take the word of a rampant AI (who also confused MC as the same person that activated the Halos thousands of years before) as fact.


An article from 2017 from a 343 apologist, filled with NuHalo terms and mental gymnastics.

The faggot interviewed an ex-Bungie employee who told him Bungie didn't know what to fucking do with the Forerunners and that shit was just a telephone game.

>bungie self admittedly has no idea what to do with the forerunners
>make them more mysterious and interesting than 343 anyway

>Bungie didn't know what to fucking do with the forerunners...

And yet they still did a better job with the forerunners than 343 ever did.

> Bungie didn't know what to fucking do with the Forerunners
Apparently, doing nothing was better than the fuckfest 343 shit out

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Let's ignore your self justification for why Guilty Spark's last moment reveal is just a big dumb dumb moment. Why would Bungie include the line if it's just the ramblings of a machine?
The story makes it clear, humanity are the direct descendants of the Forerunners. The Forerunners seeded them unto Earth as preparation for their own extinction.
Everything written in the shitty books after are simply retcons. There were never any plans by Bungie for humanity to have been a intergalactic space faring race with an empire to rival that of the forerunners.
And then people have the gall to use the terminals in Halo 3 as proof of otherwise, just because it differentiates between the forerunners and humans, as if a father can not differentiate himself from his children

Of course, you can when you have no idea what the fuck to do with them.

Its been said a thousand times, the numbers do not lie. Look at how popular Halo is now compared to when Bungie had it.

>Bu.. but Reach was less popular.
Yeah, it was less popular because of the changes bungie made to the gameplay. The same reason people hate 343 incidentally.

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I took that to mean they are forerunner more symbolically than literally as he says they were inheritors of all they left behind.

>Rookie teaming up with chief and arby
based as fuck

based as fuck, saved.

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>Somebody keeps delaying the game while the screen in black in them customs menu

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This whole generational obsession is the most cringe thing I've ever seen. If you unironically use "zoomer" or the like as an insult you're simply put a massive fucking loser.

"You are the child of my makers. Inheritor of all they left behind. You ARE Forerunner..."
They literally say it.
>But Forerunner refers to "Those that came before" and not a specific race
In the entirety of the Halo universe, Forerunner is only ever used to refer to a race.

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>Everything you need to know about 343 Halo in one picture

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based and saved.

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Rookie is fucking dead. Also Micky is a terrorist.

Its quiet now that all the 343 shills are shutdown

they went back to r/halo and /hg/


Palmer is a shitty and annoying character. Locke could have been great if they had him a solo hunter, maybe part of a secret spartan project on par or even slightly more advanced than the IIs to make him seem like a threat. His introduction in h2a was promising, shame they wasted that potential.
If it were up to me, I would bring back rookie as a cyborg ONI project with blackbox as his AI. Give him some weird gadgets and abilities as well.

Also it was a crime they didn't actually use hunt the truth as part of the game's narrative.

343 niggers in one photo

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it's probably true

>halo babbys

Anyone wanna play some Halo 3?

>Spiritual reboot
It is a Destiny clone

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when it comes to pc sure

.. so in 2 days?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure the Halo 3 terminals themselves go against the notion that Humans were literal forerunners.

Anyway, you guys are missing the target. The issue isn't that 343 said humans aren't forerunners, its that they removed the mystery associated with them. I can only hope the precursors replace them in the role of mysterious ancients with little info.

i hope so user, i've been waiting for 4 years.
If only i still had my old friends to play coop with

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>A lot of people liked Halo 5s multiplayer
No evidence of that because MS doesn't show player count. I guarantee the game was mostly dead within a month of launch.

If they have the balls to announce PC exclusives like Gears Tactics at Xbox E3 conferences, you can bet your ass they don't mind announcing a PC port of the only remaining Xbone exclusive during an Inside Xbox session.

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>Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure the Halo 3 terminals themselves go against the notion that Humans were literal forerunners.

Yes, some readable easter egg sidequest thing hinted that they might be different. But read this

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Which Halo books should I read to prepare for MCC? Reach is the only one I ever read. I remember enjoying it.

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My 360 is long gone, along with my co-op crew. I just want to find a bunch of anons from here and marathon the game.

H3 on PC with engine enhancements and mod support now.

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The flood, first strike (maybe), Onyx, contact harvest and nothing else desu

>Not joining and fixing the issue

>all women

>find a bunch of anons from here and marathon the game
You sure you wanna do that? Just take a look at the trash heap that is /hg/

You people still have hope for halo 6 ive never seen such wife beater syndrome. Halo is good. Halo 4 and 5 are not.

Just let it die and move on. Nothing good lasts forever. This is why game companies milk us. They know some shit sells no matter how bad.

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If everyone wants to play Halo so bad why can't we get game nights going? Even if nobody wants to pay for gold there's still CE and ED. We used to do servers all the time. Plenty of other Yea Forums communities do it but I swear the Halo fanbase here only wants to talk about wanting to play.

This is retarded, how the fuck a someone born in the late 90's would start with a ps3/360? the ps2 was so popular that was still selling during the final ps3 years

Diversity doesn't mean diversity anymore, now it means "no white men"

do you live in the third world?

Everything by Nylund gives a good backround to the context the games develop in. Evolutions is a nice set of extra short stories.
Forerunner Tril was an actual good sci-fi read, but flood is space dust infecting ancient human dogs lmao, forerunners aren't human lmao, 343GS is some aboriginal protohuman trapped in the spherical robot body lmao, there were 2 didacts lmao
I'd add the Graphic Novel. It's a nice read.

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what would having sex with this woman be like?

I really hope xbots don't fall for 343i trash a fourth time.
I can't wait for the day Halo Infinite releases and only gets a week of relevance once people grow tired of playing it on Game Pass. Fuck Microsoft, 343, and everything Xbox

Forerunners not being human has been canon since 4

ITT: Zoomers who never experienced peak H2 XBL.

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>343GS is some aboriginal protohuman trapped in the spherical robot body lmao
Fucking WHAT

Easily. Maybe they just didn't care about video games until PS3/360 times.

...well yeah, but I went to europe to visit some siblings in 2010 and still found plenty of ps2 games selling

It would be enjoyable, and her vajeen would have a slight stank to it. source: a similar girl once upon a time

i miss it

Like bags of sandy coins and salty milk

Forerunners son.

343 industries literally is hell bent on destroying the lore and gameplay of halo, this shit is the result.

Nothing after ODST is canon.

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Halo 2 had the best community desu, online play was so fresh and everyone was so excited about it - people had mics and all the multiplayer features (matchmaking, clan support, rankings, etc.) were pretty much unheard for at least console games at the time and basically laid the groundwork for modern Live. Had the best maps of any Halo, no Forge but the custom gametypes people made were awesome (Zombies on Foundation and Tower of Power on Ascension are some of the most fun I've had in a game), and you could spend hours in a custom game having fun with the glitches.

Halo 3 was great but it wasn't the revolution Halo 2 was, and it came out in a time where people were generally used to online games, and people had way more games to choose from on the 360. Halo 2 was essentially the only popular multiplayer game on Xbox from 2004-2006/2007ish - everyone played it, constantly. During Halo 3's time people were usually splitting time between it, Call of Duty 4, and Gears 1.

3, ODST, and Reach were technical marvels on the 360. The graphics honestly stand up still today, aside from the framerate

>Halo 2
>had the best community
But that's not halo custom edition

I hate to tell you but the precursors are the flood senpaiI got some bad news for you the precursors are the flood senpai. youtu.be/h4W1yIGmf9M

They already bought it for the bone. I'm expecting/hoping to play with the Dewrito crowd.

Like gonorrhea

>What infinite should be
An entire Halo Ring simulated with procedurally generated terrain. Aside from story missions, there is also a separate strategy mode where you can play as either covenant or human and try to take control of the ring. You command things from a high level strategic standpoint, recruiting and deploying troops, base building, and managing resources. At any time you can take control of your player AV and jump into the battles to help out. Battles would consist of dozens/hundreds of AI soldiers battling it out, with drop-in human players being able to jump in on either side.

>What infinite will be

by 2010 only poor people and those not really interested in games had 6th gen consoles as their "main" gaming consoles. Gamestops carried large amounts of pre-owned PS2 games until 2014ish, when the 8th gen took their place

>what infinite should be
Soft reboot of the reclaimer trilogy ignoring everything from 4 and 5

>what it will be
Soft reboot with everything from 4 and 5

>Halo Infinite should be Halo Wars but with game mechanics that are basically impossible to implement effectively with current technology.

Fair enough, what I was originally saying though is that if you were born in the late 90's you most likely owned a ps2

>2 days
I doubt that, i think they're gonna force it back a couple of months, to hype up Gaylo Infinite.

Halo: Reach and 4 fell off because of that, Halo 5 fell off because it had jackshit at launch and it took 343's stupid asses too long to add shit in the game that should have already been there at launch.


>this lying faggot again

Try visiting other forums other than Yea Forums.

None of that is impossible to implement. Plenty of games have done proc-gen worlds. Plenty of games have done large-scale battles...fucking Battlefront on PS2 was doing it. And plenty of campaigns have drop-in multiplayer--Dark Souls for example

The Halo reddit has been a ghost town for years. The only thing ever posted there is fan art, and it's usually focused on the original trilogy anyway

>Halo 5 fell off because it had jackshit at launch and it took 343's stupid asses too long to add shit in the game that should have already been there at launch.

Its both. 343 doubled down on all the mistakes they made with Halo 4 (shitty artstyle, lore changes and gameplay) and then add in their ineptness as developers, taking months to add forge and the r/REQ system. It's a lot of things, but what killed Halo for me was the changes.

Reach was populated for a long time.

>343: This a reboot with reimagined gameplay

>343 doubled down on all the mistakes they made with Halo 4
They fixed weapon spread and removed loadouts. The former being more than Bungie could ever do for Halo.

depends, really. If you were born 98-99 and had older siblings or a dad into games, sure. Otherwise you would've been 6-7 in the 360s early years and received one as a present for xmas or your birthday.

The Fall of Reach, First Strike, Ghost of Onyx, Contact Harvest, Cryptum, Primordium, Silentium, Broken Circle, Last Light, Shadow of Intent, Evolutions, Silent Storm, and Retribution.


Get the fuck outta here.

The only thing i hated about reach was weapon bloom and armor lock other than that is was great.

the worst thing was the low fps and motion blur. without that, it would be great for me.

Compared to Halo 3, it was a ghost town as soon as Black Ops released.

>standing up today

>They fixed two tiny things while keeping all of the shitty lore, artstyle and gameplay changes that everyone hates.

Well good on you 343, thanks for listening to the fans on that one.

>tiny things
Weapon spread has been an issue ever since Bungie decided that aiming is too good of an advantage in Halo 3.
Halo 5 has a bunch of little things, but of course you will overlook them because "muh armor!"

I tell you to visit other sites like r/XboxOne and you tell me you wet to r/Halo.

Compared to Halo 2 and 3 it was nothing.

>spritual reboot means looter shooter
Kill yourself


Reach is the best looking one.
Too bad it ran at a silky smooth 19fps during campaign

Every weapon in Halo 5 is op because of those changes. Why die on that hill when everyone loved Halo 3 for its gameplay and everyone fucking hates Halo 5 for the same reason.
>muh armor!
Unironically yes. And also the lore, and the music and the gameplay and the Req shit and having to read 3 books to understand Halo 4.

You fucking 343 shills are grasping at straws now.

Take a look at the modern fps scene. Its either Battleground or looter shooter.

>sub 20fps
>terrible motion blur
>film grain
>washed out color palette
>terrible anti-aliasing
>best looking one

>Every weapon in Halo 5 is op
So nothing is overpowered. Halo used to have a relatively fast TTK, which was neutered for the 360 generation.
The worst part about Reach is that it would occasionally drop to 0 frames for a few seconds at a time on old 360 models.

And Halo Infinite and either.

>and everyone fucking hates Halo 5 for the same reason
No, they don't it's just a small number of crying 3babbies.

it being on PC would fix all of it

CE was king shit.

Still play it on my modded xbox.

It won't fix the gameplay problems, though.

This is your halo now.


CE was the shit, baby!

Check the reviews. Its the lowest rated Halo game in the series.

>There'll be another time intensifies

The campaign was shit and it had no content at launch what did you expect? Fans wanted a Master Chief game not black spartan and his shitty ass team.

There are people in this thread defending this

>Check the reviews.
There are?

Find a better song from any of the halo OSTs, protip: you can't
god i miss those days of playing all 3 halos coop with friends

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Buck was the only one worth a fuck

What kind of cancerous faggot made this?
What kind of AIDS-ridden faggots is it geared to?

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>The campaign was shit and it had no content at launch what did you expect? Fans wanted a Master Chief game not black spartan and his shitty ass team.

And shitty lore, shitty music, shitty artstyle, p2w req system, forge taking months and general incompetence.

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This guy

>What kind of cancerous faggot made this?
>What kind of AIDS-ridden faggots is it geared to?

NuHalo fags like this guy

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>tfw never played customs because no friends.

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i can't believe 343fags actually exist. disgusting.

I want to say it's okay, but fuck man you missed out.

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I feel you bro i had a arena team where we would wreck shit we won a few small tournaments too miss those days

>not just scrolling through recent players and joining anyone playing custom games

I feel sorry for them. Its like they never even played CE-3

You should have been here back when Dewrito was in full swing man, all the classics came back with a vengeance.

CE, ZB Reach, and 5 are the only Halo games I like.

>I liked Halo Reach and 5
Faggot confirmed.

CE is the best of them all, though.

die 343scum.

Look at this faggot

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el dewrito was fun, i used to always go into Yea Forums servers and cough and it made people mad

McFucking yikes

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I didn't say anything about CE. Dude you gotta be fucking retarded or a zoomer. Just fuck off back to r/Halo with the rest of the twelvies and 343fags.

Halo 5 was the pinnacle of halo multiplayer you can’t argue unless you actually played the damn game stop parroting what you’ve been told.

>Halo 5 was the pinnacle of halo multiplayer

It was mainly the things I mentioned and along with no lan and split screen/coop.

i played it, and its shit. die.

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>Halo 5 was the pinnacle of halo multiplayer

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I loved Halo CE, 2, 3, and 5 multiplayer. Fuck you all.

Prove it.

why would i go through that effort? I played it, and its garbage.

Again, look at how popular it is now. Its shit and everyone hates it, and vicariously we all hate you now. So fuck you and fuck off.

No you didn't.

Prove you played it

I'm not prepared to drag myself into yet another argument about ADS, sprint and promethean weapons so I'm just going to leave the thread at this point.

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ok 343tard. keep thinking that your piece of shit game is better than anything.

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The proof is in the fact that 343 is soft rebooting the franchise, admitting defeat and moving on with mechanics and style from the successful games of the franchise because microsoft is fucking done with their failure.

>random gamerscore screenshot
Prove it's you with xbox id and proof that it is your xbla id, anything less and you are lying :^)

>and moving on with mechanics and style from the successful games of the franchise
I didn't know there was gameplay footage already. Link?

I agree with you. I loved every iteration of Halo. Halo 2 the most. To me the worst iteration of Halo was Halo 3, the story felt so rushed.

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>Open-ish world = ODST
>Reach's armor customization
>Halo CE's world design
>Halo 3's armor

You guys are defending and fangirls of the worst games in the franchise. You are in love with shit.

Attached: 1548866369074.png (494x677, 532K)

Reach is a good game even if obviously not the best

Attached: reach_1349819_Medium.jpg (640x360, 51K)

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>pc in an empty lobby
Still no proof you played it online with other people or your xbl ID to prove it's you, try again.

This. I actually like Reach, but I completely understand and empathize with why other people hate it. Cause the reasons people hate Reach are the same reasons I hate Halo 4 and 5.

Attached: 1546984553562.jpg (1920x1080, 846K)

Where's your proof, though? I can provide a screenshot, can you?



It sucks floppy donkey cocks

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I'm not the same user claiming to have played it

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>Complying with a 343tards demands.
Just disregard this faggot. He actually likes Halo 5, he is subhuman filth.

Was it too hard for you, user?

Enjoy your dead Power Rangers game?

I'm happy 343 pissed off roughly 80 nerds on a mongolian basket weaving faggotry forum. I really hope they hit it out of the park and none of you guys play their stuff. Fucking faggots.


Halo 5 defenders please respond

>and none of you guys play their stuff
Don't worry, no one will.

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I would prefer if the game didn't have sprint or clamber, but they don't prevent me from enjoying the game. You can just turn them off in custom games anyway.

I miss it real bad user. It's not just nostalgia goggles either. It was great playing with/making friends on XBL and the replay editor and the sharing through Bungie site. I don't know why they can't just give us this on PC. Gears of War was great too. I don't know what the fuck happened to videogames, honestly.

The only good addition is thrusters and ground pound ok.
Shoulder charge is for people who cant aim a weapon besides the AR SMG or shotty
Btw they removed crouch jumping cause it was too hard for you retards

They will and Yea Forums will of course shitpost it to death but this time no one is going to leave the game.

>Ignoring sales numbers because you're so upset that nobody bought a bad game and can articulate why they think it's bad
You're not doing a very good job of representing 343 fans buddy.

Ground Pound did way too much damage at too large a radius. Being able to make someone one-shot from a mile away is retarded.
>they removed crouch jumping
They didn't, but they did dencentivize it by adding clamber.

Well my bad with clamber added i thought they removed it.
When it came out it was busted after reworks it did take some skill to take out some one you could still fuck up and get killed cause of it


You're right. Halo 5 is not without skill jumps, but it's not worth hurting the overall health of the game by forcing clamber on every jump. The sheer distance you can cover for a jump in 5 is ridiculous when combining all of the abilities.

only for the * ones, the rest are sourced.
This means halo 5 sold terribly and there's nothing 343iggers can do about it

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>there's more people playing Halo 5 than MCC
I thought no one liked Halo 5 Yea Forums, why does Halo 5 still have more players even though MCC is getting pushed?

underrated post

>436 replies and 95 images omitted. Click here to view.
So it's come to this, "Yea Forums"?

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Yep to cover ground in 5 i sprint, slide then jump out the slide and use thrusters you cover so much ground

Halo 5 sold 12 million copies, none of these numbers puts the Halo games at 77 million copies sold. Also, Halo: Combat Evolved sold 6+ million and Halo 3 sold 14.5+ million.

It's hell if you're making maps, because impassable gaps need to be like 50m wide.

I was never good a map making. I will give 343 this the Helljumper button layout is great

Firstly, i'm not a 343fag. I think that 343 fucks up all the time, far, far more then bungie did' I don't hate everything they do on principal, and 5's movement systems is one of the few things of theirs I like And, again: Explain how trying to start an actual conversation about mechanics and game systems rather then just whining and circlerjerking each other over how shit a game is is "Shitting it up" or how doing that was "comfy"

Maybe you fucking newfags don't know this, but Late Night Halo threads on Yea Forums ACTUALLY used to be comfy, with people actually talkiing about shit in the books, plot points from the games, what our favorite moments where, what changes we wanted to see for the series, etc, and there was actual disscisipon back and forth on these topics. . If you wanna be a lazy fucking asshole and not have actuial discussions then at least talk about the shit you like for once, retard.

Also, case in point how there's plenty about 343i I hate...

Halo 4's plot isn't hard to understand because it's book reliant (it's not), it's hard to understand because 4 just has shit writing in general, and is hard to understand as a result, DESPITE the fact that it litterally explain more about the shit it introduces then CE, 2, or 3 does.

I've read everything up to Broken Circle other the New Blood and Shadow of Intent. Honestly I say just read everything, OTHER then Thursday War and Mortal DIctata, unless you really wanna finish the plot points from Glasslands.

The whole Forerunner/Promethain shit in 4/5 and in current era lore stuff is stupid as fuck, 343 can't write new ongoing events to save their lives, but the Forerunner novels themselves are fantastic. Their issue is just that everything in them sounds absolutely retarded out of context, so people hear what's in them and think they are awful


I fucking LOVED duck hunt holy shit

source faggot


>Needs work

>Should be removed
Ground Pound

This. Duck Hunt was the fucking best.

Attached: Duck Hunt.jpg (480x360, 25K)

duck hunt you say

Attached: Halo 5 forge duck hunt.webm (720x404, 1.04M)


Duck hunt was the shit i miss jenga too

Halo 5 forge is a blessing

Attached: halo 5 forge hungry hippo.webm (720x404, 2.91M)


Attached: Halo 5 forge the maw.webm (690x388, 1.95M)

Contact Harvest is a helluva read, it does a good job of introducing Johnson. I've yet to read Cole Protocol.

Sorry user, but didn't you get spammed with custom game invites by strangers after matchmaking? You could've made some friends

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Jenga was gud

Attached: jenga custom.webm (480x270, 2.98M)



>Michael Jackson on Neverland Ranch
>FatKid on Omega Fortress
>sharks and guppies
>ice cream man
>Assassins Creed
>the modded Sandtrap level that added a sky fortress or speed boosts around the level
>Hurricane Katrina
>Trash Compactor
>Left 4 Dead

>bungie leaves microsoft
>343 studios shits the bed with halo
>bungie shits the bed with destiny 1 and 1.5
>microsoft can't put out a good exclusive to save its life
>bungie can't put out a good shooter to save its life

Attached: aw lawdy.jpg (500x375, 28K)

>microsoft can't put out a good exclusive to save its life
They're about to start.

anything pre 2009

Things have become so bad that sprint is the least of my worries. I would honestly be okay with sprint if they removed all that other shit they added in 5. Halo 1 - 3 gameplay with ONLY SPRINT added would be fine. I would prefer it not to have sprint but if that's all they changed then I would see it as a victory. Not perfect but I'd be able to live with it.

Attached: halo_2_anniversary_sanctuary_temple_blue_1920.0.jpg (1920x1080, 258K)

What's your issue with thrust, hover, slide, etc?

I'll take the other Spartan Abilities over Sprint any day.

Not soulles if you have the same friends since 2007

You mean soulful.

I for one welcome halo infinite's multiplayer to be like halo 5's

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>halo 3
>miss it so much
Miss it why? I did play Halo 2 a shit ton before they reset everyone's shit for some reason. Did play some after but I eventually gave up consoles for PC. By the time Halo 3 came out I was addicted to WoW so I never bothered.

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user, I not sure if you get screw over from parental setting that prevent message from other random people. But the Halo 3 community is one of the most chill community in it hay day as long as you stay away from rank mode. Pretty much everyone just spam invite to recent play list to fill up customs game and it was completely acceptable by the community. People would fill up a lobby quickly and invite online friend they most likely befriend in game, which fill lobby even quicker.
I sorry for your lost

Source other than that cryptic asshole on twitter talking to some gay halo youtubers two years ago.

Thruster pack ruins Halo 5. It's worse than sprint and spartan charge.

>Left 4 Dead
>White House
>7 Chambers
>Hurricane Katrina
>Ninja Warrior


My first time exploring infinite. Oh fuck it was so beautiful

Too bad for you, Spartan Charge is hated by most Halo fans along with Ground Pound and will most likely not make it back in Infinite, even Sprint's a wild card since it's about as hated as the Halo 4 and 5 art style meaning it could be on the verge of being removed like Spartan Charge and Ground Pound will be.

As far as we know? Yes. But we know next to nothing and its all subject to change. Though if they changed that helmet in the OP too much I think the folks at 343 would put their own lives in jeopardy. You can't just show off the right armor design and get the most positive reaction ever and then on a whim decide against that by fucking yourself into the dirt with a rusty spatula instead.

But this is 343 we are talking about. They could find a way.


No other ability allows you to bail out of a 1v1 like the thruster pack does. I don't want any abilities by the way

I bet you accepted the NANOMACHINES SON explanation too

>Lets add sprint to speed up players.
Putting down your weapon slows down combat gameplay. Having your weapons ready at all times makes for more fluid combat that Halo is known for.
>Okay! Lets just keep weapon up when you sprint
But then you are just moving fast when your weapon is up and then slowing down randomly. Why are you slowing down?
>Alright so HOW ABOUT THIS: You are constantly sprint by just pressing forward on analogue stick or W key and your weapon is always at the ready.
Good idea.

Sprint bails you out of everything that's why it's hated more.

>implying we want him in /hg/
Nah he can fuck off from our general too. We mostly play MCC

I unlocked all the shitty REQs and got to rank 147. It's shit, and it's always been.

It's almost like MCC abandoned for 4 years (no join in progress custom games for FOUR YEARS), still occasionally crashes between matches, and STILL doesn't even have basic features from 2007 like theater clipping and armor customization.

>making excuses

You aren't missing much really. Halo 3 was the proper ending. But if you get MCC it means you get Halo 4 as well. I don't recommend 4, but I don't no't recommend it either. Play it if its there and you don't have anything better to do. Halo 4 was not very good but there are some redeeming qualities I will admit. The sound design was really good outside of the music and I liked the Cortana/Chief aspect of the story. Other than that? Not much there. Halo 5 on the other hand has only one redeeming quality. The forge is really good so its customs are pretty fun. Its like a more stable Gary's Mod in that regard. But its unrecognizable as a Halo game and just sucks unless you for some reason wanted COD Advanced Warfare x Power Rangers. In which case the games all yours.

what the fuck were they thinking.

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halo sucks

>spartan IVs
>rookie dead
>ancient humans

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My nigga, how could you forget trash compactor?

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