>I never beat it, but [GAME] is still my favorite game!
I never beat it, but [GAME] is still my favorite game!
>2B is one of my favorite characters ever
>I haven't played her game yet
>Not that user
>Am that user
How many times have you beaten Warband, user?
>I have never played that game and don't know what it's about but I hate it
Sounds like some GDQ donation
A game can still be your favorite if you haven't beaten it.
For example, MGSV is amazing if you just pretend that the entirety of chapter 2 doesn't exist.
>what are multiplayer games
You don't need to finish something in order to enjoy your time with it.
Never finished a campaign in Total War:Warhammer 2 but have +400 hours in it.
>A game can still be your favorite if you haven't beaten it.
Then it's not your favourite, it's just a game you liked but not enough to finish.
Fucking disgusting
>my main game gets popular
>i don't like that game anymore
Sonyfags in a nutshell.
Why was this comic popular? I don't get it. The character is very unappealing, the content isn't funny or clever.
The 2018 take on Nancy is unironically the only good daily comic strip.
>I never beat it...
The endgame is tiresome, once you have your optomized stacks fighting even legendary ai is just about positioning your shit so you don't get overwhelmed by multiple stacks.
Are you f*eaking kidding me
>i'm not good at it but it's my favourite
My video game career, don't hit me please
say your prayers faggot
Am I not allowed to like Minecraft or Dwarf Fortress even if I haven’t reached someone else’s arbitrary goal?
Spongebob battle for bikini bottom
nancy is based
too slow joe!
>I never beat [GAME], but [CHARACTER] is still my favorite character!
In the 10 or however many years minecraft has been beatable I've never beat the end dragon
I'll get pretty far, die once, get pissed off that I lost all my shit, drop the game, and pick mc back up months later for a new world
I don't finish games nearly as much as I used to.
Here's some games I was quite fond of but never finished:
Xenosaga part 1
DDS part 1
Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin
I do plan to finish the last five, but I've been distracted by newer releases. Also, I love Nancy.
Twice, faggot.
With my own faction too.
you made me get serious
>Look at me, I'm pretending slapstick is a deep narrative
I can understand it, especially on a Mortal Empires campaign. The load times and grind become unbearable and you're already in a winning position so the foregone conclusion makes it boring.
> [GAME] is the greatest game ever made, but nobody appreciates it
>he's never played nethack
Holy shit this is some next level delusion
2 was a borefest but I liked the message and predictions it had with the Patriots AI
3 got dumb after a while
Nethack fucking sucks. Overrated ass shit that was a shadow of what it's successors accomplished
You cheated
Metroid threads
they're right to hate other M but they don't know why
What is dwarf fortress
then play it you fucking retard and realize that A2 is much better
How do you beat df?
>if art looks simple it must be simple
imagine waking up with this big of a brain wow
Conquer the world, then hell