Smash Ultimate Summit
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is there a link to a video of this?
I need to watch this for research.
love hbox
how long til armada explodes and calls cosmos a nigger?
reminder dlc is going to include banjo but will be low tier trash
Summit 7 talent show
M2K and Dabuz podcast when?
love this post
Say hi to the best character in the game.
ink v ink is hype
>Armada's Inkling literally spanks Cosmos Inkling with the Inkbrush
I hope we can have Zero and Dabuz on the couch for the entire rest of the day
That's not Palutena
That's not stinking
/ourguy/ >>>>> Hbox
Honestly he could be the worst character in the game and I'd ride or die for him. Banjo tickles that perfect nostalgia spot for me in age.
what’s the best gacha game to play on your phone
i guess you missed family feud yesterday huh
>every tournament is olimar and inklings
nice "balanced" game you got there Yea Forums
"My 6k winnings from today? Ya just transfer it to my savings account"
>Summit 7 talent show
thank you friend
>roller trades
Ultimate is fun but I don't think it's fun to watch bros.
It just doesn't have any hype.
It's funny seeing all the melee shitters get their ass kicked after shit talking newer smash games so much.
feels bad for Armada. He has been grinding for months and still gets his ass whooped.
Also, Cosmos looks like such a twat.
i fucking love salemposting
That's what happens when you focus more on roster than gameplay. It's why SFV despite having a bigger playerbase and more characters can't live up to 3S.
Melee is better to watch, I agree.
Dabuz commentary is solid
That's not Olimar.
Only certain characters are fun to watch.
was just about to post something like this
ultimate is so neutral based it's boring, it's just throwing out a bunch of aerials until someone gets hit. not entertaining at all.
>black guy looks like a twat
why does he look like a twat user
Give him your energy bros
Serves him right for falling for the 'Inkling is best character in the game' meme.
Do you think PP will actually come back march/may like he said?
damn Armada actually taking a game
that is mad impressive, he is improving fast
gonna need a clip of that fuckin snipe
Why were people afraid of Inkling dittos? This is actually hype.
what the FUCK is he planning?
Because he's a nigger
that's a pretty rational opinion. It's just not dynamic
10 year old spotted
that's not peach/daisy
Even the most "technical" characters in Ultimate are boring to watch. Because the players don't do anything impressive with them. In a certain past Smash game the crazy precision required with inputs, movement options and bigger combo game made it hype. Now even in Grand Finals it just looks slightly better than an online match.
>that zero up smash prediction timing
You just described melee gameplay
Do you meleefags have so little awareness? Seriously?
Ahh.. Now Yenesis 2.. Dat was a gud tårnamänt...
yeeeeep, nothing like a ditto
>it's just throwing a bunch of moves until someone gets hit
you just described 98% of fighting games
Stop fucking lying you dumbass swagless ass bitch. This is the opposite of hype.
based nig showing his superior game IQ
Top players tend to have the potential for insightful commentary that isn't just a play-by-play
They just don't add "hype"
No one is willing to risk all of that in month 3 of Ultimate. People want safe and easy characters. It's also why no one is using ICes even though they are easily top 10
A few years down the road, people will use Marth again once the skill level increases and stabilizes.
melee actually has combos beyond just "up tilt into up air" though, which is all this game is
was literally just thinking about this post
go away dumbass
I hope he enjoys that cte
melee's neutral is way more complex than that and the fact that you could die at any moment always leaves some suspense
where do i find a vikki gf
God I hope armada goes back to peach after this. Inkling is not only that good, it actually doesn't suit his style from melee.
Nothing says fairly getting your ass destroyed like losing a mirror match.
Bye Melee
camera operator is literally /ourguy/
>Melee didn't make top8
>meleefags shitting up the thread now that there last e-celebrity is going out on a wimper
can armada not afford a hair transplant?
based furry
What if they invited LowTierGod to this event?
>It's also why no one is using ICes even though they are easily top 10
call me when Nana doesn't randomly decide to kill herself
>doing good
swedish iq
>Melee is dead
>Pichu pals around with Ridley
>becomes the best character in the game
Welp, no reason to watch anymore.
Not sure why you guys are laughing about that. It just means that it's Smash4.5 all over again.
Just wait for all the dlc and the new "Bayo".
Why? Not everyone is insecure about their appearance.
>this man will forever live on in the heads of various melee players heads
>Not good
I want this meme to die a painful death
the hair, probably. His face just reminds me of one of those whiney cunts that claps their hands while talking/yelling.
post your yfw melee is finally fucking dead
>over half of stocks taken with melee fox are up throw up air
Also learn what the fuck a combo is, what you are talking about is strings at best
He's doing the jeb bush pose lmao. Also fuck leiden he was supposed to dab on those party game kiddies.
I've watched every ultimate Grand Finals and none of them were hype. Everyone plays characters the same exact way, there's no tech that requires godlike reflexes to do. Yeah, this is better than Smash 4 but that's not saying much.
>combs over and tries to hide it
>not insecure
ok pal
Anyone else want Vikki back on commentary
Why is the other Swede not a cunt
No just you
>ranked number 1 in the game
>"wtf why are people thinking about him"
He'd be selling out to the highest degree and would give vikki the peanut butter complexion bbc
Alright meleecucks
Time for you to leave the thread in defeat
not that guy but i always say you cant compare melee to any other smash game. theres so much more shit to get good at like wave dashing. Melee will always be its own thing which is why it isnt actually going to "die" anytime soon. You can compare the 2 but only on a basic level
>melee is out
and so am i, and most of the viewers probably
cya at the next major bros
I want her back on my dick
>melee out
Who's /ourguys/ now? Void? Zackray? Dabuz?
webm you linked happens constantly in Ultimate minus the lagless waveland, even fucking Dabuz's Olimar played mind games on people's shield before
also that's not even a neutral game since Armada is waking up on the edge and forced on the defense
What are you on, the characters in Melee have way more varied combos than in Ultimate. Ultimate feels like a dumbed down baby version where you're limited and restricted. Compare Melee Fox and Melee Falcon to Ultimate Fox and Ultimate Falcon. The characters are less versatile, the game just casualized too much.
leffen tweeting AS WE SPEAK
Glutonny and Void
think she does anal?
bye lol
>Johning for Smelee
Leff is half Korean
Armada is pure
It's better than Smash 4 and while it still somewhat different I'm not truly satisfied with it yet. Parries turned out to make even more defensive, going low while recovering is still ridiculously overpowered and the balloon physics really hinders combos. It's so frustrating to see a game so close to greatness but just not getting there.
Anyone who's not a gaynigger.
I said not THAT good, faggot. Fucking read. Inkling is good and no one denies it. Armada has this weird delusion that inkling is the SSS tier character, and only loses any matchup because the game and meta hasn't matured. And this is untrue. On top of that, there are characters in ultimate closer and more suited to his style in melee. He's choosing the autistic "optimal" path, and losing constantly for it.
>Light is already out
Esam shouldn't have choked.
Dabuz/Zackray/Nairo, probably.
Leo, Zackrai, gluttony in that order
Japanese midget
I disagree. I appreciate well played neutral and intelligent decision making over hard tech anyway though so I'm biased.
i wish zero competed seriously again. for his sake, since i feel like he'll only make himself feel miserable. but then again the reason he stopped is because he felt miserable about it.
Once again, 90% of that shit in clips is not true, it's not a fucking combo you melee mouthbreather. You are seeing people playing poorly getting styled on, not a true combo
Jesus h christ
games just shit, simple as. takes after tr4sh too much just like tr4sh took too much after brawl. as long as sakurai is still designing smash games around this brawl shell, no amount of nintendie shilling can change that they're just not hype.
I really hope Zero stays on commentary, the quality difference when there's him, Dabuz, or Leff is like night and day.
What's the song playing now?
>ever cheering for a boring fat spic kid
>Names one of the 3 characters that work as opposed to the 70+ of Ultimate
On the bracket how does the "projected winner" work?
Glutonny is the only one who mains Yea Forums-incarnate.
dabuz free
Yes they are. Who did you main in Smellee? I can legit tell you true combos for each character there and there will be more compared to their Ultimate counterpart.
I'm only watching for my bois Armada, Leff, and MKleo. Are they knocked out yet?
>project ultimate tournaments will never be a thing because nintendies hate modding
fuck nintendo
El goblina.....
Probably uses some sort of algorithm that takes player's previous placings + head to head matchings with their opponent
I root for MK Leo because I'm Mexican, and enjoy when he ruins it for the americans.
This isn't Ike or Marthcina
I want Bowser to Down-B me.
Remember to respect zoners and actually learn how to play against them instead of complaining about how they're "lame"
Please just gas tk or something.
YEARS of listening his shitty persona laugh at his own jokes and knowning absolutely nothing about the game.
armada grew up in a regular household
leffen grew up with parents that gave him little emperor syndrome
probably based on seed?
Leo plays so clean he's the one to cheer for. sorry if I dont think that niggaboos doing gorilla screeches are entertaining
it's like I'm really on Yea Forums
Post more corn
Swedes out
Hotdog in
go look at the comments on the project melee video trailer. they're absolutely SEETHING that someone would dare to change ultimate. disgusting bootlicking retards.
nah bro. Melee totally doesn't have more combos. Trust that guy; he's clearly unbiased and not retarded
Hot take. Competitive Smash 4 was way more hype. Combos were fluid and actually looked plausibly real. Jank in Sm4sh was at least funny.
Seething stinkling nigger
Dabuz needs to win this shit
That's what they said for Smash 4 too and it was boring as fuck. Melee's neutral is faster and requires more execution just to survive for a few seconds. When you lower the standards and take out versatility for combos and movement, also make the game slower it just makes it dull. Not enhancing the neutral whatsoever. Literally no grand finals in Ultimate generated hype with gameplay, just with "upsets" on who won and not because amazing execution or combos.
do you think youre funny?
'b-b-but they play neutral for free!"
>armada grew up in a regular household
armada literally has 10 siblings
It's literally one autist
>knowning absolutely nothing about the game.
Did you watch the commenter games? He is by far the best one there.
>not cheering for the guy thats going to win
>Down throw to up tilt: The Game
Wow, what a comfy tournament
Time for Gold Peach to win
Citation Needed
PLEASE don't fucking post Melee stuff. It's depressing. It's like getting to have a delicious meal for a decade of your life, and now all you're served is dog turds. And people tell you to like dog turds just because it's the "new thing."
Peach doesn't deserve to have disjoints.
thats not what i meant and you know it. People dont care hes the best they only care to hate on him for literally no reason
Yea Forumsartans like vidya too
Take a shower.
>regular household
he's got like 8 siblings. That's not normal in Sweden. Either his parents were total hippies or he's trailer trash.
Are you for real.
He played a shitty gimmicky character against fucking awful players.
I dont think he has more than 20 in game time
>mfw da samsoras win da summitb owl
what is that smell?
thats pretty normal, most people had at least 5 kids back in the day
>food analogies
>Ike/Lucina is gonna win this and people will pretend it was hype
People hate him cause he's a faggot. When Armada was #1 for years people wanted to see him lose for the upset, and to change things up a bit, but no one ever hated him.
Ignore that retard, he's been saying that in every Ultimate thread. Dude's obsessed.
Armada grew up in anything BUT a normal household, user
smells like a nu smash tournament
i can smell it several time zones away, YIKES!
Tell me guys.
How is Peach broken?
What do you hope to see if she gets nerfed?
Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened
More like run up shield and fish for grab combos. I'll still take it over Ultimate as a spectator.
it's not real bro. How can melee be real if our eyes aren't real
>balloon physics meme
there is LITERAL proof and data showing that it doesn't effect shit, and that characters stay in hitstun longer than 4 due to hitstun cancelling being removed. I thought people were over this like two months ago
thats the point, he learned how to socialize correctly because he had ample oppurtunity to do so
>grand finals in Ultimate
To be fair Melee GF has all been shit for the past year for the exact same reason. The only "hype" comes from hoping futilely that someone upsets HBox.
>back in the day
we are not back in the day though
It isn't. It's just slightly better than watching Bayonetta getting kills off the top 24/7, and Cloud Limit camping everyone.
2 stock game
she's broken because my friend tyler always beats me and it's bullshit fuck you tyler
some people hold onto tradition, this really isnt a tough idea user
I love how this doesn't have numbers for the actual 2015 stinky day
Melee"Chads" cry a lot, don't they
her damage output is stupid, her fair does like 19%
god I miss brawl
fuck tyler
>Falls asleep during finals because puff keeps spamming bair the entire match
Wow what a hype tournament. Can't wait to see you guys at EVO :)
Yes, I am for real. I agree with you that his commentary is weak sometimes but to say he has no knowledge of the game is bs mate
Corrin is NOT fat
>and the balloon physics really hinders combos
you are fucking retarded
>not enjoying Mkleo's impeccable spacing and reads
not everything needs to be rushdown combotown
it's still abnormal for the average swede family to have 10 kids in the 80's and 90's no matter what you post my guy
>The only "hype" comes from hoping futilely that someone upsets HBox.
I don't even care on the rare occasion that plup beats him, it's just so boring to see hbox in every grand finals. Top 64 (at majors) and top 32 are usually good though.
>combos in sm4sh
more like combo ft. mayo
>still no pro yoshi players
That's just because of puff and to a lessor extent floaties in general I guess. It blows my mind how people try to shit on melee for puff when like half of the matchups in ultimate play out like puff matchups except without rest
the only reason I don't like her is because I don't like turnip RNG
it IS normal to have siblings and be in an environment that teaches you to socialize which was the original point, leffen didnt have that
give it about 5 weeks and leffen will cycle over to yoshi for a few days
>Combos were fluid and actually looked plausibly real
It's based entirely on seed
When you click projected all it does is say the player with the higher seed wins.
Fair is too good, simply put.
She can throw a hundred attacks in roughly 3.27 seconds
2015 would've had even more tr4sh entrants since the scene was alive then, retard.
Melee sucks and is a dead game. Get over it already
god this game is so fucking good
honestly how can anyone call anything in the later games sick when you can do shit like this in melee, but can't in them?
Fuck, I hate the rat.
Even top 8 can be alright, but GF is guaranteed to be shit since it's always HBox. No matter how hype your tournaments are if they always end in a lame GF people will lose interest.
suarez is super good. He was really unlucky against light at frostbite.
Inkling is good but not broken. They're not even the best in the game. Ultimate lacks any actual broken characters unlike literally every other entry in the series
Can they stop putting Zero on camera please? I can't watch another second of him sucking off the melee players, it's beyond cringe at this point.
Hot take:
Both Melee and Ultimate are sick for their own reasons.
>if they always end in a lame GF people will lose interest.
but every ultimate GF is lame because the game inherently is just lame
Whatever it is, fags. At most you get three hit strings in this game. That's fucking gay.
Does anyone in this thread actually play the game?
Well yeah, you're just building on what you said before. You like execution and combos. I think that stuff is cool too, I just prefer neutral. Ultimate definitely has combos and "combos" with the new changes to the dodge mechanics. Makes the game more momentum based but not to the point where it becomes a single player game watching one man dog on the other guy. I really like seeing the small mind games the players are constantly enforcing, the combos are just the reward.
Of course this stuff is still present in Melee. I always liked seeing PPMD play Marth in Melee because his spacing was immaculate.
Leffen growing smaller by the second.
let's go void boy
hot take:
ultimate isn't sick at all, people are just saying it is because it is better than smash 4 which was a genuinely bad game. melee is the only sick smash game, 64 is also not sick.
post the link or its fake and youre a fag
literally who the fuck is this and why should i care
>mfw there are Online players as good as the pros in Summit but they'll never shine
This dude literally has THE autism face
Why does nobody else point this out?
>people hated on Meta Knight's shuttle loop in brawl
>like every character can go underneath the stage and recover on the other ledge in this game
Fucking apologize to brawl NOW
not that hard to find you idiot
And you wonder why people hate Meleefags.
>Compare high tier character to character that is bottom tier and plays completely differently
Unintelligent and smelly
Played a lot in the first month but the online is so bad I stopped.
>Yea Forums playing games
>Amazing recovery
>Non-existent hurtbox
>Janky hitboxes
>Insane % damage on every move
>Kill confirms with up throw thunder and Dair spike
>Strong zoning with electric shock
>Half the moves have high knockback
Name are more dishonest character.
this take isnt even warm, its an NPC melee drone take
Jesuschrist commentators are so bad that people are actually hype for zer0 on the mic
The best PT.
got 9th at frostbite
He uses the female skin so Her works
that's not wolfimar
hot takes usually involve a new idea rather than one that gets repeated every day
I don't really care because Pichu is cute and I wanna fuck him.
There was A LOT more to hate about SL than it just being a great recovery move.
Online play doesnt translate to Lan play whatsoever
Reminder that Pichu's hurtbox is bigger than Pika's
he's not taking it lying down
Incoming feud, and if there is one thing Leff is good at it, it's an entertaining Twitter feud. (certainly isn't Ultimate)
No pro Robin or Corrin players either.
you got nice features Pichu, too bad my F-air will end you.
Not hot take: You are a retarded meleegro.
>kaguya avatar
>get into comp melee just a few months after ultimate comes out
>everybodys switching to ultimate
>ultimate has more viable characters and stages but is fucking nowhere near as cool to watch
>everybody in melee is out
Wish7s thought he could escape when Leffen has his 12 year old fans on EVERY corner of the universe.
Is Void /ourguy/?
this is just really the truth. Watching the communities go "don't trash brawl and smash 4, meleefags" only to trash brawl and smash 4 once the newest game came out should show that they're fucking dishonest hypocrites
game 5 both last stock HYPE
I have like 370 hours
So sick of underaged Leffen dickriders who treat everything he says as gospel.
*shift click*
opion discarded
Glutonny and Zackray are.
he is the best pt player
player on the right is so punchable
Who are these soiboys anyways? I don't remember seeing them at any tourney until Evo where they somehow got to GF beating legends like zer0 then they've been completely absent in the Ultimate scene.
Yes, him.
I don't know your gay twitter terms
God I'm so glad those fucking cunts aren't good at ultimate. It feels so good knowing the trash-tier bayonetta mains were immediately thrown into the trash. Karma at it's finest.
Fuck, just watching this makes me want to punch those twinks in the face and fuck them in the ass.
People love to trash melee because they can't stand the smell
Tr4sh wasn't garbage because of neutral, it's garbage because it's slow and favored defensive game play and was later filled with broken characters. Which is generally a perfect description of any Hbox match
the amount of tr4shcans i've seen turn face on tr4sh as soon as it became obsolete was insane. they only play their games because they're new, not because they're good.
i knew nintendo had a lot of brand loyalists but i didn't think they were so brainwashed. were sonybalonys right?
The problem with lists like this is that it gets heavily tilted by one guy who wins a lot playing a certain character even if nobody else is playing them (in this case, ike)
>G-Get results before talking Wishes
Man, they are something else. What are Leffen's results?
dont you ever talk about my twink husbando like that again ;_;
You obviously didn't watch Evo last year
The fucking rat is out finally
Not gonna dig into the debate or whatever because I don't give that much of a shit, but if there's a thing excluding dash to jump momentum I really miss in Smash, it's Double Jump Cancel. It makes every character that has it so much fun. I fucking love Melee Yoshi, Mewtwo & Ness, no matter how bad the last 2 may be. Messing with their aerials is just that fun. I can somewhat stomach how Mewtwo & Ness turned out after, but Yoshi is my biggest dissapointment since Brawl. I miss his 64 & Melee self so much.
Yeah, his stream fans are what I meant by 12 year olds, literal children.
Leffen is desperately pretending that he didn't fucking ragequit yesterday.
Is it time for Ink to get FUCKED
I can't believe this still gets you morons unironically upset
>Wow, they did something stupid to highlight how broken the game is, this is so fucking disrespectful I want to punch them
Someone posted a webm earlier of Samus KOing someone in Tr4sh and it took like 3 seconds for them to fly across the screen and die. Could someone post it again?
The smash community has unanimously decided that every pokemon is male except puff, spiky eared pichu, and piakchu with the heart tail.
Dabuz beats Cosmos 3-1. I'm from the future.
Wishes has the better saying in this. He has placed much better than Leffen.
post more femuis please
Based Space Man Olimar will beat the creature know as Stinkling.
stop trying to make captainzack relevant, we already have samsora and he isnt obnoxious
>Everyone else
people hate people that don't jump on trends. Obviously switching to a new game every few years regardless of gameplay is competely retarded for extremely obvious reasons but IT'S THE NEW 1 GUIS NEW MONEY TRENDS TRENDS YIPPIE. I mean shit they got SFV at Evo evne though SF players all say it's shit
what happened?
I only started watching at top 8. But seriously who the fuck were they? Got into GF at the biggest and last Tr4sh tourney despite the game being out for 3 years but disappeared afterwards.
guys apparently asa butterfield is missing and chillin hasnt eaten anything from the buffet all day
I support the white guy.
Leffen VS Salem when?
That's the perfect time to strike. The upper echelon has softened and once Nintendo kills their own game with some retardedly wack DLC characters you'll be ahead of the curve when people get bored of Ultimate.
People love to shit on meleegroes. The amount of praise mr. Wizard got after destroying meleegroes dreams was amazing
Zero's voice is so nasty to listen to.
Everything about scarflard is so disgusting.
He may get salty but he's not wrong here.
leffen will make sure it never happens
EVO is no meleechad's dream, literal meme tournament. socal locals are more prestigious than EVO.
based chillinposter
shitcommunity andgame lol.
>*brawl comes out*
>*smash 4 gets announced*
>*brawl instantly dies*
>haha yeah brawl sucked didn't it
>*smash 4 comes out*
>*ultimate gets announced*
>*smash 4 instantly dies*
>haha yeah smash 4 sucked didn't it
I wonder if the cycle will continue.
He played like shit and gave up
What the fuck are they doing?
Leffen is /ourantihero/
Everyone else is irrelevant
>step aside, Leffen-sama, I'll take on this trash
Reminder that if you fall for the cult of personality meme, you're a bitch, these morons do this for free btw.
Please stop
Did you know that trannies hate wishes because he used gay as an insult once?
He's our guy.
It doesn't help they do it themselves
>Have a 10 year run, get a respectful sendoff when other games just get unceremoniously booted
Peach is cute
whens the last time he wore a scarf? youre still seething about a sm4sh invitational arent you?
Nah. Ultimate is actually good and most people like it.
Dabuz will win this because ink can't kill
>No Chillin
wishes sounds like someone i bullied in hs lol
> Sorry you can't ignore when Leffen is upset because he lost, but it doesn't mean he's bad, get good at Ult instead of telling someone who got Top 16 at Genesis 6 to get good.
you better you stupid fucking nigger
Did Leffen even get top 16?
>pokemon trainer
opinion discarded
This is what gets me. Meleefags praised high heavens when they got into Evo, yet are now doubling back saying they don't need Evo yet chimping out that they're not in.
It's cognitive dissonance.
dabuz camping before the match even starts
My B.
beeg zero
The thing this time is a successor to Ultimate will not happen for a very long time. Will be interesting to see how Ultimate is still seen after all the dlc is released and it's not new anymore.
replace ultimate with tr4sh and you could find this exact post on Yea Forums 6 years ago
They just get caught up in the hype of a new game. Brawl vets were very vocal about how they missed Brawl after a couple years. We're already seeing some Smash 4 vets talk about how they miss Smash 4, and not just Bayo mains
no, he got 17th
But he picks male pt
>get top 16 in a 16 player tournament
Is Vikki a young boy?
>lets tag vikki in
Olimar is the enemy of this game
nope, he got 17th.
if you don't like Vikki, you're an incel
fool me once, shame on me
Why does Vikki sound like a dude?
>vikki back
bros I thought the commentary was supposed to be good
Summit of Power: DBFZ
Summit of Soul: Melee
Summit of SOULLESS: Ultimate
Is vikky like kellymilkies of smash summit?
>omg is this a tranny?!
I'm starting to suspect there are virgins in these threads!
>let me show you how detached I am from this cult of personalities by posting a link to a tweet by a literal who in response to a Smash personality trash talking another Smash personality and trash talking all people who support one of those personalities
ok cool, now try watching the game for a change
Smashbros is high test
when has anyone liked girl commentators lol, they've always been annoying and have very little knowledge about the game. can hyuga punch her in throat again lol
Oh shit Glutonny is still in winner's that's fantastic
She's still transitioning...
Wish just reached the same place as the rest of us did with Leffen, probably hyped at first to see his sick PT plays but when he started losing and made excuse after excuse and dropped the character 37 times, got tired of his fucking whinging. Just took him longer than some of us to get there, doubt he'll be the last either.
but he doesn't, you fucking retard
she sounds like a little boy. It was tripping me out on day 1
They're just both super carried players who rode the Bayonetta train while they could. None of them were that relevant until they picked her up. Zack had maybe one good showing at MLG but at other nationals he didn't get shit done.
They just both faded out in Ult. because bayo is shit and none of them feel like admitting they're tier whores
its funny because if vikki was boy no one would be complaining haha xD
No he doesn't. If he did he woulda won.
dumb phoneposter
>cosmos using the worst female skin over the best
This bitch also sounds like she has smoked 300+ cigarettes
What are Inkling's weaknesses besides her reach and killing without roller?
People like Cinnpie. But probably because she is very pretty.
He (and Tamin) have said this about 50 times before and then still pick her.
Make me
Every top tier character is pretty cool except olimar. Fuck that dude
>girl becomes audible
>incels lose their mind
every time
Actually, if you remember your lore, you'll recall that Hyuga fingered her vagina so she is not trans
woomy cunny
Not smash related but Sheever is actually a good dota caster
how is mango doing?
If she was a boy she'd be that trash commentator everybody hates. I can't think of his name but you know who I'm talking about
But he's using the best skin rather than the shittiest skin. If he was using the school girl outfit, then you'd be correct.
Because only winners use that skin
Cinnpie >>>> Cringe >> Fatnes >> Vikki
100% of the people who use this one are pedos
true. vikki looks like momokun which make sme want to beat the shit out of her even more lol
Name a better feeling than watching some deadass Stinkling player get his ass kicked
they should add bikini corrin to smash
>he's disrespecting cinnpie
get out
probably drunk on a corner
>not liking brown+spats
>Yellow inkling
Cinnpie is a fun commentator too honestly
Also Jade used to be good in Smash 4, wonder what happened to her
yeah, just goes to show how carried those fags are
Dabuz looks like a white monkey.
she looks like retarded pokimane lol
Hi there, it seems you didn't the memo that the word "virgin" can no longer be used as an insult as it means "pure and unsullied" in other contexts, which men are not.
Please use INCEL instead.
Ultimate is the best Brawl type Smash game to be released yet. When Sakurai or Nintendo makes a Smash that doesn't follow Brawl design philosophy Ultimate will get dropped like a sack of potatoes.
Pink is good just not as good as purple
You mean only people with shit taste use that skin.
Yellow Inkling is the best skin tho.
albino monkey
People tend to pick up the voice patterns of whoever they hang out with.
That's why gay people sound like fags, and why Vikki sounds the way she does. Smash is male-dominated, so she hangs out with dudes all day and started talking like them.
She's way too pretty for someone in the Smash community. She actually competes in tournaments too.
because he's a nigger
nairo ganon WHEN
Why the black guy is bullying Dabuz?
literally every other one is better
>She's way too pretty for someone in the Smash community.
What does that even mean?
match is pretty boring :(:(
>implying pokimane isnt retarded
>deadass stinkling
flyover gtfo, wrong context for deadass
I'm sorry for you.
God this Final Destination sucks
You better get used to it as Olimar is here to stay.
Hopefully they all get nerfed because no way in hell will they buff sixty other characters.
Smash 4's wasn't any better when it literally blinded you.
But yeah it's kinda shit.
>Olimar vs Inkling
This summit already has more views you retarded melee fag
Melee had the best FD and Battlefield, they should just bring them back.
Nerf Olimar into the ground he is cancer
Olimar is fine
why is olimar and inkling so boring to watch. glad i stopped playing the game lol
The music sucks too.
cosmos is going to lose and my only hope is zack now
Sniff sniff.
He's saying that the women at his Smash locals won't fuck him
>brings the purple out
Cosmos' game
Nah, fuck off. She is barely ok, only better than the cringe like Nahaz and kyle
>wasn't saying anything at all
gay ass characters honestly. i hope they get nerfed to oblivion alongside pichu and lucina.
melee's FD and battlefield aged horribly and the design is bad
>That's the Danganronpa Inkling
>The what?
is vikki ultimate's hmw?
but boring and gay lol
The problem with inkling despite being fast is that a lot of her attacks and movement animation are intangible to the viewer, which provides nothing interesting to look at. The problem with the ink dive mechanic in Smash is that it means the character has no visual prescense, neither for the viewer or the player, and then suddenly she pops up and does some attack, and there's no visual continuity for anything happening. It's why Olimar is boring to watch and play for different reasons, the Pikmin add on damage but nothing is really occurring on the screen.
>Dude Mang0 carried that!!
Nerf Stinkling. Olimar is based
kill yourself.
She is so cringe
fuck you
did you play either of the characters? if not how does 2 characters being boring affect you in any way?
>Fox vs Fox
>Fox vs Hbox
>Meta Knight vs Meta Knight
>Bayo vs Bayo
HMW is likeable though
Ikki is just retarded and annoying
Battlefield maybe, but best FD was clearly 3DS
>sink at hip level
must be at least a foot tall woah
Ultimate is so much worse
Yo this is considered attractive according to tra5h incels
Certainly more balanced than melee lmao
Olimar ain't gay lol
Imagine going on the internet and telling lies.
She did say that about olimar first tho
pretty much proves nintendo can't balance for shit
It's a big pool of top characters relative to most fighting games though.
because its the same problem people now have with melee with icies and puff. ur not playing the game ur playing with a retarded lollol
Only difference is their genitals desu
Ugh what's this smell?! Glad we're not inviting this to EVO
I want that shirt.
Really riveting match, guys
Ultimate is totally balanced
Fox vs Fox is hype though and getting mad about characters based on popularity is sheep behavior. Nobody can name anything anti-hype about Fox, it's the ideal spectator character.
yes, and?
someone post the Chillin astral observatory webm
or tell me where I can upload it because it has sound
Vikki probably does have the bigger dick to be fair
there's like 10 different characters represented in summit
simmer down
imagine being hmw and having to sit next to stinkykitty lol
smash wii u players were the ones who were stinky, retards. all smash players stink.
When did Twitch chat become more sexist than Yea Forums?
>Stinkling nigger is out
the game has 70 characters. Not a great feat to have like 8 viable. Even shit people complain about like mvc2 has like 10 characters that regularly see play
Can Meleefags just do that now since their players are getting rekted?
there's no wrong way to play, learn the match up and adjust your game plan accordingly
That's not Pac-Man
>Inkling is top tier
Hilarious when I frequently survive past 200 against them and seeing them panic in trying to finish me off and going for desperate telegraphed rollers.
That dash and recovery are fucking bullshit though. Those are what still make her very good.
women are trash
You can eat mine but I have a penis
>Look guys, it's Inkling vs Olimar again!
>Fox vs Fox though? Getting mad about characters based on popularity is sheep behavior
Fucking amazing the mental gymnastics melee players will run to keep their delusion going
Twitch only behaves half of the time because mods and corporate sponsors are monitoring them.
More than every past smash
>shit son
na, vikki is just annoying as hell
hi twitter
I want this so much
So, is it the Leffen VS Wishes arc now?
How is that gay?
Wolf isn't a clone though at least get your shit right.
Never, leffen busters out too quick to meet him. Whats Leffen top place right now?
Inkling and Olimar are bad because they are anti-hype, not because they are popular. Analogy does not translate.
I'm convinced people whining about character diversity at high levels are just trolling meleefags
How do I stop my dick from picking characters for me? I play ZSS and FCorrin and i keep getting shat on by top tiers.
>be me 2 years ago
>senior year hs
>played smash 4 before quitting cuz shit
>mexican kid is watching smash 4 highlights in class
>smells like shit
>2 weeks later
>smells worse
>he then starts shilling smash 4.
I quit smash 4 because I realized playing that game made me smell like that.
Looks that way. Leffen is going to make an enemy of all the players at this rate.
Pick Peach or Lucina since they're top tier.
way to out yourself
you're right wolf is just shit
You could grind it out and learn how to play against those players.
define anti-hype
>ROB, Cloud, Shulk, Greninja, Chroy, and Mii Swordfighter shit
I'll have what you're smoking
Also Wolf and Pikachu play very differently from Fox and Pichu
Translate this
Ultimate is going to be getting patches with every new character if it's such an issue to you, not to mention new characters at all to shake things up
Melee is stuck this way
>meleefags still seething
Salem was right
that is my boy!
>ROB, Cloud, Shulk, Greninja, Chroy, and Mii Swordfighter shit
Yes, they are shit. You're bad.
17th I think?
please out yourself some more
Every single non moderated public place turns like this, because at our base humans hate trannies, faggots and other degenerates
You NEED strict moderation or the truth come out that trannies should kill themselves even more than they already do
>shitty trap cover of of FF7 when they could have used that proper underground UK shit