>Devil Hunter mode is piss easy
>story is so shit you dont want to replay it on Son of Sparda
>10 hours long if you suck
>coop system is stupid. Rather than have a lobby you get random cameos that are more annoying than fun
>no pvp
>shallow level design equates to: walk through hallway into open area where you fight, repeat
>no exploration
>potato juggling combat still not fixed
>braindead AI
>cost $60
>entire game is basically a tutorial
>people waited for this and paid money
Devil Hunter mode is piss easy
Shoo Barry
>wanting pvp in a DMC game
here's your (You)
can you imagine being a blunderfag? just imagine how fucking pathetic these people are, never feeling any happiness and forever being bitter. wasting their lives posting threads like this with every new release. i wonder how they smell? probably like cat shit.
>gangstalking some dude who criticized your game
So dmc fags are indeed as cancerous as Smash fags. Interesting
>playing what amounts to a beat em up and not wanting pvp simply because it hasn't been there before
Cuck detected. If this game had pvp you would praise it
>plays game
>doesn't like it
>make thread
>"You're life must be so sad if you dont drink capcum" ad hominem
Predictable children
I actually dont even know who Barry is lol
But it pisses off the shitposters which is funny.
Listen you fucking poor, the story is at least worth seeing again in live action mode. Upgrade to Deluxe Edition faggot.
Or, you could just skip the cutscenes. But live action mode is kino as fuck.
>no pvp
to be honest, a pvp mode sounds kinda based. 1v1, same character, all moves. so you’re both on equal ground. takes place in the vergil arena, winner gets red orbs.
ahahah you're so mad
The challenge isn't completing the game, the challenge is doing it while looking badass and dabbing on hellspawn
Barry stop shitposting you pedo
I got the base game as a gift, but that does sound interesting
Could you imagine being hyped around FFXV and when it come out to be a steaming pile of shit you take out a bendy straw, scoop the shit up, blend it with ice, and then sip it up saying it's the best shake you've ever tasted?
That's essentially what Barry does.
He loves to suck up shit smoothies.
Not Barry but I never played FFV. My friend who plays all that JRPG shit couldn't finish that or KH3 after hyping them both so hard
Fuck off Barry. DMC5 and KH3 are by far the best games of the year and leagues better than shitty XV and there’s nothing you can do about it.
Oh damn, that's an even more rich person move than paying for it. Rich people don't pay for things. My mistake.
Why would I buy a more expensive version of a game I didnt like and own for free? You can peacock all you want but you wont save this game from mediocrity
You should try a higher difficulty brah, much different experience. Devil Hunter is nothing.
Idk, maybe. I'm just not into fighting sponge enemies with poor AI. I dont get the appeal of this game. I know the combo system is deep but what is the point in doing a flashy combo? To make a webm? To show my friends? If this game had pvp it would make sense but as of now, it's a really shallow beat em up
Kh3 isn't bad untill the very end, when did he drop it?
>I know the combo system is deep but what is the point in doing a flashy combo? To make a webm? To show my friends? If this game had pvp it would make sense but as of now, it's a really shallow beat em up
>I know video game has functions but what is the point of playing it? To make a webm? To show my friends? If it had on-line functions like my fave game League of Legends(TM) it would make sense because the only pleasure I can derive from video games is the sense of climbing a meaningless rank to feed my empty ego
Dude, the AI get's a lot better at higher difficulties. Enemies get new attacks etc.
>walk through hallway into open area where you fight, repeat
>no exploration
I payed for an action game, not an open world game.
some of the combos just feel inherently satisfying like red queen combo b which has limited practical use but really feels like you're beating the shit out the enemies
also you're ranked based on how stylish you are so if you want the best score/trophies you have to play stylishly
Kill yourself XV-kun
Thanks for making another DMC thread, Barry. You guys hoping Lady and Trish become playable? They kinda got underused but that didn't stop them in 4.
Maybe you should've paid for an English tutor.
Obviously, also virgil. Especially virgil.
I also want Nevan on this game for Dante
Dark Souls has better combat. You rely on reflexes and risk reward decisions. Dmc is just "button mash so you can hear the music! Being a teen is edgy!"
Whats the appeal of mastering combos to use on a potato sack of an opponent? Even urizen and virgil only have like 3 attacks lol.
You dmc fags cant defend this game, you just get triggered and spout memes/ad hominems
>Vergil gets a literal flying move that spins around bloody palace that you have complete control over
>Ace Combat Vergil
God I hope somebody draws fanart of Vergil flying, that shit's great
can you imagine someone honestly playing DMC for the story? what a world that would be
You know its really hard to get a DMC fan to turn on another fanbase, right? I'm a gigantic DMC fan but I love Souls. A decade ago this used to be Monster Hunter vs. DMC. That didn't work out either.
I mean, I liked the story, so. And 3's. And 4's. Just cause its simple doesn't mean its not endearing.
>button mash
Lmao. I love how shitposters still don't understand that this word out's them for not playing the game.
Not trying to get you to turn, he accused me of being a Lol fag and I shared what I believe makes combat satisfying. I bet the crossover between dmc and fighting games is real low
>DH enemies
Nigger what
They're TOO fragile
>you didnt play it
Just because you took it seriously and still had trouble doesn't mean I didnt play it retard.
>inb4 snoy
You desperate faggots will do anything to take the attention away from how UNDERWHELMING this game was
It took you 2 days to beat this game on DH mode?
Sorry I didnt want to marathon this shitty game on one sitting. All the faults stated are now benign because of that. Good argument
Fuck you dudes are desperate. Just cant admit you weren't impressed either...