>literally the map design of Dark Souls 3
Literally the map design of Dark Souls 3
Other urls found in this thread:
>first 1/4 of the game is fun, diverse and constantly introduces new mechanics
>last 3/4 is just boring repetitive levels
real life has awful game design.
anyone else know this feel?
Is existence worth it?
I think my tree is bugged, I haven't unlocked the right half
how did you know what it said when you never learned to read
>going to college immediately after highschool so you can blow a ton of money on an education for something you'll regret and later change, as even indicated in the chart
>only start searching for a purpose or questioning reality after you get your job, goy, don't want you getting anything TOO important you fucking cattle
>learning to drive
>having any majors
>ever having a bf
>meeting a new best friend when you are older than ~15 and everyone already has their perfect bubbles and no need for new friends, save for you
>grad school, ever
The Question Existence part and the and the Boredom after hitting the 25 apply to me too, though.
Basically this
How do I get a bf, Yea Forums?
>not scoring so well on the PSAT you get a full ride + stipend
lol get gud
>>meeting a new best friend when you are older than ~15 and everyone already has their perfect bubbles and no need for new friends, save for you
I use to feel exactly like this and you just gotta insert yourself into their bubbles. I'm not saying be an orbiter or obnoxious, I'm saying you have to put yourself out there and give people the opportunity to become your friend.
My problem is that the only people who want to be my friends are normalfags and boomer normalfags who have
nothing at all interesting to say
They spend all day either talking about
>normalfag guns
>normalfag cars
>neocon facebook politik
>bragging about doing well in the public indoctrination system
Just pirate books and use grants to cover admission. There really is no reason anyone with an IQ above lukewarm temperature should be paying for their college, it's extremely easy to get a free ride which is why I laugh so hard at fat retard women bitching about going into crippling debt over useless degrees with 0 jobs.
lower your standards
I barely have any standards.
lower them
Now that your standards are low enough, are you free for dinner tonight?
Yes, of course I am!
Neat, see you around.
Well check out mister rich bloke 'ere. Clean your chimney for a shilling guv.
Wait, don't go! I have never gotten this far.
Five years ago I did a dumb thing and financed a new car for a ridiculous amount. In two months it's finally going to be over, and I still have the car, which I absolutely love. I'm going to have more money than I know what to do with.
MAYBE I could spare some time for someone as desperate as you...
Please do...
Are you cute?
I don't think so...
message seen: 0:23
Well, everyone needs to make sacrifices sometimes
What's your favorite VIDEO GAME
>tfw the closest thing i have to friends are some people i met on steam in 2012-2013.
Pokémon Crystal
What can I say, I'm a sucker for nostalgia.
>tfw have to learn to drive now that I got a job
Remember to get your liscense while you have free time in highschool, kids.
I've got to somehow learn and take the test in the three weeks between when I graduate and the start of my job.
>declare, then changing major is the standard
makes me feel a little better
It's been so long since I interacted with anyone I don't know where to go from here.
Solid pick, actually.
>My problem is that the only people who want to be my friends are normalfags and boomer normalfags who have LITERALLY nothing at all interesting to say
That's a general problem though, since almost everyone is exactly like that. Even the ones that feel a bit different at first are depressingly normalfaggy and boring once you get to know them a bit better.
Well, uhhh....
What did you have for lunch?
I woke up at 3:30 and didn't eat
Non-burger here, what does declaring a major mean? Finding your specialty, your domain of expertise? What you'll be studying more thoroughly? Don't you do that at the beginning of college/uni? I drew over in the sense of "getting my first college degree"
Why is there no "drop oit of college" opti9n?
That doesn't sound very healthy, user. You better get that sleep schedule in order.
I'm ready to die.
What do people mean by "good level design"?
>There really is no reason anyone with an IQ above lukewarm temperature should be paying for their colleg
Not sure how that works in the US but I my country you have basically zero chances for any job that isn't a pure worker class thing if you don't have that damn paper that "proves" that you are competent.
The sad result is that intelligent people often end up as NEETs or in shit jobs and absolute retards get the best jobs because they wanted all degrees they could get either for social reasons or because their parents urged them to.
Released a game to resounding silence and indifference from both the public and my friends. Trying to figure out if I should bother again.
Can't enjoy games anymore I just keep playing the same iterative shit over and over. For example 400 hours in rocket league and barely diamond to show for it. Just feel like I'm wasting time on this hobby.
But nothing else seems better so I just keep doing what I already know how to do. Burdened with student debt can't spend time or money adventuring or anything
Shit sucks
where does "do nothing for 5 years due to being in denial about having depression" fit in this?
Alternatively, literally the map design of Bloodborne
It's the same in the US, but honestly, getting into a trade would do you better in the long run. Plumbers, carpenters and electricians are always going to be necessary and you don't have to land yourself into ridiculous debt either.
I haven't gone to sleep earlier than 3 AM since like mid-June, which led into me taking after work naps and then not getting tired until around 2 AM anyways, my sleep schedule is completely fucked
>not living in a 3rd world country where you are in huge debt after pursuing tertiary education
A bunch of stuff because no one has a clear definition of what they even mean. They can talk about environment, world, pacing, fairness, the game teaching you, the game guiding you, the game doing neither of these things to not hold your hand, enemy placement, mechanic placement, repetitiveness, whatever the fuck, nobody can come to a clear idea of what it is and if they do, then it's not shared by everyone.
That's not good. Stop browsing this shithole until 3am.
So at least in my state, your first two years you take what are called "gen eds" which are just general courses that pretty much everybody takes, Calculus, basic college comp class, etc. While doing that you also take more specialized courses geared towards your declared major. Then once those are done you take classes that pretty have only to do with your declared major (only programming classes if you declared computer science for example). This process is pretty much so the first two years of college you can get a feel for what you actually want for a degree while also getting some core classes out of the way
Some parents refuse to let their children wait and pull the "either you get a full time job and move out or you go to college right now" thing.
>Parents tried to pull this on me
>Settled for a part time job
>Now just get drunk and watch hockey with my father when we are both off
Kind of wish I went to college, but this isn't too bad
>Kind of wish I went to college
No, you really don't.
I got a part time job while going to college, flunked out, had a hard time geting a full time job, became severely depressed, found a full time job in a nearby town, moved out there and cut off all contact with my family for the constant guilt tripping they gave me and now I'm happier.
College isn't for everyone and the debt isn't worth it.
You and your dad sound like incels.
As a non-burger I can't even imagine how fucking stressful it must be to know that you're putting yourself in debt just to go to college.
Yeah, i do.
I would have majored in something like Software Engineering or Geology if I wasnt a brainlet.
Tradeschools are too infrequent in the US to be a reliable suggestion, most people who NEED a job bad do not live in an area with a useful tradeschool.
For example here the only tradeschool is for basically knitting and it's a glorified club for some old grannies in the community. I'm fine with that, but I have no future in that area. What am I suppose to do, go out of state to learn a trade? I have no money or income and I'm entirely living out of my parent's pocket. I'd love to learn a trade, if I could get an apprenticeship or even an internship I would do so in a heartbeat.
Getting a shitty 2-year college degree and trying to get a job with it is the best I got. Maybe I'll learn a trade when I'm in my 30s.
I went to college for a year, fucking hated it, and have been working part-time jobs and side gigs ever since. I'm doing fine, honestly, and I'm glad I dropped out when I did because then I only owed $10k instead of fucking $50k.
College fucking sucks and is a scam to make you into a debt slave. Don't be sad you never went, it's a goddamn con.
Just go and study at a university in a normal country.
that looks so fucking ordinary and boring
If you're going for anything STEM, to be a lawyer, or into finance, yes college is 100% worth it. Anything else probably not. The debt you may acquire is completely offset by what you'll be making out of school. Had 80k in student debt and was paid off in 5 years living on my own paying for everything by myself.
I mean college wasn't the most appealing thing to me straight out of HS anyways, I always felt really, really uncomfortable on college campuses and with the idea of more formal schooling but with people who give even less of a shit about it than HS, but even if it's a really stupid reason to want to go, I feel like I'm completely left in the dust socially, be it friends, romantically, or even with professional connections because I didn't go.
Might just get into the trades, I like to work with my hands and already know a shitload about electrical construction, but a part of me feels like I missed out on a whole hell of a lot of my youth because I didn't go.
who are you talking to you stupid faggot
But you ARE a brainlet, right? So, no, you really don't wish you went to college. And that's not an insult, college isn't for everyone. Only STEM majors should even think about college.
I live in the US and I call bullshit. You can easily get in touch with trade schools across the country who are offering programs to high school and college age guys. Or just fucking move somewhere else, goddamn, why do you HAVE to stay where you were born? That's retarded.
>quit my real first job after like 15 months
>just too much shit going on affecting me
>quit and retract to more comfy part time job
>got about 10k+
>no debt
>still live with parents but pay rent and got part of the house to myself
>no idea what to do next, let alone motivation to start any big stuff again
Not that user youre replying to, but ive also considered trades however almost all of them dont actually interest me, havr shitty work environments and attract a ton of low lives I really dont want to work with.
All the careers I care about require a degree.
Just feel kind of stuck.
Cute trap here willing to sexually satisfy the Yea Forumsirgins in this thread. that are in the 408
Trust me, you're fooling yourself. I went to college, and it was a complete waste of time and money. Sure, I had some fun, but I was there to learn how to make money, not bang whores and smoke weed.
Or become a tradesman and don't financially ruin yourself for the next 30 years trying to pay your loans off.
Do you also offer cuddles?
thats my hometown, but not willing to stoop that low just yet
You're not, we have several grant programs that anyone with a brain can make use of and pay their way to an associate's and even a bachelor's if you get good grades and actually try to reach out for money. You're expected to make your first degree work for you and support the rest of your education.
The only people who go into debt are people who immediately take out loans and don't just lie about their heritage for extra padding.
Many Americans do not look before they leap and end up suffering for it then lashing out at everything but themselves because of it.
Before I even considered going to college I got myself a part time job, volunteered with my free time, and researched what I really want to do with my life for about 4 years. When I was finally ready for college I qualified for enough grants to pay my way through at least six years of full-time academics + enough money on the side to completely live off of. Most people, in comparison, immediately go to college after or a year after highschool without a clue to what they want to actually do with their life. They need money NOW because they have no job so they take out a bunch of loans that pay the most and have shitty interest rates then get fucked by it.
Socio-economics is a fancy way of saying survival of the fittest, our society is laced with tons of financial traps for morons and inexperienced incautious plebs.
He said he had no money, do you know how shitty it is to try and even move out of your town to a nearby town without any cash to keep you in a hotel for a few months in America?
Yeah kinda I am, thats why I never went.
If I was smart though I would have anf majored in STEM. And I would have a degree and a real job by now is all im saying.
What was the point of your post
You don't get financially ruined by going to a university in a normal country.
>owe 50k
>make a minimum of 60k out of school
>easily be making 100k in 10 years or less and then only up from there
Working minimum wage and making it to manager is only going to net you 40-50k, trade school you'll be starting off at 30k and you can make it up to 70-100k but it takes a lot of years and lots of overtime
The potential in salary greatly outweighs the initial debt
Thats your fault for majoring in Gender Studies, retard.
Oh wow you have to pay off some loans big woop, if you're smart you can do school for free or minimal debt. Even if you have a lot of debt you're going to be making way more faster with a degree. Trade schools are good and I would never knock them but you're looking at making shitty to mediocre pay for at least 10 years before getting to where you can make more.
Yes, and I do. So just get a part time job and live out of your car like I did for like 3 years. DO SOMETHING. It's not my fault communist faggots in the government and retards who vote have socialized the shit out of the US and mad everything so goddamn expensive, but you CAN get yourself out of a shitty situation by working your ass off for a few years so that you aren't sucking cock at gas stations to make rent.
I double majored in communications and IT, actually. I'm not a retard feminist.
That's only true if your going for a STEM field, and I'm not really interested in that shit which I learned the hard way by going to school. Now I just fix computers and cell phones and do Lyft on the weekends when I feel like it, along with other random shit to make money.
That you shouldn't feel bad about not going to college?
>So just get a part time job and live out of your car like I did for like 3 years.
Yeah that sounds like something a lot of people really want to do instead of just living with their parents.
>made everything so goddamn expensive
Only correlation between USD's buying power dropping and inflation is the US opting out of the gold standard in favor of easily manipulable currency at the behest of Jews.
Well then yeah if you're not going for STEM you're much better off going for a trade. Linesmen make really good money starting out and only gets better.
>make a minimum of 60k out of school
If you even get a job.
>tfw slowly trying to work away uni requirements in the hopes that I finally know what I want to do
> So just get a part-time job and live in a car for three years and pay for an expensive tradeschool SURELY your part-time job will afford and then maybe if you succeed after going through your highly expensive education for many years you'll get a job that will pay off when you're 65
Well I do.
And I have for years now.
So yeah
Nigga move outside of LA/NYC/Houston theres tons of jobs everywhere in areas that arent shit
I don't give a fuck what people "really want to do", I'm talking about reality here. I'd really like to wake up to a sloppy blowjob from Riley Reid and Piper Perri every morning but it ain't gonna happen. And if your arents are okay with you staying home and making rent or something, fine, whatever, but there are ways out and college isn't the solution for everyone. That type of thinking is exactly where there's such a debt crisis in the first place.
>Not knowing what you want to do out of high school
Literally brainlet tier.
I want to trade school almost for free because I made use of a program.
>going to tradeschool
Just go into the USAF/Navy and get paid to learn trades that can be used once you retire after 6 years and collect gibs.
You're not a human until you're 24 so unless you got held back a lot you shouldn't be making any decisions about your life until your brain is at least fully developed.
>Trusting your 17-18 year old intuition on what you want to be stuck doing for 40+ years of your life
You're not gonna make it, it takes longer than that to become confident on the road.
>first day of school
>ride with no training wheels after first day of school
are americans retarded?
I never had any motivation to do anything since I was 12 or so. I already knew that jobs are boring chores and that nothing will make you actually happy despite parents telling you otherwise to urge you to get a job. It's why I always only did shit jobs I change every few months or years and why there is no need to waste years with degrees for shit that won't make you happy anyway, I rather use that time for hobbies.
Fiat currency is what makes it possible to avoid economic depressions by inflating currency over a period of time. The real problem is fucking welfare and the people that vote for it, which is why our taxes are so goddamn high. Women in the work force and the dozens of government programs that our taxes ALSO ay for is another major issue. Double the labor force, slash the wages in half. And you get the added benefit of your society slowly dying and having to get replaced by muslim migrants because they're the only ones having surplus kids.
Communism and feminism, which is simply another branch of communism, is the problem. Now, whether or not the Jews are behind that, I dunno.
>I've got to somehow learn and take the test in the three weeks
Not going to happen. Incredibly fast learners take months. I'm sorry, user.
Are you guys slow learners? Driving is about the easiest thing there is. As long as you know where your car is on the road and adjust your mirrors properly theres nothing easier
There's a lot of fun jobs. I liked being a lab technician, it was fun and felt like I was actually doing something with my life that meant something to me.
>Fiat currency is what makes it possible to avoid economic depressions by inflating currency over a period of time while we're also trillions of dollars in debt and all our money is basically next to worthless
Our worst depression happened immediately after the government confiscated all the gold from US citizens unconstitutionally. Surely it was just a coincidence.
The gold market was historically stable and its lows were predictable. The pressures of the system were nowhere near as bad as what the Federal Reserve, which was started in secret by Jews, says it was.
The Rothschild's entire plan of operation is to take everything a country has of worth in exchange for the promise of more worth, such as through fiat currency.
Actually dark souls map is more like this.
Squares are keys Diamonds are locks.
Even if that's true, and I'm not doubting it, where is our money going? What constitutes government spending? What should we be cutting back on?
It really depends on where you live. Driving in small towns is easy as fuck, but big cities suck ass. Just knowing your blind spots and being aware you should never have a wreck tho.
> relationship before 21
Yeah, seriously, I learned to drive in a fucking weekend. In a goddamn stick shift.
>where is our money going?
CIA and Israel. They don't even hide it, people openly support it.
Have you ever heard of mathematical sociology? It's a very niche and unpublic area of sociology that deals with quantifying people, as individuals, and predicting their actions through mathematics. While it has a lot of areas where it can get fucked by unpredictable aspects, with sufficient computing power you could theoretically predict the future both in a macro and micro scale on a fairly stable curve; enough to manipulate the whole of mankind to do whatever the fuck you wanted.
It would require several powerful computers though, possibly beyond a quantum level of theory.
The CIA has over $20 trillion completely unaccounted for, and it has been growing since the 1960s. Guess where a lot of the investigation of where this money was going had its papers being stored at? Ever hear of a "The Chicago Bombing"?
Where were the financial records?
Just so happened a plane hit the pentagon and they're all burned and the servers destroyed. How fucking convenient.
No, seriously, where the fuck do people find the time and/or money to do that with a low-paying job or worse, straight out of school? I make comfortable money and I still haven't considered taking a vacation to travel because it's so expensive.
Mommy and daddy money pretty much or they still live at home and have 0 expenses. I make good money but spending 2-3k on a single week somewhere still just doesnt sit right with me
I just took a trade in college, now I live a comfortable life as a carpenter for a construction company
god this education-to-employment system is so fucked I don't even know where to start criticizing it.
Sophomore year of college and still don't have a major.
I'm about to just enlist in the air fore reserves and come back to school when I figure my shit out.
Do most people really meet their best friend at school? I had mine living a couple houses away from me and we're still best friends today and play vidya together on occasion
Fuck I know this feel. I dont have any interests for college but you cant get a good job without a degree. What do? I got a shitty job right now that gets me by but I sure would like to live in a nice house
>Quarter-Life Crisis
Millennials and Zoomers are a mistake.
people tend to befriend people they're within proximity to.
Unless you're apart of some religion that meets regularly, or live in a rural area kids don't have many opportunities outside of school to interact.
It's only natural that school is the place where this happens.
Especially since kids barely go outside anymore.
The alternative is the internet and that can be a mixed bag of results when you have online spaces ranging from facebook to xbox live to resetera to Yea Forums.
if you aren't retarded you can learn and pass on your first try in 2 weeks
Imagine having a "Quarter Life Crisis". Holy shit, I bet the bitch that wrote this colored her hair blue because that's how she feels inside.
Fuck life
>No potty training
I didnt learn until 10th grade, wore a diaper till then and got out of doing gym and having to change by taking having low blood sugar because of my diabetes every class
Those hurt the most.
Holy shit, well, I'm glad you got over that experience.
>relationship before 21
That's not as horrendous as questioning existence and being bored only past 21.
>Had an interest in public health/journalism
>Grades weren't the best, but that was okay
>Got extremely fucking sick
>Had to change majors to graduate relatively fast
My degree might be worthless in most situations, but the fuck-ton of work experience I got makes up for it.
If I play my cards right, I can run into a relatively nice position.
Also, videogames.
>Made some great friends in college
>They all tried to fuck me over, or backstabbed me
if you're an americano and your roads are all straight and efficient and shit maybe. the country I live in has roundabouts and retarded junctions every 30 seconds