oh wow what a brave and daring opinion, you contrarian shit. I've literally never heard that dogshit being said multiple times followed by half assed ""reasons"" for why it's bad.
It's innovative, it has the best environment variety, most freedom when it comes to builds, peak fasionsouls, variable peak performing weapons, most content, and the best firekeeper.
But yeah keep spouting shit, sure you might say it's bad and the weakest souls game, but truth is that it's still head and shoulders above most of the shit in its genre.
Other urls found in this thread:
The only thing I took away from this was that you suck cock on a daily basis.
I had to take a dump this morning and when the turd was just barely starting to come out I farted and the turd flew into the water like a missile
My ass got showered with water droplets. However, this was a better experience than any part of Dark Souls 2
>muh 600 ping peer to peer PVP against cheaters
oh boy!!!
>when the majority opinion is that it is shit
Is SotFS worth playing if I already have the original DaS2?
Halol Farr poop Penis fart hahaha
>ds2 wiped its ass with me
literally just get better at the game
how can you still be obsessed about a game that came out years ago and was exceeded by both its predecessor and its successor
get better? dark souls 2? why would anyone ever be playing this game at this point in time? the 6th souls game is about to come out lol
Yea Forums is legit mentally ill and that's why it's unable to let Dark Souls 2. A sane person lets bad experiences behind him and moves on; after FIVE YEARS Yea Forums just doesn't.
Have you heard about those NEET that 10 years later are still bitter about their high school bully and think constantly about how much they would like to torture and kill said bully, while living on disability checks or leeching their parents? The same thing.
I just prefer DS1 and 3
>you might say it's bad and the weakest souls game, but truth is that it's still head and shoulders above most of the shit in its genre
I can attest to that. I had a lot of fun into the game and I've sunken a few hundred hours into it. It's definitely not a bad game, much better than most of the shit that's out there.
>Game 2 is 95% the same as game 1
>Somehow game 1 is considered a great and game 2 is dog shit
OP is right, everyone claiming DS2 is shit is just a contrarian.
You can't play a souls game without DLC. It's part of the full experience.
Well DS2 did a couple things right.
Weaponry, atmosphere, fashion.
It even brought up new things that were kept in the sequel.
Enemy location sucks.
Boss fights suck.
ADP is stupid for a souls game.
This is why it's generally the least prefered souls.
only people like reddit rolls 3 say this.
>It even brought up new things that were kept in the sequel.
Not really; almost all the improvements and new ideas brought to the table by 2 were ignored by 3.
so brave
I have a soft spot for ds2, just because it’s the only game with fun magic
You can tell that it’s rushed and shoddy. It’s completely AA quality
It's also got the most jank, the worst bosses, worst aestethics and graphics overall, worst world design, worst level design, worst overall PvE, and it feels like shit to play because of the deadzones.
If you still find it enjoyable, you do you, but I can't find any reason to play it over the other games because I don't play pvp.
I got plenty of fun out of DS2 but it's easily the worst Soulsborne, for every good idea it has 10 bad ones. The vanilla bosses are also mostly garbage.
Holistic design vision. DaS2 is a series of areas, concepts, characters and plotlines crafted separately by different directors and creative leads, each with their own idea of what the game should be, and then mashed all together by Tanimura only a few months before release to create something like a complete game. It can't decide what it wants to be because for most of its development it was a tug-o-war between creative influences that each wanted it to be their game. A lot of that narcissistic design direction had to be scrapped wholesale because it went completely against what a souls game is. The result is a jumbled slurry of ideas and concepts and blank spaces where something terrible had to be cut out and nothing could be made to fit it in time.
The whole project didn't have a strong directorial influence or singular authority until Tanimura stepped in, and it was very likely that he was forced to take over because the whole development process was circling the drain.
I don't hate dark souls 2 for it's mediocre story or shitty, vacuous lore. I could live without those things in a game that was just solid overall. What really damns the game to me is just how many areas and enemies and bosses feel incomplete. There's so many enemy types that were obviously just dumped out with barely-finished animations because that was all there was time for, and most of the combat in the game feels sandbaggy and dumbed down as a result. I hate that an enemy can hit me and spend so long recovering from the fact that they hit me, that I recover first and R1 mash them to death. Thanks to 99 lifegems, you can walk through so much of the game facetanking enemies because they leave themselves open to a stunlock after they hit you. It feels like there was little to no playtesting (or else, little to no time for playstesting) in so many of the enemy encounters. Enemies that actually do present a challenge are difficult for awkward reasons.
I was hyped AF when it came out. Was a bit dissapointed with the graphical downgrades, but it was a pretty damn good game.
DLC makes it even better, with some of the best bosses in the series.
Horrible PVP though, but nothing really of value was lost
DaS 2 strived to be a proper sequel. DaS 3 meanwhile was so scared of coming short like DaS 2 that it chose not to attempt to evolve and became a souless tribute act to DaS 1. DaS 2 failed, but it failed trying.
Well i was mostly thinking about the estus shards, bone dust
That's completely fair enough, and I would agree that it's the worst in the soulsborne series all in all.
But people that just mindlessly say that it's complete dogshit and just the worst game ever, maybe without even having given it a fair chance should fuck off.
It's cool to see a franchise be consistently good.
majority opinion on reddit and Yea Forums
so people who think that Sekiro is a Souls game are the same people who dislike DaS2
I guess their opinion doesn't matter after all
I liked dark souls II and it was my first dark souls game, but the lore was weird compared to III and BB and the environments were weirdly non contiguous. Being the worst in a series of very good games doesn't make you bad desu
nice meme dude. got a laugh at of me
I think I spent 180 hours on my first playthrough, so much fucking content. But yeah it's kind of a one step forwards, two steps back in what it does.
And I think the only remotely memorable bosses are Ivory King and Fume Knight, the rest are literally whos
Sir Alonne
Sir Alonne was great too.
The Three Crowns are some of the best experiences in the franchise and if you haven't played them you are worse off.
>Its successor
DS3 is rushed dogshit and the worst game out of all.
Mirror knight is fucking god tier
I think it's just people who played ds3 without touching 2 or 1, let alone demon souls, and then worked their way back in the series. They all have the same opinions and the same boner for 3 despite it being the worst of soulsborne.
I just played Dark Souls 1 and got stuck.
I mean, it held my attention long enough for me to beat it. I liked power stance, had mixed feels about being able to respec, hated that it scrapped being able to level up at bonfires. There were a lot more shit bosses in the base game than good bosses. Rare drops tied to enemies that stopped respawning was a really stupid idea. Soul memory totally ruined my co-op experience. Also holy shit the bugs tied to frame rate. Then the assholes charge me a second time to patch the game at fix it with Scholar of the First Sin? Nah, pretty much killed off any good will I had for the company.
That all said part of me wants to give the game a second chance, but the series just doesn't hold me the same way it used to.
>There were a lot more shit bosses in the base game than good bosses
nothing new for a souls game though
Oh totally. I don't have any hard numbers but it felt like 2 had the most bosses of all, so the ratio felt a lot more painful.
No one ever liked ds2 since the day it came out
I finally get why Yea Forums hates it, I didn't know it was the highest rated. Probably because its the easiest but I like to think its because its the best.
True bravery is acknowledging that DS3 is the best Souls' game.
>ds2 thread
post them
Can't really agree on weapons. Nearly all of the movesets are inferior in general and to make things worse attacks don't flow smoothly into one another. Seems like they put way more time into the powerstance movesets.
Don't act like 2 is the only one. 1 was way worse about it.
Incorrect. I dislike alot of DS2, and I think Sekiro is a Tenchu game.
I started with Dark Souls 1 and was so fucking bummed out when Dark Souls 2 released. Played through it and just let it sit there for a long time.
After having finished Demon's Souls and all other From games since then, I played through Sotfs for the first time this year, and it's still just not very good.
no ds2 was way worse you're lucky I don't have the ones with the giants
The only areas in 2 with good atmosphere are majula and dragon aerie
Dark Souls 1 has its fair share of problems, and hitboxes are one of them, but I had way more trouble with them in Dark Souls 2.
Some movesets I think are better. Longsword and Mace moves for example are much better than DaS 1 I think. The one thing that I did miss from DaS 1 was being able to mix light and heavy more easily. DaS 2 does have smooth transition between light and heavy but only as a light,light,heavy,heavy style combo. Doing light,heavy or a heavy,light doesn't work which was a shame.
I don't agree with it having good atmosphere or being "comfy".
It looks so washed out and artificial compared to literally all other Soulsborne games.
Ds3 is the worst souls game. It only has good bosses and nothing else. The first half of the game is such a chore to go through which kills all replayability
literally nothing you listed matters because the levels and bosses are boring garbage that arent worth playing more than once outside of a couple exceptions
i dont really care or innovative the mechanics are if theres nothing fun to do with them
>DS2 drones will UNIRONICALLY defend this or brush it off as just a nitpick
Longswords are identical with the only difference being the strong attacks are switched around.
as someone who uses barely anything but longwords since i started with demon souls im calling some serious bullshit, the ds2 longsword moveset is pure trash
I actually like a lot of things about DS2 but I cannot deal with the fucking deadzones. They single-handedly make the game feel like total shit.
It's literally the same you moron.
This is my biggest complaint holy fuck.
Are they the reason why my character will randomly turn while swinging with an ultra weapon?
>Longsword and Mace moves for example are much better
Oh yeah. I love my weapon hitting the ground every other time I swing, providing that extra "fuck you" to my durability. Its great.
All Dark Souls games shine in a different way
DS1 is the best in terms of world design while DS3 is the weakest in that regard due to most paths being linear.
DS2 has the best PvP with tons of different builds and working covenants while DS1 has broken covenants and backstab festivals
And DS3 has the highest quality regarding bosses while DS2 has quantity over quality in that regard
If you enjoy Souls games for the multiplayer aspect you will probably enjoy Dark Souls 2 the most. Probably even fanboy it if you were big into PvP during DS1s days. But if you play those games for exploration and PvE experiences you will probably dislike DS2 and instead go for either DS1 or DS3. All games are good in their core and they all have decent gameplay, multiplayer activities and atmosphere but not every player rates those parts equally and so we will never stop the endless dumb debate over which DS is the best or the worst.
DeS longsword combos are great
What are deadzones?
DaS II > Bloodborne
>most freedom when it comes to builds
it would have more freedom if ADP didn't exist. You know, a stat that messes with a perfectly fine mechanic in DaS1 and DeS. ADP was so bad it was removed from DaS3.
Sorry, but each Dark Souls game was an improvement on the last.
It's funny how people are basically saying that, in a series of 9/10 games, this one just happens to be an 8.5/10.
Souls ranking arguments are retarded.
Souls games would all benefit from removing roll iframes
>MAGA shitposter
and why should we care what you think, /pol/
>Souls games would all benefit from removing roll iframes
then people would just turtle behind shields or nuke shit with magic
I bet you haven't even played Souls.
Graphics: DS3
Combat: DS3
Fashion: DS2+3
Atmosphere: DS1
Memes: DS1
Bosses: DS3
PvP: DS2
Build Variety: DS2
Replayability: DS2
Story: DS1
Balance: DS3
Bugfree-ness: DS3
Bosses: DS3
it literally isnt
Play the game
>I bet you haven't even played Souls.
you were saying? I have a Platinum in all 5 Soulsborne games
how to fix souls games
>remove i-frames
>remove shields
>remove ranged combat
>remove reposte and backstabs
>remove health potions
>remove staggering but also remove poise
>cooldown on rolls
>all those anime games
Opinion discarded
I still beat the Souls games
For me it's the "worst" game in the series but I still enjoyed it and put plenty of time into it. It had some good ideas and some bad, but a lot of the experiments failed or were irrelevant, and the level design and enemy placement was pretty bogus at times.
I also don't feel the DLC is as good as it's made out to be because it also has a lot of the problems the base game has, and some annoying filler bullshit just like the base game.
Maldron is the best NPC though.
Are you implying Dark Souls is a hard series?
Real talk here, this doesnt surprise me. I do not like DS2, I didnt finish the game in fact. I made it about 80% of the way through but grew tired of having to use gimmicks to make sure I beat bosses and putting points into a roll stat. The pvp was also god awful and there's 3x more webms of poor latency on DS2 than any other game, probably combined. It was also retarded easy to twink, albeit the other games suffered the same fate, but it could have been somewhat changed from DS1.
But it had a wonderful environment, the hub was mystical and alluring. You felt like you were always discovering something new, or meeting a character you could learn about for hours. The armor, weapons and general aesthetic was great to look at. At the end of the day, it is a solid 8/10 even though I didnt finish it, I was just not as engaged with the gameplay as I was the story and lore.
Sunken King is the best one
Iron King and Ivory King can get a little tedious imo
The runback shit just gets so tedious. It's worse in Iron King but there's still some in Sunken King, too. The "boss" of the NPCs is as bad as anything from the base game, including the path back to it.
This wallpaper is just too good.
I would like it if it didn't have the title.
Text on wallpapers looks bad.
Maybe. i didn't mind it. Also, final boss, the Dragon, is really great; I dunno what you're talking about.
Pooooooooooooooooooooooo! :D
>Lost Dimension
Mein neger!
>Natural Doctrine plat
You sick fuck.
>Last Rebellion
Someone wanted to sell me the game for $5.
I heard it was bad but I wanted to see how bad
Easiest doesn't mean any of them were hard. It just means that one was the easiest. And hes obviously referring to journalists or reviewers who are known for being bad at videk games. Stop pretending to be retarded.
I got you senpai
It's not shit, just pretty bad when compared to the other games. It's still a good game, in it's own right and there's plenty of memorably good things about it.
It was the soulsborne game I played last because I bought into the "Dark Souls 2 sucks" meme and I only played it because I had no other games in the series left to play
It's definitely my favorite, probably because of how unique it is compared to the others. I like how much they experimented with bosses, and Skeleton Lords is one of my favorite souls bosses ever just because of the ridiculous amount of shit they throw at you at once. The first time I fought them I looked around the room and laughed because it was so absurd.
Dual stancing is great, bonfire ascetics are great, the curse whittling down your health is a really good way to punish death, it just had a lot of cool mechanics that none of the other games had
>I heard it was bad but I wanted to see how bad
Makes sense, I guess. After all, I want to play Left Alive to see how shitty is... while listening to this, of course.
ds2 is shit by design
the hitbox stat is beyond retarded in theory and function
I love ds2 but those fire lizards can fuck right off
Most of Yea Forums doesn't touch PvP. Why do you think they rate 3 and BB the highest while rating 2 and 1 the lowest
Graphics: DS3
Combat: BB
Fashion: DS3
Atmosphere: DeS
Memes: DS1
Bosses: BB
PvP: DS2
Build Variety: DS2
Replayability: DS2
Story: DeS
Balance: BB
Bugfree-ness: DS3
Bosses: BB
>you now remember when Dark Souls 2 came out and the devs forgot why you came to Drangleic in the first place half way through putting the game together.
>you had to buy three full packs of DLC to actually find the cure to the curse you were were originally looking for.
>had to buy a completely new edition of the game for full price if you wanted the dark ending, something that has been in all other souls games to begin with.
Fuck Dark Souls 2
just noticed after replying that bosses is listed twice in your template
Anyone have the comparison of the game progression between das 1 2 and 3? The progression map that shows how das 1 has great world building compared to how das 3 is more linear
DS2 came out prime "Dark Souls is the greatest game ever" time
>it has the best environment variety
All environements are dull as hell, I'd rather have less variety but better art direction overall.
The combat iself is a mess. Parrying is useless, combat feels like hitting stone statues with a stick, bosses are easy as freaking hell.
It's the weakest entry in the series.
Wasn't the Throne of Want supposed to end the curse?
Cuck souls is shit
zoom zoom fags just wanna fit in so they stick to that dumb shit as well as NO NO NO NO and wojak posting, these threads end up the same way every single time with the majority of people knowing that the game's ok, just not amazing, frankly the discussion for it should have died a long ass time ago because it's not that interesting a game on it's own, but since people just really need to feel the hivemind they keep doing this.
pic unrelated.
I don't remember if the game ever says what the throne of want actually does. I assumed it had something to do with kindling the first flame since it looks so much like a kiln, but DS2 takes place far far away from Lordran so unless It does it remotely or something I really can't say.
The throne is supposed to link the first flame.
This is only ever mentioned once in-game, at the very end of the game, by the Emerald Herald, who is hiding off to the side behind the giant, slow moving doors that lead to the Throne of Want.
>it has the best environment variety
if nothing else, this is true.
ds2 is better than botw thats for sure
has anyone played the darksouls 1 remaster on ps4
did the armours and stuff actually end up looking like flat matte plastic like ds2?
are you fucking retarded or do you just post shit you made up for fun? the major theme of the game is obscurity, its the result of the fucking undead curse. emerald herald explains it clearly at the start and throughout the game. secondly the dark ending was added in a patch to the vanilla version, the ONLY difference between sotfs and patched vanilla is enemy placement, item placement, and graphics. having all the dlc crowns only adds some extra dialogue to vendrick, nothing to do with the ending.
fucking retard get a clue
Nah, it's fine. Some lightning effects are kind of fucked up, but I only noticed it in Firelink Shrine and the Asylum.
>emerald herald explains it clearly at the start and throughout the game.
She says nothing of the sort
Also "it's because obscurity" is no excuse for not having a story or direction.
fashion is the best part of the game desu
it still sucks, and is the easiest of the series
At its worst, Dark Souls 2 can at least take solace in the knowledge that it's not as bad as Dark Souls 3.
>watches youtube videos explaining the supossed ""story""
*EHEM* excuse me i know what im talking about ok? i watched a 20 minutes video i know a little bit about souls lore, hon
it has a story and direction, did you even play the game
the art direction is utter cock, man. I tried to give it a chance, I wanted to like it, but nah, it looks stupid. it's not even muh graphics, I'm fine with shit graphics, but the cartoony style is just awful and brings the whole thing down, feels like playing some bing bing wahoo stuff. I actually think it has some of the better gameplay, but the enemy spam seemed kinda lame/lazy too
the dark souls 2 intro cutscene is one of the greatest vidya cutscenes of all time, my fucking nuts clutched up inside my stomach when that old lady started narrating how you will lose everything then show up around drangleic's gate and not even know why. shame about everything that follows that cutscene though.
you dont actually pick armour and weapons based on how strong they are do you?
I did actually.
For most of the game you aren't told where you're supposed to be going, what you're supposed to be doing, or why.
you either go full poise shitter or it's mix n' match
That cutscene pretty "cringe" to be honest. I don't know why. It's just some old cunt laughing because the game is DARK SOULS SO HARD LMAO
ironically i didn't really die much in the game anyway so fuck that crone
You're thinking of a different, in-engine cutscene.
that's not why she's laughing dum dum
>not using good-looking full sets with great stats
pic related
Yes, if only because Heide knight armor is easier to get.
all 3 rehash souls are bad
I agree.
Level design/layout: DS1
I've come to understand that if Yea Forums is still arguing about a game years after its release, it's probably worth playing atleast once