Do you use an arcade stick or a controller for fighting games Yea Forums? Show me what you got.
Do you use an arcade stick or a controller for fighting games Yea Forums? Show me what you got
basic dualshock 4
I use a stick because it's fun.
I only play Tekken.
Been playing on a gamepad with claw grip since the first.
I just can't play as fast with a stick.
I own and still use the Namco Arcade Stick that came out with Soul Blade. In fact I have another when the first one eventually dies.
>only plays tekken
>claw grip
fucking animal
I used a stick when I had a high opinion of myself and wanted to look like a pretentious faggot.
Well at least your not a hitbox player
My arcade doesn't allow for controllers so I like to use arcade sticks for shmups and fighting games. But I'm also broke so I play controller at home and stick at the arcade. Using both is easy enough.
still using an old Madcatz TE from 2008, had to replace the buttons once
Stick. Lately I've placed my thumb on top of the ball with the three central fingers wrapped around the side and the pinky below them divided by the metal stick. It's kind of comfy but definitely needs work, qcb is pretty hard now.
you have an arcade, what are you Japanese
>No joystick dick
it's shit
I use both. I use stick for anime fighters and Tekken but I use a pad for Street Fighter, DOA and Soul Calibur
Controller. My stick broke 9 years ago and said I would replace it once things start getting better.
Got myself this bad boy
Keyboard masterrace.
I use my wife like Infiltration.
I've been using sticks for a long time.
I've been using this for a few months now. It's great for Tekken
>dreamcast is a long time
user i had a NES advantage. hahah.
Which one do I buy?
Shame it isnt useable for every game
I mostly play Tekken, so dualshock's fine for me.
whatever controller you are used to :)
Nah, American. I'm just lucky we got a retro game store that also has an arcade. They also do card games, board games, and table top RPGs. They are moving location soon to bigger store and said they are adding a bar. So I'm pretty much gonna get pushed out by faggot hipsters from the local university. The store owners dont care to have actual gamers it seems. I've been getting top scores in dondonpachi and I'm not even amazing at shmups. I'm just enjoying it until I'm replaced by blue hairs and hipsters with curly mustaches posting on Instagram how they are unique hanging out at a retro game store with an arcade.
>my arcade doesn't allow for controllers
what does this mean how is it an arcade if its not standup machines
Doesn't matter if a stick is better or worse than other options. Feels better to use.
What do you mean? They are viewlix machines. I meant there is no ports to use controllers. Some arcade cabinets in Japan have controller ports for example. It's just rare.
Is this a hand built stick or just artwork ontop of a prebuilt?
This has to be bait, who the fuck needs a $200 fight stick save for maybe the very best?
i own a blue RAP4K, but i've been playing more shmups than fighting games lately
thing is a fucking fingerprint magnet, but it feels good to use.
Is it only good for Tekken?
pic related, but since SFV sucked so much all my friends quit
havent had the motivation to get into sth new all by myself
I got a Razer Panthera a little while ago. Need to change the art on that to something Kawakami related.
I use it for every fighting game, but I like the Korean lever especially for Tekken. It feels weird using it for shit like DBFZ
If you're going to buy a fight stick you don't want to cheap out on it. You spend $100 on a cheap one and you like it, you'll have wished you spent the money on a better one, and if you don't like it you'll have wasted your money. So you're wasting money either way
Korean levers are godlike for 3d fighters though cause of how many of their games require going back to neutral for combos.
crusty image but here's my current stick
i just work my dick while in demo mode.