Any news on CyberPunk 2077?
CyberPunk 2077
Woah, Cyberpunk looks like that?
Yes, it has a sun and apparently it's gta V
Delayed for at least 2 years
>cars and sun = gta v
oh ok
it needs to look like this or it's not cyberpunk!!
No, it actually looks worse.
Your pic looks like GTA 5 (2013)
No it actually looks like Saints Row The Third.
Im not sure thats a good thing for a CyberPunk game
Can we actually discuss the game or is this another shitpost thread?
ugh, don't they know how to make a true cyberpunk!
It isn't.
Why not both?
There's nothing to discuss. It's a boring shooter with a preset protagonist. The fact that it also looks ugly is just a shit cream on the shit crop.
Thank you, actual discussion. I can see why you think that, but the game isn't even out yet and no one has even played it. They showed off """gameplay""" to please investors.
>They showed off """gameplay""" to please investors.
that level of cope
Not until CDPR gives us the gender slider.
Screenshot this, the game isn't finished yet, there isn't even a release date. I would be more like you if there was an upcoming release, but there is no release date whatsoever. I know you are baiting me, but holy shit, stop pretending to be retarded.
Spamming threads every day and annoying people isn't the best way to go about marketing your game, heeb.
This game is going to be a 90+ and Yea Forums will seethe as much as humanly possible, just like always.
shut up paid CDPR marketing shill
If I were a game dev the last place I'd shill my product is Yea Forums, nobody on this board even fucking plays games anyway they just talk shit about them.
>nobody on this board even fucking plays games anyway they just talk shit about them
Speak the truth brother
>preset protagonist
When has this ever been a bad thing? The only one who really goes the "your character can be anything" route is Bethesda, and their games arguably suffer for it.
I should rephrase actually, some people here play games but they don't *buy* games. Everyone here just pulls mindtricks to convince themselves that the devs aren't worthy of their money and thus they don't feel bad about pirating it because they see it as a form of moral protest or something but in actuality it's because they're pieces of shit. So as a game dev, I wouldn't waste my time marketing here because the people here who will be PLAYING my game will certainly not be BUYING my game.
>Help! They're stealing our 1s and 0s!
>they don't feel bad about pirating
ever feeling bad about pirating haahahahahahahahahahahah
Exhibits A and B
This game isnt coming out till like 2021 probably
Right, so now try to explain why this place is majority PS4 and Switch, and the only pirate threads that exist are "pirates are literally niggers and deserve death" or "there is a crack up when people expected there not to be one this early!"
>giving money for shit games
Why have you gotta be a faggot? No one talked about piracy until you spearheaded it into the thread.
If you're making claims that people on this board in the majority play switch or ps4 you're probably wrong. Then again I didn't make the claim so I don't have a burden to prove it you do, show me the data. As to your other point I see far more people bragging about pirating games here than I do people calling pirates fags, you only need to read further in this thread for evidence to that end.
Because people always complain about people shilling games when in all actuality nobody here is shilling anything because you people don't buy games, you're faggots who get all defensive when someone calls you out on it like you're doing now.
haha ffs user do you really think that people need mindtricks to justify something in order to do it? people don't need justification for shit, they just do what they want when they can get away with it, its not that hard.
>buying games lool
>why companies only make battle royals?
Most people have a sense of morality and it's this that they need to trick themselves into thinking they're not betraying. People who pirate games don't see themselves as stealing some odd 300 game dev's intensive months of work they see themselves protesting a capitalist system that shits out shitty products. Rather than simply not buying or using the product they still want to play it but they don't want to pay for it.
900k posters on Yea Forums per day and three baited posts is your proof.
Seek help you complete mouthbreather.
>implying half of Yea Forums doesnt want the gaming industry to collapse
Nah I'm just a cheap fag whose grown accustomed to just getting all media for free since I learned how to pirate at 12. I do work but why spend my money when I dont have to?
Once again give me proof to the contrary. Rather than resorting to ad hominem.
It's on the accuser to provide proof. You haven't.
It's pretty goddamn simple.
So you admit to yourself that you're a thief? Thieves are considered the dregs of society so if you want to associate yourself with that I guess that's fine as long as you're honest about it, good on you.
>you need to prove to me this board is majority Nintendo and Sony fans
>I haven't seen the anti-piracy threads
Okay thank you for confirming you are only visiting, see you around
>Nobody shills here because you people don't buy games
Why do you hold developers in such high regard that you think they never do anything dumb? Just because it doesn't make sense doesn't meant they don't do it. Do you think they're fucking infallible or something? Because your argument only makes sense if that's actually what you think.
The people who rushed into this thread all ass blasted after a single post is pretty good proof. Why are you getting so mad if this conversation hasn't offended you in some way?
AAA companies more than anything, it's not like if these corporations fail, video games will cease to exist.
Can you not read?
>900k posters on Yea Forums per day and three baited posts is your proof
I never once said that I think developers are infallible. But they put in months and sometimes years of intensive work to create a product and regardless of whether or not it's good they deserve to be paid for their work if it's going to be consumed regardless of it's quality. If you don't like it, don't play it, it's that simple.
hahahahaha senpai you are seriously dumb
Yes I can, and yet you have no explanation for why you're so angry if it's not the case.
this there are threads on /vg/ that owe their existence entirely to shills.
Here we observe the mindtricks I mentioned earlier.
Because you're making the fallacy that Yea Forums is a select few people. I'm not angry, I'm just irked that someone is as idiotic as you are.
I'm not even talking about pirates, you're getting upset about things I never even said now. I'm trying to tell you that just because Yea Forums has no real effect on sales, it doesn't mean there's no shills here.
No, he's right. You're turbo retarded and you don't know terminology.
smells like reddit
I didn't say that Yea Forums is a select few people. But it's very easy to drag people who hold certain opinions or beliefs out of the woodwork once you've brought their behavior into moral question. Just like how you showed up after I made a few innocuous posts containing assumptions about the board. The fact you're defending your premise at all is proof that there is more than just 4 people who believe stealing from developers is okay.
>you wouldn't download a car
Damn I love all the ad hominem.
industry isn't going to collapse, it's just going to move to what is profitable.
by not buying games you only make companies get their money other way, meaning micro transactions and like.
I wouldn't.
>I didn't say that Yea Forums is a select few people
>I just said that Yea Forums is a select few people
Nice way to completely ignore the context of the post itself. I can see we're done here then, have a nice day user. Tell me how cyberpunk is after you pirate it.
wHoah it looks just like blade runner !!
Best thread of the day.
now that's what I call KINO
i'd prefer something like VTMB
Will a 7700k & 1070 achieve 1440p60 Medium?
I was honestly dissapointed with this game after I saw the gameplay demo. FPP is supposed to be more immersive, but it's honestly so bad implemented that puts me off every time. It's just like those FPP prefabs you pull out on Unity to try stuff. No camera movement at all when walking neither. I expected seeing myself reflected on various mirrors across the streets since there's no other way to see my character, realistic movement while on a scenery that was dirty, poor full of people living on the misery that postmodernism is, hooked into their braindance. Tighter streets, more dirty, but at the same time more dangerous, full of ads and far more dangerous. What we got instead are enormous alleys, full of nothing but a couple of citizens in one of the most over-populated cities on earth, on a fairly regular district like Watson. I try to convince myself that it will improve, but what kills me is this bad developed perspective.
is this the power of CyberPunk genre?
Seems like we shouldn't expect it to release for another couple of years. Kinda irritates me when iirc at least some of the devs talked a while ago about how they didn't like how dragged out the announcement to release phase was for tw3. Yet here we are again with the game probably taking at least a few years after its 2018 E3 "reannouncement" to the final release.
Still looks neat, not a day one buy, but I'm interested. I'll probably get it, but I'll watch a few reviews first to be sure.
You can just feel the opression.
This. Considering how desperate they were to quickly justify FPP because "muh immersion", then it's pretty lame when it's not even implemented particularly well. reflections like you said, but also no viewable body model or even hand animations for picking up stuff, pressing buttons etc.
Didn't they mention mirrors and reflections would be in the game?
RTX exclusive.
Is this Detroit?
No its CyberPunk :)
i heard it was delayed to add a second sun
>another retard who didn't see the "WIP" plastered all over the screen
You know this is funny. Posting 30 images of the same "joke" is cancer.
>he thinks he can discuss games on Yea Forums
The weirdest thing for me about Blade Runner is the idea that it takes place in LA
That's not what LA has or will ever look like because of a little thing called Urban Sprawl
"Alpha" just means "pre-downgrade"
ok fine, here have a real screenshot
can i borrow your crystal ball? since you have knowledge of the future and all
there are untextured buildings in the bottom pick (top-right), are you sure it came after the top one?
They never mentioned the word "Alpha", they mentioned that it was a work in progress.
Over 400 devs are cumulatively working on the game at the moment, it's no where near completion.
I meant pic as in picture but you get what I mean. I accept any bullying for my mistake.
Now this is true cyberpunk
It's not a crystal ball. It's a brain. And I can't help you if you don't have it.
Literally already playable from start to finish and will be shat out Q1 2020.
hahahahahah I want my sides back
I hope Cyberpunk has some kind of Gwent, but not just another card game. Make it themed around those shitty games with a million moving parts. Bakugan and Beyblade are good examples of what I'm talking about. Make the game feel like a sleazy cash grab, but actually well done.
OpenMW is "playable from start to finish" too. It still doesn't mean anything and development is no where near done.
Did you just compare a fucking mod to a multi-billion company AAA game?
Fashwave isn't cyber punk
Another thing you can observe is that in both gameplay and trailer most of the objects are re-used, which probably means this is in a very early stage of development and is just part of a quick build scenario to show something due to the pressures of investers most likely. That can explain the terrible LOD and colour contrast problem this game has. Right now they need to make it work, not optimise it. I hope that by this E3 things improve
OpenMW isn't a mod, it isn't even a conversion. It's a complete new creation of a game engine.
I don't know why Yea Forums is so hard on this game in particular. Will it be the next coming of jesus? Probably not but I'm expecting a solid game with good characters, fun side stories, good music and lots of attention to detail and they're probably going to deliver that.
CDPR is going to E3 this year. Are we getting a release date?
Yea Forums would do better if spamming the same image every thread about a game ended up with a ban
Those are core mechanics, nigger. They are most likely to stay the same, because in an Alpha state you don't do new animations to pick up weapons and press buttons. Those mechanics are there to stay, and you can make em fancy by adding reflections and all you want but if the base is bad there's nothing you can do at this point
Probably not until Gamescom at the very least.
I hope new weapons are rare. We see V pick up that Smart Rifle AFTER she went into the base and started fighting. Maybe all the weapons will be locked behind quests, and only mods and upgrades will he purchasable.
>he fucking doubles down
Mate, shove the terminology up your ass. You're comparing a fan project to a mutlibillion AAA game. You're demented.
Imagine them even releasing anything close to top for consoles
Yep, that looks cyberpunk alright.
I'm comparing the dev cycle, nothing else. OpenMW is the first thing that came to mind, because the developers are pretty open to what they're doing and what they're doing next.
As long as I can be a robo-whore, I'm buyin'.
I get what you were trying to do but this actually ended up looking better. Better luck next time sunfags.
I want a huge stinkin' top hat for my V!
This but even more unironically
This is how cyberpunk will look in the us for the most part when tech gets there.
You'll have a few of your mega cities like from Dredd, but thats about it.
Only way to lose all sense of trees and landscapes is when conglomerates seize the government and strip away protection of national parks.
those 2 english girls on the left LMAO
>game actually has Full Body Conversions
>only the human looking ones, Plaything and Gemini
top kek m8 golden experience
So is this game going to have a radio considering you're going to be driving around a lot?
>ur brainless bro
you're talking about witcher downgrades when nothing of the sort has happened with cyberpunk. look in the mirror lately, retard?
>Imagine being this guys parent.
Here's hoping we at least get the Alpha Class if FBCs exist in the game.
What's the point of getting an FBC if you're just gonna look human anyway?
you have done zero research, and i wont even tell you how i know that. eat shit faggot lol
Same company same practices.
>nothing of the sort has happened with cyberpunk
They're literally already downgrading the LODs from the trailer Stupid nigger.
Based retard
>Each time we discussed the idea of showing the game to you (and we discussed this idea a lot), we were ending up in this “we’re not 100% sure” limbo. Why? Because (for most people), when a game dev shows gameplay footage from their game, it means that this is how the game is going to look or play like. It’s not the case here. Cyberpunk 2077 is deep in development. We have a lot of design ideas, a lot of mechanics being play tested, but we don’t know what we’ll end up with at launch. This makes publishing videos like what you just saw risky –we don’t want gamers saying, ‘But in that previous video that gun was shooting differently’, or ‘why did you change the interface?’. Change is inherent to game development and there’s a ton of things being modified each day. Our fear was (and kind of still is) that you’ll think what you just saw is how Cyberpunk 2077 will look like 1:1.
>So… here’s what Cyberpunk 2077 looks like today (or rather looked like when we recorded the video). We sincerely hope you liked it.
>This game being downgraded just so it can run on the PS4 as a multiplat
>what is youtube compression
you're not smart. just admit that you're making predictions and you actively want the game to fail so you can have something to complain about, you miserable idiot lol
oh shit it really is you
What's the Shazam one about?
>what is youtube compression
Damn you're really sounding like a shill now. No amount of "Youtube compression" memes can literally erase textures from distant objects.
Take your meds. Redditor bogeymen are living in your head rent free.
God bless this man
I hope the rumors of some kind of Moon Base or Space Station aren't true. I know space ships are confirmed to exist in the world, but they shouldn't be a focus. I feel a part of cyberpunk is dealing with the consequences of our actions, which just doesn't work as well if we have functioning space colonies.
Is this peak autism? I'm talking about the person who actually spent time making this pic
It's what happens when autism meets mega autism
It must erect a tribute
Chrome butt.
I want V with a Chrome butt. I hope purely cosmetic augments like that exist. Maybe they could boost your base stats, if you need them to do something gameplay wise. I could see tin foil skin like that giving you a plus one in the Cool stat.
I think they said that you can go full chrome.
Better be able to go full mechano-person. I want whirling servos and pistons.
pre-order when? just take my fucking money already
>Damn you're really sounding like a shill now
nice projection bro
>No amount of "Youtube compression" memes can literally erase textures from distant objects
you don't know anything lol
>Redditor bogeymen
you're literally crying about "CDPR shills" in this thread you retard rofl
Well said.
thats steampunk you autistic retard
i dunno.. there is something about this image that actually is cyberpunk to me. the part kind of mid-left with the bins and back of those buildings reminds me of slinking around the loading docks and backs of light commercial businesses that I used to do at the same mid 90s era that i was fantasising about vr and "modelling all this in the most realistic game" where this means the dumpsters and shit. the ground was pale grey concrete like here. It's not big city neotokyo cyberpunk, it's like.. empty city everyone in their shitty house with VR gear on cyberpunk
>the light is because the room's owner decided to light it green instead of from some unavoidable new form of light pollution
>Servos and pistons
Are you retarded? We literally fucking use these in modern robots.
This is steampunk according to you?
no, this is cyberpunk
I know it's bait, but I'm looking at you with absolute disgust.
Why does it feel like only one person is starting these threads and bumping them by making the same retarded post?
Yea Forums is just THAT unoriginal.
>thinking that's all one guy
You need to go back.
>190 posts
>56 posters
gee I wonder why
I want my V to be a bisexual slut. Let me sleep with everyone. Why would some one in post-apocalyptic L.A. worry about monogamy?
Just drive around Santa Monica bro, that's basically the game.
I know. It's the entire tranny discord.
>tfw its not third person
i just wanted a cyberpunk witcher game
I just don't understand the decision to go third person. Like I'm not going to riot about it, but the entire point of third person is that it lets people admire their characters with custom outfits. With first person it kind of defeats the purpose.
>most criticism is just ACfag
>he doesn't actually care about anything he types he just wants any material to use against CDPR because he unironically has autism
>V in a top hat
>V in a cowboy hat
How do I choose?
Of all games to shitpost about, why this one?
It just doesn't make any sense.
witcher bullshots I guess, idk
It's easier. Obsidian mentioned that 3rd Person Only is was easier to program and animate when asked about Outer Worlds.
That's such a minuscule thing compared to all the bullshit literally every other dev is doing, besides Witcher 3 still looks great on PC.
it was fromsofts turn!
Is this even cyberpunk?
Cyberpunk 2077 needs to come out 2019 just so fromdrones can convince themselves they liked Sekiro all along, never once doubted it, and then throw a fucking fit when it loses GOTY to CP2077
>Fallout 4 was chosen fucking 36 times
What a great year that was, the fact that Witcher 3 so many GOTY awards for that year is a testament to how good it was.
I remember when Yea Forums used to shitpost things because they made the industry worse, now all we do is post ironically just to fish for (You)s. Where did it all go wrong
Shitty taste dude, witcher 3 was an abomination although the music and sidequests were great.
I hope melee weapons are a viable option. I'm not expecting the same level as rifles, but still.
controller plebs begone
>if you pirate anything, you must never buy anything
>if you buy anything, you must never pirate anything
I pirate a lot of games, but I also buy a lot of games.
>in all actuality
kill yourself you stupid little cunt
They mentioned that there's a full melee system with parries and combos and what not. I just hope that includes unarmed attacks.
Literally what does controller input have to do with 1st/3rd person? I played Witcher 3 with M+K and that's 3rd person.
>I played Witcher 3 with M+K
Why? That's literally the worst way to play it.
>People who pirate games don't see themselves as stealing some odd 300 game dev's intensive months of work
Do you? Software piracy is not the same thing as stealing. Also, those 'game devs' have already been renumerated for their work. This is called an employment contract. (Perhaps you are aware?) ALSO, most 'game devs' (and by the sounds of things, you too) wouldn't know intensive work if it bit them (you) on the arse.
Software piracy is not the same as stealing
Thebull94 is spamming threads nonstop as a way of coping with CDPR btfo of him at every turn.
I had zero issues.
>ad hominem
He's not right because you're retarded, you're retarded because he's right. Idiot.
Keep repeating that when all the single player games are gone and all that is left is grindy p2w shooters.
Lol is that crackdown?
>You actually took the time to make this
Holy hell how mad are you?
kek no its CyberPunk
>why I moved here?
>I guess it was the weather
When the last game on earth has become ded, and every last 'game developer' is starving in the gutter, software piracy will still not be the same thing as theft. At the total heat death of the universe, software piracy and theft are still not the same thing.
If Yea Forums hates this I know it'll be great
maybe not but effects are the same.
... and I'm a big dreamer
haha, good photoshops OP! I get it! It's funny because cyberpunk 2077 is an open world game that takes place on a planet with a sun and also has roads and cars and people! Good one, retard!
The effects are literally, -observably- different you colossal retard, that's why they are not the same fucking thing.
>my face when this is literally the only reason I'll even bother registering E3's existence this year
I hope we get a release date.
They changed the location from America to Russia
made it just for you
Why does it look so fake/ugly?
mega kek, I wish the actual game was russian futuristic techno punk
I'm smiling, dummy. I'm looking forward to a good game, with themes I enjoy, in a style I also enjoy. I'm not the one spending time making the most cherry-picked non-argument shoops ever shooped. Does anyone actually think that Cyberpunk™ 2077 looks anything like LEGO? Does anyone actually think that Cyberpunk™ 2077 is anything but Cyberpunk™? If you do, it tells more about you than me.
PRO-TIP: If you don't like 'cyberpunk-genre' in general, or you're not a fan of the direction CDPR are taking with their officially licenced Cyberpunk™ IP (which makes anything they put in the game 'cyberpunk-genre' by DEFINITION) just take the simple step of fucking off from these threads!
The effect is that they will go free to play multiplayer with microtransactions and loot boxes. Those you can't pirate or steal.
Its CyberPunk 2077
it's not post-apoc you dumb shit
why do anons keep ignoring that?
That's a screenshot of GTA V with Cyberpunk 2077 logo pasted on top. Eric has been spamming threads for a year now.
If you think for one hot second that loot-boxes and microtransactions are driven by piracy and not zoomers with mommy's credit card you are one huge fucking retard.
Because Witcher 3 looked better in the previews. Judging by that this is the best it's going to look.
I'm not reading your wall of triggered autism
Here comes the sun little darling
It's alright!
>Judging by that
Much better
I don't care at all about the cyber punk sun thing but this does just straight up look like GTA.
This, but unironically. CDPR might have brought the real cypberpunk vision into life, but instead they gave as GTA: Neon instead.
>This but unronically
Pre-Alpha footage looks way better than the trailer in that photo.
License plates say Illinois, so probably Chicago.
what the fuck were they thinking
Can't imagine why
I noticed kind of looks like watch dogs too, it's weird
finally someone understand the butthurt of us sunfags
You can't play as a cop so no buy
Cuz that is GTA you fucking moron.
Night City is LA, if this takes place in Night City, then it's in America.
Unironically looks better
This whole thread
I for one stand with BASED ACfag
You laugh now, but won't be laughing when the game actually releases and the atmosphere is ruined.
>287 posts 72 IPs
A-user do you really not know?
Is that a new game? was it released?
It's a VR homage to Blade Runner, basically a tech demo. Really cool though. If you have a headset it's free.
What the fuck? Buildings need supports just to stand? There's a fucking rail track going through a fucking building? Where is the building code here? How can they stack buildings on buildings?
Yes but kikes took it down for obvious reasons
Playable in VR which is of course the patrician way to enjoy the apartment
the soulless cyberpunk
the soulful bernband
The government collapsed and corporations decided regulations were just holding them back
>female welcome
>implying pixelshit can be cyberpunk
Yes it can
This user gets it.
They are winding you all up by constantly posting gameplay during daytime, even in the PS4 doc the other day.
What about this is cyberpunk?
Its dark
By the very definition not cyberpunk.
By the very definition not cyberpunk
because its a vertical slice and thats the best they have got. they only say that for gullible idiots like yourself
>Blade Runner isn't cyberpunk because it has water in it
Does snow count as water?
Snow is literally the opposite of cyberpunk.
It also has sun so it's clearly not cyberpunk.
I thought this was GTA 4 with some mods, not even joking
Is some faggot going onto mobile to make this same post over and over?
it is, you dunce
What about ocean waves?
What the fuck do you think ocean waves are?
Im trying to understand if they are cyberpunk or not
I’m actually pretty excited for this game, It’s just what it looked like from a glance, it looks like the starting area.
>not purchasing a dinosaur cybernetic body
>Looks like the starting area
Of what game?
Why do you keep saying this you dumb autist, you know it is
Stinky samefag
How the fuck does game that won't even be out for years look so bad? It's literally worse than gta v and iv
Also that shit 1440p and no aa what the fuck where they thinking
Because when it says that it usually gets worse.
Jesus those sun shafts are horribly exaggerated. Looks like ass.
So when can we have genuine Cyberpunk threads again?
When the game has 90+ metacritic score and 5+ million sales. Then we can use this image.
And the pc hardware requirements will be insane + will have nvidia rtx middlebloatware
Yikes this almost looks like that place in GTA4
ACfag won't let you
CDPR MUST do badly or his tendies will be thrown on the FLOOR
>Not a new IP
Watch Dogs is literally cyberpunk.
People living underground lives, wearing funny colorful attire, punks if you will, hacking an entire city.
That sucks.
I hope the fact that the E3 slice looked like shit means that the game can only look better from here on out.
But no one in cyberpunk will be as smug as Zelda
>Concern shitposting now
Why are Yea Forumsirgins such pure cancer?
God, imagine the feeling when you put your dick inside of her chromed vagina.
Is this GTA? it sure does look like GTA 4 with mods
Like fucking two car chassis pushed together
Scraping metal crushing and peeling apart your foreskin
Loud creaking sliding as paint chips fleck off into your urethra
And then you cum
damn all these salty interwebz pirates in here complaining because someone called them out.
>Literally already playable from start to finish and will be shat out Q1 2020.
yeah we can shitpost about that if you want
I usually pirate games and it is good
you are homosexual for pirating software*
>Witcher 3
>Dying Light
>Rocket League
Truly the GOAT year.
what the fug I resent your accusation
you are laden with morals which is proof of your own homosexuality
No you are homosexual
On one hand I'm happy because those numbers must be killing that Fallout 4 autist who's on a crusade against CDPR for years now
On the other hand I'm shocked that Fallout 4 was chosen 36 fucking time.
Recursive error, please reboot your system
Sending diagnostics data to Microsoft Corporation...
>On the other hand I'm shocked that Fallout 4 was chosen 36 fucking time.
Never underestimate the hold Bethesda has on people's minds.
It's sick, I go in there once a month and sit at the window part for 20 minutes.
>all those "cyberpunk" pics
Shits fucking hilarious. Cunts be seething.
Oh user
No you are homosexual
it is quite clear that niggers on both sides of the fence are upset.
You more upset
Big, big upset
i feel like i'm the only one in this thread with a smile on my dial
Imagine all the waifus. Meredith is promising. V herself was a cutie.
Nope grog have biggest smile and penis
Bigger than ug
Just "promising" is it?
>There's already Rule 34
>I'm too illiterate to read only 4 sentences
>facebook/reddit memes
oh shi-
As of 2 weeks ago, the game director of 'The Witcher 3' was bought on-board to be the game director of 'Cyberpunk 2077' - So, you won't be seeing this game for at least 3yrs, maybe more.
Yea Forums actually.
>only official Yea Forums memes as decreed by chairman user is allowed, such as pepe edits and wojaks and uh...
>As of 2 weeks ago, the game director of 'The Witcher 3' was bought on-board to be the game director of 'Cyberpunk 2077'
No he wasn't, Adam Badowski is the game director, Mateusz Tomazkewics is a Design Director.
There has to be a futa right?
Not a tranny but an actual futa with thick and uncut cyberdong
Game is shit if it doesn't
Oh fuck
I wanna lick her belly
>Yea Forums filename
>Image has no MD5 saved in archive
n word
y-you know I didn't mean it like that, r-right Mrs. Stout?
i'm not sure what his point is - but pre alpha gameplay footage means little more than e3 footage.
Bend over Miss V
lol that the faggo who put all the effort into this unreal engine scene left the most iconic aspect of the apartment not 3D but fucking obviously a texture on shitty flat wall
But Remember Me was some pretty fucking good cyberpunk though.
huh interesting, this triggered ACfag
mental note for next time
Are the sunfags going to commit mass suicide when this wins goty? I sure hope so.