Simply imagine...
>unironically linking to r*ddit
>White male
Im addicted to reddit and i don't know how to stop :/
I should be working on my game yet i been in bed for 5 hours just browsing reddit bullshit.
posting reddit should unironically be a bannable offense
Imagine being addicted to sucking cock.
that floor is fucking disgusting
OP here. I'm gay btw not sure if that matters.
>ugly niggers
It's ok bros.
Imagine having a passion.
What does this have to do with addiction?
wow its like people like legacy hardware
fucking end yourself op
>reddit spacing
>15 years
>my bulky ps2 is still fine
Mine still works. I have the same model and color, too. Unfortunately it has a lot of scratches all over the body.
If you're over the age of eleven and are playing video games, you have an addiction.
literally looks like a basement
Imagine being an unironic redditor.
I'm not sure what they did but after that first wave of fat PS2s they made such a good, long lasting console. I went through 3 new slims in a year but my used fat boy is still kicking.
Slit your wrist plebbitor
>puke and shit and piss stains his carpet
this is reddit, dumb ass
Being in favor of Reddit should get a permaban. Would be a good step towards improving the board.
Just stay on Reddit, not that hard.
Press S to spit on grave
What’s with this place’s hateboner for Reddit?
make me
Die reddit subhuman
t. Corny normalfag whiteoid
If you have to ask it's unironically time to fucking leave.
>had my fat ps2 since 2003
>still works
>both of the slims i have also work
With how dirty that carpet looks, its a wonder anything in that house works
Nice readit link by the way, love watching Yea Forums get ass blasted
Is this guy serious? What a shit photo. You can see his foot and his disgusting carpet. Also, wow.. 11 years! You know what? My fat PS2 from fucking release is still perfectly fine. Your post really isn't a feat.
Low-quality posts. Also, Reddit's just a circlejerk. Don't get me wrong, I go there sometime to scroll the front page or visit niche pages or sub's dedicated to one specific thing, but I would never go on the big sections such as r/gaming with, again, circlejerking.
>that fucking disgusting carpet
Americans were a mistake
might as well...
>linking to reddit
Shit thread.
looks like hid garage
Whites don't have males anymore. They are basically the laughing stock of the entire human race. It's so pathetic their own females rather have sex with blacks.
5 or 1 please, 5 or 1
If you have to ask, you need to leave
Now I'm aroused by a bunny.
rolling for penis size
Bigus bennis
i always get the worst ones.
Henshin a go-go, baby!
>Browse reddit
>Somehow not bored of seeing the same threads for a week straight
I don't get it. Reddit is message board tier outdated.
Cunny is fine. R.oll
imagine coming to a board about video game and crying about people playing video games
imagine linking to reddit
imagine being a faggot like op