Shills on Yea Forums were shilling it as the fortnite killer. What went wrong?
Shills on Yea Forums were shilling it as the fortnite killer. What went wrong?
>Twitch streaming stats are the absolute metric of a game's success
Do note that people who play the game don't watch others streaming it.
Epic Games released the new season of Fortnite last week so the streamers are grinding the season pass
Apex will get back to the top when they release theirs
>BR shit
Why does Yea Forums obsess over twitch views?
>Twitch streaming stats are the absolute metric of a game's success
Yeah if your shitposting. Which is the only this board is good for.
i know it's bait but here is the truth, apex legends is still better than fortnite,it has better gameplay, end of story
the same reason the value a movie based on income.
>twitch shills
Do grown men actually watch streamers?
Aimlocks (Chinese, twitch streamers, etc)
No hackers banned
Games d/c or are laggy
Skin progression is slow
Comparing channels is a much better metric, yet still completely pointless
I'm convinced that people only pretended to like this game because it wasn't Fortnite. Fortnite is the big monolithic popular game that everyone hates because it's so popular, and Apex is the new hotness that people pick up just to stick it to Fortnite.
But now that the shills are gone and EA's no longer paying people to play it, people have dropped Apex. The honeymoon period is over and we've all begun to realize that a lootbox-driven battle royale game by EA might not be so great after all. Who'd have thought?
I dunno, I've put more time into apex than fortnite. TABG is superior to both games though.
China doesn't have the game, retard.
Fortnite slaps
I can't wait for Apex to add a flossing emote so we can all stop pretending that it's any better than Fortnite
It's one of the only metrics they have. Brainlets will latch onto any number to try and feel superior to others, regardless of how meaningless it is. I remember back before games had ranked systems people would care about total matches played and try to use that as a measure of superiority, even though it made no sense when you beat someone with 10% of their playtime and they say "you're a noob, I have 2000 games played".
Reminder that most of Yea Forums unironically loved Fortnite when it was killing PUBG.
Anything called "x game killer" always ends up being a complete financial flop and usually a bad game in general.
New season released in Fortnite.
Apex has yet to receive a major content update. Just wait till they release their own pass along with the new character.
Literally children views. By your logic, Baby Shark is a masterpiece.
lol, dumbass zoomer
Look it up, retard.
Even when apex was in the lead (because that was the metric used too) fortnite still had x4 the active userbase
Anyway for any retard that doesn't know shit fortnite is getting those numbers because there's epic's online tournament finals going on and apex is dry as fuck of content and they haven't done anything about hitboxes and weapon balance (so far, wingman and pck nerfs are incoming). Shroud and dizzy can only take you so far
Reminder cringe Valve fanboys thought Ape Legend would save Steam
More like Ape Legends
This is fake. Overwatch is dead
Because as much as people don't want to admit it, viewership from videos and streams is an important factor for these multiplayer games. If they have a low view count or a lot of videos revolving around the game are shitting on it, it's going to affect the playerbase. And children and zoomers are still consumers like we are, so them going on twitch and seeing Fortnite with more viewers will have them playing Fortnite more often. It's also why games like Atlas had its viewership also reflect its playerbase, and how it's now at almost 5k players and 3k viewers.
So wait, does Yea Forums magically love Fortnite now?
>Shills on Yea Forums were shilling it as the fortnite killer.
I'm so fucking glad someone else on this board acknowledges that it was shilled.
>Game comes out with zero fanfare or anticipation
>Like, it just fucking comes out one day
>Within hours Yea Forums is abuzz with the hot new battle royale game by EA
>Main selling point is that "It's by the guys who made Titanfall and Yea Forums likes that game"
>Yea Forums's actual Titanfall players are mostly disappointed by the watered-down movement mechanics
>Most of the threads are oddly specific gameplay posts, about a game with minimal depth
>The rest of the threads are about sticking it to zoomers/chinks/flossing/whatever boogeyman fortnite is associated with today
>Multiple threads all fucking day for a week
>Then they suddenly stop
I'm genuinely disappointed in Yea Forums for not being more on top of this shit. The shilling seen here was fucking Borderlands-tier.
Overwatch league is going on and people want to farm their tokens.
>Activision has to bribe people to watch their boring game
Always gets a chuckle out of me
Doesn't matter. It's already been confirmed that fortnite has daily number of online simultaneous at average of 5mil and a peak of 8mil, compared to Apex which has an average of 1.2mil with a peak of 2.1m. It was never even a close competition.
Wouldn't it make more sense that the number of views is dependent on the number of players rather than the other way around?
Not even 1% of player base watch their own game. You got nothing there. It doesn't mean anything,
One game can target to a specific audience and "blast" the twitch count. It doesn't mean shit. All you have to do to get high twitch count is to target kids.
-map actively changes
-different modes everyday
-not forced to play with randoms in any mode
-few hackers
-easy progression
-Map is too small and samey
-only one mode
-forced to play with randoms
-hackers everywhere
-shitty progression
I like to think that more people are playing the game than watching it unlike Fortnite where more people watch it than play
they use proxies for everything.
>You have to love one or the other
People still enjoyed watching Battleborn crash and burn despite Overwatch also being shit.
It would, but unfortnitely I really believe it works the opposite these days. There's no way Overwatch has over 100k people playing right now.
Apex who?
Except they do, and the sooner you realize that there are kids outside of Yea Forums that play video games, the sooner you'll realize that. Streaming is very important for a lot of multiplayer games.
Are the "pro" streamers still being paid to play it?
this is nonsense and you need to fuck off with your gay shit fag
Apex has no aesthetic appeal. The minute the novelty wears off and it stops having 100% better gameplay, systems and content than fortnite is the minute it dies.
>It's already been confirmed
with metric taken from inside you lose wide open asshole, fucking retard, even use fraction to appear more legit
>no argument
you first gay nigger fag
So you judge a game based on twitch views? Who are twitch viewers ?
Answer that question then fuck off faggot.. Twich count can be translated to kids count.
It doesn't man shit.
Apex has no waifus. Fortnite does.
> What went wrong?
Fortnite has been out way longer. So of course it will have more players.
do you just go in random threads and blurb stupid random dumb shit as soon as the post timer goes down to 0
>apex shills
ah yes, shilling for a free product. how could I have been so blind? thank you for opening my eyes with this epic redpill.
I'm just saying it's one judgement to not rule out completely when taking a game into consideration. Invalidating the thought that a game's playerbase might not be too high because viewership on the game isn't too great is like invalidating mass negative reviews when you see a shitload of people shitting on the game on Steam or Metacritic. I just find it silly that Yea Forums is acting like streaming is this brand new thing that has 0 affect on a video game's population like they had over a decade ago when it was first slowly starting to take off.
Not necessarily. I remember hearing that a few months ago, one big streamer started playing Sea of Thieves and created a snowball effect that almost singlehandedly brought that game back from the dead.
Overwatch has a tournament currently going on, and Blizzard gives you rewards for tuning in to their tournaments.
Yes, Blizzard bribes you to watch their tournaments.
But it does have an effect. It has an effect on kids. That's like saying mickey mouse has topped to charts so mickey mouse is a good movie.
They are fucking kids. Of course you should disregard that.
Streaming is not new, everyone here knows what it's about. It should be taken for what it is. Nothing.
>Origin installs aren't important
>MAUs aren't important
>The 1% of those people who will spend hundreds on lootboxes aren't important
Why the fuck would they make a free game if they have nothing to gain from doing so? Do you think EA is a charity? Are you new to video games, or just retarded?
With that logic, you can say "kids don't play Artifact, therefore Artifact is a good game!" My argument is mainly for multiplayer games which NEED players to thrive, and age doesn't mean shit then. If streaming is bringing in kids to play the game so the playerbase doesn't diminish to just you and your 3 friends from high school, then everybody wins. You have your game that's still playable and active, kids have something to watch and play when they get off their buses, and developers continue to update their active video game.
My argument isn't of quality, but of quantity, and streaming and zoomers bring in that quantity. A bad game will ALWAYS be better than a dead game.
Are you implying that kids don't spend money? Well you're right, they spend their parent's money. Kids are one of the most lucrative demographics in the world, entire industries exist to create product to sell to kids (and, by extension, their parents).
Hell, who do you think video games were made for in the first place?
There is literally a fucking thread right now of a retard getting banned for cheating you fucking frogposting shit
They don't actually have the game available and ready to play. IT's only available on Origin and China doesn't even have that. It's planned to release there eventually, but they don't have the game.
That fucking OP, what a cuck.
>Be Asian
>Game first came out
>Lots of fun streamrolling noobs, constantly 15+ kills, average 1 win per 3 games
>2 weeks passby
>Averaged 10 ads bot dc at the start of game, 1 aimboter noob per 2 games
>Another week pass
>20 dc leaving constant 40 players game with an average of 2 aimbots per game, usually ended up being the last two squads alive and having an aimbot showdown
I already uninstalled because I don‘t see this gane will recover. It was fun while it lasted but unforunately there won‘t be a future for Apex unless they actually had some sort of functional anti-cheat, which I doubt we‘ll be seeing anytime soon
They are the best metric for a game that hides it's player-base stats
EA ran out of money, conversely Epic Games/China will never run out of money because they'll just devalue their currency again
>They are the best metric for a game that hides it's player-base stats
Nobody has been able to disprove that statement though, and their only counter-argument is "kids don't count!1111111111"
>Using a platform with advertised botfarms to boost your viewercount as a metric for anything
>viewers are fake
>players are fake
>good reviews are fake
>bad reviews are fake
>everything that doesn't align with my stance on the matter is fake
>>Using a platform with advertised botfarms to boost your viewercount as a metric for anything
Fake Views
>any statement made that has yet to be disproved is true
Wow, you know you'd make a great ~5th century scientist
Radical Heights is better than both
Name a better one, inb4 the developers tweets
One of the few metrics available. It's why you can't shitpost about low console player numbers (if there are any), since there is no metric. PC has steamcharts and other stuff available. Twitch is a really bad metric, but it's shitposting, what can you expect?
meant for
>no new content after a month
>barely any balance changes to the stale bangalor/wraith/lifeline meta
>still no hitbox fixes and fixes that are coming wont change anything
>map is small and getting boring
This game will be dead if they don't fucking wake up. Respawn is seriously the worst dev team I have ever seen. If they spent less time on reddit maybe we could see some changes.
Can you just accept that there's not an accurate way of determining playercounts when the developers don't let us know what they are? Or is that too much for your little zoomer mind to comprehend?
Apex have been out for a little over a month, retard
Reminder that DC shills said Black Panther would bomb.
What's with all those people watching someone play a video game?
No, i am saying a quality and success of a game should not be judged by twitch count. It means nothing. Can't you read ?